Soon after the now universal……National Witchcraft Day, otherwise known as Halloween, here in the UK we celebrate something called both; 'Guy Fawkes' & 'Bonfire' - Night, wherein a stuffed scarecrow-like doll (usually large) is placed atop of a bonfire which is then lit. It's supposed to be a commemoration of the thwarted 1605 'Gunpowder Plot' in which several embittered Catholic Noble & military men (including Guy Fawkes), designed to blow up the English Houses of Parliament by placing kegs of gunpowder beneath it in response to draconian anti-Catholic measures by the government of King James I of England, VI of Scotland, the same chap whose name either he or someone thought fit to pre-fix the Holy Bible with. Consider this for a moment, in many countries throughout Europe it's a crime punishable by imprisonment for being disparaging towards Jewish people, particularly if one questions recent history in the specific states where these draconian Jewish-based laws apply, Germany & Poland for example, despite the fact that 'history' means to ask questions in the Ancient Greek, & the reason the Greeks actually formulated this discipline was to keep their governments in check to prevent them from acting arbitrarily, tyrannically etc. Yet we have in the UK here today a national celebration whereby effigies of a certain religious denomination are ceremoniously burned every November 5th, not only that, there are huge firework displays (unlike the Gunpowder Plot), funfairs erected, special confectionaries associated with the event & so on. When I was a child growing up in the 70's & 80's these bonfires, fireworks & fairs were everywhere, for some reason they're not as prevalent since the beginning of this millennium however, I wonder why? But they are still held in great number, most famously in the southern English town of Lewes in Sussex. - 'Middle English, from Late Latin holocaustum, from Greek holokauston, from neuter of holokaustos burnt whole, from hol- + kaustos burnt, from kaiein to burn — more at CAUSTIC' - (I tried looking in the 1961 Encyclopaedia Britannica for a definition for Holocaust but alas there was no entry for it) What of the plot? 'On May 24, 1604, a house was hired in Percy’s name adjoining the House of Lords. From the cellar of this house the conspirators proposed to work a mine.They began digging on December 11, 1604, & by about March had gotten halfway through the wall. They then discovered that a vault immediately under the House of Lords was available. This was at once hired by Percy, & 36 barrels of gunpowder (some sources say fewer), amounting to about 1.5 tons (some 1,400 kg), were brought in & concealed under coal & firewood. The preparations being completed in May 1605, the conspirators separated.' - The facts of the matter anyone can find for themselves, what I'd like to bring into focus are the religious aspects of the Gunpowder Conspiracy, as it all seems a little too curious for my liking when squared with other significant events of the period. For one, the Jesuits are mentioned as co-conspirators. The conspirators themselves may not have been aware of the Machiavellian qualities of the Society of Jesus, even as some Jesuits aren't, such is the pyramidal structure of these societies, & for those unaware, they are an arm of the Mystery Schools pretending to work for the Catholic Church whilst working all the while for it's destruction; - 'They apparently hoped that the confusion that would follow the murder of the king, his ministers, & the members of Parliament would provide an opportunity for the English Catholics to take over the country.' '….apparently'. They were digging underneath the House of Lords for four months before they placed 1.5 tons of gunpowder under the building? Indeed, when the plot was discovered, the cellar wasn't searched till over a week later on Nov 4th….?? We're told the reason the plot failed is because a conspirator warned a potential attendee to stay away from parliament on the 5th, who promptly went to the authorities (Lord Salisbury). Many of the other conspirators friends & associates would have been inside on the fatal day, plus many innocent bystanders would have been killed, so the official story that it was intended to cow whats left of the government into submission doesn't wash, as most would have merely seen it as an atrocity & thus it would not have enamoured many into support for their cause. The Encyclopaedia Britannica 1961 says of the 1605 Plot; 'The allegation that the whole affair was an agent-provocateur's plot for which Salisbury was responsible is regarded as baseless.' They fail to mention by whom, nor do they deny the 'allegation' is true, however. The context of the event requires some examination. The Reformation begun by the Mystery Schools was well under way, Catholics were now being set against Protestants all over Europe, the British Empire was mercilessly being carved out, again an enterprise conceived by the Mystery Schools (See Sir Francis Bacon's 'New Atlantis'), the Rosicrucian Manifesto's (Sir Francis Bacon) were being written, as were the Shakespearean Plays (Sir Francis) & the King James Bible (more Bacon), by the same people…… The Mystery Schools, based in London. King James' mother, Mary Queen of Scots had been executed extra-judicially by the English Court for her alleged role in another Jesuitical scheme known as the 'Babbington Plot' 18yrs previously. One of the most vocal in calling for Mary's execution was Rosicrucian & founder of modern Freemasonry Sir Francis Bacon, & it was under the precedent set by Bacons own seriously suspect impeachment in 1621 that Mary's grandson & James' son King Charles (Stuart) was tried & executed in 1649 by Oliver Cromwell's 'Commonwealth', after a bloody civil war. The (Lord) 'Salisbury' the Encyclopaedia Britannica was referring to is this man; 'After Essex was executed in 1601 for rebelling against the Queen, [Sir Robert] Cecil felt free to initiate secret correspondence with King James VI of Scotland, advising the King on ways to cultivate Elizabeth’s favour. As a result of his efforts, the succession, upon Elizabeth’s death, passed without incident to James.' - James & Charles shared their mother/gandmothers nationality, Scottish. Robert Cecil was at the head of the infamous English Secret Service, so would have been in cahoots with perhaps the two most famous conspirators of all time, the Magi John Dee & Freemason/Rosicrucian progenitor Sir Francis Bacon, amongst a host of other household names including Sir Walter Raleigh. Plots, schemes & conspiracies were being set up everywhere by these people to further plans for their one-world Utopian Order, this is not speculation it is a plain fact. For example, the primary objective of the period, as stipulated in the Rosicrucian Manifesto's (first published in 1611) was the destruction of the Catholic Church. Brainwashing a few desperate, perhaps unstable men into believing they could end religious persecution or at worst become martyrs in it's cause would have been child's play to any one of the legion of Magi surrounding King James, as it has been ever since the days of ancient Egypt, in fact mind control is precept of their 'initiation' ceremonies, '…..on or about November 1, 1603, Catesby sent a message to his cousin Robert Winter at Huddington, near Worcester, to come to London, but Winter refused. On the arrival of a second urgent summons shortly afterward, he obeyed, & at a house in Lambeth, probably in January 1604, he & John Wright were initiated by Catesby into the plot'- Reason dictates skepticism on the matter & much. As we are informed, James' mother & son, both queen & king of nations were executed by the same people, i.e. the English Parliament, yet James is spared from 'Popish Plots' to oversee the union of the Scottish & English Crowns. The effects, as propagandised in Shakespeare's plays were the demonisation of Catholicism & certain non-conformist previous monarchs including Richard II & III. 'Incidents' are required for the alchemical process to take place in the minds of the populace, therefore I would not be the least bit surprised if I were to learn the Spanish Armada of 1588 with its invasion force of 17,000 foot soldiers (a Scottish invasion force of twice that number had been routed by the English earlier in the century on their own turf), was only en route to the Spanish Netherlands when they were attacked by Drake's fire ships….after sailing right through the English Channel with only the slightest attention paid to it by the English navy (Drake playing bowls legend). None of it makes any sense from a Spanish perspective & I'd add there's something seriously suspect to do with the infamous Spanish Inquisition, but I'll leave that to a brighter day. 17,000Adolf Hitler is on record as saying he learned; 'foremost from the Jesuits', as did the ringleader of the Bavarian Illuminati Adam Weishaupt, Gerry Adams, Fidel Castro & many others. Incidentally, Central London was consumed by fire in 1666 & the details of that sorry story have all the hallmarks of an agent-provocateur plot as the Encyclopaedia Britannica put it; ( 'Why are the Gunpowder plot & Macbeth connected? Firstly, many of Macbeth’s themes resonate with the attempted revolt: it’s a play about treason, the overthrow of a King, & the downfall of his murderers. Even more importantly, King James was commonly believed to be descended from Banquho the thane of Lochquhaber, the historical counterpart of Shakespeare’s Banquo, the friend who Macbeth betrays & has murdered. With this in mind the witches’ prophesy that Banquo’s ancestors will be kings takes on a new meaning: it is referring to Banquo’s ancestor James Stuart, King of Scotland & England. By extension, it has been suggested that the escape of Fleance, Banquo’s son, from Macbeth’s murder plot is designed to echo James’s own escape from the Gunpowder plot & to subtly compliment the House of Stuart as legitimate & truly-descended rulers.' - Macbeth is taught in our schools, I did it for my GCSE; 'THE CURSE OF THE SCOTTISH PLAY The Scottish Play. The Bard’s Play. Macbeth is surrounded by superstition & fear of the ‘curse’ – uttering the play’s name aloud in a theatre causes bad luck…...Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus was published in 1604, & its shocking portrayal of witchcraft & association with the devil intensified England’s fear of sorcery.' - Now we're back on familiar turf. England is far from being the least tolerant of Catholicism of the Home Nations, understandably Northern Ireland has it's well-publicised sectarian Troubles over the years, but it seems Scotland itself feels it as acutely, if not as violently, & if not the direct cause, was the occasion at least for the 1605 Gunpowder Plot, for Guy Fawkes himself said at his trial when asked the reason for his actions replied, 'To blow you Scotch beggars back to your own native mountains.' James I was the first of the short line of Stuart Kings of England, thus could be said to have begun the 'Jacobite' movement which played such a prominent part in the French Revolution & of course Scotlands own future, not that the Jacobite Movement did true Scotsmen many favours mind you, if anything their troubles doubled & ended with union proper with England in 1707. Royal historian Laurence Gardner in 'Bloodline Of The Holy Grail' (1998) observes; 'The secrets of the Tarot were held in 22 Trump cards - the Major Arcana. The word 'trump' in this context derives from the old French trompe, corresponding to the trumpet that figuratively split Peter's Church.' The Rosicrucian Manifesto's (circa 1611) declare; 'thenceforth our trumpet shall publiquely sound with a loud sound, & great noise, when namely the same (which at this present is shewed by few, & is secretly, declared in Figure & Pictures) shall be free, & publiquely proclaimed, & the whole world shall be filed withall. Even as such manner as heretofore, many godly people have secretly & altogether pusht at the Popes Tyranny, which afterwards, with great earnest, & especial zeal in Germany, was thrown from his seat, & trodden under-foot, whose final fall is delayed, & kept for our times, when he also shall be scratched in pieces with nails, & an end be made to his Asses cry, by a new voyce.' Yes Donald Trump is heavily involved in all this as you can read on other blogs, as are Princes William & Harry by virtue of their mothers Stuart blood. This is not a pro-Catholic blog by any means, I'm merely documenting the lesser known aspects so as to glean a clearer picture of history, what I would suggest is we're witnessing here is the drama/play of the synthesis of all Christian denominations as well as the union of crowns, hence Trump's arrival on the scene as a descendent of the Plantagenets, the merger of left & right in politics, male/female, nation states etc, however I do hope I've provided enough evidence to suggest there's much, much more to this pivotal episode in British history than would first appear. The Gunpowder Plot precluded a terrible bloodbath between Catholics & Protestants all over Europe which eventually spread to every continent, in my view, the famous 'Plot' of 1605 was the spark which ignited the justification for it, & the plot for the two denominations to destroy each other was set in motion. 15yrs later the 'Pilgrim' Fathers set sail for the New Atlantis citing escape from religious persecution as the reason, well I have my suspicions there also; 'PILGRIM A pilgrim, from the Italian pelegrino, & that from the Latin peregrinus, signifying a traveler…. PILGRIM TEMPLAR The part of the pilgrim represented in the Ritual of the Masonic Knights Templar Degree…. PILGRIM WARRIOR A term in the instructions of Masonic Templarism.' (Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry) The title is not intended to hurt any Jewish feelings, terms like Holocaust & Nazi are terms used in hypnotic suggestion for purposes of mass mind-control, we are hypnotised by TV, radio etc where these terms are repeated & repeated (as in; 'Remember, remember the 5th of November') in such a way that we're conditioned to think of them in a negative sense, at first subconsciously, then on the conscious level. They (Holocaust/Nazi) are in fact being used to bring down the Jewish Faith, the Christian, Muslim, & any other Faith other than their own, just as they were used in bringing down Germany, an area previously known as; The Holy Roman Empire. The Mysteries refer to themselves as 'The Philosophers of Fire'. In relation to the Mysteries plans to unite religion & science, Manly Hall in his 'Mary Ann Atwood' lecture enlightens us as to the dark reality of the situation; 'This is why Alchemy says you have to destroy the outer forms of things, you have to calcinate them, you have to burn them or corrupt them or destroy them until nothing of the body remains but ashes'. As is the case with so many events in history, the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 could easily have been revenge by the Mystery Schools for a previous insult by the Church; 'The first person in Europe to make gunpowder was [Alchemist] Roger Bacon, a 13th century monk. His famous recipe for blackpowder said (in old English), 'of saltpetre take five parts, five of young willow (charcoal) & five of sulfur & so you will make thunder & lightning'. The Church was not pleased about this because it was thought only God could produce thunder & lightning, so imprisoned him for ten years. Guns were invented just after Bacon's death in 1292.' - Above left, 19th Cen anti-church propaganda with complete with mask. Above right, more masked witchcraft imagery from Hollywood. Below, Knights Templar at Lewes on Bonfire Night. Lewes incidentally was the scene of a battle during the 'Barons War' in 1264 between King Henry III & Simon de Montfort, ending in de Monfort's capture of the King & his famous Knight Templar son Edward (Longshanks of Braveheart fame), Edward defeated Simon in battle a year later at Eavesham. The de Montforts were renown pious Christians, perhaps the below monument & cross-burning march, both at Lewes are in commemoration of that fact? Perhaps not. See 5mins-on, Hall says it was Dr John Dee who saw in his Chrystal ball the plot unfolding & reported it to the authorities....yeah loads. - - - - - - - - 'Five men have been arrested on suspicion of a public order offence in connection with a model of Grenfell Tower being burned on a bonfire. A video shared on social media shows a cardboard model of the tower being set alight by a laughing crowd.' - BBC News (6/11/18). -
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