'LUX Latin for Light…...Among the Rosicrucians, light was the knowledge of the philosopher's stone; & Mosheim says that in chemical language the cross was an emblem of light, because it contains within its figure the forms of the three figures of which LVX., or Light, is composed.' - Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry (1873). I think it's fair to say Egypt is one of those rare countries where, however endearing, it's not so much the people we remember when we visit, but the incredible structures that dominate the landscape. Anyone who's been will or should testify, that even though Rome & Greece are mightily impressive, they are in fact imitations of the 'monument[s] set up in Egypt' as the Bible says. I heard Alan Watt say the Pyramids of Giza aren't really that special, well I don't know what on earth would impress Alan, on the other hand I heard Manly Hall say, if it weren't for the fact they're here for all to see, people would not believe that such things could have been built by an ancient civilisation, & I think this is probably the case. The thing about Egypt is, there is (in my book) other sites just as impressive as Giza, especially in Luxor, the sad part however is the great temples have been rinsed of their treasures throughout the centuries, for example, the beard of the Sphinx stands alongside the Elgin Marbles in a museum in London….. Nevertheless, architects & historians are continually astonished at the workmanship involved in these structures, of which, most if not all are dedicated to the gods. In ancient times, Egypt was the school to where pilgrims from all over the world would flock to study for years, graduate, then return to their homeland as leaders in specific areas, especially government, or governance as Tony Blair now puts it. The Greeks in particular are known to have absorbed the teachings of the wily Egyptian priests, Py-thagoras & Plato being the two most notable examples. Among the many principles they brought back were formulas for the transformation of man & society, Al-chemy (Khem was an ancient term for Egypt) is said to have originated in Egypt & is still practiced on us today with a vengeance. The Old Testament was compiled in Alexandria, we're told Moses received the 10 Commandments there, it was where Jesus was brought as a child & so on, however, although it will come as new to most, it was from Egypt that the three most influential schools of thought in the history of mankind sprang, these were, Hermeticism, Gnosticism & Neoplatonism. In essence, Hermeticism deals with magic or scientific principles, Gnosticism seeks to unite all religions into ONE & Neoplatonism pertains to philosophy. They are the principle doctrines driving mankind & have been since the Renaissance or rebirth (of the Mysteries). Our western education system derives from Neoplatonists for example.
One prevailing formula or doctrine for governance that has come down to us is democracy. It is said to have been the preferred device used by the Atlanteans as their political system. The Atlanteans were, according to the Mystery Schools the primordial, antediluvian (meaning pre-flood), highly sophisticated hegemonic civilisation said to have been responsible for the ruling dynasties that survived the great Flood & who still govern today. Whether you believe it or not is up to you because it cannot be proven or at least no evidence has been publicly claimed for their existence as yet, but admittedly there are plausible aspects to the story, the Greeks learned the legend from the Egyptian priests, & Plato notably wrote an account of it in the Critias, later Sir Francis Bacon dramatised the fable somewhat in The New Atlantis (1626), in it, he says; 'The New Atlantis, which is America'. & America was & is being built along specific guidelines drawn up by obscure (High) priests in the temples of Luxor, or perhaps in one of the many sacerdotal temples of Northern Egypt, for evidence of this you'll notice a 555 ft obelisk facing the Whitehouse in Washington D.C. Evidence of Atlantis is said by the Mysteries to be strewn all over the land of Khem, the most familiar I suppose being the py-ramids, found all over the place not just in Giza. The Atlantis legend has had a significant impact on our society, regardless of it's historicity; 'From the Atlanteans the world has received not only the heritage of arts & crafts, philosophies & sciences, ethics & religions, but also the heritage of hate, strife, & perversion. The Atlanteans instigated the first war; & it has been said that all subsequent wars were fought in a fruitless effort to justify the first one & right the wrong which it caused. Before Atlantis sank, its spiritually illumined Initiates, who realized that their land was doomed because it had departed from the Path of Light, withdrew from the ill-fated continent. Carrying with them the sacred & secret doctrine, these Atlanteans established themselves in Egypt, where they became its first "divine" rulers. Nearly all the great cosmologic myths forming the foundation of the various sacred books of the world are based upon the Atlantean Mystery rituals.' Writes Manly Hall in The Secret Teachings Of All Ages (1928). Included in his 'sacred books' I presume would be placed the Bible. The tale has other remarkable dimensions; 'Osiris is the primitive revelation of the first race, but as Isis was born upon the fourth day, we find that this tradition coming into Egypt through the Atlantean Mystery School of which Isis is the symbol.' - Manly Hall Freemasonry Of The Ancient Egyptians (1937). It's in the above text Manly Hall explains how the modern day Mystery School of Freemasonry; 'Is Isis, the Mother of the Mysteries', Isis is also the patron of Magick, or Witchcraft if you like. So we've acquired quite a heritage from Egypt, albeit unbeknownst to most who pass through this life. We have then, two hypotheses for the origins of the great structures found in the Land of the Pharaoh's, one you read about in history books, the other out of the capacity of most to envisage. I personally don't know whether to believe it or not because of the lies been written by these great deceivers over the centuries, but I wouldn't discount it either, it's possible & even plausible. After reviewing the evidence, there does present itself another plausibility, seeing as so much Egyptian artefact is embroiled in the Atlantis legend, it could be that Atlantis did not lie out in the Atlantic Ocean (hence the name) past the Pillars of Hercules somewhere or anywhere else...... but was simply Egypt itself.
Manly Hall, & by association the Mystery Schools dismiss conventional historians beliefs about Egyptian chronology on many fronts, most significantly the date of construction of the Giza complex. Hall states it's 1000's of years older than what we're being told, including the Sphinx. Historians tell us the Egyptians didn't have the wheel until the 2nd millennia BC (i.e. when the great temples were built), thus the great pyramid scheme was undertaken without the aid of this device, which I find absolutely ridiculous, the potters wheel (mentioned in the Bible), consisting of the same mechanisms had been around since the 4th Millenia BC…..but no, they never put two & two together until 1000's of years later. Other anomalies of Egyptian history include the famous Hyskos; 'Shepherd kings, a series of foreign rulers in Egypt, whose domination must have occurred about the time of the sojourn of the Hebrews there. The relation of these two classes to each other, & to the other Egyptians, is so interesting, if not intimate, especially to the Biblical student, that our treatment of the subject under EGYPT & HYKSOS requires a somewhat fuller consideration of this topic.' - https://www.biblicalcyclopedia.com/S/shepherd-kings.html britannica.com states; 'Hyksos, dynasty of Palestinian origin that ruled northern Egypt as the 15th dynasty (c. 1630–1523 BCE; see ancient Egypt: The Second Intermediate period).' The Bible claims the Palestinian Joseph & his entourage moved to Egypt, acquiring a high status of officialdom, however, they (The Israelites) became enslaved by the Egyptians but ultimately freed by God through Moses & eventually led back to the Land Of Milk & Honey, Palestine.
We then have the 14th Cen BC trinity of Akhenaton, Nefertiti & Tutankhamen, brought so dramatically to the worlds attention by the grave-robbing pilferies of Howard Carter in 1922. Tutankhamen's tomb, although by far the most popular among tourists is pure bland compared to many of the 62 others in the Valley of the Kings (Luxor), in some cases, the tunnels are 100's of ft deep into the side of a mountain, nevertheless, it's King Tut who receives most visits, why? It almost certainly has to do with his father Akhenaton, he's gone down in history as the first monotheist & he's been credited as being behind the historical figure behind the Biblical Patriarch Moses, most notably by the above mentioned Ahmed Osman but also alluded to by people like Sigmund Freud. There's other significant aspects to Akhenaton's life, the first mention of Jerusalem on record is said to have been written by one of Akhenaton's vassal state governors in Palestine, then called the land of; 'Palestine' or 'Philistia', as in the Phillistines, no mention of Judea or Israel I'm afraid, although, within the correspondences between Akhenaton & his governor known as the 'Armana Letters', said to have been found by the British, in Egypt just after they'd invaded…..are references to a King of Babylon named Nazi Bugash discussing the problem of escalating tensions between Babylon & Egypt over the suzerainty of Palestine. Moreover; 'Why was the Merneptah Stele a significant archaeological discovery? Merneptah was a Pharaoh who ruled over Egypt in the late 13th century B.C. The son of Ramesses the Great (Ramesses II), Merneptah was the fourth Pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty. The “Merneptah Stele” is the name given to a stone slab engraved with a description of Merneptah’s military victories in Africa & the Near East. It was discovered by renowned British archaeologist Flinders Petrie at Thebes in 1896. The Merneptah Stele is significant to biblical archaeologists because it is the earliest extra-biblical reference to the nation of Israel yet to be discovered.' - https://www.allaboutarchaeology.org/merneptah-stele-faq.htm However, I'd assume the significance of Akhenaton lies in the following quote from Manly Hall; 'Akhenaton, the great reformer of Egyptian Mysticism.' (Solar Christmas lecture).
The Anglicised line in question of which My Petrie speaks (line 27 ….2x7 or 7/7) contains the words; 'I.si.ri.ar', which phonetically says 'A.ssy.ri.a', not Israel, to me at any rate. In any event, all this was when British Intelligence had been in Palestine masquerading as archeologists reverently looking for Biblical artefacts & right before Britain launched it's attack on Palestine during WWI paving the way for the eventual creation of the State Of Israel. Suffice to say, the Allies would have had a much stiffer task of winning WWI had the British NOT annexed Egypt, the French built the Suez canal etc just prior to it….As Bill Cooper said, the State of Israel was set up to neutralise Christians, Jews & Muslims who believed their sacred texts had prophesied this eschatological event, but that's for other Blogs. 'Egypt has always been considered as the birthplace of the Mysteries. It was there that the ceremonies of initiation were first established. It was there that truth was first veiled in allegory, & the dogmas of religion were first imparted under symbolic forms…….To Egypt, therefore, the Freemasons have always looked with peculiar interest as the cradle of that mysterious science of symbolism whose peculiar modes of teaching they alone, of all modern institutions, have preserved to the present day'. - Mackeys Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry (1873) What he's talking about is there in Egypt all those millennia ago, the Pagan priests devised two schools of religious thought, one for the priests (esoteric) based on the internalisation of symbols (hieroglyphics), the other for the common folk to take literally all the jargon & stories behind the symbology the priests had concocted (exoteric). From then on earth became a power struggle as these priests as these priests sought out new spheres of influence, whose fame among the worlds learned increased & to whom many travellers came to acquire the new methods of social control. Thats why the Mysteries have always been a powerful international Brotherhood & why they would do away with national borders, (exoteric) religions & why they see the need to enslave the profane or common man. Anyone looking at the situation logically would argue the Mysteries began in the Pagan east, specifically India & that they spread west through the Babylonians with their pyramid-like Ziggurats & on into Egypt. This is probably true, however the name Babylon fell into such disrepute especially among theologians down the years that it would, at least to a fashion seemed more prudent to situate the process as beginning on the glamorous banks of the Nile. However, Egypt was probably the place where the doctrines were formalised & esoteric schools first set up, although as I say, because the whole subject is so shrouded in mystery, the obvious conclusion of many is that human civilisation is much, much older than academic historians, palaeontologists, archeologists etc are telling us. It's only when Egypt began entering into conflict with it's neighbours are we on any sure-footing historically & that was around the the mid-2nd millennia BC with the arrival of the Hyskos. After almost a 1000yrs of continuous warfare with the Hittite's, Nubians, Assyrians etc, Egypt finally fell to the Persians in the 6th Cen BC, thus ended the great culture of the ancient Egyptians. When the Greeks entered the country under Alexander in 332 BC, they did so as liberators (from the Persians), owing to the fact the Greeks had historically been the Egyptians pupils for the longest time, thus accordingly, the Greeks built a huge city of learning & trade named after the great liberator Alexander himself (butcher actually) & once more Egypt became the centre of attraction. The Romans learned off the Greeks, so they, even though they were more brutal than the Greeks to their vanquished, never despoiled Egypt & as the Neo Platonists tell us, the great temples were still in use there right up until the domination of the Eastern Christian Church under the Byzantines circa 400 AD. The famous library at Alexandria where the Greeks on their wars of conquests housed the 1000's some say 1,000,000's of papyri of knowledge gathered throughout Asia, appears to have been the subject of much suspicion & criticism during the Roman period. The Romans burned the library at least thrice under the Caesars & the legendary depository of the knowledge of the ancient world finally succumbed to the flames under the (non-Christian) Emperor Aurelian in 272 AD. Other notable biblioteques of Alexandria included the Neoplatonic Serapeum Temple which also housed vast quantities of manuscripts. The Christianising of the Roman Empire by Constantine in the 4th Cen AD brought the Pagans & Christians head on into conflict & Alexandria was no exception. The record states, in spree of anger the Pagans butchered many Christians for mocking their relics & they responded by burning down the Serapeum, although there was still much of the building still standing during the Middle Ages. In any event, the supposed Burning of the Alexandrian Library by the Christians has been one of utmost sources of confusion of antiquity….. The Oxford Dictionary of the Classical World (2005) states in it's entry for Neoplatonism; 'Justinian closed the Athenian School in 529. It's members took refuge in Persia, whereas the Alexandrian School, perhaps through an understanding with the Church, survived for another century.' Many writers say the Neoplatonist Schools of Alexandria continued well into the Islamic period (see; City & School in Late Antique Athens & Alexandria by Edward J. Watts) & as we know, the Mystery Schools doctrines of Hermeticism, Gnosticism & Neoplatonism lived on in the guise of their hosts religions/philosophies until strong enough to reveal itself later on. Islam was awash with Neoplatonic thought from it's inception; 'Neoplatonism in Islamic philosophyIslamic Neoplatonism developed in a milieu already saturated with the thought of Plotinus & Aristotle.' - http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/ip/rep/H003 Remember the Oxford Classical Dictionary says from Alexandria the Neoplatonists took refuge in Persia & remember also that it was within the body Islam the great systems of univers-ities began speculating on Astrology, medicine & so on. The original great names of Alchemy are associated with Middle Easterners, the Arabian Nights tales are metaphorical remnants of the philosophies of the Classical period etc, but we know, that at its inception, Islam split into two main groups, the orthodox Sunni's & the mystically oriented Shia's & it was the Shia's who founded the great mystical schools in Cairo under the umbrella of the Ismaili's, & it was from these schools the most famous of all terrorist groups sprang, The Assassins of…...Persia. Again from muslimphilosophy.com; 'Then there was Harran in northern Syria, a city which was home to the star-loving Sabaeans, a pagan sect whose transcendent theology was imbued with Neoplatonic elements. In the third century ah (ninth century ad) Harran was visited by refugee scholars from the schools of Alexandria; in the following century these scholars moved from Harran to Baghdad, bringing to that last city elements, both Aristotelian & Neoplatonic, from the rich philosophical heritage of both Alexandria & Harran. Of course, cities such as Alexandria, Gondeshapur & Harran were not the only sources of Neoplatonic thought, but their examples serve to illustrate the ease with which the expanding Arab-Islamic Empire came into contact with Greek thought, especially in its Aristotelian & Neoplatonic incarnations.' The war between Sunni & Shia survives till this day. Not only did the Mystery Schools infiltrate & eventually usurp Islam, they'd done it to Christianity & Judaism long since, specifically in the forms Gnosticism & Qabbalah (Gnosticism using Judaic names/symbols) respectively. Most if not all of the early Church Fathers were Neoplatonists according to Manly Hall, whose antics eventually led to a schism within that religion (from it's natural course) culminating, probably by design in the preservation of the Roman Empire in the form of the Catholic Church. The crux of the matter again began in Alexandria between the city's Bishop Alexander & one of the prelates Arius, as things threatened to get out of hand, Emperor Constantine convened the many disparate sects of Christianity in Nicene (Asia Minor) & forced them to codify a universal (catholic) doctrine, which their successors eventually did. Arius' dispute with the Bishop concerned the divinity of Jesus & the followers of Arius became known as…...Arians. (https://www.uua.org/re/tapestry/adults/river/workshop2/arius) It's certain also the Early Church Fathers broke away from the original Mystery Schools, who they saw as a clear & present threat & eventually drove them underground. By the 640's Islam had swept throughout Egypt, & despite the incursion of the European Crusades (another Mystery School enterprise), Egypt remained relatively peaceful for another 1000yrs, until more Northerners began to land. Not that the subversive Mysteries weren't prevalent in Egypt or throughout the Middle East, it was that Orthodox Islam kept them in check, indeed, it was Sultan Saladin, based in Cairo who not only kept the Assassins at bay, it was under his guidance the Crusaders enterprise was dealt it's fatal blow from which it never recovered. Incidentally, had not Europeans been busy opening up Asia & America for a few 100yrs, the fate of Islam would have been different, however, it was from the African continent Europeans drew much of their human resources….but not from Muslim countries you'll notice. 21…..7+7+7 / July…..7 / 1798…..1+7+9+8 =25 --- 2+5…..7 French losses……29 / 2-9= 7 (Incidentally the host nation lost 20,000) Replete with the raw materials of America & half of Asia at their feet, the French, with the British lurking in the shadows, thought the time portentous enough to revisit it's old stomping ground after 500yrs. With Napoleon at the helm, the French butchered it's way through Palestine after a genocide of Egyptians, returning to the Nile for show-showdown with the British at the Battle of the Nile (Aug 1798). The French Campaign in Egypt & Syria (Academia will not say Palestine if it can be avoided) lasted until 1801, by then, what used to be Egyptian bureaucracy was now being totally bossed by Europeans especially French & of course Egyptology had begun, obelisks were soon seen being shipped down the Thames & Seine. (The portion of the Thames flowing through Oxford is called the river Isis.) The revenge of the Knights Templars knows of no bounds. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, the French Revolution was brought about by a group of international bankers, brigands, thieves, butcherers, pirates known as; The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ & of the Temple of Solomon or simply; the Knights Templar, formally founded in Jerusalem in 1119 (some say 1118) AD during the the European annexation of the Holy Land during the Middle Ages known as the Crusades, but were ultimately defeated by Islam. Their headquarters today is the City of London, after being ousted from France by the French King & the Catholic Church in 1307. Their institutions have been known under many names, Rosicrucians, Illuminati but today, the Templars operate under the visible umbrella of Freemasonry. Being international bankers, all wars occurring over the last 500yrs at least has had their stamp on it in some fashion or other & the further forward in time we come the greater the stamp, or should we say 'seal'. They are the Gnostics, Hermticists & Neoplatonists of the Roman Empire & view nothing short of the world itself as their heritage. They were behind the Slave Trade & the British Empire, but now the time had come to take what was theirs & stamp out all other religions. Much of the revenge of the Templars is spelled out by Albert Pike (1872) in the Knight Kadosh degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry; 'Cagliostro was the Agent of the Templars, & therefore wrote to the Free-Masons of London that the time had come to begin the work of re-building the Temple of the Eternal. He had introduced into Masonry a new Rite called the Egyptian, & endeavored to resuscitate the mysterious worship of Isis. The three letters L∴ P∴ D∴ on his seal, were the initials of the words "Lilia pedibus destrue;" tread under foot the Lilies [of France]' (Emphasis theirs). - http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/morals_and_dogma/knight_kadosh.htm The time of which Pike speaks is the 1770's, i.e. before the American & French Revolutions, moreover; '...the Rosicrucians left the Great Seal of the United States. The Rosicrucians were also the instigators of the French Revolution'. - Manly Hall The Secret Teachings Of All Ages (1928). The Knight Kadosh also summarises the war of the Mystery Schools against the Catholic Church, which in a strange way began in Egypt, in any event, Freemasonry became interested in Egypt just before Freemason Napoleon invaded the joint. The British, as the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry says were in on the French Revolution which, apart from being a symbolical show-trial against the King of France, was a war against the Catholics of France, Marie Antoinette was originally a Catholic princess of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, then involved in a bloody battle against the secret societies of the German States which spread to France & claimed the life of the Queen. The conflict between the Austrian Hapsburgs & the Bav-arian Illuminati was dramatised in Mozarts (who was a member) The Magic Flute (1791) & Mozart is thought to have been poisoned for revealing too much as he didn't last out the year. A snippet from the synopsis of The Magic Flute reads; 'The couple must go through severe ordeals in order to be worthy of entering the Temple of Light, thus thwarting the sinister schemes of the Queen of the Night. Sarastro prays to Isis & Osiris that the two will prove worthy.' - http://www.operafolio.com/act.asp?n=The_Magic_Flute&act=2 The British had no need to cut a canal from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean as Britain's not on the Med, France is though, so it was left to them to do so before naming it after the Pagan god Zeus only spelling it backwards so no one would notice. Britain had abolished slave labour (a man will work harder if given the impression he is free) early in the 19th Cen, France hadn't though, so Egyptian 'peasants' were used for the project. It must have crossed some of their minds (I'm sure it crossed the Frenchmen's) as they walked along looking up at the embankment, especially if they were Christian, the tale of their ancestor who'd parted the Red Sea to free his people in the name of God, now they were being used as slaves to dig an elongated portion of it in another direction in the name of the god of the Pagans. & after 'this great work was accomplished' …..the British invaded (1882), seizing control of the operation. - https://www.napoleon.org/en/history-of-the-two-empires/biographies/lesseps-ferdinand-de/ - - - - - - - I think that chronologically brings up to topics already covered on other Blogs, expect to note one or two things worth a reiteration. Speaking of Moses, British Intelligence Officer Aleister Crowley received the Book of the Law in Cairo on the 8th April 1904, the same day Britain & France signed the Entente Cordiale, a treaty officially ending centuries of conflict between the two so they can jointly focus on destroying the newly formed Germany, formerly called the Holy Roman Empire. The Book of the Law spells out in no uncertain terms, the Mystery Schools desire for the destruction of religions. It was Freemason/Rosicrucian Aleister who warned the world of the following in 1911; 'One last word on this subject. There is a Magical operation of maximum importance: the Initiation of a New Aeon. When it becomes necessary to utter a Word, the whole Planet must be bathed in blood. Before man is ready to accept the Law of Thelema, the Great War must be fought. This Bloody Sacrifice is the critical point of the World-Ceremony of the Proclamation of Horus, the Crowned & conquering Child, as Lord of the Aeon.' I guess we're now living in the Aeon of Horus then? Who is Horus?
In recent years we've been subjected to equally perplexing & upsetting dramas with Egyptian themes involving princesses. Young English researcher Rik Clay did some tremendous work uncovering the Isis connection to Princess Diana before himself passing on;
Diana was famously courting an Egyptian at the time of her execution in France in 1997. Her son, Harry recently married a girl of African distraction, reminding one of Crowley's (who referred to himself as 'The Great Beast 666') Tarot Card of an adult & minor couple each of mixed race at a ceremony presided over by a Druid-like figure within a tunnel of swords, the Tarot after all are said to be divinatory instruments of future events. What the image seems to represent is the Hermetic marriage of the sun & moon, i.e. between Osiris & Isis (Diana), but the plot thickens when Harry's brother William's wife emerges from hospital after the birth of their firstborn wearing the same dress worn by the mother of the Satanic child in the 1968 film Rosemary's Baby. Moreover, Rik Clay makes a good case for Prince William being identified with Horus, whose brother in the Egyptian legends was Har-pocrates…..these coincidences go on & on. Whatever the truth of the matter, people somewhere have been familiarising us with Egyptian symbols for some time, beginning I suppose with the opening of King Tut's tomb in 1922 & it's supposed curse. Now there are pyramids springing up everywhere; 'The City of the Pyramids is the mystical home to those adepts that have crossed the great Abyss (see the Tree of Life), having spilled all their blood in the Graal of Babalon.' - http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/City_of_the_Pyramids As stated at the beginning, the story of Atlantis has everything to do with it whether it be a fable or have an essence of truth to it, they believe in it symbolically at least, & it's whatever they see as so significant in Plato's account in the Critias thats unfolding before us. Something else worth addressing is the first of the triumvirate of doctrines in the Manly Hall video featured at the start & that was the doctrine of Hermeticism. To cut a long story short when the Greeks colonised Egypt under Alexander they merged the Egyptian god Thoth with the Greek Hermes to become the Hero Hermes Trismegistus (3x great), said to have been the author of the Corpus Hermeticum, the foundation of Hermeticism (one should listen to Hall's lectures on the subject as they are critically important), but for our purposes here we may merely state of Hermes, he was/is considered to be the embodiment of 'Universal Mind', or the collective mind of man said by the Mysteries to be…...god. The Great Pyramid of Giza is known as the Tomb of Hermes, for reasons Hall will explain in another lecture called; The Initiation of the Pyramid ; Moreover; 'Lucifer represents the individual intellect & will which rebels against the domination of Nature & attempts to maintain itself contrary to natural impulse.' - Manly Hall The All Seeing Eye (1927). Gnosis means knowledge in Greek, the Greeks believed it was through knowledge man would overcome the vicissitudes of life & thus went all out to base their doctrines on it. This is why they established the great seats of learning/research in Alexandria & why their descendants are so put out by its disruption. The learned Greek man was called a; Phi-losopher, or 'lover of wisdom', & if Lucifer is the intellect then it could be rendered 'Phi-lucifer'. I'm not saying it should but it's certainly typical of the semantics they get up to & it seems the Luciferian philosophy is at the root of everything; '& the LORD God commanded him, “You may eat freely from every tree of the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil' (Genesis 2:17). 'The goal of philosophy should be the knowledge of good & evil' - Manly Hall Philosophy is the force behind the attempted destruction of the Abrahamic religions, to be replaced by a novus ordo seclurum based on Humanism. Both Moses & Hermes received from their God their instruction they were to pass on to their peoples in Egypt. To make matters more confounded, the Old Testament was first compiled in Alexandria, Egypt & unless there was an autonomous Jewish community, then the priests of Hermes would have had a huge say in what went in. Despite this, it was from the Bible we first learn of Satan/Lucifer, however, like the passage of Genesis previously relayed, there is a definite fork in the road as regards doctrine between the priests of Memphis & firstly Jewish then later Christian & Islamic beliefs regarding this issue & recognised by all factions as being the case….. The name of the spirit who dictated the Book of the Law to Aleister Crowley in Cairo in 1904 was 'Aiwaz'; '"The Devil" is, historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes. This has led to so much confusion of thought that THE BEAST 666 has preferred to let names stand as they are, & to proclaim simply that AIWAZ --- the solar-phallic-hermetic "Lucifer" is His own Holy Guardian Angel' - A. Crowley Magic in Theory & Practice (1929). The reason my wife went off up the mountain was because I wanted to see the tomb of Tutankhamun, I went in alone, Egypt was in turmoil at the time (2013) so there was very few tourists. Inside was not much to shout about really, there was only two sections apart from the small descent in, both square, the furthest being protected by a glass barrier & this was where the stone sarcophagus would have been originally as there was a drop of a couple of meters to it & the usual paintings of Osiris, Thoth etc were on the back wall. To my surprise however, King Tut was laid out in a glass case in the area accessible to the public, there was only him & me in there. I scanned it over but then I began to think, why is this boys remains being displayed to anyone & everyone? Then I began to feel uneasy about the situation, so I left when others came in. All the mummies in the Valley of the Kings were laid to rest in secret 1000's of years ago, even the location was carefully chosen to avoid the attentions of the inevitable grave robber, but evidently it hasn't worked. To me, the Valley of the Kings hasn't been opened to the public as a mere tourist attraction, the place is a major world Death Cult site. What is the fascination with Tutankhamun's funerary mask? Admittedly it is beautiful, however, it supposedly rested upon a corpse for millennia, I say supposedly because again we only have British Intelligence' word for it, it could just as well have been made in a garage in Coventry during WWI for all we know. 'Luxor massacre'. BBC News. 1 December 1997. Retrieved 2 May 2014. Tourists massacred at temple. 17 November 1997 (BBC News) Bin Laden'behind Luxor massacre' (Google) The Temple the BBC are referring to is Hatshepsuts Mortuary Temple. When they say Bin Laden I'm presuming they mean the C.I.A., because that's who created him, specifically the Bush family, who famously belong to this fraternity; 'The group meets in "The Tomb", its campus headquarters built in 1856 - the same year the Russell Trust Administration was founded, the council that controls the group's assets. An imposing brownstone Egypto-Doric hall resembling a mausoleum, The Tomb was given a second wing in 1903 & a neo-gothic towers in 1912.' - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/george-hw-bush-skull-bones-yale-secret-society-us-president-dubya-kerry-a8340596.html Skull & Bones is also called, 'The Brotherhood Of Death'. Were they involved in Diana's murder 79 days before the Luxor Massacre….. looks like it; 'Among extraordinary details due to emerge in the report by former Metropolitan police commissioner Lord Stevens is the revelation that the US security service was bugging her calls in the hours before she was killed in a car crash in Paris.' - https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2006/dec/10/monarchy.peterallen I think Egypt has been turned into a Death Cult heritage site, by the secret services of the US, France & Britain primarily. The process began when Cagliostro & others introduced the Crata Rapoa & Egyptian Rite into Freemasonry mid to late 18th Cen, then Napoleon invaded slaughtering 1000's at the Great Pyramid complex at Giza, the effrontery of the Zeus Canal was built at the behest of Europeans using Egyptians as slaves & finally the British landed wholesale to finish the job & prepare the world for the Aeon of Horus. At the heart of the higher degrees of Freemasonry is an ancient Egyptian spell-casting ritual called; The Book Of The Dead, & we've been in the process of being familiarised with the contents of it since Crowley was doing his rounds; 'The spells of transformation have become known through popular allusions to the book in television & film productions ' - https://www.ancient.eu/Egyptian_Book_of_the_Dead/ Bill Cooper began his Mystery School series with a show on 2001 A Space Odyssey, he ended it in 2001 with ancient Egypt (The Alchemical Meme). Those who've studied Cooper will recognise the import of such a configuration, in the 3rd of his Mystery Babylon series, Cooper began reading from Manly Hall's Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians (1937), where we learn; 'Freemasonry as an institution is Isis, the mother of mysteries, from whose dark womb the Initiates are born in the mystery of the second or philosophic birth'. The goal of Freemasonry is to resurrect Osiris & restore the Golden Age which this king ruled over, moreover; 'Isis, by thus modelling & reproducing the missing member of Osiris, gives the body of the god the appearance of completeness, but the life power is not there. Isis, the priesthood, with their initiatory process, had accomplished all that could be accomplished by natural philosophy. Therefore recourse is again had to magic. The golden phallus is rendered alive by the secret processes rescued from the lost Book of Thoth. Thus the divine power of Osiris is restored through the regeneration of the man himself & the processes of initiation.' The Book of Thoth was written 6yrs later by Aleister Crowley. Of it, Crowley biographer Richard Kaczynski has written; 'The book has since become the definitive work on the Tarot.' Perderabo (2002). The 22 Trump cards of the Tarot , as we've mentioned in previous Blogs are being played out on the world stage. 'Thoth, the author of the Book of the Dead' - E. A. Wallis Budge The Book of the Dead (1895). Who is Thoth? '……… Hermes, the God of Wisdom, called also Thoth, Tat, Seth, Set, & Satan.' - Madame Blavatsky The Secret Doctrine (1888) Incidentally, 1888 was the year the Golden Dawn was founded in London……. 'The mid-Victorian period showed a marked interest in spiritualism, the occult & esoteric thinking, & Egypt provided a magnificent backdrop. The larger-than-life Madame Blavatsky gave rise to the Theosophy movement, & it is no coincidence that her first volume was entitled Isis Unveiled.' - John Ray, reviewing The Mummy’s Curse: The True History of a Dark Fantasy (2013). 'The glory of Egypt ceased with the death of Osiris. The mighty temples still stood but the god who illuminated them had gone. The priests bowed helplessly before the dead embers of their altars. One by one the sanctuaries crumbled into ruin in the custodians of these ancient truths hid themselves in obscure corners of the earth lest they be hunted down & slain for the sin of dreaming & hoping for a better day. Isis, then, as the scattered but still consecrated body of Initiates, began the great search for the secret that was lost….Searching in all parts of the earth & throughout innumerable ages, inspired men & women, the congregation of the just, at last rediscovered the lost arcana & brought it back with rejoicing to the world over which it once ruled, Isis, by magic—for the initiated priests were all magicians—resurrected the dead god & through union with him brought forth an order of priests under the collective title of Horus, the hawk, the all-seeing bird. These were the Herj Seshta or the companions of Horus…….Ambition, however, personified by Typhon [Christianity], knowing that temporal power must die if divine power, in the form of truth, be reestablished, put forth all its power again to scatter the doctrine, this time so thoroughly that it should never be rediscovered. If Typhon, as Plutarch has suggested, in one of his manifestations represents the sea, then it appears that this second destruction of Osiris may refer to the Atlantean deluge, by which the doctrine was swallowed or lost & its fragments scattered among all of the existing civilizations of that time….….But Wisdom is not thus easily to be cheated. In the dark retreats of Islam, the Sufi explored the depths of Nature; among the Jews the learned Rabbins unravelled the intricate skein of Cabbalism….Isis, the priesthood, with their initiatory process, had accomplished all that could be accomplished by natural philosophy. Therefore recourse is again had to magic. The golden phallus is rendered alive by the secret processes rescued from the lost Book of Thoth. Thus the divine power of Osiris is restored through the regeneration of the man himself & the processes of initiation…..Freemasonry as an institution is Isis, the Mother of Mysteries, from whose dark womb the Initiates are born in the mystery of the second or philosophic birth….. In the Egyptian rites Horus is the saviour-avenger, son of Isis, conceived by magic after the brutal murder of Osiris. Hence, he is the posthumous redeemer. Freemasons are Hori, they are the eye of Osiris, whose body therefore, is made up of eyes. Each Initiate is a Horus, each is a hawk of the sun, & for one reason is each raised & that is that he may join the army which is to avenge the destruction of wisdom, & restore the reign of the all-seeing lord. Each one is dedicated to the over-throwing of the reign of Typhon. The great battle, in which the sons of the hawk rout out the hosts of darkness, is the mysterious Armageddon of Revelation. The Armageddon of Revelation is the Kurukshetra of the Mahabharata & the Ragnarok of the Eddas. In this battle the host of the Adversary shall be routed forever….It is their duty to reestablish that Golden Age when wisdom, personified as Osiris, —& not selfishness, personified by Typhon—shall dictate the whole course of human procedure. The day must ultimately come when the Hori, by virtue of their royal purpose, accomplish the consummation of the Great Work.' - Manly P Hall Freemasonry Of The Ancient Egyptians (1937).
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