From the entry in the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary for RACE we read; '.....race noun (2) Definition of race (Entry 3 of 3) 1: a breeding stock of animals 2a: a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b: a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics also : a taxonomic category (such as a subspecies) representing such a group b: BREED c: a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits'. So, quite a broad spectrum there then. It gives the first known use of the definition in this English sense as 1580 AD. There is no entry for race in the 1961 Encyclopaedia Britannica though there is one for 'Races Of Mankind', from it we learn; 'The studies of the varieties of the human race has occupied the attention of thinkers from early times. Two entirely different forms of classification have been employed, one based on the study of the skull, the second, & more generally used method, on superficial characters, such as hair & skin'. 'The Racial Problem There is no way of solving the racial problem by legislation, segregation, or by the effort to produce national blocs, as in the case in Germany today when she proclaims Germany as the super-race. Such efforts will only produce insuperable barriers..... The only solution of this problem is the basic recognition that all men are brothers; that one blood pours through human veins; that we are all the children of the one Father & that our failure to recognise this fact is simply an indication of man's stupidity..... Essentially, however, humanity is one—the heir of the ages, the product of many fusions, conditioned by circumstances & enriched by the processes of evolutionary development. This basic unity must now be recognised. The major racial problem has, for many centuries, been the Jewish, which has been brought to a critical point by Germany. This problem is also capable of solution if properly recognised for what it is, & if coupled with an effort by the Jews themselves to solve it, & to be cooperative in the world efforts to adjust their problem......The world is one world. Humanity is one unit in the evolutionary process. Differences are man-made & engender hatreds & separation. When the children of the various races are taught from their earliest years that there are no differences, that all men are brothers, & that the apparent distinctions are essentially superficial, then future generations will approach the problem of world interrelations unhandicapped by prejudice, by pride of race, or by instilled historical resentments. By right education little children can be taught right attitudes & will respond, for a child sees & recognises no differences, & the truth of the Biblical promise that "a little child shall lead them" will be proven scientifically true. In the new world order this educational process will be started.' Wrote my fellow Mancunian Alice Bailey in 1938. (From; Externalisation Of The Hierarchy -1957) Where did the Germans of which she speaks of receive their notion of a Super-Race? The founders of the National Socialist Party of Germany were Theosophists, as Alice Bailey was. Their ideas of race may be summed up in the following extracts by the nominal founder of the Theosophical Society, Madame Blavatsky' Where did Madame Blavatsky get her ideas from? From historical groups like the Gnostics; 'The fourth Root Race was the Atlanteans & was governed by the Aztec God Atonatiuh. It finished with a great inundation. The pre-Columbian tribes of America are descendents of this Root Race, as well as the primeval Chinese & Egyptians, etc. The fifth is the Aryan Root Race: we are this Root Race. The present Aryan race will end with a great cataclysm.' - Perhaps this is what is meant by the EB (1961) when it says inquiry into race 'has occupied the attention of thinkers from early times', as the Gnostics date back to the 1st Cen AD. Or maybe they mean from the time of the advent of the Royal Society in the 17th Cen, the same society with whom Madame Blavatsky was querying with above, coinciding as it did (as stated by the Merriam-Webster) with the beginnings of the use of the term race. Incidentally, the legendary Royal Society of Great Britain (still extant), founded by Freemasons were the first known group to publicly espouse the Slave Trade, if indeed it did not wholly initiate it; Below is an extract from the same paper quoted above by Alice Bailey in 1938; 'Right human relations will come by a mutual recognition of mistakes, by sorrow for wrong action in the past, & by restitution, if possible. It will come when nations can be educated to appreciate the good qualities of other nations & to comprehend the part they play in the whole picture. It will be developed when the sense of racial superiority is killed; when racial differences & racial quarrels are relegated to the unholy past & only a future of cooperation & of understanding is actively developed; it will make its presence felt when the living standards of right relation (sought by the enlightened people of every race) become the habitual attitude of the masses & when it is regarded as contrary to the best interests of any nation to spread those ideas which tend to erect racial or national barriers, arouse hatreds or foster differences & separation.' (Note the amount of now-prevalent buzzwords contained in prophetess Bailey's paper; Hate, Right Human Relations, The Jews, Brotherhood, Unity & so on) So things looked ominous for the Germans even at that early date, if only they'd had read Bailey's warnings, we may have been spared WWII?? Incidentally, Bailey's company; Lucis Trust, formerly Lucifer Trust became the publisher for the United Nations, founded in 1945. In any event, one thing stands out amongst all this, RACISM, whatever the hell it is did not emanate from the masses, as Alice Bailey & those of her ilk like to refer to us. Bailey & Blavatsky were Aristocrats, the Gnostics have always regarded themselves as 'Intellectual Aristocrats' & of course the Royal Society always will. Racism was created BY THEM with us in mind however. I think John Lennon got it right when he sang; 'Everybody's talking about Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism Ragism, Tagism, this-ism, that-ism Ism ism ism All we are saying, is give peace a chance' 'On 26 November 1968, changes came into force to do with an important law called the Race Relations Act. The Race Relations Act 1968 was the second of three laws related to race in Britain. All of the laws made it illegal to discriminate against somebody because of the colour of their skin, which is racial discrimination.' My what short memories these hypocritical butchers have! I needn't clutter up the Blog with images of how the British Empire meted out justice to it's vanquished, suffice to say, the people doing to the hanging here as recently as 1896 were the; 'Rhodes Pioneers', henchmen of Sir Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902), after whom Rhodes Scholarships & the African colony, er, country of Rhodesia were named. Much has been written of Rhodes by historians, not least by Rhodes Scholar-Bill Clinton' tutor Carroll Quigley, he states in The Anglo American Establishment (1949); 'WHEN [Lord Alfred] MILNER went to South Africa in 1897, Rhodes & he were already old acquaintances of many years' standing. We have already indicated that they were contemporaries at Oxford, but, more than that, they were members of a secret society which had been founded in 1891. Moreover, Milner was, if not in 1897, at least by 1901, Rhodes's chosen successor in the leadership of that society. The secret society of Cecil Rhodes is mentioned in the first five of his seven wills. In the fifth it was supplemented by the idea of an educa-tional institution with scholarships, whose alumni would be bound together by common ideals—Rhodes's ideals. In the sixth & seventh wills the secret society was not mentioned, & the scholarships monopolized the estate. But Rhodes still had the same ideals & still believed that they could be carried out best by a secret society of men devoted to a common cause. The scholarships were merely a facade to conceal the secret society, or, more accurately, they were to be one of the instruments by which the members of the secret society could carry out his purpose. This purpose, as expressed in the first will (1877), was: The extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom & of colonization by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour, & enterprise, . . . the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of a British Empire, the consolida-tion of the whole Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial Representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld to-gether the disjointed members of the Empire, & finally the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible & promote the best interests of humanity.' - 7 wills; 'In the sixth & seventh wills the secret society was not mentioned'...? Somewhat reminiscent of the 7 Seals of Revelation, & the 7 Races with the 6th & 7th still to come. (In fact they all represent a magical Pythagorean formula, in this sense to do with the resurrection of Osiris/Lucifer) Rhodes' secret society spawned the Round Table Groups, The Institute For International Affairs (UK) & the Council On Foreign Relations (US). These in turn were instrumental in the creation of the United Nations, the Soviet Union, the State of Israel, world wars etc..etc.. An organ of the U.N. is the ICC (International Criminal Court), situated in the Netherlands, Europe. To date, since its inception in 2002, it has presided over a total of 11 investigations ......all of them African nations. How's that work? 'Some African leaders expressed sharper anger. The ICC “has been put in place only for African countries, only for poor countries,” Rwandan President Paul Kagame told reporters. “Every year that passes, I am proved right.…' - Today it's working on the; 'Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism & of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination' - To me, to suggest there IS any difference between us implies a form of discrimi-nation, to legislate about the issue institutes a confession of guilt for the very crime they're presumably legislating against....different on what basis? & according to what definition? Against which RACE am I being disparaging towards? Reading the papers of the slave abolitionists years back I distictly remember reading someone say something near to; 'A man will work harder for his family & you if he's given the impression he's free.' The British Slave Abolition Act occrred in 1807, did it stop the slaughter? No, it got ten times worse; 'Fundamentally, the attitudes of many Britons were heavily influenced by racial stereotypes & prejudices. The writer Rudyard Kipling stated in 1899 that it was the 'white man's burden' to rule over the 'sullen peoples' of the world. Cecil Rhodes, a passionate imperialist, believed that the British empire should be run & ultimately populated by members of the 'Anglo-Saxon' race.' China & the Far East were invaded & colonised, as was Canada & Australasia where apocalyptic massacres of the aborigines became commonplace. Back home, the Clan system of the Scots & Irish were decimated, Ireland by repeated mass-starvation programmes in concert with mass-immigration to Australasia & the New Atlantis which was America, note also that the Liberators of Italy, Giuseppe Mazzini & Garibaldi both were staying in England before they embarked on their crusade, which, funnily enough culminated in a mass emigration of Italians to America, as did the British invasion of China in the 1850's. As far as all the Aryan Race hullabaloo is concerned, there does appear to be an interesting historical context behind it & it also gravitates towards the downfall of the Germans. When I was studying Classical History at Uni, we were told the word Barbarian merely meant non-Greek, & could apply to peoples in any direction not just the Persians. The suffix arian has expression in the names of various regions of Europe, Hungarian & Bulgarian for e.g. However, there is a region of what is now Southern Germany peopled by folk we call Bavarian, & I may be mistaken but I do believe the term Aryan only came into common usage amongst the Theosophists in the 19th Cen, i.e. post Bavarian Illuminati. Moreover; 'I am Darius, the great king, the king of kings The king of many countries & many people The king of this expansive land, The son of Wishtaspa of Achaemenid, Persian, the son of a Persian, 'An Aryan', having Aryan lineage' (From Darius the Great's Inscription in Naqshe-e-Rostam) The British invaded the Persians/Aryans/Iranians during WWI & WWII, millions upon millions died from 1917-19, mainly of starvation & it was in between those two world wars Persia changed it's name to; Aryan, or Iran. The Germans visited Tibet pre-WWII, & peacefully took the dimensions of some the locals anatomy, when the British invaded the area 30yrs before, they slaughtered anyone who stood in their way. - - Of course our contention is all the havoc, upheaval & destruction we see happening around us is taking place in accordance with a well orchestrated plan, as you've learned about on other Blogs & here by Alice Bailey. 'The books of Alice A. Bailey, written in cooperation with a Tibetan teacher between 1919-1949, constitute a continuation of the Ageless Wisdom — a body of esoteric teaching handed down from ancient times in a form which is always suitable to each period.' - So then, to try & put it into somewhat of a perspective & what it portends for us, bearing in mind much of it is metaphor, however much of it is not, again we learn from the Gnostics; 'Present human beings descended from antediluvian giants, as we already explained. Every Root Race has seven subraces. The seed of our Aryan Root Race is Nordic, but when the Nordics mixed themselves with the Atlantean survivors, they originated the subraces of the Aryan truck. First subrace: Flourished in central Asia, in those now vanished kingdoms of central Asia, & whose ruins still exist in the Himalayas around the country of Tibet. Powerful spiritual civilizations of the first Aryan subrace existed in those regions. Second subrace: Flourished in India & the entire south of Asia. In Pearland, the sacred land of the Vedas, in the ancient Hindustan, where the second Aryan subrace developed, formidable esoteric cultures & tremendous civilizations existed. Third subrace: Created powerful civilizations. Babylon, Chaldea, Egypt, etc., etc. were the scenario of very rich & powerful civilizations created by the third Aryan subrace. Fourth subrace: Developed in Rome, Greece, Italy, & Athens, the great city founded by the Goddess Athena. Before their degeneration & destruction, Greece & Italy were marvelous scenarios where the powerful civilizations of the fourth Aryan subrace developed. Fifth subrace: The Anglo-Saxon & Teutonic. The First & Second World Wars, with all of their barbarism & moral corruption, point with their accusatory fingers to the men & women of the fifth Aryan subrace. Sixth subrace: The mixture of the Spanish Conquistadors with the Native American tribes. The effort to form the sixth subrace in the redskin territory was very difficult, because the English Conquistadors destroyed them; they assassinated them, instead of mixing themselves with the natives. Only in a very insignificant & incipient way was the mixture of blood performed. This is why the Occult Fraternity saw the necessity of converting the North American territory into a melting crucible of races. So, the formation of the sixth subrace in the United States had enormous difficulties; there, all the races of the world have mixed. The sixth subrace in Latin America was formed very easily & this is something that must not be ignored by the treatisers of anthropogenesis & occultism. Seventh subrace: Will be formed by the survivors of the new great cataclysm that soon will destroy this Aryan Root Race; they do not exist yet, but they will. So, this Aryan Root Race, instead of evolving, has devolved, & its corruption is now worse than that of the Atlanteans in their epoch. Its wickedness is so great that it has reached unto heaven. This Aryan Root Race will be destroyed so that the prophesies which Ra-Mu made in the submerged Atlantis will accomplished: If they forget that they should not amass material things, not only for their own progress, but also for the generosity towards mankind, the same fate will surprise them. Melchizedek, the genie of the Earth, King of the World, made the following prophecy in Tibet: Men (or better said, rational mammals) will gradually forget their souls to only take care of their bodies. The greatest corruption will reign on earth. Men will resemble ferocious beasts, thirsty for their brothers’ blood. The half moon will darken & its adepts will fall in perpetual war. The greatest misfortunes will fall upon them & they will fight each other. The crowns of the kings, great & small, will fall; one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. A terrible war among all peoples will break out. The oceans will roar. The earth & the bottoms of the seas will be covered in bones. Kingdoms will disappear, entire populations will die... Famine, disease, crimes not covered by the laws, never seen, neither dreamed of by men... Then, the enemies of God & the Divine Spirit that lie in man himself will come. Those who raise their hands against others will perish as well. The forgotten & the persecuted will rise later; they will be the center of the attention of the whole world. There will be thick darkness, horrible storms. Mountains, until then arid, will be covered with forests. Earth will be shaken. Millions of men will exchange the chains of slavery & humiliations for hunger, pestilence, & death. Roads will be crowded with people, walking randomly from one place to another. The greatest, the most beautiful cities, will disappear in fire... One, two, three. Out of ten thousand men, one will survive, & he will be naked, deprived of reason, & lacking strength to build a shelter or find food. & these surviving men will bark like mad wolves, they will devour corpses & bite their own flesh, & they will challenge God for combat. Earth will be deserted, & even God will leave... Only death & night will be on the empty Earth. Then I will send a group of people (the World Salvation Army), until then unknown, who, with strong hands, will remove the weeds from the cultivating field of vice, & will lead the few faithful to the Spirit of man in the battle against evil. They will found a new life on Earth, purified by the death of nations. This chapter is from Kabbalah of the Mayan Mysteries (1977) by Samael Aun Weor' - - - - - - - - - - Epiblog When I was in primary school, we were once kept behind all week after classes in punishment because someone had stolen the teachers Easter eggs he was going to give us all one each of. Screaming at us he was, however it transpired a girl who was born in Africa had taken them & the whole thing was immediately swept under the carpet by both staff & pupils. Had that been me, I'd have been punched about the place (as usual) & publicly humiliated. The episode was our early introduction to the modern phenomena of positive discrimination.
'This picture was at a demonstration against Asian immigration in London in 1972. You can see the demonstrators are holding signs saying 'Britain for the British' so racist attitudes were still a big problem'. - Whatever next? Soon our children will be learning all about the; Irish Wars Of Interdependence. Who else should Britain be for? If to be patriotic is to be racist, surely it makes most wars in history racist....OK, what about the Anglo-Zulu War of the late 19th Cen? Most people post WWII living in UK cities became scared, natives & immigrants alike, as those marching in 1972 were, & seeing as no one is able to satisfactorily define it, to my knowledge nobody saw themselves as racist for complaining about mass-immigration either, they were merely expressing an exasperation at their governments betrayal as they saw it, many had fought in wars for King & Country only to return home to see their one time enemy pile in to their own country by the 1000. To the eternal credit of the British common man & woman, the 'Rivers Of Blood' the demagogues were predicting or the police & the agent provocateurs were trying to provoke never came to pass, they miscalculated the decency of the human spirit with that one. (For my views on the English Defence League, Tommy Robinson et al please see my Some Symbols Blog) Incidentally, one of the ways our second generation West Indian brethren would be disparaging (or so they thought) towards us when growing up would be to mutter...'Ras-clat' at us; 'Rasclat (or raasclaat) is a deeply offensive [bollocks] & derogatory term, used in Jamaican English (& since the 1950s in the UK). Literally 'arse cloth', i.e. a sanitary towel,' - What-does-‘rasclat’-mean Actually all these young West Indians are saying is; 'Something to wipe your fanny with my good man?'. 'History & Etymology for race Noun (1) Middle English ras, from Old Norse rās; akin to Old English rǣs..' - Latest News; 'Public Health England is to start recording coronavirus cases & deaths by ethnicity, BBC News understands. It comes after research suggests people from black, Asian & minority ethnic backgrounds are at greater risk of becoming seriously ill with Covid-19.' - BBC 18/4/20 Above; From Mackeys Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry (1873)
11/30/2019 07:41:56 am
Looks like we are celebrating Wassail this year in my sleepy little town of Stroud. The city of Gloucester--9 miles from me has been having zombie processions which have proven very popular! Now we are celebrating the "twelfth night".
11/30/2019 12:24:42 pm
Tom Tit? Haha. The Ancient Greeks always had their initiation rites in a grove & I think they were fond of the drink as well. Nothing wrong with that I suppose, mind you I cringe because I've been a part of similar pagan/celtic type revelry when I look back on it. I think every country has these types of ancient festivals which I haven't got a problem with at all, it's just they're connected with a genocidal political agenda. Bohemian Grove, Beltane (May 1st), the Green Man, Wicca all have fire ceremonies & I think Bill Cooper thought that was the deal at Waco because like the Beltane Festival, the ATF were seen on their knees raising their hands to the fire & bowing. There's so many of them, Easter, Nov 5th, Halloween & Christmas....
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