Below are some symbols familiar to my site as well as some new. I've put them all in the one place so that we can familiarise ourselves with them & thus recognise them for what they really are next time they cross our path, instead of misappropriating their origin, which is the modern day intention with these (for the most part) Alchemical devices (left; Extinction Rebellion Symbols). The idea is to connect them linearly as we go, however I may wander a wee bit but it doesn't really matter, we'll give it a whirl anyhow. Speaking of which, lets start with the dreaded SWASTIKA……. 'Dr. Sigismund Bacstrom believed that if a physician could establish harmony among the elements of earth, fire, air, & water, & unite them into a stone (the Philosopher's Stone) symbolized by the six-pointed star or two interlaced triangles, he would possess the means of healing all disease.' - Manly Hall 'Secret Teachings Of All Ages' (1928). 'Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image' - God 'A neo-Nazi couple who named their baby after Adolf Hitler & were convicted of being members of a banned terrorist group have been jailed.…..Thomas was jailed for six years & six months, & Patatas for five years.' - BBC News (Dec 2018) '& they [French Merovingian Monarchs] all supposedly bore a distinctive birthmark, which distinguished them from all other men, which rendered them immediately identifiable & which attested to their semidivine or sacred blood. This birthmark reputedly took the form of a red cross, either over the heart a curious anticipation of the Templar blazon or between the shoulder blades.' - Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln 'Holy Blood Holy Grail' 'Templar Knights had escaped from France, crossed the border into Switzerland & granted sanctuary, bringing with them their military expertise & Templar treasure… buying their way into this new country. The Templar’s were Europe’s bankers from the 11th – 14th century, now the largest banking & financial institutions of Europe are located in Switzerland.' -
Above; from Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry The above are taken from the French Magus Eliphas Levi's 'Transcendental Magic' (1854-6) & is corroboration for Albert Mackey's claim that the Pentagram is the symbol for both Lucifer & Satan. The 'Temple' Levi refers to here is the Knights Templar, who brought the symbol of Baphomet back from the Middle East. Much of Levi's book was the basis for the handbook of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Albert Pike's 'Morals & Dogma'. 'WHEEL & -WHOA! The Great Wheel of Samsara. The Wheel of the Law. (Dhamma.) The Wheel of the Taro. The Wheel of the Heavens. The Wheel of Life. All these Wheels be one; yet of all these the Wheel of the TARO alone avails thee consciously. Meditate long & broad & deep, 0 man, upon this Wheel, revolvmg it in thy mind! Be this thy task, to see how each card springs necessarily from each other card, even in due order from The Fool unto The Ten of Coins. Then, when thou know'st the Wheel of Destiny complete, may'st thou perceive THAT Will which moved it first. - Aleister Crowley 'The Book Of Thoth' (1943)
'The Eagle is the universal emblem of the gods of the sky. The cosmic eagle is a symbol of the highest aspirations of the spirit, & its triumph over the carnal nature. This is why the eagle is so often depicted in combat with serpents or bulls, creatures who symbolize earthly desire (bull) or evil (serpents). It is most often a solar symbol….A double-headed eagle represents the union of opposites & is an important emblem of Freemasonry.' - symbol Below are 1st Cen AD 'Gnostic Gems' depicting the 'Demiurges', who's the ruler of this world according to them. According to the Bible Satan is the ruler of this world. Snake/Arrow image taken from Manly hall's; 'Masonic Orders Of Fraternity' (1950). Cagliostro was the guy who introduced the Egyptian Rites into Freemasonry just before the French Revolution.
'The pyramid form may be explained by an examination of the familiar obelisk form. The obelisk, as is commonly known, is a symbol sacred to the Sun-god. So far as I am aware, however, little significance has heretofore been attached to the fact that the especially sacred portion of the obelisk is the pyramidal apex with which it is surmounted. An obelisk is simply a pyramid upon a lofty base which has indeed become the shaft.' -
the obelisk, the cone, the candle, the tower, the Celtic monolith, the spire, the campanile, the Maypole, & the Sacred Spear are symbolic of the phallus.' - Manly Hall 'Secret Teachings Of All Ages' Below - more stylised pentagrams (skull & bones)
Below; The 22 Tarot Trumps (or 'Keys') I've come to believe that these Trump Tarot Card consciousness-altering images/archetypes are the most potent device the Mysteries use against us in their Quest for the Holy Grail. Songs/music may be archetypal, & you may have heard how they're sometimes involved as triggers in the build up to gun rampages or in the Manson Family massacre for instance. To learn what symbols mean & do to our minds is to protect oneself from their influence when used against or upon us, as they are on a daily basis. Shape has property, as in the pentagram or hexagram, to visualise these instruments alters ones thought-process, be it in a positive or negative manner depending on how it's conceived, these are the weapons of the Magi, who's name is incorporated in the term; 'I-MAGI-NATION'. Does it ring a Bel, so to speak? The Greek god Kronos or Saturn in Roman is the archetype for our 'Father Time'; 'Satan is Saturn, Set, Abrasax [see above], Adad, Adonis, Attis, Adam, Adonai, etc…...The card itself ['Death'- Tump card of the Tarot] represents the dance of death; the figure is a skeleton bearing a scythe, & both the skeleton & the scythe are importantly Saturnian symbols.' - Aleister Crowley 'Magick In Theory & Practice' (1929)'. -
'How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.' - Isaiah 14
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