From the entry in the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary for RACE we read; '.....race noun (2) Definition of race (Entry 3 of 3) 1: a breeding stock of animals 2a: a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b: a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics also : a taxonomic category (such as a subspecies) representing such a group b: BREED c: a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits'. So, quite a broad spectrum there then. It gives the first known use of the definition in this English sense as 1580 AD. There is no entry for race in the 1961 Encyclopaedia Britannica though there is one for 'Races Of Mankind', from it we learn; 'The studies of the varieties of the human race has occupied the attention of thinkers from early times. Two entirely different forms of classification have been employed, one based on the study of the skull, the second, & more generally used method, on superficial characters, such as hair & skin'. 'The Racial Problem There is no way of solving the racial problem by legislation, segregation, or by the effort to produce national blocs, as in the case in Germany today when she proclaims Germany as the super-race. Such efforts will only produce insuperable barriers..... The only solution of this problem is the basic recognition that all men are brothers; that one blood pours through human veins; that we are all the children of the one Father & that our failure to recognise this fact is simply an indication of man's stupidity..... Essentially, however, humanity is one—the heir of the ages, the product of many fusions, conditioned by circumstances & enriched by the processes of evolutionary development. This basic unity must now be recognised. The major racial problem has, for many centuries, been the Jewish, which has been brought to a critical point by Germany. This problem is also capable of solution if properly recognised for what it is, & if coupled with an effort by the Jews themselves to solve it, & to be cooperative in the world efforts to adjust their problem......The world is one world. Humanity is one unit in the evolutionary process. Differences are man-made & engender hatreds & separation. When the children of the various races are taught from their earliest years that there are no differences, that all men are brothers, & that the apparent distinctions are essentially superficial, then future generations will approach the problem of world interrelations unhandicapped by prejudice, by pride of race, or by instilled historical resentments. By right education little children can be taught right attitudes & will respond, for a child sees & recognises no differences, & the truth of the Biblical promise that "a little child shall lead them" will be proven scientifically true. In the new world order this educational process will be started.' Wrote my fellow Mancunian Alice Bailey in 1938. (From; Externalisation Of The Hierarchy -1957) Where did the Germans of which she speaks of receive their notion of a Super-Race? The founders of the National Socialist Party of Germany were Theosophists, as Alice Bailey was. Their ideas of race may be summed up in the following extracts by the nominal founder of the Theosophical Society, Madame Blavatsky' Where did Madame Blavatsky get her ideas from? From historical groups like the Gnostics; 'The fourth Root Race was the Atlanteans & was governed by the Aztec God Atonatiuh. It finished with a great inundation. The pre-Columbian tribes of America are descendents of this Root Race, as well as the primeval Chinese & Egyptians, etc. The fifth is the Aryan Root Race: we are this Root Race. The present Aryan race will end with a great cataclysm.' - Perhaps this is what is meant by the EB (1961) when it says inquiry into race 'has occupied the attention of thinkers from early times', as the Gnostics date back to the 1st Cen AD. Or maybe they mean from the time of the advent of the Royal Society in the 17th Cen, the same society with whom Madame Blavatsky was querying with above, coinciding as it did (as stated by the Merriam-Webster) with the beginnings of the use of the term race. Incidentally, the legendary Royal Society of Great Britain (still extant), founded by Freemasons were the first known group to publicly espouse the Slave Trade, if indeed it did not wholly initiate it; Below is an extract from the same paper quoted above by Alice Bailey in 1938; 'Right human relations will come by a mutual recognition of mistakes, by sorrow for wrong action in the past, & by restitution, if possible. It will come when nations can be educated to appreciate the good qualities of other nations & to comprehend the part they play in the whole picture. It will be developed when the sense of racial superiority is killed; when racial differences & racial quarrels are relegated to the unholy past & only a future of cooperation & of understanding is actively developed; it will make its presence felt when the living standards of right relation (sought by the enlightened people of every race) become the habitual attitude of the masses & when it is regarded as contrary to the best interests of any nation to spread those ideas which tend to erect racial or national barriers, arouse hatreds or foster differences & separation.' (Note the amount of now-prevalent buzzwords contained in prophetess Bailey's paper; Hate, Right Human Relations, The Jews, Brotherhood, Unity & so on) So things looked ominous for the Germans even at that early date, if only they'd had read Bailey's warnings, we may have been spared WWII?? Incidentally, Bailey's company; Lucis Trust, formerly Lucifer Trust became the publisher for the United Nations, founded in 1945. In any event, one thing stands out amongst all this, RACISM, whatever the hell it is did not emanate from the masses, as Alice Bailey & those of her ilk like to refer to us. Bailey & Blavatsky were Aristocrats, the Gnostics have always regarded themselves as 'Intellectual Aristocrats' & of course the Royal Society always will. Racism was created BY THEM with us in mind however. I think John Lennon got it right when he sang; 'Everybody's talking about Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism Ragism, Tagism, this-ism, that-ism Ism ism ism All we are saying, is give peace a chance' 'On 26 November 1968, changes came into force to do with an important law called the Race Relations Act. The Race Relations Act 1968 was the second of three laws related to race in Britain. All of the laws made it illegal to discriminate against somebody because of the colour of their skin, which is racial discrimination.' My what short memories these hypocritical butchers have! I needn't clutter up the Blog with images of how the British Empire meted out justice to it's vanquished, suffice to say, the people doing to the hanging here as recently as 1896 were the; 'Rhodes Pioneers', henchmen of Sir Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902), after whom Rhodes Scholarships & the African colony, er, country of Rhodesia were named. Much has been written of Rhodes by historians, not least by Rhodes Scholar-Bill Clinton' tutor Carroll Quigley, he states in The Anglo American Establishment (1949); 'WHEN [Lord Alfred] MILNER went to South Africa in 1897, Rhodes & he were already old acquaintances of many years' standing. We have already indicated that they were contemporaries at Oxford, but, more than that, they were members of a secret society which had been founded in 1891. Moreover, Milner was, if not in 1897, at least by 1901, Rhodes's chosen successor in the leadership of that society. The secret society of Cecil Rhodes is mentioned in the first five of his seven wills. In the fifth it was supplemented by the idea of an educa-tional institution with scholarships, whose alumni would be bound together by common ideals—Rhodes's ideals. In the sixth & seventh wills the secret society was not mentioned, & the scholarships monopolized the estate. But Rhodes still had the same ideals & still believed that they could be carried out best by a secret society of men devoted to a common cause. The scholarships were merely a facade to conceal the secret society, or, more accurately, they were to be one of the instruments by which the members of the secret society could carry out his purpose. This purpose, as expressed in the first will (1877), was: The extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom & of colonization by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour, & enterprise, . . . the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of a British Empire, the consolida-tion of the whole Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial Representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld to-gether the disjointed members of the Empire, & finally the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible & promote the best interests of humanity.' - 7 wills; 'In the sixth & seventh wills the secret society was not mentioned'...? Somewhat reminiscent of the 7 Seals of Revelation, & the 7 Races with the 6th & 7th still to come. (In fact they all represent a magical Pythagorean formula, in this sense to do with the resurrection of Osiris/Lucifer) Rhodes' secret society spawned the Round Table Groups, The Institute For International Affairs (UK) & the Council On Foreign Relations (US). These in turn were instrumental in the creation of the United Nations, the Soviet Union, the State of Israel, world wars etc..etc.. An organ of the U.N. is the ICC (International Criminal Court), situated in the Netherlands, Europe. To date, since its inception in 2002, it has presided over a total of 11 investigations ......all of them African nations. How's that work? 'Some African leaders expressed sharper anger. The ICC “has been put in place only for African countries, only for poor countries,” Rwandan President Paul Kagame told reporters. “Every year that passes, I am proved right.…' - Today it's working on the; 'Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism & of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination' - To me, to suggest there IS any difference between us implies a form of discrimi-nation, to legislate about the issue institutes a confession of guilt for the very crime they're presumably legislating against....different on what basis? & according to what definition? Against which RACE am I being disparaging towards? Reading the papers of the slave abolitionists years back I distictly remember reading someone say something near to; 'A man will work harder for his family & you if he's given the impression he's free.' The British Slave Abolition Act occrred in 1807, did it stop the slaughter? No, it got ten times worse; 'Fundamentally, the attitudes of many Britons were heavily influenced by racial stereotypes & prejudices. The writer Rudyard Kipling stated in 1899 that it was the 'white man's burden' to rule over the 'sullen peoples' of the world. Cecil Rhodes, a passionate imperialist, believed that the British empire should be run & ultimately populated by members of the 'Anglo-Saxon' race.' China & the Far East were invaded & colonised, as was Canada & Australasia where apocalyptic massacres of the aborigines became commonplace. Back home, the Clan system of the Scots & Irish were decimated, Ireland by repeated mass-starvation programmes in concert with mass-immigration to Australasia & the New Atlantis which was America, note also that the Liberators of Italy, Giuseppe Mazzini & Garibaldi both were staying in England before they embarked on their crusade, which, funnily enough culminated in a mass emigration of Italians to America, as did the British invasion of China in the 1850's. As far as all the Aryan Race hullabaloo is concerned, there does appear to be an interesting historical context behind it & it also gravitates towards the downfall of the Germans. When I was studying Classical History at Uni, we were told the word Barbarian merely meant non-Greek, & could apply to peoples in any direction not just the Persians. The suffix arian has expression in the names of various regions of Europe, Hungarian & Bulgarian for e.g. However, there is a region of what is now Southern Germany peopled by folk we call Bavarian, & I may be mistaken but I do believe the term Aryan only came into common usage amongst the Theosophists in the 19th Cen, i.e. post Bavarian Illuminati. Moreover; 'I am Darius, the great king, the king of kings The king of many countries & many people The king of this expansive land, The son of Wishtaspa of Achaemenid, Persian, the son of a Persian, 'An Aryan', having Aryan lineage' (From Darius the Great's Inscription in Naqshe-e-Rostam) The British invaded the Persians/Aryans/Iranians during WWI & WWII, millions upon millions died from 1917-19, mainly of starvation & it was in between those two world wars Persia changed it's name to; Aryan, or Iran. The Germans visited Tibet pre-WWII, & peacefully took the dimensions of some the locals anatomy, when the British invaded the area 30yrs before, they slaughtered anyone who stood in their way. - - Of course our contention is all the havoc, upheaval & destruction we see happening around us is taking place in accordance with a well orchestrated plan, as you've learned about on other Blogs & here by Alice Bailey. 'The books of Alice A. Bailey, written in cooperation with a Tibetan teacher between 1919-1949, constitute a continuation of the Ageless Wisdom — a body of esoteric teaching handed down from ancient times in a form which is always suitable to each period.' - So then, to try & put it into somewhat of a perspective & what it portends for us, bearing in mind much of it is metaphor, however much of it is not, again we learn from the Gnostics; 'Present human beings descended from antediluvian giants, as we already explained. Every Root Race has seven subraces. The seed of our Aryan Root Race is Nordic, but when the Nordics mixed themselves with the Atlantean survivors, they originated the subraces of the Aryan truck. First subrace: Flourished in central Asia, in those now vanished kingdoms of central Asia, & whose ruins still exist in the Himalayas around the country of Tibet. Powerful spiritual civilizations of the first Aryan subrace existed in those regions. Second subrace: Flourished in India & the entire south of Asia. In Pearland, the sacred land of the Vedas, in the ancient Hindustan, where the second Aryan subrace developed, formidable esoteric cultures & tremendous civilizations existed. Third subrace: Created powerful civilizations. Babylon, Chaldea, Egypt, etc., etc. were the scenario of very rich & powerful civilizations created by the third Aryan subrace. Fourth subrace: Developed in Rome, Greece, Italy, & Athens, the great city founded by the Goddess Athena. Before their degeneration & destruction, Greece & Italy were marvelous scenarios where the powerful civilizations of the fourth Aryan subrace developed. Fifth subrace: The Anglo-Saxon & Teutonic. The First & Second World Wars, with all of their barbarism & moral corruption, point with their accusatory fingers to the men & women of the fifth Aryan subrace. Sixth subrace: The mixture of the Spanish Conquistadors with the Native American tribes. The effort to form the sixth subrace in the redskin territory was very difficult, because the English Conquistadors destroyed them; they assassinated them, instead of mixing themselves with the natives. Only in a very insignificant & incipient way was the mixture of blood performed. This is why the Occult Fraternity saw the necessity of converting the North American territory into a melting crucible of races. So, the formation of the sixth subrace in the United States had enormous difficulties; there, all the races of the world have mixed. The sixth subrace in Latin America was formed very easily & this is something that must not be ignored by the treatisers of anthropogenesis & occultism. Seventh subrace: Will be formed by the survivors of the new great cataclysm that soon will destroy this Aryan Root Race; they do not exist yet, but they will. So, this Aryan Root Race, instead of evolving, has devolved, & its corruption is now worse than that of the Atlanteans in their epoch. Its wickedness is so great that it has reached unto heaven. This Aryan Root Race will be destroyed so that the prophesies which Ra-Mu made in the submerged Atlantis will accomplished: If they forget that they should not amass material things, not only for their own progress, but also for the generosity towards mankind, the same fate will surprise them. Melchizedek, the genie of the Earth, King of the World, made the following prophecy in Tibet: Men (or better said, rational mammals) will gradually forget their souls to only take care of their bodies. The greatest corruption will reign on earth. Men will resemble ferocious beasts, thirsty for their brothers’ blood. The half moon will darken & its adepts will fall in perpetual war. The greatest misfortunes will fall upon them & they will fight each other. The crowns of the kings, great & small, will fall; one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. A terrible war among all peoples will break out. The oceans will roar. The earth & the bottoms of the seas will be covered in bones. Kingdoms will disappear, entire populations will die... Famine, disease, crimes not covered by the laws, never seen, neither dreamed of by men... Then, the enemies of God & the Divine Spirit that lie in man himself will come. Those who raise their hands against others will perish as well. The forgotten & the persecuted will rise later; they will be the center of the attention of the whole world. There will be thick darkness, horrible storms. Mountains, until then arid, will be covered with forests. Earth will be shaken. Millions of men will exchange the chains of slavery & humiliations for hunger, pestilence, & death. Roads will be crowded with people, walking randomly from one place to another. The greatest, the most beautiful cities, will disappear in fire... One, two, three. Out of ten thousand men, one will survive, & he will be naked, deprived of reason, & lacking strength to build a shelter or find food. & these surviving men will bark like mad wolves, they will devour corpses & bite their own flesh, & they will challenge God for combat. Earth will be deserted, & even God will leave... Only death & night will be on the empty Earth. Then I will send a group of people (the World Salvation Army), until then unknown, who, with strong hands, will remove the weeds from the cultivating field of vice, & will lead the few faithful to the Spirit of man in the battle against evil. They will found a new life on Earth, purified by the death of nations. This chapter is from Kabbalah of the Mayan Mysteries (1977) by Samael Aun Weor' - - - - - - - - - - Epiblog When I was in primary school, we were once kept behind all week after classes in punishment because someone had stolen the teachers Easter eggs he was going to give us all one each of. Screaming at us he was, however it transpired a girl who was born in Africa had taken them & the whole thing was immediately swept under the carpet by both staff & pupils. Had that been me, I'd have been punched about the place (as usual) & publicly humiliated. The episode was our early introduction to the modern phenomena of positive discrimination.
'This picture was at a demonstration against Asian immigration in London in 1972. You can see the demonstrators are holding signs saying 'Britain for the British' so racist attitudes were still a big problem'. - Whatever next? Soon our children will be learning all about the; Irish Wars Of Interdependence. Who else should Britain be for? If to be patriotic is to be racist, surely it makes most wars in history racist....OK, what about the Anglo-Zulu War of the late 19th Cen? Most people post WWII living in UK cities became scared, natives & immigrants alike, as those marching in 1972 were, & seeing as no one is able to satisfactorily define it, to my knowledge nobody saw themselves as racist for complaining about mass-immigration either, they were merely expressing an exasperation at their governments betrayal as they saw it, many had fought in wars for King & Country only to return home to see their one time enemy pile in to their own country by the 1000. To the eternal credit of the British common man & woman, the 'Rivers Of Blood' the demagogues were predicting or the police & the agent provocateurs were trying to provoke never came to pass, they miscalculated the decency of the human spirit with that one. (For my views on the English Defence League, Tommy Robinson et al please see my Some Symbols Blog) Incidentally, one of the ways our second generation West Indian brethren would be disparaging (or so they thought) towards us when growing up would be to mutter...'Ras-clat' at us; 'Rasclat (or raasclaat) is a deeply offensive [bollocks] & derogatory term, used in Jamaican English (& since the 1950s in the UK). Literally 'arse cloth', i.e. a sanitary towel,' - What-does-‘rasclat’-mean Actually all these young West Indians are saying is; 'Something to wipe your fanny with my good man?'. 'History & Etymology for race Noun (1) Middle English ras, from Old Norse rās; akin to Old English rǣs..' - Latest News; 'Public Health England is to start recording coronavirus cases & deaths by ethnicity, BBC News understands. It comes after research suggests people from black, Asian & minority ethnic backgrounds are at greater risk of becoming seriously ill with Covid-19.' - BBC 18/4/20 Above; From Mackeys Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry (1873)
Here's a one for the money, I have a recommendation to make to any decently minded individual, don't beg for money because you've put a website on the internet, it will only result in everyone doing the same & that'll be the end of it. We're almost half way there already, so do the honourable thing & shut the fuck up about donations, funding, support & the rest. Don't lie & say; 'This website is wholly publicly funded' or anything else, you're a soulless money-grabbing whore, scamming weak-minded individuals out of their crust, end of. If you've got something to say, say it, if it's worth reading, watching or listening to, don't ruin it by sticking your dirty paw out afterwards. We don't know you from Adam, why do something then ask strangers to pay for it? By all means, if you have something to sell then sell it, but if you can't afford to do it, don't put anything on the internet in the first place, or if you can't help yourself, see a Shrink for some unresolved childhood issues. What's happening here is the internet is becoming a market-place for websites via the old conmans trick of progressively, emotionally blackmailing the reader/viewer/listener into thinking s/he's a punter, & everyone's getting in on the act. So don't do it, instead, let's ban it. Below is an example of a dyslexic fraudster at work, some (probably connected) attention-seeking lowlife passing himself off as a Bill Cooper fan (he calls himself Bill Cooper), takes my mates video, publishes it with his logo & icon for all to see then asks for money. The guy who's name the video & channel is in receives no money, nor does his family, nor the man who created the video, only if you click on the 'Show More' icon (which most don't) do you see that PERHAPS the uploader is not the creator of the video, he's not, the creator was talented video-maker ....Beholdamessenger, not 'BAM'. It makes my blood boil it really does. How's stealing others work going to 'save freedom'??? This swindler had the gumption to come on my YT channel a couple of months ago & accuse me of attention-seeking, when I looked into him he'd been doing the same thing with many of my videos, I'd never heard of him, so naturally a row began, since then I hardly receive any comments on my YT compared to what I used to get, I only get a mouthful of viewers on my Blogbook whereas I used to get close to 2000 per-week (not much I know) & now I receive a shitload of thumbs down on my vids. It may seem small-minded & mean to moan about it but as soon as I saw this guys channel I thought.......PLANT. It can't be coincidence he comes on one of my vids, accuses me of only being concerned about viewing figures, my viewing figures take a proper plunge for the worst, then the comments on my channel drop like a rocket; 'I don't believe in coincidences' - Bill Cooper. I've studied many techniques involved in discrediting Cooper, one of the most successful being those who come as a friend, much in the way it did when he was alive. Here's his channel, make of it what you will; Left, here's the whore's bastard lifting my work. Thats a miniature I bought my wife as a present in India. The bottom YT link hasn't anything to do with me either as it leads nowhere. Here's the link to my original; I can't imagine how much doe it takes to go round discrediting people, however I'm sure it takes up plenty of someones time. 'There is no solitude in the world like that of the big city.' (Kathleen Norris) Life for mankind, as I'm told began in a garden, we became its keepers until such time as we began to think in terms of progress, then we popped our idyllic bubble so to speak & here we find ourselves. 'Any city however small, is in fact divided into two, one the city of the poor, the other of the rich. These are at war with one another.' - Plato. What is a city? What do cities achieve? What's it's purpose? What is its role in the plan of nature? Some would conclude it's part of the earths own natural development, the earth doesn't make mistakes etc... Others would say, as distinct from nature & being a spiritual entity, out of insecurity, man has devised certain control mechanisms for his fellow human being & I'm one of those proponents. I've mentioned before how the ancestors of both my mother & father belonged since at least Roman times to the hills of South Tyrone in what is now Northern Ireland. My mother was raised on a 600 acre farm with forest, peat for fuel, land to breed livestock, 6 lakes as well as many other amenities. The southern boundary of my mothers land was turned into the north-south Irish border in 1922 after the British (government, not people) partitioned it, as they had done to Palestine, India, Cyprus & many other places around the globe. Consequently, my grandfather went on the run in the 1950's after becoming involved in the Border War which subsequently resulted in me & my family growing up in the squalid back-streets of Manchester, Northern England. Suffice to say it doesn't sit well with me especially as my father was killed in a building site accident in Manchester town centre when I was 3yrs old. I wasn't told the extent of our loss until around 10yrs ago (my mother was never able to speak of the past), so my representation of the big smoke may be a tad negative compared to proponents of city-life although it may be in convergence with Plato's thrupence on the issue as well as many others. So I'd like to find out why we, like billions of others with similar sob-stories, ended up In Suburbia, as the Pet Shop Boys so eloquently put it, & see what answers I come up with, as life hasn't been pleasant I must say, hence one of the reasons for this Blogbook. The thing is, we don't tend to find hordes of poor people or immigrants roaming the lush lowlands of Oxfordshire or the vinyards of the Loire Valley in France, not these days at any rate, nope, we're packed like quarantined dogs into the centralised areas of our metropolises.....I wonder why the legions of Syrian, Iraqi, Kurdish, Libyan, Afghan & other migrants aren't distributed evenly among the 100's of 1000's of hamlets, villages & towns of European nations, where they'd be among the people responsible for their plight, they'd be much more comfortable? We used to roam these areas though, albeit in a feudal system of overlordship, then these overlords created the great guilds of the townships just prior to the Renaissance & sure enough, when land-law after land-law had been passed, the rural peasantry soon followed. Initially cities, usually walled & built by a river, emerged (in Mesopotamia, now Iraq) out of the collective need for protection from wild animals & especially neighbouring tribes. The following describes the situation at the time of ancient Greece, who adopted its Levantine neighbours practices; 'Without a powerful, centralized state, smaller governing bodies created political order. One such type of governing body was the city-state or polis. Initially, the term polis referred to a fortified area or citadel which offered protection during times of war. Because of the relative safety these structures afforded, people flocked to them & set up communities & commercial centers. Over time, poleis—the plural of polis—became urban centers whose power & influence extended to the surrounding agricultural regions, which provided resources & paid taxes.' - (Incidentally, the term police & politics are derived from the ancient Greek polis) As the cities increased in power, the more people were drawn in from the countryside in search of trade, occupation, education etc. & thus the municipalities began to effect & eventually dominate the political cultures of regions, naturally resulting in vast empires & of course wars. History seems to be the record of constant warfare, & it is, with the exception of the Mongols, it's rare in the annals of time do we find agrarian peoples embarking on long campaigns in far-off lands or even against its neighbour, it's nearly always a city-centred power asserting its will upon others, they have by far been the most proficient at it at any rate. One can imagine the advantages a series of strategically placed castles would have over the peasantry of Medieval Europe or the fort (originally Roman) of the U.S. Army against the Plains Tribes of North America for example. In other words, the rule of thumb would be, where there was built a city, surely, as Plato suggested it would, warfare would follow. Obviously Rome springs to mind when we think of such accumulation of power by force, but the Romans learned most from the Greek City States, not least the Spartans & Athenians, plus it was from these collective hubs the arts & sciences were first cultivated into the familiar disciplines our universities of today now practice & preach, i.e.....needless, worthless bollocks to most...... but not to the Pagans who cultivate them. Granted much of the advances in science would objectively be considered of use, but at what cost? & for what ends? We have a Flu vaccine, but we now have Aids, Motor Nuerone Disease, Parkinsons & a myriad of Cancers whereas before we didn't, plus we had to half empty the continent of Africa in the process. (See the history of the Royal Society). Philosophy hasn't done the majority of us many favours either, it did bring us the campaign for nuclear disarmament under the umbrella of closet communism admittedly, however, I seem to recall it came at the expense of a space race & the brink of atomic war, at least thats the picture we were painted whilst growing up. State education isn't up to much for many in todays world as there are only so many places at universities, yes there's more becoming available to poorer parts of the community who's parts are being filled with ever-more poorer people from every corner of the globe on a daily basis. On that basis we can never catch ups with ourselves. Besides, the last time I looked we were teaching our children a pile of lies, witchcraft & uselessness. So I can't think of too many benefits outweighing the detriments as far as the highly civilised Greeks & Romans legacy has come down to us including Hollywood, unless it's geared towards regulating a city's needs. This to me is indicative of the overall negative constitution of the city, it serves more for ill than for good. Taking Manchester, England as an example, it was created in a modern sense during the Industrial Revolution of the 18/19th Cens, before then it wasn't much to shout about historically speaking, then suddenly, because of the growth of the British Empire, built upon the Slave Trade, conquest of America, Asia etc, it became known as Cottonopolis, because of all the cotton factories (much of it picked by slaves in the U.S.) that were created by merchants making vast fortunes from the fabrics they produced. Thus people flocked into Manchester from the hinterlands of Lancashire & Cheshire, but also from Ireland, Scotland etc. Roads, canals, sewers, infrastructure of every department went into overdrive to build the facilities to house the newly acquired trade from the east & west & the ever-increasing working population. Frederick Engels, the great socialist thinker lived in Manchester for years where he had a sweatshop or two & wrote quite unflatteringly of the plight of the common man to his friend Karl Marx in private letters who recipricated Engels' thoughts, publicly it was another story. - (Incidentally, the Industrial Revolutionis said to have begun in 1776, the year Adam Weishaupt formed the Bavarian Illuminati) Most towns in England experienced a similar exponential growth. By the end of the 19th Cen something had to be done to distract the common man from his plight, thus a Football League was formed & great stadiums were built, just as they were in Emperor Nero's day, to pacify the masses, as the socialists call us. 1000's of taverns, already prevalent in England (courtesy of the Knights Templar) were supplied to finish the job, as they were for the cities of America, 'Man cannot live on bread alone' it must be remembered. Co-operative shops/banks were created, social clubs for every denomination were introduced to instil a sense of belonging & it worked like a charm, today every effort is directed at pacifying the millions of West Indian/Asian families; - dole, benefits, rented housing, grants for businesses, drugs, temples etc etc. However, there are few, if any Asian or West Indian communities outside of the towns & cities in the UK.
Can it be coincidence then that Modern Psychology arose right there are then; - The primary function of the psychologist is to document what the patient says....what happens to this information? Regardless of anonymity (if there was any back then) or any Hippocratic Oath (where's that gone to?), the details are documented & analysed by organisations, this was the practice from the offing. So by the time universal education became the norm post WWI, the field of psychology had evolved into a vast institution, & could predict, manipulate & control human nature as it so wished if it had the subject from childhood & from now on it did. This is why we feel so helpless, because we've been brainwashed by Shrinks since birth. When I look around about me going to work every morning I wonder, what are all these people doing, what is their philosophy for life, what are they trying to achieve apart from chasing the dollar, what is their goal? They are, for the most part, oblivious to the fact that someone, somewhere has contrived their situation for a definite end & it's not a politician. What good does a city achieve except for the goods & services owned by those certain monopolies with a philosophy on existence? I can't think of any apart from those devout religionists with a 'He who is last shall be first' doctrine, who, I can wager are becoming few & fewer in numbers, & that also by design, the design being, a socialistic world order, based on the Utopian literature of the post Reformation period (See; 'the ends justify the means' as they say. To me, people living in cities are merely feeding a bread-making machine, they are the cogs so to speak, I watched the above video about Manchester's Manchester Evening News (paper) today & thought how sophisticated the machinery looked compared to the people, how much expense had gone into propagandising/programming them into believing what they were doing was natural when it is not. I live in a little island named Jersey now, however I consider myself one of the small folk I've been referring to above, I adhere also to the religious quote of; 'Many who are first will be last, & many who are last will be first' (Matthew:19), not in a malicious or vengeful way, rather it's a formal rejection of superfluous worldly acquisition. I can't see how one can live in this world without a creed of some description, it makes no sense otherwise. Jersey is what's known as an Offshore Finance Centre, it used to rely heavily on tourism, when it was a quaint spot to visit, however, now massive, God-awful blocks of ice stand on what was protected land only as little as 20yrs ago, Manchester city centre is receiving a similar spot of urban redevelopment I've noticed so it's expecting an influx of some description shortly, Chinese I hear. '& the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: & the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.' - Book Of Revelation: Ch 21. What I will say in Jersey's defence however, is it produces its own milk, butter, bread & is famous for it's potato crop, thus it's possible for the local population to subsist on a diet of Potato Dauphinoise without having to import foodstuffs, albeit a morphed version of the classic French dish. But surely that's the point, having the means to do so constitutes a successful society, in such a society a healthy & rich culture should follow, the only problem there, is the money system (as it is everywhere) one of usury, & with all the carnage it brings, ensures all the trappings of modern living is rammed down everyones neck including a perverse, brainwashing programme, wherein the victim is propagandised into being a good little..... CON-SUMER. Incidentally, Sumer in Mesopotamia is where our story begins. The Sumerians gave rise to the Babylonian culture, & it's this culture we see developing around us, from Tokyo to Timperley. 'com - prefix variants: or col- or con-Definition of com- (Entry 2 of 2) : with : together : jointly —usually com- before b, p, or mcommingle' - Merriam Webster Many love their city & that's cool, then again Aldous Huxley spoke of how people will; 'Love their servitude', well, it's difficult not look back with fondness at ones friends, relations etc, when times seemed good & we had lots of fun. I know people who marvel at the architecture of towns & cities & that's grand, even more the art galleries, their musical heritage (guilty) etc etc & all is good there, northern English towns are renown for their competitive but gregarious natures, the people there are as warm & generous as you can find anyplace, we know all about the goodness of the peoples in those situations, they are the best there is, however, I find it hard to swallow that Manchester's symbol; The Bee has become ever more prevalent after the city was bombed by Isis in 2017, it's difficult because Isis is another term for Freemasonry, whose; 'Great hieroglyphic has always been the bee' (Jonathan Swift). By which he means the worker bee. So then, what is the point of the city? 'The United Nations predicts the world’s urban population is expected to grow to 70 percent by 2050 from 55 percent at present after becoming majority urban for the first time around 2008.' - '& I saw a new heaven & a new earth: for the first heaven & the first earth were passed away; & there was no more sea. & I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven,' Book Of Revelations: 21 (7-7-7). 'From these things it may be known, who they are of whom the new heaven consists; & thereby what its quality is, namely, that it is altogether unanimous. For he who lives the life of faith & charity, loves another as himself, & by love conjoins him to himself, & thus reciprocally & mutually; for in the spiritual world, love is conjunction. Wherefore, when all act thus, then from many, yea from innumerable individuals consociated according to the form of heaven, unanimity exists, & they become as one; for then nothing separates & divides, but everything conjoins & unites.' - Emmanuel Swedenborg (1758) 'I will not cease from mental fight. Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand. 'Til we have built Jerusalem. In England's green & pleasant land' - William Blake. Epiblog It may be worth mentioning to my fellow Mancunians that the Mormon Church adopted the symbol of the beehive in 1848. The Mormons have been much in the news of late because of the musical about them written by the creators of the cartoon Southpark, it actually ran this summer at the Palace Theatre in Manchester town centre funnily enough. This religion wishes to establish Zion on earth & has a blood vendetta against the United States, which probably explains why mormons make up the bulk of the C.I.A, in any event, their founder Joseph Smith grew up in Manchester, New York in the States, he was also a Freemason, & the Church Of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism) is based on Freemasonic symbols & rituals. Below is a sample of their doctrine; 'On first hearing, the doctrine that Lucifer & our Lord, Jesus Christ, are brothers may seem surprising to some — especially to those unacquainted with latter-day revelations. But both the scriptures & the prophets affirm that Jesus Christ & Lucifer are indeed offspring of our Heavenly Father &, therefore, spirit brothers. Jesus Christ was with the Father from the beginning. Lucifer, too, was an angel who was in authority in the presence of God, a son of the morning. (See Isa. 14:12; D&C 76:25-27.) Both Jesus & Lucifer were strong leaders with great knowledge & influence. But as the Firstborn of the Father, Jesus was Lucifer's older brother. (See Col. 1:15; D&C 93:21.)' - Jess L. Christensen, Institute of Religion director at Utah State University, Logan, Utah. The Gnostics were/are anti-materialists, they wish/intend to bring, via Alchemy, mankind to a purely spiritual state, which to them, is a world where reason dictates & mans psychic nature is brought back to its previous condition, prior to how it was before his Fall, symbolised & allegorised in fable by the destruction of the ancient city of Atlantis, as recounted by both Plato & Sir Francis Bacon, the man credited as being the progenitor of modern Freemasonry & Rosicrucianism. A creation of both was the famous Royal Society, based on Baconian principles & it was Sir Francis' New Atlantis (1624) that became the blueprint for the America we see today. At what cost? The plight of the natives everyone has heard of, however this occurred in similar fashion in every continent the British Empire colonised & it was done according to an ancient PLAN. In Europe, Ireland, Scotland & Wales were emptied whilst England's cities were filled with people from the four corners of the world. Nowadays, the system the British left to its Commonwealth now employed across the globe, & they, like Britain have a policy of herding its peoples off the land & into the towns. It should be obvious to anyone we are being tempered, everyday, there's a plethora of gloom & doom on our televisions, radio & other media outlets, nothing good & it's been this way since I can remember, the law of averages dictates we should have been in for a major windfall years ago but it never came. It's not coming either, instead, we're all set for the Utopian Golden Age, the consumation of the Great Work envisioned & carried out by Freemasonry. To this end people, who the Mysteries see as slaves to their five senses, must be changed from being consumers, or materialists, into enlightened spiritual beings, only this will ultimately be mans saviour/redeemer/messiah/christos/salvation. City's rarely serve for anything other than material benefit (the U.S.A. is portrayed likewise, hence the destruction of the World Trade Centre), thus we are being brought through a period of Tribulation, as outlined in the Book Of Revelations, until those of us deemed fit to enter into the New Golden Age have survived the initiations of fire, as recounted in the allegory/symbology of Mozart's Magic Flute, believe it or not, for what fate awaits the rest of us, God only knows. First off, I don't wish to mock, but it's come to the stage now where something for the record must be stated seeing as the whole planet's been made aware of the issue of the weather & it's impact on our lives & this will be hard to do without having my tongue in my cheek in the process. The issues of global warming, chemtrails (real, see my chemtrails blog), weather modification, the ozone depletion threat etc..etc.. have all been dealt hammer blows in the past as man-made HOAXES, therefore, like Greta, I shan't be addressing those topics, suffice to say, where's the prosecutions for these crimes? For that's what they are, like Al Gore's Fake News attack in the mid 1990's; - Nope, unfortunately we have to address the phenomenon of a teenager who's now risen to almost iconic status amongst the great unwashed as the brethren like to call us, or has she? My immediate reaction to Greta Thunberg is sympathy, she's obviously been foisted on us as an overt, emotional blackmail psy-op, so my heart goes out to her. The probable reason why the aforementioned weather-scams failed to hit their mark is probably for the same reason (as noted by St Augustine), the mystical doctrines of philosophy had to play second fiddle to Christianity during the latter stages of Roman Empire, namely due to the lack of an iconic leader, preferably a martyred one. Popular movements & religions (environmentalism is part of the New Age religion) must have a banner to rally behind, such as the one carried by Joan of Arc during Frances Hundred Years War with England, spurred on by the 16yr old's heroics, the French rallied, beat the English back & ultimately brought a successful conclusion to that conflict.
But what is it with Miss Thunberg? She is described thus in an article by the BBC; 'Greta Thunberg is angry, & not just about climate change. "The haters are as active as ever", the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist posted on social media on Thursday, "going after me, my looks, my clothes, my behaviour & my differences". Anything, she says, rather than talk about the climate crisis.' - 'The differences' she refers to are her difficulties with Aspergers Syndrome, a relatively recently diagnosed psychological condition linked with Autism in the quasi/pseudo-medical world of psychology. Who'd be so cruel as to attack this big-hearted fraulein with a mission to save the earth? The old Conspiracy Theorist for one; 'But she is clearly very annoyed, accusing critics of "crossing every line to avert the focus" with, what she calls, lies & conspiracy theories.' (BBC ibid) Well, whilst they're AT IT, they may as well play the memes for all they're worth. To me it's small wonder a teenager is fronting the climate change roadshow, given science's recent history on falsifying documents pertaining to the impending doom of mankind & demanding something must be done about trumped up nonsense, any scientist worth his salt should be quaking in their boots should their names be attached to the latest eschatological prophecy. So, as if out of nowhere steps Greta, her only baggage being her inexperience at any level of academic study on the subject & a condition related to having a screw loose, this is the BBC's implication, not mine, I'm sure I have a dose of what she's got if it's true, which I doubt. Nevertheless, here she stands, in front of seemingly any dignitary of note any lobbyist front-girl could ever wish for. If you're serious about reducing damaging emissions to the environment, how come the issue of computers hasn't made it to the centre of your launch pad? 'Computers used for business & personal use put an enormous strain on the electrical grid. The average PC uses 746 kilowatts of power each year, requiring more power than a refrigerator, which uses only 500 kilowatts. Computers add to the strain on power plants to produce enough energy to power the world. The production of energy creates pollution & emissions. The amount of electricity needed to power computers contributes to the millions of tons of greenhouse gases that are emitted into the atmosphere each year.' - Or what about the damage iPhones are doing to peoples brains, never mind the environment; - Or televisions, cinemas, gaming, tetra masts, the massive electric power stations need to run the internet grids, Christmas lights, Sylicon Valley, NASA..... As an example of the hypocrisy involved in all this Climate Change mullarky, Greta famously spoke at the UN recently. The ground the UN was built on was donated by the Rockefeller family, who, incidentally have been at the forefront of the Climate Change action charge. As one would expect in todays world, however, one would be hard pressed to find another body of individuals with a history of air pollution as bad as theirs; A noted episode in the history of Rockefeller's Standard Oil was WWII, where they provided the German Luftwaffe with the economic & technical assistance to produce the synthetic oil needed to enable their planes to fly, one such synthetic oil plant was at Auschwitz, built by the German Branch of Standard Oil; I.G. Farben, at the behest of Concentration (P.O.W.) Camp orchestrator Heinrich Himmler, who was in the pay of Rockefeller until 1944. What's the odds, all this cities going 'Carbon neutral by 2030' will be to hit us, the rabble as Joan of Arc liked to call us, right in the solar plexus? I wonder in what way though? 'When we exhale, we breathe out less oxygen but more carbon dioxide than we inhale.' - Without beating about the brush any further, my belief is Greta Thunberg is the victim of a mind control Hypnotist, Operative or whatever it is. However, to say someone is behind the young lady is to fall into the BBC's, or mainstream medias trap, it reports; 'Others have been more offensive, claiming she's being manipulated by sinister forces. The UK newspaper The Sun has suggested these include "energy giants [i.e. capitalists] & pushy celebrity parents - including a fame-hungry mum who once appeared on Eurovision" Thus deflecting from us researching the issue thoroughly. It's no secret however that the secret services of the U.S. & the Commonwealth countries of Great Britain have been conditioning & altering the consciousnesses of entire populations for a century at least. The technique of propaganda is as old as man, it was most famously documented by the ancient Greek philosophers who described the influence of the Dramas & Comedies (actually dramatised initiation rituals) the priests of the Mystery Schools (actors) would perform for the state populace, most notably by Plato (again, philosophers were & are priests). He also mentions in The Republic how music & the arts have a tremendous impact on peoples mindset & how it could be used in a formative sense by governments. Coming down to the 20th Cen & the works of Edward Bernays, Bertrand Russell, Joseph Goebells et al, all these men documented the now ubiquitous process, began in a modern sense by The Society for Psychical Research founded in England in 1882, whereby people may be coerced into thinking in a manner contrary to their natural inclination. The whole population of what was left of Germany were subjected by the Allies to an apocalyptic (no other word would fittingly describe it) de-humanising procedure post WWII known to the Allies as De-Nazification. Then the victors turned their attention to their own in perhaps the best illustration of propaganda ever devised in what is known to history as the phony; Cold War. Whilst all this was going on via the media, other mind control programmes were afoot sub rosa so to speak, most eminently, the infamous MK-Ultra, which ultimately gave birth to the Hippy Generation which in turn was successful in destroying not only the mental health of millions of unwitting stooges, but was the death knell for the family unit for the foreseeable future at least. Incidentally, the Hippies were another manifestation of the New Age Movement. We'll never know for sure how many of the programmes were & are in operation at one time, although I'd say it's a fair assumption that the programmes have increased in volume & intensity exponentially since the 1950's & 60's. - My point is, in a world where most citizens suspect it's own media to be under the control of powerful monopolies & NOT the unbiased reportage organ of a states populace as it's supposed to be (being one of the principles of a liberal democracy & all that), in a world where most view their own governments as highly corrupt or at the very least inept & susceptible to corruption, in a world where governments have previously foisted SHAM scaremongering scams about the unseasonal weather patterns we're experiencing in recent years & brushed it all under the carpet when exposed as contrived, in a world where governments have been known to hoodwink it's populations into a state of abject apathy concerning world affairs, witness the lack of uproar against the use of WAR against multiple nations who presented no threat to us & were utterly defenceless when attacked by us with every conceivable device, on countless occasions. Here's a few listed involving the UK only from the (as I know they've left quite a few out); - Why is it far fetched to suggest a vulnerable but intelligent young lady (& note it's a female), like millions of others, has been psychologically duped into thinking she's right about a concept she's been brought up with; Climate Change, & that people who criticise her are merely misinformed......for the purpose of forwarding a political agenda? After all, it was & always has been the practice of governments to do this very thing whenever able to do so. In terms of man-made effects on the weather, I'm not a Denier by any means, on the contrary, there's plenty of evidence for it; I genuinely fear for Greta Thunberg, brainwashed or not, she's being used by forces she doesn't even know exist. For example, Extinct Rebellion are a Saturnalian Death-Cult, based on the New Age Movement of Millen-arianism, which in turn is based on the Book of Revelations, so again we find ourselves back on familiar turf. Extinct Rebellion members call themselves Rebels, the first & most famous rebel was Satan, also known as Saturn/Father Time/The Grim Reaper, & one of this characters most enduring symbols is the hourglass, the very recognition device used by Extinct Rebellion. In Alchemy, whose objective is the transformation of the consciousness of man, the symbol of the inverted triangle descending upon an upright triangle represents the mingling of the lower & upper natures of man (emotion & reason) in the Alchemical process of the Hermetic Marriage, the union of which produces a new being called the; Homunculus, or the artificially created being. We are talking about climate CHANGE....after all, & let's face it, something had to change seeing as the Global Warming balloon wasn't flying so good.
We're receiving a bit of a deluge here in the UK; 'But as the days of Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.' - Matthew 36 (KJV). A quote by Miss Thunberg in 2018 gives her, or those behind her away; 'We are about to sacrifice our civilization for the opportunity of a very small number of people to continue to make enormous amounts of money. [...] But it is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few.'
'For the many, not for the few' is the soundbite of the UK's Labour Party Manifesto, launched in 2017, a year before Miss Thunberg launched her campaign. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who adopted the phrase, is a communist. But Marxist Corbyn is only the latest in a long line of British politicians to mention it; 'Blair & Brown both claimed that their policies favouring financial capitalists would produce a trickle-down effect benefiting the “many” & Theresa May argues that the Conservatives need to “be a party not for the few, not even for the many' - The Morning Star is a near century old socialist (created by the Communist Party of Great Britain) newspaper, the Morning Star is also the name for Lucifer. - The theme of mind control has been discussed many times by me both here & on my youtube channel. Apart from providing evidence for the falsification of history, Alchemy (or mind control) has been my primary concern. Irrespective of its prevalence in the media, it's practiced in the military, the police (same thing) & of course in the education system. However, these institutions derive their methods from the initiatory processes of the ancient Mystery Schools, whereby the candidate seeking admission is symbolically given a NEW BIRTH, a renaissance, & is also incidentally, from whence the New Age (of Horus) sprang in the late 19th Cen (See Madame Blavatsky), the exact same time as the The Society for Psychical Research was founded in England; 'But their procedure is like Bacchic frenzy - like the leap of a man mad, or possessed - the attainment of a goal without running the race, a passing beyond reason without the previous exercise of reasoning. For the sacred matter (contemplation) is not like attention belonging to knowledge, or an outlet of mind, nor is it like one thing in one place & another in another. On the contrary - to compare small & greater - it is like Aristotle's view that men being initiated have not a lesson to learn, but an experience to undergo & a condition into which they must be brought, while they are becoming fit (for revelation).' - Synesius (Early Church Father & member of the Mysteries) - - - - - Epiblog Dear Greta, please let me assure you of a few things. The governments, military industrial complexes & multi-national corporations you're blaming will not have overlooked any detrimental impact their actions would have on the environment at any stage whatsoever. On the contrary, being the self-serving, scoundrels you accuse them of being, they would never endanger their interests, their families or themselves by recklessly poisoning the very air they & their descendants need to survive, who's brought you to the point where you believe that they would? The freakish weather you're witnessing IS brought about by the military manipulating the air by cloud seeding & other kinds of technology, electromagnetism (H.A.A.R.P.) for example, however, billions, even trillions of Dollars, Pounds & Euro's have been invested into this technology to make SURE it's safe, unless that is the millions of successful business people involved are all mentally ill with a sadistic death wish, which I sincerely doubt is the situation. You, like all the rest of us have been the victim of a scam, just like the last time they did this & the one before etc, etc... So don't fret, it all goes away eventually although it does morph into another crisis brought about by the same people, because those who run his world, do so in the belief we must always live in the presence of a challenge, be it the communist threat, terrorist threat, war, weather-wafare or whatever, there always has to be an enemy, perhaps three or four as there is now but nevertheless, always an enemy. It's part of a process called, 'Alchemy', whereby mankind is to be regenerated into the new being & this process reqires much disruption, bloodshed & suffering, so don't worry about it. All the best, Vinny. The title is semi-borrowed from the Buddhist tradition of the; Noble 8-Fold Path (right speech, right conduct, right-you are etc…) only because my list ended at 8, otherwise it'd be called something else. Like most of what's known as Buddhism today, the famous 8-Fold Path does not originate with the Buddha himself, but from one of the many schools which sprang up as a result of his teachings circa 3rd Cen BC. As for my list, much of it also probably has it's origins in the doctrines of the east or at least are inspired by their teachings, then again, much of it isn't, at least if there is I'm not conscious of any influence, to use the in-word of our day. Certainly the idea is, & the idea is to help anyone suffering from one of the many forms of psychological trauma so prevalent today in our society by bullet-pointing specific areas of everyday living we ourselves can improve upon & thus recover our mental well-being somewhat if we just remind ourselves often enough of the things we don't need to see a Shrink over (which covers large surface-area) & keep the practice up until it's so far ingrained in our psyche we never have to lapse again into despondency or back to the old jibbering mess......we once was. To achieve this, I'll be drawing on the works of a man whose teachings I've done my utmost to warn people about, Manly Hall. His esoteric works aside for once, Hall was heavily involved with psychology, especially in the latter stage of his life, & be it hypocrisy on my behalf or not, I don't really care, we live on planet earth, we breathe the same air, & if someones offering advice & it helps as it's meant to, then take it, the bigger picture is far more important than any personal grievance or prejudice can ever be (please see my Hall Blog over this question), Aristotle's pupil was a man with a good shout for being history's worst genocidal butcher; Alexander The Great, should we ignore Aristotle's advice? Of course not, a lot of the time what they say is very true & helpful. Right then, with our authorities out the road, let's remind ourselves of what we already know & remember I'm only referring here to cases up to & including neurosis, any condition beyond this obviously requires professional help. Vinnys 8-Fold Psycho-Self-Help Guide; 一 Diet 二 Introspection 三 Abatement 四 Integrity 五 Education 六 Outrospection 七. Avocation 八 Faith - - - - - - - 一 Diet I never knew there was a correlation between sugar & depression before listening to Dr Joel Wallach on Bill Coopers radio show the Hour Of The Time & then researching it. 'You are what you eat' as they say & without wanting to be a scaremonger, we don't know what's being put into our foodstuffs unless we grow it ourselves. Now I know homegrown produce is beyond the means of most, but we can watch what we put into our mouths. People choose margarine over butter because it's much cheaper, however, if we could just discipline ourselves bit by bit, we can easily ease ourselves out of our previously gluttonous habits. If sugary stuff is our downfall, have an apple, fruit is not the same product as soft drinks or confectionary, & is full of goodness, 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' as they say & is a perfect substitute for......toast, not only that, within a week we start feeling healthier & thus begin to ease our minds of at least that troublesome burden. 二 Introspection I was speaking recently to the head honcho over here in Jersey for Mindfulness Meditation who's a friend of mine when the subject of mental illness cropped up. I asked him if he'd ever considered the possibility of ourselves being the cause & thus cure for our own psychological conditions, & he responded by saying he'd seen no scientific evidence for it. He may be right, I learned my hypothesis from a Manly Hall lecture, dealing with the stresses & strains of life, in another lecture he says modern psychology emanates from the Classical Neoplatonist schools of Plotinus, Proculus etc. Their philosophical speculations were abstractions & cannot be proven either way, just like the theories of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, or the precepts of the now seemingly ubiquitous practice of......Mindfulness Meditation. Hall is adamant the answer lies within us, regardless of how battered we were as children, his stance is, if the problem began with us, the solution lies somewhere within also, we need only to search for it, & that takes work. When did the turbulence begin? Who was involved, have we merely nursed a grudge thats gone septic? Our actions are usually full of good intentions for everyone else, but what of ourselves? My problems began with an over-investment in others economy owing to my father dying when I was 3 & my mother being unable to cope because of her list of traumas up to that point, so naturally I began to look outwards for answers, now I know better. To identify the source & bring it out into the open lessens its power over us is the dictum, then it's OUR responsibility to address it & put it right & not to pay someone else £100+ an hr to tell us how to breathe & be quiet. Transmutation is the key, turning can't into..... CAN (Cooper quote). 三 Abatement 'No news is good news' goes the adage, so turn off your television, it's full of crap. I used to come in from work & turn on the telly instinctively until about 15yrs ago, now it's the computer admittedly, however now I can choose which subject to distract myself of, as opposed to vegetating to anything thats aired in my direction. Radio is less harmful depending on what station we're hearing but the principle remains the same, someone else is doing the thinking for us. In the UK, taverns were where it's at for the average man in the street up until around 10yrs ago when they brought in the smoking ban, consequently, many of us became chronic alcoholics (not because of the smoking ban, before that). I've read the indigenous aborigines of Australia & of North America suffer from the same ale-ment the Irish are reputed to have developed when their land was taken from them & were herded into the great cities of the UK & abroad....Still, to be aware of the problem is to be on the road to recovery, 'Drunkenness will be prohibited' says Protocol 23 of the Elders Of Sion, so it's coming anyway, however others will surely take it's place & already have. Drugs appear to be the poison of choice amongst the youth nowadays, like our generation however, they've been suckered into it. All these things, T.V, radio, the internet, drugs, alcohol, i-phones, popular music, sports all converge to constitute what's known to the Gnostics as the Matrix, they are carefully devised escape mechanisms, designed to keep us trapped in an illusory world & slaves to our 5 senses. Everything in moderation said Pythagoras, whether you agree with him is up to yourself. 四 Integrity I'm a hypocrite, I admit it, I'm as guilty as the next man for over-indulgence in all of the above & more. What I've learned from it however is not to lie about it, like I used to. The productive effects of coming clean cannot be overestimated, even if only to oneself. Telling the truth builds strength/conviction, all the old sages swore by it; 'The truth will make you free', said Jesus. It's like a flaming sword of righteousness, & is an incredibly potent weapon in a world full of deception if used with integrity, especially if you're involved in research such as this, as people become accustomed to trusting you as a reliable source & this commands respect, one cannot ask for anything more than that in this life. The issue is self-explanatory & needs no further explanation. {Here's my philosophy; Life's like a pub, we get there early, have our fill of wine, song, thrills & spills, & at the end of the day we go home to sleep it off } 五 Education 'there is no knowledge that is not power' - Ralph Waldo Emerson (Philosopher). If one goes to a psychologist, one will invariably find the following procedure in operation, the psychologist will eek the source of the trauma out of the patient by patiently asking a series of basic questions, fundamentally allowing the er, patient to explain to themselves they had the answer all along, although most will not realise this, then a course of medication will usually be suggested. My point is the answer to all our psychological trauma is either within us or without, it's merely a case of looking for it. We live in a world chock full of knowledge & most is at our fingertips these days; 'Read everything, listen to everyone, believe no one unless it checks out in your own research' said Bill Cooper. Our minds are a filter, designed to decide whether we accept information or refuse it as refuse, in this most of us fail ourselves & allow false or damaging beliefs to take hold & this is the cause of most of our unhealthy mental conditions today. We parasitically rely too much on others to tell us what's true & what's not & this can only lead to a detrimental position if we wish to free our minds. For the first time in history the knowledge of the Ages is in our grasp, yet, most ignore the opportunity to look as it's less convenient than having something classed as conventional placed in our consciousness by a machine, plus it's usually less politically correct to do so. Nevertheless, 'Seek & you shall find' says the prophet, 'Seek ye the proof, & the proof shall make ye free'.......sez me. 六 Outrospection What's this? It's my word for the opposite of introspection, in other words, it's seeing things from a less self-centred angle, for want of a better word. People who've grown up in testing environments (the poor, in big cities, war zones etc.) can understandably create for themselves an over-inflated ego, or an accentuated persona, in response to the chaos they witness around them. Fuelled by a constant stream of worthless culture (which is the purpose of it; popular music, sports, gaming), the individual escapes by withdrawing into ones own imagination, & if it's not checked by adolescence, a harmless fantasy can descend into a demented delusion on most counts in most of his outlook in later life. Some people relentlessly strive for fame, others for fortune, & in both instances, the individual is attempting to quench a great thirst inside created by a hyper-active imagination for some reason or other. The insecurity begins usually with a natural resentment for his or her surroundings, a common occurrence seeing as half the worlds population now lives in urban areas, nevertheless, only a tiny minority will ever achieve fame or fortune & the rest of us must chew the fat of reality & accept ourselves for who we really are, not what we wish we were. Inner peace stems from such a thought, there's nothing wrong with anyone who is at one with themselves. Apollogies for my hypocrisy once again but being afraid of living within our means usually indicates an unaddressed childhood fear where I come from, we all do it, but again I stress, the acknowledgement of it is half the battle, as it is with unrealistic ambition, to want something isn't the same as fantasising about it, we need to be centred more now than ever before & this involves eradicating our previously harmful escape mechanisms as best we can. Incidentally, there's an ancient school of thought that advises fame & fortune are not worth all the hassle in the first place, to paraphrase the Neoplatonist. We all admire the redeemed sinner, be it an ex-con or drug dealer now going round the place educating the populace on the dangers of their past exploits, but if I had to bet on it, my money would be on most of these people being acts, just like many of the beggars are on our streets. My point is; hardly anyone else in society makes this break, it's just plain out of our reach, & as much as we respect those doing it & how much we'd like to emulate them, it ain't gonna happen for us bro! & to tell you the truth it's probably a good job. So let's get real, despite it all, I always thanked the Good Lord I was who I was & not anyone else, what about you? Lord knows they're beating down the door to make us think it isn't so....... So don't let em in. 七. Avocation Can you sing, can you dance, can you make a treehouse? Maybe not, but we can learn. If certain escapisms are constructive then we'd probably best make some use of them, not abuses of them. It's rare indeed one hears of an average man who doesn't indulge in a pastime at least once in his life. It is said, music is the truest expression of the soul, it's a spiritual art, even animals are drawn to it to quell the unrest in their hearts & of course it has the same effect on us, if done well. Even if it isn't, we appreciate someone trying at least at family gatherings or in the pubs or bars, even on the television, because we're aware of it's healing qualities & most people wish others well. Thats just one art form, many people enjoy walking as a hobby, some surfing if lucky enough to live by the sea, some practice pottery, knitting, hillclimbing, sports....whatever. The thing is to do something constructive with ourselves outside of the things we do to make ends meet, as the old saying goes; 'Those not being constructive, are busy being destructive'. I wouldn't go that far but I know what they meant, it probably means destroying inner spirituality by inertia or something similar. 八 Faith The late great George Michaels once said, 'You got to have a faitha', & I concur with Mr Michaels on this point. Even the Nihilist has his philosophy, that's his belief on existence & he's entitled to it. Faith is so important to man, more wars have been fought over it's interpretation alone than all other excuses put together, so I presume it must be taken seriously. What did the ancients say about it? I particularly like St Thomas Aquinas' quote of; 'To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.' Faith comes from an amalgamation of most if not all of the above principles, faith comes from within & nowhere else. We need not believe in a God portrayed by the Abrahamic religions to have an inner structure, however it does help to acknowledge a beneficent source at the root of all existence. Pagans routinely applaud the Christian & Muslim on his or her unswerving devotion to their beliefs, alternatively, the orthodox religions marvel at the Pagans hypotheses on Man, Nature & the Cosmos, as do I, because I know in these teachings we find a positive dedication to an understanding of the mysteries of life for the benefit of all & that deserves respect, irrespective of wether we find them misguided or even abhorrent, people believe what they believe for a reason, & that reason can never emerge from anything malevolent, even though the effects of those beliefs can become detrimental to others, & that is all-inclusive of the above. When man stops believing, in whatever it is he has faith in, something irretrievable dies in him, he can live without peace, wisdom, he can live without happiness & often does, thus of all the virtues, if called upon to do it, I'd wish on my fellow man faith, because to live without belief is to live a life without purpose, in my blogbook. - - - - - - - In my use of the term hypocrisy, if not altogether wrong, it may be a tad harsh bearing in mind what I'm trying to achieve. The world is by design a traumatic place; 'There has to be winners & losers in this system' was what we're taught in Uni when studying politics, so I'm only passing on the word, that others are around who wish us to act & believe in certain ways whether we agree with them or not & they've been at it for a hell of a long time, & at the centre of it all is the relatively modern school of psychology (it's employed in marketing, education etc.). We're under constant attack, both subliminally & sometimes physically, but, we can protect ourselves from alien invasion forces if we put our minds to it & our shoulders to the wheel. The aim is to accept the responsibility for ourselves so sorely needed at this time, & to the best of our abilities, remove the causes of our errors, which we can certainly do if we try. We only tap into a fraction of our mental powers during our lives, alls it takes to begin to activate them from what I've read & heard is a bit of self-discipline & common sense, & this from some of the top psychologists themselves, if we read between the lines. I'm not attacking psychology per se, I highly regard much of the work they've done, especially Freud & Jung, what I'm suggesting is much of the practice of psychology today has now become a weaponised, lucrative enterprise, used in anything from miltary/police training, to T.V. advertising to school curriculums. So in this sense it must be approached with caution, & in many instances can be avoided altogether, as I've attempted to illustrate in the above. (Incidentally, did you know the Arabs, & before them the Ancient Greeks would say of their brethren suffering from what they'd call....madness; 'Entreat them kindly, for they walk with God'. It's false economy to point out the faults in our neighbour, be it mental or physical when we practice random indiscretion constantly ourselves, albeit in our own ways. When a person does so, what they're really saying is; 'Look at him, not me'.) Whilst the list reflects somewhat my own personal struggles with life's vicissitudes, I of course couldn't or wouldn't speak for anyone else, one of the great beauties of life to me is that we must find our own paths & to do this we need to be true to ourselves, not somebody else' automaton.......Look at it this way, problems,/troubles are mere abstractions, imaginary endowments we place on one another for lack of anything better to do. If one person is in a room, one almost always finds serenity, stick another person in with them you immediately get a complication. In any event, if all else fails, nothings working & you're struggling for answers, why not heed the advice my late Uncle Dermot who'd lovingly remind us in times of emergency; 'Fuck em' if they can't take a joke'. 'ROSE The symbolism of the rose among the ancients was twofold. First, as it was dedicated to Venus as the goddess of love, it became the symbol of secrecy, & hence came the expression "under the rose," to indicate that which was spoken in confidence. Again, as it was dedicated to Venus as the personification of the generative energy of nature, it became the symbol of immortality.' - Mackey's Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry (1873) '...MORALS & DOGMA [1871] by: Albert Pike XXII. KNIGHT OF THE ROYAL AXE OR PRINCE OF LIBANUS SYMPATHY with the great laboring classes, respect for labor itself, & resolution to do some good work in our day & generation, these are the lessons of this Degree, & they are purely Masonic. Masonry has made a working-man & his associates the Heroes of her principal legend, & himself the companion of Kings. The idea is as simple & true as it is sublime. From first to last, Masonry is work. It venerates the Grand Architect of the Universe. It commemorates the building of a Temple. Its principal emblems are the working tools of Masons & Artisans. It preserves the name of the first worker in brass & iron as one of its pass-words. When the Brethren meet together, they are at labor. The Master is the overseer who sets the craft to work & gives them proper instruction. Masonry is the apotheosis of WORK…. Labor is the truest emblem of God, the Architect & Eternal Maker; noble Labor, which is yet to be the King of this Earth, & sit on the highest Throne. Men without duties to do, are like trees planted on precipices; from the roots of which all the earth has crumbled. Nature owns no man who is not also a Martyr. She scorns the man who sits screened from all work, from want, danger, hardship, the victory over which is work; & has all his work & battling done by other men; & yet there are men who pride themselves that they & theirs have done no work time out of mind. So neither have the swine…. Duty is with us ever; & evermore forbids us to be idle. To work with the hands or brain, according to our requirements & our capacities, to do that which lies before us to do, is more honorable than rank & title. Ploughers, spinners & builders, inventors, & men of science, poets, advocates, & writers, all stand upon one common level, & form one grand, innumerable host, marching ever onward since the beginning of the world: each entitled to our sympathy & respect, each a man & our brother. It was well to give the earth to man as a dark mass, whereon to labor. It was well to provide rude & unsightly materials in the ore-bed & the forest, for him to fashion into splendor & beauty. It was well, not because of that splendor & beauty; but because the act creating them is better than the things themselves; because exertion is nobler than enjoyment; because the laborer is greater & more worthy of honor than the idler. Masonry stands up for the nobility of labor. It is Heaven's great ordinance for human improvement. It has been broken down for ages; & Masonry desires to build it up again. It has been broken down, because men toil only because they must, submitting to it as, in some sort, a degrading necessity; & desiring nothing so much on earth as to escape from it. They fulfill the great law of labor in the letter, but break it in the spirit,: they fulfill it with the muscles, but break it with the mind. Masonry teaches that every idler ought to hasten to some field of labor, manual or mental, as a chosen & coveted theatre of improvement; but he is not impelled to do so, under the teachings of an imperfect civilization. On the contrary, he sits down, folds his hands, & blesses & glorifies himself in his idleness. It is time that this opprobrium of toil were done away…. The great law of human industry is this: that industry, working either with the hand or the mind, the application of our powers to some task, to the achievement of some result, lies at the foundation of all human improvement. We are not sent into the world like animals, to crop the spontaneous herbage of the field, & then to lie down in indolent repose: but we are sent to dig the soil & plough the sea; to do the business of cities & the work of manufactories. The world is the great & appointed school of industry. In an artificial state of society, mankind is divided into the idle & the laboring classes; but such was not the design of Providence…. God has not made a world of rich men; but rather a world of poor men; or of men, at least, who must toil for a subsistence. That is, then, the best condition for man, & the grand sphere of human improvement. If the whole world could acquire wealth, (& one man is as much entitled to it as another, when he is born); if the present generation could lay up a complete provision for the next, as some men desire to do for their children; the world would be destroyed at a single blow. All industry would cease with the necessity for it; all improvement would stop with the demand for exertion; the dissipation of fortunes, the mischiefs of which are now countervailed by the healthful tone of society, would breed universal disease, & break out into universal license; & the world would sink, rotten as Herod, into the grave of its own loathsome vices.... Masonry seeks to ennoble common life. Its work is to go down into the obscure & unsearched records of daily conduct & feeling; & to portray, not the ordinary virtue of an extraordinary life; but the more extraordinary virtue of ordinary life. What is done & borne in the shades of privacy, in the hard & beaten path of daily care & toil, full of uncelebrated sacrifices; in the suffering, & sometimes insulted suffering, that wears to the world a cheerful brow; in the long strife of the spirit, resisting pain, penury, & neglect, carried on in the inmost depths of the heart;--what is done, & borne, & wrought, & won there, is a higher glory, & shall inherit a brighter crown. On the volume of Masonic life one bright word is written, from which on every side blazes an ineffable splendor. That word is DUTY. To aid in securing to all labor permanent employment & its just reward: to help to hasten the coming of that time when no one shall stiffer from hunger or destitution, because, though willing & able to work, he can find no employment, or because he has been overtaken by sickness in the midst of his labor, are part of your duties as a Knight of the Royal Axe. & if we can succeed in making some small nook of God's creation a little more fruitful & cheerful, a little better & more worthy of Him,--or in making some one or two human hearts a little wiser, & more manful & hopeful & happy, we shall have done work, worthy of Masons, & acceptable to our Father in Heaven.' - 'Two Freemasons’ lodges set up more than 80 years ago for members of parliament & political journalists are continuing to operate [in the House of Commons/Lords], the Guardian has learned. New Welcome Lodge, which set up to recruit MPs, peers & parliamentary staff, & Gallery Lodge, established for members of the political press corps known as the lobby, both remain active, according to Freemasonry records.' - Epiblog '5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) 1. The Family Marx admits that destroying the family is a thorny topic, even for revolutionaries. “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists,” he writes. But he said opponents of this idea fail to understand a key fact about the family. “On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie,” he writes. Best of all, abolishing the family would be relatively easy once bourgeois property was abolished. “The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.” 2. Individuality Marx believed individuality was antithetical to the egalitarianism he envisioned. Therefore, the “individual” must “be swept out of the way, and made impossible.” Individuality was a social construction of a capitalist society and was deeply intertwined with capital itself. “In bourgeois society capital is independent and has individuality, while the living person is dependent and has no individuality,” he wrote. “And the abolition of this state of things is called by the bourgeois, abolition of individuality and freedom! And rightly so. The abolition of bourgeois individuality, bourgeois independence, and bourgeois freedom is undoubtedly aimed at.” 3. Eternal Truths Marx did not appear to believe that any truth existed beyond class struggle. “The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class,” he argued. “When the ancient world was in its last throes, the ancient religions were overcome by Christianity. When Christian ideas succumbed in the 18th century to rationalist ideas, feudal society fought its death battle with the then revolutionary bourgeoisie.” He recognized how radical this idea would sound to his readers, particularly since Communism does not seek to modify truth, but to overthrow it. But he argued these people were missing the larger picture. “‘Undoubtedly,’ it will be said, ‘religious, moral, philosophical, and juridical ideas have been modified in the course of historical development. But religion, morality, philosophy, political science, and law, constantly survived this change. There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.’ What does this accusation reduce itself to? The history of all past society has consisted in the development of class antagonisms, antagonisms that assumed different forms at different epochs.” 4. Nations Communists, Marx said, are reproached for seeking to abolish countries. These people fail to understand the nature of the proletariat, he wrote. “The working men have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got. Since the proletariat must first of all acquire political supremacy, must rise to be the leading class of the nation, must constitute itself the nation, it is so far, itself national, though not in the bourgeois sense of the word.” Furthermore, largely because of capitalism, he saw hostilities between people of different backgrounds receding. As the proletariat grew in power, there soon would be no need for nations, he wrote. “National differences and antagonism between peoples are daily more and more vanishing, owing to the development of the bourgeoisie, to freedom of commerce, to the world market, to uniformity in the mode of production and in the conditions of life corresponding thereto.” 5. The Past Marx saw tradition as a tool of the bourgeoisie. Adherence to the past served as a mere distraction in proletariat’s quest for emancipation and supremacy. “In bourgeois society,” Marx wrote, “the past dominates the present; in Communist society, the present dominates the past.” Reprinted from Intellectual Takeout Jon Miltimore Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has appeared in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, & Fox News.' - Below is an article from the BBC entitled; 'Chilcot Report; What Blair Said To Bush In Memos' (6 July 2016). The only thing I'd ask people to remember whilst reading is both Blair & Bush are consummate act-ors, i.e. they, or their present or previous incumbents do not run the show, as anyone should be able to tell from their tediously, choreographed antics down the years. The real planners behind the war machine are seldom if ever seen, anything 'leaked' to the press is a deliberate act of propaganda designed to distract attention from more pressing issues as it were. The press are just as much instruments of the war machine as the soldiers on the frontline & in many ways just as important. Thus, the purpose of bringing it to your attention is to disavow some at least, the burden of being taken in by what the politician says, sometimes they tell the truth & sometimes they do not, the lesson for us all is to get wise to the double-speak, because it's used on us all the time. For example, Democracy is the 1st step of 3 towards Communism, the 2nd is Socialism….below Blair states; 'So our fundamental goal is to spread our values of freedom, democracy….' (he continues) '…..tolerance & the rule of law'. By tolerance he means the traditional Arabic practices of intolerance towards homosexuality, equality for women etc will be outlawed in the comingWorld Order (his term), his freedom reference actually means the eventual freedom from the Abrahamic religions (i.e. the God of the Bible) & so on. Here's a list of what things are supposed to mean if it's any help; In any event, this is political theatre with a vengeance. Not one ounce of sweat of ours on the issue ever mattered a gnats bollock to these butchers if you remember, nor does any amount of protest marching count for anything either, seeing as they're always organised by themselves, they are in the UK at any rate, as no one else would get the permission in our totalitarian society.
(Note; when the BBC says 'the Twin Towers' attack, killed nearly 3,000 people.' that figure does not include the subsequent deaths of 1000's more; - - - - - - - 'The memos sent between 2001 and 2007 were released alongside Sir John Chilcot's report of his inquiry into the Iraq War. Mr Bush's replies were not included in the report. 'Better to act now' Tony Blair to George Bush, 12 September 2001 In one of the oldest notes to be released, sent the day after the attack on New York's Twin Towers, Mr Blair offered his support to bring to justice the hijackers and looked ahead to the "next stage after this evil". Mr Blair said some would "baulk" at the measures necessary to control "biological, chemical and other weapons of mass destruction", but added: "We are better to act now and explain and justify our actions than let the day be put off until some further, perhaps even worse catastrophe occurs." (What, like a mass awakening stopping the New World Order in its tracks?) 'We need to deal with Saddam' Tony Blair to George Bush, 11 October 2001 "There is a real willingness in the Middle East to get Saddam out but a total opposition to mixing this up with the current operation [bombing Afghanistan]... I have no doubt that we need to deal with Saddam. But if we hit Iraq now, we would lose the Arab world, Russia, probably half the EU and my fear is the impact of all of that on Pakistan. However, I am sure we can devise a strategy for Saddam deliverable at a later date." Mr Blair went on to say phase one had to be military action in Afghanistan where the perpetrators of 9/11 were hiding, then phase two would be the campaign against terrorism "in all its forms". This memo reveals that Mr Blair and Mr Bush were openly discussing toppling Saddam Hussein as early as 2001, and just a month after the Twin Towers' attack, which killed nearly 3,000 people. 'Given regime change a good name' Tony Blair to George Bush, 4 December 2001 Mr Blair suggested a strategy for regime change that builds over time was needed "until we get to the point where military action could be taken if necessary without losing international support". "If toppling Saddam is a prime objective, it is far easier to do it with Syria or Iran in favour or acquiescing rather than hitting all three at once, I favour giving these two a chance at a different relationship… And referencing involvement in Afghanistan, Mr Blair said if that gave new hope to people "in particular we shall have given regime change a good name which will help us in our argument over Iraq". 'With you whatever' Tony Blair to George Bush, 28 July 2002 "I will be with you, whatever... Getting rid of Saddam is the right thing to do. He is a potential threat. He could be contained. But containment as we found with Al Qaida is always risky. His departure would free up the region. And his regime is probably, with the possible exception of North Korea, the most brutal and inhumane in the world. The first question is: In removing him, do you want/need a coalition? The US could do it alone, with UK support. The danger is, as ever with these things, unintended consequences. Suppose it got militarily tricky. Suppose Iraq suffered unexpected civilian casualties. Suppose the Arab street finally erupted. Suppose Saddam felt sufficiently politically strong, if militarily weak in conventional terms, to let off WMD [weapons of mass destruction]. suppose that, without any coalition, the Iraqis feel ambivalent about being invaded and real Iraqis, not Saddam's special guard, decide to offer resistance. If we win quickly, everyone will be our friend. If we don't and they haven't been bound in beforehand, recriminations will start fast." This extract comes from the start of a six-page note, marked Secret Personal, to the US president, which was seen only by Number 10 officials before being sent, the report stated. Neither then Foreign Secretary Jack Straw nor Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon were shown a copy in advance, and only Mr Straw got to see it afterwards. Sir John said it was marked "personal" but it represented an extensive statement of the UK government's position eight months before the invasion, and both secretaries-of-state should have been given the chance to comment on it before it was sent. 'Our best ally might be Russia' Tony Blair to George Bush, 28 July 2002 "In my opinion, neither the Germans or the French, and most probably not the Italians or Spanish either, would support us without specific UN authority. And - and here is my real point - public opinion is public opinion. And opinion in the US is quite simply on a different planet from opinion here, in Europe or in the Arab world. "In Britain, right now I couldn't be sure of support from Parliament, Party, public or even some of the Cabinet. And this is Britain. In Europe generally, people just don't have the same sense of urgency post 9/11 as people in the US… At the moment oddly, our best ally might be Russia." Mr Blair told Mr Bush that if he wanted a wider military coalition he would have to get UN backing, make progress on Middle East peace and engineer a "shift" in public opinion. He acknowledged that there would be "reluctance" in the US about taking the issue to the UN Security Council, but insisted it was the best way to provide them with a legitimate case for military action. 'Need to make the case' Tony Blair to George Bush, 28 July 2002 In a paragraph entitled The Evidence, Blair writes: "Again, I have been told the US thinks this unnecessary. But we still need to make the case. If we recapitulate all the WMD evidence, add his attempts to secure nuclear capability, and as seems possible, add on Al Qaida link, it will be hugely persuasive over here. Plus, of course, the abhorrent nature of the regime." Mr Blair emphasises the importance of presenting the evidence about Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's supposed weapons of mass destruction as well as trying to establish a link with al-Qaeda in the aftermath of 9/11 the previous year - although none was ever found. Within two months of sending this note, Mr Blair told President Bush at a summit at Camp David, his country retreat, if it came to war, the UK would take a significant military role. This was despite no decision having been taken on which military package might be offered to the US for planning purposes. 'Not when, but how' Tony Blair to George Bush, 28 July 2002 "I would be happy to try to put all this together... But it needs a huge commitment in time and energy. So it's only really worth doing if we are all on the same page. On timing, we could start up after the (summer) break. A strike date could be Jan/Feb next year (2003). But the crucial issue is not when, but how." In a handwritten note, Mr Blair compliments the president on a "brilliant speech" to the United Nations General Assembly in September 2002 which "puts us on exactly the right strategy". 'Risk Saddam messing us about' Tony Blair to George Bush, 24 January 2003 "What's the problem? If we delay, we risk Saddam messing us about, sucking us back into a game of hide and seek with the [UN] inspectors where, unless they find 'the smoking gun', the thing drags on forever until we give up or get distracted." Mr Blair goes on to say that if former UN chief inspector Hans Blix finds "the smoking gun", "(and we are working very hard to get it for him), that is it and immediately the UN should discuss action". Casualties, oil wells and Israel Tony Blair to George Bush, 30 January 2003 In a memo entitled Countdown, sent two months before the Iraq invasion, Mr Blair asks: "Have we sound plans for the following: 1. Saddam use of WMD against US and/or his own people; 2. Saddam attack on Israel; 3. Saddam destruction of oil wells; 4. Keeping apart rival groups and tribes." A fifth point is added, in Mr Blair's handwriting: "Avoiding civilian casualties". The memo then considers questions to be asked of the aftermath. 'Last mile for peace' Tony Blair to George Bush, 19 February 2003 Outlining a course of action and a timeframe for putting down a second UN resolution, Mr Blair gives six reasons, the last one being: "It allows us to show the world we are going to war, not because we want to, but because we have to. "Above all, it shows the US reaching out, understanding concerns, but still firmly willing to act. It sets the UN a fundamental test. It gives the Europeans something to rally round. When we do act, it will show we went the last mile for peace." 'Ridding Iraq of Saddam is real prize' Tony Blair to George Bush, 26 March 2003 Mr Blair wrote to Mr Bush six days after US missiles hit the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, signalling the start of the US-led campaign to topple Saddam Hussein, in a memo called The Fundamental Goal. "This is the moment when you can define international politics for the next generation: the true post-cold war world order. Our ambition is big: to construct a global agenda around which we can unite the world; rather than dividing it into rival centres of power. So our fundamental goal is to spread our values of freedom, democracy, tolerance and the rule of law, but we need a broad based agenda capable of unifying the world, to get it. That's why, though Iraq's WMD is the immediate justification for action, ridding Iraq of Saddam is the real prize." 'If it falls apart, everything falls apart in the region' Tony Blair to George Bush, 2 June 2003 Less than three months after the war began, Mr Blair referred to the difficulties of rebuilding Iraq in a note to Mr Bush. "The task is absolutely awesome and I'm not at all sure we're geared for it. This is worse than re-building a country from scratch. "We start from a really backward position. In time, it can be sorted. But time counts against us… "My sense is: we're going to get there but not quickly enough. And if it falls apart, everything falls apart in the region." 'This time next year it better be going right, not wrong' Tony Blair to George Bush, 5 October 2003 Mr Blair said losses in Iraq and a failure to find "enough on WMD" were leading the public to doubt the action and suggested there was a need to "get our confidence in our story back. Iraq is better without Saddam". "And by this time next year, it better be going right, not wrong. For us and for the world!" - - - - - - - - After Afghanistan & Iraq we went into Libya & Syria & back into Iraq, if we ever left. After leaving the Middle East in utter ruins during his tenure as prime Minister, Tony Blair was promptly given the role of peace envoy…….to the Middle East on behalf of the UN in 2007, suffice to say, things have only gotten much worse in the Arab world since then. Yasser Arafat & Saddam Hussein did not last out Blair's Premiership & Colonel Gaddafi & Osama Bin laden were executed during Blair's role as peace envoy as was Benazir Bhutto. These famous five Islamist leaders were by far the most prominent figures in Middle East politics, but it's highly unlikely any of these people, all trained by Britain & the US had anything to do with the planning of the events on Sept 11th 2001 in New York, if they did, no genuine evidence has ever been produced to suggest any connection. Bin Laden never received a trial so we'll never hear his side if the story, Tony Blair however, had 'proof' it was Osama almost immediately; 'OSAMA bin Laden & his terrorist network carried out the attacks on New York & Washington, & have the "will & resources" to mount further such outrages, according to a previously confidential dossier published by the [British] Government yesterday.The dossier said bin Laden had warned shortly before September 11 that he was preparing a "major attack" on America, & his associates were warned to return to Afghanistan by Sept 10. Immediately before the attacks associates of bin Laden were naming the date for action as "on or around September 11". The document added: "There is evidence of a very specific nature relating to the guilt of bin Laden that is too sensitive to release." - The Telegraph (05 Oct 2001). In contrast, a headline from The Guardian (14th Oct 2001) reads; 'Taliban demand evidence of Bin Laden's guilt……[the story continues] President George Bush rejected as "non-negotiable" an offer by the Taliban to discuss turning over Osama bin Laden if the United States ended the bombing in Afghanistan. "There's no need to discuss innocence or guilt. We know he's guilty" [However the British add] 'Mr [John] Prescott, speaking while on a diplomatic mission in Moscow, argued that the latest statement from al-Qaida strongly suggested Bin Laden's culpability for last month's attacks on New York & Washington. "What I have heard about the message given ... is basically confirming, I think, the guilt of Bin Laden.." After consideration of the foregoing, now the question must be asked; ….What did any of it have to do with Britain? The popular view is that the US dominates modern Britain & it intimidates it's politicians into coming along with their war agenda. This is not the case, if anything it's the reverse, as Carroll Quigley pointed out in The Anglo American Establishment (1956). People like Tony Blair only pretend to be kowtowing to the dictates of the Americans, whereas in reality, the centre of the plan for a World Order as Blair put it is actually London, England, which is where people such as George Galloway come into their own. Demagogue G G is given more airtime than any other political agitator in Britain, despite his feckless history, he'll lead the UK public on by insisting Iraq, Afghanistan etc were, 'Blair's Wars', or nowadays; 'It's the Tories', anything that'll legitimise British democracy & it's institutions & that the electorate can have a say in this scam. The people who run the show are Internationalists, & would do away with nationalism altogether. Recently G G said on his Twitter account on the 13th Mar 2019; 'Gone but never to be forgotten. Rt Hon Tony Benn. Socialist internationalist leader & teacher, Labour MP, best Prime Minister we never had. Lifelong opponent of the European Union, anti-War leader, a prince amongst men. RIP' (Brexit is about the destruction of nation states) The Rt Honourable Tony Benn (R.I.P.) once said; 'the UK is only superficially governed by MPs & the voters who elect them. Parliamentary democracy is, in truth, little more than a means of securing a periodical change in the management team, which is then allowed to preside over a system that remains in essence intact. If the British people were ever to ask themselves what power they truly enjoyed under our political system they would be amazed to discover how little it is' - Tony, who popularised the term globalisation here in the UK, as he left Office in 2007, thought it the right moment to announce he'd converted to Catholicism (there has never been a Catholic Prime Minister in the UK). (Here's a thought, if they're willing to slaughter millions of children on such a regular basis in full view of everyone & not show one pang of conscious about it…..imagine what they do to children behind the veil as it were?) Both Blair & Bush are on record as having stated when in Office, 'God' had a hand in determining policy, especially foreign; 'Prime Minister Tony Blair has told how he prayed to God when deciding whether or not to send UK troops to Iraq. Mr Blair answered "yes" when asked on ITV1 chat show Parkinson - to be screened on Saturday - if he had sought holy intervention on the issue.' - ''I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go & fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. & I did. & then God would tell me,'George, go end the tyranny in Iraq' & I did' - Yes, but which God? Bush stated on Sept 19th 2001; 'this crusade, this war on terrorism, is going to take a while.' The Crusades of the Middle Ages were a religious enterprise, however, it wasn't pious Christians conducting operations, it was bloodthirsty Pagans masquerading AS Christians, nor are Zionists Jews; 'On December 11, 1917, a mere two days after the above letter was written [Balfour Declaration], British General Edmund Allenby entered Jerusalem triumphantly through the Jaffa gate, & the city became an occupied territory. On this historic occasion, Allenby reportedly declared that "the wars of the crusades are now complete" (Hatem Baziem - a Muslim). The Reign of Terror in the French Revolution was conducted primarily against Catholics. In the Red Terror of the Russian Revolution & in the reign of Stalin, millions of Christians & Jews were sought out & executed & otherwise persecuted. Now the Pagan Crusade has Islam as it's primary target, as it has had for a long, long time. Britain partitioned Ireland in 1922 bringing Catholics & Protestants into conflict for decades. India was similarly partitioned in 1947 by the British leading to untold strife between Hindu & Muslim, & Palestine was deliberately cut asunder & approximately half of the land given to the Zionists a year after the British Mandate had run it's course, ensuring perpetual conflict in the Holy Land so long as there's Muslims around, & Jews to blame for it. The Abrahamic religions are are the primary target; 'The Tony Blair Faith Foundation was an interfaith charitable foundation established in May 2008 by former British prime minister Tony Blair. Since December 2016 its work has been continued by the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. The Foundation was launched in May 2008 in New York at the headquarters of the media group Time Warner. In his speech, Blair outlined the Foundation's aim that "idealism becomes the new realism", & that one of its goals was to "counter extremism in all six leading religions'. (Wikipedia) Like most UK international Quangos, it has an American branch, this one based round the corner from the old Church of Satan in San Francisco; 'URI [United Religions Initiative] is a global grassroots interfaith network that cultivates peace & justice by engaging people to bridge religious & cultural differences & work together for the good of their communities & the world.' Incidentally, Tony's cliche/meme (every political campaign must have one nowadays) for his manifesto for the destruction of religions is; 'Making globalisation work for the many, not the few' ( The cliche of the Labour (Socialist) Party of Great Britain's manifesto is; 'Let’s build a Britain that works for the many, not the few.' - So if you vote for Communist Jeremy Corbyn in the coming elections, you can expect an all-out assault on free-thought, not that it isn't here already of course. One of Tony's principle programmes (which Bono preaches at his gigs) is; 'CO-EXISTENCE We work to promote co-existence & counter extremism by tackling the ideology behind extremist violence, not just the violence itself…..We define extremism as the imposition of a belief, ideology or value-system on others by indoctrination, force or by seeking to control government, to the exclusion of all other views. We class any worldview as extreme if it actively opposes human rights, rule of law, religious pluralism, or equality.' (ibid) Not much going for Islam or Judaism in there then eh? 'Power is in tearing human minds to pieces & putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.' - George Orwell 1984. 'Although the color ‘orange’ is not prohibited by name, a shade of modern-day ‘orange’ that has specifically been discouraged as a color of clothing for the believers is ‘saffron’. The Messenger of Allah (saws) disapproved the believers to wear ‘saffron’ colored clothing as they are usually worn or associated with the religion & clothing of the disbelievers. Even today the Hindu priests & priestesses or the Buddhist monks wear a shade of this ‘saffron’ colored attire, & clothing of this color is generally associated with the clothing & religious color of the disbelievers. It would be best if the believers would abstain from wearing ‘saffron’ colored clothing…... Your brother & well wisher in Islam, Burhan' - 'LUX Latin for Light…...Among the Rosicrucians, light was the knowledge of the philosopher's stone; & Mosheim says that in chemical language the cross was an emblem of light, because it contains within its figure the forms of the three figures of which LVX., or Light, is composed.' - Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry (1873). I think it's fair to say Egypt is one of those rare countries where, however endearing, it's not so much the people we remember when we visit, but the incredible structures that dominate the landscape. Anyone who's been will or should testify, that even though Rome & Greece are mightily impressive, they are in fact imitations of the 'monument[s] set up in Egypt' as the Bible says. I heard Alan Watt say the Pyramids of Giza aren't really that special, well I don't know what on earth would impress Alan, on the other hand I heard Manly Hall say, if it weren't for the fact they're here for all to see, people would not believe that such things could have been built by an ancient civilisation, & I think this is probably the case. The thing about Egypt is, there is (in my book) other sites just as impressive as Giza, especially in Luxor, the sad part however is the great temples have been rinsed of their treasures throughout the centuries, for example, the beard of the Sphinx stands alongside the Elgin Marbles in a museum in London….. Nevertheless, architects & historians are continually astonished at the workmanship involved in these structures, of which, most if not all are dedicated to the gods. In ancient times, Egypt was the school to where pilgrims from all over the world would flock to study for years, graduate, then return to their homeland as leaders in specific areas, especially government, or governance as Tony Blair now puts it. The Greeks in particular are known to have absorbed the teachings of the wily Egyptian priests, Py-thagoras & Plato being the two most notable examples. Among the many principles they brought back were formulas for the transformation of man & society, Al-chemy (Khem was an ancient term for Egypt) is said to have originated in Egypt & is still practiced on us today with a vengeance. The Old Testament was compiled in Alexandria, we're told Moses received the 10 Commandments there, it was where Jesus was brought as a child & so on, however, although it will come as new to most, it was from Egypt that the three most influential schools of thought in the history of mankind sprang, these were, Hermeticism, Gnosticism & Neoplatonism. In essence, Hermeticism deals with magic or scientific principles, Gnosticism seeks to unite all religions into ONE & Neoplatonism pertains to philosophy. They are the principle doctrines driving mankind & have been since the Renaissance or rebirth (of the Mysteries). Our western education system derives from Neoplatonists for example.
One prevailing formula or doctrine for governance that has come down to us is democracy. It is said to have been the preferred device used by the Atlanteans as their political system. The Atlanteans were, according to the Mystery Schools the primordial, antediluvian (meaning pre-flood), highly sophisticated hegemonic civilisation said to have been responsible for the ruling dynasties that survived the great Flood & who still govern today. Whether you believe it or not is up to you because it cannot be proven or at least no evidence has been publicly claimed for their existence as yet, but admittedly there are plausible aspects to the story, the Greeks learned the legend from the Egyptian priests, & Plato notably wrote an account of it in the Critias, later Sir Francis Bacon dramatised the fable somewhat in The New Atlantis (1626), in it, he says; 'The New Atlantis, which is America'. & America was & is being built along specific guidelines drawn up by obscure (High) priests in the temples of Luxor, or perhaps in one of the many sacerdotal temples of Northern Egypt, for evidence of this you'll notice a 555 ft obelisk facing the Whitehouse in Washington D.C. Evidence of Atlantis is said by the Mysteries to be strewn all over the land of Khem, the most familiar I suppose being the py-ramids, found all over the place not just in Giza. The Atlantis legend has had a significant impact on our society, regardless of it's historicity; 'From the Atlanteans the world has received not only the heritage of arts & crafts, philosophies & sciences, ethics & religions, but also the heritage of hate, strife, & perversion. The Atlanteans instigated the first war; & it has been said that all subsequent wars were fought in a fruitless effort to justify the first one & right the wrong which it caused. Before Atlantis sank, its spiritually illumined Initiates, who realized that their land was doomed because it had departed from the Path of Light, withdrew from the ill-fated continent. Carrying with them the sacred & secret doctrine, these Atlanteans established themselves in Egypt, where they became its first "divine" rulers. Nearly all the great cosmologic myths forming the foundation of the various sacred books of the world are based upon the Atlantean Mystery rituals.' Writes Manly Hall in The Secret Teachings Of All Ages (1928). Included in his 'sacred books' I presume would be placed the Bible. The tale has other remarkable dimensions; 'Osiris is the primitive revelation of the first race, but as Isis was born upon the fourth day, we find that this tradition coming into Egypt through the Atlantean Mystery School of which Isis is the symbol.' - Manly Hall Freemasonry Of The Ancient Egyptians (1937). It's in the above text Manly Hall explains how the modern day Mystery School of Freemasonry; 'Is Isis, the Mother of the Mysteries', Isis is also the patron of Magick, or Witchcraft if you like. So we've acquired quite a heritage from Egypt, albeit unbeknownst to most who pass through this life. We have then, two hypotheses for the origins of the great structures found in the Land of the Pharaoh's, one you read about in history books, the other out of the capacity of most to envisage. I personally don't know whether to believe it or not because of the lies been written by these great deceivers over the centuries, but I wouldn't discount it either, it's possible & even plausible. After reviewing the evidence, there does present itself another plausibility, seeing as so much Egyptian artefact is embroiled in the Atlantis legend, it could be that Atlantis did not lie out in the Atlantic Ocean (hence the name) past the Pillars of Hercules somewhere or anywhere else...... but was simply Egypt itself.
Manly Hall, & by association the Mystery Schools dismiss conventional historians beliefs about Egyptian chronology on many fronts, most significantly the date of construction of the Giza complex. Hall states it's 1000's of years older than what we're being told, including the Sphinx. Historians tell us the Egyptians didn't have the wheel until the 2nd millennia BC (i.e. when the great temples were built), thus the great pyramid scheme was undertaken without the aid of this device, which I find absolutely ridiculous, the potters wheel (mentioned in the Bible), consisting of the same mechanisms had been around since the 4th Millenia BC…..but no, they never put two & two together until 1000's of years later. Other anomalies of Egyptian history include the famous Hyskos; 'Shepherd kings, a series of foreign rulers in Egypt, whose domination must have occurred about the time of the sojourn of the Hebrews there. The relation of these two classes to each other, & to the other Egyptians, is so interesting, if not intimate, especially to the Biblical student, that our treatment of the subject under EGYPT & HYKSOS requires a somewhat fuller consideration of this topic.' - states; 'Hyksos, dynasty of Palestinian origin that ruled northern Egypt as the 15th dynasty (c. 1630–1523 BCE; see ancient Egypt: The Second Intermediate period).' The Bible claims the Palestinian Joseph & his entourage moved to Egypt, acquiring a high status of officialdom, however, they (The Israelites) became enslaved by the Egyptians but ultimately freed by God through Moses & eventually led back to the Land Of Milk & Honey, Palestine.
We then have the 14th Cen BC trinity of Akhenaton, Nefertiti & Tutankhamen, brought so dramatically to the worlds attention by the grave-robbing pilferies of Howard Carter in 1922. Tutankhamen's tomb, although by far the most popular among tourists is pure bland compared to many of the 62 others in the Valley of the Kings (Luxor), in some cases, the tunnels are 100's of ft deep into the side of a mountain, nevertheless, it's King Tut who receives most visits, why? It almost certainly has to do with his father Akhenaton, he's gone down in history as the first monotheist & he's been credited as being behind the historical figure behind the Biblical Patriarch Moses, most notably by the above mentioned Ahmed Osman but also alluded to by people like Sigmund Freud. There's other significant aspects to Akhenaton's life, the first mention of Jerusalem on record is said to have been written by one of Akhenaton's vassal state governors in Palestine, then called the land of; 'Palestine' or 'Philistia', as in the Phillistines, no mention of Judea or Israel I'm afraid, although, within the correspondences between Akhenaton & his governor known as the 'Armana Letters', said to have been found by the British, in Egypt just after they'd invaded…..are references to a King of Babylon named Nazi Bugash discussing the problem of escalating tensions between Babylon & Egypt over the suzerainty of Palestine. Moreover; 'Why was the Merneptah Stele a significant archaeological discovery? Merneptah was a Pharaoh who ruled over Egypt in the late 13th century B.C. The son of Ramesses the Great (Ramesses II), Merneptah was the fourth Pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty. The “Merneptah Stele” is the name given to a stone slab engraved with a description of Merneptah’s military victories in Africa & the Near East. It was discovered by renowned British archaeologist Flinders Petrie at Thebes in 1896. The Merneptah Stele is significant to biblical archaeologists because it is the earliest extra-biblical reference to the nation of Israel yet to be discovered.' - However, I'd assume the significance of Akhenaton lies in the following quote from Manly Hall; 'Akhenaton, the great reformer of Egyptian Mysticism.' (Solar Christmas lecture).
The Anglicised line in question of which My Petrie speaks (line 27 ….2x7 or 7/7) contains the words; '', which phonetically says 'A.ssy.ri.a', not Israel, to me at any rate. In any event, all this was when British Intelligence had been in Palestine masquerading as archeologists reverently looking for Biblical artefacts & right before Britain launched it's attack on Palestine during WWI paving the way for the eventual creation of the State Of Israel. Suffice to say, the Allies would have had a much stiffer task of winning WWI had the British NOT annexed Egypt, the French built the Suez canal etc just prior to it….As Bill Cooper said, the State of Israel was set up to neutralise Christians, Jews & Muslims who believed their sacred texts had prophesied this eschatological event, but that's for other Blogs. 'Egypt has always been considered as the birthplace of the Mysteries. It was there that the ceremonies of initiation were first established. It was there that truth was first veiled in allegory, & the dogmas of religion were first imparted under symbolic forms…….To Egypt, therefore, the Freemasons have always looked with peculiar interest as the cradle of that mysterious science of symbolism whose peculiar modes of teaching they alone, of all modern institutions, have preserved to the present day'. - Mackeys Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry (1873) What he's talking about is there in Egypt all those millennia ago, the Pagan priests devised two schools of religious thought, one for the priests (esoteric) based on the internalisation of symbols (hieroglyphics), the other for the common folk to take literally all the jargon & stories behind the symbology the priests had concocted (exoteric). From then on earth became a power struggle as these priests as these priests sought out new spheres of influence, whose fame among the worlds learned increased & to whom many travellers came to acquire the new methods of social control. Thats why the Mysteries have always been a powerful international Brotherhood & why they would do away with national borders, (exoteric) religions & why they see the need to enslave the profane or common man. Anyone looking at the situation logically would argue the Mysteries began in the Pagan east, specifically India & that they spread west through the Babylonians with their pyramid-like Ziggurats & on into Egypt. This is probably true, however the name Babylon fell into such disrepute especially among theologians down the years that it would, at least to a fashion seemed more prudent to situate the process as beginning on the glamorous banks of the Nile. However, Egypt was probably the place where the doctrines were formalised & esoteric schools first set up, although as I say, because the whole subject is so shrouded in mystery, the obvious conclusion of many is that human civilisation is much, much older than academic historians, palaeontologists, archeologists etc are telling us. It's only when Egypt began entering into conflict with it's neighbours are we on any sure-footing historically & that was around the the mid-2nd millennia BC with the arrival of the Hyskos. After almost a 1000yrs of continuous warfare with the Hittite's, Nubians, Assyrians etc, Egypt finally fell to the Persians in the 6th Cen BC, thus ended the great culture of the ancient Egyptians. When the Greeks entered the country under Alexander in 332 BC, they did so as liberators (from the Persians), owing to the fact the Greeks had historically been the Egyptians pupils for the longest time, thus accordingly, the Greeks built a huge city of learning & trade named after the great liberator Alexander himself (butcher actually) & once more Egypt became the centre of attraction. The Romans learned off the Greeks, so they, even though they were more brutal than the Greeks to their vanquished, never despoiled Egypt & as the Neo Platonists tell us, the great temples were still in use there right up until the domination of the Eastern Christian Church under the Byzantines circa 400 AD. The famous library at Alexandria where the Greeks on their wars of conquests housed the 1000's some say 1,000,000's of papyri of knowledge gathered throughout Asia, appears to have been the subject of much suspicion & criticism during the Roman period. The Romans burned the library at least thrice under the Caesars & the legendary depository of the knowledge of the ancient world finally succumbed to the flames under the (non-Christian) Emperor Aurelian in 272 AD. Other notable biblioteques of Alexandria included the Neoplatonic Serapeum Temple which also housed vast quantities of manuscripts. The Christianising of the Roman Empire by Constantine in the 4th Cen AD brought the Pagans & Christians head on into conflict & Alexandria was no exception. The record states, in spree of anger the Pagans butchered many Christians for mocking their relics & they responded by burning down the Serapeum, although there was still much of the building still standing during the Middle Ages. In any event, the supposed Burning of the Alexandrian Library by the Christians has been one of utmost sources of confusion of antiquity….. The Oxford Dictionary of the Classical World (2005) states in it's entry for Neoplatonism; 'Justinian closed the Athenian School in 529. It's members took refuge in Persia, whereas the Alexandrian School, perhaps through an understanding with the Church, survived for another century.' Many writers say the Neoplatonist Schools of Alexandria continued well into the Islamic period (see; City & School in Late Antique Athens & Alexandria by Edward J. Watts) & as we know, the Mystery Schools doctrines of Hermeticism, Gnosticism & Neoplatonism lived on in the guise of their hosts religions/philosophies until strong enough to reveal itself later on. Islam was awash with Neoplatonic thought from it's inception; 'Neoplatonism in Islamic philosophyIslamic Neoplatonism developed in a milieu already saturated with the thought of Plotinus & Aristotle.' - Remember the Oxford Classical Dictionary says from Alexandria the Neoplatonists took refuge in Persia & remember also that it was within the body Islam the great systems of univers-ities began speculating on Astrology, medicine & so on. The original great names of Alchemy are associated with Middle Easterners, the Arabian Nights tales are metaphorical remnants of the philosophies of the Classical period etc, but we know, that at its inception, Islam split into two main groups, the orthodox Sunni's & the mystically oriented Shia's & it was the Shia's who founded the great mystical schools in Cairo under the umbrella of the Ismaili's, & it was from these schools the most famous of all terrorist groups sprang, The Assassins of…...Persia. Again from; 'Then there was Harran in northern Syria, a city which was home to the star-loving Sabaeans, a pagan sect whose transcendent theology was imbued with Neoplatonic elements. In the third century ah (ninth century ad) Harran was visited by refugee scholars from the schools of Alexandria; in the following century these scholars moved from Harran to Baghdad, bringing to that last city elements, both Aristotelian & Neoplatonic, from the rich philosophical heritage of both Alexandria & Harran. Of course, cities such as Alexandria, Gondeshapur & Harran were not the only sources of Neoplatonic thought, but their examples serve to illustrate the ease with which the expanding Arab-Islamic Empire came into contact with Greek thought, especially in its Aristotelian & Neoplatonic incarnations.' The war between Sunni & Shia survives till this day. Not only did the Mystery Schools infiltrate & eventually usurp Islam, they'd done it to Christianity & Judaism long since, specifically in the forms Gnosticism & Qabbalah (Gnosticism using Judaic names/symbols) respectively. Most if not all of the early Church Fathers were Neoplatonists according to Manly Hall, whose antics eventually led to a schism within that religion (from it's natural course) culminating, probably by design in the preservation of the Roman Empire in the form of the Catholic Church. The crux of the matter again began in Alexandria between the city's Bishop Alexander & one of the prelates Arius, as things threatened to get out of hand, Emperor Constantine convened the many disparate sects of Christianity in Nicene (Asia Minor) & forced them to codify a universal (catholic) doctrine, which their successors eventually did. Arius' dispute with the Bishop concerned the divinity of Jesus & the followers of Arius became known as…...Arians. ( It's certain also the Early Church Fathers broke away from the original Mystery Schools, who they saw as a clear & present threat & eventually drove them underground. By the 640's Islam had swept throughout Egypt, & despite the incursion of the European Crusades (another Mystery School enterprise), Egypt remained relatively peaceful for another 1000yrs, until more Northerners began to land. Not that the subversive Mysteries weren't prevalent in Egypt or throughout the Middle East, it was that Orthodox Islam kept them in check, indeed, it was Sultan Saladin, based in Cairo who not only kept the Assassins at bay, it was under his guidance the Crusaders enterprise was dealt it's fatal blow from which it never recovered. Incidentally, had not Europeans been busy opening up Asia & America for a few 100yrs, the fate of Islam would have been different, however, it was from the African continent Europeans drew much of their human resources….but not from Muslim countries you'll notice. 21…..7+7+7 / July…..7 / 1798…..1+7+9+8 =25 --- 2+5…..7 French losses……29 / 2-9= 7 (Incidentally the host nation lost 20,000) Replete with the raw materials of America & half of Asia at their feet, the French, with the British lurking in the shadows, thought the time portentous enough to revisit it's old stomping ground after 500yrs. With Napoleon at the helm, the French butchered it's way through Palestine after a genocide of Egyptians, returning to the Nile for show-showdown with the British at the Battle of the Nile (Aug 1798). The French Campaign in Egypt & Syria (Academia will not say Palestine if it can be avoided) lasted until 1801, by then, what used to be Egyptian bureaucracy was now being totally bossed by Europeans especially French & of course Egyptology had begun, obelisks were soon seen being shipped down the Thames & Seine. (The portion of the Thames flowing through Oxford is called the river Isis.) The revenge of the Knights Templars knows of no bounds. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, the French Revolution was brought about by a group of international bankers, brigands, thieves, butcherers, pirates known as; The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ & of the Temple of Solomon or simply; the Knights Templar, formally founded in Jerusalem in 1119 (some say 1118) AD during the the European annexation of the Holy Land during the Middle Ages known as the Crusades, but were ultimately defeated by Islam. Their headquarters today is the City of London, after being ousted from France by the French King & the Catholic Church in 1307. Their institutions have been known under many names, Rosicrucians, Illuminati but today, the Templars operate under the visible umbrella of Freemasonry. Being international bankers, all wars occurring over the last 500yrs at least has had their stamp on it in some fashion or other & the further forward in time we come the greater the stamp, or should we say 'seal'. They are the Gnostics, Hermticists & Neoplatonists of the Roman Empire & view nothing short of the world itself as their heritage. They were behind the Slave Trade & the British Empire, but now the time had come to take what was theirs & stamp out all other religions. Much of the revenge of the Templars is spelled out by Albert Pike (1872) in the Knight Kadosh degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry; 'Cagliostro was the Agent of the Templars, & therefore wrote to the Free-Masons of London that the time had come to begin the work of re-building the Temple of the Eternal. He had introduced into Masonry a new Rite called the Egyptian, & endeavored to resuscitate the mysterious worship of Isis. The three letters L∴ P∴ D∴ on his seal, were the initials of the words "Lilia pedibus destrue;" tread under foot the Lilies [of France]' (Emphasis theirs). - The time of which Pike speaks is the 1770's, i.e. before the American & French Revolutions, moreover; '...the Rosicrucians left the Great Seal of the United States. The Rosicrucians were also the instigators of the French Revolution'. - Manly Hall The Secret Teachings Of All Ages (1928). The Knight Kadosh also summarises the war of the Mystery Schools against the Catholic Church, which in a strange way began in Egypt, in any event, Freemasonry became interested in Egypt just before Freemason Napoleon invaded the joint. The British, as the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry says were in on the French Revolution which, apart from being a symbolical show-trial against the King of France, was a war against the Catholics of France, Marie Antoinette was originally a Catholic princess of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, then involved in a bloody battle against the secret societies of the German States which spread to France & claimed the life of the Queen. The conflict between the Austrian Hapsburgs & the Bav-arian Illuminati was dramatised in Mozarts (who was a member) The Magic Flute (1791) & Mozart is thought to have been poisoned for revealing too much as he didn't last out the year. A snippet from the synopsis of The Magic Flute reads; 'The couple must go through severe ordeals in order to be worthy of entering the Temple of Light, thus thwarting the sinister schemes of the Queen of the Night. Sarastro prays to Isis & Osiris that the two will prove worthy.' - The British had no need to cut a canal from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean as Britain's not on the Med, France is though, so it was left to them to do so before naming it after the Pagan god Zeus only spelling it backwards so no one would notice. Britain had abolished slave labour (a man will work harder if given the impression he is free) early in the 19th Cen, France hadn't though, so Egyptian 'peasants' were used for the project. It must have crossed some of their minds (I'm sure it crossed the Frenchmen's) as they walked along looking up at the embankment, especially if they were Christian, the tale of their ancestor who'd parted the Red Sea to free his people in the name of God, now they were being used as slaves to dig an elongated portion of it in another direction in the name of the god of the Pagans. & after 'this great work was accomplished' …..the British invaded (1882), seizing control of the operation. - - - - - - - - I think that chronologically brings up to topics already covered on other Blogs, expect to note one or two things worth a reiteration. Speaking of Moses, British Intelligence Officer Aleister Crowley received the Book of the Law in Cairo on the 8th April 1904, the same day Britain & France signed the Entente Cordiale, a treaty officially ending centuries of conflict between the two so they can jointly focus on destroying the newly formed Germany, formerly called the Holy Roman Empire. The Book of the Law spells out in no uncertain terms, the Mystery Schools desire for the destruction of religions. It was Freemason/Rosicrucian Aleister who warned the world of the following in 1911; 'One last word on this subject. There is a Magical operation of maximum importance: the Initiation of a New Aeon. When it becomes necessary to utter a Word, the whole Planet must be bathed in blood. Before man is ready to accept the Law of Thelema, the Great War must be fought. This Bloody Sacrifice is the critical point of the World-Ceremony of the Proclamation of Horus, the Crowned & conquering Child, as Lord of the Aeon.' I guess we're now living in the Aeon of Horus then? Who is Horus?
In recent years we've been subjected to equally perplexing & upsetting dramas with Egyptian themes involving princesses. Young English researcher Rik Clay did some tremendous work uncovering the Isis connection to Princess Diana before himself passing on;
Diana was famously courting an Egyptian at the time of her execution in France in 1997. Her son, Harry recently married a girl of African distraction, reminding one of Crowley's (who referred to himself as 'The Great Beast 666') Tarot Card of an adult & minor couple each of mixed race at a ceremony presided over by a Druid-like figure within a tunnel of swords, the Tarot after all are said to be divinatory instruments of future events. What the image seems to represent is the Hermetic marriage of the sun & moon, i.e. between Osiris & Isis (Diana), but the plot thickens when Harry's brother William's wife emerges from hospital after the birth of their firstborn wearing the same dress worn by the mother of the Satanic child in the 1968 film Rosemary's Baby. Moreover, Rik Clay makes a good case for Prince William being identified with Horus, whose brother in the Egyptian legends was Har-pocrates…..these coincidences go on & on. Whatever the truth of the matter, people somewhere have been familiarising us with Egyptian symbols for some time, beginning I suppose with the opening of King Tut's tomb in 1922 & it's supposed curse. Now there are pyramids springing up everywhere; 'The City of the Pyramids is the mystical home to those adepts that have crossed the great Abyss (see the Tree of Life), having spilled all their blood in the Graal of Babalon.' - As stated at the beginning, the story of Atlantis has everything to do with it whether it be a fable or have an essence of truth to it, they believe in it symbolically at least, & it's whatever they see as so significant in Plato's account in the Critias thats unfolding before us. Something else worth addressing is the first of the triumvirate of doctrines in the Manly Hall video featured at the start & that was the doctrine of Hermeticism. To cut a long story short when the Greeks colonised Egypt under Alexander they merged the Egyptian god Thoth with the Greek Hermes to become the Hero Hermes Trismegistus (3x great), said to have been the author of the Corpus Hermeticum, the foundation of Hermeticism (one should listen to Hall's lectures on the subject as they are critically important), but for our purposes here we may merely state of Hermes, he was/is considered to be the embodiment of 'Universal Mind', or the collective mind of man said by the Mysteries to be…...god. The Great Pyramid of Giza is known as the Tomb of Hermes, for reasons Hall will explain in another lecture called; The Initiation of the Pyramid ; Moreover; 'Lucifer represents the individual intellect & will which rebels against the domination of Nature & attempts to maintain itself contrary to natural impulse.' - Manly Hall The All Seeing Eye (1927). Gnosis means knowledge in Greek, the Greeks believed it was through knowledge man would overcome the vicissitudes of life & thus went all out to base their doctrines on it. This is why they established the great seats of learning/research in Alexandria & why their descendants are so put out by its disruption. The learned Greek man was called a; Phi-losopher, or 'lover of wisdom', & if Lucifer is the intellect then it could be rendered 'Phi-lucifer'. I'm not saying it should but it's certainly typical of the semantics they get up to & it seems the Luciferian philosophy is at the root of everything; '& the LORD God commanded him, “You may eat freely from every tree of the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil' (Genesis 2:17). 'The goal of philosophy should be the knowledge of good & evil' - Manly Hall Philosophy is the force behind the attempted destruction of the Abrahamic religions, to be replaced by a novus ordo seclurum based on Humanism. Both Moses & Hermes received from their God their instruction they were to pass on to their peoples in Egypt. To make matters more confounded, the Old Testament was first compiled in Alexandria, Egypt & unless there was an autonomous Jewish community, then the priests of Hermes would have had a huge say in what went in. Despite this, it was from the Bible we first learn of Satan/Lucifer, however, like the passage of Genesis previously relayed, there is a definite fork in the road as regards doctrine between the priests of Memphis & firstly Jewish then later Christian & Islamic beliefs regarding this issue & recognised by all factions as being the case….. The name of the spirit who dictated the Book of the Law to Aleister Crowley in Cairo in 1904 was 'Aiwaz'; '"The Devil" is, historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes. This has led to so much confusion of thought that THE BEAST 666 has preferred to let names stand as they are, & to proclaim simply that AIWAZ --- the solar-phallic-hermetic "Lucifer" is His own Holy Guardian Angel' - A. Crowley Magic in Theory & Practice (1929). The reason my wife went off up the mountain was because I wanted to see the tomb of Tutankhamun, I went in alone, Egypt was in turmoil at the time (2013) so there was very few tourists. Inside was not much to shout about really, there was only two sections apart from the small descent in, both square, the furthest being protected by a glass barrier & this was where the stone sarcophagus would have been originally as there was a drop of a couple of meters to it & the usual paintings of Osiris, Thoth etc were on the back wall. To my surprise however, King Tut was laid out in a glass case in the area accessible to the public, there was only him & me in there. I scanned it over but then I began to think, why is this boys remains being displayed to anyone & everyone? Then I began to feel uneasy about the situation, so I left when others came in. All the mummies in the Valley of the Kings were laid to rest in secret 1000's of years ago, even the location was carefully chosen to avoid the attentions of the inevitable grave robber, but evidently it hasn't worked. To me, the Valley of the Kings hasn't been opened to the public as a mere tourist attraction, the place is a major world Death Cult site. What is the fascination with Tutankhamun's funerary mask? Admittedly it is beautiful, however, it supposedly rested upon a corpse for millennia, I say supposedly because again we only have British Intelligence' word for it, it could just as well have been made in a garage in Coventry during WWI for all we know. 'Luxor massacre'. BBC News. 1 December 1997. Retrieved 2 May 2014. Tourists massacred at temple. 17 November 1997 (BBC News) Bin Laden'behind Luxor massacre' (Google) The Temple the BBC are referring to is Hatshepsuts Mortuary Temple. When they say Bin Laden I'm presuming they mean the C.I.A., because that's who created him, specifically the Bush family, who famously belong to this fraternity; 'The group meets in "The Tomb", its campus headquarters built in 1856 - the same year the Russell Trust Administration was founded, the council that controls the group's assets. An imposing brownstone Egypto-Doric hall resembling a mausoleum, The Tomb was given a second wing in 1903 & a neo-gothic towers in 1912.' - Skull & Bones is also called, 'The Brotherhood Of Death'. Were they involved in Diana's murder 79 days before the Luxor Massacre….. looks like it; 'Among extraordinary details due to emerge in the report by former Metropolitan police commissioner Lord Stevens is the revelation that the US security service was bugging her calls in the hours before she was killed in a car crash in Paris.' - I think Egypt has been turned into a Death Cult heritage site, by the secret services of the US, France & Britain primarily. The process began when Cagliostro & others introduced the Crata Rapoa & Egyptian Rite into Freemasonry mid to late 18th Cen, then Napoleon invaded slaughtering 1000's at the Great Pyramid complex at Giza, the effrontery of the Zeus Canal was built at the behest of Europeans using Egyptians as slaves & finally the British landed wholesale to finish the job & prepare the world for the Aeon of Horus. At the heart of the higher degrees of Freemasonry is an ancient Egyptian spell-casting ritual called; The Book Of The Dead, & we've been in the process of being familiarised with the contents of it since Crowley was doing his rounds; 'The spells of transformation have become known through popular allusions to the book in television & film productions ' - Bill Cooper began his Mystery School series with a show on 2001 A Space Odyssey, he ended it in 2001 with ancient Egypt (The Alchemical Meme). Those who've studied Cooper will recognise the import of such a configuration, in the 3rd of his Mystery Babylon series, Cooper began reading from Manly Hall's Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians (1937), where we learn; 'Freemasonry as an institution is Isis, the mother of mysteries, from whose dark womb the Initiates are born in the mystery of the second or philosophic birth'. The goal of Freemasonry is to resurrect Osiris & restore the Golden Age which this king ruled over, moreover; 'Isis, by thus modelling & reproducing the missing member of Osiris, gives the body of the god the appearance of completeness, but the life power is not there. Isis, the priesthood, with their initiatory process, had accomplished all that could be accomplished by natural philosophy. Therefore recourse is again had to magic. The golden phallus is rendered alive by the secret processes rescued from the lost Book of Thoth. Thus the divine power of Osiris is restored through the regeneration of the man himself & the processes of initiation.' The Book of Thoth was written 6yrs later by Aleister Crowley. Of it, Crowley biographer Richard Kaczynski has written; 'The book has since become the definitive work on the Tarot.' Perderabo (2002). The 22 Trump cards of the Tarot , as we've mentioned in previous Blogs are being played out on the world stage. 'Thoth, the author of the Book of the Dead' - E. A. Wallis Budge The Book of the Dead (1895). Who is Thoth? '……… Hermes, the God of Wisdom, called also Thoth, Tat, Seth, Set, & Satan.' - Madame Blavatsky The Secret Doctrine (1888) Incidentally, 1888 was the year the Golden Dawn was founded in London……. 'The mid-Victorian period showed a marked interest in spiritualism, the occult & esoteric thinking, & Egypt provided a magnificent backdrop. The larger-than-life Madame Blavatsky gave rise to the Theosophy movement, & it is no coincidence that her first volume was entitled Isis Unveiled.' - John Ray, reviewing The Mummy’s Curse: The True History of a Dark Fantasy (2013). 'The glory of Egypt ceased with the death of Osiris. The mighty temples still stood but the god who illuminated them had gone. The priests bowed helplessly before the dead embers of their altars. One by one the sanctuaries crumbled into ruin in the custodians of these ancient truths hid themselves in obscure corners of the earth lest they be hunted down & slain for the sin of dreaming & hoping for a better day. Isis, then, as the scattered but still consecrated body of Initiates, began the great search for the secret that was lost….Searching in all parts of the earth & throughout innumerable ages, inspired men & women, the congregation of the just, at last rediscovered the lost arcana & brought it back with rejoicing to the world over which it once ruled, Isis, by magic—for the initiated priests were all magicians—resurrected the dead god & through union with him brought forth an order of priests under the collective title of Horus, the hawk, the all-seeing bird. These were the Herj Seshta or the companions of Horus…….Ambition, however, personified by Typhon [Christianity], knowing that temporal power must die if divine power, in the form of truth, be reestablished, put forth all its power again to scatter the doctrine, this time so thoroughly that it should never be rediscovered. If Typhon, as Plutarch has suggested, in one of his manifestations represents the sea, then it appears that this second destruction of Osiris may refer to the Atlantean deluge, by which the doctrine was swallowed or lost & its fragments scattered among all of the existing civilizations of that time….….But Wisdom is not thus easily to be cheated. In the dark retreats of Islam, the Sufi explored the depths of Nature; among the Jews the learned Rabbins unravelled the intricate skein of Cabbalism….Isis, the priesthood, with their initiatory process, had accomplished all that could be accomplished by natural philosophy. Therefore recourse is again had to magic. The golden phallus is rendered alive by the secret processes rescued from the lost Book of Thoth. Thus the divine power of Osiris is restored through the regeneration of the man himself & the processes of initiation…..Freemasonry as an institution is Isis, the Mother of Mysteries, from whose dark womb the Initiates are born in the mystery of the second or philosophic birth….. In the Egyptian rites Horus is the saviour-avenger, son of Isis, conceived by magic after the brutal murder of Osiris. Hence, he is the posthumous redeemer. Freemasons are Hori, they are the eye of Osiris, whose body therefore, is made up of eyes. Each Initiate is a Horus, each is a hawk of the sun, & for one reason is each raised & that is that he may join the army which is to avenge the destruction of wisdom, & restore the reign of the all-seeing lord. Each one is dedicated to the over-throwing of the reign of Typhon. The great battle, in which the sons of the hawk rout out the hosts of darkness, is the mysterious Armageddon of Revelation. The Armageddon of Revelation is the Kurukshetra of the Mahabharata & the Ragnarok of the Eddas. In this battle the host of the Adversary shall be routed forever….It is their duty to reestablish that Golden Age when wisdom, personified as Osiris, —& not selfishness, personified by Typhon—shall dictate the whole course of human procedure. The day must ultimately come when the Hori, by virtue of their royal purpose, accomplish the consummation of the Great Work.' - Manly P Hall Freemasonry Of The Ancient Egyptians (1937). 'In George Orwell's 1984, a so-called Socialist revolution joined the territories of the Americas with those of the British Empire & renamed the new area "Oceania." Ingsoc is an acronym for "English Socialism," the political philosophy adopted when the Socialist Party began to rule…...Ingsoc establishes that all knowledge, meanings, values, & reality are contained in the Party's tenets. The Party is conceived of as a collective mind that may or may not endorse an individual's existence. In other words, anyone who fails to comply with Party rules will lose existence, whether metaphorically or factually.' - I'd like to chart if I may, historically speaking, the foremost contributing factor from the last 1500yrs by which we came about our present, worldly position, that is, an ostensible mess without any glimpse of improvement on the horizon. The event of which I speak is the rise of the British Empire, centred in the English metro/cosmopolitan city of London. It's not a mess of course to those who guide the worlds destiny, because to them, implementing chaos is a means of bringing to fruition the next stage in our evolution as they like to put it. It's part of an Alchemical formula made famous by the philosopher Hegel & later his pupil Karl Marx, only he veiled the r-evolutionary process in economic terms so as to rope the ever-suffering common man into the….PLAN, but more on that later. I was born & bred in Manchester, England, I've always loved the English people, I'm married to a (Protestant) Scotswoman, I have Welsh relations & my (Catholic) family is wholly from Northern Ireland. I hold no animosity towards anyone really, I am however, determined to log/document/reference the facets of society pertinent to the well-documented Plan to enslave those who survive the Tribulation we've been up to our necks in since birth, regardless of who it offends….for obvious reasons. I want to help first & foremost, many people are asking; 'why is life so crap?' etc, so maybe I can come in handy for those few who really want to find out, because I know why. I never came into this world fully-armed, helmed & all-knowing like Pallas Athena (pictured above as Britannia), the same as everyone else, I learn as I go & as to what Gods (i.e. the bigger picture) thoughts on all this are I'll soon find out I suppose, but for now I'll keep it mundane, so here's my explanation on mans role in the current state affairs & why Britain has played such a leading part in it. The common belief that the people of the British Isles pre-Roman times were barbaric tribes of little consequence cannot be substantiated to anyone who looks into it. For example; 'The Druids were initiates of a secret school that existed in their [the Britons] midst. This school, which closely resembled the Bacchic & Eleusinian Mysteries of Greece or the Egyptian rites of Isis & Osiris, is justly designated the Druidic Mysteries. There has been much speculation concerning the secret wisdom that the Druids claimed to possess.Their secret teachings were never written, but were communicated orally to specially prepared candidates. Robert Brown, 32°, is of the opinion that the British priests secured their information from Tyrian & Phœnician navigators who, thousands of years before the Christian Era, established colonies in Britain & Gaul while searching for tin.' - Manly Hall The Secret Teachings Of All Ages (1928) Obviously the Romans did not eradicate Druidism in Britain or elsewhere as is supposed, the Roman Church however did suppress it for as long as it could, which was until the 10/11th Cen AD mark. Many groups had moved in on the indigenous Celtic Britons between the period of the Roman & Norman Conquests, the most successful being the Germanic Ang-les & Saxons, who achieved supremacy in what is now mainly the area of Eng-land & is whence the name derives. All the monarchies of Europe at the time of the 11th Cen were for many years being tied by marriage under the auspices of the Catholic Church; & every now & again a row would break out, but relatively little compared to what was round the corner. Such a dispute arose over the Realm of England in 1066. From this point on in history, absolutely nothing is what we're being told it is/was. In any event, the Normans under William The Bastard won out over the Saxon King Harold but they needed an allied Viking army to invade the north first which just about swung the balance. The Normans incidentally were originally Vikings themselves (North-Men), who'd colonised the north west of France a couple of centuries previous, hence their proclivity to be able to call on their northern brethren. Our concern here, however is dates. When the Norman Conquest of England occurred in 1066, they had simultaneously been busily colonising Southern Italy including Malta & Sicily & had in fact defeated a Papal army & imprisoned a Pope, & by the time of the 1st Crusade in 1099, the Normans were fully in charge of Italy south of Rome & had been launching full-scale attacks from there against the eastern Byzantine Empire for years. Together with other Frankish (French) leaders, the Normans duly lent their weight behind the 1st Crusade & thus marked the beginning of the troublous modern era. As remarked in previous Blogs, the Frankish leaders of the 1st then subsequent Crusades were members of the Mystery Schools, NOT Christians. When the Europeans became established in the Holy Land around 1110, a band of white-robed Warrior Monks, not unlike the Celtic Druids appeared in Jerusalem, calling themselves the; 'Knights Templar'. Curiously, there was other blood-thirsty religious fantasists donning similar clobber extant in the Levant (white mantle, red sash) though these belonged to another branch of the Mysteries (NOT Islam) & were named 'Assassins', originating initially from Persia but now firmly entrenched all over the Middle East. As most reading this will know, the Templars & Assassins, although ostensibly opposing one another, were in fact soldiers for the same Pagan Brotherhood, whose sphere of influence now stretched from Ireland to India, all that remained to be done was to eliminate the Catholic Church (& thus Judaism) & Islam, one powerfully based in Europe, the other in Asia & Africa. It's been my opinion for a while now that the aforementioned (synchronised) events, marked the point where the suppressed Mystery Schools, based primarily in France made their move for supreme, executive & universal power. It's now England takes the mantle from France & comes to the fore in world history, primarily because of the wealth being generated by the Templars & their newly developed international banking system (cheques, credit, usury etc). Meanwhile, the French-speaking English so to speak turned their attention on it's Celtic neighbours. Excuses were made & incidents provided so that by the late 13th Cen, the Home Nations had been reduced to vassal states with only the occasional rebellious outbreak. Most seriously, was the uprising of the Scots in 1297. Though most of the Scots Nobility involved were of partial Norman descent, many had Gaelic roots & had immediately despised English servitude, so the Scots made a break for it, being aided by the equally disaffected Irish for the most part. After a long bloody campaign, the Scots finally capitulated in 1305, with the execution of the Scots leader William Wallace in London of that year. Much has been made of the barbarity of Wallace's execution, Wallace was dragged by horse to his place of execution, partially hanged, disembowelled, his heart torn out…..then beheaded. Wallaces organs were then ceremoniously burned on the scaffold. For contumacy or disobedience, the penalty in modern Freemasonry is somewhat similar, as the oaths of the first 3 degrees include the following words: 'Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my left breast torn open, my heart plucked out…… [Fellowcraft] Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my body severed in twain, my bowels taken from thence & burned in ashes…..' [Masters Degree] - This perculiar punishment was introduced by the Plantagenets, just prior to the reign of the Edward I (Longshanks) by his father Henry III, though Edward modernised it for his wars against the Scots, Welsh & Irish. Edward was most assuredly a pagan Knight Templar, as was his son & grandson, Edwards II & III. Incidentally, the burning of the entrails of animals (not humans) as a sacrifice to God is mentioned in the Bible (Levicitus). During the reign of Edward II, the French King & the Church turned on the Templars & outlawed them in 1307, those who escaped arrest either fled abroad, or following in their Druid predecessors footsteps, went underground. Apparently both sides in the affair were practicing the black arts, for it is said that 55 Templars arrested & tortured under the Inquisition were burned at the stake, making one wonder what God would require such a sacrifice? If by the 13th Cen England was firmly in the control of the Templars, Scotland was not. Edwards vindictive fury at Wallace may have stemmed from the fact that Wallace had slew in single combat the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Sir Brian De Jay in 1298, it would have certainly done him no favours to be sure. Moreover, the subsequent vindictive revenge shown to Scotland in later years by the English almost certainly arises from the successful rebellion led by Robert The Bruce, began in 1306 & completed in 1328, during that time, Bruce had met in battle & defeated in succession, three of Englands mightiest Courts; Edwards I, II & III, an incredible feat considering Englands natural resources, wealth, manpower, advanced technology (they had gunpowder), yet….. Bruce is still maligned in his own country. (See the film; Braveheart for an example of anti-Bruce propaganda & no, Bruce did not betray Wallace & the historical Braveheart was the Bruce, not Wallace) In England, the Templars, under the strong rule of Edward III consolidated power. It was then the still extant international Order Of The Garter was instituted, the Templar Cross was adopted as the national flag & a programme of awful revenge was enacted against the enemies of the Order; Scotland, Ireland, France & the Church in particular. The period known to history as the Renaissance (meaning rebirth) is particularly noted for it's pagan imagery, would you agree? Whilst the Brothers were hammering away at the Vatican in one part of the continent, open & seemingly endless warfare was the preferred plan of attack further north. The Scots fell back under English domination almost immediately after the death of Bruce though they did manage to stay nominally independent till 1707, & incidentally, it's been suggested that with the incremental introduction of the Templars into Scotland from the 12th Cen on, Scotland had become a safe naval base for the exploration of the Americas by the Brotherhood by the 15th Cen…... Be that as it may, in time, Scotland was to become a cornerstone of Freemasonry, France however would be a different matter. European Monarchs proved a much sterner stumbling block than the sparsely populated, resourced & leaderless Scots & later Irish who were now struggling for independence & increasingly looking to the Catholic French & Spanish as their benefactors. As I've documented in many other Blogs, the pagan Mystery Schools see anyone of the un-initiated (profane) as nothing better than animals (goyim), this includes members of the Catholic & Protestant Church, Jews, Muslims, as evinced by the butchery of the Crusades, where many Jews were slaughtered by the crusading Noblemen in Jerusalem itself. In other words, anyone is fair game outside the 'Shut palace of the King' as they say, thus they consider warfare, plunder, piracy, tyranny, propaganda, anything that furthers the goal of the re-establishment of their Utopian 'Golden Age' as acceptable conduct, or as they put it; 'The ends justify the means'. & because England was largely isolated from mainland Europe being part of an island, it could largely operate as it wished if it had a decent navy, which it had. It was no coincidence it was in the reign of Edward I (Longshanks) when the terrible wars with France began in the late 13th Cen, ending only after the defeat of Napoleon in 1815. The Templars had been defeated by the Muslims in the Holy Land so now they were trying to dominate Europe but were rebuffed by some spirited resistance from all quarters. Edward had expelled the Jews in 1290 & it's really from here they began to be used as a political football. By the 1st Crusade, the Roman Church remained a force only by virtue of the sympathetic European monarchs who upheld it, & the Inquisition, instituted to counter the subversive attacks from the Mystery Schools (Cathars, Troubadours, Bogomils, Templars etc), was predominantly a secular affair, very seldom did the Church condemn anyone to the flames if ever, because many groups (according to my research) had already infiltrated the Church even then, specifically the Dominicans, the Franciscans & later of course the Jesuits, & it was these groups, operating under the principle of the Dialectic, who began & oversaw Inquisitional proceedings on behalf of the Church at Rome when secular rulers referred cases to it. Domestically speaking, the English found plenty of excuse to war between themselves in the meanwhile, with the unmistakeable stamp of the Templars at the heart of everything. From the Black Death of the mid-14th Cen (which emanated from the Holy Land just after the eviction of the Templars strangely enough) to the break with the Pope 200yrs later, England was in the throws of a power-struggle, at least ostensibly. The struggle became known as the; 'Wars of the Roses'. What this war really represented as far as my research has told me, was the last resistance of the old-guard, still sympathetic to European monarchs & the Church. It's easy to tell who's who, merely see which monarch of the period is vilified by Shakespeare. Richard's II & III are given especial treatment, maybe thats the reason Laurence Olivier became a household name?
It was during Richard II reign the Peasants Revolt erupted out of nowhere. The name is a bit of a giveaway (& should be an indication of how they view the English people), what self respecting individuals would collect under such a banner? It was the work of the secret societies not the common man. (See; A History of the English-Speaking Peoples by Winston Churchill) As England was still nominally under the auspices of the Church, any unsanctioned action taken against a ruler could bring down the weight of Europe on oneself, so for the time being circumspection was called for lest the veil be rent asunder. Richard III is remembered for his alleged murder of the two 'Princes in the Tower', well at least he never butchered two of his wives…. During the Renaissance many Italian individuals became active on behalf of England, & when Henry VII (Tudor) assumed power in 1485, according to Manly Hall, the Plan to colonise the Americas by the Mystery Schools was well underway; 'The secret preparations for the colonizing of the Fortunate Isles, or "the Blessed Isles of the West," were in the keeping of the Albigenses, the Troubadours, & the chivalric Orders of Knighthood.' (The Secret Destiny of America - 1951) These Orders were Medieval institutions, Hall goes on; 'The final phase of the exploration project was left largely to the erudition of Lorenzo the Magnificent & the skill of Leonardo da Vinci. Lorenzo de' Medici was a distinguished Platonist, a patron of Secret Societies, the founder of an important philosophical school, & a subtle adversary of the Borgias. Leonardo was a faithful agent of the great Florentine prince...' Bill Cooper takes up the story; It's in The Secret Destiny Of America that Manly Hall connects the voyages of Christopher Columbus directly to the Tudor Court at London; 'The voyages of [John] Cabot [who Hall equates with Columbus] were important inasmuch as they resulted in a division which gave most of North America to the English group which was free from the theological & mercenary pressures of the Spanish program.' In the event it proved to be the case, as Henry Tudor's (Order of the Golden Fleece) son Henry VIII, broke from the Church in 1534. German Martin Luther had (ostensibly) began the Protestant Reformation some 17yrs before, however by some miraculous coincidence, Luthers seal happened to be the Tudor Rose; Imagine how much else we're not told the real truth of? The 17th degree in the Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry is called the Knight Of The East & West. From Richardsons Monitor Of Freemasonry (1860) we observe; 'This degree originated in Palestine, & was brought to the west by the Knights, eleven of whom made their vows of secrecy, friendship & discretion before a patriarch & Prince of Jerusalem. The meeting is called a Council….below is a rainbow, & in front of a basin of perfumed water & a skull & bones.' There's a powerful secret society in the US called Skull & Bones, you may have heard of it? Members of the Bush family & some of the most powerful men in America belong to this Fraternity or Brotherhood of Death, as it's known. Moreover; 'The speculation about the disappearance of the Templar ships & the men who manned them calls to mind one of the most mysterious tenets of Freemasonry. In the lecture that sums up the initiation of a new Master Mason, the newly admitted candidate is told that this degree "will make you a brother to pirates & corsairs." John J. Robinson Born In Blood The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry (1989) If I remember aright, the pirates favourite quarry was usually the Spanish. It was at the Court of Henry VIII's daughter, Elizabeth I when the profession of Buccaneering really hit the high seas, & here we have a glimpse of the truth of the matter; 'The Spanish became a lifelong enemy for [Sir Francis] Drake & they in turn considered him a pirate.' - At home, the Scottish issue had been boiling over for years. There were fierce battles between the Scots & English usually around the Border Country ever since the Scots had applied for assistance at the French Court, who obliged, & it's because of the Auld Alliance the Scots managed to remain an independent nation for as long as it did, despite some fearful interference by it's southern neighbour. The situation of the Scots by the period of Elizabeths Court was becoming ever more fraught with danger. Protestantism had swept the corridors of power, meaning of course the secret societies had moved in (Martin Luther aided William Tyndale in his Bible translation into English) & as was the case in England, a female had by chance assumed the throne, Elizabeths cousin, Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots). Mary, a Catholic was manipulated throughout her tragically brief reign by those around her, eventually fleeing in terror to England where she expected to find safe haven in the realm of her relative. Those around Elizabeth saw to it that Mary be implicated in a regicide conspiracy with the Spanish, tried & beheaded, & Elizabeth obliged. Among the loudest voices calling for the Head of State was the final editor of the King James Bible, presumed chief-author of the Shakespeare Plays, & progenitor of modern Freemasonry & Rosicrucianism, a young Sir Francis Bacon. Because Elizabeth had no heir, the throne was offered to the wholly brainwashed Mary's son James & thus the two Crowns of England & Scotland were united in 1603 & James I (VI of Scotland) found himself sat enthroned in London. (For more on the story of James see my Blog; Catholic Holocaust Day In The UK) However, it's through the Scottish Dynasty of the Stuarts all this Priory of Sion, Divine Bloodline of Jesus & Mary Magdalene revolves & Prince William of our day is a direct descent of the Stuarts through his mother, who's French connections I'm sure you're aware of….I digress.
(Incidentally, Macbeth was the first project of note of Roman Polanski's after the ritualistic slaughter of his wife & friends. "Freemason" actually comes from the French: frère-maçon, which literally means, "The Sons of Light." Which light will certainly, in researching the problem, that it is not the light of Christ. It is the light of the fallen angel of light, for when they [Knights Templar] were forsaken by the church, by Christ vicar on earth, the Pope, they spurned God & turned to Lucifer.' (J.J. Robinson ibid) The Realm of England has been Luciferian since at least 1485, perhaps with the brief intermittence of the reign of the Catholic Mary, Henry VIII's eldest daughter from 1553-58, now known to history as Bloody Mary. Who's reign was nowhere bloody near as bad as her fathers or sisters would be. The epithet for her sister Elizabeth has come down to us as; Good Queen Bess. Francis Bacon's last literary work was called The New Atlantis (1626). The story of Atlantis, first appeared in the Critias of Plato, & was & is the Mystery Schools utopian blueprint for an idealised democratic/social/communstic society. The Greeks, who taught it to the Romans, learned it from the Egyptians & the Gnostics were the carriers of the teaching throughout the Dark Ages of the Catholic Church. The Gnostics became the Cathars (the 'Pure Ones'), the Albigensians (Dante e.g.), Bogomils etc centred primarily in southern France & all these revolutionary groups eventually fell into conflict with the Church who correctly saw them as heretical, as they eventually did the KnightsTemplar, who, says the founder of the Church of Satan Anton Lavey in the Satanic Bible (1966), were….'Satanic'. It was the at Elizabethan Court the Faustian legend (1592) was first dramatised in English by Christopher Marlowe. The ancient story, some say dating back to the Book of Job of the Bible involved a pact, signed in blood between man & demon in return for material wealth in this world & the soul of Faust in the next. Oswald Wirth, a French Freemasonic writer wrote in The Ideal Initiate (1927), that the blood oaths of Masonry are literally an act of 'selling ones soul to the Devil'. (See 1st in Bill Cooper's Scarlet & The Beast series for the full quote) Freemasonry was first mentioned in print as an existing Order in 1646 although Manly Hall dates the founding of the institution to Marlowe's contemporary Sir Francis Bacon, without saying exactly when; 'Sir Francis Bacon, the Rosicrucian initiate, wrote into the Shakespearian plays the secret teachings of the Fraternity of R.C. & the true rituals of the Freemasonic Order, of which order it may yet be discovered that he was the actual founder' - Manly Hall The Secret Teachings Of All Ages (1928) Now it was a case of spreading the word as it were. As noted, this task had been in operation for a couple of 100yrs with the opening up of the Americas, but the building of a vast western empire requires manpower, so Africa was chosen as the breadbasket to feed the operation. The impetus for the Slave Trade, again would be the ubiquitous Sir Francis; '1660 was the year of the Royal Society’s foundation. It was also the year in which Charles II granted a charter to the “Royal Adventurers into Africa”, an organisation who would trade in gold, wood, ivory, as well as slaves. The Royal Adventurers were often regarded as a ‘sister’ society to the Royal Society. Indeed, many institutions & companies at this time were investing in the profits of newly opened trade with America, Africa & Asia.' - 'Established in 1660 the Royal Society sought to realise Bacon's vision of experimental science as a collective activity undertaken for the good of the state.' - I've covered the basics of the origins, machinations & purposes of the British Empire in my How The East Was Won Blog, so I'd like to focus more on events domestic if I may, in any event, given the background of the people who instigated the British Empire, I'm sure you're able to discern the character of that enterprise without too much going into particulars, suffice to say, it was a levelling process done in conjunction with the secret societies of other nations with a view to establishing a standardised one-world, utopian, socialistic Order, based upon the principles set out in Bacon's New Atlantis. & as for the British Abolishing Slavery in the early 19th Cen, I can't remember which of the utopians I was reading but the definite impression I got from reading that literature was by then, they'd sussed out a man will work a lot harder if you throw him a few beans & give him the impression he's FREE….a lot harder. (See Bill coopers Mystery Babylon series 10-14 in particular)
From James I the throne passed to his (Scottish) son Charles I. A Puritan (Gnostic) influenced rebellion broke out in his reign spilling over into a bloody civil war, between nominally royalists & parliamentarians, with the latter emerging victorious & once again a Scottish Monarch was beheaded in England…..unfortunate family you may be thinking, cursed even…..probably, but it has more to do with the destruction of thrones & the replacement thereof by a Parliamentary Democracy, the same scenario was to be played out in the US, France & eventually Russia, & as we've learned, democracy (majority/mob rule) is the first of a 3-step process towards communism, the second being socialism. But it was to be London, England where the seat of Satan would reside. Again, I have serious misgivings regarding the awful back-to-back events of the Great Plague & Fire which afflicted England & London, er, straight after the Slave Trade was initiated by the Rosicrucian Royal Society. As I said, it was a levelling process in more than one sense of the word. The Jews were reintroduced in England in the 1650's, right on the money as it were for the establishment of the worlds first Central Bank in London in 1697, within the vicinity of the finance centre now known as the City of London, an autonomous region, somewhat similar say to the District of Columbia in the US & is traditionally the seat of the Knights Templar. The Act of Union with Scotland followed in 1707 (start of Great Britain) much to the chagrin of patriotic Scotsmen. (See; Such A Parcel Of Rogues In A Nation - Robert Burns) The Act of Union with the Welsh occurred in 1536; 'It is unlikely the English authorities sought the extinction of Welsh. What they wanted was uniform administration, & implicit in that was the creation of a Welsh ruling class fluent in English. In 1536 significant numbers of the Welsh gentry already spoke English. The proportion rose rapidly thereafter, but more than 200 years passed before English wholly ousted Welsh from the homes of the landowners. When this happened, Welsh became confined to the working & lower middle classes, a central development in the public attitude to the language.' - The newly acquired continents of America & Australasia required plantation with stern stock to make the enterprise successful, thus incidents & events were once again contrived to bring this about. In England, the disenfranchised Templars began to organise themselves into guilds, secret societies etc after the dissolution of the Order in the 14th Cen. This occurred partly because of the removal of more & more powers from the monarch etc & consequently the end of feudal overlordship, resulting in turn in the rise of the municipalities & the enlargement of provincial towns, where Lord Mayors were installed, charters drawn up as industrialisation increased, more & more people were (as the BBC notes above) were forced off the land & into the towns, none of it by accident. Monopolies began to emerge, draconian land laws were legislated as the wheat, corn & every foodstuff under the sun rolled in from the colonies. It was a trick-box of some note, the only option for many as they saw it WAS the military or the navy, there was war a-plenty with the French & Spanish, who, I may add were using the same scams as the English, the world was your oyster in those days. In Scotland, the Gaelic culture had by no means died away, especially in the Highlands, where the clan system still operated at the time of the Act of Union in 1707. 'Highland Clearances, the forced eviction of inhabitants of the Highlands & western islands of Scotland, beginning in the mid-to-late 18th century & continuing intermittently into the mid-19th century. The removals cleared the land of people primarily to allow for the introduction of sheep pastoralism. The Highland Clearances resulted in the destruction of the traditional clan society & began a pattern of rural depopulation & emigration from Scotland.' - A primary reason for the destruction of the Highlanders, says the Encyclopaedia Britannica was the rebellion of Charles Edward Stuart, an Italian, better known as 'Bonnie Prince Charlie'. Stuart was trained by legendary Rosicrucian & Freemason Andrew Ramsay, a Scot, & it was through Edward Stuart's grandfather, James II of England we're told that Freemasonry came back into France in 1688, with a vengeance. James (son of executed Charles I) had been ousted as King & had fled to Ireland, only to be defeated there (under highly suspect circumstances) at the Battle of the Boyne, then fled to France with a large Scots retinue know as Jacobites. In their 1989 book; The Temple & The Lodge, Masonic writers Baigent & Leigh detail the sorry saga under a chapter entitled; The Masonic Jacobite Cause. Briefly, Bonnie Prince Charlie's father James, had been defeated in an uprising of the Scots in 1715 & subsequently fled to France (see a pattern developing here?), despite this, the Highlanders were willing to back his son 30yrs later because of his Scottish heritage. When Stuart landed in Scotland, a large Highland army marched with him as far as Derby in England & for some reason they would go no further & returned to their homeland, there, exhausted & heavily depleted, they were met by government forces at Culloden east of Loch Ness & routed. Charles somehow escaped & fled to France, ending his days eventually in his native land in Rome. …..Sounds to me like a stitch up. The more I read about the famous Jacobites, the more suspect they become. When Charlie's grandfather James II met the forces of William of Orange at the Boyne in Ireland, there was an exchange of cannon fire across the river…..& he fled…to France. Consequently, many of the 25,000 or so leaderless Jacobite troops, mostly Irish were butchered. It seems to me the uprisings were contrived to draw the Irish & Scots into rebellion, then they could enact harsh land laws, deport 1000's to the colonies who were in need of manpower, neutralise/execute potential trouble-makers & so on, eviction in Ireland became epidemical after the Battle of the Boyne, Northern Ireland Catholics especially lost most of their land to implanted Scottish settlers loyal to the Crown. In the south of Ireland, worse was to follow, like India, it was hit by a series of unsatisfactorily explainable, catastrophic famines, not as many as India mind you but proportionately, just as devastating, millions died & millions more emigrated to the Americas & other distant lands. The Highlands & Ireland have never recovered, nor have the Welsh or English peoples from these acts of terrorism. (Beware the Doublethink propaganda with britannica; ( To reinforce our case, in the next major rebellion involving Britain, the Jacobites were again on the opposing side; They next spring up in Paris as the instigators of that revolution; ''He [Adam Weishaupt] called them Areopagites, installed himself their chief, & called this monstrous association The Order of Illuminees. It was on the first of May, 1776, that the inauguration was celebrated. Let the reader well observe this epoch. It indicates a feeble beginning; it preceded the French Revolution but by a few years; that however was the time when that abominable Sect first started into existence, which was to combine all the errors, all the conspiracies, & all the crimes of the adepts of Impiety, Rebellion, or Anarchy, & which, under the name of Jacobin, was to consummate the dreadful Revolution.' - Abe Barruel Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism (1797). In the John J. Robinson & Baigent/Leigh works on Freemasonry mentioned above, both say the Knights Templar became Freemasonry, Robinson admittedly, only became a Mason after he wrote the book. So it isn't us making things up, they say it themselves. Officially, the Order of Knights Templar ceased to exist in 1314 when it's leaders were burned at the stake in Paris by the French King Phillip The Fair. Baigent & Leigh state unequivocally that Freemasonry entered France with the British Jacobins & that those clubs/cells, operated as the secret societies behind the planning & execution of the French Revolution. The French author Eliphas Levi, writing in the mid-1850's (from whom much of Albert Pike's Morals & Dogma was taken), explicitly states the following; 1: The French Revolution was the revenge of the Templars. 2: Next, all efforts should be made against the Pope. 3: The Johannites of Switzerland were involved. (Magic, A History Of It's Rites, Rituals & Mysteries) (See also; Switzerlands flag is the inverse of the flag of England, as is the banner of the Knights of St John/Hospitallers/Johanites the inverse of the Templars; 'The only answer that made sense, Templar Knights had escaped from France, crossed the border into Switzerland & granted sanctuary, bringing with them their military expertise & Templar treasure… buying their way into this new country. The Templar’s were Europe’s bankers from the 11th – 14th century, now the largest banking & financial institutions of Europe are located in Switzerland. - Frenchman Eliphas Levi states; '….that philosopher whose celebrity prepared new Jacqueries & was a peg to hang the sanguinary projects of Johannite schemers bore the name Jean Jacques [Rousseau of Geneva], while those who were prime movers in the French Revolution had sworn in secret the destruction of throne & altar over the tomb of Jacques de Molay.' (ibid). Albert Pike speaks the same explicit language to drive the point home; From at least this moment on if not way before, I find it incredible to believe how any animosity between the British & French on the battlefield could have been anything other than the dialectic in action. For example, it has been noted the British commanders, the Howe brothers showed dilatory conduct during the American War of Independence, a campaign fully backed by the French of course, yet the Howe's were treated with dignity when they returned to England; 'Historians have tended to see Howe's abandonment of Burgoyne as either an act of outrageous or mystifying negligence. In fact, however - & this is a crucial point - it was perfectly consistent with the way in which Howe (& Carleton, & Cornwalis) had conducted, & were to conduct, operations throughout the course of the conflict.' (Baigent & Leigh ibid) Next up was Napoleon, if our hypothesis is correct, there should be some link between him & the Brotherhood; 'The evidence in favor of a Masonic initiation previous to Napoleon's assumption of the imperial title is overwhelming:The initiation took place in the body of an Army Philadelphe Lodge of the—Ecossais—Primitive Rite of Narbonne, the third initiation of the " Note Communique" being an advancement in that Rite; These initiations took place between 1795 & 1798.' Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry (1873) His military conduct, like that of the British Commanders, has baffled military strategists & historians alike, why for instance did he march his troops into a Siberian winter when there was no call for it whatsoever? Napoleons worth to the Brotherhood was his Egyptian & Palestine campaigns, Egyptology began there & then as did excavation in the Holy Land, by the British, who ACTED as protectorate of the oppressed Muslims. Egypt was then plundered by both the French & British. One of the 'prime movers' of the French Revolution was the Illuminatus Cagliostro (Italian), from Albert Pike's Morals & Dogma (1872), we read; 'Cagliostro was an agent of the Templars, & therefore wrote to the Free-Masons of London that the time had come to begin the work of rebuilding the Temple of the Eternal. He had introduced into Masonry a new Rite called the Egyptian, & endevoured to resuscitate the mysterious worship of Isis.' Levi (ibid) adds; 'Like the Templars, Cagliostro was addicted to the practices of Black Magic & to the fatal science of evocations.' Freemasonry is based on the religious practices of the ancient Egyptians whose priests were practitioners of the Dark Arts; 'Egypt has always been considered as the birthplace of the Mysteries. It was there that the ceremonies of initiation were first established…..the year 1770, there was published at Berlin a work entitled Crata Repoa; oder Einweihungen der Egyptischen Priester; meaning in English, Crata Repoa, or Initiations of the Egyptian Priests. This book was subsequently republished in 1778, & translated into French under the revision of Ragon, & published at Paris in 1821, by Bailleul. It professed to give the whole formula of the initiation into the Mysteries practiced by the ancient Egyptian Priests.' (Mackey ibid) Napoleon ravaged Europe, in particular the Catholic countries, & only after he'd led the French to hell & back, was he given a paradisiacal retirement home in St Helena curtesy of the British East India Company. - - - - - - Below is a partial list of objectives achieved by war; 1. Profit. 'Anglo-Indian Wars (1766-1849) – The Anglo-Indian wars were a series of wars fought between the British East India Company & different Indian states. These wars led to the establishment of British colonial rule in India, which gave Britain unrestricted access to exotic & valuable resources native to the Indian continent.' 2. Territorial Gain. 'Arab-Israeli War or "Six Day War" (1967-1988) – Israeli forces took the territories of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, from Jordan.' 3. Nationalism. 'World War I (1914-1918) – Extreme loyalty & patriotism caused many countries to become involved in the first world war. Many pre-war Europeans believed in the cultural, economic & military supremacy of their nation.' ( This is what is taught at any rate & for the most part it is true, only not exactly for the reasons expressed above. I'd add to's list; 'An international Brotherhood's goal to unite all religions under the banner of paganism, the elimi-nation of nationalism & an enforcement of a socialised, political system on what's left of humanity after all the wars created by them (which they are) are complete.'
One such movement, & admitted in a round about way by Hall (his allusion to the Communist French Resistance during WWII) was & is….Communism. It was there in Paris as the Paris Commune in 1789. The Templars held property 'in common' & of course Britain has its; Commonwealth & House of ….Commons. Communism was not new to Europe when Marx & Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848, the purpose was the issue of a legal blueprint of demands upon Christian nations, then the revolutions of 1848 broke out. The ties between the disparate revolutionary groups of the mid-19th Cen are charted in Charles Heckethorne's classic; The Secret Societies Of All Ages & Countries (1897) After Marx had lit the blue touch paper, he, like Napoleon was taken into the care of the British, where he joined his collaborator Frederick Engels in England (1849), who was already established there, whilst Marx lived in England for the rest of his life. Several of the most notorious revolutionary groups can be traced to the door of Marx's organisation, the International, formed in London in 1864. One is the Irish Republican Brotherhood, another is the Mafia, & note that Ireland & Italy were the most Catholic of European nations. 'On the 5th of Aug [1862], all the delegates met at a dinner given to them by their English colleagues at Freemason's Hall, where an address was read which formed, as it were, the foundation-stone of the International.' (Heckethorne ibid) (Incidentally, 1864 was when the Palestine Exploration Fund was launched in London, but it's no secret the enterprise was a cover for British Intelligence surveillance operations. In 1882 Britain annexed Egypt, & it was from there they launched their attack on the Holy Land in 1917 during WWI) Lenin lived for years in London, before moving to Switzerland, from whence, after being suitably fed & watered, he & his Bolsheviks were transported through enemy territory in a sealed train at the height of WWI, & then on to Russia. Whilst in London, Lenin was joined for a while by Trotsky & Stalin; 'It was during that period [in London] that I became interested in Freemasonry....In the 18th century, freemasonry became the militant expression of the enlightenment, as in the case of the Illuminati, who were the forerunners of the revolution; on it's left, it culminated in the Carbonari [Mafia]. Freemasons counted among their members Louis XVI & the Dr Guillotin who invented the guillotine. In southern Germany, freemasonry assumed an openly revolutionary character, whereas at the court of Cathrine The Great [Russia] it was a masquerade reflecting the aristocratic & bureaucratic hierarchy…. In my contacts with Whitechapel, & with the outside world in general, my go-between was an old Londoner, Alexeyev, an emigre Marxist who was closely allied with the editors of Iskra. He initiated me into the mysteries of English life, & in general was my source of information on all sorts of things' - Leon Trotsky My Life (1929) …...For an excellent expose on the links between the Mystery Schools & Socialism see; Nesta Webster; World Revolution - 1921 & Secret Societies & Subversive Movements - 1923 Moreover; 'In 1862, the 1st International came into being & the part played in it by Freemasons such as Karl Marx, Tolain, Fribourg, Varlin, Camelinat, Beslay, Malon & Corbon is well known....Mazzini [Carbonari] & Marx were entrusted with the task of preparing the address & the constitution...A temple worthy of their cult was sought & found -- Temple Unique... was procured...the scheme of the association having been settled in London in 1864'. - Edith Miller Occult Theocracy (1933). Turning our attention to the Great War. Freemason Aleister Crowley worked all his adult life for British Intelligence. In 1911, he wrote; 'One last word on this subject. There is a Magical operation of maximum importance: the Initiation of a New Aeon. When it becomes necessary to utter a Word, the whole Planet must be bathed in blood. Before man is ready to accept the Law of Thelema, the Great War must be fought. This Bloody Sacrifice is the critical point of the World-Ceremony of the Proclamation of Horus, the Crowned & conquering Child, as Lord of the Aeon.' (Of The Bloody Sacrifice & Matters Cognate) Crowley worked the whole of WWI in America with the express purpose (by his own admission) of securing the US entry into it, which occurred in….1917. On my other Blogs on WWI, I mention seeing at one time the transcripts of the trial of the Black Hand, the Serbian group responsible for assassinating Franz Ferdinand & his wife, the event said to have precipitated the Great War, & that those transcripts have disappeared off the internet. I mentioned them because of the frequency with which Freemasonry is brought up by the prosecution & it's fundamental role in the plot to kill the prince. Many quotes from those transcripts may be found in Leon de Poncins (1929) work; The Secret Powers Behind Revolutions. Poncins begins; 'On the 28th June 1914 the Archduke, heir to the crown of the Austrian monarchy, & his wife succumbed to the bullets of Serbian Freemasons. On the 12th October one of the assassins, Cabrinovic unconcernedly said to the judges of the military Court: "In Freemasonry it is allowed to kill". Gavrillo Princip (pictured), during his interrogation said; 'He [co-conspirator Ciganovic] told me that the heir to the throne had been condemned in a masonic lodge'. US newspapers Franz Ferdinand himself had confirmed Pricips views; 'Elsewhere count Czernin relates in his book : Im Weltkrieg. - In the world war - : The Archduke knew quite well that the risk of an attempt on his life was imminent. A year before the war, he informed me that the Freemasons had resolved his death.' (Poncins ibid) Did the Great War really end in 1918? Because there's hardly been a second when Britain hasn't been blowing somebody away on a grand scale somewhere ever since.
If you're interested with the death/sacrifice aspect of the Mystery Schools then Crowley's your man; As I've covered elsewhere, the reason for the world wars of the 20th century, primarily was the destruction of the Germans & the Austro-Hungarian Empire as nations because, as the Holy Roman Empire, they were the upholders of the Catholic Church for many centuries. France & Spain were also but had been infiltrated & rendered impotent enough to be taken down by the end of the 18th Cen. Italy had to be brought down with due care, being the spiritual home of the Church, thus through people like Aleister Crowley, drugs were imported via Sicily & the south & thus the degeneration of a nation spread, crime became rampant etc. Mussolini was trained by MI5 (See; Mussolini was trained by MI5) as was Franco of Spain, Emperor Hirihito & of course poor old Hitler, who, like Marx, Engels, Lenin & Trotsky, had lived in England; (See my; Dictatorial Insights) Germany was never a nation before 1871, that was when the disparate German states (Bavaria, Hannover e.g.) were coerced into union with Prussia on the east by the Prussians. Prussia was home to the branch of Knights Templar known as the Teutonic Knights. Baigent & Leigh in Secret Germany (1994) state; 'The Teutonic Knights played hosts to aristocrats from all over Europe in quest of excitement & combat - & Papal dispensation. Among them were a number of Scots, such as Henry Sinclair of Roslin. Henry, Earl of Bolinbroke, the future Henry IV of England, on being exiled by Richard II [Peasants Revolt], also campaigned with the Teutonic Knights. From them, he learned many of the martial & political skills that would enable him to return to England, depose Richard & establish his own dynasty.' The Germanic peoples have always been fierce warriors & thus they had to be taken down from within, how would Britain have faired pitted against the British, French, Russians, & Americans twice in a row? Thats why the 3rd Reich was wholly built with Allied finance, betrayed (see Rudolf Hess), then burned to the ground, as is the way with the Mystery Schools, 'everything is seed & ashes, says the Alchemist' (Manly Hall). The plan for the destruction of the German peoples can be traced back to the Rosicrucian Manifesto's of 1614-16. Again, they were the work of ENGLISHMEN, not Germans, as the Manifestos themselves would have us believe, specifically our old friend Sir Francis Bacon. These were the first in a long line of ruses (putting the blame on Germans & Jews) to destroy not only the Church, but all religions & nation states. Officially, Freemasonry has no connection with the Teutonic Knights although, '….their cross has been adopted in some of the advanced Degrees.' (Mackey ibid) The German states & Austrians were at all out war with Freemasonry by the end of the 18th Cen, as evinced by the surpression of the Bavarian Illuminati & the dramatising of the conflict by Mozart in the Opera; The Magic Flute. Austrian Marie Antoinette was a casualty of that conflict as was Mozart. The Illuminati was resurrected by one Theodore Reuss in Germany in the late 19th Cen. He took over the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis or Eastern Templars) from Karl Kellner; 'Carl Kellner was an Austrian paper chemist & an avid student of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism & Eastern mysticism…..& an organization called the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light was a mystical society which claimed descent from the late 18th century Austrian Masonic/Rosicrucian body known as the Fratres Lucis. The Fratres Lucis, aso known as the Asiatic Brethren or Initiated Brethren of the Seven Cities in Asia, was derived from the earlier German Order of the Golden & Rosy Cross. The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light also appears to have had connections with the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor.' - Reuss, an agent of German Intelligence handed over the reigns of the O.T.O. to one Aleister Crowley, who as we've learned, worked for British Intelligence, predicted the Great War & did more than anyone else to bring America into it, according to himself. There's always two sides to every story! The goddess Britannia (the female personification of Britain) is most assuredly the Greek goddess Pallas Athena. 'The tradition of using the image of a powerful woman to depict a country goes back centuries. Even in pre-Christian times, the city of Athens was personified by Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom & war. The Romans also used strong maidens to personify their territories & conquests. When they invaded Britain, they used Britannia to depict the colonised country on their coins. Britannia first appeared on Roman coins around 119 AD' - Athenas symbol is the owl. The owl is symbolically worshipped in Bohemian Grove, California by Americas rich & powerful each year, & even though she's a woman, our Queen Elizabeth II was allowed in once, as was Alex Jones, perhaps it's because he had a British camera crew with him & Bohemian Grove members are British Israelites? Why Bohemian? (Prague/Czech area used to be called Bohemia) In any event, what the owl represents seems to be a mystery, what it does represent in the Mystery religions however, is described in the ancient Egyptian initiation ceremony of the aforementioned Crata Rapoa, found in manuscript form (originally in Greek), in the vicinity of southern Germany of all places around 1770; 'He [the Candidate] also was invested with an order, which however, he could only wear at the initiation of the Christophorus, & which represented Isis in the shape of an owl.' (Heckethorne ibid) (Incidentally; 'The reason that both Lucifer & Jesus can be considered one & the same is because of an often little understood chemical compound that is hidden within each of our own DNA called ‘Phosphorus.’ Phosphorus is essential for life & the phosphate is a component of DNA, RNA, ATP, & also the phospholipids that form all cell membranes. Simply put, without phosphorus, we humans would simply not be human because consciousness & our spiritual energy would not exist. It is through our DNA which contains phosphorus, that we become conscious to the world & who we are in order to live in the light. Hence, Lucifer is really just an allegory to describe ‘Phosphorus’ which resides in our DNA. The literal meaning of phosphorus (Phosp-Horus = Lucifer) is “Light-Bringer.” - For some reason the Crata Rapoa manuscript is sacred in the Mysteries, it's connected to the Book of Thoth & the resurgence in Europe of the Tarot Cards, also Egyptian in origin. So we have a resurrection of Egyptian learning, or as they would say, Osiris; 'For Isis, according to the Greek interpretation of the word, signifies knowledge; as does the name of her professed adversary Typhon [Christianity], insolence & pride, a name therefore extremely well adapted to one, who, full of ignorance & error, tears in pieces & conceals that holy doctrine, which the Goddess collects, compiles & delivers to those, who aspire after the most perfect participation of the divine nature.' - Plutarch Britannia then, represents Isis, the Egyptian goddess of Magic; 'Isis, by magic—for the initiated priests were all magicians—resurrected the dead god & through union with him brought forth an order of priests under the collective title of Horus, the hawk….' - Manly Hall Freemasonry Of The Ancient Egyptians (1937) Remember the Crowley reference to Horus? Magic is the art of 'Illu-sion, or Delu-sion' as Manly Hall put it; 'The Basilidans [Gnostics] were called by the orthodox [Jews & Christians] Docetœ, or Illusionists.' - Hargreave Jennings The Rosicrucians, Their Rites & Mysteries (1870) Crowley spent WWI going round America setting up Rosicrucian & Masonic cells (See Richard Kaczynski's bio), there was a great Rosicrucian Convention in 1916 (400th anniversary of it's founding - i.e. Martin Luther) which Bill Cooper covered in several of his Mystery Babylon shows. It was held in the 'Grove of Osiris', Quakertown, Pennsylvania. The setting up of America in 1776 was timed to coincide with auspicious numerological/astrological formulas, as was the French Revolution (1789), as was the founding of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717 & the Russian Revolution of……1917 & many, many more dates with these numbers. The British could act as the liberators of the Palestinians (who helped them defeat the Ottoman Empire) because they were familiar to them as the ostensible opponents of the French, who had butchered them a century before under Napoleon. When the Great War was over, the British rounded the Palestinians up as criminals & brought an eternal Apocalypse down upon their heads. Again from Hall (ibid 1937); 'In the Egyptian rites Horus is the savior-avenger, son of Isis, conceived by magic (the ritual) after the brutal murder of Osiris. Hence, he is the posthumous redeemer. Freemasons are Hori, they are the eye of Osiris, whose body therefore, is made up of eyes. Each Initiate is a Horus, each is a hawk of the sun, & for one reason is each raised & that is that he may join the army which is to avenge the destruction of wisdom, & restore the reign of the all-seeing lord [Lucifer]. Each one is dedicated to the over-throwing of the reign of [Christianity [Typhon]. The great battle, in which the sons of the hawk rout out the hosts of darkness, is the mysterious Armageddon of Revelation is the Kurukshetra of the Mahabharata & the Ragnarok of the Eddas. In this battle the host of the Adversary shall be routed forever.' (taken from Bill Coopers Mystery Babylon 4) Who is the Adversary? Religions for a start; '49. I am in a secret fourfold word, the blasphemy against all gods of men. 50. Curse them! Curse them! Curse them! 51. With my Hawk's head I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross. 52. I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed & blind him. 53. With my claws I tear out the flesh of the Indian & the Buddhist, Mongol & Din. 54. Bahlasti! Ompehda! I spit on your crapulous creeds.' - On the same day Aleister Crowley wrote this in the Book Of The Law in 1904, Britain & France officially cemented their bond & pledged their efforts from then onwards against the Germans; 'Entente Cordiale, (April 8, 1904), Anglo-French agreement that, by settling a number of controversial matters, ended antagonisms between Great Britain & France & paved the way for their diplomatic cooperation against German pressures in the decade preceding World War I…..' - Entente-Cordiale Britain annexed India, Egypt & Palestine, half of Africa, all of North America, Australasia, half of Asia & by the way, the other enemies of the Mysteries are the State & the Mob. 'Once a part of a united country or kingdom that is so predominant in size becomes nationalistic, then really the whole thing is under threat,' (Conservative party Leader William Hague - Jan, 2000). - In the late 19th Cen, Britain was still seen as an adverse force by most Americans, because of it's recent wars with & the backing of the South during the Civil War in which Britain was implicated as an instigator during the post-war trials. Unfortunately for U.S. patriots however, most of America's Anglophile contingent resided in the corridors of power at Washington, where as always, they were busy setting up the machinery for a British usurpation from within. Noted U.S. historian Carroll Quigley (1910-1977), although an advocate of the aims of the factions behind the British Empire, openly criticised their methods; 'I realize that some of their methods were based on nothing but good intentions..[however].. their oblivion to the consequences of their actions, their ignorance of the point of view of persons in other countries or of persons in other classes in their own country - these things, it seems to me, have brought many of the things which they & I hold dear close to disaster.' - Carroll Quigley The Anglo American Establishment (1956). Quigley, writing in 1949 was in essence, bringing to light the forces behind the two catastrophic wars the world had just suffered, & without sparing any side a fair share in the responsibility for them, he does place the majority squarely on the shoulders of a British secret society called amongst other things; 'The Round Table' group. Echoes of the Knights Templar? 'Chatham House [Round Table headquarters in London] had close institutional relations with a number of other similar organizations, especially in the Dominions. It also has a parallel organization, which was regarded as a branch, in New York. This latter, the Council on Foreign Relations…' (Quigley ibid). I'm told most of the Presidents of the US are selected from this unelected bunch of oligarchs….the 'Council (Soviet in Russian) On Foreign Relations'. Be that as it may, the work in identifying the true causes of the world wars, begun by Quigley, was consummately finished by Englishman Anthony C. Sutton in his classics; Wall St & The Bolshevik Revolution & Wall St & The Rise Of Hitler. Nevertheless, it was highly respected historian & Bill Clinton mentor Quigley who stated in his above mentioned book; '& by this date [1936], certain members of the Milner Group & of the British Conservative government had reached the fantastic idea that they could kill two birds with one stone by setting Germany & Russia against one another in Eastern Europe'. Since then, we've been, joined at the hip, side by side or should I say shoulder to shoulder with American countless wars, always against people who can't defend themselves & with us starting it, Trumping up all kinds of excuses just to pummel them;
- - - - - - According to Manly Hall, 'Crata' means 'Cup'. I'm unable to find a definitive translation for Crata Repoa apart from 'Bitter Cup'. Perhaps it is the San Graal, or the Holy Grail they are referring to? I dare say it is….. '& there came one of the 7 angels which had the 7 vials, & talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, & the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: & I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having 7 heads & 10 horns. & the woman was arrayed in purple & scarlet colour, & decked with gold & precious stones & pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations & filthiness of her fornication: & upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS & ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. & I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, & with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: & when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.' - Book of Revelation - 17 (King James Version) Epiblog There's a twist to the tail as it were, as in my Egypt Blog & others, I note how the British empire collected trophies from it's vanquished down the centuries, one of the most infamous amongst many being the Elgin Marbles, now housed in the British Museum, London. The proper title should be the Parthenon Marbles, dating from the late 5th Cen BC, Athens, Greece, but not so. The Parthenon & the Acropolis on which it stands was ransacked by the British who were heavily involved in Greece's war with the Turks early 1800's, the same time as the French began emptying Egypt of it's treasures I might add. In any event, the Parthenon was originally dedicated to....... Athena, & after a series of attempts by the Greek government to reclaim their famous property was met by a series of rebuffs by the British, the structure still lies stricken as if hit by a missile to this day, I'll be visiting Athens shortly & will try to gauge the consensus of the locals on the issue, I don't know what to expect to be honest, for it was said that a local who caught the British on the morning they were hammering the sculptures out of their position, exclaimed with a loud, horrified gasp; 'The end'. Above, the Elgin Marbles, London, England. 'NIMROD The Legend of the Craft in the Old Constitutions refers to Nimrod as one of the founders Of Freemasonry. Thus in the York Manuscript. No. 1, we read: 'At ye makeing of ye Toure of Babell there was Masonrie first much esteemed of, & the King of Babilon yt was called Nimrod was A Mason himself & loved well Masons." - Mackeys Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry Let's take a look at what may & what I believe is behind the nauseous phenomenon of the Tin Foil Hat. 'Aleister Crowley wrote Liber OZ in 1941 for Louis Wilkinson (AKA Louis Marlow), based on a degree lecture he had written around 1916. His original name for it was “The Book of the Goat,” & he considered it as a sort of manifesto for O.T.O…. The Hebrew word OZ conveys a number of meanings. Pronounced owes, it means “strength.” Pronounced ezz, it means “a she-goat.” Pronounced ahs, it means “strong, mighty”; but if held a bit longer, it means “to take refuge.” The letters Ayin Zayin add to 77, which number also includes such words as BOH, “prayed”; & MZL...' - & who could the goat be? Here's a clue; It begins with Baphomet & ends in Herm-Aphrodite (Fire-Water). Did anyone find the characters & some of the dialogue in the 1940 film The Wizard Of Oz somewhat confusing as a child? I could never understand why the Good Witch then the Wicked Witch used language involving (what I thought of as random) references to; Sulphur, Incense, Poppy's, Fire & Water etc, although I loved it, it struck me as strange at the time. Now I know what was meant by the symbols in the movie, they represent the mingling into fable/metaphor, the elements & metals of……Alchemy. 'Of my Base metal may be filed a Key, That shall unlock the Door he howls without.' - Omar Khayyam (The Rubaiyat) In the instance of the Tin Man, for his bravery he received a heart. In Alchemy, the 7 metals were equated with the 7 planets known to the ancients (see above & my Magnificent 7 Blog), to tin was given the planet of Jupiter which is Zeus in the Greek, & Zeus in the Mystery Religions represents consciousness, Jupiter/Zeus also represents the star sign of Sagittarius & the Yellow Road of ancient Chinese philosophy is the Golden Road of the sun. For an understanding of our story we need to take this further however. The goal of Alchemy is to unite the male & female aspects of man, that is, the mind (consciousness) & the heart (emotion), the mind is referred to as 'Fire' & the female aspect of the heart is related by them to 'Water'; The goal of the Alchemist is; 'To make the fire burn in the water'. Alchemy is the transmutation of the human being into an artificially created creature called the 'Homunculus', wherein the male (reason/strength) & female (love/intuition) attributes of human nature are to be brought together, in perfect equilibrium & is termed the Hermetic Marriage by the Alchemists. Note the proliferation of the LGBT Movement recently. Now then, equally puzzling (& alarming) to me when I first began seeing it was the aforementioned new fad of the media appropriating to the Conspiracy Theorist a; Tin Foil Hat. Some may have seen in my previous Blogs my attempts to show how the archetypal symbols of the Mysteries are being played out on the objective world, rather theatrically I might add (see also my videos on the Tarot). My hypotheses is (if I've not appropriated it from somewhere), for the Alchemy to take hold, an outer expression of the formulas has to be conducted, for example burning towers, an Arian Princess hooking up with an Egyptian & consummating their immortality in a tunnel etc….. It may sound far fetched but what's actually fundamental to all this Magick is merely 'Metaphor', it's been taught in our schools for years now especially through the Rosicrucian works of William Shakespeare. His Plays are riddled with Occultism, Witchcraft & the like, just as the most favourite children's film of all time, The Wizard Of Oz… So if the Alchemical metal of tin refers to Zeus, Zeus principally represents consciousness, & the goal of Alchemy is principally the transformation of consciousness (See my Manly Hall videos on that), then one should expect to find the Alchemical metal of tin placed where it belongs, on the head, the seat of consciousness, if the formula of outer expression or the Magick is to take hold. I can illustrate my point by presenting two of the most familiar Alchemists of our day, Art Bell & Alex Jones in performance of one of their duties, i.e., the discreditation of the Truth Movement; Below; The Alchemist, Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris. 'Make the Fire to burn in Water' Like the careless Alchemist I may have mixed my metals up somewhere along the line because as you can see, there's layer after layer of metaphor behind these symbols but I doubt I'm far off with the principle of it. For example, the three (always is with this stuff) protagonists assisting Dorothy (a pilgrim/traveller) on her quest home, all receive items corresponding to the formula of the perfection of the soul, with the Strawman getting a brain, Tinman a heart & the Lion courage, which as I see it is a euphemism for FAITH, the binding or catalysing agent, or synthesis, à la Hegel, in the perfection of the Philosophers Stone, or complete (androgynous) human being, so the vicissitudes of Dorothy's & her 3 assistants in the Wizard of Oz represent the purification of the metals, according to me. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Incidentally, the 7 metals of Alchemy also represent the 7 Liberal Arts & Sciences; 'Every Fellowcraft Mason learns of the importance of the liberal arts & sciences, of which he is instructed they are seven; namely, Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music & Astronomy. Unfortunately few Freemasons today take this instruction with any degree of seriousness & make no further effort to examine the nature of these arts. Like much of Freemasonry, the liberal arts & sciences come to us from the Medieval period, when they were believed to be the sum total of all knowledge that was worth while to a complete education.' - Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry (1873) What does Wikipedia say about the (predominantly American) phenomenon of the Tin Foil Hat; 'A tin foil hat is a hat made from one or more sheets of aluminium foil, or a piece of conventional headgear lined with foil, worn in the belief or hope that it shields the brain from threats such as electromagnetic fields, mind control, & mind reading. The notion of wearing homemade headgear for such protection has become a popular stereotype & byword for paranoia, persecutory delusions, & belief in pseudoscience & conspiracy theories.' I wonder how? You can wager no one apart from those who've been initiated in some way (Freemasons/military etc) would ever even think of placing tin foil around their head. All of the arts & sciences are being REFORMED. Wherever you hear that word it means the Brotherhood are at work behind it, you'll see it especially prevalent these days in the social science of…..Politics 'Sometimes late when things are real & people share the gift of gab between themselves Some are quick to take the bait & catch the perfect prize that waits among the shelves But Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man That he didn't, didn't already have & Cause never was the reason for the evening Or the tropic of Sir Galahad. So please believe in me When I say I'm spinning round, round, round, round Smoke glass stain bright color Image going down, down, down, down Soapsuds green like bubbles Oh, Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man That he didn't, didn't already have & Cause never was the reason for the evening Or the tropic of Sir Galahad So please believe in me When I say I'm spinning round, round, round, round Smoke glass stain bright color Image going down, down, down, down Soapsuds green like bubbles' Songwriter - Dewey Bunnell The Holy Grail in the Mysteries is the Heart, the Cup of the King (i.e. Holy Blood Holy Grail). 'Alchemy is a great system of human regeneration' (Manly Hall). I assume the formulas for the transmutation/purification of the base metals depend on planet conjunctions, which is why pagan organisations such as Unify hold mass meditation gatherings on specific dates, this is why we have terrorist attacks recurring on certain dates. The 7 'sacred' metals always refer to the purification of principles inside ourselves, they are both the 7 Hindu Chakras & the 7 Seals of Revelation, which if you remember, when the 7 seals of the scroll are opened one by one by the Lamb, they reveal Gods punishments on Man during the Tribulation (the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse etc), & if you read those passages in the Bible, you'll see they bear a striking resemblance to events occurring today. - Epiblog Below are some quotes taken from Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry for according to them, one of the founders of the Craft, Tubal Cain; 'Bryant's etymology may be adopted, however, without any interference with the identity of Vulcan & Tubal Cain. He who discovered the uses of fire.......The first Masonic reference to Tubal Cain is found in the Legend of the Craft, where he is called the Founder of Smith-Craft, an explanation agreeing closely with modern biblical scholarship which designates him as the "Founder of the Gild of Smiths or Metal Workers." Legend has it Joseph of Arimathea (in who's tomb Jesus was placed) made his fortune from trading with the tin mines of south west England, 'According to some legends he was actually Jesus' uncle, & had visited Britain years before with Jesus in the pursuit of his interests in the tin trade. It appears that there actually was a strong Jewish presence in the west of England at that time, & many of the tin miners may have been Jewish settlers. At any rate, when Jesus died, Joseph thought it prudent to flee Palestine, & after many travails he came to Britain with a company of followers. He brought with him the Holy Grail, the cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper....When Joseph came to Britain he was granted land at Glastonbury by the local king. When he arrived at Glastonbury, Joseph stuck his thorn staff in the earth, whereupon it rooted & burst into bloom.' - Notice the four travellers in the Wizard of Oz all require a virtue & are opposed by witchcraft. The witch is very definitely the Catholic Church; 'pour a little incense on their heads to take the fight out of them'. The Church is symbolically regarded by the Mysteries as adhering to 'The waters of Faith', they themselves are 'The philosophers of fire' (See Max Heindel; Freemasonry & Catholicism 1908). The witch was killed by water, not by their element fire, but by its very own. Incidentally; 'The Magic Flute is a fairy tale of darkness, light, & finding your way in the world. It takes the form of a Singspiel, which means it includes singing & spoken dialogue (a bit like a musical). The story opens in the middle of the action. Tamino, a prince lost in a foreign land, is being pursued by an enormous monster. He is rescued by three mysterious ladies, who kill the monster & give Tamino a picture of Pamina, daughter of the Queen of the Night, with whom he falls instantly in love. They tell him that Pamina has been captured by the powerful & evil Sarastro, & Tamino vows to rescue her. With the gift of a magic flute & some magic bells, & the assistance of the bird-catcher Papageno (who has become reluctantly involved), Tamino sets off on his quest. However, he soon discovers that nothing, not even Day & Night, is quite as it first appears…' - (Please listen to the below lecture for context) The BBC has a new office called; 'Specialist Disinformation & Social Media Reporter'. The title belongs to one Marianna Spring, a 27yr old English lady from London, England. What's wrong with that you say? Not much on the face of it, only Wikipedia refers her to as; ' ....accepted by Pembroke College, Oxford to study French & Russian, & wrote for Cherwell, the University of Oxford student newspaper. During a year abroad in Yaroslavl as part of her degree, Spring contributed news articles to The Moscow Times.' Cambridge Alumni & British Intelligence Operative Aleister Crowley received similar work experience during his college days; 'Crowley took Cambridge's donors examination (the Moral Science Tripos) & tentatively the diplomatic service a shis profession. His training included an 1897 stint learning Russian in St Petersburg.' - Richard Kaczynski Perdurabo (2002). I know most researchers don't set much store by a wikipedia entry, however it is backed up by Oxford Uni; By then of course, the Ukraine/Russian conflict was already underway, albeit in a localised manner not national. Nevertheless, it had begun; I recently did a vid about Fake News, & in it the American General (Jack Keane) refers to the Russians as the; 'Enemy', so they know articles such as these will irk political researchers no end. When did they become the enemy? 'The Russian intervention stopped the advance of the opposition, which was backed by the West, Turkey & the Gulf, & effectively preserved the Baathist regime in Damascus.' - From at least 2015, we all remember the brutal wars against Chechnya, Georgia, the spate of Russian spy-poisonings & the computer-viruses said by our media to originate in Moscow; 'The Dukes are a well-resourced, highly dedicated & organised cyberespionage group that we believe has been working for the Russian Federation since at least 2008 to collect intelligence in support of foreign & security policy decision-making..... 2009: First known campaigns against the West Based on the campaign identifiers found in PinchDuke samples discovered from 2009, the targets of the Dukes group during that year included organisations such as the Ministry of Defense of Georgia & the ministries of foreign affairs of Turkey & Uganda. - (Incidentally, 'Duke' is another term for an.....AL-CHEMIST) So they're throwing it in our face once again. Miss Spring' main bone of contention is people who's lives have been affected by online conspiracy theories;
This from an old trainee/employee of The Moscow Times. In any event, as we've repeatedly stated on here, on YT etc., the UK, with the aid of the U.S. built the S.U. (Soviet Union); Professor Anthony C. Sutton was the ONLY authority on western aid to the Soviets mentioned in Presidents; Carter & Obama's mentor, Zibignew Brezinski's 1970 classic; Between Two Ages. Moreover, Sutton went on to place the blame for all this subterfuge at the door of the secret societies in; The Secret Cult Of The Order (1983), & of course he was dead right; As has been noted a million times on Miss Spring's websites & YT videos, the HYPOCRISY of the BBC creating such a position, let alone affecting Law (which it will) is........typical. The BBC, home of the phone-in scam; The BBC created legendary disinformationist David Icke & royal confidante Sir Jimmy Savile; - - However, as I've discussed on a few other blogs, these two gentlemen, one the worlds most famous Conspiracy Theorist & t'other, a nominee for the worlds worst paedophile, I'd argue were/are mind-controlled, as will be Miss Spring, Greta Thunberg, Barak Obama, Terrorist groups Isis foot soldiers, Mossad lower ranks & God knows who else. The whole object is to transform the consciousness of mankind into the new type of human being, if indeed he'll even resemble one when they're done with us. Television is a mind-control device, this is why it's so hard to convince the majority of people they are under attack, thus they can comfortably move in with censorship laws with figureheads like Miss Spring fronting the campaign to curtail FREEDOM OF SPEECH. - - - - - - - Epiblog Miss Spring's new book (coming out 2023) is partly named after a term I use for C.I.A. Operative Alex Jones' website; Among the Trolls: Notes From the Disinformation Wars Disinfo Wars was my term, probably others as well but she's definitely borrowed it, inasmuch as Jones borrowed his Prison Planet theme from Gnosticism. 'More dismantling of disinformation on the popular podcast Science Vs. Its most recent episode is devoted to challenging the “points” made by Dr Robert Malone about Covid & vaccines on Joe Rogan’s podcast The Joe Rogan Experience. Here’s the backstory: Rogan has the most listened-to podcast in the world; Spotify paid at least $100m for exclusive rights to it; Rogan & his bro-interviewees have been offensive about women & non-white people (he’s used the N-word in the past); in December, he interviewed Malone, who said that Covid vaccines have terrible side effects & could even increase your chance of getting Covid...' - Naturally, it's always best to use your own sources when framing a population for spreading disinformation; To set the present stage, here's a snip from Alex Jones' famous Y2K rant (Dec 31st 99/Jan 1st 2000); 'Cash machines are failing in Britain & now other European countries. They’re finding large amounts of explosives in France. Vladimir Putin, who is known as Vladimir the Ruthless, using all his profanity on national TV, you name it. We won’t read the profanity here but we’ve got it — this person is on an unbelievable power trip & resembles a demon. He is a creature of the IMF & the World Bank & International Communism. He is a former KGB head & this information is vital ladies & gentleman.' - He did more than that, he tried to scare millions into believing a nuclear war had begun with Russia. '…..what read we, & what seem we conclusively to gather, we repeat, in this mystic thing, & hitherto meaningless, if not contradictory & silencing, institution of sacrifice by fire?What gather we, other than in the explanation of the thing signified? We speak of sacrifice as practiced in all ages, enjoined in all holy books, elevated into veneration, as a necessity of the highest most sacred kind.' - Hargreave Jennings The Rosicrucians, Their Rites & Mysteries (1870) As with many incidents in the US today, the general public are first suitably primed, usually via the silver screen or some other means into accepting the prevailing propaganda when the event is eventually played out for real. For instance, extracts taken from a synopsis of the 1986 film Poltergeist II read; 'The malevolent ghost that attacked the Freeling family in the first film, dubbed the Beast, is discovered to be the Reverend Henry Kane [Julian Beck[, a preacher & medium that led his religious sect to California in the early 1800s to start a utopian society….. It turns out Kane, who was power hungry & wanted to control the souls of his followers in life & in death, told his followers the end of the world was coming, so they all put themselves into an underground cavern [place of initiation in the Ancient Mysteries] with him. The day he predicted for the world's end came & went, but Kane refused to allow his followers to leave, so they all perished. Kane became the Beast, & he absorbed the spirits of his followers into him. The cavern lay directly beneath the graveyard the Freeling's house was built over. His ghost had been trying to possess Carol Anne because his followers became restless after tasting the light that was Carol Anne's life force, & mistaking her for the light that was the afterlife, they wanted her back because they felt like the first film, they could use her to go into the afterlife, & Kane didn't want his followers to do that. He seeks to take Carol Anne back to continue to confuse his followers & not let them move on into the light…... Diane & Carol Anne are brought into the Other Side, the dimension between the living world & the afterlife. Steve, Robbie (Oliver Robins), & Tangina head back to the entrance when they hear Taylor chanting, & find Taylor there who tells Steve & Robbie to enter the fire he built to go to the Other Side...' - 7yrs after Poltergeist II was released, President Clinton announced to the world on the Whitehouse lawn that the people inside the siege compound at Waco Texas committed mass suicide by 'immolating themselves'; 'immolate…. 1: to offer in sacrifice especially : to kill as a sacrificial victim 2: to kill or destroy especially by fire' - Merriam Webster The famous siege was dramatised in the media as being led by a 'Sinful Messiah' type, an Apocalyptic-preaching, polygamous, child-abusing, gun-toting, terrorist cult leader named David Koresh. Koresh certainly preached Armageddon & how to prepare for it & he & his group did trade in guns at gun-shows to support themselves, though none of the other malicious conspiracy theories had any credence, including the accusation Koresh (who'd been shot in the stomach on the first day) kept people inside Mount Carmel against their will. According to Linda Thompson, a lawyer who represented the Branch Davidians & made an epic documentary on the siege, most of the 82 men, women & children murdered in 1993 were killed in an 'underground bunker' at the site where they'd fled for protection, by tanks rolling repeatedly over it, crashing the concrete in upon them, not in the fire set by the FBI & ATF at the main house as Clinton & the media have claimed. Aiding Thompson in her mission to uncover the truth about Waco was of course Bill Cooper. Cooper claimed to have met several Branch Davidians in London just weeks prior to the siege, where they told him, 'they want our children, they're after our children.' Cooper also provided much evidence to prove that the children at the Mount Carmel Bible studies group were well balanced; “In the two years before [the raids], I went with Mum for a couple of weeks in the summer,” says Nobrega. “It was great for kids, like a holiday camp. I had loads of friends. I had a dirt bike & a go-kart & we’d just muck about. There were Bible-study classes & all that, but I just sat there, not really listening. One time, my Dad came out & said, ‘I’ll take you home if you aren’t happy,’ but I was, so he didn't.' - us_and_americas/article5324263.ece The rumours about David Koresh began with this guy, who incidentally, Cooper had also been introduced to years before; 'Ex-Member's Account One who does claim to know specifics is Marc Breault, who describes himself as Koresh's chief lieutenant until Breault quit the cult at the end of 1989 & moved to Melbourne, Australia, with his wife, a native of that country. He also threw himself into a campaign to discredit his former mentor. The child abuse "was quite extensive, on a massive scale," Breault said. "& I'm talking about both sexual & physical... One of the things he eventually wanted to tell them was that he suspected Koresh was interested in human sacrifice of children -- possibly his own. "He used to teach when I was there that the bad guys would come in & kill his children & he'd have to allow it," Breault said. After he quit the cult, Breault said, "we started hearing rumors that he was planning it himself." - (Fantastic article btw done by Gustav Niebuhr & Pierre Thomas April 25, 1993, please read) The Poltergeist Trilogy wasn't the only Hollywood blockbuster connected with Waco, two years before the Waco siege began, The Silence Of The Lambs, portraying the travails of a young F.B.I. trainee was released; 'Clinton Van Zandt, of the F.B.I.'s National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime--the so-called "Silence of the Lambs" team--& Dr. Joseph Krofcheck, a psychiatrist, studied a letter given by Koresh to the F.B.I. on April 9th, which contained scriptural references to destruction by fire & explosion,' - Bill Cooper interviewed a Branch Davidian who'd left Mt Carmel during the siege, later on he'd exposed Rita Riddle as an F.B.I. agent using a tape recording where the police related to her as, Agent Starlene (Riddle). The protagonist (Jodi Foster) in the Silence Of The Lambs is called....Agent Starling. Btw, the guy (Thomas Harris) who wrote the book The Silence Of The Lambs went to university in Waco Texas. 'While in college, he [Harris] worked as a reporter for the local newspaper, the Waco Tribune-Herald, covering the police beat. In 1968, he moved to New York City to work for Associated Press until 1974 when he began work on Black Sunday' - There's another mystery surrounding a film whose lead role actor was killed during filming during the Waco Siege on March 31st. Brandon Lee died when live ammunition was accidentally left in one of the gun cartridges being used to shoot Lee's character Eric Draven in the film The Crow. One must take into account here the incredible work of Bill Cooper, Waco occurred concurrently with Coopers immortal Mystery Babylon series, as did the filming of The Crow. In the below video, done sometime between mid Jan-mid Feb 1993 Cooper discusses the Ritual Of The Crow in his Initiation (into the Mysteries) broadcast, what's strange about it all is, apart from Lee being son of Bruce Lee, Lee's character returning from the dead, a film depicting both Lee's was in the process of being finalised for release in May & Eric Draven played in a rock band like David Koresh, it was the first film of note to my knowledge depicting the trench coat, familiarised by the Crow series, Matrix series, Batman series & by the American teen serial killers at Columbine (1999), the Kipland Kinkel tragedy the previous year & probably many more. In any event, the connection lies in Coopers predictions, he prophesied the WTC bombing of both 2001 & Feb 26th 1993, occurring between his two Assassins broadcasts I might add & the school ground shooting phenomena. However, not long after the Waco Siege began, Cooper told the world the people inside Mount Carmel would become heroes & 'Martyrs'....
The Poltergeist series is infamous for having three of its protagonists die before or just after production had finished, Dominique Dunne (22yrs old) was murdered in Nov 1982, Julian Beck who played the Reverend Kane died of cancer in 1985 & Heather O'Rourke (clearly sick in the last film), the adorable focal point of the trilogy; 'Carol Anne' died of stomach complications in 1988 aged 12yrs. Will Samson who played 'Taylor' the Indian Shaman died in 1987, legend has it after eventually succumbing to fatigue wrought by trying to free the accursed set of evil spirits. Incidentally, there's an implication in the film that Kane & Taylor's battle stretches back 100's of years….. Another theme running through the franchise is 'the light'. 'Cross over, children. All are welcome. All welcome. Go into the light...there's peace & serenity in the light.' Mutters the psychic in Poltergeist I, then a whole dialogue unfolds about…... 'the light'.
(Freemason means 'Son of Light' or 'Child of the Flame') Unsurprisingly, the Producer of Poltergeist in 1982 was old SS himself, Steven Speilberg, how many children has he driven under throughout his career with him subjecting them to his horror shows? The story for Poltergeist is Spellbergs & it was he who noticed Heather O'Rourke & persuaded her mother Heather should be an actress. In the 3rd of the series, Carol Anne is often wearing a red outfit, like the little girl in Schindlers List, & whilst it may be speculative, I'm sure the Beauty & the Beast motif is running through Spielberg films as well as Disney's; 'Although Crowley often wrote that Babalon & the Scarlet Woman are one, there are also many instances where the Scarlet Woman is seen more as a representative or physical manifestation of the universal feminine principle. In a footnote to Liber Reguli, Crowley mentions that of the “Gods of the Aeon,” the Scarlet Woman & the Beast are “the earthly emissaries of those Gods.” He then writes in Commentaries: It is necessary to say here that The Beast appears to be a definite individual; to wit, the man Aleister Crowley. But the Scarlet Woman is an officer replaceable as need arises. Thus to this present date of writing, Anno XVI, Sun in Sagittarius, there have been several holders of the title.' - '...the New World Order is not a dream, neither a paranoid thought. It is a real Satanic under going project. For what? To abolish all Christian traditional religions in order to replace them by a one-world religion based on the 'cult of man'. To abolish all national identity & national pride in order to establish a world identity & world pride. To abolish the family as known today in order to replace it by individuals all working for the glory of one-world government…. We already do know for instance, that everybody will have to take an oath to Lucifer with a ritual initiation in order to cross that bridge into the new World Order. All resisters to that initiation, as they plan, will definitely be sent to a detention facility where they will be separated in different categories. That's what they call the rainbow color classification of the New World Order prisoner. Classification of Christian children, as they plan it, are to be used as human sacrifice. Where? Within the black mass ceremonies...' Wrote Serge Monast circa 1994; Elsewhere in his talk Monast states; 'we have to go back to the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Remember that song? That song said: When the moon is in the seventh house, & Jupiter aligns with mars, & peace will guide our planet, & love will steer the stars. This related with the year 1982, to be at that time the opening of the conspiracy for the Age of Aquarius.' Monast was found dead a year or so later aged 51. In 1990, Ralph Epperson did a chapter in his book; The New World Order documenting the murderous attack Christians were under by the New Age religion. The holy grail of anti-christian books, Holy Blood Holy Grail was published in 1982, the year Prince William was induced by cesarian section on the summer solstice to Diana, perhaps another sacrificial lamb? Moreover, in his efforts to discredit Christianity & Judaism by hypothesising on historical data, chiefly the Dea Sea Scrolls & the Nag Hammadi texts, both brought to the light of day in seriously suspect circumstances & deciphered by God knows who, Freemason Michael Baigent, one of the triumvirate who brought us the Holy Blood Holy Grail, after claiming the Abrahamic religions had 'taken over', wrote in The Jesus Papers (2006); '& worryingly, these hard-line religious teachers began getting their religious messages tangled up in politics: the Christian fundamentalists claimed, on the basis of their chosen texts & eccentric interpretations, that the Middle Eastern wars of Bush & Blair were part of a divine plan which would see the return of Jesus at the head of a great army; the Jewish fundamentalists were claiming that their ancient texts gave then the right to territory in & about Israel & that the destruction of the Dome of the Rock & the rebuilding of the Temple would see the coming of the Messiah; the Islamic fundamentalists were finding justification in their sacred writings for blowing themselves up…..They too saw the advent of a messianic spiritual figure - the Mahdi. Whether Jesus, the Messiah & the Mahdi were the same figure did not find any place in the discussion. To outsiders, it began to look as though three figures were trying to occupy the same spiritual space, if successful, it would be a trinitarian miracle,' The following year Tony Blair converted to Catholicism. (A clear demarcation should be drawn here between honest research in religion & the blame game. Every human convention, invention or institution will have serious flaws, however, when one branch of religion; Paganism/Freemasonry swears to destroy its rivals, findings from their members on other religions must take into account its acknowledged antipathy towards them. Much has been said regarding the derelictions of Christianity in particular by the Pagan Mystery Schools, this much we accept & are indeed grateful for it's being brought to light, we do not however accept hypotheses drawn from these same sources for the reasons outlined previously, namely, its coming from a bias source, I also think we've covered enough ground before on the above to prove that the anathemas being launched by Mr Baigent are spurious, & one would need only to look at his own institution, Freemasonry for the source of the accusations. Nevertheless, its still an example of the heinous nature of what they are about… print) One precept of the Mystery Schools is to unite all religions into one, based on the doctrines of the ancient Pagans whilst still incorporating some of the teachings from the Abrahamic religions & others, Michael Baigent continues; 'Of course, I have been concentrating on Christianity because that is my tradition, but my call for further exploration also extends to those within the Jewish & Islamic traditions. Nevertheless, within Christianity, the words of Jesus promoting love, forgiveness & compassion reveal a good springboard from which to begin the process of reconciling the theological distinctions & seeking to bring people back together in harmony.' Steven Spielberg & Michael Baigent were & are Alchemists. The famous inscription placed above the head of Jesus on the cross; I.N.R.I. is taught in our schools as being interpreted as; 'Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews'. To the Alchemist it's interpreted as; 'In Nature, all things are Renewed by Fire'. (See; Revelation of the Holy Grail - 2007 by Chevalier Emerys) It must be remembered that David Koresh (real name Vernon Howell) was trained in Israel, probably by Mossad & thus would have undergone at least a partial brainwashing process, as other 'Messiah' types had been previously under the MK-Ultra programme including the Reverend Jim Jones. This being the case, places like 'Waco' would have been carefully chosen for the debacle years in advance, for obvious reasons. After a lifetime of devotion to the Mystery Schools doctrines, towards the end of his life, it seems to me Manly Hall (another Alchemist) began to rescind much of what he'd previously promulgated, not openly, but by a series of allusions, the point of which was clear to anyone with ears to hear & eyes to see. Such an instance was his lecture; 'The Strange Case Of Psychic Phenomena'. I'm certain Hall delivered this warning after reading about or even watching the motion picture…...Poltergeist. (See 4mins in) Yes these are probably well-worn paths by now & documented by many, however, hardly anyone I've ever met here in the UK has heard of any of it as far as I'm aware, so we must continue burning the midnight lamp as it were. Incidentally, the Waco Siege should have a significant place in Mancunian hearts as at least a dozen of our women & children died over there. - 'Let all compounds be dissolved' - Inscription on Sir Francis Bacon tomb. 'The best blood is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; then of the priest or of the worshippers: last of some beast, no matter what.' - Aleister Crowley The Book Of The Law (1904) More on the demonisation of (possibly connected) Cults; (Some of the Branch Davidians were Australian) - 'Anne Hamilton-Byrne & her husband, William, remained outside Australia for the next six years. Operation Forest, an investigation involving police in Australia, the UK, & the US resulted in their arrest in June 1993 by the FBI in the town of Hurleyville in the Catskills in New York. They were extradited to Australia....' - & The Mormon Church; - Epiblog Returning to the image of the Scarlet Woman. I was recently reading an online article of a 2002 murder case of two children that's been bothering me. Here is the article concerning the deaths of two 10yr olds from Soham, Surrey, southeast England; I've read several pieces on the irregularities leading up to the conviction of Ian Huntley & his girlfriend, suffice to say it looks suspect, as does a number of similar cases around the same time, again in the southeast of England & below are images pertaining to each of the three cases alluded to in the Article; I've used Wikipedia's entry for Milly Dowlers murder because the Surrey Police named the Investigation into her death, 'Operation Ruby'. These are very famous cases in the UK & have left an indelible mark on the national psyche, none as much as the disappearance of a 3yr old named Madeleine McCann (left) in 2007 did however. Can you spot the connection? These are the very abiding images we in the UK were constantly bombarded with & still are, & for some reason the Ruby Slippers of the Wizard Of Oz keep springing to my mind. Incidentally, just 16 days before the siege at Waco began in Feb 1993 (with many children from the UK), two 10yr olds (as in Soham) from Liverpool stole a 2yr old (Jamie Bulger), tortured & murdered him, becoming the youngest murderers in Britain for over 250yrs. The disappearance of Madeline McCann is still being played out by governments (she was in Portugal at the time), by media & by her parents, who many still believe had something to do with it. In any event, the ruby slippers of the priests in the ancient mysteries were red because of the blood of ......some beast..... they'd just sacrificed btw, according to Manly Hall. Here's one for the Footy fanaticists. Incidentally, my favourite team growing up, Manchester United, has as its mascot, the patron Satan of Freemasonry, the Devil. 'The Freemasons have always been a secret society, whose large role as builders of our current man-made world is undisputable. Anyone who has done their research into the history of this famous group of Brethren understand that some of the world’s smartest & most powerful men have been Freemasons. In fact, their unique mason marks can be found in just about every fabric, stone, media & even the games in modern society that we all love to play & watch today. One of these Masonic created games that we know of as an English national pastime, is the game of Football. The Football Association was founded on 26 October 1863 at the Freemason’s Tavern (Arms) in London. This English game of ball then gave rise to a modern-day gladiator type sporting event played by men in tights & pads, with fierce-looking padded Spartan like helmets in an arena known as American football. Here is a brief explanation about the origins of football from 33rd Degree Mason, Christopher L. Hodapp who is the author of “Freemasons For Dummies,” & “Solomon’s Builders: Freemasons.” He says on his blog: “Association football was born in 1863 at the Freemason’s Arms Pub near London’s Covent Garden, at 81-82 Long Acre. Six meetings were held at the pub to decide on rules & structure, & the meetings ended with a split between the new Football Association (“soccer” is said to be a truncated version of “association”) & the proponents of different rules that became rugby. The Freemason’s Arms pub was built in 1860, & is still open today. It began life as the Freemason’s Tavern, which originally stood where the United Grand Lodge of England‘s New Connaught Rooms are today on Great Queen Street. London’s Freemasons’ Hall is literally right across the street.” The first game played in the states was at a Princeton-Rutgers football game in 1869 that was held under England’s “Football Association” rules, better known in North America as soccer. Later in 1874 the rules changed more to be like English rugby. Both Freemasons & football players use special signals like that of the master mason sign seen on the above left, & the sign a referee makes for a goal. Masonic orders & football leagues are special societies for men only who wear special uniforms & have meetings, rituals under a highly formalized set of mysterious rules.' - Moe, (taken verbatim from)
run the world – but now the shadowy organisation is planning to rule the football field. This week, the organisation’s Grand Master, the Duke of Kent, is set to grant a warrant for the first Football Lodge – a place where members meet – in Hampshire. Players, managers & referees who are Masons will gather four times a year to listen to guest lecturers from the world of football as well as perform a series of Masonic rituals, though the organisation claims that many of the stereotypes, such as secret handshakes, are false…. Freemasons are also responsible for Premier League team Manchester City playing in blue. In 1894 the club was in a financial crisis & was bailed out by Masons, who asked that in return the team wear the Masonic colour of blue. A petition to form a Football Lodge will be considered at this week’s meeting of the Grand Master’s Council.' - Daily Mail, 8 November 2015 'ENGLAND star Adam Lallana's dad has become the founding master of Britain's newest footy-themed Masonic Lodge. Long-standing freemason David Lallana has vowed to use The Football Lodge in Southamptron, Hants, to help the sport's grass roots. The lodge - number 9921 - will meet four times a year in the Masonic province of Hampshire & Isle of Wight. It is the fourth specialist lodge formed in the province in the last four years, following the launch of a scouting lodge, rugby lodge & a motorsports lodge.' - 'History – Anfield Lodge & Football! There is a strong link between football & Freemasonry. The first rules of football were drawn up by the new Football Association in six meetings at the end of 1863 at the Freemasons’ Tavern on Great Queen Street in London, now the New Connaught Rooms next door to Freemasons’ Hall. After the first match under the rules, in January 1864, a toast was drunk – how very masonic in itself – to ‘success to football, irrespective of class or creed’. Many of the founding fathers of famous football clubs were Freemasons, none more notable than John Houlding, a brewer from Liverpool who owned the land on Anfield Road where Everton football club, founded in 1878, played from 1884 to 1892. When they moved to their own ground at Goodison Park, Houlding filled the vacancy at Anfield by creating a new football team: Liverpool FC. Of the original six directors of the club, four were masons. Houlding, who also served as a Tory MP & Mayor of Liverpool, founded Anfield Lodge, No. 2215, & had been Master of Everton Lodge, No. 823, & Hamer Lodge, No. 1393…. But Sir Alf Ramsey & Joe Mercer were not the only England managers to be Freemasons. Don Revie took on the job in 1974 after Mercer’s brief spell as Ramsey’s successor. Revie played for five clubs in his career, most notably for the strongly masonic Manchester City from 1951 to 1956…' - - - - - - - The thought police moved in on football years ago, it's now being used as the main vehicle for the Political Correctness Brigade in their crusade to END NATIONALISM amongst many other things. This is from 6th April 2019 by the BBC; 'Raheem Sterling has been hailed as "an iconic British sports star" & "a trailblazer" after being named sportsman of the year at the 2019 British Ethnic Diversity Sports Awards. The England & Manchester City forward was praised for repeatedly speaking out against racism in football.' If you ask me, most of the football hooliganism during the 1980's was orchestrated for the purposes of bringing us to the point we're at today. It was then, a series of disasters hit English football teams, in particular the above mentioned Liverpool FC. Firstly, there was a catastrophic fire at Bradford City's Valley Parade ground, West Yorkshire in the north of England on 11th May 1985 killing 56 people. 18 days later at the Heysel Stadium in Brussels, Belgium, 39 Juventus fans were crushed to death following crowd trouble at their game versus Liverpool. Then on April 15th 1989, 96 Liverpool fans were crushed to death during a match at Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. As someone from the north of England, I've already noted on my Blogs the frequency with which these disasters seem to hit this part of England compared to down south, for instance Manchester United are almost as famous for a 1958 plane crash in Munich, which wiped out most of their 1st team members as they are for their footballing skills, & incidentally, also in Aug 1985 there was an horrific plane crash at Manchester Airport killing 55 people. Coincidence? Possibly. Some might say I'm clutching at straws & these things are merely coincidence, & to implicate Freemasonry is slanderous & wrong, but I doubt many Liverpool fans will concur. The Hillsborough disaster was the fault of the South Yorkshire police, nor was the Valley Parade fire an act of God according to new research; 'Author Martin Fletcher claims the devastating fire was not an accident & has revealed a sequence of other blazes at businesses owned by or associated with Stafford Heginbotham, the club's chairman at the time.' - As for the Heysel tragedy; 'The blame for Heysel was initially laid entirely on Liverpool fans, & 14 were later found guilty of manslaughter & jailed. However, an investigation did concede that some culpability lay with the authorities, & the crumbling state of the Heysel stadium.' - BBC News 29 May 2015 If I remember aright, the blame was immediately placed firmly on the fans at the time, for all three. Early in the 1980's, the Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe was caught, he'd terrorised the north of England for 6yrs murdering many women in Yorkshire & Manchester (see my Blog on York/Jack The Ripper for the Masonic connections etc..), Sutcliffe was from Bradford. Whilst all this was going on, the supposedly worst paedophile in British history, BBC celebrity, Yorkshireman & Peter Sutcliffe confidante, Jimmy Savile was on the loose, Sir Jimmy, who was on a couple of occasions brought in for questioning by Yorkshire Police regarding the Ripper murders would frequently visit the Ripper in prison after his capture, as it 'appens. Immediately after Hillsborough the British government urged all Football League stadiums to comply with government regulations (not Law) that they should be seated, it was precisely then Rupert Murdoch & Sky TV moved in & the money men took over football & immediately games began being scheduled along prime-viewing times. Nowadays, a decent footballer can cost a club somewhere in the region of £200 million (222 million euros), nice eh? After Heysel, English clubs were barred from European competition for 6yrs, apparently for a crime they did not commit….in Brussels. When commenting on the Liverpool/Juventus game, respected English footballer & coach Dick Howard poignantly stressed, 'You just wonder, you know, whether they come to watch soccer games? You know we've had many instances this last season, where really it's been a case of specialised, aggro groups that have gone to games specifically to cause problems.' Yet the Englishman still loves his football, so does the Scotsman, & religiously at that, despite it being outrageously nobbled. If the issue of racism in English football is being grossly exaggerated then the subject of bigotry in Scottish has been vastly understated on the whole, at least by the media. It is an issue, but one most up there are prepared to tolerate. Up until 2011, the Glasgow clubs Celtic (nominally Catholic) & Rangers (Protestant) dominated the Scottish League (a Masonic term) for decades. Rangers however were made insolvent in 2011 because of financial irregularities & were duly relegated to the lowest Scottish division (they've since clawed their way back to the top). Rangers FC themselves suffered a tragic crowd/crush in 1971 when 66 fans died after a Celtic derby game, the cause of incident remains disputed. Both Ronaldo & Lionel Messi (the two finest feetists on the planet ever probably) have recently received huge fines for improper income tax dealings….Now if it were true, & not a couple of show-trials, or if it were anyone else, like Rangers, both these superstars would have been sent down; 'Football star Lionel Messi's 21-month prison sentence for tax fraud has been changed to a fine by the Spanish courts. The Barcelona star must pay €252,000 ($288,000, £223,000), equating to €400 for each day of the sentence, the court said in a statement. Messi, along with his father Jorge, was found guilty of defrauding Spain of €4.1m between 2007 & 2009. His father's 15-month sentence was replaced with a €180,000 fine….Football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo has cut a deal with a court in Madrid over tax evasion charges, accepting an €18.8m (£16.6m) fine.' - BBC News (7th July & 25 May 2017) (Certain numerologies are ringing out at us with these football stories......Messi-ah/Crist-iano? Just a thought) It's difficult to say whether Scottish football suffers from a bigotry or a sectarian problem, because I know many, many fans from both Rangers & Celtic & I can't think of anyone offhand who goes to mass on Sunday. With the incredible sums of money involved in football these days, I find it hard to believe Rangers demotion was anything other than a heavy-handed reminder to its fans to cool it with the anti-catholic/Irish or whatever slurs. 'We look to a time when intolerance will cease', warned Freemason Manly Hall in the 5th of his Astrotheology lectures, after rattling off a train of socialistic prophecies somewhere in the mid-1950's, all of which are now in the process of becoming fulfilled. The latest mayhem in English cities is an inexplicable massive rise in knife-crime. In the last few months there's been a spate of fans running on the pitch & attacking or threatening to attack players, prompting the usual scare-mongering BBC commentators to sob, 'It'll only be a matter of time before someone gets stabbed.' Perhaps it will, but as Dick Howard tried to stress during the Heysel disaster, it won't be a football fan doing it. The ordinary English people must be among the most tolerant on the planet. When the hordes of migrants began entering Britain from the West Indies & Far East in the 1950's, yes there was dissent, abuse even & the isolated attack or two, however, the vast majority, if not altogether welcoming, WERE EXTREMELY tolerant, Raheem Sterling should be made aware of this fact, if he's not already. What he should do is watch videos of Merv Hughes sledging England cricket players to see what honest abuse actually looks like. I suffered a few painful blows at the hands of West Indian immigrants growing up in Manchester, from having my face spray-painted as a 7yr old by a grown man, to having £1000's worth of musical equipment robbed twice by the same gang in my late teens. Incidentally, when we (our band) found out who'd done it & where it would be, we told the police who promptly tipped off the gang before they raided the West Indian nightclub where our gear WAS, as a matter of….'Race Relations'. - We never got our gear back, & none of us turned into racists (whatever that means), nor would it have even entered our heads to become one, it was just another lesson learned as far as we were concerned, so I'm sorry, I don't buy this racism in English football yarn, there's too many other fishy goings-on simultaneously that neatly fit the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto for my liking, so it's just another Psy-Op in other words. Incidentally, when my eldest brother died 2yrs ago, it turned out he kept a diary as a teenager, in it, much to our surprise, he explains he belonged to an organised Manchester City football hooligan outfit in the late 70's, perhaps he was told to keep a diary? In any event, keeping a diary & belonging to a City goon-squad didn't square with his character to my mind, at all, & because of his involvement in this, he was sent over to relatives in Ireland for a couple of years, only to return a morose, pessimistic alcoholic for the rest of his days. The English Football League is a Masonic creation. The House of Commons, Buckingham Palace & now the English Premiere League all have their own Masonic Lodge. Freemasonry is a religion, just like Judaism or Islam, a Lodge is where people go to worship, although in Freemasonry most of its members aren't aware of the religious aspect. Some might seriously question my implicating the Craft in the above disasters, however, if one understands the goals of this religion & its association with fire (Alchemy), it's history in the region of Yorkshire, the Ripper murders, York being the spiritual home of Freemasonry etc ('York Rite') & it's connection to the football clubs involved, the picture becomes somewhat different when we begin to study the history of the Craft. Here's my hypothesis, with the advent of mechanisation, these 'Clubs' (another Masonic term) were set up to entertain, distract the attention of an increasing numbers of idle (not their fault) adult males in the newly created cities populations, & it's the same today incidentally only a thousand times worse. Football is a highly addictive drug & the populace of the UK needs it's fix more than most as there's less & less culture to be found around as well as honest work. The same type of tragic incident of this magnitude doesn't hit the same football club within 4yrs. Less & less blame is being afforded to Liverpool fans for the Heysel disaster & so it should, no football supporter goes to a game, especially a European Cup Final… kill anyone! Nor does lightening strike twice (or 3x if you count the Ripper Murders, & I do) in the same place (South Yorkshire) within the same time span, mind you, anything's possibly with the Brotherhood of Death; 'A police station at the heart of operations after the Hillsborough disaster is due to be knocked down….The Hammerton Road station was the base for the force’s F Division, led by the Hillsborough match commander David Duckenfield. The station was also where Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe was taken when he was arrested in Sheffield in January 1981 after officers spotted stolen number plates on his car. Once taken to Hammerton Road police station he managed to hide a knife in a toilet cistern before he was transferred to West Yorkshire.' - Margaret Thatcher came to power in 1979 & suddenly unemployment skyrocketed, as did football hooliganism. EPIBLOG 'They were two of the bitterest landmarks of the 1980s, but the connections between them have not previously been fully appreciated – the Hillsborough disaster, 23 years ago this Sunday, in which 96 Liverpool supporters died, & the "Battle for Orgreave" [South Yorkshire] five years earlier, the most violent episode of the coal miners' strike…..After both Orgreave & Hillsborough, South Yorkshire police – under its chief constable, Peter Wright, who died last year – was accused of the concerted fabrication of evidence against the miners & Liverpool supporters respectively..... After Orgreave, South Yorkshire police claimed they had been attacked by striking miners, & prosecuted 95 people for riot & unlawful assembly, offences that carried potential life sentences. All were acquitted, after defence lawyers argued that police evidence was false, fabricated & that an officer's signature on a statement was forged.'. - The bitter Miners Strike occurred in the auspicious year of 1984(-85) & was seen by many as a betrayal of Britains workers by their government. The war against the Church, the State & the Mob began long ago in Britain, & here's how the then British Prime Minister Margeret Thatcher reacted to the above-mentioned 'Battle of Orgreave' during Question Time in the House of Commons; 'Mr. Hayes Is my right hon. Friend aware that the vast majority of the British people, never mind their political persuasions, are deeply shocked at the ugly scenes of violence on the picket line at Orgreave? Does she agree that that behaviour is representative, not of the true tradition of British trade union lawful picketing, but of the rule of the mob? Will my right hon. Friend [Communist identification mark] take the opportunity to praise the British police for their courage & dedication & for their discipline in combating a difficult situation? The Prime Minister I agree with my hon. Friend that the scenes at Orgreave yesterday had nothing to do with peaceful picketing, either under the law or under the rules laid down several years ago by the TUC. However serious the strike—& it is serious—the consequences of giving in to mob rule would be far graver. Thanks to the courage of the police, yesterday's attempt failed...' Sir Jimmy Savile would on occasion spend Christmas with the Thatchers whilst Margeret was in office. Orgreave, on the outskirts of Sheffield was for many the abiding image of the Miners Strike, which in itself symbolically marked the end of an era for Britains industry & thus Britain as a nation. Little did the striking miners know that their own Trade Union representatives, who organised the picketing, co-ordination etc were & are, being Marxist Socialists, dedicated to the destruction of the nation state, & if they are Masons, which is more than likely, the destruction of the family unit, religions (save theirs; Paganism) & the enslavement of what will be left of the…..Mob. The fire at Valley Parade occurred 11 months later. Football fans have always expressed a fond empathy for nationalism in Britain & events like Heysel only worsened it's already tarnished reputation amongst the nations so to speak. Nothing happens by accident in Politics said Woodrow Wilson, & the above events are evidence of the Establishments war on us, who they refer to as the 'Mob' or the 'Masses', or the 'Rabble', the 'Profane', the 'Great Unwashed' or in Marxist terms, the 'Proletariat'. The fact that the Yorkshire Ripper was 'captured' in the same building the South Yorkshire police were using as their headquarters on the day of the Hillsborough tragedy only furthers my belief these events were contrived. It's like here in Jersey, the now famous building for child abuse; Haute De La Garenne, was used in the 1980's as the police headquarters in the TV crime series 'Bergerac'…… we're expected to buy this crap. The feeling of disbelief is succinctly summarised in the Wikipedia page of the judge who presided over the Bradford City Stadium Fire, Sir Oliver Bury Popplewell; 'On 19 October 2011 he [Popplewell] sparked fury by calling on the Liverpool families involved in the Hillsborough disaster to behave more like the relatives of victims of the Bradford City stadium disaster. He made the comments in a letter to The Times following the Commons debate on 17 October 2011 calling for all Cabinet papers on Hillsborough to be released. He said: "The citizens of Bradford behaved with quiet dignity & great courage. They did not harbour conspiracy theories. They did not seek endless further inquiries". His letter was published by the Times sister paper, The Sun, which is boycotted on Merseyside, the day after it was revealed to Parliament that senior policemen had changed the evidence of junior policemen whose evidence contradicted the official version given to the press by police spokesmen. Popplewell was widely criticised for his comments, including a rebuke from a survivor of the Bradford stadium disaster. In April 2015 Popplewell expressed the view that it was "bizarre" to suggest that the Bradford City stadium fire was anything other than accidental. This was in response to the publication of an article in The Guardian newspaper of an extract from a new book "Fifty-Six: The Story of the Bradford Fire" by Martin Fletcher, revealing new information about 8 previous fires allegedly connected to the Bradford City owner & chairman, Stafford Heginbotham (who died in 1995), Popplewell later qualified his remark & suggested that the police should look into the “remarkable number” of fires allegedly connected to Bradford City’s then chairman “to see if there was anything sinister”. 'When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; & when the state governs, he is ruled by fear. Before men can live together in harmony & understanding, ignorance must be transmuted into wisdom, superstition into an illuminated faith, & fear into love.' - Manly Hall Would you credit it? During the Miners Strike on July 9th 1984, York Minster went on fire…. Eee, ow's yer luck? Ah, but lets get back to the Beautiful Game as it's known. As a homesick Mancunian, I admit I still watch the odd game of my old team as a way of keeping connected with the folks back home, though I wouldn't consider myself a fan any more, & I've got to admit also, I'm a wee bit proud that northern clubs are continually the more succesful football teams than their southern rivals. In any event, as a precursor perhaps, of what the Germans did during WWI, from the entry for Football in the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961) we read; 'A Scottish writer reports that the Anglo-Scottish War which began in 1297 was not taken with a proper seriousness by either party; King Edward I's foot consisted of 2,500 levies from Cheshire & Lancashire, of whom the Lancastrians were old opponents of the Scots raiders & had to be restrained by orders from their commanders from playing football with instead of fighting their hereditary enemies.' 'With the advent of the doctrine of sex equality, this system broke down. Either men must become as virtuous as women, as the pioneers of feminism had hoped, or women must be allowed to be as unvirtuous as men, as the feminists of our age tend to urge. But if virtue is not demanded of women, it is difficult to see how the patriarchal family can be maintained, & to abandon the patriarchal family would involve profound changes in the social structure. There is thus a confusion. Christian ethics have always been too severe for the male human nature, & if women are to be as free as men they also will find Christian ethics intolerably severe. The family is a very deeply rooted institution, which men will not willingly see transformed. From this confusion there seems only one clear issue, which is the place of the father should be taken by the State - a system which is easily possible under Communism, but not so easy to adapt to the institutions of private property & inheritance. In this way the question of private property becomes bound up with the question of sexual morals. It cannot be expected that a man will work to support children who may not be his, & therefore the system of private property, combined with the patriarchal family, involves a certain degree of virtue in wives. To demand virtue of wives, but not of husbands, is contrary of the doctrine of sex equality, & it is difficult to see how virtue is to be secured without either tyranny or taboo. I have little doubt that the solution will be found in the greatly diminishing importance of the father, & an increasing tendency for children to be supported by the State rather by their fathers. I am not at all sure that this will be a good thing. The sentiment of paternity, & the feeling of sons towards their fathers, have been profoundly important elements in the history of civilisation, & I do not profess what civilisation will be like without these elements. But whether for good or evil, the importance of the State in relation to children seems bound to increase, while the role of the father will correspondingly diminish.' - Bertand Russell 'Education & The Social Order' (1932). From a woman's perspective; 'The manner in which the women of this country have been enlisted in the service of the conspiracy can also be traced to illumined Freemasonry. Just as in the first French Revolution the advocates of "Women's Rights" were persuaded to throw themselves into the movement, so the conspiracy to-day has succeeded in capturing a large proportion of the "Feminist" movement for it's purpose of general demoralisation.' - Nesta Webster 'World Revolution' (1921). The Churches view on the matter in 1926 was thus; 'The law of divorce is part of the code in various nations; in others, as in Chile, it is as yet a project formulated under the auspices of Masonry. From there, free love, as desired by the socialists, is not far distant.' - Cardinal Rodrigez 'The Mystery Of Freemasonry Unveiled'. Not too far off the mark, was it not? 'Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family & me as 'internationalists' & of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political & economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, & I am proud of it.' - David Rockefeller Whilst growing up I overheard some sound advice, it read; 'Don't believe what you read in the papers.' Another later one was; 'Never trust a politician'. For over ten years now I've been writing publicly about what I've found during my research into the machinations of man, his religions & society. Initially I joined Max Igan's 'Crowhouse' Forum around 2008, whilst listening avidly to Alan Watt. Almost immediately & predictably I began spouting what I'd learned to my friends, thinking I'd hit upon something stupendous. However, to my astonishment, not one of them showed any interest in the subjects I was relaying to them & to my utter dismay some began the ridiculing. In fairness, seeing as I hadn't researched things thoroughly I was asking for trouble, I knew something was wrong & thought I'd found the answer, but I was allowing others to do the talking for me which of course is bordering on parasitical & isn't what research is about so I deserved all I got in retrospect. It wasn't until I began listening to Bill Cooper that I realised what needed to be done & how to go about doing it. When I look back at those days I cringe thinking about it, yet really, I couldn't have found out any other way other than making those basic errors, this is how we all learn. Ten years or so down the line I find myself the custodian of my own website having written some 60-odd blogs & still learning every day, which is the spark one needs to keep the fire lit as they say. Something hasn't changed though, my friends & family are still reticent to even mention my Blogbook, far less contribute to it (apart from Craig). I still can't understand it fully, if one of them had written publicly on current affairs, history, whatever & would encourage debate on it, I'd be in there with as much ammo as I could possibly muster. Why is this? The answer lies in one simple word ……CONSPIRACY. 'To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.' - Voltaire (& it isn't the Jews) They've done a hell of a job as far as this one's concerned. They've laced this word with such negative connotations that it's impossible to use it in common speech anymore without Conspiracy Theory springing to mind simultaneously. Of course this is the intent, but what also is being implied is more subtle, when people think of a Conspiracy Theory they associate it with the only persons being implicated in dark plots & nefarious schemes…….the secret societies. But as we all know, to slander, even question these people publicly will result in the ridicule of the conspiracy theorist (for that is what one becomes if we criticise them), whether he or she has provided ample information or evidence or not, people simply cower away from implicating secret societies because of the contrived, negative connotations associated with even the slightest mention of them. When I first began getting my feet wet in all this I witnessed one of their intimidation techniques first hand. I naively implicated Freemasonry to a Scottish barman in a pub I was playing in one night, & he somewhat adroitly, raised an eyebrow & began backing away… was not nice, I didn't know how to handle it, there's an innate terror within human beings of being suspected of paranoia & by association mental illness, it's incredibly difficult to shake off once you've been suspected, 'Where there's smoke' & so on. The situation is this, my friends & family think of me as a Conspiracy Theorist, for the reasons outlined above. Is there any truth to their fears? I suppose the professional psychologist would think of the modern-day phenomenon of the Conspiratorialist as a symptom or an effect of a negative constitutional projection onto a complex world by a confused & frightened, child-like mind. Does that apply to me? In a way yes, however my answer would be, if it did, what created the situation in the first place? Something must have. My family is riddled with psychological difficulties, but none of them share my arguments & explanations as to why we are the way we are. My stance is; always find out the CAUSE of what created these traumas, in our case it was the British Intelligence engineered, Border War in Northern Ireland in the 1950's, with the compliance of those at the heads of the Irish Republican & Unionist factions, who we've proven time & again on this site & on my Youtube video…..are Freemasons, all working towards a Utopian, Pagan, Socialistic, One-World Order, as David Rockefeller has outlined. So I began studying the vast, occult subject of Freemasonry, & found it to be at the fountainhead of almost every arts, scientific, religious & political movement there's ever been including psychology, it's led me into the dark halls of witchcraft, Buddhism, Pythagorean maths, Ancient Babylon, you name it ….& I just love researching these subjects. There you go, problem solved, catharsis in operation, see ya later! (with the help of God) Now the real trouble begins. In my searchings, I've found much deception, especially in history, despite those in power openly admitting they change things to suit, 'the ends justify the means' is how they put it. So not only am I a Conspiracy Theorist, but I'm a Holocaust Denier to boot. Again, you present me with the evidence ONE Jew was ever gassed by the Germans in a gas chamber & we'll discuss it here…..but I bet you can't. I only say that because it's taught in our schools today that the Germans gassed millions of our Judaic brethren. & today, if you maintain such a stance, you're branded an Anti Semite, even though many Jews don't believe it either…but here's the kick, Semite is a word invented in GERMANY during the late 18th Cen (i.e. the time of the Enlightenment, Illuminati & French Revolution) in reference to the language the Arabic Peoples spoke, it never existed anywhere before, only after WWII did it begin to become a term in reference to Jews alone. Not only that, Nazi is a Jewish term which stretches back 1000's of years, the Germans of the 3rd Reich never referred to Nazi. So I hope you can see my predicament, there's something happening here & those who see through it are shot down. (the reasons for this I delineate on my other Blogs on those subjects) When I look into the mainstream media for examples & definitions of Conspiracy Theories, I always find attached to them the word; 'paranoia'. From an article entitled; 'Are conspiracy theories destroying democracy?', BBC News (27 October 2013) states; 'Secret societies': Paranoia was rife in the 19th Century in the wake of the French revolution. British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (pictured) warned of "secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, & can at the last moment upset all the governments' plans". The article continues; 'It would be wrong to write off all conspiracy theorists as "swivel-eyed loons," with "poor personal hygiene & halitosis," he [Observer columnist & academic John Naughton] told a Cambridge University Festival of Ideas debate. They are not all "crazy". The difficult part, for those of us trying to make sense of a complex world, is working out which parts of the conspiracy theory to keep & which to throw away.' They are correct, all governments conspire at every stage of policy formulation, they secretly plot, budgets, housing schemes, cuts, wars, especially in the UK & US & so on. Take for example this excerpt from the BBC (18/3/03); 'British government officials forged documents to produce "fake news stories" during the Cold War, newly released files show. The Information Research Department (IRD) was the Foreign Office's secret propaganda unit. For 30 years it fed information to journalists & had its own news agencies too.' 'Propaganda units' deal in dis-information, & its interesting to me at least that the BBC refers to the only Jewish-born British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, I wonder why it didn't quote Britains 'Greatest er... Britain', Winston Churchill who said; 'This movement [Communism] among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, & down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), & Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation & for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, & impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. [Nesta] Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution.' - Illustrated Sunday Herald (London), February 8, 1920, pg. 5. There we have it, according to this Freemasonic Conspiracy Theorist & 'Greatest Britain Of All Time' …..'It's The Jews'. But it's NOT the Jews, they are just being blamed, mostly by surreptitious methods playing on the subconscious but also on occasion openly as in the case of Churchill. The above mentioned Spartacus-Weishaupt is the infamous founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, cited here by Winston as being behind the French Revolution which they & other factions of the Mystery Schools indeed were. As the BBC says, it's about 'working out which parts of the conspiracy theory to keep & which to throw away.' Language is a weapon. For example, certain words can be used as triggers, as in the case of Conspiracy (& Democracy), however there's much more to it than this; 'ca·bal | \ kə-ˈbäl, -ˈbal \Definition of cabal (Entry 1 of 2) 1: the contrived schemes of a group of persons secretly united in a plot (as to overturn a government) also : a group engaged in such schemes' - The Merriam Webster entry says the word Cabal was first used in 1614 although it doesn't say where. Coincidentally, 1614 was the year the first of the three Rosicrucian Manifestos was published, of the word Cabal, Google says; 'Origin late 16th century (denoting the Kabbalah): from French cabale, from medieval Latin cabala (see Kabbalah)' As in the sacred word; Jahbulon in Freemasonry, 'Kabbalah', like Jahbulon incorporates three names of gods in three different languages, the Egyptian Ka, Phoenician Bal & the Arabic Allah. As Alan Watt suggests, to arrange & pronounce the names of gods in such a triangulated sequence (which is the basis of Greek Mythology) is to have command over energies, thus words have immense power & this is the basis of the Qabbala……. 'TRIANGLE OF MANIFESTATION is a phrase indicating the principle behind magical manifestation. This basic principle is rooted in the number three. According to metaphysics, in order to manifest something, three components must come together. These components are time, space & energy. Accordingly, if one selects a space, & a time, & then directs energy there, a manifestation occurs.' - Raven Grimassi Encyclopaedia Of Wicca & Witchcraft (2000). Is-Ra-El. Some of the process is described in the below broadcast by Bill Cooper; OK, so they're weaving their magic on us, literally. To illustrate the point further, the following is taken from the man I consider to be the main author of 'Le Mystery des Cathedrales', Aleister Crowley (Liber Samekh - 1930); 'He then that is as yet ignorant of that Name, let him repeat a word worthy of this particular Ritual. Such are Abrahadabra, the Word of the Aeon, which signifieth "The Great Work accomplished". Think of how many times we heard that word growing up? ('h' may be pronounced 'ch' in our language as in 'Bach') In his lecture; 'Words' (shortly before he was murdered), Crowley disciple/protege (according to me) Manly Hall, uncharacteristically goes into a tirade about the deceptive use of language practices in the media, the education system, advertising companies, politicians etc etc, he even calls out the News for being…. full of crap!
Cambridge Alumni include Aleister Crowley & Sir Francis Bacon, so if there's any place in the world qualified to host a Conspiracy Course, it's the favoured place of recruitment for MI6 itself….. Cambridge University. - What we're dealing with here, in part, is the ancient art of 'Rhetoric', there are of course many other complicated facets at play but they may all come under that general heading, 'Rhetoric'. It's been used from Classical times to Modernity by every public speaker from the ancient Hierophant to the latter-day sports commentator. Take the aforementioned BBC headline; 'Are conspiracy theories destroying democracy?' First of all, who are they asking? Do they not know? I thought they're the political correspondents not us? Next, democracy is mob rule (See Brexit for results) according to the ancient Greek philosophers (especially Plato) it leads to Tyranny, it's just a system according to legendary British politician Tony Benn & the British public have sod-all influence on any change at election time or anywhere else in this system. Third, democracy is a code-word for socialism, according to Lenin, Marx, Engels, Gorbachev etc & lastly, Democracy is the political arm of Freemasonry according to Freemasonry (See my videos of Manly Hall discussing this subject). Incidentally, next time you check the news headlines on the internet, count how many stories start with a question..... ....a rhetorical question. So if we take those four points & transform the BBC's question somewhat into what it could mean, we read; 'Are conspiracy theories destroying our plans to implement a tyranny over the Profane?' I doubt they're quaking in their boots just yet but that's an example of the kind of spin they get up to, every day, & from a myriad of different angles, in fact, the statement could have a multitude of meanings & probably does because it usually does. Furthermore, have you noticed how exacerbated a newsreader becomes when delivering the first headline especially?? One would expect they're used to telling bad news by now seeing it's almost every night but no, they still get really upset, it's as though they were telling us a story of their own family & friends. Worse still, these bad vibes must be getting to the weather people on the same shows as well, as they're becoming increasingly upset over climate change now, just shows you eh? You've heard of 'political correctness'? What used to be common words or figures of speech are now deemed 'Hate Crimes' no less & any mention of Conspiracy will soon be deemed, er….hateful in the very near future, they're just putting the final touches to it before it becomes enshrined in Law..... 'The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free & open society; & we are as a people inherently & historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths & to secret proceedings….For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic & ruthless conspiracy.' - J. F. Kennedy, April 27, 1961 In 1614, the Faternity of the Rose Cross (Rosicrucians) issued a Manifesto, in which they declared; 'A General Reformation Of The World'. They openly admitted to be being behind the Protestant Reformation, the creation of the United States, the French Revolution & so on. The Communist Manifesto (1848) & the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion (circa 1890) were also issued by these guys, moreover; 'The Fraternity of R.C. is an august & sovereign body, arbitrarily manipulating the symbols of alchemy [See the Hall video above], Qabbalism, astrology, & magic to the attainment of its own peculiar purposes, but entirely independent of the cults whose terminology it employs. The three major objects of the Fraternity are: 1. The abolition of all monarchical forms of government & the substitution therefor of the rulership of the philosophic elect. The present democracies are the direct outgrowth of Rosicrucian efforts to liberate the maws from the domination of despotism…..The Rosicrucians were also the instigators of the French Revolution…..2. The reformation of science, philosophy, & ethics….There is undeniable evidence that the Rosicrucians desired to reestablish the institutions of the ancient Mysteries as the foremost method of instructing humanity in the secret & eternal doctrine. Indeed, being in all probability the perpetuators of the ancient Mysteries, the Rosicrucians were able to maintain themselves against the obliterating forces of dogmatic Christianity only by absolute secrecy & the subtlety of their subterfuges…3. The discovery of the Universal Medicine, or panacea, for all forms of disease' (Manly Hall) The response from Christendom to these acts of WAR have, as one would expect, been the object of universal ridicule, nevertheless, it was stated & documented with the utmost assiduity by both the Church & State; 'I have observed these doctrines gradually diffusing & mixing with all the different systems of Free Masonry; till, at last, AN ASSOCIATION HAS BEEN FORMED for the express purpose of ROOTING OUT ALL THE RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS, & OVERTURNING ALL THE EXISTING GOVERNMENTS OF EUROPE.......The Association of which I have been speaking, is the Order of ILLUMINATI, founded in 1775, by Dr. Adam Weishaupt.' - John Robison (Freemason) 'Proofs of a Conspiracy: Against all the Religions & Governments' (1798) 'At every period of time each has been in conflict with the other, with a variety & multiplicity of weapons & of warfare, although not always with equal ardour & assault. At this period, however, the partisans of evil seems to be combining together, & to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized & widespread association called the Freemasons. No longer making any secret of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against God Himself. They are planning the destruction of holy Church publicly & openly, & this with the set purpose of utterly despoiling the nations of Christendom' - HUMANUM GENUS ENCYCLICAL OF POPE LEO XIII ON FREEMASONRY (1884) 'In 1849, a society was discovered at Ancona calling itself the "Company of Death" & many assassinations, many of them committed in broad daylight in the streets of the town, were traced to it's members. The "Society of Slayers" Ammoazzatori, at Leghorn; the "Infernal Society," at Sinigaglia; the "Company of Assassins.' Sicarii, at Faenza; the "Terrorists" of Bologna, were associations off the same stamp. The "Barbers of Mazzini," at Rome, made it their business to "remove" priests who had rendered themselves particularly obnoxious. Another Bolognese society was that of the "Italian Conspiracy of the Sons of Death" whose object was the liberation of Italy from foreign sway….the war, begun by [Joseph] Mazzini & brought to a successful issue chiefly through Garibaldi, ended in the establishment of the Kingdom of Italy, & the overthrow - for ever, it is to be hoped - of the Popes temporal powers......Indeed, one of the most obvious sentiments that gives rise to secret societies is that of revenge, but good & wise revenge....' Charles Heckethorn - Secret Societies Of All Ages (1897) 'About the explanation the ritual (Masonic) & of the history & of the confessions of the Order there is reason to believe that Freemasonry is a conspiracy against the altar, the throne & property, with the purpose of establishing upon the face of the earth a socialist & theocratic rule, whose religious & political government would have it's headquarters in Jerusalem.' - Eduard Emil Eckert (a German); 'La Franc Maçonnerie dans sa Veritable Signification', Vol I, pg. 280 (circa 1855) See also by Eckert; 'Collection of Evidence for the Condemnation of Freemasonry as the Principle of all Guilty Cases Attempting to Destroy Religion, State, Family, & Property by Cunning, Treason, & Treason violence' 'I repeat: It is not an economic revolution which forms the plan of the real directors of the movement, it is not even the "directorship of the proletariat" nor the reorganisation of society by the intelligentsia of the "Worker"; it is the destruction of the Christian idea. The socialist orators can break out in invectives against the corrupt aristocracy or the "bloated capitalists", but is it not these who will suffer most once the conspiracy is completely achieved? World revolution has always shown itself indulgent for & with the corrupt & egoistic, from the Marquis of Sade & the Duke of Orleans [Illuminati] until now…...The manner in which the women of this country have been enlisted in the service of the conspiracy can also be traced to illuminized Freemasonry. Just as in the first French Revolution the advocates of "Women's Rights" were persuaded to throw themselves into the movement, so the conspiracy to-day has succeeded in capturing a large proportion of the "Feminist" movement for it's purpose of general demoralisation.' - Nesta Webster (mentioned by Churchill above) 'World Revolution' (1921) 'Most of the organised craftsmen of the Middle Ages were nominal Christians, in many respects outstanding for their personal piety & devotion. They differed principally in the degree & quality of the interpretations of the Christian dispensation. In a day of almost continuous strife & conspiracy, they dwelt together in cooperation & amity [see my Democracy Blog]. These associations had discovered a working formula for the practice of liberty, equality & charity. The guilds continued as important forces in character building until machinery terminated the apprenticeship system.' - Manly Hall - Masonic Orders Of Fraternity (1950). '5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) 1. The Family Marx admits that destroying the family is a thorny topic, even for revolutionaries. “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists,” he writes..... 2. Individuality Marx believed individuality was antithetical to the egalitarianism he envisioned. Therefore, the “individual” must “be swept out of the way, & made impossible.”...... 3. Eternal Truths Marx did not appear to believe that any truth existed beyond class struggle. “The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class,” he argued. “When the ancient world was in its last throes, the ancient religions were overcome by Christianity. When Christian ideas succumbed in the 18th century to rationalist ideas, feudal society fought its death battle with the then revolutionary bourgeoisie.” He recognized how radical this idea would sound to his readers, particularly since Communism does not seek to modify truth, but to overthrow it...... 4. Nations Communists, Marx said, are reproached for seeking to abolish countries. These people fail to understand the nature of the proletariat, he wrote. “The working men have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got. Since the proletariat must first of all acquire political supremacy, must rise to be the leading class of the nation, must constitute itself the nation, it is so far, itself national, though not in the bourgeois sense of the word.”.... 5. The Past Marx saw tradition as a tool of the bourgeoisie. Adherence to the past served as a mere distraction in proletariat’s quest for emancipation & supremacy. “In bourgeois society,” Marx wrote, “the past dominates the present; in Communist society, the present dominates the past.” - &……. lastly; 'It was impossible to unfold to the people the conspiracy of the Templars against the Thrones & the Tiara. It was impossible to expose to them the doctrines of the Chiefs of the Order. [This would have been to initiate the multitude into the secrets of the Masters, & to have uplifted the veil of Isis….] The Initiates, in fact, thought in the eighteenth century that their time had arrived, some to found a new Hierarchy, others to overturn all authority, & to press down all the summits of the Social Order under the level of Equality….The Rose-Croix Adepts respected the dominant, hierarchical, & revealed religion. Consequently they could no more be the enemies of the Papacy than of legitimate Monarchy; & if they conspired against the Popes & Kings, it was because they considered them personally as apostates from duty & supreme favorers of anarchy….Cagliostro was the Agent of the Templars, & therefore wrote to the Free-Masons of London that the time had come to begin the work of re-building the Temple of the Eternal. He had introduced into Masonry a new Rite called the Egyptian, & endeavored to resuscitate the mysterious worship of Isis. The three letters L∴ P∴ D∴ on his seal, were the initials of the words "Lilia pedibus destrue;" tread under foot the Lilies [of France], & a Masonic medal of the sixteenth or seventeenth century has upon it a sword cutting off the stalk of a lily, & the words "talem dabit ultio messem," such harvest revenge will give. A Lodge inaugurated under the auspices of Rousseau, the fanatic of Geneva, became the centre of the revolutionary movement in France, & a Prince of the blood-royal went thither to swear the destruction of the successors of Philippe le Bel on the tomb of Jacques de Molai. The registers of the Order of Templars attest that the Regent, the Duc d’Orleans, was Grand Master of that formidable Secret Society, & that his successors were the Duc de Maine, the Prince of Bourbon-Condé, & the Duc de Cossé-Brissac. The Templars compromitted the King; they saved him from the rage of the People, to exasperate that rage & bring on the catastrophe prepared for centuries; it was a scaffold that the vengeance of the Templars demanded. The secret movers of the French Revolution had sworn to overturn the Throne & the Altar upon the Tomb of Jacques de Molai. When Louis XVI. was executed, half the work was done; & thenceforward the Army of the Temple was to direct all its efforts against the Pope.' Said Freemasonic Pontiff Albert Pike in; Morals & Dogma (1872) Incidentally, much of Pike's Morals & Dogma was borrowed from French Mage Eliphas Levis work; 'Magic, its Doctrine & Ritual' (1854-6), wherein he delineates the history of the war between the Church, the French Throne & the Knights Templar, & the conspiracy of the Templars to enact revenge, he calls it a conspiracy. Conspiracy? What Conspiracy? Strange the BBC makes no mention of any of this eh? Incidentally, under the entry of SPECULATIVE FREEMASONRY, (i.e. modern Masonry) Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry (1873) notes; 'The word Speculative is used by Freemasons in its primary sense as symbolic, or theoretical, when opposed to Operative.' 'Definition of speculative 1: involving, based on, or constituting intellectual speculation also : theoretical rather than demonstrable' ( As I've discussed many times, probably the best source one could hope for regarding the conspiracy General Albert Pike et al speak of is Pike's fellow Freemason Manly Palmer Hall. Hall's 'Freemasonry Of The Ancient Egyptians' (1937) spells out the same plan for revenge, dating back to when the Catholic Church was formed in the 4th Cen AD & put the Mysteries underground (sub-rosa) so to speak, & using the ancient myth of the Egyptian deities, Osiris, Isis & Horus as symbols for the Mystery Schools (Templars etc), Osiris' brother Typhon (or Set) is used for Christianity, in particular the Catholic Church; 'The causing of Osiris to breathe again is the great abstract ideal. The second & more imminent motive which actuated Isis was to avenge herself upon Typhon & destroy his power over world. This she determined to accomplish through her immaculately conceived son, Horus, a term concealing the collective body of the perfected adepts who were born again out of the womb of the Mother—Isis, the Mystery School. We can apply this analogy to a great modern system of initiation, Freemasonry, which has certainly perpetuated at least the outer form of the ancient rites. Freemasonry as an institution is Isis, the Mother of Mysteries, from whose dark womb the Initiates are born in the mystery of the second or philosophic birth…... In the Egyptian rites Horus is the savior-avenger, son of Isis, conceived by magic (the ritual) after the brutal murder of Osiris. Hence, he is the posthumous redeemer. Freemasons are Hori, they are the eye of Osiris, whose body therefore, is made up of eyes. Each Initiate is a Horus, each is a hawk of the sun, & for one reason is each raised & that is that he may join the army which is to avenge the destruction of wisdom, & restore the reign of the all-seeing lord. Each one is dedicated to the over-throwing of the reign of Typhon. The great battle, in which the sons of the hawk rout the hosts of darkness, is the mysterious Armageddon of Revelation, the Kurukshetra of the Mahabharata & the Ragnarok of the Eddas. In this battle the host of the Adversary shall be routed forever.' What gets me is, they repeatedly refer to Typhon's (Christianity) overthrow of Osiris (The Mysteries) as a….conspiracy; 'In the meantime Typhon, brother or half-brother of Osiris, had ambition to usurp the throne, but the vigilant Isis, sister- wife of Osiris, was too watchful. Typhon, however, having persuaded seventy-two other persons to join him in his conspiracy, with the aid of a certain queen in Ethiopia named Aso, perfected a plot against Osiris. ' (Hall - ibid) 'They have a talent for turning things around' - Bill Cooper. (For a history of these stories see my Illuminati & Catholic Church Blogs) Co-incidentally, it was on November 22nd 1307, Pope Clement V issued the papal bull which instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest the Knights Templars. On November 22nd 1963, JFK, the one & only Catholic President of the United States, was murdered in an outdoor Pagan Temple, & thus began the modern day phenomenon of…... The Conspiracy Theory. (For a full explanation of Hall's interpretation of the Osiris legend see Bill Cooper's; mystery babylon 3.mp3) Right; from Eliphas Levi's A History Of Magic.... Left; taken from Viscount Leon De Poncins 1929 work; 'The Secret Powers Behind Revolution' - - - - - - - - EPIBLOG By Lea Cohen; 'it is important to remember that the concept of CONSPIRACY THEORY was created by… CIA in 1967. Indeed, as the old English proverb goes, “FIRST GIVE A DOG A BAD NAME, THEN HANG IT” In 1967, the CIA Created the Label “Conspiracy Theorists” … to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the “Official” Narrative. Specifically, in April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories” … and recommended methods for discrediting such theories. The dispatch was marked “psych” — short for “psychological operations” or disinformation — and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit. The dispatch was produced in responses to a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times in 1976. The dispatch states: 2. This trend of opinion is a matter of concern to the U.S. government, including our organization. *** The aim of this dispatch is to provide material countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries. Background information is supplied in a classified section and in a number of unclassified attachments. 3. Action. We do not recommend that discussion of the [conspiracy] question be initiated where it is not already taking place. Where discussion is active addresses are requested: a. To discuss the publicity problem with and friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors) , pointing out that the [official investigation of the relevant event] made as thorough an investigation as humanly possible, that the charges of the critics are without serious foundation, and that further speculative discussion only plays into the hands of the opposition. Point out also that parts of the conspiracy talk appear to be deliberately generated by … propagandists. Urge them to use their influence to discourage unfounded and irresponsible speculation. b. To employ propaganda assets to and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose. The unclassified attachments to this guidance should provide useful background material for passing to assets. Our ploy should point out, as applicable, that the critics are (I) wedded to theories adopted before the evidence was in, (II) politically interested, (III) financially interested, (IV) hasty and inaccurate in their research, or (V) infatuated with their own theories. *** 4. In private to media discussions not directed at any particular writer, or in attacking publications which may be yet forthcoming, the following arguments should be useful: a. No significant new evidence has emerged which the Commission did not consider. *** b. Critics usually overvalue particular items and ignore others. They tend to place more emphasis on the recollections of individual witnesses (which are less reliable and more divergent–and hence offer more hand-holds for criticism) … *** c. Conspiracy on the large scale often suggested would be impossible to conceal in the United States, esp. since informants could expect to receive large royalties, etc. *** d. Critics have often been enticed by a form of intellectual pride: they light on some theory and fall in love with it; they also scoff at the Commission because it did not always answer every question with a flat decision one way or the other. *** f. As to charges that the Commission’s report was a rush job, it emerged three months after the deadline originally set. But to the degree that the Commission tried to speed up its reporting, this was largely due to the pressure of irresponsible speculation already appearing, in some cases coming from the same critics who, refusing to admit their errors, are now putting out new criticisms. g. Such vague accusations as that “more than ten people have died mysteriously” can always be explained in some natural way …. 5. Where possible, counter speculation by encouraging reference to the Commission’s Report itself. Open-minded foreign readers should still be impressed by the care, thoroughness, objectivity and speed with which the Commission worked. Reviewers of other books might be encouraged to add to their account the idea that, checking back with the report itself, they found it far superior to the work of its critics.” 'The direct descent of the program of the Esoteric Schools was entrusted to groups already well-conditioned for the work. The guilds, trade unions, & similar protective benevolent Societies had been internally strengthened by the introduction of a new learning.' - Manly Palmer Hall, Masonic Orders Of Fraternity (1950). Below are excerpts from a article entitled; 'Trade Unions & Socialism' by J. T. Murphy, an English Communist dated 1936, interspersed with random quotes. 'THE SOCIALIST LEAGUE. is an organisation of convinced Socialists, fulfilling the conditions of membership of the Labour Movement laid down below, who believe that Socialism can come only through the conscious & determined action of the working-class movement in this & other countries & who believe further that only through such action can the dangers of Fascism & reaction in every country be averted. Its members, accordingly, are pledged as units within their Labour Parties, Trade Unions & Co-operative Societies, to do everything in their power to further the promotion & ultimate realisation of a militant Socialist programme & policy.……. When Trade Unionists fight the employers on wages questions & the conditions of labour they are really fighting against consequences of the private property system…….' 'UNIONS & MASONRY Since the institution of Freemasonry was originally adapted from the craft of the stone workers, one of the guilds or building trades, it should not be surprising that many similarities can be traced between the various labor organizations & the Masonic fraternity…..The ritualistic, fraternal type of labor organization with which we are now concerned did not come into existence until 1869. In that year a small, disgruntled group of members from the Garment Cutters organization founded a fraternal society under the grandiloquent title of the ''Noble & Holy Order of the Knights of Labor.'' One of the founders of the society, Uriah Stevens, was firmly convinced that the failure of unions to make a lasting contribution to society, etc. was due merely to a lack of secrecy & of ritual. Consequently, the Knights of Labor adopted various modes of secrecy, formulated a ritual & gave their officers such titles as Grand Master Workman, Venerable Sage, Worthy Foreman, Unknown Knight, & other strange & wondrous appellations.' - 'TRADE UNIONS’ FUNCTION. Trade Unionism really represents in one sense an attempt to organise monopolies of labour power in order to break down the competition between the workers who in the labour market are commodities for sale & to establish monopoly prices for labour. The more Trade Unionism advances in this direction the more difficult it becomes for the Capitalists to make profit…….The goal of Socialism as the classless society has its starting point in the propertyless condition of the working class which is also precisely the starting point of Trade Unionism. The Trade Unions represent the first weapons of the working class in the struggle against Capitalist interests; the Socialist’s goal represents the consummation of the struggle of the working class—its emancipation from the system which gives rise to that struggle. Trade Unionism & Socialism have thus a common origin & the aim of Socialism is only possible of achievement by the working class becoming victorious in the struggle against Capitalism…..' 'Socialist Schemes. - Schemes for the regeneration of mankind have been hatched in every age, from Plato & his Republic down to Louis Blanc's Organisation du Travail, & the International [of Marx]. Many communistic movements took place in the 16th century, & the brief history of the Anabaptist kingdom of Munster presents striking resemblances with that of the Commune of Paris. Babeuf & the conspiracy of the Equals remind us of the demagogues who filled Paris with blood & fire [French Revolution]. The collegia opificum of Rome, the guilds of France & Germany, the trades-corporations, the compagnonnage - all these were the forerunners of the modern trade-unions & the International. the systems of Sait-Simon, Fourier, Cabet, Louis Blanc & Owen also had their day. In this country no law has been passed against trade-unions, & therefore they flourish here, & have led to deplorable events….But these trade-unions, dating from about the year 1833, are still to be condemned, because they are the instigators & upholders of strikes, the greatest curse, not on the hated capitalist, but on the poor workman. Now the International was a combination of trade-unions, with the additional poison of Communism diffused through it's system' Charles Heckethorn 'Secret Societies Of All Ages & Countries' (1897) 'THREE TENDENCIES. Throughout the history of the Trade Unions there have been three marked tendencies, first the break up of the crafts & trades into more simple forms of labour which brought in its trail the widening of Craft Unions into Trade Unions tending towards Industrial Unions; second, local & national combinations of all the unions into Trades Councils ['Soviet' means 'Council'] locally & the Trades Union Congress nationally, representing the merging of the many sectional interests into the common interests of all the Trade Unions—the gathering together of the working class; third, the political development of the workers’ movement, the formation of the Labour Party & Socialist parties & groups representing the growing consciousness of the working class of its independent interests & aims—in short, its approach to the Socialist conclusions arising from a recognition of the class divisions in society & the conflict arising therefrom…...All the signs in countries where Capitalism reigns reveal the increasing strains & stresses to which it is subjected, & the failure to find, save at the expense of the workers, any sure temporary stabilities. & yet it is a fact that the bargain-making outlook is in command of the unions. So much is this the case that wage struggles are unco-ordinated, the Trades Union Congress is committed to all kinds of plans for re-constructing Capitalism, “Roosevelt Plan for Britain,” & so on…..' 'Dating back to 1276, the Worshipful Company of Paviors is one of the City of London Livery Companies that evolved from medieval guilds & were responsible for the regulation of wage control, labour conditions & industry standards. The Paviors were responsible for roads. Today, Livery companies play a significant role in City life by providing charitable giving & networking opportunities. Around a fifth of the City of London’s 110 Livery Companies have their own masonic lodge. During their year in office, every Livery Lodge Master is invited to attend each of the Sister Livery Lodges as an honoured guest. The City of London Installed Masters’ Lodge meets at the Guildhall & is made up of over 300 Liverymen who have been Masters of a masonic lodge.' - 'WHAT THE SOCIALIST WANTS. The Socialist declares that such a policy, especially in the present period, is disastrous for the unions & the workers. The Socialist is not anti-trade union. On the contrary, he is the most ardent of Trade Unionists. Socialists want their fellow Trade Unionists to recognise the cause of the struggle their Trade Unions are compelled to wage. Recognising the cause as rooted in the private ownership of the means of production & the propertyless conditions of the working class, Socialists want all the struggles of the unions to be co-ordinated, so that behind every national or industry conflict there will be available the appropriate power of the working class. Socialists want sectionalism to be superseded by a united working class army of the unions led by a general staff which directs the struggles of the workers to one end—the securing of the victory of the working class over the Capitalists. This means that the Trade Unions should recognise that all the efforts of the working class must be directed to the goal of the conquest of political power. Their fight in the industrial field must be linked with the fight to obtain a Socialist Government which, backed by the might of the working class, would transfer the ownership of the means of production & distribution from private hands to social ownership.' 'It is to Masonry we owe the affiliation of all classes of society, it alone could bring about this fusion which from it's midst has past into the lives of the peoples. It alone could promulgate that humanitarian law of which the rising activity, tending to a great social uniformity, leads to the fusion of races, of different classes, of morals, codes, customs, languages, fashions, many & measures. It's virtuous propaganda will become the humanitarian law of all consciences. Every generous reform, every social benefit derives from it, & if these survive, it is because Masonry lends them it's support. This phenomenon is due only to the power of it's organisation. The past belongs to it, & the future cannot escape from it. By it's immense lever of association, it alone is able to realise by a productive communion (communion génératrice) that great & beautiful social unity conceived by Jaurez, Saint Simon, [Robert] Owen, Fourier. If Masons wish it, the generous conceptions of these philanthropic thinkers will cease to be vain Utopia's.' - Jean Marie Ragon 'Cours Philosophique Et Interpretatif Des Initiations Anciennes Et Modernes' (Ed.1841) 'INSTRUMENTS OF STRUGGLE. The Socialist wants the Trade Unions to be instruments of struggle for this power & this aim, & not instruments for the retarding of the workers’ struggle, as some bargain-makers would seem to desire. Trade Unions should become transformed into industrial unions, i.e. one union for each industry, for the longer the delay in such a transformation the greater the impediments in the way of the conquest of power…...The greater the crisis of Capitalism, the more desperate the Capitalists become, the more certainly will they take issue with the Trade Unions on every question. Trade Unionists must face the fact that the conditions of labour they seek to maintain & establish become increasingly inimical to the existence of Capitalism. Hence the struggle must be joined unless the unions are prepared by accepting the limitations of capitalism to suffer the fate of the Trade Unions in Germany & Italy, where the Fascist regime with its terror—itself but an extension of Capitalism—has broken them to pieces. To prevent this fate the Socialist ideas of reorganisation must take root, become widespread, & inspire the working class to struggle for power.….' 'The Great Purge, also known as the “Great Terror,” was a brutal political campaign led by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin to eliminate dissenting members of the Communist Party & anyone else he considered a threat. Although estimates vary, most experts believe at least 750,000 people were executed during the Great Purge, which took place between about 1936 & 1938. More than a million other people were sent to forced labor camps, known as Gulags. This ruthless & bloody operation caused rampant terror throughout the U.S.S.R. & impacted the country for many years.' - 'IN THE U.S.S.R. A living example of this transformation, this enlargement, is now before us in the U.S.S.R. There the unions have complete responsibility for the administration of social welfare; there the unions in co-operation with the party of the workers & the workers’ state, regulate & control every phase of the productive & distributive processes; there is no “dilution problem”, no “apprenticeship problem”; there the struggle for wages with private Capitalism has ended. In the U.S.S.R. society has become a working community, owning & controlling the means of production, & no class conflict, no rival interests of employers & workers divide & impede. The old basis of struggle which characterises the position of the unions under capitalism has vanished in the triumph of Socialism. A new basis of common ownership has given the transformed unions new functions of self-government & administration. This is the path of working class emancipation.' 'Collectively, communist states killed as many as 100 million people, more than all other repressive regimes combined during the same time period. By far the biggest toll arose from communist efforts to collectivize agriculture & eliminate independent property-owning peasants.' - The Washington Post (By Ilya Somin November 7, 2017) Epiblog 'The word Yoga takes its root from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to join, to yoke together, to unify – to unite into one integral whole. ... In other words, it is the union of individual energy & universal energy. In short Yoga means Union.' - Seeing as it's from here most people garner their facts this weather, I'll use a quote from Wikipedia to illustrate what it is the majority of us believe to be true about the term 'Illuminati'; 'The Illuminati did not long survive their suppression in Bavaria [late 18th Cen], & their further mischief & plottings in the work of Barruel & Robison must be considered as the invention of the writers. Conspiracy theorists & writers such as Mark Dice [above] have argued that the Illuminati have survived to this day. Many conspiracy theories propose that world events are being controlled & manipulated by a secret society calling itself the Illuminati….'. Beyond this point most will not venture. They won't because they're afraid of two things, one being labelled a Conspiracy Theorist & two, in case some of it might be true. Some of what Wikipedia said in that sentence is true, some false, as we'll soon see. Firstly though we must provide a little context. 'Moreover, the Hiramic legend may be considered to embody the vicissitudes of philosophy itself. As institutions for the dissemination of ethical culture, the pagan Mysteries were the architects of civilization. Their power & dignity were personified in CHiram Abiff--the Master Builder--but they eventually fell a victim to the onslaughts of that recurrent trio of state, church, & mob. They were desecrated by the state, jealous of their wealth & power; by the early church, fearful of their wisdom; & by the rabble or soldiery incited by both state & church. As CHiram when raised from his grave whispers the Master Mason's Word which was lost through his untimely death, so according to the tenets of philosophy the reestablishment or resurrection of the ancient Mysteries will result in the rediscovery of that secret teaching without which civilization must continue in a state of spiritual confusion & uncertainty.' - Manly Hall 'The Secret Teachings Of All Ages' (1928). To some the subject at hand is a well trodden path with no especial need to revisit, however, us in the UK & probably the rest of the world, except for the US had never heard of the Illuminati or Conspiracy Theories until Dan Brown came along post 911, thus the only exposure most have had to the Illuminati since is through mainstream media such as Wikipedia or through the medium of books or films etc. As Bill Hicks so rightly pointed out many years ago, we in the UK have been living in a 'Socialist nightmare' without even realising it, at least the inhabitants of the Communist Bloc were aware of what was happening to them, unlike us. From what I've been able to gather (I may be wrong), the US itself only began to become generally familiar with Illuminati after the fall of the Berlin Wall in the late 1980's, before then there were (to my knowledge) only isolated treatises on it through people like Myron Fagan (1967) or in several publications or audios such as John Todd's during the 1970's, with hardly any of it really reaching the average man or womans ears. & because Fagan's quite brilliant Illuminati record was produced & disseminated by Anthony J Hilder, it's my belief the Illuminati itself was behind it's production & distribution, whether Fagan was a member I'm not sure although instinct tells me he wasn't. Todd was Illuminati then professed to being Christian, whereas Wikipedia has him dead since 2007, now I hear from Youtube he's still alive & living on my little island of residence (Jersey) & once again up to his old tricks, ....disinformation is the rule with our present topic you'll understand. A special mention should be made also of Prof Anthony C. Sutton, for his expose of the Illuminati in the US in the 1983 groundbreaking; 'The Secret Cult Of The Order'. - Before Myron Fagan there wasn't too many other exposes of note outside the Catholic Church aside from Prof John Robison (1798), who, as we've seen is in the process of being defamed by Wikipedia. Many have fought long & hard battles against the encroachment of a branch of the Illumined Ones called Communism without really knowing the true nature of the Beast, most memorably perhaps was the US Senator Joseph McCarthy & all have consequently suffered tremendous repercussions for their actions by opposing the Brotherhood of Death, as you might expect. From what I've seen & read, the Illuminati's stiffest opponent came in the shape of Vietnam Vet, radio host & author William 'Bill' Cooper. Cooper began a radio show in 1992, one of his specific aims being the education of his audience into the beliefs, structure, history & the goals of the Illuminati. Cooper did a now legendary series; 'Mystery Babylon', initially of 41 shows, but as his knowledge increased he kept adding shows on the Mysteries as he went along & eventually came to consider all his shows on the Mystery Schools part of his Mystery Babylon series. His initial 41 shows however incorporated the descent of these schools down through history, beginning at the dawn of mankind, eventually leading up to the present day. Paraphrasing the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, Adam weishaupt, Cooper informed his listeners, that although the Mystery Schools/Secret Societies would sometimes appear as separate organisations & even seem to oppose each other, at the very top they are all parts of ONE organisation. 'ILLUMINATI This is a Latin word, signifying the enlightened, & hence often applied in Latin Diplomas as an epithet of Freemasons.' - Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry The branch of Illuminati featured heavily in the destruction of the Americas so Cooper would sometimes offhandedly refer to them collectively as the Illuminati, hence his frequent use of the term & perhaps the reason this name, more than any other within the Mysteries has been dramatised so ubiquitously since. In any event, lets see what it is, means & whence it came. The Mystery Schools emanate from the east, specifically the area of India & are the modern descendants of ancient Hinduism, doctrinally speaking. They are Pagans, they are Pantheists in that they believe everything is a part of god including ourselves, which really is the universe & everything in it, the stars, planets etc thus we are all ONE (hence their political doctrine of Socialism/Communism). An offshoot of Hinduism arose in Northern India around the 6th Cen BC through the teachings of a local aristocrat named Siddhārtha Gautama, he eventually founded the religion that became Buddhism. In an effort to address the issue of human suffering (he said 'Desire' was the root of all our misery, which is not a bad shout), Gautama formulated a programme of intense disciplines known as the Noble 8-Fold Path, after being completed successfully, the aspirant would reach a stage called 'Nirvana' & would become an 'Enlightened' being, as Gautama had done, hence his epithet of 'Buddha', which means 'One who is Awake', however, he posthumously received the more popular meaning; 'The Enlightened One', he didn't use the term himself. Buddhism was immediately refined by the many schools that sprang up around Gautamas teachings & it began to assimilate more aspects of Hinduism into itself as well as those of other religions prevalent in the hinterlands although the original Buddhism still has it's many adherents to this day. From India it spread west, undoubtedly returning with the Greek mercenaries (Pythagaros was supposed to have visited India), especially the conquering Grecian armies of Alexander The Great, eventually reaching Egypt where the new doctrines were remoulded to suit the Mediterranean temperament in the newly-built city of Alexandria in the 4th Cen BC, where it became assimilated with the old Egyptian religions as well as many others. 'Illuminati was the plural of the Latin Illuminatus, from illumino meaning lighten or enlighten, or ‘enlightened one’, a term used to describe the initiates of the pagan Mysteries.' - In his 'Wisdom Of The Knowing Ones' (Gnostics), Manly Hall states; '…it has also been suspected that Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, & Hermeticism, are Europeanized adaptations of esoteric [secret] Buddhism brought along the caravan routes from high Asia.' What came out of this melting pot was the tenet of uniting all religions. Whilst the austere teachings of the Buddha were gradually melded with a plethora of beliefs & doctrines, the original goal of Enlightenment, the fine-tuning of the INTELLECT remained. The new creeds relied heavily on Mysticism & on Magic, i.e. Yogic disciplines & in this sense the manipulation of the human being (Alchemy) & the forces of nature (it was in part 'the quest to discover the sovereign realities at the root of existence') & because it readily accepted the tenets of other religions into it's body of law, it was capable of assuming the guise of other religions. Already extant in Europe were the nature-worship religions of the Celts/Druids & the metaphysical philosophy of the Greeks. All these elements combined to create a three-pronged system of subversive movements within the spheres of; 1. Religion (Gnosticism), 2. Politics/Philosophy (Neoplatonism), 3. The Arts (Hermeticism/Magic), all based, refined & consolidated in Alexandria, Egypt between the 4th Cen BC - 1st 2nd Cen AD which then became the trading capital of the Greek then Roman Empires. 'The Basilidans [Gnostics] were called by the orthodox [Jews & Christians] Docetœ, or Illusionists. The Deity of the Gnostics was called "Abraxas"in Latin, & "Abrasax" in Greek. Their last state, or condition for rescuing sensitive entities, as they termed souls, was the "Plemora", or "Fulness of Light." This agrees precisely with the doctrines of the Buddhists, or Bhuddists.' - Hargreave Jennings The Rosicrucians, Their Rites & Mysteries (1870) (In some of my other Blogs, I describe how the word Zion, meaning the Salem of Jerusalem, was more frequently spelled Sion in olden days, i.e., the Priory of Sion, the Protocols of Sion etc, thus if we take the ancient word for the Gnostics (above quote), we have our solution as to who's behind the modern problem of the Sionist.) So we can date with some surety when the subversive movements of the modern secret societies actually began in earnest. An offshoot of Gnosticism was Qabbala according to Manly Hall, as was the sect of the Essenes in Palestine, hence the confusion today in the minds of many concerning it's relation to Judaism, Qabbala is NOT Judaism, it merely appropriates Jewish images (Solomons Temple e.g.), doctrines etc as cover, it is a branch of the Mystery Schools dealing with the magical configuration of number/letter sequences as a means of controlling others & is also heavily involved in what Manly Hall terms; 'DEMONOLOGY', as was & is Gnosticism, which infiltrated Christianity at the exact same time (1st Cen AD). Schools in the esoteric sciences were established across the Levant, particularly in Egypt where naturally the local gods & goddesses were adapted into the new systems. Among them was the ancient cult of Osiris & Isis, previously worshipped mainly as the deities of the sun & the moon, now whole philosophies were built around them, Osiris now became the 'Secret Doctrine' of the Mysteries & Isis became the personification of the Schools themselves; 'The Church' whilst still retaining all the aspects of their original meanings (the term for amalgamating beliefs like this is called 'Syncretism'). 'His [Harpocrates] finger is placed to his lips which Plutarch interprets as a gesture symbolic of his childish & helpless state. The Greeks & Romans, however, considered this gesture to be a symbol for silence & from this has arisen the custom of placing the finger to the lips as a motion for quietness & secrecy. Statues of the god Harpocrates were placed at the entrances to temples & sacred retreats where the dramas of the Mysteries were performed as a sign that silence & secrecy should be observed in the holy places & that all Initiates were bound by vows of discretion.' - Manly Hall 'Freemasonry of The Ancient Egyptians' (1937). Osiris in his capacity as the sun & the Doctrine became known as the 'Light', or 'Illumination' as did Isis in her role as the moon as the reflector, polar opposite of the suns light or the effect. She was the patroness of Magic, or the art of 'Illu-Sion', the word 'Magi' is incorporated into imagination, & the priests of Mystery Babylon are known to themselves as 'The Magi', the light of the moon has been used in Magic/Witchcraft for millennia has it not? The other son of Osiris & Isis, 'Horus' is known in the Mysteries as the 'Light-Bearer', or, 'Luci-fer' in Latin. …….the Mysteries do not hold women in high esteem As a final example of the beliefs of the 'Knowers' as Manly Hall called them, we read this from; 'This lotus symbolizes the separation of the God Amon-Ra who is both Amon, the Hidden God & the God of Truth who is our Ammon’s Horn (Hippocampus) & also Ra, the God of light who is Lucifer (Phosphorus) in our DNA represented in imagery by the sun. 33rd Degree Freemason, Master Rosicrucian & author, Manly P. Hall had said this of the Lotus – [']May your consciousness be lifted upward through the Tree of Life within yourself until in the brain it blossoms forth as the Lotus, that rising from the darkness of the lower world, lifts its flower to catch the rays of the sun.['] Your consciousness comes from both, your Ammon’s Horn (Hippocampus) in which the tree of life, AKA our DNA, is then combined with the light of Lucifer (Phosphorus) in our DNA, so we too are reborn [like Osiris] & rise like the rays of the sun or lotus in the morning.' An Osiris title is 'Lord of the Underworld'. There is another facet to the Solar mystery & it's the belief in a 3-sun solar system, one visible two not, Osiris being the visible sun & the title for this mystery is 'Sol-Om-On', the name of the sun in 3 languages, non of them Hebrew btw…I digress but it is an integral aspect of their credo & goes in part to explaining their obsession with Palestine. Yes it's interminably complicated jargon, but it's essentially heavy, heavy Mysticism, eventually giving rise to the Humanism of the…..ENLIGHTENMENT of the late 18th Cen, the era of the Bavarian Illuminati. The new Humanist (man is god) doctrines proliferated throughout the Roman Empire, gradually overtaking the old religions in popularity & would have probably attained an unassailable hegemony over the world in short shrift were not for the words & actions of one man …..Jesus Christ. The Mystery Schools were not in the business of tolerating other creeds, therefore they infiltrated, usurped & destroyed from within ALL sects, in the case of Christianity, as it was now known, it did so immediately through the ministry of St Paul, who was obviously a member of the Mysteries, according to Manly Hall. In spite of the attentions of agent provocateurs from the Mysteries, the power of the teachings of Jesus spread like wildfire & ultimately led to a schism in the Roman Empire as to what was to be the state religion (4th Cen AD), Christianity won out & henceforth, the Pagan Mysteries with their esoteric Schools of Initiation had to go underground, the hunter now became the hunted. Because the Mystery Schools had infiltrated Christianity early on, many strands of what became the Catholic Church were & are Pagan, there was a schism however & the Church became a powerful autonomous entity & held sway over Europe for nearly a 1000yrs thereafter. What happened to the Mysteries you may ask? well, it's clearly spelled out in Manly Hall's 'Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians'; 'The parts of Osiris were now scattered so hopelessly that ambitious Typhon felt his authority to be secure at last. But Wisdom is not thus easily to be cheated. In the dark retreats of Islam, the Sufi explored the depths of Nature; among the Jews the learned Rabbins unravelled the intricate skein of Cabbalism; among the Greeks, Initiates rose to life through the nocturnal rituals of Eleusis; in Indian neophytes were brought to the contemplation of the triple-headed Brahma at Elphanta & Ellora. Through the Middle Ages the alchemist in their retreats explored the infinite chemistry of existence, the Illuminati sought the pearl of great price, & Rosicrucian adepts sought to recast the molten sea. All these together were but Isis, still searching for the members of her lord. At last, according to the tradition, all these parts were restored again but one; but this one could not be returned.' 'Typhon' or 'Set' is their appellation for Christianity, Typhon murdered his brother Osiris (note the Biblical parralels) in the Egyptian legend, whereupon he was momentarily resurrected by Isis to conceive Horus & this ancient myth now was applied to the suppression of the Mysteries, Osiris became the constructive powers of nature whereas Typhon/Set was/is the destructive (again note the similarity in the Biblical God - Satan relationship). In any event the doctrines of the Mysteries were perpetuated in the Middle East through the Qabbalists & later the Dervishes & Sufi's, who penetrated Islam at it's inception. The Muslim Caliphs, however were more tolerant towards their Mystical brothers than were the Christian leaders, who they'd been at war with since the 1st Cen AD. Nevertheless they did come into conflict occasionally, though nothing serious occurred until the infamous Crusades, a Pagan enterprise for all intents & purposes lasting some 200yrs, ending in ignominy for the Crusading Knights Templars….of Solomon. A main objective was achieved however, from the Middle Eastern Mystical sects they brought back with them an abundance of Magical laws, Alchemical formulas, methods of controlling populations & so on. Prior to the Crusades 1000's of separatist Gnostic communities migrated into Central Europe, assuming various names when they eventually settled (Cathari for example), henceforth Europe was riddled with subversive groups bent on the destruction of all social orders, not just the Catholic Church. The Knights Templar, the militant Monastic Order of Gnosticism, were, according to General Albert Pike; '..devoted to the cause of opposition to the Tiara [Church] & the crown of Kings.' - 'Morals & Dogma' (1972). Because of the immediate threat, the Inquisition was set up by both Church & States to protect themselves, as you or I would. By the Middle Ages, the Church was relatively impotent as a political force, it's power resided in the principalities who supported it, who were many at that time until the Reformation, created by the Mysteries, which spilt Europe asunder. 'The Catharist system was a simultaneous attack on the Catholic Church & the then existing State. The Church was directly assailed in its doctrine & hierarchy.' - Cathari means 'Pure Ones'. The Puritans, another branch of Mystery Babylon became heavily involved in what seemed to posterity to be an extreme form of autocratic religious intolerance both in the US & Britain, specifically the Cromwellian English Civil War & the notorious Massachusetts 'Salem Witch Trials', the idea of course was to destabilise not just Christianity, but religion in general. Why was Spain such a hotbed for Inquisitional activity? Much of Spain was ruled by the Islamic Moors until the late 15th Cen & it was through them, not the Jews, the Qabbalah was first introduced into Europe according to Manly Hall, moreover; 'Let us begin by considering where the Cabalistic books first began to circulate. That was in Spain.' - A. E. Waite 'The Holy Kabbalah' (1924). In fact it was first compiled into the Zohar (the main book), in Spain immediately before the prohibition of the Knights Templar (turn of 14th Cen) by Rabbi Moses de Leon. Just because he has a 'Rabbi' before his name does not necessarily mean a Rabbi is Jewish, many Rabbi's hide behind Judaism to conceal the fact that they are subverting (Communists) that religion & if they are Qabbalists, you can be damn sure they're not Jewish, despite what anyone says, the same for Imams, Priests or whoever who practice any of the Hermetic (magical) arts, Qabbala is merely another tenet of Gnosticism with strands of Pythagorean numerology & Zoroastrianism. What else was happening in Spain at the time? Well, the Jesuits were formed by Spanish 'Saints' Ignatius & Francis (Xavier) plus St Peter (Faber) of France; 'The Alumbrados came especially from the reformed Franciscans & the Jesuits (St Ignatius Loyola was charged in 1527 with sympathising with them); the extravagant claims made for their visions & revelations caused them to be relentlessly persecuted. The Inquisition issued edicts against them on three separate occasions (1568, 1574 &1623) & it's principally from these that knowledge of the beliefs of the Alumbrados is derived. See also ILLUMINATI'. - Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961). Alumbrados means Illuminati. Using Wikipedia's own words again from it's Alumbrados entry; 'The movement [Alumbrados] (under the name of Illuminés) seems to have reached France from Seville in 1623, & attained some following in Picardy when joined (1634) by Pierce Guerin, curé of Saint-Georges de Roye, whose followers, known as Guerinets, were suppressed in 1635.' They were moving under the cover of a Christian Order (primarily through the Jesuits) as the Qabbalists were with Judaism & the Dervishes/Sufi's/Assassins within Islam. 'It was these Serpent Kings who founded the Mystery Schools which later appeared as the Egyptian & Brahmin Mysteries...The serpent was their symbol...They were the true Sons of Light, & from them have descended a long line of adepts & initiates duly tried & proven according to the law.' - Manly Hall 'Secret Teachings Of All Ages'. 'Now, the legend goes that Freemasonry sprang up from ancient stonecutters guilds, & the men who built the stone buildings of the age. But "Freemason" actually comes from the French: frère-maçon, which literally means, "The Sons of Light." Which light will certainly, in researching the problem, that it is not the light of Christ. It is the light of the fallen angel of light, for when they [Knights Templar] were forsaken by the church, by Christs vicar on earth, the Pope, they spurned God & turned to Lucifer.' - John J Robinson 'The Lost Secrets Of Freemasonry'. (J. J. Robinson & Manly Hall were made Freemasons after writing these books) The Bavarian Illuminati were founded by Jesuit priest Adam Weishaupt on May 1st 1776. Again from the online Catholic Encyclopaedia (; 'When the great international convention of Freemasons was held at Wilhelmsbad (16 July to 29 August, 1782) the "Illuminated Freemasonry", which Knigge & Weishaupt now proclaimed to be the only "pure" Freemasonry, had already gained such a reputation that almost all the members of the convention clamoured for admission into the new institution.' Manly Hall adds in his 'Illuminati' lecture, the Illuminists '…moved behind the scenes of the French Revolution', & further expounds on this information again in his Secret Teachings Of All Ages; 'the Rosicrucians left the Great Seal of the United States. The Rosicrucians were also the instigators of the French Revolution'. The important thing to remember about Weishaupt is he was born into a Jewish family, as was Karl Marx, Moses Hess (Zionism progenitor), the Enlightenment was in full swing when the Rothschild's first came to the fore & psychology was 1000's of years old within the Hermetic Schools when Sigmund Freud postulated his theories on the ego & libido, yet none of these Jewish-born radicals/revolutionaries/warmongers were the founders of their organisations, THEY WERE USED to make it look as if it was the Jews behind all the strife. When we realise such illuminaries as St Germain & Cagliostro worked continually behind the scenes to bring about the French Revolution, then it makes sense to place them behind Weishaupts Order also seeing as he was only 27 (mystical number) when the Illuminati was formed in 1776 (mystical number when configured), not to mention the fact that literary giant Goethe & music genius Mozart soon joined the ranks….of an obscure, novice priest? The Illuminati did not die with Adam Weishaupt, it resurfaced again in Germany with Theodore Reuss; 'In 1880, in Munich, he [Reuss] participated in an attempt to revive Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Order of Illuminati. In 1885, in England, he joined the British Social League… [moreover] ...While living in London, Reuss became acquainted with Aleister Crowley. In 1910, he made Crowley a VII° of O.T.O. (based on Crowley's previously held 33° in the Scottish Rite), & in 1912, he conferred upon him the IX° & appointed him National Grand Master General X° for the O.T.O. in the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland by charter dated June 1, 1912'. - Marx, Engels, Lenin & Trosky ALL lived in London……where the 1st International was founded in 1864, the Palestine Exploration Fund was founded there in 1865. From the 1912 O.T.O. Manifesto; 'Issued by Order: BAPHOMET [Crowley] XI° O.T.O….. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The O.T.O. is a body of initiates in whose hands are concentrated the wisdom & the knowledge of the following bodies: The Gnostic Catholic Church. The Order of the Knights of the Holy Ghost. The Order of the Illuminati. The Order of the Temple (Knights Templar). The Order of the Knights of St. John. The Order of the Knights of Malta. The Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre. The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal. The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. The Holy Order of Rose Croix of Heredom. The Order of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch. The Antient & Primitive Rite of Masonry (33 degrees). The Rite of Memphis (97 degrees). The Rite of Mizraim (90 degrees). The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Masonry (33 degrees). The Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry…..' Next we head to the US; 'Phi-Beta-Alpha. - The Bavarian Illuminati, according to some accounts, spread to America. Students of universities only are admitted to the Order…The Order was introduced into the United States about the year 1776.' - Charles Heckethorne 'The Secret Societies Of All Ages' (1897). To this, the self-proclaimed 'Philosophers of Fire' add; 'The Order of Illuminati was founded in America, without any connection with the German Order, toward the end of the last century.' - R Swinburne Clymer 'Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis' (1929). There must be more than one Order then! In any event, we move to 1957 & Masonic writer Foster Bailey's 'Spirit of Freemasonry'; 'Stage by stage They assist at the unfolding of the consciousness of the candidate until the time comes when he can 'enter into light', &, in his turn become a light-bearer, one of the Illuminati, who can assist in the lodge on high in bringing humanity to light.' 'Light-bearer' remember means Lucifer, also it is a term for the Egyptian god Horus. Foster bailey & his wife Alice set up a publishing company in 1923 named Lucifer Publishing, subsequently changing it to Lucis Publishing which is now still operative & has an office in the UN. (See; Alice was a prolific writer. Before her death in 1949, she compiled a series of articles into what became the highly influential; 'The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy'; 'The one thing humanity needs to know today is the realisation that there IS a Plan which is definitely working out through all world happenings, & that all that has occurred in mans historical past, & has happened lately, is assuredly in line with that Plan.' So there is a PLAN. It's called the Great Work or Magnum Opus in the Mysteries. At the end of this Blog are two more examples of living proof that the Illuminati are still around, they are conspiratorial in nature & they are most definitely connected with Freemasonry & the worship of Lucifer. 'I have observed these doctrines gradually diffusing & mixing with all the different systems of Free Masonry; till, at last, AN ASSOCIATION HAS BEEN FORMED for the express purpose of ROOTING OUT ALL THE RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS, & OVERTURNING ALL THE EXISTING GOVERNMENTS OF EUROPE.......The Association of which I have been speaking, is the Order of ILLUMINATI, founded in 1775, by Dr. Adam Weishaupt' - John Robison (1798). If Robison's word is not good enough for you, try this from Charles Heckethorns; 'Secret Societies Of All Ages' (1897) which lists the origins of 100's of secret societies including those of 19th Cen Italy, with whom he was evidently in agreement with; The "Barbers of Mazzini," at Rome, made it their business to "remove" priests who had rendered themselves particularly obnoxious. Another Bolognese society was that of the "Italian Conspiracy of the Sons of Death" whose object was the liberation of Italy from foreign sway….the war, begun by [Joseph] Mazzini & brought to a successful issue chiefly through Garibaldi, ended in the establishment of the Kingdom of Italy, & the overthrow - for ever, it is to be hoped - of the Popes temporal powers.' It was Mazzini who formed the Mafia. - The Illuminist of today is involved in Alchemy, specifically the branch concerned with whats known as the 'Elixir of Life' as explained in part in Hall's lecture below. Alchemy's role in the Great Work is the transformation of society & the consciousness of the human being, however it's an ancient art dating back to the land of the Pyramids, where the process of illumination began in earnest; 'It is the name of the luminary son of Osiris, Horus which eludes to the illuminating alchemical properties he represents, contained in his symbol of the tree & elixir of life which gives light to us all. Like Horus, the chemical known by a similar name in science called phosp-horus, & in Latin; Lucifer is also an illuminator that makes our consciousness to be lifted upward….' - 'LIGHT Light is an important word in the Masonic system...Freemasons are emphatically called the Sons of Light, because they are, or at least are entitled to be, in possession of the true meaning of the symbol; while the profane or uninitiated who have not received this knowledge are, by a parity of expression, said to be in darkness. The connection of material light with this emblematic & mental illumination, was prominently exhibited in all the ancient systems of religion & esoteric mysteries. Among the Egyptians, the hare was the hieroglyphic of eyes that are open, because that animal was supposed to have his eyes always open. The priests afterward adopted the hare as the symbol of the moral illumination revealed to the neophytes in the contemplation of the Divine Truth, & hence, according to Champollion, it was also the symbol of Osiris, their principal divinity, & the chief object of their mystic rites thus showing the intimate connection that they maintained in their symbolic language between the process of initiation & the contemplation of divinity.' - Mackeys Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry (1872) Freemasonry is not the Illuminati or vice versa, they are both merely interdependent Orders of a vast Pagan religion known to Christians as Mystery Babylon. One of their main objectives has been the destruction of all other religions, Aleister Crowley, 'The Great Beast 666' & Illuminati saw it as his raison d'etre, that should be pretty clear, but it's not, as most will go along with the Plan alas & will accept whatever they're told as long as whoever is telling them comes from the right channels, because being adepts at discerning human nature, they know the vast majority will never pick up a book & research the subject for themselves, unless of course it's one written by Mark Dice, David Icke, Dan Brown or anyone else belonging to the Brotherhood itself. However, if we must use their own material to prove our point, so may I suggest we take our information from the horses mouth instead of digesting horse shit? Here would be a decent start; - The clue's in the title, here's a snippet of Manly Hall's book from the chapter entitled, Illuminati; 'The ideals of Illuminism, as they are found in the Pagan Mysteries of antiquity, were old before Weishaupt was born, & it is unlikely that these long cherished convictions perished with his Bavarian experiment.' On the contrary, Wikipedia states; 'The Illuminati did not long survive their suppression in Bavaria, & their further mischief & plottings in the work of Barruel & Robison must be considered as the invention of the writers.' The concept that man is god is a fundamental principle of Humanism, the concept is derived from passage 3:22-24 in the Book of Genesis; '& the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good & evil: & now, lest he put forth his hand, & take also of the tree of life, & eat, & live for ever: Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man; & he placed at the east of the garden of , & a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.' It's known as the Luciferian Philosophy. One of the Cherubims of Eden is held to be Lucifer by the Mysteries, & the whole philosophy may be summed up in the following; 'The Sphinx symbolizes man. The Sphinx again symbolizes man, with the mind & spirit of the human rising out of the animal desires & emotions. It is the riddle of the ages, & man is once more the answer. The four fixed signs of which the Sphinx is a symbol are Taurus the Bull, Leo the Lion, Scorpio the Eagle, & Aquarius the Man, or the human head [Cherubim of Eden]. So, how can Lucifer be the the prince of darkness, when it has been established that Lucifer is really phosphorus, which [is] derived from a Greek name meaning “Light-Bringer?” The facts are that is he is not the prince of darkness or Satan because Lucifer is really phosphorus that resides in our DNA. Once you understand this reality that is science based, you will then have one of the secret keys to the mysteries of the universe. The light within each one of us humans is where we find Lucifer or Jesus, AKA the morning star.' - They use these terms as metaphors & as far as I can gather, they completely negate & transpose many symbols, names etc primarily from the Bible which gives them some power, although I know not what for sure. It is a practice of theirs however; '...but of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You must not eat of it or touch it, or you will die.’” “You will not surely die,” the serpent told her. “For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened & you will be like God, knowing good & evil.” - Genesis 3:3/4 'The end of all knowledge is the knowledge of good & evil.' - Manly Hall.
One of the main purposes of this site is to bring to light some of the major deceptions of history. History forms our prejudices towards & pretty much our perceptions of our fellow man, hence the reason why the ancients referred to any historian subject to corruption, a; 'Traitor to the Ages'. It's not difficult to see why either, who'd want to live in a society based on lies? Well, most of us evidently, therefore it's my wish to put the record straight in my own mind at least before the axe falls & research like this is no longer tolerated, which we all know is imminent. My arguments regarding World Wars I & II are pretty much established on my Blogbook, however whenever I see one of the utterly spurious depictions of these events, my blood boils & I'm compelled to counter it with as much ammunition as I can possibly find, not out of malice or revenge, rather it's out of the dire situation of being in the position of knowing most people will believe what they're seeing & hearing, therefore I'm duty-bound as it were, unfortunately or not as the case may be. & our discussion here is the infamous Auschwitz Concentration Camps, which have been perhaps the main vehicle/excuse used in the removal of civil liberties in Europe & now the world over for the last 70-odd years, for Jew & Gentile alike, hence the reason for all the Revisionism (see below) on my site because it's getting worse by the day, though I never realised how far we've come until recently when I only began reinvestigating the notorious labour-camps, & when I did, I found much of the Auschwitz material I used to use for research has now disappeared off the internet. So when reading the following, ask yourself who is it you wish to believe, your own judgement, or your governments? Who incidentally have lied about every war we've participated in since WWII, & there have been many, all against peoples who could not defend themselves apart from guerrilla warfare, which the US & UK have now deemed as a form of terrorism, even though it's their own country etc etc etc…... (Please see my other blogs on Germany for my main historical points, however it must be borne in mind that Germany was the Holy Roman Empire for nearly a 1000yrs up until the 19th Cen & was the defender of the Catholic Church, which the Mystery Schools had sworn to destroy..... See: Rosicrucian Manifesto's circa 1610 AD) Auschwitz consists of three separate sites, Auschwitz I, II (Birkenau) & III (Monowitz), A-I was built as an army barracks by Germans in what was then Germany, now southern Poland (Silesia) at the turn of the 20th Cen. In the 1920's, the Poles annexed vast swathes of what used to be Germany including the entire north coast & the area of Silesia. After the outbreak of WW2, which is blamed on the Germans invading Poland, the Germans placed Commandant Rudolf Hoess in charge of renovating the dilapidated barracks into a Polish P.O.W. camp, the place was rigged out with stables, post office, an outdoor swimming pool with diving board & other amenities making it relatively more comfortable say, than a Siberian Gulag. war on the Russians), & as part of their ethnic cleansing policy towards vanquished nations, the Soviets immediately shipped 1.5/2 million Poles to the gulags in the east, & according to their own records, only half survived the journey (See; Incidentally, 1000's of Polish Jewish P.O.W.s were trained in the USSR, brought to Persia (Iran) where they met up with the British to annex that country (25 August -17 September 1941) & from there marched with the British to Palestine, through the recently British-annexed Iraq where we're told they (Anders Army) turned on the British to become the Zionist Brigades that ultimately 'forced' the expulsion of the British & brought about the State of Israel after the war. Many future Polish-Israeli leaders including Menachim Begin were brought to Palestine in this manner & many if not all were Marxists. Other curiosities surrounding Auschwitz include the 100's of British inmates there. Such was the lax security at the camp (Birkenau), they would go on excursion to the nearby town of Katowice for a weekend of frivolity, then simply return for (paid) work at the giant Monowitz plant on Monday. Incidentally, Katowice (then in Germany remember) was the site for the first ever Zionist Convention in 1884. gd6The famous Auschwitz Birkenau Camp (II), so named because of it's many surrounding Birch trees housed the workforce for the huge Monowitz (nearby town) industrial complex. The site was chosen, built & operated by the massive German firm 'I.G. Farben', who's history, associations etc are documented in Prof Anthony C. Sutton's classic; 'Wall St & The Rise Of Hitler' (1976). Auschwitz Monowitz was built to supply the war effort with materials including synthetic oil, required by the Luftwaffe as Germany had no natural oil reserves & the technology (in the form of patents) & much of the finance for the project was supplied by the US during the war; 'Without the capital supplied by Wall Street, there would have been no I. G. Farben in the first place & almost certainly no Adolf Hitler & World War II. German bankers on the Farben Aufsichsrat (the supervisory Board of Directors) in the late 1920s included the Hamburg banker Max War-burg, whose brother Paul Warburg was a founder of the Federal Reserve System in the United States. Not coincidentally, Paul Warburg was also on the board of American I. G., Farben's wholly owned U.S. subsidiary. In addition to Max Warburg & Hermann Schmitz, the guiding hand in the creation of the Farben empire, the early Farben Vorstand included Carl Bosch, Fritz ter Meer, Kurt Oppenheim & George von Schnitzler. All except Max Warburg were charged as "war criminals" after World War II.' - Evidently Professor Sutton believed in the Holocaust at that point (mid-70's) as he mentions the murder of 6 million Jews, that however was way before 1989 when westerners began visiting these concentration camps en masse & began asking questions, serious questions. When this occurred things began to change. Below is a plaque placed in Auschwitz Birkenau after the war by the Soviets. Despite what The Jewish Virtual Library or the Nizkor Project says, the 4 million figure was accepted both in the east & the west until the1980's, the sign was replaced in the 1990's. The fall of the wall must have prompted Auschwitz Curator Franciscek Piper to rethink his strategy somewhat, for in 1991, he published a book entitled; 'Auschwitz: How Many Perished' stating the number of Jewish deaths, not murders was now in the late 100's of 1000's. These non-registered deaths he explains are based on train timetables, eye witnesses & confessions extracted from German P.O.W's (see below), not on any actual physical evidence. The only physical evidence presented as proof for genocide at the camp I'm aware of is forwarded by Dutch historian Robert Jan Van Pelt, who's not an architect or scientist as he pretends here in this video & elsewhere; although Van Pelt is touted as the worlds leading expert on the Holocaust. Also appearing in the video is the worlds foremost Holocaust scholar of his day Gerald Fleming (deceased), a German traitor & all-round bad egg. Incidentally, has anyone ever seen a book written about WWII by a German within 30yrs of the end of the war, i.e., during the period of 'De-Nazification'? I'm sure there were many who would have jumped at the chance, given the opportunity…
The evidence for genocide Van Pelt provides is the supposedly original architects drawings of the four crematoria built at Auschwiz Birkenau between 1941/3. Proof, says Van Pelt lies in the replacement of a staircase by a (corpse) shoot going from the ground floor crematoria to the morgues/basements, that & the fact these crematoria were fitted with multiple muffles (ovens), capable of burning '1000's of bodies a day'. My foremost argument against this wouldn't be the '1000's of bodies a day' claim but that Zyklon B, the pesticide/de-lousing agent said to have been used to gas millions of Jews, IS HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE…..who in their right mind would gas 100's of 1000's (not millions anymore) of people underneath or even adjoining an industrial sized crematoria?
As most people are aware, the Germans did use Zyklon B to combat Typhus which did ravage the camps especially after the Germans attacked the Russians & the 1000's of Russian prisoners were sent to the camps & sometimes used as a workforce. When researching this subject with the intent of making a blog out of it, I thought to myself I won't mention the Mystery Schools in this one as I'm as sick as everyone else is of the sight of them, however it's not to be. Robert Jan Van Pelt was tutored by Dame Frances Yates, a revered Rosicrucian historian, cited many times in Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln books including, Holy Blood Holy Grail, Temple &The Lodge, Elixir & The Stone etc. There's no getting away from them because they're behind everything. The Germans imported some 400,000+ Jews from Hungary into the labour camps & to the front lines in murder most upon arrival? Why not murder them where they were? It's ridiculous to think the 3rd Reich would go to such an incredulous length at a time when all HELL was pouring down upon them & when this newly acquired Jewish manpower would have been a welcome source of productivity. Many went to Auschwitz but most didn't, & the man charged with the operation was Adolph Eichmann. A closer inspection of Adolph Eichmann reveals he was heavily involved with the effort to send as many Jews to Palestine as possible & charged with investigating FREEMASONRY. He would have been privy to all the British & Zionist plans in other words, as were all the leaders of the 3rd Reich. (See - ). Eichmann was 'caught' in Argentina by Mossad in 1960, brought to Jerusalem for a televised shoah trial upon the orders of Communist/Polish immigrant David Ben Gurion, the 'Father of Israel' & subsequently hung. Ironically, perhaps the most damaging of all exposés of Auschwitz was done in the early 1990's by a young Jewish-born American researcher named David Cole, pictured left at Auschwitz with the late heavily persecuted German 'Holocaust Denier' & Martin Luther lookalike Ernst Zündel. Cole did a video proving the staff at Auschwitz were lying regarding the facilities being presented to the public as instruments of mass murder. When Cole returned to the US, he was immediately targeted by the ADL & JDL as a purveyor of 'Hate' against the Jews, he was attacked physically & a bounty put on his head, ultimately leading to Cole changing his name & going into hiding for years……simply for telling the truth. This medicine is meted out to any public figure sitting on the wrong side of the fence regarding Holocaust research. Zündell was battered senseless several times (hence his gimmick of wearing a hardhat) as well as being jailed for years on numerous occasions……for simply telling the truth. (Please excuse the levity with Zundell but the Luther similarity always struck me as curious) Despite everyone at Nuremberg being aware of what barbarity had taken place towards the Germans, the confessions were allowed to stand & most were sent to the gallows, arbitrarily shot or received severe prison sentences. It was also brought to everyones attention at Nuremberg that one of the judges, Russia, had slaughtered 20,000-odd Polish Officers ( & attempted to shift the blame off on Germany, but somehow it wasn't allowed to fly, nor did it preclude Russia from presiding over a kangaroo court in which they prosecuted the Germans for gassing millions of Jews at Auschwitz, who we now know never existed (see above), with no physical evidence, nothing, Jack Dip, zilch, all based solely on train timetables & the confession of a man who was tortured by the British for three days before he singed a confession saying he murdered millions of Jews, mainly by gassing….yet most people till this day still believe it. Incidentally, the Soviets emptied the Baltic states in the same manner they dealt with the Poles, not only that, after executing the Polish top military brass in the Katyn Forest Massacre in 1940, the Russians executed the 1000's of Poles who'd fought against the Germans in Poland when the Red Army returned to annex Poland outright in 1944, as part of the Yalta Agreement; - Nor does it stop there. As stated above, many US companies funded the 3rd Reich from the very beginning, as they did the fledgling Soviet State, & as Anthony Sutton states, the financial & technical aid did not end until 1944, the year the US invaded mainland Europe strangely enough. Moreover, when the Allied forces entered Berlin as victors & split Germany into four Quarters (à la Jerusalem), the Americans held their own 'I.G. Farben' war crimes Tribunal, despite I.G. Farben having a sister American company, 'American I.G. Farben' & Farben itself being financed into & throughout it's existence by US firms. The point to remember however is that Auschwitz Birkenau, supposedly the most infamous place of genocide in the history of the world, ran on the US $, until the Yanks pulled the plug on the Germans in 1944, then set about butchering them in an Apocalypse; - Much is made of the Aushcwitz doctors, especially Dr Josef Mengele (pictured above) & what monsters they were, but yet again, if one looks into the lives of these men objectively, every one of them I've looked into displayed admirable humanitarian traits before & sometimes during the war, & when it comes to accusations of war crimes, we come up against a solid wall of spuriosity. Yes they operated on people, yes they experimented on people (as doctors do), but without their knowledge? It's at best unproven & even if it is true, compare that to what Allied medical professions did to their populations time & again, the heinous MK Ultra project for example. One of the prime movers in that covert operation, Dr Ewen Cameron (a Scot) who was the leading US psychiatrist consultant during the Nuremberg Trials actually proposed this whilst the war was ongoing; '…that after the war each surviving German over the age of twelve should receive a short course of electro-shock treatment to burn out any vestige of Nazism.' - Gordon Thomas 'Journey Into Madness' (1988). Note 'after the war' & note also it was the US who presided over the 'Nazi Doctor Trials'. What on earth had the Germans done to America? I wouldn't be surprised to learn Dr Cameron's proposal of electro-shocking every German over the age of twelve was carried out, such was the horrific brutality of the Allied colonisation of Germany, for thats what it was. Whatever the Germans did to the Jews & it's neighbours before & during WWII simply cannot be compared to what was done to them during & after. Both Germany & Japan were taken out in what can only be described as a Holocaust, there's no other term more apt for it. Why though? In Germany's case, it (as well as the Austro-Hungarian Empire) was the home for the Holy Roman Empire for 100's of years, i.e. it was the stronghold of Christianity & was the protecter of Rome (see my blogs on the Catholic Church & Germany). consciousness of people to justify the creation & existence of the State of Israel. All these wars were part of an Alchemical programme to bring the world another step further towards the restoration of what's known as the 'Philosophical Golden Age' & the creation of a mass of Socialist & Communist states which would ultimately be drawn into conflict with each other & their neighbours & is part of that programme known as the Hegelian Dialectic, the theories of Hegel found their most profound expression in the writings of Hegel's fellow Germans (Internationalists actually)…..Marx & Engels. Many of Israel's early leaders were Polish, some born when what is now Poland was then Germany. The first international Zionist Conference took place just 15 miles north of Auschwitz in Katowice in 1884. The main bulk of the Zionist Resistance against British rule in Palestine was brought from Poland to Palestine first by the Russians via Persia, then by the British to Palestine, whereupon they turned on their British masters, ostensibly at least (why would anyone take the trouble of marching 1000's of Marxist Zionists 1000's of miles to the Holy Land?). The 3rd Reich itself was created along with the Soviet Union by Wall St after WWI & according to historian Carroll Quigley, the British Government had 'hit upon the idea' of bringing the two into conflict as early as the mid-1930's (see; 'Anglo American Establishment' 1956). All allegations of genocide against the Germans during WWII occurred behind the Iron Curtain, if the Germans were animals in the east, then they must have suffered from collective schizophrenia because they were the epitome of chivalry in the west. Certainly the Germans behaved like thugs in the 1930's towards the Jews & some of it's neighbours, but who wouldn't after the injustice & ignominy of the Treaty Of Versailles (1919)? Not many I'd venture & I'm not excusing any of it by any means, I'm merely trying to explain it. The Germans were insidiously brought to believe that it's own Jewish population betrayed them (just as we are today) & were the cause of Germany's defeat in WWI. If one reads Appendix II in Anthony C Suttons 'Wall St & The Bolshevik Revolution' (1974), he explains how British Intelligence were behind the propaganda campaign for the creation of the 'It's the Jews Brigade' post-WWI with old Winston Churchill at the forefront of it. The British certainly trained many leaders of the 3rd Reich, Hitler, Hess, Goering & many others had inextricable business & other links to Britains hierarchy as well as American, the Bush family for example (as have the Bin Laden’s let’s not forget). (Image left from; Whilst engaged in Revisionism on a regular basis up until around 2013, I'd frequently come across a debate between Exterminationists & Deniers regarding the the visits of the International Red Cross to Auschwitz. The debate didn't whirl around whether the Red Cross were there or not, the debate would involve rhetoric over what they were allowed to see, what they said in the Reports etc, that they were there was not an issue then, it is now however, as I can't yet find the Auschwitz ICRC Report, although it was mentioned by at least one of the British Inmates I spoke of earlier at the Nuremberg Trials, where he tells of hearing of the gas chambers in the camp whilst he was there, but this is the first he's told anyone of it apparently because he's not on record as saying as much before. Moreover, other Englishmen known to have been in Auschwitz during WWII are equally as unreliable when asked to recall their experiences; The obituary does say something of import for our purposes however; 'Avey left Auschwitz in a column of prisoners just as the Red Army approached in 1945. Finally making his escape…' The Germans evacuated the prisoners of the Auschwitz complex with the onslaught of the Red Army, who finally caught up with them all anyhow….Why? Historians refer to this action as the 'Nazi Death March', & so it was, but not for the reasons we're told. Here's an example of what fate the Russians had in store for all, not just Germans; 'Natalya Gesse, a close friend of the scientist Andrei Sakharov, had observed the Red Army in action in 1945 as a Soviet war correspondent. "The Russian soldiers were raping every German female from eight to eighty….Drink of every variety, including dangerous chemicals seized from laboratories & workshops, was a major factor in the violence. It seems as if Soviet soldiers needed alcoholic courage to attack a woman. But then, all too often, they drank too much &, unable to complete the act, used the bottle instead with appalling effect. A number of victims were mutilated obscenely. The subject of the Red Army's mass rapes in Germany has been so repressed in Russia that even today veterans refuse to acknowledge what really happened.' - I mentioned before that in every case I'd looked into, each of the German Doctors tried & executed at Nuremberg turned out to be a humanitarian or at least no recorded blemish of character is on record, the same goes for the camp's Commandants. What these doctors & Commandants share (apart from being extra-jucially framed & executed) is a connection to Heinrich Himmler. Himmler was the overseer of the camps, wherein the doctors practiced under the guidance of the Commandants. Again from A. C. Sutton, chapter IX;'Wall Street & the Nazi Inner Circle' , we read; 'The most important of these Nazi inner circles was created by order of the Fuehrer; it was known first as the Keppler Circle & later as Himmler's Circle of Friends…...I.G. Farben was heavily represented within the Keppler Circle: no fewer than eight out of the peak circle membership of 40 were directors of I.G. Farben or a Farben subsidiary….. Standard Oil of New Jersey also made a significant contribution to Himmler's Special Account through its wholly owned (94 percent) German subsidiary, Deutsche- Amerikanische Gesellschaft (DAG). In 1943 & 1944 DAG contributed as follows…..we can identify other Wall Street institutions represented in the early Keppler's Circle of Friends, confirming their monetary contributions to the National Trusteeship Fund operated by Rudolf Hess on behalf of Adolf Hitler. These representatives were Emil Heinrich Meyer & banker Kurt von Schroder on the boards of all the I.T.T. subsidiaries in Germany, & Emil Helffrich, the board chairman of DAPAG, 94-percent owned by Standard Oil of New Jersey.' Standard Oil of course is Rockefeller, yet despite this, the US presided over the Doctors Trials, the IG Farben Trials & the Nuremberg Trials themselves, condemning many of it's own German business associates to the gallows, as Prof Sutton states, no American was ever tried for the exact same conduct suffice to say, & when I said information on Auschwitz had disappeared I wasn't kidding, to cover an important facet on the subject (the Red Cross) I now have to rely on Wikipedia, from the entries for Norman Davis &War & Peace Studies respectively we learn; 'He was chairman of the International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies from 1938 to 1944 & president of the Council on Foreign Relations 1936–1944….In 1939, following the outbreak of war in Europe, Davis chaired the steering committee of the Council on Foreign Relations' War &Peace Studies project…War & Peace Studies was a project carried out by the Council on Foreign Relations between 1939 & 1945 before & during American involvement in World War II. It was intended to advise the U.S. Government on conduct in the war & the subsequent peace. The project was divided into four major areas: economic & financial, security & armaments, territorial, & political. Over 100 men took part. Funding was provided by the Rockefeller Foundation...' (It was the Council On Foreign Relations Round Table mothership in Britain, says Professor Quigley that '…reached the fantastic idea that they could kill two birds with one stone by setting Germany & Russia against one another in Eastern Europe.' - Anglo American Establishment pg 265) Well then, as we've learned from Professor Sutton, Rockefeller also provided the finance & technology to keep the Luftwaffe in the air, until 1944, the year when the funding was stopped, D-Day was launched, the Germans drafted in 100's of 1000's of Jews & the year of the last known Red Cross delegation to Auschwitz. Norman Davis used the same office for his Red Cross & Council On Foreign Relations duties I may add & died July 2nd 1944, & if you think the Red Cross is beyond reproach it is not, because Professor Sutton provided the documentation in 'Wall St & The Bolshevik Revolution' (1974) proving it was used as cover for funding needed by the Bolsheviks to launch their Revolution in 1917. We may surmise the process was practiced several times if it was done once, I will in any event. I've said several times I do not wish to mitigate the crimes of the 3rd Reich, only to place them into a proper perspective. The issue is extremely complex, half of what was left of Poland in 1945 was built by Germans in Germany, & revisionists tend not too often to veer from the actual conflict of WWII itself so I'll cite as an example of what we're up against by providing an article excerpt written by someone I respect as an authority on the subject, Robert Faurisson. Here's a sample of Faurisson's 1994 piece on the legendary 'Warsaw Ghetto' incident; 'An insurrection never took place.' This remark is by Marek Edelman, who was a leader of one of the armed Jewish groups in the ghetto. He added: 'We didn't even choose the day; the Germans set it by entering the ghetto to find the last Jews.' Edelman also stated that the number of Jews who took up arms never exceeded 220. (Other estimates of the number of Jewish ghetto fighters range from several hundred to as many as 2,000. In any case, no more than a minute portion of the ghetto population took part in the fighting.) Edelman's view has been confirmed by Yitzhak Zuckerman, another leader of the main Jewish armed group in the ghetto. Zuckerman has defined the 'war aims' of the Jewish fighters in these words: 'For us it was a question of organizing a defense, not an uprising. In an uprising, the initiative is with the one rising up. We, we sought only to defend ourselves; the initiative was entirely on the side of the Germans.' This was no uprising of an entire community to gain its freedom or to resist deportation. It was, rather, the reaction of only a relative handful of young Jews who, seeing German troops penetrate their sanctuary, first fought back, then on the third day tried unsuccessfully to flee, & then, finally, surrounded, put up sustained armed resistance.' - When condemning the Germans for the above actions, please bear in mind the complexities of the situation, the Germans wrongly believed the Jews to be subversive elements culpable of the destruction of their country, just as Senator McCarthy did with the Communist purges the following decade, in both instances however, the Germans & McCarthyite's failed to recognise the hidden power hiding behind Judaism & Communism, if they had, the Germans especially would not have behaved thus & shipped 100's of 1000's of Jews off in trains to foreign lands never to return or even to Palestine (in concert with the British I might add), where many 1000's were sent. But for me Poland is the key to German culpability in all this. The newly-formed Poland annexed vast areas of previously German-held territory post WWI as part of the Treaty of Versailles & independently, thus beginning conflicts afresh between remaining ethnic Germans & the now Polish overlords, long before the entirely western Allied powers-created Hitler & his 3rd Reich….entered the scene. In Poland, the Germans & Russians eventually WERE set against each other. Meantime, the Polish Government had escaped hostilities by exiling themselves in England for the duration of the war, conveniently. We've mentioned the Soviet deportations of millions of Polish & the Soviet creation of a Polish/Zionist army, to be met up with the British in Persia & marched to Zion to ultimately create the State of Israel. Finally however, in feb 1945, the Allied powers drew up the Yalta Agreement, conferring on the Soviets a stake in at least a third of the machinery of government, to which the Polish government in London agreed, even though, the Russians had just deported millions of their countrymen, women & children. So perhaps the Polish who stayed at home to fight both the Germans & Russians were not the least bit surprised when the Red Army repeated it's actions when it returned in 1945. '...the Soviet partisans massacred 128 gentile men of Naliboki in a surprise night attack. They were members of the local self-defense force. Many of them also participated in the Polish underground Home Army...Although assaults on Polish gentiles had already become commonplace in 1942, they multiplied in number, scale, & fierceness when, in the wake of the Katyn affair [massacre of Poles], Stalin broke off diplomatic relations with the Polish government-in-exile in London in April 1943.' - In other words, genocidal attacks on the Poles by the Russians continued unabated right throughout WWII. It must be remembered that in every instance an accusation of genocide was made against the Germans, the Soviets are the source…….. Ever heard of 'Perfidious Albion'? It's a French expression dating to the period of the Revolution, Napoleon is said to have used it before his long incarceration by the British. Evidently Anglophile Adolf Hitler & his legions of Brownshirts were unaware of the term prior to 1939, if they weren't, it was too late when they ultimately woke up to the fact. 'Auschwitz-Birkenau Extermination Camp The largest of the death camps where over 1,100,000 Jews were murdered' 'Dr. Piper is credited as one of the historians who helped establish a more accurate number of victims of Auschwitz-Birkenau death camps. According to his research, at least 1.1 million people perished [not murdered] at Auschwitz-Birkenau, of whom about 960,000 were Jewish….The postwar testimony of camp's commandant, Rudolf Höss, presented at the Nuremberg trials of 1946, was therefore also proven to be unreliable & grossly exaggerated for reasons unknown.' - 'The prisoner [Rudolf Höss] torn from the top bunk, the pyjamas ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables where it seemed to Clark [British interogator] the blows & screams were endless...It took three days to get a coherent statement out of him' - Rupert Butler 'Legions Of Death' (1983) Links; file:///Users/vincentdonnelly/Downloads/tortured-confessions.pdf 'Can you adduce any documentary evidence proving that even a single Jew was killed in a gas chamber in any National Socialist concentration camp? If your answer is yes, please quote this document & publish a copy on the internet, so that we can analyze it together' - Jurgan Graf Frenchmen, after declaring war upon & attacking Germany, being roundly battered & more than magnanimously treated, courageously wade in with the boot in whilst their American liberators watch on in eager anticipation at their turn soon to come. Patton was killed exactly 6 months later I must stress finally that the bulk of Revisionist work is, I believe done by members of the Mystery Schools, banging the drum the for the; It's The Jews Brigade. Please research this Kenneth Branagh WW2 film dramatising the Wannasee Conference, purported to be the meeting where leading SS Officers & other German officials were informed; 'European Jews would be rounded up & sent to extermination camps in the General Government (the occupied part of Poland), where they would be killed.' ……..Conspire 'to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or an act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement' Theory 'a: a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b: an unproved assumption : CONJECTURE'……. (Merriam-Webster) 'No written order by Hitler for the Final Solution has ever been found. It is as good as certain that none ever existed.' - Incidentally. the famous 'Wannsee Protocol', supposedly the document which (cryptically) outlines the plans for the annihilation of European Jewry..... is said to have been 'FOUND' by this gentleman; 'KEMPNER, ROBERT MAX WASILII (1899–1993), lawyer & historian. Born in Freiburg, Germany, Kempner became an assistant to the state attorney in Berlin (1926) & later a judge. From 1926 to 1933 he was a senior government adviser in the Prussian Ministry of Interior in Berlin. In this period he demanded that Hitler be tried for perjury & treason. He also officially called for disbanding the Nazi Party & Hitler's deportation as an undesirable alien. Removed from office on Hitler's rise to power, he was arrested by the Gestapo, & after his release went to Italy, where he taught until 1939. From there he immigrated to the U.S., where he became a research associate at the University of Pennsylvania &, among other government appointments, worked on President Roosevelt's Manhattan [atomic bomb] Project. From 1945 to 1946 he was a U.S. prosecutor & from 1946 until 1949 chief prosecutor of Nazi political leaders at the Nuremberg Trials. From 1949 he engaged in special research on the Nazi Holocaust of European Jewry. As a consultant to the Israel government, he helped assemble evidence for the *Eichmann trial (1960–61).' - Jewish Virtual Library. 'Kempner also presented the case against his old nemesis Wilhelm Frick. This irony was not lost on the American press. One headline read, "Man He Exiled Presents Case Against Frick." Kempner also served as counsel at the 1947–1948 trial of the German Foreign Office & is credited with finding the text of the Wannsee Protocol, a critical historical document in the history of the Holocaust.' - Would you credit it?? A German man, the finder of the legendary Wannsee Protocol, is chosen to judge over others for a suspected Holocaust, was himself a participant in the execution of an actual Nuclear Holocaust……. - - - - - - EPIBLOG PATRICK HAMILTON ENGLISH PLAYWRIGHT (1904-62) Ever since the days of Ancient Greece, drama has played a most prominent role in the conditioning of the mind. Before the dawn of television (i.e. pre-WWII), the populace received it's daily dosage of predictive-programming usually through the medium of newspapers or the cinema, both of which were highly encouraged by the state. Before they reached the cinema screens, many film scripts were actually taken from novels or plays & would be read or viewed in the main by what some would refer to as the 'Middle Classes', such was the case with the two most famous works of Patrick Hamilton, Rope (1929) & Gaslight (1938), both plays. Rope is a dark murder plot wherein two young Oxford intellectuals decide to commit the 'perfect murder' by strangling a young comrade with a rope with the intent of escaping detection thereby proving their intellectual superiority, using the 'Superman' concept in German Philosopher Frederick Nietzsche's 1883 book 'Thus Spake Zarathustra' as influence & inspiration. The subsequently arrogant use of the rope used in the murder is then the main instrument of their downfall (Note Nietzsche' book was a year before the first international Zionist Conference mentioned above. Also many of the 3rd Reich leaders espoused the teachings of Nietzsche's philosophy including his 'Superman' concept, however it's actually an ancient Gnostic concept) Gaslight; 'History & Etymology for gaslight…..after Gas Light, a play (1938) by British writer Patrick Hamilton, subsequently made into British & American films entitled Gaslight (1940 & 1944), in which a man attempts to trick his wife into believing that she is going insane' - When searching for a definition for Revisionism to explain things on this blog I was directed again by Wikipedia to a new term on the whole to me entitled, 'Historical Negationism', it states; 'For the critical re-examination of historical facts, see Historical revisionism. For negationism or revisionism related to mental abuse, see Gaslighting. Historical negationism.. or denialism is an illegitimate distortion of the historical record.' Note 'SIONISM' is in there, Wikipedia's entry continues; 'Some countries, such as Germany, have criminalised the negationist revision of certain historical events, while others take a more cautious position for various reasons, such as protection of free speech; still others mandate negationist views. Notable examples of negationism include Holocaust denial, Armenian Genocide denial, Japanese war crime denial.. & the denial of Soviet crimes such as the Holodomor, invasion of Poland, the Katyn massacre, & the forced deporations of Poles..' - The idea of course is to inculcate universal cognitive dissonance into the situation, &, amongst other things, saying people who question the Holocaust are a bunch of Nutter Conspiracy Theorists; 'The term [Denialism] has been used with "Holocaust denialism" as "the refusal to accept an empirically verifiable reality. It is an essentially irrational action that withholds validation of a historical experience or event.' - Or if you're in Germany, Poland or anywhere else on earth that enforces Holocaust Denial Laws & you don't toe the party line, you're thrown in jail, now, does this seem right to you? Revisionism by the way is originally a Marxist term, I just use it sometimes for want of a better word. & you can forget about German aggression towards it's neighbours because all Europe was armed to the teeth & at each others throats for centuries, it's just that the Germans were better at fighting than everyone else, who else could have held off the Yanks, Russians, Brits, French & everyone else for so long twice on the bounce? (by rope) for crimes they did not commit. Incidentally, Patrick Hamilton was an ardent Marxist, the very people we're accusing of setting up the 3rd Reich, declaring war upon it, setting it alight & hanging what remained of it's leaders. Other hard to explain coincidences regarding this subject include the 1932 Hollywood production Symphony of Six Million depicting the vicissitudes of life in New York's Jewish ghetto, written by Marxist/Zionist, Fanny Hurst. In Rope, Hamilton has one of his murderous protagonists begin to crack-up with guilt & exclaim; '"Cat & mouse, cat & mouse. But which is the cat & which is the mouse?' Hamilton drank himself to death. German family, victims of Britains 5-day Napalm firebombing raid on Hamburg in July, 1943. This one raid killed 1000's more innocent Germans than the entire infamous 5-year Blitz of Britain. We doused Europe & Asia with Napalm, murdering & maiming untold millions. A main component of Napalm is Gasoline (petrol to us), so we gassed & burned millions of innocent people ….'But which is the cat & which is the mouse?' Even if the Germans were guilty of murdering 6 million Jews during WWII, it pales into insignificance compared to the crimes & genocides of those whom they were pitted against. But I can't find any evidence to support that claim, only plenty of evidence to the contrary (negation). As noted in other blogs, words are being turned around here purposely to mean the opposite or just to confuse original meanings, Nazi for example is an ancient sacred term in Judaism, yet the Germans, who never referred to themselves as 'Nazi's' suffered an horrific 'De-Nazification' brainwashing programme after the war. The word also infers 'Nationalism' to the modern man but again, because the word Nazi is loaded with such negative connotations, rightly or wrongly people now suspect nationalism on a sub-conscious level as a consequence, thus we have the three agencies in action named, albeit under symbolism by the Mystery Schools as those pinned for destruction many years prior to WWII, religion (in this case Judaism), nation-states & the populace, who are hoodwinked, divided, confused, tormented etc & thus rendered impotent, by the whole process. (Most of the links below contain biased or largely conservative estimates) 'FASCISM is the name of a political attitude which puts the nation-state or the race, it's power & growth, at the centre of life & history. It disregards the individual & his rights, as well as humanity, in the exclusive interest of the nation. As a political technique it follows the lead of totalitarian bolshevism as a single-party state with strict regimentation of all aspects of national life. The name Fascism was first used by the movement started by Benito Mussolini in March 1919. Later on it became the general name for similar movements in other countries, among which German National Socialism was the most prominent.' - Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961) 'BOLSHEVIKS [meaning 'Majority'] the name assumed by adherents of the radical left wing of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1903 & maintained as part of the official title of the Communist Party the U.S.S.R. until 1952.' - Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961) 'ANARCHISM is the belief that it is practicable & desirable to abolish all organised government, laws & machinery for law enforcement. Anarchists aim at a stateless society in which harmony is maintained by voluntary agreements between individuals & groups.' - Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961) 'SYNDICALISM is an anti-capitalist doctrine stressing the autonomy of working groups & advocating direct industrial action to overthrow the capitalist order….The syndicalist doctrine was first worked out by certain leaders of the French trade-union movement toward the end of the 19th century. The word syndicalism means simply trade-unionism….It's followers tended to be attracted either by revolutionary communists, especially as represented by the U.S.S.R., or by the increasing possibilities in western democracies for socio-economic improvement through ordinary trade-union activity as well as parliamentary action…Left-wing trade-union agitations, usually called Trotskyite by the Communists, often resulted from old syndicalist influence.' - Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961) (Incidentally, this should identify exactly who the trade unions are & what they're about; 'Masonry a vast organism of propaganda acts by slow suggestion, spreading the revolutionary ferment in an insidious manner. The heads sow it among the inner lodges, these transmit it to the lower lodges whence it penetrates into the affiliated institutions.2 2. Such as Ligue des droits de l'homme [League of Human Rights], la ligue de l'enseignement [league of education], le Syndicat des instituteurs [Teachers' Union], l'Union des combattants républicains [Union of Republican Fighters]...' - Leon de Poncins 'The Secret Powers Behind Revolution' 1929) 'If you find yourself in Manchester [England] in the near future, don’t miss the People’s History Museum (originally the National Museum of Labour History). The museum houses an impressive collection of labour-related objects & documents, presented throughout a series of themed exhibition spaces. It is dedicated entirely to the history of the United Kingdom’s working classes, recounting & documenting the daily lives, work, & leisure activities of British subjects over the past 200 years. But beyond this, the museum spotlights suffrage as the path toward democracy, serving additionally as an archive & study centre.' - 'DEMOCRACY ...Totalitarian Democracy - During the 19th & early 20th centuries the idea of democracy was associated primarily with liberal constitutionalism. That is what Pres. Woodrow Wilson had in mind when he stated that "making the world safe for democracy" was the object of the United States participation in World War I. One of the principle consequences of that war, however, was the establishment of the communist regime in Russia. Although the U.S.S.R. did not aspire to be a Liberal state, it laid great emphasis on what it claimed was it's popular & democratic character, a claim which was held to be spurious by upholders of traditional eyes of democracy. The satellite governments it set up after World War II were officially designated "peoples democracies," & it was in this rigourously restricted form that "democracy" became familiar at mid-20th century to much of the human race.' - Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961) 'SOCIALISM & DEMOCRACY… The authentic socialist movement, as it was conceived by its founders & as it has developed over the past century, has been the most democratic movement in all history. No formulation of this question can improve on the classic statement of the Communist Manifesto, with which modern scientific socialism was proclaimed to the world in 1848. The Communist Manifesto said: All previous historical movements were movements of minorities, or in the interest of minorities. The proletarian movement is the self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority.25 The authors of the Communist Manifesto linked socialism & democracy together as end & means. The “self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority” cannot be anything else but democratic, if we understand by “democracy” the rule of the people, the majority.' - 'CAPITALISM An economic systemic which wealth is owned by private individuals or businesses & goods are produced for exchange, according to the dictates of the market.' - Andrew Heywood 'Political Ideologies' (1992) 'COMMUNISM The principle of the common ownership of wealth; communism is often used more broadly to refer to movements or regimes that are based on Marxist principles.' - Andrew Heywood 'Political Ideologies' (1992) Despite veiling a morass of ambiguity, the above political definitions should be relatively comprehensible to the average person, & indeed do or used to represent the original meaning of those terms fairly adequately. The definitions are given for the most part in the mid-20th Cen & were presumably what most of us interested in the subject grew up believing to be our understanding of these political belief systems & like a bunch of idiots, frequently drew our lines in the sand over. If one delves further into the political spectrum nowadays however, the lines of demarcation between political doctrines has become ever so blurred, they overlap, they seem to contradict themselves & so on. For example, here's excerpts from a article on 'Liberalism'; 'Liberalism is a word that means different things to different people, especially from country to country....Very broadly, liberalism asserts individual autonomy against the intrusion of the community...Economic liberalism therefore easily makes common cause with the traditional sources of conservative politics – the landed aristocracy & Christian fundamentalists. Neo-liberalism….favours reliance on market forces to resolve social problems, rather than methods of state regulation. “Civic liberalism” on the other hand, emphasises the importance of individual autonomy against determination by traditional norms, racial prejudice, entrenched power relations & economic disadvantage. Under the banner of “equality of opportunity”, civic liberalism can come close to forms of communitarianism in emphasising the responsibility of the community…..In the U.S., “liberal” has the specific connotation of seeking to promote the social good without challenging the right of the ruling class to rule….'. To cut to the quick, lines of demarcation between political ideologies were blurred a long time ago, with the intent of bringing us to the chaos we see around us today, Trump, Brexit, you name it. Out of this chaos will come a new order, one of a totalitarian, secure, world society, wherein (as Aldous Huxley said), all will learn to love their servitude, one way or another. The reason for all this CHANGE is because at it's inception, the Catholic Church, or reformed (Holy) Roman Empire put quite a few noses out of joint during it's tenure as Europes hegemony, most notably the Pagans, who've regrouped time & again & who now sit firmly in the driving seat. The Pagans saw to it that the three elements of society that were to their mind, the prime movers in it's tribulations that needed to be destroyed; the Church, the Nation State & the Mob, were first infiltrated, usurped, then totally discredited. They were set about simultaneously during the Middle Ages in various fashions in an all out attack, whilst always keeping their real purpose & identity (Mystery Babylon)…..veiled. I hope thats clear. Below are some symbols familiar to my site as well as some new. I've put them all in the one place so that we can familiarise ourselves with them & thus recognise them for what they really are next time they cross our path, instead of misappropriating their origin, which is the modern day intention with these (for the most part) Alchemical devices (left; Extinction Rebellion Symbols). The idea is to connect them linearly as we go, however I may wander a wee bit but it doesn't really matter, we'll give it a whirl anyhow. Speaking of which, lets start with the dreaded SWASTIKA……. 'Dr. Sigismund Bacstrom believed that if a physician could establish harmony among the elements of earth, fire, air, & water, & unite them into a stone (the Philosopher's Stone) symbolized by the six-pointed star or two interlaced triangles, he would possess the means of healing all disease.' - Manly Hall 'Secret Teachings Of All Ages' (1928). 'Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image' - God 'A neo-Nazi couple who named their baby after Adolf Hitler & were convicted of being members of a banned terrorist group have been jailed.…..Thomas was jailed for six years & six months, & Patatas for five years.' - BBC News (Dec 2018) '& they [French Merovingian Monarchs] all supposedly bore a distinctive birthmark, which distinguished them from all other men, which rendered them immediately identifiable & which attested to their semidivine or sacred blood. This birthmark reputedly took the form of a red cross, either over the heart a curious anticipation of the Templar blazon or between the shoulder blades.' - Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln 'Holy Blood Holy Grail' 'Templar Knights had escaped from France, crossed the border into Switzerland & granted sanctuary, bringing with them their military expertise & Templar treasure… buying their way into this new country. The Templar’s were Europe’s bankers from the 11th – 14th century, now the largest banking & financial institutions of Europe are located in Switzerland.' -
Above; from Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry The above are taken from the French Magus Eliphas Levi's 'Transcendental Magic' (1854-6) & is corroboration for Albert Mackey's claim that the Pentagram is the symbol for both Lucifer & Satan. The 'Temple' Levi refers to here is the Knights Templar, who brought the symbol of Baphomet back from the Middle East. Much of Levi's book was the basis for the handbook of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Albert Pike's 'Morals & Dogma'. 'WHEEL & -WHOA! The Great Wheel of Samsara. The Wheel of the Law. (Dhamma.) The Wheel of the Taro. The Wheel of the Heavens. The Wheel of Life. All these Wheels be one; yet of all these the Wheel of the TARO alone avails thee consciously. Meditate long & broad & deep, 0 man, upon this Wheel, revolvmg it in thy mind! Be this thy task, to see how each card springs necessarily from each other card, even in due order from The Fool unto The Ten of Coins. Then, when thou know'st the Wheel of Destiny complete, may'st thou perceive THAT Will which moved it first. - Aleister Crowley 'The Book Of Thoth' (1943)
'The Eagle is the universal emblem of the gods of the sky. The cosmic eagle is a symbol of the highest aspirations of the spirit, & its triumph over the carnal nature. This is why the eagle is so often depicted in combat with serpents or bulls, creatures who symbolize earthly desire (bull) or evil (serpents). It is most often a solar symbol….A double-headed eagle represents the union of opposites & is an important emblem of Freemasonry.' - symbol Below are 1st Cen AD 'Gnostic Gems' depicting the 'Demiurges', who's the ruler of this world according to them. According to the Bible Satan is the ruler of this world. Snake/Arrow image taken from Manly hall's; 'Masonic Orders Of Fraternity' (1950). Cagliostro was the guy who introduced the Egyptian Rites into Freemasonry just before the French Revolution.
'The pyramid form may be explained by an examination of the familiar obelisk form. The obelisk, as is commonly known, is a symbol sacred to the Sun-god. So far as I am aware, however, little significance has heretofore been attached to the fact that the especially sacred portion of the obelisk is the pyramidal apex with which it is surmounted. An obelisk is simply a pyramid upon a lofty base which has indeed become the shaft.' -
the obelisk, the cone, the candle, the tower, the Celtic monolith, the spire, the campanile, the Maypole, & the Sacred Spear are symbolic of the phallus.' - Manly Hall 'Secret Teachings Of All Ages' Below - more stylised pentagrams (skull & bones)
Below; The 22 Tarot Trumps (or 'Keys') I've come to believe that these Trump Tarot Card consciousness-altering images/archetypes are the most potent device the Mysteries use against us in their Quest for the Holy Grail. Songs/music may be archetypal, & you may have heard how they're sometimes involved as triggers in the build up to gun rampages or in the Manson Family massacre for instance. To learn what symbols mean & do to our minds is to protect oneself from their influence when used against or upon us, as they are on a daily basis. Shape has property, as in the pentagram or hexagram, to visualise these instruments alters ones thought-process, be it in a positive or negative manner depending on how it's conceived, these are the weapons of the Magi, who's name is incorporated in the term; 'I-MAGI-NATION'. Does it ring a Bel, so to speak? The Greek god Kronos or Saturn in Roman is the archetype for our 'Father Time'; 'Satan is Saturn, Set, Abrasax [see above], Adad, Adonis, Attis, Adam, Adonai, etc…...The card itself ['Death'- Tump card of the Tarot] represents the dance of death; the figure is a skeleton bearing a scythe, & both the skeleton & the scythe are importantly Saturnian symbols.' - Aleister Crowley 'Magick In Theory & Practice' (1929)'. -
'How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.' - Isaiah 14 'For centuries people were burned at the stake, stretched to death or otherwise tortured for failing to be Roman Catholic. But, if research released by the Vatican is right, the Inquisition was not as bad as one might think. According to the documents from Vatican archives relating to the trials of Jews, Muslims, Cathars, witches, scientists & other non-Catholics in Europe between the 13th & the 19th centuries, the number actually killed or tortured into confession during the Inquisition was far fewer than previously thought…..European & North American historians have been searching the archives since a Vatican conference on the Inquisition in 1998. Their findings support the recent theories of some independent historians that the Spanish Inquisition has been exaggerated into a kind of legend.' - The Guardian (16 Jun 2004). Those who've read my blog on the Catholic Church know there's been a concerted effort on the part of the Mystery Schools beginning at the very latest by the 14th Cen to discredit the Catholic Church out of existence. As things stand it looks fairly grim reading from a Catholic perspective, as the Mysteries took over the running of the Vatican (as they said they would) in the mid-20th Cen, now the ancient Doctrine of the Church is being melded with not only other Christian Denominations but with other religions, including Buddhism & the New Age. Other troubling developments are it has had to publicly beg for forgiveness for past 'crimes', 'As the successor of Peter, I ask that in this year of mercy the Church, strong in the holiness which she receives from her Lord, should kneel before God & implore forgiveness for the past & present sins of her sons & daughters.' - This almost incredible wrench includes stuff the Church either had little part in, was no more guilty than others & according to my research, some things it wasn't actually guilty of any wrongdoing; 'The Roman Catholic Church formally apologized Monday for failing to take more decisive action in challenging the Nazi regime during World War II to stop the extermination of more than 6 million Jews.' - Washington Post (Mar 17th 1998). Unsurprisingly, the future Pope who worded it & the Pontiff who delivered it were German & Polish respectively. 'We are deeply saddened by the behaviour of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours (Jews) to suffer, & asking your forgiveness we wish to commit ourselves to genuine brotherhood.' Added Pope John Paul the George & Ringo. Most famously however, from it, or should I say from those members of the Brotherhood speaking for the Catholic Church, came the multiple apologies for the Inquisition. The Catholic Inquisition came about because of the threat posed by the Gnostic sect the Cathars in the 12th & 13th Cen, situated most notably in Southern France & Northern Italy peninsular. Despite what historians might say, the Knights Templar were Gnostics, & as Albert Pike says in Morals & Dogma, they were devoted to the destruction of both Church ('alters') & Thrones. They were & are Pagans, & the Cathari, 'The Pure Ones' were merely another branch of the Mysteries, who the Catholic Church, with the eventual assistance of Europes Monarchies had put out of action when the Roman Empire assumed a sanitised, polyglot form of Christianity (Catholicism) as it's Faith, so by the time of the Middle Ages, the Mystery Schools had decided to take Europe, by intrigue or by force if necessary, however they were thwarted by Europes Thrones & Alters, but not for long.
secular institution or state would under such circumstances, yes the use of torture was terribly wrong as was the executions, but as you can see from the above entry in the Catholic Encyclopaedia, such powers were designated to secular authority & would not have been sanctioned by the Church, at least most weren't & not directly from the Pontiff. What the Catholic Church was involved in from the 11th to the 20th century was…...WAR. The Mysteries refer to the period between the 4th & 11th centuries as 'The Dark Ages', they then term the period between the 11th & 15th 'The Middle Ages', then we have the 'Renaissance' (rebirth), 'Reformation' (you may see political movements termed 'Reform' dotted about the place nowadays) moving through the 'Age of Enlightenment' & so on. When the Catholic Church uses terms like the Albigensian 'Crusade', they mean War, all the Medieval groups cited under the 'Heresies' were subversives, proto-communists; 'The Holy Virgin who once victoriously drove the terrible sect of the Albigenses [Cathars] from Christian countries, now suppliantly invoked by us, will turn aside the new errors, especially those of Communism, which reminds us in many ways, in its motives & misdeeds, of the ancient ones.' - Pope Pius IX. As stated, responsibility for the expurgation of the Heresies fell to battle-hardened soldiers, nearly always of aristocratic birth, hence the Mysteries intense dislike of monarchies, yet the hostility may be traced way before; 'Thus the Order of Knights of the Temple was at its very origin devoted to the cause of opposition to the tiara of Rome & the crowns of Kings' - Albert Pike Morals & Dogma. Similar say to the figures attributed to the Germans for the Jewish death-toll during the 3rd Reich, it's impossible to put even a ballpark figure on the numbers killed during the Inquisition, what I do know is, the figures, like in the Holocaust, have been greatly exaggerated; Moreover, we have to differentiate between war & the actual legal process of the Inquisition, war after war was fought in the name of religion between the Catholic & Protestant, this being the case, many writers have included those death tolls in their calculations, whether a Protestant started the conflict or not, things like this must be taken into consideration but seldom is. Not only that, many conflicts were intentionally began by the Jesuits, another subversive branch of the Mysteries who've always employed the Hegelian Dialectic principle of Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis, the stage we find ourselves at now. Bearing these considerations in mind, the actual figure whereby the Church was directly involved in executions must have been considerably lower than a million, & that for a period of over 800yrs, for example; 'Estimates of the number killed by the Spanish Inquisition, which Sixtus IV authorised in a papal bull in 1478, have ranged from 30,000 to 300,000. Some historians are convinced that millions died. But according to Professor Agostino Borromeo, a historian of Catholicism at the Sapienza University in Rome & curator of the 783-page volume released yesterday, only 1% of the 125,000 people tried by church tribunals as suspected heretics in Spain were executed.' - The Guardian (ibid). Incidentally, can the Church really be blamed for suppressing the Alchemists when they were refining the sciences that would ultimately lead to the Atomic Bomb?…….'The first person in Europe to make gunpowder was [Alchemist] Roger Bacon, a 13th century monk. His famous recipe for blackpowder said (in old English), 'of saltpetre take five parts, five of young willow (charcoal) & five of sulfur & so you will make thunder & lightning'. The Church was not pleased about this because it was thought only God could produce thunder & lightning, so imprisoned him for ten years. Guns were invented just after Bacon's death in 1292.' - Why was Spain such a hotbed for Inquisitional activity? Much of Spain was ruled by the Islamic Moors until the late 15th Cen & it was through them, not the Jews, the Qabbalah was first introduced into Europe according to Manly Hall, 'Let us begin by considering where the Cabalistic books first began to circulate. That was in Spain.' - A. E. Waite 'The Holy Kabbalah' (1924). In fact it was first compiled into the Zohar (the main book) immediately before the arrest of the Templars (turn of 14th Cen) by Rabbi Moses de Leon. Just because he has a 'Rabbi' before his name does not necessarily mean a Rabbi is Jewish, many Rabbi's hide behind Judaism to conceal the fact that they are subverting (Communists) that religion & if they are Qabbalists, you can be damn sure they're not Jewish, despite what anyone says, the same for Imams, Priests or whoever who practice any of the Hermetic (magical) arts, Qabbala is merely another tenet of Gnosticism with strands of Pythagorean numerology & Zoroastrianism. What else was happening in Spain at the time? Well, the Jesuits were formed by Spanish 'Saints' Ignatius & Francis (Xavier) plus St Peter (Faber) of France; 'The Alumbrados came especially from the reformed Franciscans & the Jesuits (St Ignatius Loyola was charged in 1527 with sympathising with them) ; the extravagant claims made for their visions & revelations caused them to be relentlessly persecuted. The Inquisition issued edicts against them on three separate occasions (1568, 1574 &1623) & it's principally from these that knowledge of the beliefs of the Alumbrados is derived. See also ILLUMINATI'. - Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961). Alumbrados means Enlightened in English, Illuminati in Latin. Writing of Inquisition victim Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), authors Baigent & Leigh (Elixir & The Stone - 1997) state; 'Through his death, he has become for posterity a martyr to those things, as well as an indictment against ecclesiastical tyranny that shames the Church to this day.' Well it wouldn't be difficult judging by the amount of confessions issued from the Vatican these days, however, Baigent & Leigh must have instantly forgotten they'd documented the reasons why the Church acted as it did, one being Bruno was '..implacably hostile to Spain & the Church.' Moreover; '..he was bent on nothing less than the establishment of a new world religion, that of Hermeticism. They quote Rosicrucian authority Frances Yates in saying Bruno was the inspiration for the Rosicrucian Manifesto's (1611-16), the documents that announce a new world religion wherein the Pope will eventually be shred to pieces 'with nails' etc. In symbolic language they admit Bruno was a Luciferian, as they all were & are but more to my mind, they place him as active in the Babbington Plot (1586), another Anglo-Jesuit conspiratorial entrapment case in the Regicide of the Catholic Mary Queen Of Scots….& Bruno is considered a martyr? How many 100's of 1000's of innocent Catholics did the English slaughter previous to the openly treasonous Giordano Bruno? & what of the centuries of butchery afflicted on the Catholic Irish? There's much more to Giordano Bruno him but we'll move on to perhaps the most infamous of all the Inquisitions convictions, Galileo Galilei. To do so I'll merely quote a tiny portion of a paper written by author Richard S. Westfall entitled; 'Galileo & the Jesuits' ; 'More than once, after his trial, Galileo asserted that the Jesuits were the source of all his troubles. He was not alone in that judgment; it was the accepted view of the age.' Enough said as they say round our way. I suppose I'm being an apologist for the Catholic Church, however I'd say that it's done in the spirit of necessity, for it's not just the Catholic Church who've been under attack all this time, it's all religions who are being replaced by the Mystery religion of Babylon. As Masonic authors Baigent & Leigh say in their book quoted above, 'More than any other Renaissance magus, Bruno comported himself like a man on a mission. Frances Yates describes it as a specifically 'Hermetic religious mission…a mission in which Ficino's magic becomes expanded into a projected full restoration of the magical religion…' The Rosicrucian Manifesto's said the same thing, the Illuminati said the same thing, the Church was under attack from within & without, & from the most diabolical minds one could ever imagine, yet it's the victims of these diabolical minds who've gone down in history as the worlds 'Most Evil' etc etc, people like Hitler or Inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada (pictured above). Even if Hitler & Torquemada were evil, they couldn't hold a candle to most of the Brotherhood floating around today never mind those throughout history, at least Hitler & Torquemada were honest about what they were doing, although Hitler's case is complicated, he was 100% set up then sunk by the Allies, he was brought to power, financed & even trained by us, 'I learned above all from the Jesuits' is a quote attributed to Adolf according to Herman Rauschning, he was trained by Aleister Crowley according to French philosopher Rene Gunon. The goal of the Mystery Schools is the destruction of the State (nation), the Church & the Mob, Hitlers brand of Socialism was 'National' Socialism, & any association with a group under that term these days will land us in the clink. What I'm trying to do is demonstrate that when we look into regularly maligned events in history, the actual story is a lot different than the one we were told in school or at the cinema, few people are actually aware that they RECEIVE their perception of life FROM the television, the radio, the cinema etc, & that perception is CONTRIVED, it's someone else version of history skewed to suit their agenda they watch when they see a bio or a documentary or a film, the war between the Church & the Mysteries is never mentioned in school or hardly ever in history books, yet it was a matter of the utmost concern to the Church for centuries, many of the plethora of Papal Bulls on the issue are still available, as is a host of literature on the subject from the Mysteries, including; Morals & Dogma,The Secret Teachings Of All Ages, the Rosicrucian Manifesto's, to name a few. Thus I'd like to suggest we all take what we're told with the proverbial pinch of salt, '….unless we can prove it in our own research' - Bill Cooper. 'Almost all people are hypnotics. The proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, & the people believed properly.' - Charles Fort. Whether one agrees with the Catholic Church or not is not the issue, the issue is peoples freedom to worship at the alter of their choice has been under attack for centuries by an intolerant, elitist, genocidal religion & in the end, if we do not accept this religion, we are to die. The Catholic Church never went that far, they only defended themselves when they came under attack as any of us would & yes sometimes it went too far (use of torture, executions), but how much of it was under their control? Like us they are only human, & unfortunately these misdeeds have been seized upon & blown out of all proportion by the Mysteries to discredit the Church & bring it down, it's a tactic of war they've used time & again & are still using today. The Church had a habit of acquiescing with secular enterprises when it should have spoken out, as in the Crusades, or the Conquistadors for example, for this it should be regretful, but if so, what have they got to be sorry about when the perpetrators of these events certainly don't give a damn? An example of Papal acquiescence is the suppression of the Templars from 1307-14, Pope Clement V went along with Phillip The Fair's scheme, 'Blackmailed by King Phillip IV of France, the chronically sick Pope acquiesced to Phillip's demands for the suppression of the Knights Templars.' - Encylopaedia Britannica (1961). It's said also that under ruthless pressure from Phillip, the Church moved it's headquarters from Rome to Avignon in France in what is known to Christians as the; 'Babylonian Captivity'. So it appears to me at least the Church had little leverage over European Monarchs beyond this point, the Church's influence was over the imaginations of the populace in general & would be for some time to come. As Galileo (who had more than a tenuous connection to the Mysteries) was being interrogated under the Inquisition, the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French & English were barbarically slaughtering untold millions as they cut their way round the globe forging out tyrannical empires for themselves, alls that happened to Galileo was he was placed under house arrest, for a bit. Soon after the now universal……National Witchcraft Day, otherwise known as Halloween, here in the UK we celebrate something called both; 'Guy Fawkes' & 'Bonfire' - Night, wherein a stuffed scarecrow-like doll (usually large) is placed atop of a bonfire which is then lit. It's supposed to be a commemoration of the thwarted 1605 'Gunpowder Plot' in which several embittered Catholic Noble & military men (including Guy Fawkes), designed to blow up the English Houses of Parliament by placing kegs of gunpowder beneath it in response to draconian anti-Catholic measures by the government of King James I of England, VI of Scotland, the same chap whose name either he or someone thought fit to pre-fix the Holy Bible with. Consider this for a moment, in many countries throughout Europe it's a crime punishable by imprisonment for being disparaging towards Jewish people, particularly if one questions recent history in the specific states where these draconian Jewish-based laws apply, Germany & Poland for example, despite the fact that 'history' means to ask questions in the Ancient Greek, & the reason the Greeks actually formulated this discipline was to keep their governments in check to prevent them from acting arbitrarily, tyrannically etc. Yet we have in the UK here today a national celebration whereby effigies of a certain religious denomination are ceremoniously burned every November 5th, not only that, there are huge firework displays (unlike the Gunpowder Plot), funfairs erected, special confectionaries associated with the event & so on. When I was a child growing up in the 70's & 80's these bonfires, fireworks & fairs were everywhere, for some reason they're not as prevalent since the beginning of this millennium however, I wonder why? But they are still held in great number, most famously in the southern English town of Lewes in Sussex. - 'Middle English, from Late Latin holocaustum, from Greek holokauston, from neuter of holokaustos burnt whole, from hol- + kaustos burnt, from kaiein to burn — more at CAUSTIC' - (I tried looking in the 1961 Encyclopaedia Britannica for a definition for Holocaust but alas there was no entry for it) What of the plot? 'On May 24, 1604, a house was hired in Percy’s name adjoining the House of Lords. From the cellar of this house the conspirators proposed to work a mine.They began digging on December 11, 1604, & by about March had gotten halfway through the wall. They then discovered that a vault immediately under the House of Lords was available. This was at once hired by Percy, & 36 barrels of gunpowder (some sources say fewer), amounting to about 1.5 tons (some 1,400 kg), were brought in & concealed under coal & firewood. The preparations being completed in May 1605, the conspirators separated.' - The facts of the matter anyone can find for themselves, what I'd like to bring into focus are the religious aspects of the Gunpowder Conspiracy, as it all seems a little too curious for my liking when squared with other significant events of the period. For one, the Jesuits are mentioned as co-conspirators. The conspirators themselves may not have been aware of the Machiavellian qualities of the Society of Jesus, even as some Jesuits aren't, such is the pyramidal structure of these societies, & for those unaware, they are an arm of the Mystery Schools pretending to work for the Catholic Church whilst working all the while for it's destruction; - 'They apparently hoped that the confusion that would follow the murder of the king, his ministers, & the members of Parliament would provide an opportunity for the English Catholics to take over the country.' '….apparently'. They were digging underneath the House of Lords for four months before they placed 1.5 tons of gunpowder under the building? Indeed, when the plot was discovered, the cellar wasn't searched till over a week later on Nov 4th….?? We're told the reason the plot failed is because a conspirator warned a potential attendee to stay away from parliament on the 5th, who promptly went to the authorities (Lord Salisbury). Many of the other conspirators friends & associates would have been inside on the fatal day, plus many innocent bystanders would have been killed, so the official story that it was intended to cow whats left of the government into submission doesn't wash, as most would have merely seen it as an atrocity & thus it would not have enamoured many into support for their cause. The Encyclopaedia Britannica 1961 says of the 1605 Plot; 'The allegation that the whole affair was an agent-provocateur's plot for which Salisbury was responsible is regarded as baseless.' They fail to mention by whom, nor do they deny the 'allegation' is true, however. The context of the event requires some examination. The Reformation begun by the Mystery Schools was well under way, Catholics were now being set against Protestants all over Europe, the British Empire was mercilessly being carved out, again an enterprise conceived by the Mystery Schools (See Sir Francis Bacon's 'New Atlantis'), the Rosicrucian Manifesto's (Sir Francis Bacon) were being written, as were the Shakespearean Plays (Sir Francis) & the King James Bible (more Bacon), by the same people…… The Mystery Schools, based in London. King James' mother, Mary Queen of Scots had been executed extra-judicially by the English Court for her alleged role in another Jesuitical scheme known as the 'Babbington Plot' 18yrs previously. One of the most vocal in calling for Mary's execution was Rosicrucian & founder of modern Freemasonry Sir Francis Bacon, & it was under the precedent set by Bacons own seriously suspect impeachment in 1621 that Mary's grandson & James' son King Charles (Stuart) was tried & executed in 1649 by Oliver Cromwell's 'Commonwealth', after a bloody civil war. The (Lord) 'Salisbury' the Encyclopaedia Britannica was referring to is this man; 'After Essex was executed in 1601 for rebelling against the Queen, [Sir Robert] Cecil felt free to initiate secret correspondence with King James VI of Scotland, advising the King on ways to cultivate Elizabeth’s favour. As a result of his efforts, the succession, upon Elizabeth’s death, passed without incident to James.' - James & Charles shared their mother/gandmothers nationality, Scottish. Robert Cecil was at the head of the infamous English Secret Service, so would have been in cahoots with perhaps the two most famous conspirators of all time, the Magi John Dee & Freemason/Rosicrucian progenitor Sir Francis Bacon, amongst a host of other household names including Sir Walter Raleigh. Plots, schemes & conspiracies were being set up everywhere by these people to further plans for their one-world Utopian Order, this is not speculation it is a plain fact. For example, the primary objective of the period, as stipulated in the Rosicrucian Manifesto's (first published in 1611) was the destruction of the Catholic Church. Brainwashing a few desperate, perhaps unstable men into believing they could end religious persecution or at worst become martyrs in it's cause would have been child's play to any one of the legion of Magi surrounding King James, as it has been ever since the days of ancient Egypt, in fact mind control is precept of their 'initiation' ceremonies, '…..on or about November 1, 1603, Catesby sent a message to his cousin Robert Winter at Huddington, near Worcester, to come to London, but Winter refused. On the arrival of a second urgent summons shortly afterward, he obeyed, & at a house in Lambeth, probably in January 1604, he & John Wright were initiated by Catesby into the plot'- Reason dictates skepticism on the matter & much. As we are informed, James' mother & son, both queen & king of nations were executed by the same people, i.e. the English Parliament, yet James is spared from 'Popish Plots' to oversee the union of the Scottish & English Crowns. The effects, as propagandised in Shakespeare's plays were the demonisation of Catholicism & certain non-conformist previous monarchs including Richard II & III. 'Incidents' are required for the alchemical process to take place in the minds of the populace, therefore I would not be the least bit surprised if I were to learn the Spanish Armada of 1588 with its invasion force of 17,000 foot soldiers (a Scottish invasion force of twice that number had been routed by the English earlier in the century on their own turf), was only en route to the Spanish Netherlands when they were attacked by Drake's fire ships….after sailing right through the English Channel with only the slightest attention paid to it by the English navy (Drake playing bowls legend). None of it makes any sense from a Spanish perspective & I'd add there's something seriously suspect to do with the infamous Spanish Inquisition, but I'll leave that to a brighter day. 17,000Adolf Hitler is on record as saying he learned; 'foremost from the Jesuits', as did the ringleader of the Bavarian Illuminati Adam Weishaupt, Gerry Adams, Fidel Castro & many others. Incidentally, Central London was consumed by fire in 1666 & the details of that sorry story have all the hallmarks of an agent-provocateur plot as the Encyclopaedia Britannica put it; ( 'Why are the Gunpowder plot & Macbeth connected? Firstly, many of Macbeth’s themes resonate with the attempted revolt: it’s a play about treason, the overthrow of a King, & the downfall of his murderers. Even more importantly, King James was commonly believed to be descended from Banquho the thane of Lochquhaber, the historical counterpart of Shakespeare’s Banquo, the friend who Macbeth betrays & has murdered. With this in mind the witches’ prophesy that Banquo’s ancestors will be kings takes on a new meaning: it is referring to Banquo’s ancestor James Stuart, King of Scotland & England. By extension, it has been suggested that the escape of Fleance, Banquo’s son, from Macbeth’s murder plot is designed to echo James’s own escape from the Gunpowder plot & to subtly compliment the House of Stuart as legitimate & truly-descended rulers.' - Macbeth is taught in our schools, I did it for my GCSE; 'THE CURSE OF THE SCOTTISH PLAY The Scottish Play. The Bard’s Play. Macbeth is surrounded by superstition & fear of the ‘curse’ – uttering the play’s name aloud in a theatre causes bad luck…...Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus was published in 1604, & its shocking portrayal of witchcraft & association with the devil intensified England’s fear of sorcery.' - Now we're back on familiar turf. England is far from being the least tolerant of Catholicism of the Home Nations, understandably Northern Ireland has it's well-publicised sectarian Troubles over the years, but it seems Scotland itself feels it as acutely, if not as violently, & if not the direct cause, was the occasion at least for the 1605 Gunpowder Plot, for Guy Fawkes himself said at his trial when asked the reason for his actions replied, 'To blow you Scotch beggars back to your own native mountains.' James I was the first of the short line of Stuart Kings of England, thus could be said to have begun the 'Jacobite' movement which played such a prominent part in the French Revolution & of course Scotlands own future, not that the Jacobite Movement did true Scotsmen many favours mind you, if anything their troubles doubled & ended with union proper with England in 1707. Royal historian Laurence Gardner in 'Bloodline Of The Holy Grail' (1998) observes; 'The secrets of the Tarot were held in 22 Trump cards - the Major Arcana. The word 'trump' in this context derives from the old French trompe, corresponding to the trumpet that figuratively split Peter's Church.' The Rosicrucian Manifesto's (circa 1611) declare; 'thenceforth our trumpet shall publiquely sound with a loud sound, & great noise, when namely the same (which at this present is shewed by few, & is secretly, declared in Figure & Pictures) shall be free, & publiquely proclaimed, & the whole world shall be filed withall. Even as such manner as heretofore, many godly people have secretly & altogether pusht at the Popes Tyranny, which afterwards, with great earnest, & especial zeal in Germany, was thrown from his seat, & trodden under-foot, whose final fall is delayed, & kept for our times, when he also shall be scratched in pieces with nails, & an end be made to his Asses cry, by a new voyce.' Yes Donald Trump is heavily involved in all this as you can read on other blogs, as are Princes William & Harry by virtue of their mothers Stuart blood. This is not a pro-Catholic blog by any means, I'm merely documenting the lesser known aspects so as to glean a clearer picture of history, what I would suggest is we're witnessing here is the drama/play of the synthesis of all Christian denominations as well as the union of crowns, hence Trump's arrival on the scene as a descendent of the Plantagenets, the merger of left & right in politics, male/female, nation states etc, however I do hope I've provided enough evidence to suggest there's much, much more to this pivotal episode in British history than would first appear. The Gunpowder Plot precluded a terrible bloodbath between Catholics & Protestants all over Europe which eventually spread to every continent, in my view, the famous 'Plot' of 1605 was the spark which ignited the justification for it, & the plot for the two denominations to destroy each other was set in motion. 15yrs later the 'Pilgrim' Fathers set sail for the New Atlantis citing escape from religious persecution as the reason, well I have my suspicions there also; 'PILGRIM A pilgrim, from the Italian pelegrino, & that from the Latin peregrinus, signifying a traveler…. PILGRIM TEMPLAR The part of the pilgrim represented in the Ritual of the Masonic Knights Templar Degree…. PILGRIM WARRIOR A term in the instructions of Masonic Templarism.' (Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry) The title is not intended to hurt any Jewish feelings, terms like Holocaust & Nazi are terms used in hypnotic suggestion for purposes of mass mind-control, we are hypnotised by TV, radio etc where these terms are repeated & repeated (as in; 'Remember, remember the 5th of November') in such a way that we're conditioned to think of them in a negative sense, at first subconsciously, then on the conscious level. They (Holocaust/Nazi) are in fact being used to bring down the Jewish Faith, the Christian, Muslim, & any other Faith other than their own, just as they were used in bringing down Germany, an area previously known as; The Holy Roman Empire. The Mysteries refer to themselves as 'The Philosophers of Fire'. In relation to the Mysteries plans to unite religion & science, Manly Hall in his 'Mary Ann Atwood' lecture enlightens us as to the dark reality of the situation; 'This is why Alchemy says you have to destroy the outer forms of things, you have to calcinate them, you have to burn them or corrupt them or destroy them until nothing of the body remains but ashes'. As is the case with so many events in history, the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 could easily have been revenge by the Mystery Schools for a previous insult by the Church; 'The first person in Europe to make gunpowder was [Alchemist] Roger Bacon, a 13th century monk. His famous recipe for blackpowder said (in old English), 'of saltpetre take five parts, five of young willow (charcoal) & five of sulfur & so you will make thunder & lightning'. The Church was not pleased about this because it was thought only God could produce thunder & lightning, so imprisoned him for ten years. Guns were invented just after Bacon's death in 1292.' - Above left, 19th Cen anti-church propaganda with complete with mask. Above right, more masked witchcraft imagery from Hollywood. Below, Knights Templar at Lewes on Bonfire Night. Lewes incidentally was the scene of a battle during the 'Barons War' in 1264 between King Henry III & Simon de Montfort, ending in de Monfort's capture of the King & his famous Knight Templar son Edward (Longshanks of Braveheart fame), Edward defeated Simon in battle a year later at Eavesham. The de Montforts were renown pious Christians, perhaps the below monument & cross-burning march, both at Lewes are in commemoration of that fact? Perhaps not. See 5mins-on, Hall says it was Dr John Dee who saw in his Chrystal ball the plot unfolding & reported it to the authorities....yeah loads. - - - - - - - - 'Five men have been arrested on suspicion of a public order offence in connection with a model of Grenfell Tower being burned on a bonfire. A video shared on social media shows a cardboard model of the tower being set alight by a laughing crowd.' - BBC News (6/11/18). - 'Among the numerous machinations & the multiple means that the enemies of the Christian name have used to attack the Church & with which they have tried, although in vain, to destroy it, it is necessary, Venerable Brethren, to count, without a doubt, that perverse sect vulgarly called Masonic which hidden at first in dark alleys has finally come to light, to ruin religion & civil society….' - Pope Pius IV, Sep. 25, 1865. As everyone is aware, we are on the eve of the centenary of the end of the conflict known to history as World War I. If history is anything to go by, us here in the UK will be commemorating the soon-to-be rammed down everyones throat event by a series of bizarre pagan rituals, laced with symbols & imagery for the Initiates only of these occult ceremonies to comprehend. The conflict itself was fought primarily between the forces of Britain, France & their Allies & the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Germany & their Allies. Many serious students of history have been at a loss as to what would make so many millions of men & women so readily give their lives in a cause, only a bare minimum had the slightest notion of even beginning to understand what it was really about. What was the cause? Various explanations have been given by the people we're expected to believe blindly, all about as plausible as a third tit as my Uncle Leo would say & the very fact that so many academics are undecided over the issue should tell the skeptic such as myself that the bloodbath was contrived by nefariousness. Nevertheless, it's taught in our education systems & therefore most of us pass through our lives without ever questioning the Establishments explanation of events, hence the pitiful situation we now find ourselves in. They will tell you themselves however that history is 'written by the winners', 'knowledge is power' etc so I for one will take their advice & forward a few hypotheses of my own as to why 'The Great War' was fought & why only one of the many participants has come in for so much shtick from future generations…..Germany. To do this we'll have to go back in time I'm afraid, & mercifully from the Establishments perspective, back in time is a place fewer & fewer individuals nowadays are willing to go, so as is the case with most of the material contained on my site, there won't be many conclusions here you're gonna find in any history book, which is why we urge everyone always to be their own historian, 'Read everything, believe absolutely nothing unless it checks out in your own research' - Bill Cooper. 'The name Germany has long described not a particular place but the loose, fluid polity of Germanic-speaking peoples that held sway over much of western Europe north of the Alps for millennia. Although Germany in that sense is an ancient entity, the German nation in more or less its present form came into being only in the 19th century, when Prussian Prime Minister brought together dozens of German-speaking kingdoms, principalities, free cities, bishoprics, & duchies to form the German Empire in 1871. This so-called Second Reich quickly became Europe’s leading power & acquired colonies in Africa, Asia, & the Pacific. That overseas empire was dismantled following Germany’s defeat in World War I & the abdication of Emperor William II.' - Although the terms 'Prussia' & 'Germany' are now considered somewhat synonymous, previously to the unification of the Prussian & Germanic peoples in 1871, the two entities had existed quite separately with two distinctive histories & cultures. The Prussians inhabited what was the northeast of the old German Empire, incorporating much of what is now Poland & reaching as far as the Baltic States. The Prussian Empire was carved out by a band of marauding brigands known as the 'Teutonic Knights'. The Teutonic Knights were formed during the Crusades as an arm of the Templars; 'Between the thirteenth & early sixteenth centuries, Prussia was known as the Ordenstaadt, or Ordensland. This was the unique domain of a military-chivalric institution, the teutonic Order or Teutonic Knights, an offshoot of the Medieval Knights Templar.' - Baigent & Leigh, 'Secret Germany' (1994). The authors continue, 'The Teutonic Knights played host to aristocrats from all over Europe in quest of the art of combat - & Papal dispensation. Among them were a number of Scots, such as Henry Sinclair of Roslin. Henry, Earl of Bolinbroke, the future Henry IV of England, on being exiled by Richard II, also campaigned with the Teutonic Knights. From them he learned many of the political skills that would enable him to eventually return to England, depose Richard, & start his own dynasty.' Here, they confirm what another Freemasonic author, John J. Robinson forwards in his 1989 book, 'The Lost Secrets Of Freemasonry', namely that the Knights Templar were behind the Peasants Revolt & eventual deposition of Richard II in England during the latter part of the 14th Cen, it's also in that book that Freemason Robinson says the Knights Templar became the Freemasons. In the east of Europe the The Knights Templar were not suppressed by the Church, thus they could terrorise 'like corsairs' (ibid) at will. The Teutons full title was, 'The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem'. As Albert Pike explains in Morals & Dogma (1871) , the Christian association was mere pretence, for they had always the destruction of the Church in mind, when the Templars were outlawed in 1307 by the Catholic Church acting on pressure by the French King Phillip The Fair, & their Grandmasters were burned at the stake, the already hostile situation boiled over into the most serious vendetta the world has ever known; 'The secret movers of the French Revolution had sworn to overturn the Throne & the Altar upon the Tomb of Jacques de Molai. When Louis XVI. was executed, half the work was done; & thenceforward the Army of the Temple was to direct all its efforts against the Pope.' It's worthy of note that the above-mentioned Otto Von Bismark, 'The father of modern Germany' ( was a Teutonic Knight, & the Teutonic Knights began life in Jerusalem; 'The new Prussia which became a power in XVIII & XIX centuries under the reign of Frederick II of Prussia (1740-1786) & later the chancellor Otto von Bismarck revived the tradition of old Prussia under Teutonic order. Also during the Nazi times the history of Teutonic order was revived especially in the aspect of the Germanic supremacy over Eastern Europe & Slavs.' - When Mystery Schools operative Martin Luther made his break from the Church in the early 16th Cen, the Teutonic Knights immediately backed the Protestant Movement. A century later, another (nominally Protestant) German theologian Johannes Valentin Andrea, is reported to have been one of the guiding hands behind the enigmatic 'Rosicrucian Manifesto's', announcing a; 'General Reformation of the World'; 'thenceforth our trumpet shall publiquely sound with a loud sound, & great noise, when namely the same (which at this present is shewed by few, & is secretly, declared in Figure & Pictures) shall be free, & publiquely proclaimed, & the whole world shall be filed withall. Even as such manner as heretofore, many godly people have secretly & altogether pusht at the Popes Tyranny, which afterwards, with great earnest, & especial zeal in Germany, was thrown from his seat, & trodden under-foot, whose final fall is delayed, & kept for our times, when he also shall be scratched in pieces with nails, & an end be made to his Asses cry, by a new voyce. The which we know is already reasonably manifest & known to many learned men in Germany, as their Writings & secret Congratulations do sufficiently witness the same.' (Confessio Fraternatatis) The 3rd Volume of the Manifesto's (issued circa 1616) 'The Chemical Marriage' (read 'Alchemical') portrays a surreal wedding, presided over by a 'Virgo Lucifera', 'The mysterious soul counterpart of Lucifer' (Manly Hall). Perhaps the Protestants at that time had a dark sense of humour? Otherwise, these Manifesto's issued from some Pagan source masquerading as pious Christians, which most Protestants were & are, however it is a fact that Protestantism did emerge from the Mystery Schools, as did Catholicism, but for different reasons. 2yrs later in 1618, the most bloody war in European history erupted between Catholics & Protestants in the German provinces (then part of the Holy Roman Empire). The 'Thirty Years War' was the prototype in many ways for the future World Wars, as it drew in (by design) many other European states including Spain, France, England, Scotland, Sweden etc & is said to have claimed 8 million lives. Likewise, the Rosicrucian Manifesto's were the proto-type for what was to become the most infamous document in history, 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion'. They too, whilst revealing their true nature only to the learned, pretend to the gullible to be penned by the hand of another of the Abrahamic religions….Judaism, when it was NOT. Perhaps the most revered Prussian of all was 'Frederick The Great'. Albert Mackey in his 'Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry' (1873) writes of Frederick; 'We hear no more of Frederick's Freemasonry in the printed records until the 16th of July, 1774, when he granted his protection to the National Grand Lodge of Germany, & officially approved of the treaty with the Grand Lodge of England, by which the National Grand Lodge was established. In the year 1777, the Mother Lodge, Royal York of Friendship, at Berlin, celebrated, by a festival, the king's birth…'day The timing is crucial for an understanding of what was really occurring behind the scenes in Europe & all round the globe at the time of the 'Enlightenment'. The Prussians were encroaching all the while on the Germans till they were (in reality) annexed outright by 1871 as we've noted. By distinction, the German people were & are a highly civilised ethnic group, their cultural achievements continually astonished the rest of Europe from the Middle Ages, all the way down to the 20th Cen. All branches of the arts flourished in the German provinces of Hannover, Westphalia, Bavaria etc, especially music, literature & philosophy, however it has to be stated, that the premier exponents in the arts were for the most part members of the Mystery Schools, although it was within the highly civilised German culture that their fine arts were able to flourish, & this may not have been possible had it been anywhere else, as in the great artistic explosion of America dominated the 20th Cen, i.e. because the conditions there were ripe. Whereas in Prussia, the Teutonic Knights had a free reign, their brothers the Knights Templar in the west had to move underground so to speak because many European states & monarchies were still loyal to the Church. Not only were the German states loyal to the Church, they were for 100's of years it's stronghold in the form of 'The Holy Roman Empire'; 'History of the Holy Roman Empire - Imperium Romanum Sacrum - Heiliges Romisches Reich - Sacro Romano Impero The Holy Roman Empire (HRE; German: Heiliges Römisches Reich (HRR), Latin: Imperium Romanum Sacrum (IRS), Italian: Sacro Romano Impero (SRI)) was a German empire that existed from 962 to 1806 in Central Europe. It was ruled by the Holy Roman Emperor. Its character changed during the Middle Ages & the Early Modern period, when the power of the emperor gradually weakened in favour of the princes. In its last centuries, its character became quite close to a union of territories. The empire's territory was centered on the Kingdom of Germany, & included neighboring territories, which at its peak included the Kingdom of Italy & the Kingdom of Burgundy.' - The German philosophers of the 18th & 19th centuries were to match the ancient Greeks in terms of influence in academia. & philosophy became one of the principle vehicles wherein Alchemy could be concealed & disseminated without fear of reproach from the Church, chemistry & medicine (potions, herbs, drugs etc) were other such devices for concealment. Alchemy's raison d'être is the transmutation of the human being & of human society (See Rosicrucian Manifesto's). In consequence of it's evolving from the Knights Templar & the Medieval Guilds (who likewise became the modern Trade Unions), Freemasonry hides it's designs for the restructuring of society under the symbolism of architecture, their symbol for the re-building of society is 'Solomons Temple' in Jerusalem. To them, & all other branches of the Mysteries, the only things of note which have stood in the way of their achieving this goal of a perfect society, a socialistic 'Utopia', has been the obstructive institution of the Catholic Church, the monarchies that supported it & the ignorant masses of the common populace who fought their wars, did their bidding etc. These three agencies are symbolised in Freemasonry as; Jubela, Jubelo, & Jubelum. Freemasonry has taken the biblical story of Solomon & incorporated into it (they do this a lot) a tale of their own, wherein the builder of Solomons Temple, Hiram Abiff who came from Phoenicia, was murdered by Jubela, Jubelo, & Jubelum for not revealing to them the secrets of architecture. Obviously the yarn was spun during the Knights Templars butcherous sojourn in the Holy Land, where they we're headquartered in what is believed to be the site of Solomons Temple, today it's the elevated acropolis of the Muslim; 'Dome of the Rock'. So nothing significant there then.
'The three major objects of the Fraternity are [Note: he says 'are' not 'were']: 1. The abolition of all monarchical forms of government & the substitution therefor of the rulership of the philosophic elect. The present democracies are the direct outgrowth of Rosicrucian efforts to liberate the maws from the domination of despotism. In the early part of the eighteenth century the Rosicrucians turned their attention to the new American Colonies, then forming the nucleus of a great nation in the New World. The American War of Independence represents their first great political experiment & resulted in the establishment of a national government founded upon the fundamental principles of divine & natural law. As an imperishable reminder of their sub rosa activities, the Rosicrucians left the Great Seal of the United States. The Rosicrucians were also the instigators of the French Revolution, but in this instance were not wholly successful, owing to the fact that the fanaticism of the revolutionists could not be controlled & the Reign of Terror ensued [Note: he blames others for the bloodshed]. 2. The reformation of science, philosophy, & ethics. The Rosicrucians declared that the material arts & sciences were but shadows of the divine wisdom, & that only by penetrating the innermost recesses of Nature could man attain to reality & understanding. Though calling themselves Christians, the Rosicrucians were evidently Platonists & also profoundly versed in the deepest mysteries of early Hebrew & Hindu theology. There is undeniable evidence that the Rosicrucians desired to reestablish the institutions of the ancient Mysteries as the foremost method of instructing humanity in the secret & eternal doctrine…..' The Mysteries practice what is known as 'Magic', & their chiefs are known as; 'The Magi'. They practice the ancient system of the Qabbala, which deals in magic, thats what Manly Hall is referring to when he says, 'The Rosicrucians declared that the material arts & sciences were but shadows of the divine wisdom, & that only by penetrating the innermost recesses of Nature could man attain to reality & understanding.' In the Bible itself, this ancient battle between the adherents of the God of the Hebrews (including Christians & Muslims) & the Magi is described, both at the Court of Pharaoh & in the New Testament in the form of an encounter between St Peter & a man named, 'Simon the Sorcerer'. This man plays a significant role in Mystery School folklore, assuming various guises, he is to some the founder of the Gnostics & to some the founder of the Catholic Church; As I remarked in my introduction, it is essential for us to understand the true nature of what has really happened in the world & the forces that have shaped it. Behind Martin Luther were the powerful Guilds, who protected him from the Holy Roman Empire, others perished or were imprisoned, the Church knew who they were & what they were about, primarily because they could read. The Mystery Schools were behind the printing press of the late 15th Cen & the dissemination of the Bible, now available in the native languages of Europe thanks to people like Martin Luther, thus weakening the power of the priests of the Catholic Church. Interestingly, a pioneer of the printing press, one Johann Fust from Mainz in the Rhineland (now Germany), was identified as the historical figure the legend of Dr Faust, the man who sold his soul to the Devil was based upon. Whether true or untrue, this is what was believed by some. The Legend of Faust was dramatised at the Rosicrucian Court of Elizabeth I of England by Christopher Marlowe at the inception of the British Empire, & it was conjured once again by the German writer Johann Goethe in the 1770's. It seems to me that a work of this kind must be performed in conjunction with certain significant political events, just as the Catholics perform a Mass before or after important events to ask the blessings of God. In any event, Goethe was a member of a subversive Rosicrucian movement in Bavaria known as the 'Illuminati'. This group of subversives (mentioned above by Manly Hall) were behind the French Revolution, an act admitted by themselves as being retribution for the suppression of the Templar Order (See:Abert Pike quote above). Mozart was supposedly a member & dramatised the struggle between the Austrian realm of the Holy Roman Empire & the Illuminists in his opera, 'The Magic Flute', depicting for the first time the Mysteries adherence to the pagan Egyptian gods of Isis & Osiris. The opera features a character thought by most to be the last rulers of the Hapsburg Dynasty, Queen Marie Theresa, whose daughter Marie Antoinette married the King of France, only for both to be executed in the Revolution. To most people today, the Illuminati are not real, however they most certainly are & have declared war on the rest of us, in any event, back in the late 18th Cen, despite their success in France, the Bavarian government managed to gain the upper hand over the Illuminati & once again they were driven underground there. But their philosophy flourished, possibly as a consequence of it's conflicts with the Church, & it became decidedly more openly Satanic, especially in the works of Germans Karl Marx & Frederick Nietzsche. It was now common practice within philosophy to openly blaspheme against not only the Church, but against God, hence the now prevalent depiction of Satan as an anti-hero or tragic, heroic figure in literature. Marx was thrown out of his homeland for his 'sub-rosa' activities but settled for years in London, paradoxically, the heart of world capitalism (See German philosopher Hegel for the answer to this apparent contradiction). Marx was handed the keys to the British library to continue his communistic crusade, as was Lenin when he lived in London for a few years before WWI. Communism was introduced to Europe by the Knights Templar. All the Utopias of the philosophers were idealised as perfected socialistic states, & the first stage of Communism is 'Democracy', introduced into Europe through the Medieval Guilds according to Manly Hall. The political doctrine of the Illuminists was socialism, this is their political creed & this was the system of government slapped on the Russian people by the British & US-backed Lenin; 'The policy of Grand Orient is avowedly International Socialism........The formula of the "United States Of Europe" & of the "Universal Republic" first proclaimed by the Illuminatus Anacharsis Clootz, has long been the slogan of the French [Masonic] lodges.' - Nesta Webster (1924). Russians, like the French were immediately faced with a 'Reign of Terror', in which millions were purged. Despite this, Britain & the US continued to subsidise that & future Russian governments. Another political doctrine which was formulated in England that would surface at the exact same time as Lenin et al took the 'reigns' in Moscow during WWI was ……Zionism. The bait, the cover or the foil this time for the pagan Mystery Schools annexation of the Holy Land would be the Jews, first time round it was the Christians. Under Napoleon, the French invaded both Egypt & Palestine in an awful orgy of blood-letting, 'What couldn't be fulfilled under the rule of Napoleon I can be fulfilled by Wilhelm II', said atheist & Zionist Theodor Herzl in a letter to Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1899. However, Zionism did not begin with Theodor Herzl or with Marx' tutor Moses Hess (German), who's sometimes given the credit, for writing his turgid novel, 'Rome & Jerusalem' (1862) . As was the case with the Reformation, the Rosicrucian Manifesto's, the Illuminati & Communism, Zionism's trail can be traced as a meandering between Britain & the secret societies within the German Principalities, they were in 'League' as it were, operating in unison towards the one goal, the consumation of the Great Work. With Zionism it began with a series of works written mostly by (non-Catholic) English Clergymen claiming that the British people, not the Jews were the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Once again they read into the Bible garbage that isn't there to forward a political agenda, the movement became known as 'British Israelism' & was espoused by the British Colonial Office by the mid-1800's, Not only that, these people were Millenialists (Armageddon types) & believe (ostensibly) the Germans are descendants of the Biblical Asshur, Son of Shem & who gave rise to the Assyrian Empire, which would now encompass northwest Iraq (Babylon) & Syria, It may be worth noting the Apocalyptic destruction we have recently issued to those areas; 'Germany has a more powerful factor working in its midst. In former East Berlin, the Pergamon Museum displays the actual gigantic "Altar of Pergamon," described as "Satan's Seat" or the Throne of Satan in Revelation 2:12-13. On its steps, early Christians were martyred for the Faith. …...In 1999 Berlin again became the capital & the German Government moved back to the Reichstag & to the city where the Seat of Satan is displayed. Is it surprising therefore that in the 1920s the German Church had become the seat of modern biblical criticism & that the demonic spirits of "Armageddon" twice emanated from Germany during the first half of the 20th century? The actual seat of satanic rule had been erected at its very heart!' - Left; Anti-German WWI propaganda in the US. Note the 'Beauty & the Beast' archetype resurrected once more pre-WWII in the film 'King Kong'. 'Beast' is a sacred word in the Mysteries, & it could well have been the 'Great Beast 666' himself, Aleister Crowley behind this poster, for this was the type of work he was doing in America for the duration of WWI…... It is necessary to delineate the above facts to understand really why WWI (& WWII) were fought. It had nothing to do with the 'Rise of Nationalism' in Europe as some would suggest. Yes nationalism became an issue but only after it was fostered & encouraged by the Establishment so that the 'flowers of the forest' or the young men of each nation would fight in the 100's of wars now being peddled when asked, under the spurious banner of 'Fighting for ones country'. It was not because of rise of 'German Militarism', as suggested by others. Germans had scarce little interest in modern warfare before the arrival of the Mystery Schools, Napoleon & the Prussians, they belonged to the Holy Roman Empire, not Prussia & unlike Britain & France, focused their creative energies on the finer things in life…..were they jealous? From the 16th Cen on, there's a constant stream of attacks by Britain on German life, from science to religion, if the British were the true Israelites, then a separate identity for the German peoples had to be contrived because England especially was overrun by the German Angles & Saxons after the Romans left, in fact 'Anglia' is the root of 'England', perhaps Englands Germanic roots is most aptly enshrined in the institution which worked harder than any other to destroy her Motherland, the; 'Societas Rosicruciana In Anglia'. - In any event, by 1945, Germany was utterly destroyed, & if it seems to anyone as if the last 100yrs or so felt like Bible prophecy was being fulfilled, it's because it's being made to look that way by the very people who wrote the Book of Revelations, the Mystery Schools. By 1871 the Germanic peoples were firmly in the control of the Mystery Schools. Just as the nation of Germany was born, an incredible piece of music was brought to German opera houses by Richard Wagner, in his 'Der Ring des Nibelungen' (The Ring of the Nibelung). Here's a summarised account of the plot from Wikipedia; 'The plot revolves around a magic ring that grants the power to rule the world, forged by the Nibelung dwarf Alberich from gold he stole from the Rhine maidens in the river Rhine. The Ring itself as described by Wagner is a Rune-magic taufr ("tine", or "talisman") intended to rule the feminine multiplicative power by a fearful magical act termed as 'denial of love' ("Liebesverzicht"). With the assistance of the god Loge, Wotan – the chief of the gods– steals the ring from Alberich….Finally, the Valkyrie Brünnhilde – Siegfried's lover & Wotan's daughter who lost her immortality for defying her father in an attempt to save Siegfried's father Sigmund – returns the ring to the Rhine maidens as she commits suicide on Siegfried's funeral pyre. Hagen is drowned as he attempts to recover the ring. In the process, the gods & Valhalla are destroyed.' As was the case with Illuminatus Mozart's 'Magic Flute', a different story from the one being portrayed on the exoteric level lies beneath hidden in symbology, Wikipedia goes on; 'The Ring has been the subject of myriad interpretations. For example, George Bernard Shaw, in The Perfect Wagnerite, argues for a view of The Ring as an essentially socialist critique of industrial society [Capitalism] & its abuses. Robert Donington in Wagner's Ring & Its Symbols interprets it in terms of Jungian psychology, as an account of the development of unconscious archetypes in the mind, leading towards individuation.' The answer is it represents both & more. Aiding Wagner in his presentations of the Ring Cycle was one Theodore Reuss. German Intelligence Officer Reuss is remembered primarily for resurrecting the Bavarian Illuminati & heading the German occult sect, the Ordo Templi Orientis before handing over the reins to British Intelligence Officer Aleister Crowley; 'O.T.O. represents a surfacing & confluence of the divergent streams of esoteric wisdom & knowledge which were originally divided & driven underground by political & religious intolerance during the dark ages. It draws from the traditions of the Freemasonic, Rosicrucian & Illuminist movements of the 18th & 19th centuries, the crusading Knights Templars of the middle ages & early Christian Gnosticism & the Pagan Mystery Schools. Its symbolism contains a reunification of the hidden traditions of the East & the West, & its resolution of these traditions has enabled it to recognize the true value of Aleister Crowley’s revelation of The Book of the Law.' - Now then, there is a recurring theme running through what I've been talking about thus far, & that is, these people continually associate themselves & their beliefs with names & events depicted in the Book of Revelations, especially destruction. Below are a few Crowley-connected quotes; 'XX. THE AEON [Trump card of the Tarot]…... The card therefore represented the destruction of the world by Fire. This was accomplished in the year of the vulgar era 1904, when the fiery god Horus took the place of the airy god Osiris' - Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) 'The Book Of Thoth' (1943). 'In 1904 he [Crowley] had received a message, from what [H P] Lovecraft might have called "out of space", that contained the formula for a New World Order, a new system of philosophy, science, art & religion, but this new religion had to begin with the fundamental part, & common denominator, of all four: Magick. In 1937, the year Lovecraft died, the Nazi's banned all occult lodges of Germany…..' Editor of the 'Necromonicon' (1975). 'Before man is ready to accept the Law of Thelema, the Great War must be fought. This Bloody Sacrifice is the critical point of the World-Ceremony of the Proclamation of Horus, the Crowned & conquering Child, as Lord of the Aeon.' (Of the Bloody Sacrifice & Matters Cognate' (1911) 'my main job [was] to bring America into the war.' (Aleister Crowley) 'Soon after the Bolsheviks came to power, Crowley wrote to Trotsky to praise the Revolution & offer help in ridding the world of the scourge of Christianity.' - Richard Spence 'Secret Agent 666' (2008) 'I invoke Thee, the Terrible & Invisible God: Who dwellest in the Void Place of the Spirit: - AR-O-GO-GO-RU-ABRAO "Thou spiritual Sun! Satan, Thou Eye, Thou Lust! Cry aloud! Cry aloud! Whirl the Wheel, O my Father, O Satan, O Sun!" - A Crowley (Liber Samekh) The reason for the above quotes is to show how the secret services & secret societies network, both Crowley & Churchill were Freemasons & members of the secret services & both were implicated in the 1915 sinking of the Lusitania, an event that eventually brought America into WWI (I deal with these issues on my Crowley blogs). Chapter 9 & 20 in the Book of Revelations describes Satan/Apollyon being bound/released from the bottomless pit for a 1000yrs. Apollyon means 'Destroyer' in Greek. Crowley received the Book of the Law in Egypt via his Guardian Angel Aiwass, who Crowley equated with Lucifer, Horus is called the 'Light Bearer' (Lucifer in Latin) by Manly Hall who he says will appear in the last days to rout the forces of evil in the Armageddon. Hall in his 'Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians' equates Osiris' brother/slayer, 'Typhon' with Christianity, & it's with Typhon that Horus goes into battle & eventually overpowers in the Egyptian myth. Is it any wonder the British invaded Egypt in 1882? The groundwork had been prepared for centuries for such an event & it was from Egypt the British launched it's attack on Palestine on 1917. As noted, Austria, under the Habsburg Dynasty was staunchly pro-Catholic in Mozart's day, & although the Vatican influence had waned somewhat (as it had everywhere), the Austro-Hungarian Empire as it became was still considered a predominantly Catholic realm, indeed it was also a predominantly German-speaking population & monarchy at the time of the assassination of Austro-crats Franz Ferdinand & his wife Sophie (pictured). The judge & prosecution at their assassin Gavrilo Princip's trial repeatedly referred to him & his co-conspirators as Freemasons, yet, when I look around the internet I can't find any transcript of the trial, they are on sale at Abe Books however so you'll have to take my word for it unless you pay an extortionate amount for the thing. What happened next was unprecedented, all the mightiest nations in the Western Hemisphere converged on northern France for an inexplicable, almighty dust-up. Why? There was no need for any of it. Indeed, the Tzar of Russia, the King of Britain & the German Kaiser were cousins, the incident in Sarajevo would have received a high-handed response from anyone else, so why did the nations declare war on the Austrians when they only did what anyone else would have done? It was a stitch up, thats why; 'But what is more obvious & sinister in its superstitious meaning is the date of Franz Ferdinand’s alleged assassination, 28th June 1914, 28/6 1914 -> 6; (8-2=6); (1+9+1+4=15=>1+5=6), thus 6 6 6'. - Crowley's 'Book Of The Law' was 'received' in Egypt on the same day the 'Entente Cordial' was signed; 'Entente Cordiale, (April 8, 1904), Anglo-French agreement that, by settling a number of controversial matters, ended antagonisms between Great Britain & France & paved the way for their diplomatic cooperation against German pressures in the decade preceding World War I (1914–18).' - It's from the Book of the Law Crowley makes his notorious lambast against the Abrahamic religions; '50. Curse them! Curse them! Curse them! 51. With my Hawk's head I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross. 52. I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed & blind him. 53. With my claws I tear out the flesh of the Indian & the Buddhist, Mongol & Din.' From the 1912 O.T.O. Manifesto; 'Issued by Order: BAPHOMET [Crowley] XI° O.T.O….. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The O.T.O. is a body of initiates in whose hands are concentrated the wisdom & the knowledge of the following bodies: The Gnostic Catholic Church. The Order of the Knights of the Holy Ghost. The Order of the Illuminati. The Order of the Temple (Knights Templar). The Order of the Knights of St. John. The Order of the Knights of Malta. The Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre. The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal. The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. The Holy Order of Rose Croix of Heredom. The Order of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch. The Antient & Primitive Rite of Masonry (33 degrees). The Rite of Memphis (97 degrees). The Rite of Mizraim (90 degrees). The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Masonry (33 degrees). The Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry…..' & finally, 'I have observed these doctrines gradually diffusing & mixing with all the different systems of Free Masonry; till, at last, AN ASSOCIATION HAS BEEN FORMED for the express purpose of ROOTING OUT ALL THE RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS, & OVERTURNING ALL THE EXISTING GOVERNMENTS OF EUROPE.......The Association of which I have been speaking, is the Order of ILLUMINATI, founded in 1775, by Dr. Adam Weishaupt' - John Robison 'Proofs of a Conspiracy' (1798). The Catholic Church knew what was happening from the time of the Crusades, & if you remember the above words of General Albert Pike, we can see the Crusades in their true light, they were not a Christian enterprise, but were brought about by pagans posing as Christians, it's the same today with Zionism, Zionism is not Judaism, imposture was always a precept with the Gnostics. Through Aleister Crowley, we find British & German Intelligence working as a team to bring about the destruction of religions, many German philosophers wrote openly about it many years before Crowley's time, as did many British & French, it was however left to Crowley to preside as priest over the 'Ceremony' as he called it. After working feverishly between Britain & Moscow pre-war, he moved to the US at the outbreak of hostilities, travelling to the US aboard the Lusitania, where he remained till 1919, working all the while for German propaganda & the Irish struggle towards independence from Britain (other members of the Golden Dawn were also involved), doing his duty for His Majesty's Secret Service. The Catholic Irish incidentally, not the Protestant north, because of their 'Canaanite' origin were another people singled out by British Israelism for especial treatment; 'These Irish Canaanites, they must come under the dying out process.' - Edward Hine, 'Forty Seven Identifications Of The Anglo-Saxons With The Lost Tribes Of Israel' (1878). Nice eh? The British were all over the Irish 'Easter Rising' of 1916, the Irish leaders were duped & sleepwalked straight into a sacrificial ritual by people like Aleister Crowley, yet not one Irishman I've met has ever mentioned any of this, such is the power of the brainwashing they've received. & if you think these Biblical theories are peddled by a few rogue kooks you're wrong, for it goes right to the very top; - - Moreover, the first person to link the monarchies of Britain to the Bible was James Anderson, the guy who drew up the first constitutions for the newly formed Grand Lodge of England in 1723; - To summarise the situation; - There was no Germany before before 1871, just German Peoples. - The Germanic States were annexed by their eastern neighbours the Prussians, who'd been ran for 100's of years by the warmongering Teutonic Knights, a branch of the Knights Templar; 'Bismarck, for his part, saw war with France as an opportunity to bring the South German states into unity with the Prussian-led North German Confederation & build a strong German Empire.' - - The Knights Templar are historically avowed enemies of the Catholic Church, - & the Germanic lands were the stronghold of the Holy Roman Empire until the Napoleonic Wars. Offshoots of the Knights Templar continually attempted the destroy the Holy Roman Empire & finally succeeded with Napoleon courtesy of the secrecy & cell structure of Freemasonry. (Note: Napoleon is mentioned as a Freemason in Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry 1873). - By the dawn of the 20th Cen, Europe was firmly in the grip of the Mystery Schools as was America, however the old Abrahamic religions were still practiced amongst most of the nations populations. At the turn of the 20th Cen, much of Europe was in the midst of renaissance, in particular central Europe & the German people including the Austro-Hungarians. This is when the term 'Zeitgeist' was first used to sum up the optimistic spirit, yet their leaders were somehow were continually bent on war?? When there seemed no reason for it. Masonic authors Baigent & Leigh in 'Secret Germany' (1994), perfectly describe the situation from our perspective, as they infe |