One of the main purposes of this site is to bring to light some of the major deceptions of history. History forms our prejudices towards & pretty much our perceptions of our fellow man, hence the reason why the ancients referred to any historian subject to corruption, a; 'Traitor to the Ages'. It's not difficult to see why either, who'd want to live in a society based on lies? Well, most of us evidently, therefore it's my wish to put the record straight in my own mind at least before the axe falls & research like this is no longer tolerated, which we all know is imminent. My arguments regarding World Wars I & II are pretty much established on my Blogbook, however whenever I see one of the utterly spurious depictions of these events, my blood boils & I'm compelled to counter it with as much ammunition as I can possibly find, not out of malice or revenge, rather it's out of the dire situation of being in the position of knowing most people will believe what they're seeing & hearing, therefore I'm duty-bound as it were, unfortunately or not as the case may be. & our discussion here is the infamous Auschwitz Concentration Camps, which have been perhaps the main vehicle/excuse used in the removal of civil liberties in Europe & now the world over for the last 70-odd years, for Jew & Gentile alike, hence the reason for all the Revisionism (see below) on my site because it's getting worse by the day, though I never realised how far we've come until recently when I only began reinvestigating the notorious labour-camps, & when I did, I found much of the Auschwitz material I used to use for research has now disappeared off the internet. So when reading the following, ask yourself who is it you wish to believe, your own judgement, or your governments? Who incidentally have lied about every war we've participated in since WWII, & there have been many, all against peoples who could not defend themselves apart from guerrilla warfare, which the US & UK have now deemed as a form of terrorism, even though it's their own country etc etc etc…... (Please see my other blogs on Germany for my main historical points, however it must be borne in mind that Germany was the Holy Roman Empire for nearly a 1000yrs up until the 19th Cen & was the defender of the Catholic Church, which the Mystery Schools had sworn to destroy..... See: Rosicrucian Manifesto's circa 1610 AD) Auschwitz consists of three separate sites, Auschwitz I, II (Birkenau) & III (Monowitz), A-I was built as an army barracks by Germans in what was then Germany, now southern Poland (Silesia) at the turn of the 20th Cen. In the 1920's, the Poles annexed vast swathes of what used to be Germany including the entire north coast & the area of Silesia. After the outbreak of WW2, which is blamed on the Germans invading Poland, the Germans placed Commandant Rudolf Hoess in charge of renovating the dilapidated barracks into a Polish P.O.W. camp, the place was rigged out with stables, post office, an outdoor swimming pool with diving board & other amenities making it relatively more comfortable say, than a Siberian Gulag. war on the Russians), & as part of their ethnic cleansing policy towards vanquished nations, the Soviets immediately shipped 1.5/2 million Poles to the gulags in the east, & according to their own records, only half survived the journey (See; Incidentally, 1000's of Polish Jewish P.O.W.s were trained in the USSR, brought to Persia (Iran) where they met up with the British to annex that country (25 August -17 September 1941) & from there marched with the British to Palestine, through the recently British-annexed Iraq where we're told they (Anders Army) turned on the British to become the Zionist Brigades that ultimately 'forced' the expulsion of the British & brought about the State of Israel after the war. Many future Polish-Israeli leaders including Menachim Begin were brought to Palestine in this manner & many if not all were Marxists. Other curiosities surrounding Auschwitz include the 100's of British inmates there. Such was the lax security at the camp (Birkenau), they would go on excursion to the nearby town of Katowice for a weekend of frivolity, then simply return for (paid) work at the giant Monowitz plant on Monday. Incidentally, Katowice (then in Germany remember) was the site for the first ever Zionist Convention in 1884. gd6The famous Auschwitz Birkenau Camp (II), so named because of it's many surrounding Birch trees housed the workforce for the huge Monowitz (nearby town) industrial complex. The site was chosen, built & operated by the massive German firm 'I.G. Farben', who's history, associations etc are documented in Prof Anthony C. Sutton's classic; 'Wall St & The Rise Of Hitler' (1976). Auschwitz Monowitz was built to supply the war effort with materials including synthetic oil, required by the Luftwaffe as Germany had no natural oil reserves & the technology (in the form of patents) & much of the finance for the project was supplied by the US during the war; 'Without the capital supplied by Wall Street, there would have been no I. G. Farben in the first place & almost certainly no Adolf Hitler & World War II. German bankers on the Farben Aufsichsrat (the supervisory Board of Directors) in the late 1920s included the Hamburg banker Max War-burg, whose brother Paul Warburg was a founder of the Federal Reserve System in the United States. Not coincidentally, Paul Warburg was also on the board of American I. G., Farben's wholly owned U.S. subsidiary. In addition to Max Warburg & Hermann Schmitz, the guiding hand in the creation of the Farben empire, the early Farben Vorstand included Carl Bosch, Fritz ter Meer, Kurt Oppenheim & George von Schnitzler. All except Max Warburg were charged as "war criminals" after World War II.' - Evidently Professor Sutton believed in the Holocaust at that point (mid-70's) as he mentions the murder of 6 million Jews, that however was way before 1989 when westerners began visiting these concentration camps en masse & began asking questions, serious questions. When this occurred things began to change. Below is a plaque placed in Auschwitz Birkenau after the war by the Soviets. Despite what The Jewish Virtual Library or the Nizkor Project says, the 4 million figure was accepted both in the east & the west until the1980's, the sign was replaced in the 1990's. The fall of the wall must have prompted Auschwitz Curator Franciscek Piper to rethink his strategy somewhat, for in 1991, he published a book entitled; 'Auschwitz: How Many Perished' stating the number of Jewish deaths, not murders was now in the late 100's of 1000's. These non-registered deaths he explains are based on train timetables, eye witnesses & confessions extracted from German P.O.W's (see below), not on any actual physical evidence. The only physical evidence presented as proof for genocide at the camp I'm aware of is forwarded by Dutch historian Robert Jan Van Pelt, who's not an architect or scientist as he pretends here in this video & elsewhere; although Van Pelt is touted as the worlds leading expert on the Holocaust. Also appearing in the video is the worlds foremost Holocaust scholar of his day Gerald Fleming (deceased), a German traitor & all-round bad egg. Incidentally, has anyone ever seen a book written about WWII by a German within 30yrs of the end of the war, i.e., during the period of 'De-Nazification'? I'm sure there were many who would have jumped at the chance, given the opportunity…
The evidence for genocide Van Pelt provides is the supposedly original architects drawings of the four crematoria built at Auschwiz Birkenau between 1941/3. Proof, says Van Pelt lies in the replacement of a staircase by a (corpse) shoot going from the ground floor crematoria to the morgues/basements, that & the fact these crematoria were fitted with multiple muffles (ovens), capable of burning '1000's of bodies a day'. My foremost argument against this wouldn't be the '1000's of bodies a day' claim but that Zyklon B, the pesticide/de-lousing agent said to have been used to gas millions of Jews, IS HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE…..who in their right mind would gas 100's of 1000's (not millions anymore) of people underneath or even adjoining an industrial sized crematoria?
As most people are aware, the Germans did use Zyklon B to combat Typhus which did ravage the camps especially after the Germans attacked the Russians & the 1000's of Russian prisoners were sent to the camps & sometimes used as a workforce. When researching this subject with the intent of making a blog out of it, I thought to myself I won't mention the Mystery Schools in this one as I'm as sick as everyone else is of the sight of them, however it's not to be. Robert Jan Van Pelt was tutored by Dame Frances Yates, a revered Rosicrucian historian, cited many times in Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln books including, Holy Blood Holy Grail, Temple &The Lodge, Elixir & The Stone etc. There's no getting away from them because they're behind everything. The Germans imported some 400,000+ Jews from Hungary into the labour camps & to the front lines in murder most upon arrival? Why not murder them where they were? It's ridiculous to think the 3rd Reich would go to such an incredulous length at a time when all HELL was pouring down upon them & when this newly acquired Jewish manpower would have been a welcome source of productivity. Many went to Auschwitz but most didn't, & the man charged with the operation was Adolph Eichmann. A closer inspection of Adolph Eichmann reveals he was heavily involved with the effort to send as many Jews to Palestine as possible & charged with investigating FREEMASONRY. He would have been privy to all the British & Zionist plans in other words, as were all the leaders of the 3rd Reich. (See - ). Eichmann was 'caught' in Argentina by Mossad in 1960, brought to Jerusalem for a televised shoah trial upon the orders of Communist/Polish immigrant David Ben Gurion, the 'Father of Israel' & subsequently hung. Ironically, perhaps the most damaging of all exposés of Auschwitz was done in the early 1990's by a young Jewish-born American researcher named David Cole, pictured left at Auschwitz with the late heavily persecuted German 'Holocaust Denier' & Martin Luther lookalike Ernst Zündel. Cole did a video proving the staff at Auschwitz were lying regarding the facilities being presented to the public as instruments of mass murder. When Cole returned to the US, he was immediately targeted by the ADL & JDL as a purveyor of 'Hate' against the Jews, he was attacked physically & a bounty put on his head, ultimately leading to Cole changing his name & going into hiding for years……simply for telling the truth. This medicine is meted out to any public figure sitting on the wrong side of the fence regarding Holocaust research. Zündell was battered senseless several times (hence his gimmick of wearing a hardhat) as well as being jailed for years on numerous occasions……for simply telling the truth. (Please excuse the levity with Zundell but the Luther similarity always struck me as curious) Despite everyone at Nuremberg being aware of what barbarity had taken place towards the Germans, the confessions were allowed to stand & most were sent to the gallows, arbitrarily shot or received severe prison sentences. It was also brought to everyones attention at Nuremberg that one of the judges, Russia, had slaughtered 20,000-odd Polish Officers ( & attempted to shift the blame off on Germany, but somehow it wasn't allowed to fly, nor did it preclude Russia from presiding over a kangaroo court in which they prosecuted the Germans for gassing millions of Jews at Auschwitz, who we now know never existed (see above), with no physical evidence, nothing, Jack Dip, zilch, all based solely on train timetables & the confession of a man who was tortured by the British for three days before he singed a confession saying he murdered millions of Jews, mainly by gassing….yet most people till this day still believe it. Incidentally, the Soviets emptied the Baltic states in the same manner they dealt with the Poles, not only that, after executing the Polish top military brass in the Katyn Forest Massacre in 1940, the Russians executed the 1000's of Poles who'd fought against the Germans in Poland when the Red Army returned to annex Poland outright in 1944, as part of the Yalta Agreement; - Nor does it stop there. As stated above, many US companies funded the 3rd Reich from the very beginning, as they did the fledgling Soviet State, & as Anthony Sutton states, the financial & technical aid did not end until 1944, the year the US invaded mainland Europe strangely enough. Moreover, when the Allied forces entered Berlin as victors & split Germany into four Quarters (à la Jerusalem), the Americans held their own 'I.G. Farben' war crimes Tribunal, despite I.G. Farben having a sister American company, 'American I.G. Farben' & Farben itself being financed into & throughout it's existence by US firms. The point to remember however is that Auschwitz Birkenau, supposedly the most infamous place of genocide in the history of the world, ran on the US $, until the Yanks pulled the plug on the Germans in 1944, then set about butchering them in an Apocalypse; - Much is made of the Aushcwitz doctors, especially Dr Josef Mengele (pictured above) & what monsters they were, but yet again, if one looks into the lives of these men objectively, every one of them I've looked into displayed admirable humanitarian traits before & sometimes during the war, & when it comes to accusations of war crimes, we come up against a solid wall of spuriosity. Yes they operated on people, yes they experimented on people (as doctors do), but without their knowledge? It's at best unproven & even if it is true, compare that to what Allied medical professions did to their populations time & again, the heinous MK Ultra project for example. One of the prime movers in that covert operation, Dr Ewen Cameron (a Scot) who was the leading US psychiatrist consultant during the Nuremberg Trials actually proposed this whilst the war was ongoing; '…that after the war each surviving German over the age of twelve should receive a short course of electro-shock treatment to burn out any vestige of Nazism.' - Gordon Thomas 'Journey Into Madness' (1988). Note 'after the war' & note also it was the US who presided over the 'Nazi Doctor Trials'. What on earth had the Germans done to America? I wouldn't be surprised to learn Dr Cameron's proposal of electro-shocking every German over the age of twelve was carried out, such was the horrific brutality of the Allied colonisation of Germany, for thats what it was. Whatever the Germans did to the Jews & it's neighbours before & during WWII simply cannot be compared to what was done to them during & after. Both Germany & Japan were taken out in what can only be described as a Holocaust, there's no other term more apt for it. Why though? In Germany's case, it (as well as the Austro-Hungarian Empire) was the home for the Holy Roman Empire for 100's of years, i.e. it was the stronghold of Christianity & was the protecter of Rome (see my blogs on the Catholic Church & Germany). consciousness of people to justify the creation & existence of the State of Israel. All these wars were part of an Alchemical programme to bring the world another step further towards the restoration of what's known as the 'Philosophical Golden Age' & the creation of a mass of Socialist & Communist states which would ultimately be drawn into conflict with each other & their neighbours & is part of that programme known as the Hegelian Dialectic, the theories of Hegel found their most profound expression in the writings of Hegel's fellow Germans (Internationalists actually)…..Marx & Engels. Many of Israel's early leaders were Polish, some born when what is now Poland was then Germany. The first international Zionist Conference took place just 15 miles north of Auschwitz in Katowice in 1884. The main bulk of the Zionist Resistance against British rule in Palestine was brought from Poland to Palestine first by the Russians via Persia, then by the British to Palestine, whereupon they turned on their British masters, ostensibly at least (why would anyone take the trouble of marching 1000's of Marxist Zionists 1000's of miles to the Holy Land?). The 3rd Reich itself was created along with the Soviet Union by Wall St after WWI & according to historian Carroll Quigley, the British Government had 'hit upon the idea' of bringing the two into conflict as early as the mid-1930's (see; 'Anglo American Establishment' 1956). All allegations of genocide against the Germans during WWII occurred behind the Iron Curtain, if the Germans were animals in the east, then they must have suffered from collective schizophrenia because they were the epitome of chivalry in the west. Certainly the Germans behaved like thugs in the 1930's towards the Jews & some of it's neighbours, but who wouldn't after the injustice & ignominy of the Treaty Of Versailles (1919)? Not many I'd venture & I'm not excusing any of it by any means, I'm merely trying to explain it. The Germans were insidiously brought to believe that it's own Jewish population betrayed them (just as we are today) & were the cause of Germany's defeat in WWI. If one reads Appendix II in Anthony C Suttons 'Wall St & The Bolshevik Revolution' (1974), he explains how British Intelligence were behind the propaganda campaign for the creation of the 'It's the Jews Brigade' post-WWI with old Winston Churchill at the forefront of it. The British certainly trained many leaders of the 3rd Reich, Hitler, Hess, Goering & many others had inextricable business & other links to Britains hierarchy as well as American, the Bush family for example (as have the Bin Laden’s let’s not forget). (Image left from; Whilst engaged in Revisionism on a regular basis up until around 2013, I'd frequently come across a debate between Exterminationists & Deniers regarding the the visits of the International Red Cross to Auschwitz. The debate didn't whirl around whether the Red Cross were there or not, the debate would involve rhetoric over what they were allowed to see, what they said in the Reports etc, that they were there was not an issue then, it is now however, as I can't yet find the Auschwitz ICRC Report, although it was mentioned by at least one of the British Inmates I spoke of earlier at the Nuremberg Trials, where he tells of hearing of the gas chambers in the camp whilst he was there, but this is the first he's told anyone of it apparently because he's not on record as saying as much before. Moreover, other Englishmen known to have been in Auschwitz during WWII are equally as unreliable when asked to recall their experiences; The obituary does say something of import for our purposes however; 'Avey left Auschwitz in a column of prisoners just as the Red Army approached in 1945. Finally making his escape…' The Germans evacuated the prisoners of the Auschwitz complex with the onslaught of the Red Army, who finally caught up with them all anyhow….Why? Historians refer to this action as the 'Nazi Death March', & so it was, but not for the reasons we're told. Here's an example of what fate the Russians had in store for all, not just Germans; 'Natalya Gesse, a close friend of the scientist Andrei Sakharov, had observed the Red Army in action in 1945 as a Soviet war correspondent. "The Russian soldiers were raping every German female from eight to eighty….Drink of every variety, including dangerous chemicals seized from laboratories & workshops, was a major factor in the violence. It seems as if Soviet soldiers needed alcoholic courage to attack a woman. But then, all too often, they drank too much &, unable to complete the act, used the bottle instead with appalling effect. A number of victims were mutilated obscenely. The subject of the Red Army's mass rapes in Germany has been so repressed in Russia that even today veterans refuse to acknowledge what really happened.' - I mentioned before that in every case I'd looked into, each of the German Doctors tried & executed at Nuremberg turned out to be a humanitarian or at least no recorded blemish of character is on record, the same goes for the camp's Commandants. What these doctors & Commandants share (apart from being extra-jucially framed & executed) is a connection to Heinrich Himmler. Himmler was the overseer of the camps, wherein the doctors practiced under the guidance of the Commandants. Again from A. C. Sutton, chapter IX;'Wall Street & the Nazi Inner Circle' , we read; 'The most important of these Nazi inner circles was created by order of the Fuehrer; it was known first as the Keppler Circle & later as Himmler's Circle of Friends…...I.G. Farben was heavily represented within the Keppler Circle: no fewer than eight out of the peak circle membership of 40 were directors of I.G. Farben or a Farben subsidiary….. Standard Oil of New Jersey also made a significant contribution to Himmler's Special Account through its wholly owned (94 percent) German subsidiary, Deutsche- Amerikanische Gesellschaft (DAG). In 1943 & 1944 DAG contributed as follows…..we can identify other Wall Street institutions represented in the early Keppler's Circle of Friends, confirming their monetary contributions to the National Trusteeship Fund operated by Rudolf Hess on behalf of Adolf Hitler. These representatives were Emil Heinrich Meyer & banker Kurt von Schroder on the boards of all the I.T.T. subsidiaries in Germany, & Emil Helffrich, the board chairman of DAPAG, 94-percent owned by Standard Oil of New Jersey.' Standard Oil of course is Rockefeller, yet despite this, the US presided over the Doctors Trials, the IG Farben Trials & the Nuremberg Trials themselves, condemning many of it's own German business associates to the gallows, as Prof Sutton states, no American was ever tried for the exact same conduct suffice to say, & when I said information on Auschwitz had disappeared I wasn't kidding, to cover an important facet on the subject (the Red Cross) I now have to rely on Wikipedia, from the entries for Norman Davis &War & Peace Studies respectively we learn; 'He was chairman of the International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies from 1938 to 1944 & president of the Council on Foreign Relations 1936–1944….In 1939, following the outbreak of war in Europe, Davis chaired the steering committee of the Council on Foreign Relations' War &Peace Studies project…War & Peace Studies was a project carried out by the Council on Foreign Relations between 1939 & 1945 before & during American involvement in World War II. It was intended to advise the U.S. Government on conduct in the war & the subsequent peace. The project was divided into four major areas: economic & financial, security & armaments, territorial, & political. Over 100 men took part. Funding was provided by the Rockefeller Foundation...' (It was the Council On Foreign Relations Round Table mothership in Britain, says Professor Quigley that '…reached the fantastic idea that they could kill two birds with one stone by setting Germany & Russia against one another in Eastern Europe.' - Anglo American Establishment pg 265) Well then, as we've learned from Professor Sutton, Rockefeller also provided the finance & technology to keep the Luftwaffe in the air, until 1944, the year when the funding was stopped, D-Day was launched, the Germans drafted in 100's of 1000's of Jews & the year of the last known Red Cross delegation to Auschwitz. Norman Davis used the same office for his Red Cross & Council On Foreign Relations duties I may add & died July 2nd 1944, & if you think the Red Cross is beyond reproach it is not, because Professor Sutton provided the documentation in 'Wall St & The Bolshevik Revolution' (1974) proving it was used as cover for funding needed by the Bolsheviks to launch their Revolution in 1917. We may surmise the process was practiced several times if it was done once, I will in any event. I've said several times I do not wish to mitigate the crimes of the 3rd Reich, only to place them into a proper perspective. The issue is extremely complex, half of what was left of Poland in 1945 was built by Germans in Germany, & revisionists tend not too often to veer from the actual conflict of WWII itself so I'll cite as an example of what we're up against by providing an article excerpt written by someone I respect as an authority on the subject, Robert Faurisson. Here's a sample of Faurisson's 1994 piece on the legendary 'Warsaw Ghetto' incident; 'An insurrection never took place.' This remark is by Marek Edelman, who was a leader of one of the armed Jewish groups in the ghetto. He added: 'We didn't even choose the day; the Germans set it by entering the ghetto to find the last Jews.' Edelman also stated that the number of Jews who took up arms never exceeded 220. (Other estimates of the number of Jewish ghetto fighters range from several hundred to as many as 2,000. In any case, no more than a minute portion of the ghetto population took part in the fighting.) Edelman's view has been confirmed by Yitzhak Zuckerman, another leader of the main Jewish armed group in the ghetto. Zuckerman has defined the 'war aims' of the Jewish fighters in these words: 'For us it was a question of organizing a defense, not an uprising. In an uprising, the initiative is with the one rising up. We, we sought only to defend ourselves; the initiative was entirely on the side of the Germans.' This was no uprising of an entire community to gain its freedom or to resist deportation. It was, rather, the reaction of only a relative handful of young Jews who, seeing German troops penetrate their sanctuary, first fought back, then on the third day tried unsuccessfully to flee, & then, finally, surrounded, put up sustained armed resistance.' - When condemning the Germans for the above actions, please bear in mind the complexities of the situation, the Germans wrongly believed the Jews to be subversive elements culpable of the destruction of their country, just as Senator McCarthy did with the Communist purges the following decade, in both instances however, the Germans & McCarthyite's failed to recognise the hidden power hiding behind Judaism & Communism, if they had, the Germans especially would not have behaved thus & shipped 100's of 1000's of Jews off in trains to foreign lands never to return or even to Palestine (in concert with the British I might add), where many 1000's were sent. But for me Poland is the key to German culpability in all this. The newly-formed Poland annexed vast areas of previously German-held territory post WWI as part of the Treaty of Versailles & independently, thus beginning conflicts afresh between remaining ethnic Germans & the now Polish overlords, long before the entirely western Allied powers-created Hitler & his 3rd Reich….entered the scene. In Poland, the Germans & Russians eventually WERE set against each other. Meantime, the Polish Government had escaped hostilities by exiling themselves in England for the duration of the war, conveniently. We've mentioned the Soviet deportations of millions of Polish & the Soviet creation of a Polish/Zionist army, to be met up with the British in Persia & marched to Zion to ultimately create the State of Israel. Finally however, in feb 1945, the Allied powers drew up the Yalta Agreement, conferring on the Soviets a stake in at least a third of the machinery of government, to which the Polish government in London agreed, even though, the Russians had just deported millions of their countrymen, women & children. So perhaps the Polish who stayed at home to fight both the Germans & Russians were not the least bit surprised when the Red Army repeated it's actions when it returned in 1945. '...the Soviet partisans massacred 128 gentile men of Naliboki in a surprise night attack. They were members of the local self-defense force. Many of them also participated in the Polish underground Home Army...Although assaults on Polish gentiles had already become commonplace in 1942, they multiplied in number, scale, & fierceness when, in the wake of the Katyn affair [massacre of Poles], Stalin broke off diplomatic relations with the Polish government-in-exile in London in April 1943.' - In other words, genocidal attacks on the Poles by the Russians continued unabated right throughout WWII. It must be remembered that in every instance an accusation of genocide was made against the Germans, the Soviets are the source…….. Ever heard of 'Perfidious Albion'? It's a French expression dating to the period of the Revolution, Napoleon is said to have used it before his long incarceration by the British. Evidently Anglophile Adolf Hitler & his legions of Brownshirts were unaware of the term prior to 1939, if they weren't, it was too late when they ultimately woke up to the fact. 'Auschwitz-Birkenau Extermination Camp The largest of the death camps where over 1,100,000 Jews were murdered' 'Dr. Piper is credited as one of the historians who helped establish a more accurate number of victims of Auschwitz-Birkenau death camps. According to his research, at least 1.1 million people perished [not murdered] at Auschwitz-Birkenau, of whom about 960,000 were Jewish….The postwar testimony of camp's commandant, Rudolf Höss, presented at the Nuremberg trials of 1946, was therefore also proven to be unreliable & grossly exaggerated for reasons unknown.' - 'The prisoner [Rudolf Höss] torn from the top bunk, the pyjamas ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables where it seemed to Clark [British interogator] the blows & screams were endless...It took three days to get a coherent statement out of him' - Rupert Butler 'Legions Of Death' (1983) Links; file:///Users/vincentdonnelly/Downloads/tortured-confessions.pdf 'Can you adduce any documentary evidence proving that even a single Jew was killed in a gas chamber in any National Socialist concentration camp? If your answer is yes, please quote this document & publish a copy on the internet, so that we can analyze it together' - Jurgan Graf Frenchmen, after declaring war upon & attacking Germany, being roundly battered & more than magnanimously treated, courageously wade in with the boot in whilst their American liberators watch on in eager anticipation at their turn soon to come. Patton was killed exactly 6 months later I must stress finally that the bulk of Revisionist work is, I believe done by members of the Mystery Schools, banging the drum the for the; It's The Jews Brigade. Please research this Kenneth Branagh WW2 film dramatising the Wannasee Conference, purported to be the meeting where leading SS Officers & other German officials were informed; 'European Jews would be rounded up & sent to extermination camps in the General Government (the occupied part of Poland), where they would be killed.' ……..Conspire 'to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or an act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement' Theory 'a: a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b: an unproved assumption : CONJECTURE'……. (Merriam-Webster) 'No written order by Hitler for the Final Solution has ever been found. It is as good as certain that none ever existed.' - Incidentally. the famous 'Wannsee Protocol', supposedly the document which (cryptically) outlines the plans for the annihilation of European Jewry..... is said to have been 'FOUND' by this gentleman; 'KEMPNER, ROBERT MAX WASILII (1899–1993), lawyer & historian. Born in Freiburg, Germany, Kempner became an assistant to the state attorney in Berlin (1926) & later a judge. From 1926 to 1933 he was a senior government adviser in the Prussian Ministry of Interior in Berlin. In this period he demanded that Hitler be tried for perjury & treason. He also officially called for disbanding the Nazi Party & Hitler's deportation as an undesirable alien. Removed from office on Hitler's rise to power, he was arrested by the Gestapo, & after his release went to Italy, where he taught until 1939. From there he immigrated to the U.S., where he became a research associate at the University of Pennsylvania &, among other government appointments, worked on President Roosevelt's Manhattan [atomic bomb] Project. From 1945 to 1946 he was a U.S. prosecutor & from 1946 until 1949 chief prosecutor of Nazi political leaders at the Nuremberg Trials. From 1949 he engaged in special research on the Nazi Holocaust of European Jewry. As a consultant to the Israel government, he helped assemble evidence for the *Eichmann trial (1960–61).' - Jewish Virtual Library. 'Kempner also presented the case against his old nemesis Wilhelm Frick. This irony was not lost on the American press. One headline read, "Man He Exiled Presents Case Against Frick." Kempner also served as counsel at the 1947–1948 trial of the German Foreign Office & is credited with finding the text of the Wannsee Protocol, a critical historical document in the history of the Holocaust.' - Would you credit it?? A German man, the finder of the legendary Wannsee Protocol, is chosen to judge over others for a suspected Holocaust, was himself a participant in the execution of an actual Nuclear Holocaust……. - - - - - - EPIBLOG PATRICK HAMILTON ENGLISH PLAYWRIGHT (1904-62) Ever since the days of Ancient Greece, drama has played a most prominent role in the conditioning of the mind. Before the dawn of television (i.e. pre-WWII), the populace received it's daily dosage of predictive-programming usually through the medium of newspapers or the cinema, both of which were highly encouraged by the state. Before they reached the cinema screens, many film scripts were actually taken from novels or plays & would be read or viewed in the main by what some would refer to as the 'Middle Classes', such was the case with the two most famous works of Patrick Hamilton, Rope (1929) & Gaslight (1938), both plays. Rope is a dark murder plot wherein two young Oxford intellectuals decide to commit the 'perfect murder' by strangling a young comrade with a rope with the intent of escaping detection thereby proving their intellectual superiority, using the 'Superman' concept in German Philosopher Frederick Nietzsche's 1883 book 'Thus Spake Zarathustra' as influence & inspiration. The subsequently arrogant use of the rope used in the murder is then the main instrument of their downfall (Note Nietzsche' book was a year before the first international Zionist Conference mentioned above. Also many of the 3rd Reich leaders espoused the teachings of Nietzsche's philosophy including his 'Superman' concept, however it's actually an ancient Gnostic concept) Gaslight; 'History & Etymology for gaslight…..after Gas Light, a play (1938) by British writer Patrick Hamilton, subsequently made into British & American films entitled Gaslight (1940 & 1944), in which a man attempts to trick his wife into believing that she is going insane' - When searching for a definition for Revisionism to explain things on this blog I was directed again by Wikipedia to a new term on the whole to me entitled, 'Historical Negationism', it states; 'For the critical re-examination of historical facts, see Historical revisionism. For negationism or revisionism related to mental abuse, see Gaslighting. Historical negationism.. or denialism is an illegitimate distortion of the historical record.' Note 'SIONISM' is in there, Wikipedia's entry continues; 'Some countries, such as Germany, have criminalised the negationist revision of certain historical events, while others take a more cautious position for various reasons, such as protection of free speech; still others mandate negationist views. Notable examples of negationism include Holocaust denial, Armenian Genocide denial, Japanese war crime denial.. & the denial of Soviet crimes such as the Holodomor, invasion of Poland, the Katyn massacre, & the forced deporations of Poles..' - The idea of course is to inculcate universal cognitive dissonance into the situation, &, amongst other things, saying people who question the Holocaust are a bunch of Nutter Conspiracy Theorists; 'The term [Denialism] has been used with "Holocaust denialism" as "the refusal to accept an empirically verifiable reality. It is an essentially irrational action that withholds validation of a historical experience or event.' - Or if you're in Germany, Poland or anywhere else on earth that enforces Holocaust Denial Laws & you don't toe the party line, you're thrown in jail, now, does this seem right to you? Revisionism by the way is originally a Marxist term, I just use it sometimes for want of a better word. & you can forget about German aggression towards it's neighbours because all Europe was armed to the teeth & at each others throats for centuries, it's just that the Germans were better at fighting than everyone else, who else could have held off the Yanks, Russians, Brits, French & everyone else for so long twice on the bounce? (by rope) for crimes they did not commit. Incidentally, Patrick Hamilton was an ardent Marxist, the very people we're accusing of setting up the 3rd Reich, declaring war upon it, setting it alight & hanging what remained of it's leaders. Other hard to explain coincidences regarding this subject include the 1932 Hollywood production Symphony of Six Million depicting the vicissitudes of life in New York's Jewish ghetto, written by Marxist/Zionist, Fanny Hurst. In Rope, Hamilton has one of his murderous protagonists begin to crack-up with guilt & exclaim; '"Cat & mouse, cat & mouse. But which is the cat & which is the mouse?' Hamilton drank himself to death. German family, victims of Britains 5-day Napalm firebombing raid on Hamburg in July, 1943. This one raid killed 1000's more innocent Germans than the entire infamous 5-year Blitz of Britain. We doused Europe & Asia with Napalm, murdering & maiming untold millions. A main component of Napalm is Gasoline (petrol to us), so we gassed & burned millions of innocent people ….'But which is the cat & which is the mouse?' Even if the Germans were guilty of murdering 6 million Jews during WWII, it pales into insignificance compared to the crimes & genocides of those whom they were pitted against. But I can't find any evidence to support that claim, only plenty of evidence to the contrary (negation). As noted in other blogs, words are being turned around here purposely to mean the opposite or just to confuse original meanings, Nazi for example is an ancient sacred term in Judaism, yet the Germans, who never referred to themselves as 'Nazi's' suffered an horrific 'De-Nazification' brainwashing programme after the war. The word also infers 'Nationalism' to the modern man but again, because the word Nazi is loaded with such negative connotations, rightly or wrongly people now suspect nationalism on a sub-conscious level as a consequence, thus we have the three agencies in action named, albeit under symbolism by the Mystery Schools as those pinned for destruction many years prior to WWII, religion (in this case Judaism), nation-states & the populace, who are hoodwinked, divided, confused, tormented etc & thus rendered impotent, by the whole process. (Most of the links below contain biased or largely conservative estimates)
1 Comment
8/11/2024 08:33:45 am
I don’t know who you are, and from where you got thous facts. There is no opinion. There is no assumption based on other books. Facts is where you go by your self and see by your own eyes. Don’t hied behine a computer. I am proud Jew and yes as in culture and country they are people that are truly satan. I wish you will go to Washington in the us and go to the museum of the Holocaust with video. This will change your life forever. In other opinion of you regarding Palestine so wrong since they don’t have a culture…. Since they are groups that came from all over the world, beside what you things about the history of the Jews, in the Quran it self written the Israel and the temple are for Jews.
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