Seeing as it's from here most people garner their facts this weather, I'll use a quote from Wikipedia to illustrate what it is the majority of us believe to be true about the term 'Illuminati'; 'The Illuminati did not long survive their suppression in Bavaria [late 18th Cen], & their further mischief & plottings in the work of Barruel & Robison must be considered as the invention of the writers. Conspiracy theorists & writers such as Mark Dice [above] have argued that the Illuminati have survived to this day. Many conspiracy theories propose that world events are being controlled & manipulated by a secret society calling itself the Illuminati….'. Beyond this point most will not venture. They won't because they're afraid of two things, one being labelled a Conspiracy Theorist & two, in case some of it might be true. Some of what Wikipedia said in that sentence is true, some false, as we'll soon see. Firstly though we must provide a little context. 'Moreover, the Hiramic legend may be considered to embody the vicissitudes of philosophy itself. As institutions for the dissemination of ethical culture, the pagan Mysteries were the architects of civilization. Their power & dignity were personified in CHiram Abiff--the Master Builder--but they eventually fell a victim to the onslaughts of that recurrent trio of state, church, & mob. They were desecrated by the state, jealous of their wealth & power; by the early church, fearful of their wisdom; & by the rabble or soldiery incited by both state & church. As CHiram when raised from his grave whispers the Master Mason's Word which was lost through his untimely death, so according to the tenets of philosophy the reestablishment or resurrection of the ancient Mysteries will result in the rediscovery of that secret teaching without which civilization must continue in a state of spiritual confusion & uncertainty.' - Manly Hall 'The Secret Teachings Of All Ages' (1928). To some the subject at hand is a well trodden path with no especial need to revisit, however, us in the UK & probably the rest of the world, except for the US had never heard of the Illuminati or Conspiracy Theories until Dan Brown came along post 911, thus the only exposure most have had to the Illuminati since is through mainstream media such as Wikipedia or through the medium of books or films etc. As Bill Hicks so rightly pointed out many years ago, we in the UK have been living in a 'Socialist nightmare' without even realising it, at least the inhabitants of the Communist Bloc were aware of what was happening to them, unlike us. From what I've been able to gather (I may be wrong), the US itself only began to become generally familiar with Illuminati after the fall of the Berlin Wall in the late 1980's, before then there were (to my knowledge) only isolated treatises on it through people like Myron Fagan (1967) or in several publications or audios such as John Todd's during the 1970's, with hardly any of it really reaching the average man or womans ears. & because Fagan's quite brilliant Illuminati record was produced & disseminated by Anthony J Hilder, it's my belief the Illuminati itself was behind it's production & distribution, whether Fagan was a member I'm not sure although instinct tells me he wasn't. Todd was Illuminati then professed to being Christian, whereas Wikipedia has him dead since 2007, now I hear from Youtube he's still alive & living on my little island of residence (Jersey) & once again up to his old tricks, ....disinformation is the rule with our present topic you'll understand. A special mention should be made also of Prof Anthony C. Sutton, for his expose of the Illuminati in the US in the 1983 groundbreaking; 'The Secret Cult Of The Order'. - Before Myron Fagan there wasn't too many other exposes of note outside the Catholic Church aside from Prof John Robison (1798), who, as we've seen is in the process of being defamed by Wikipedia. Many have fought long & hard battles against the encroachment of a branch of the Illumined Ones called Communism without really knowing the true nature of the Beast, most memorably perhaps was the US Senator Joseph McCarthy & all have consequently suffered tremendous repercussions for their actions by opposing the Brotherhood of Death, as you might expect. From what I've seen & read, the Illuminati's stiffest opponent came in the shape of Vietnam Vet, radio host & author William 'Bill' Cooper. Cooper began a radio show in 1992, one of his specific aims being the education of his audience into the beliefs, structure, history & the goals of the Illuminati. Cooper did a now legendary series; 'Mystery Babylon', initially of 41 shows, but as his knowledge increased he kept adding shows on the Mysteries as he went along & eventually came to consider all his shows on the Mystery Schools part of his Mystery Babylon series. His initial 41 shows however incorporated the descent of these schools down through history, beginning at the dawn of mankind, eventually leading up to the present day. Paraphrasing the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, Adam weishaupt, Cooper informed his listeners, that although the Mystery Schools/Secret Societies would sometimes appear as separate organisations & even seem to oppose each other, at the very top they are all parts of ONE organisation. 'ILLUMINATI This is a Latin word, signifying the enlightened, & hence often applied in Latin Diplomas as an epithet of Freemasons.' - Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry The branch of Illuminati featured heavily in the destruction of the Americas so Cooper would sometimes offhandedly refer to them collectively as the Illuminati, hence his frequent use of the term & perhaps the reason this name, more than any other within the Mysteries has been dramatised so ubiquitously since. In any event, lets see what it is, means & whence it came. The Mystery Schools emanate from the east, specifically the area of India & are the modern descendants of ancient Hinduism, doctrinally speaking. They are Pagans, they are Pantheists in that they believe everything is a part of god including ourselves, which really is the universe & everything in it, the stars, planets etc thus we are all ONE (hence their political doctrine of Socialism/Communism). An offshoot of Hinduism arose in Northern India around the 6th Cen BC through the teachings of a local aristocrat named Siddhārtha Gautama, he eventually founded the religion that became Buddhism. In an effort to address the issue of human suffering (he said 'Desire' was the root of all our misery, which is not a bad shout), Gautama formulated a programme of intense disciplines known as the Noble 8-Fold Path, after being completed successfully, the aspirant would reach a stage called 'Nirvana' & would become an 'Enlightened' being, as Gautama had done, hence his epithet of 'Buddha', which means 'One who is Awake', however, he posthumously received the more popular meaning; 'The Enlightened One', he didn't use the term himself. Buddhism was immediately refined by the many schools that sprang up around Gautamas teachings & it began to assimilate more aspects of Hinduism into itself as well as those of other religions prevalent in the hinterlands although the original Buddhism still has it's many adherents to this day. From India it spread west, undoubtedly returning with the Greek mercenaries (Pythagaros was supposed to have visited India), especially the conquering Grecian armies of Alexander The Great, eventually reaching Egypt where the new doctrines were remoulded to suit the Mediterranean temperament in the newly-built city of Alexandria in the 4th Cen BC, where it became assimilated with the old Egyptian religions as well as many others. 'Illuminati was the plural of the Latin Illuminatus, from illumino meaning lighten or enlighten, or ‘enlightened one’, a term used to describe the initiates of the pagan Mysteries.' - In his 'Wisdom Of The Knowing Ones' (Gnostics), Manly Hall states; '…it has also been suspected that Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, & Hermeticism, are Europeanized adaptations of esoteric [secret] Buddhism brought along the caravan routes from high Asia.' What came out of this melting pot was the tenet of uniting all religions. Whilst the austere teachings of the Buddha were gradually melded with a plethora of beliefs & doctrines, the original goal of Enlightenment, the fine-tuning of the INTELLECT remained. The new creeds relied heavily on Mysticism & on Magic, i.e. Yogic disciplines & in this sense the manipulation of the human being (Alchemy) & the forces of nature (it was in part 'the quest to discover the sovereign realities at the root of existence') & because it readily accepted the tenets of other religions into it's body of law, it was capable of assuming the guise of other religions. Already extant in Europe were the nature-worship religions of the Celts/Druids & the metaphysical philosophy of the Greeks. All these elements combined to create a three-pronged system of subversive movements within the spheres of; 1. Religion (Gnosticism), 2. Politics/Philosophy (Neoplatonism), 3. The Arts (Hermeticism/Magic), all based, refined & consolidated in Alexandria, Egypt between the 4th Cen BC - 1st 2nd Cen AD which then became the trading capital of the Greek then Roman Empires. 'The Basilidans [Gnostics] were called by the orthodox [Jews & Christians] Docetœ, or Illusionists. The Deity of the Gnostics was called "Abraxas"in Latin, & "Abrasax" in Greek. Their last state, or condition for rescuing sensitive entities, as they termed souls, was the "Plemora", or "Fulness of Light." This agrees precisely with the doctrines of the Buddhists, or Bhuddists.' - Hargreave Jennings The Rosicrucians, Their Rites & Mysteries (1870) (In some of my other Blogs, I describe how the word Zion, meaning the Salem of Jerusalem, was more frequently spelled Sion in olden days, i.e., the Priory of Sion, the Protocols of Sion etc, thus if we take the ancient word for the Gnostics (above quote), we have our solution as to who's behind the modern problem of the Sionist.) So we can date with some surety when the subversive movements of the modern secret societies actually began in earnest. An offshoot of Gnosticism was Qabbala according to Manly Hall, as was the sect of the Essenes in Palestine, hence the confusion today in the minds of many concerning it's relation to Judaism, Qabbala is NOT Judaism, it merely appropriates Jewish images (Solomons Temple e.g.), doctrines etc as cover, it is a branch of the Mystery Schools dealing with the magical configuration of number/letter sequences as a means of controlling others & is also heavily involved in what Manly Hall terms; 'DEMONOLOGY', as was & is Gnosticism, which infiltrated Christianity at the exact same time (1st Cen AD). Schools in the esoteric sciences were established across the Levant, particularly in Egypt where naturally the local gods & goddesses were adapted into the new systems. Among them was the ancient cult of Osiris & Isis, previously worshipped mainly as the deities of the sun & the moon, now whole philosophies were built around them, Osiris now became the 'Secret Doctrine' of the Mysteries & Isis became the personification of the Schools themselves; 'The Church' whilst still retaining all the aspects of their original meanings (the term for amalgamating beliefs like this is called 'Syncretism'). 'His [Harpocrates] finger is placed to his lips which Plutarch interprets as a gesture symbolic of his childish & helpless state. The Greeks & Romans, however, considered this gesture to be a symbol for silence & from this has arisen the custom of placing the finger to the lips as a motion for quietness & secrecy. Statues of the god Harpocrates were placed at the entrances to temples & sacred retreats where the dramas of the Mysteries were performed as a sign that silence & secrecy should be observed in the holy places & that all Initiates were bound by vows of discretion.' - Manly Hall 'Freemasonry of The Ancient Egyptians' (1937). Osiris in his capacity as the sun & the Doctrine became known as the 'Light', or 'Illumination' as did Isis in her role as the moon as the reflector, polar opposite of the suns light or the effect. She was the patroness of Magic, or the art of 'Illu-Sion', the word 'Magi' is incorporated into imagination, & the priests of Mystery Babylon are known to themselves as 'The Magi', the light of the moon has been used in Magic/Witchcraft for millennia has it not? The other son of Osiris & Isis, 'Horus' is known in the Mysteries as the 'Light-Bearer', or, 'Luci-fer' in Latin. …….the Mysteries do not hold women in high esteem As a final example of the beliefs of the 'Knowers' as Manly Hall called them, we read this from; 'This lotus symbolizes the separation of the God Amon-Ra who is both Amon, the Hidden God & the God of Truth who is our Ammon’s Horn (Hippocampus) & also Ra, the God of light who is Lucifer (Phosphorus) in our DNA represented in imagery by the sun. 33rd Degree Freemason, Master Rosicrucian & author, Manly P. Hall had said this of the Lotus – [']May your consciousness be lifted upward through the Tree of Life within yourself until in the brain it blossoms forth as the Lotus, that rising from the darkness of the lower world, lifts its flower to catch the rays of the sun.['] Your consciousness comes from both, your Ammon’s Horn (Hippocampus) in which the tree of life, AKA our DNA, is then combined with the light of Lucifer (Phosphorus) in our DNA, so we too are reborn [like Osiris] & rise like the rays of the sun or lotus in the morning.' An Osiris title is 'Lord of the Underworld'. There is another facet to the Solar mystery & it's the belief in a 3-sun solar system, one visible two not, Osiris being the visible sun & the title for this mystery is 'Sol-Om-On', the name of the sun in 3 languages, non of them Hebrew btw…I digress but it is an integral aspect of their credo & goes in part to explaining their obsession with Palestine. Yes it's interminably complicated jargon, but it's essentially heavy, heavy Mysticism, eventually giving rise to the Humanism of the…..ENLIGHTENMENT of the late 18th Cen, the era of the Bavarian Illuminati. The new Humanist (man is god) doctrines proliferated throughout the Roman Empire, gradually overtaking the old religions in popularity & would have probably attained an unassailable hegemony over the world in short shrift were not for the words & actions of one man …..Jesus Christ. The Mystery Schools were not in the business of tolerating other creeds, therefore they infiltrated, usurped & destroyed from within ALL sects, in the case of Christianity, as it was now known, it did so immediately through the ministry of St Paul, who was obviously a member of the Mysteries, according to Manly Hall. In spite of the attentions of agent provocateurs from the Mysteries, the power of the teachings of Jesus spread like wildfire & ultimately led to a schism in the Roman Empire as to what was to be the state religion (4th Cen AD), Christianity won out & henceforth, the Pagan Mysteries with their esoteric Schools of Initiation had to go underground, the hunter now became the hunted. Because the Mystery Schools had infiltrated Christianity early on, many strands of what became the Catholic Church were & are Pagan, there was a schism however & the Church became a powerful autonomous entity & held sway over Europe for nearly a 1000yrs thereafter. What happened to the Mysteries you may ask? well, it's clearly spelled out in Manly Hall's 'Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians'; 'The parts of Osiris were now scattered so hopelessly that ambitious Typhon felt his authority to be secure at last. But Wisdom is not thus easily to be cheated. In the dark retreats of Islam, the Sufi explored the depths of Nature; among the Jews the learned Rabbins unravelled the intricate skein of Cabbalism; among the Greeks, Initiates rose to life through the nocturnal rituals of Eleusis; in Indian neophytes were brought to the contemplation of the triple-headed Brahma at Elphanta & Ellora. Through the Middle Ages the alchemist in their retreats explored the infinite chemistry of existence, the Illuminati sought the pearl of great price, & Rosicrucian adepts sought to recast the molten sea. All these together were but Isis, still searching for the members of her lord. At last, according to the tradition, all these parts were restored again but one; but this one could not be returned.' 'Typhon' or 'Set' is their appellation for Christianity, Typhon murdered his brother Osiris (note the Biblical parralels) in the Egyptian legend, whereupon he was momentarily resurrected by Isis to conceive Horus & this ancient myth now was applied to the suppression of the Mysteries, Osiris became the constructive powers of nature whereas Typhon/Set was/is the destructive (again note the similarity in the Biblical God - Satan relationship). In any event the doctrines of the Mysteries were perpetuated in the Middle East through the Qabbalists & later the Dervishes & Sufi's, who penetrated Islam at it's inception. The Muslim Caliphs, however were more tolerant towards their Mystical brothers than were the Christian leaders, who they'd been at war with since the 1st Cen AD. Nevertheless they did come into conflict occasionally, though nothing serious occurred until the infamous Crusades, a Pagan enterprise for all intents & purposes lasting some 200yrs, ending in ignominy for the Crusading Knights Templars….of Solomon. A main objective was achieved however, from the Middle Eastern Mystical sects they brought back with them an abundance of Magical laws, Alchemical formulas, methods of controlling populations & so on. Prior to the Crusades 1000's of separatist Gnostic communities migrated into Central Europe, assuming various names when they eventually settled (Cathari for example), henceforth Europe was riddled with subversive groups bent on the destruction of all social orders, not just the Catholic Church. The Knights Templar, the militant Monastic Order of Gnosticism, were, according to General Albert Pike; '..devoted to the cause of opposition to the Tiara [Church] & the crown of Kings.' - 'Morals & Dogma' (1972). Because of the immediate threat, the Inquisition was set up by both Church & States to protect themselves, as you or I would. By the Middle Ages, the Church was relatively impotent as a political force, it's power resided in the principalities who supported it, who were many at that time until the Reformation, created by the Mysteries, which spilt Europe asunder. 'The Catharist system was a simultaneous attack on the Catholic Church & the then existing State. The Church was directly assailed in its doctrine & hierarchy.' - Cathari means 'Pure Ones'. The Puritans, another branch of Mystery Babylon became heavily involved in what seemed to posterity to be an extreme form of autocratic religious intolerance both in the US & Britain, specifically the Cromwellian English Civil War & the notorious Massachusetts 'Salem Witch Trials', the idea of course was to destabilise not just Christianity, but religion in general. Why was Spain such a hotbed for Inquisitional activity? Much of Spain was ruled by the Islamic Moors until the late 15th Cen & it was through them, not the Jews, the Qabbalah was first introduced into Europe according to Manly Hall, moreover; 'Let us begin by considering where the Cabalistic books first began to circulate. That was in Spain.' - A. E. Waite 'The Holy Kabbalah' (1924). In fact it was first compiled into the Zohar (the main book), in Spain immediately before the prohibition of the Knights Templar (turn of 14th Cen) by Rabbi Moses de Leon. Just because he has a 'Rabbi' before his name does not necessarily mean a Rabbi is Jewish, many Rabbi's hide behind Judaism to conceal the fact that they are subverting (Communists) that religion & if they are Qabbalists, you can be damn sure they're not Jewish, despite what anyone says, the same for Imams, Priests or whoever who practice any of the Hermetic (magical) arts, Qabbala is merely another tenet of Gnosticism with strands of Pythagorean numerology & Zoroastrianism. What else was happening in Spain at the time? Well, the Jesuits were formed by Spanish 'Saints' Ignatius & Francis (Xavier) plus St Peter (Faber) of France; 'The Alumbrados came especially from the reformed Franciscans & the Jesuits (St Ignatius Loyola was charged in 1527 with sympathising with them); the extravagant claims made for their visions & revelations caused them to be relentlessly persecuted. The Inquisition issued edicts against them on three separate occasions (1568, 1574 &1623) & it's principally from these that knowledge of the beliefs of the Alumbrados is derived. See also ILLUMINATI'. - Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961). Alumbrados means Illuminati. Using Wikipedia's own words again from it's Alumbrados entry; 'The movement [Alumbrados] (under the name of Illuminés) seems to have reached France from Seville in 1623, & attained some following in Picardy when joined (1634) by Pierce Guerin, curé of Saint-Georges de Roye, whose followers, known as Guerinets, were suppressed in 1635.' They were moving under the cover of a Christian Order (primarily through the Jesuits) as the Qabbalists were with Judaism & the Dervishes/Sufi's/Assassins within Islam. 'It was these Serpent Kings who founded the Mystery Schools which later appeared as the Egyptian & Brahmin Mysteries...The serpent was their symbol...They were the true Sons of Light, & from them have descended a long line of adepts & initiates duly tried & proven according to the law.' - Manly Hall 'Secret Teachings Of All Ages'. 'Now, the legend goes that Freemasonry sprang up from ancient stonecutters guilds, & the men who built the stone buildings of the age. But "Freemason" actually comes from the French: frère-maçon, which literally means, "The Sons of Light." Which light will certainly, in researching the problem, that it is not the light of Christ. It is the light of the fallen angel of light, for when they [Knights Templar] were forsaken by the church, by Christs vicar on earth, the Pope, they spurned God & turned to Lucifer.' - John J Robinson 'The Lost Secrets Of Freemasonry'. (J. J. Robinson & Manly Hall were made Freemasons after writing these books) The Bavarian Illuminati were founded by Jesuit priest Adam Weishaupt on May 1st 1776. Again from the online Catholic Encyclopaedia (; 'When the great international convention of Freemasons was held at Wilhelmsbad (16 July to 29 August, 1782) the "Illuminated Freemasonry", which Knigge & Weishaupt now proclaimed to be the only "pure" Freemasonry, had already gained such a reputation that almost all the members of the convention clamoured for admission into the new institution.' Manly Hall adds in his 'Illuminati' lecture, the Illuminists '…moved behind the scenes of the French Revolution', & further expounds on this information again in his Secret Teachings Of All Ages; 'the Rosicrucians left the Great Seal of the United States. The Rosicrucians were also the instigators of the French Revolution'. The important thing to remember about Weishaupt is he was born into a Jewish family, as was Karl Marx, Moses Hess (Zionism progenitor), the Enlightenment was in full swing when the Rothschild's first came to the fore & psychology was 1000's of years old within the Hermetic Schools when Sigmund Freud postulated his theories on the ego & libido, yet none of these Jewish-born radicals/revolutionaries/warmongers were the founders of their organisations, THEY WERE USED to make it look as if it was the Jews behind all the strife. When we realise such illuminaries as St Germain & Cagliostro worked continually behind the scenes to bring about the French Revolution, then it makes sense to place them behind Weishaupts Order also seeing as he was only 27 (mystical number) when the Illuminati was formed in 1776 (mystical number when configured), not to mention the fact that literary giant Goethe & music genius Mozart soon joined the ranks….of an obscure, novice priest? The Illuminati did not die with Adam Weishaupt, it resurfaced again in Germany with Theodore Reuss; 'In 1880, in Munich, he [Reuss] participated in an attempt to revive Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Order of Illuminati. In 1885, in England, he joined the British Social League… [moreover] ...While living in London, Reuss became acquainted with Aleister Crowley. In 1910, he made Crowley a VII° of O.T.O. (based on Crowley's previously held 33° in the Scottish Rite), & in 1912, he conferred upon him the IX° & appointed him National Grand Master General X° for the O.T.O. in the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland by charter dated June 1, 1912'. - Marx, Engels, Lenin & Trosky ALL lived in London……where the 1st International was founded in 1864, the Palestine Exploration Fund was founded there in 1865. From the 1912 O.T.O. Manifesto; 'Issued by Order: BAPHOMET [Crowley] XI° O.T.O….. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The O.T.O. is a body of initiates in whose hands are concentrated the wisdom & the knowledge of the following bodies: The Gnostic Catholic Church. The Order of the Knights of the Holy Ghost. The Order of the Illuminati. The Order of the Temple (Knights Templar). The Order of the Knights of St. John. The Order of the Knights of Malta. The Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre. The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal. The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. The Holy Order of Rose Croix of Heredom. The Order of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch. The Antient & Primitive Rite of Masonry (33 degrees). The Rite of Memphis (97 degrees). The Rite of Mizraim (90 degrees). The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Masonry (33 degrees). The Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry…..' Next we head to the US; 'Phi-Beta-Alpha. - The Bavarian Illuminati, according to some accounts, spread to America. Students of universities only are admitted to the Order…The Order was introduced into the United States about the year 1776.' - Charles Heckethorne 'The Secret Societies Of All Ages' (1897). To this, the self-proclaimed 'Philosophers of Fire' add; 'The Order of Illuminati was founded in America, without any connection with the German Order, toward the end of the last century.' - R Swinburne Clymer 'Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis' (1929). There must be more than one Order then! In any event, we move to 1957 & Masonic writer Foster Bailey's 'Spirit of Freemasonry'; 'Stage by stage They assist at the unfolding of the consciousness of the candidate until the time comes when he can 'enter into light', &, in his turn become a light-bearer, one of the Illuminati, who can assist in the lodge on high in bringing humanity to light.' 'Light-bearer' remember means Lucifer, also it is a term for the Egyptian god Horus. Foster bailey & his wife Alice set up a publishing company in 1923 named Lucifer Publishing, subsequently changing it to Lucis Publishing which is now still operative & has an office in the UN. (See; Alice was a prolific writer. Before her death in 1949, she compiled a series of articles into what became the highly influential; 'The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy'; 'The one thing humanity needs to know today is the realisation that there IS a Plan which is definitely working out through all world happenings, & that all that has occurred in mans historical past, & has happened lately, is assuredly in line with that Plan.' So there is a PLAN. It's called the Great Work or Magnum Opus in the Mysteries. At the end of this Blog are two more examples of living proof that the Illuminati are still around, they are conspiratorial in nature & they are most definitely connected with Freemasonry & the worship of Lucifer. 'I have observed these doctrines gradually diffusing & mixing with all the different systems of Free Masonry; till, at last, AN ASSOCIATION HAS BEEN FORMED for the express purpose of ROOTING OUT ALL THE RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS, & OVERTURNING ALL THE EXISTING GOVERNMENTS OF EUROPE.......The Association of which I have been speaking, is the Order of ILLUMINATI, founded in 1775, by Dr. Adam Weishaupt' - John Robison (1798). If Robison's word is not good enough for you, try this from Charles Heckethorns; 'Secret Societies Of All Ages' (1897) which lists the origins of 100's of secret societies including those of 19th Cen Italy, with whom he was evidently in agreement with; The "Barbers of Mazzini," at Rome, made it their business to "remove" priests who had rendered themselves particularly obnoxious. Another Bolognese society was that of the "Italian Conspiracy of the Sons of Death" whose object was the liberation of Italy from foreign sway….the war, begun by [Joseph] Mazzini & brought to a successful issue chiefly through Garibaldi, ended in the establishment of the Kingdom of Italy, & the overthrow - for ever, it is to be hoped - of the Popes temporal powers.' It was Mazzini who formed the Mafia. - The Illuminist of today is involved in Alchemy, specifically the branch concerned with whats known as the 'Elixir of Life' as explained in part in Hall's lecture below. Alchemy's role in the Great Work is the transformation of society & the consciousness of the human being, however it's an ancient art dating back to the land of the Pyramids, where the process of illumination began in earnest; 'It is the name of the luminary son of Osiris, Horus which eludes to the illuminating alchemical properties he represents, contained in his symbol of the tree & elixir of life which gives light to us all. Like Horus, the chemical known by a similar name in science called phosp-horus, & in Latin; Lucifer is also an illuminator that makes our consciousness to be lifted upward….' - 'LIGHT Light is an important word in the Masonic system...Freemasons are emphatically called the Sons of Light, because they are, or at least are entitled to be, in possession of the true meaning of the symbol; while the profane or uninitiated who have not received this knowledge are, by a parity of expression, said to be in darkness. The connection of material light with this emblematic & mental illumination, was prominently exhibited in all the ancient systems of religion & esoteric mysteries. Among the Egyptians, the hare was the hieroglyphic of eyes that are open, because that animal was supposed to have his eyes always open. The priests afterward adopted the hare as the symbol of the moral illumination revealed to the neophytes in the contemplation of the Divine Truth, & hence, according to Champollion, it was also the symbol of Osiris, their principal divinity, & the chief object of their mystic rites thus showing the intimate connection that they maintained in their symbolic language between the process of initiation & the contemplation of divinity.' - Mackeys Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry (1872) Freemasonry is not the Illuminati or vice versa, they are both merely interdependent Orders of a vast Pagan religion known to Christians as Mystery Babylon. One of their main objectives has been the destruction of all other religions, Aleister Crowley, 'The Great Beast 666' & Illuminati saw it as his raison d'etre, that should be pretty clear, but it's not, as most will go along with the Plan alas & will accept whatever they're told as long as whoever is telling them comes from the right channels, because being adepts at discerning human nature, they know the vast majority will never pick up a book & research the subject for themselves, unless of course it's one written by Mark Dice, David Icke, Dan Brown or anyone else belonging to the Brotherhood itself. However, if we must use their own material to prove our point, so may I suggest we take our information from the horses mouth instead of digesting horse shit? Here would be a decent start; - The clue's in the title, here's a snippet of Manly Hall's book from the chapter entitled, Illuminati; 'The ideals of Illuminism, as they are found in the Pagan Mysteries of antiquity, were old before Weishaupt was born, & it is unlikely that these long cherished convictions perished with his Bavarian experiment.' On the contrary, Wikipedia states; 'The Illuminati did not long survive their suppression in Bavaria, & their further mischief & plottings in the work of Barruel & Robison must be considered as the invention of the writers.' The concept that man is god is a fundamental principle of Humanism, the concept is derived from passage 3:22-24 in the Book of Genesis; '& the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good & evil: & now, lest he put forth his hand, & take also of the tree of life, & eat, & live for ever: Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man; & he placed at the east of the garden of , & a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.' It's known as the Luciferian Philosophy. One of the Cherubims of Eden is held to be Lucifer by the Mysteries, & the whole philosophy may be summed up in the following; 'The Sphinx symbolizes man. The Sphinx again symbolizes man, with the mind & spirit of the human rising out of the animal desires & emotions. It is the riddle of the ages, & man is once more the answer. The four fixed signs of which the Sphinx is a symbol are Taurus the Bull, Leo the Lion, Scorpio the Eagle, & Aquarius the Man, or the human head [Cherubim of Eden]. So, how can Lucifer be the the prince of darkness, when it has been established that Lucifer is really phosphorus, which [is] derived from a Greek name meaning “Light-Bringer?” The facts are that is he is not the prince of darkness or Satan because Lucifer is really phosphorus that resides in our DNA. Once you understand this reality that is science based, you will then have one of the secret keys to the mysteries of the universe. The light within each one of us humans is where we find Lucifer or Jesus, AKA the morning star.' - They use these terms as metaphors & as far as I can gather, they completely negate & transpose many symbols, names etc primarily from the Bible which gives them some power, although I know not what for sure. It is a practice of theirs however; '...but of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You must not eat of it or touch it, or you will die.’” “You will not surely die,” the serpent told her. “For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened & you will be like God, knowing good & evil.” - Genesis 3:3/4 'The end of all knowledge is the knowledge of good & evil.' - Manly Hall.
9/14/2019 09:50:21 am
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calson mark
7/29/2020 05:39:06 am
smith benson
2/3/2023 03:20:51 pm
Hello everyone I am Mr Smith Benson from USA, I am giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria, I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all avail, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because they have eat my money. One day I across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Paul mark of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a Nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a Nigeria agent eat my $5,000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Paul mark and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, for those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR PAUL MARK call +2349130700648 or WhatsApp him +2349130700648 or email: [email protected]
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