'…..what read we, & what seem we conclusively to gather, we repeat, in this mystic thing, & hitherto meaningless, if not contradictory & silencing, institution of sacrifice by fire?What gather we, other than in the explanation of the thing signified? We speak of sacrifice as practiced in all ages, enjoined in all holy books, elevated into veneration, as a necessity of the highest most sacred kind.' - Hargreave Jennings The Rosicrucians, Their Rites & Mysteries (1870) As with many incidents in the US today, the general public are first suitably primed, usually via the silver screen or some other means into accepting the prevailing propaganda when the event is eventually played out for real. For instance, extracts taken from a synopsis of the 1986 film Poltergeist II read; 'The malevolent ghost that attacked the Freeling family in the first film, dubbed the Beast, is discovered to be the Reverend Henry Kane [Julian Beck[, a preacher & medium that led his religious sect to California in the early 1800s to start a utopian society….. It turns out Kane, who was power hungry & wanted to control the souls of his followers in life & in death, told his followers the end of the world was coming, so they all put themselves into an underground cavern [place of initiation in the Ancient Mysteries] with him. The day he predicted for the world's end came & went, but Kane refused to allow his followers to leave, so they all perished. Kane became the Beast, & he absorbed the spirits of his followers into him. The cavern lay directly beneath the graveyard the Freeling's house was built over. His ghost had been trying to possess Carol Anne because his followers became restless after tasting the light that was Carol Anne's life force, & mistaking her for the light that was the afterlife, they wanted her back because they felt like the first film, they could use her to go into the afterlife, & Kane didn't want his followers to do that. He seeks to take Carol Anne back to continue to confuse his followers & not let them move on into the light…... Diane & Carol Anne are brought into the Other Side, the dimension between the living world & the afterlife. Steve, Robbie (Oliver Robins), & Tangina head back to the entrance when they hear Taylor chanting, & find Taylor there who tells Steve & Robbie to enter the fire he built to go to the Other Side...' - http://www.moviepooper.com/5/2269polter2.html 7yrs after Poltergeist II was released, President Clinton announced to the world on the Whitehouse lawn that the people inside the siege compound at Waco Texas committed mass suicide by 'immolating themselves'; 'immolate…. 1: to offer in sacrifice especially : to kill as a sacrificial victim 2: to kill or destroy especially by fire' - Merriam Webster The famous siege was dramatised in the media as being led by a 'Sinful Messiah' type, an Apocalyptic-preaching, polygamous, child-abusing, gun-toting, terrorist cult leader named David Koresh. Koresh certainly preached Armageddon & how to prepare for it & he & his group did trade in guns at gun-shows to support themselves, though none of the other malicious conspiracy theories had any credence, including the accusation Koresh (who'd been shot in the stomach on the first day) kept people inside Mount Carmel against their will. According to Linda Thompson, a lawyer who represented the Branch Davidians & made an epic documentary on the siege, most of the 82 men, women & children murdered in 1993 were killed in an 'underground bunker' at the site where they'd fled for protection, by tanks rolling repeatedly over it, crashing the concrete in upon them, not in the fire set by the FBI & ATF at the main house as Clinton & the media have claimed. Aiding Thompson in her mission to uncover the truth about Waco was of course Bill Cooper. Cooper claimed to have met several Branch Davidians in London just weeks prior to the siege, where they told him, 'they want our children, they're after our children.' Cooper also provided much evidence to prove that the children at the Mount Carmel Bible studies group were well balanced; “In the two years before [the raids], I went with Mum for a couple of weeks in the summer,” says Nobrega. “It was great for kids, like a holiday camp. I had loads of friends. I had a dirt bike & a go-kart & we’d just muck about. There were Bible-study classes & all that, but I just sat there, not really listening. One time, my Dad came out & said, ‘I’ll take you home if you aren’t happy,’ but I was, so he didn't.' - https://web.archive.org/web/20110629115153/http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/ us_and_americas/article5324263.ece The rumours about David Koresh began with this guy, who incidentally, Cooper had also been introduced to years before; 'Ex-Member's Account One who does claim to know specifics is Marc Breault, who describes himself as Koresh's chief lieutenant until Breault quit the cult at the end of 1989 & moved to Melbourne, Australia, with his wife, a native of that country. He also threw himself into a campaign to discredit his former mentor. The child abuse "was quite extensive, on a massive scale," Breault said. "& I'm talking about both sexual & physical... One of the things he eventually wanted to tell them was that he suspected Koresh was interested in human sacrifice of children -- possibly his own. "He used to teach when I was there that the bad guys would come in & kill his children & he'd have to allow it," Breault said. After he quit the cult, Breault said, "we started hearing rumors that he was planning it himself." - https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1993/04/25/abuse-allegations-unproven/2dbff5d2-af97-4cbd-b170-9e8b3e4e4db7/ (Fantastic article btw done by Gustav Niebuhr & Pierre Thomas April 25, 1993, please read) The Poltergeist Trilogy wasn't the only Hollywood blockbuster connected with Waco, two years before the Waco siege began, The Silence Of The Lambs, portraying the travails of a young F.B.I. trainee was released; 'Clinton Van Zandt, of the F.B.I.'s National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime--the so-called "Silence of the Lambs" team--& Dr. Joseph Krofcheck, a psychiatrist, studied a letter given by Koresh to the F.B.I. on April 9th, which contained scriptural references to destruction by fire & explosion,' - https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/waco/childrenofwaco1.html Bill Cooper interviewed a Branch Davidian who'd left Mt Carmel during the siege, later on he'd exposed Rita Riddle as an F.B.I. agent using a tape recording where the police related to her as, Agent Starlene (Riddle). The protagonist (Jodi Foster) in the Silence Of The Lambs is called....Agent Starling. Btw, the guy (Thomas Harris) who wrote the book The Silence Of The Lambs went to university in Waco Texas. 'While in college, he [Harris] worked as a reporter for the local newspaper, the Waco Tribune-Herald, covering the police beat. In 1968, he moved to New York City to work for Associated Press until 1974 when he began work on Black Sunday' - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Harris https://www.wacotrib.com/news/branch_davidians/sinful-messiah/ There's another mystery surrounding a film whose lead role actor was killed during filming during the Waco Siege on March 31st. Brandon Lee died when live ammunition was accidentally left in one of the gun cartridges being used to shoot Lee's character Eric Draven in the film The Crow. One must take into account here the incredible work of Bill Cooper, Waco occurred concurrently with Coopers immortal Mystery Babylon series, as did the filming of The Crow. In the below video, done sometime between mid Jan-mid Feb 1993 Cooper discusses the Ritual Of The Crow in his Initiation (into the Mysteries) broadcast, what's strange about it all is, apart from Lee being son of Bruce Lee, Lee's character returning from the dead, a film depicting both Lee's was in the process of being finalised for release in May & Eric Draven played in a rock band like David Koresh, it was the first film of note to my knowledge depicting the trench coat, familiarised by the Crow series, Matrix series, Batman series & by the American teen serial killers at Columbine (1999), the Kipland Kinkel tragedy the previous year & probably many more. In any event, the connection lies in Coopers predictions, he prophesied the WTC bombing of both 2001 & Feb 26th 1993, occurring between his two Assassins broadcasts I might add & the school ground shooting phenomena. However, not long after the Waco Siege began, Cooper told the world the people inside Mount Carmel would become heroes & 'Martyrs'....
The Poltergeist series is infamous for having three of its protagonists die before or just after production had finished, Dominique Dunne (22yrs old) was murdered in Nov 1982, Julian Beck who played the Reverend Kane died of cancer in 1985 & Heather O'Rourke (clearly sick in the last film), the adorable focal point of the trilogy; 'Carol Anne' died of stomach complications in 1988 aged 12yrs. Will Samson who played 'Taylor' the Indian Shaman died in 1987, legend has it after eventually succumbing to fatigue wrought by trying to free the accursed set of evil spirits. Incidentally, there's an implication in the film that Kane & Taylor's battle stretches back 100's of years….. Another theme running through the franchise is 'the light'. 'Cross over, children. All are welcome. All welcome. Go into the light...there's peace & serenity in the light.' Mutters the psychic in Poltergeist I, then a whole dialogue unfolds about…... 'the light'.
(Freemason means 'Son of Light' or 'Child of the Flame') Unsurprisingly, the Producer of Poltergeist in 1982 was old SS himself, Steven Speilberg, how many children has he driven under throughout his career with him subjecting them to his horror shows? The story for Poltergeist is Spellbergs & it was he who noticed Heather O'Rourke & persuaded her mother Heather should be an actress. In the 3rd of the series, Carol Anne is often wearing a red outfit, like the little girl in Schindlers List, & whilst it may be speculative, I'm sure the Beauty & the Beast motif is running through Spielberg films as well as Disney's; 'Although Crowley often wrote that Babalon & the Scarlet Woman are one, there are also many instances where the Scarlet Woman is seen more as a representative or physical manifestation of the universal feminine principle. In a footnote to Liber Reguli, Crowley mentions that of the “Gods of the Aeon,” the Scarlet Woman & the Beast are “the earthly emissaries of those Gods.” He then writes in Commentaries: It is necessary to say here that The Beast appears to be a definite individual; to wit, the man Aleister Crowley. But the Scarlet Woman is an officer replaceable as need arises. Thus to this present date of writing, Anno XVI, Sun in Sagittarius, there have been several holders of the title.' - http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/Scarlet_Woman '...the New World Order is not a dream, neither a paranoid thought. It is a real Satanic under going project. For what? To abolish all Christian traditional religions in order to replace them by a one-world religion based on the 'cult of man'. To abolish all national identity & national pride in order to establish a world identity & world pride. To abolish the family as known today in order to replace it by individuals all working for the glory of one-world government…. We already do know for instance, that everybody will have to take an oath to Lucifer with a ritual initiation in order to cross that bridge into the new World Order. All resisters to that initiation, as they plan, will definitely be sent to a detention facility where they will be separated in different categories. That's what they call the rainbow color classification of the New World Order prisoner. Classification of Christian children, as they plan it, are to be used as human sacrifice. Where? Within the black mass ceremonies...' Wrote Serge Monast circa 1994; http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/hoax/bluebeam.htm Elsewhere in his talk Monast states; 'we have to go back to the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Remember that song? That song said: When the moon is in the seventh house, & Jupiter aligns with mars, & peace will guide our planet, & love will steer the stars. This related with the year 1982, to be at that time the opening of the conspiracy for the Age of Aquarius.' Monast was found dead a year or so later aged 51. In 1990, Ralph Epperson did a chapter in his book; The New World Order documenting the murderous attack Christians were under by the New Age religion. The holy grail of anti-christian books, Holy Blood Holy Grail was published in 1982, the year Prince William was induced by cesarian section on the summer solstice to Diana, perhaps another sacrificial lamb? Moreover, in his efforts to discredit Christianity & Judaism by hypothesising on historical data, chiefly the Dea Sea Scrolls & the Nag Hammadi texts, both brought to the light of day in seriously suspect circumstances & deciphered by God knows who, Freemason Michael Baigent, one of the triumvirate who brought us the Holy Blood Holy Grail, after claiming the Abrahamic religions had 'taken over', wrote in The Jesus Papers (2006); '& worryingly, these hard-line religious teachers began getting their religious messages tangled up in politics: the Christian fundamentalists claimed, on the basis of their chosen texts & eccentric interpretations, that the Middle Eastern wars of Bush & Blair were part of a divine plan which would see the return of Jesus at the head of a great army; the Jewish fundamentalists were claiming that their ancient texts gave then the right to territory in & about Israel & that the destruction of the Dome of the Rock & the rebuilding of the Temple would see the coming of the Messiah; the Islamic fundamentalists were finding justification in their sacred writings for blowing themselves up…..They too saw the advent of a messianic spiritual figure - the Mahdi. Whether Jesus, the Messiah & the Mahdi were the same figure did not find any place in the discussion. To outsiders, it began to look as though three figures were trying to occupy the same spiritual space, if successful, it would be a trinitarian miracle,' The following year Tony Blair converted to Catholicism. (A clear demarcation should be drawn here between honest research in religion & the blame game. Every human convention, invention or institution will have serious flaws, however, when one branch of religion; Paganism/Freemasonry swears to destroy its rivals, findings from their members on other religions must take into account its acknowledged antipathy towards them. Much has been said regarding the derelictions of Christianity in particular by the Pagan Mystery Schools, this much we accept & are indeed grateful for it's being brought to light, we do not however accept hypotheses drawn from these same sources for the reasons outlined previously, namely, its coming from a bias source, I also think we've covered enough ground before on the above to prove that the anathemas being launched by Mr Baigent are spurious, & one would need only to look at his own institution, Freemasonry for the source of the accusations. Nevertheless, its still an example of the heinous nature of what they are about…..in print) One precept of the Mystery Schools is to unite all religions into one, based on the doctrines of the ancient Pagans whilst still incorporating some of the teachings from the Abrahamic religions & others, Michael Baigent continues; 'Of course, I have been concentrating on Christianity because that is my tradition, but my call for further exploration also extends to those within the Jewish & Islamic traditions. Nevertheless, within Christianity, the words of Jesus promoting love, forgiveness & compassion reveal a good springboard from which to begin the process of reconciling the theological distinctions & seeking to bring people back together in harmony.' Steven Spielberg & Michael Baigent were & are Alchemists. The famous inscription placed above the head of Jesus on the cross; I.N.R.I. is taught in our schools as being interpreted as; 'Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews'. To the Alchemist it's interpreted as; 'In Nature, all things are Renewed by Fire'. (See; Revelation of the Holy Grail - 2007 by Chevalier Emerys) It must be remembered that David Koresh (real name Vernon Howell) was trained in Israel, probably by Mossad & thus would have undergone at least a partial brainwashing process, as other 'Messiah' types had been previously under the MK-Ultra programme including the Reverend Jim Jones. This being the case, places like 'Waco' would have been carefully chosen for the debacle years in advance, for obvious reasons. After a lifetime of devotion to the Mystery Schools doctrines, towards the end of his life, it seems to me Manly Hall (another Alchemist) began to rescind much of what he'd previously promulgated, not openly, but by a series of allusions, the point of which was clear to anyone with ears to hear & eyes to see. Such an instance was his lecture; 'The Strange Case Of Psychic Phenomena'. I'm certain Hall delivered this warning after reading about or even watching the motion picture…...Poltergeist. (See 4mins in) Yes these are probably well-worn paths by now & documented by many, however, hardly anyone I've ever met here in the UK has heard of any of it as far as I'm aware, so we must continue burning the midnight lamp as it were. Incidentally, the Waco Siege should have a significant place in Mancunian hearts as at least a dozen of our women & children died over there. - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b08zfjl6 'Let all compounds be dissolved' - Inscription on Sir Francis Bacon tomb. 'The best blood is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; then of the priest or of the worshippers: last of some beast, no matter what.' - Aleister Crowley The Book Of The Law (1904) More on the demonisation of (possibly connected) Cults; (Some of the Branch Davidians were Australian) - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-49400118 'Anne Hamilton-Byrne & her husband, William, remained outside Australia for the next six years. Operation Forest, an investigation involving police in Australia, the UK, & the US resulted in their arrest in June 1993 by the FBI in the town of Hurleyville in the Catskills in New York. They were extradited to Australia....' - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family_(Australian_New_Age_group)#Litigation & The Mormon Church; - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-38526255 Epiblog Returning to the image of the Scarlet Woman. I was recently reading an online article of a 2002 murder case of two children that's been bothering me. Here is the article concerning the deaths of two 10yr olds from Soham, Surrey, southeast England; http://www.justjustice.org I've read several pieces on the irregularities leading up to the conviction of Ian Huntley & his girlfriend, suffice to say it looks suspect, as does a number of similar cases around the same time, again in the southeast of England & below are images pertaining to each of the three cases alluded to in the Article; I've used Wikipedia's entry for Milly Dowlers murder because the Surrey Police named the Investigation into her death, 'Operation Ruby'. These are very famous cases in the UK & have left an indelible mark on the national psyche, none as much as the disappearance of a 3yr old named Madeleine McCann (left) in 2007 did however. Can you spot the connection? These are the very abiding images we in the UK were constantly bombarded with & still are, & for some reason the Ruby Slippers of the Wizard Of Oz keep springing to my mind. Incidentally, just 16 days before the siege at Waco began in Feb 1993 (with many children from the UK), two 10yr olds (as in Soham) from Liverpool stole a 2yr old (Jamie Bulger), tortured & murdered him, becoming the youngest murderers in Britain for over 250yrs. The disappearance of Madeline McCann is still being played out by governments (she was in Portugal at the time), by media & by her parents, who many still believe had something to do with it. In any event, the ruby slippers of the priests in the ancient mysteries were red because of the blood of ......some beast..... they'd just sacrificed btw, according to Manly Hall.
Leon Doble
5/20/2021 07:40:27 am
Excellent work & great blog , shame about the subject matter but it needs exposing .It's been alluded to that some chemical/gas weapons developed at Port0n Down were tested during the seige in Texas .
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