On a few of my Blogs I've tried to show how words & language are being used to induce cognitive dissonance ('the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs...' - google dictionary) into the minds/consciousness of the public. My main focus has been on the Jewish-related terms of Semite & Nazi, each having totally different etymologies than the ones constantly being inculcated into our heads at present. For example, according to my research, a Semite has no basis in reality other than it being a cryptic word for a Freemason, i.e. it was invented at the time of the Enlightenment by a German steeped in the traditions of Freemasonry who originally said it was a broad term for the many languages spoken in the ancient Middle East, now of course it's supposed to mean Jewish, which is a joke. & Nazi, as we know literally does have its root in ancient Judea, in fact it dates back to Babylonia but thats another tale. My point is, the meaning of words are being reversed, turned upside down, uprooted, confused, even confounded, as in the days of the Tower of Babel (Babylonia)......but why? Something is surely afoot, so I'd like to take a look into it because I'm not altogether sure why either. 'Mithras [Persian Sun-god] is not only light, but intelligence; that luminary which, though born in obscurity, will not only dispel darkness but conquer death. The warfare through which this consummation is to be reached, is mainly carried on through the instrumentality of the "Word," that "ever-living emanation of the Deity, by virtue of which the world exists," & of which the revealed formulas incessantly repeated in the liturgies of the Magi are but the expression.' - Albert Pike Morals & Dogma (1872) Let's kick off with this, I think we can all agree that English, or more correct; American is to be the universal language spoken of by those who plot our future courses. In 1999, English football team Manchester United won the domestic (FA) cup, a league title & the European Cup, collectively this was known as the; Treble, or in the game of Darts, to consecutively hit the middle segment of the 20 (you have 3 darts) was called a Treble 20, the highest score possible in one visit in the game. However, leading the charge (as ever) in the effort to overhaul this most English of pastime terminology is the ever-nauseous Wikipedia; 'Hitting the treble of each number is known as a champagne breakfast: Triple 20, triple 5 & triple 1. Landing all three darts in the 1.' Only step by step can it be implemented successfully. It used to be in football, when a team was 2- 0 up the score was 'Two - Nil', now it's the more militaristic 'Two - Zero'. Or when a new piece of legislation is first being implemented in Britain, it's being; 'Rolled Out'. Wtf is Rolled Out? 'ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French, or from late Latin revolutio(n-), from revolvere ‘roll back’' - googledictionary entry for 'Revolution'. You get the picture, someone somewhere is physically changing our language to another, & that other is American. I wonder what school textbooks look like today? The direction obviously is a linguistically standardised future world, I've never been to a country that doesn't speak English & nowadays one expects everyone to speak at least a little, mind you not unless you're in France. 'The universal language was an idea that had already occurred to the German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the 17th century' - https://mediengeschichte.dnb.de/DBSMZBN/Content/EN/MediaFuture/11-die-utopie-von-der-universalsprache-en.html On a more sinister note, the Media now refer to politicians as; Law Makers, especially in the US, so be prepared for plenty more legislation coming our way. Lack of government interference should be an indication of a successful, healthy society, however, the buzzword of most governments nowadays is security, what kind of security one may ask? To answer the question, just envision any living example of where security is employed, & I think we can see into the future. 'We take this action with a heavy heart, but we can see increasing rates of Covid across Europe & are determined to do whatever is necessary to keep people safe' - BBC News 30.7.20 I remember as a child hearing of the; Book of the Law (of Moses); 'Be ye therefore very courageous to keep & to do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses' - Joshua 23 (KJV). Now, if one googles the same phrase, we receive a list of links to Aleister Crowley's 1904 work; The Book Of The Law.....To my mind, by use of such terms in this way, they're attempting to overthrow the God of the Bible, which they believe rests in the minds of the superstitious & always did, & they believe they're on the cusp of succeeding. Or have you ever wondered why we, or rather the media refer to our old folk as pensioners? Whether they receive a state pension or not is irrelevant, if you pass the age of qualification, you're a pensioner. It's such phrases which are used upon us until we ourselves begin parroting them, yet the underlying meanings nearly always pass under the radar. What's going on with television presenters? The patterned speech of the News Caster has always been somewhat disconcerting however, things have certainly become troublingly oblique on many fronts regarding the dialogue one is subjected to during films, commercials, soaps, practically the whole media gamut where audio is employed for entertainment purposes. Listen out for the strategically placed; 'Er', used by interviewers & especially sports, er, anchormen, a champion, er, over here in the UK is the BBC's, er, Mark....(strategic pause)....Chapman. These people are hypnotising us with rhythmically regulated voice commands, just like a song would capture your attention, because of its almost unnatural vibrational signatures. 'metre2 | ˈmiːtə | (US meter) noun the rhythm of a piece of poetry, determined by the number & length of feet in a line: the Horatian ode has an intricate governing metre | [mass noun] : unexpected changes of stress & metre.' - googledictionary & why have women started speaking like cats? Throat Croak I call it, they're even doing it over the phone when you ring a bank or a company up so it must be something girls (& males) are picking up from these actors, pop stars, media types or of course from somewhere else. Another nauseous trick on the market is subtly changing the end of words by changing the last sounding letter, for example, if you want to say 'Compound', change it to; 'Compount', see the British Intelligence vid below for an illustration. Oh, & if you want to demonise a figure in the media, refer to him (never her) by his last name only.
As far as I'm able to gather, the source of the phenomenon is the old Qabbalah. Within its broad complex systems of Magick are methods of number/letter relations within alphabets, & was originally based on the 22 letters of the Hebrew, each Hebrew letter has also a name, as well as an assigned numerical value. Then what? From The Secret Teachings Of All Ages by Manly Hall (1928), we learn; 'By Gematria is meant not only the exchange of letters for their numerical equivalents but also the method of determining by an analysis of its measurements the mystic purpose for which a building or other object was constructed.....Gematria also includes the system of discovering the arcane meaning of a word by analyzing the size & arrangement of the strokes employed in the formation of its various letters......By Notarikon each letter of a word may become the initial character of a new word. Thus from BRASHITH, first word in the book of Genesis, are extracted six words which mean that "in the beginning the Elohim saw that Israel would accept the law.' I hope thats clear. One finds this kind of unfathomable rhetoric everywhere you look with the Qabbalah, however, the thing to remember is, when combined in certain formulas, words are used as devices to affect change & control of others who are unaware of the powers/principles by which they are communicated. For example, the Suez Canal that divides Africa from Asia or more locally, Egypt from Israel is the Greek god Zeus backwards. Solomon is constructed of the name for the Sun in 3 languages, Latin, Hindu & Egyptian. Likewise the Masonic word Jahbulon is reputed to have; 'JAH = Jahweh, the God of the Hebrews. BUL = Baal, the ancient Canaanite fertility god associated with 'licentious rites of imitative magic. ON = Osiris, the Ancient Egyptian god of the underworld. Baal, of course, was the 'false god' with whom Jahweh competed for the allegiance of the Israelites in the Old Testament. But more recently, within a hundred years of the creation of the Freemason's God, the sixteenth-century demonologist John Weir identified Baal as a devil.' - Stephen Knight The Brotherhood (1984). & 'JABULUM A corrupted word used in two of the degrees of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, the Thirteenth & Seventeenth. The word & it's meaning, however, are disclosed to the initiate' - Albert G Mackey The Symbolism Of Freemasonry (1882). The above inset is taken from Golden Dawn founder William Wynn Wescotts 1910 book on the Qaballah, from that publication he adds; 'The Law [the 1st 5 books of the Old Testament] resembles an angel : to come down on earth a spiritual angel must put on a garment to be known or understood here, so the Law must have clothed itself in a garment of words as a body of men to receive; but the wise look within the garment.' The Old Testament is supposed to be riddled with these encryptions, both literal & numerical (chapters/pagination etc). The English language itself has its magical connotations, take the word spell, as in to spell a word, however one can cast a spell by the use of words, it's also heard phonetically in the Biblical name Gospel & so on. Thus, when applied according to these systems & delivered by a Qabbalist, we probably are having spells cast upon us all the time. Incidentally, I'm a bit bemused by the Qabbalah being based on the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet; 'Jewish Aramaic was the vernacular of Jews in the Land of Israel in the first century. It is still spoken by Jewish Kurds today.' - https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/jewish-aramaic/ Because the Qabbalah was written in the 2nd Cen A.D. (supposedly 161 A.D.) 'What is being called “Hebrew” in the comments of the present thread is a modern CREATION of the First Committee of the Hebrew Language under the leadership of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda during the first quarter of last century. Very early, he started to collect material for the CREATION of a modern Hebrew dictionary which he began publishing over a period of time starting in 1910 & it contained 17 volumes. The take-home item here is the real Hebrew is long gone extinct, & what is being called “Hebrew” today is but a scholarly linguistic CONCOCTION of what Mr. Ben-Yehuda thinks real “Hebrew” WAS LIKE! So please, don’t say “Hebrew” this & “Hebrew” that & compare it with the actual Aramaic of which we still have remnants in the Syriac tongues still spoken today in Arab countries. Any comparison herein between Aramaic & modern Hebrew is but a comparison between Aramaic & a lab-manufactured version of Aramaic. Of course! it will resemble Aramaic, because Hebrew was recreated using Syriac & Arabic as the main source of inspiration!!!!' - Ben Magrane; https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-Aramaic-and-Hebrew Jesus would have spoke Aramaic. When the average man thinks Qa-bbal-ah, he usually associates it with Hollywood; 'How Hollywood is falling for the Kabbalah promise of eternal life. For celebrities from Mick Jagger to Madonna Kabbalah is the philosophy of choice' (Yossi Klein Halefi) The actors in the Dramas, Tragedies & Comedies of Ancient Greece were always priests of the Mystery Schools. Hollywood is in Los Angeles, the Qabbalah deals extensively with the idea of angels, as delineated in the Bible & elsewhere, & from my perspective, the popularity of the cults of angels that we're so familiar with comes from the Qabbalah, as Demonology is a subject practiced by the Qabbalist, Satan for e.g. is an (Fallen) Angel; 'The kabbalists made use of all the motifs current in the Talmud & Midrash with regard to demons. New elements were developed or added, mainly in two directions: (1) the kabbalists attempted to systematize demonology so that it would fit into their understanding of the world & thus to explain demonology in terms derived from their understanding of reality' -https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/demons-and-demonology An angel is also a mathematical angle, as described by Manly Hall above & in Anton Lavey's Satanic Bible (1966), a demon is a guiding spirit to the esotericist as well as an infernal spirit, because the Qabbalist practices both black & white magick. Magic(k) is the art of illusion or delusion, & where do we get our opinions from?....The Media. Incidentally, the inter-media-ry between God & earth in the Old Testament was Satan (See; Book Of Job), & the Messenger of the Gods in the Greek Pantheon was Hermes, who Madame Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine (1888) equates with Satan. Hermes is the patron satan of the Mystery Schools. Then there's the now ubiquitous Orwellian political correctness of Newspeak to contend with; 'The World Health Organisation has warned that "trolls & conspiracy theories" are undermining their response to the new coronavirus.' - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-51429400 Who voted for the WHO? Who voted for the BBC? My friend veritas1984 from Youtube sent me this recently from my homeland; 'Posting anti-vaccine propaganda on social media could become a criminal offence - even if those promoting it believe the pseudoscience, the UK’s new criminal Law Commissioner [Penney Lewis] has said.' - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/02/01/posting-anti-vaccine-propaganda-social-media-could-become-criminal/?fbclid=IwAR2Bm6WWp-7vzzLNTZmc3OtqyuZ-HRbsTbUSunRBWnvEIDqy0Gp-8QKUa-4 I needn't point out the implications of those words to anyone, it's an overt warning to us all, toe the party line or be prosecuted. It's intimidation, we will NOT BE ALLOWED to question government on it's policies soon, it's that straightforward, the term conspiracy theory is merely a magically-loaded device used to cower people into submission because of the negative connotations been given it & thus the fear of association associated with it, people do not want to be thought of by their kith & kin as nutters..... & that includes qualified scientists & academics, so the writing's on the wall as it were. Indeed, mere words, either written or spoken are themselves the devices used to bring about change in the constitutions of others, such is their power, or at least, as such we allow it to be the case. Here we have Miss Penney lecturing us on the benefits of government-assisted death. Incidentally, where I come from in England (Manchester), we have as our claim to fame in the world of government assisted-death, the honour of having lodged the British champion in this department for a few years, one Dr Harold Shipman. It's believed the good Dr's non-legal (at the time) mortal coil terminations numbered in the 1000's. Imagine what many of government-sponsored Harolds victims families are feeling watching all this unfold, especially if they're passing through this situation? & many must be. In any event, of course we're talking about the power of propaganda. What were the ancients thoughts on the matter? Plato in his Republic said this; 'That's what education should be," I said, "the art of orientation. Educators should devise the simplest & most effective methods of turning minds around. It shouldn't be the art of implanting sight in the organ, but should proceed on the understanding that the organ already has the capacity, but is improperly aligned & isn't facing the right way.' Modern day chess champion Gary Kasparov took Plato's point a step further when he noted; 'The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.' Thus words are a weapon & have been for the longest time, 'The pen is mightier than the sword' as they say, or more specifically Edward Bulwer-Lytton did in 1839, I wonder what Mr Bulwer-Lytton would have made of the latest government initiative to 'annihilate truth' as Mr Kasparov calls it; Hate Speech. How do we address such a thing rationally? Doesn't everyone hate something? Should Sir Bob Geldof be taken in for questioning for stating publicly his dislike for Mondays? Mind you he was using poetic licence to insinuate the government had programmed a schoolgirl to enter her school with a gun & start firing, which does make him a dangerous conspiracy theorist to some, or an insider, or maybe a traitorous, loud-mouthed villain? Words are conditioning devices, we are trained for example to relate to our genitals in some fashion or other as a way of showing disapproval. Say I make a grammatical error for instance or behave in an unconventional manner, a common reaction from my friend is to compare me to his wife's vagina, or breasts, or her arsehole even, sometimes, if my neighbour is feeling mean his phallus gets pulled into the equation, but the topic seems always to refer back to the parts of the anatomy Adam & Eve were said to have been ashamed after eating the forbidden fruit from the tree in the midst of the Garden. This is curious, seeing as to explete the above is known as cursing someone; '50. Curse them! Curse them! Curse them! 51. With my Hawk's head I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross. 52. I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed & blind him. 53. With my claws I tear out the flesh of the Indian & the Buddhist, Mongol & Din. 54. Bahlasti! Ompehda! I spit on your crapulous creeds.' - Aleister Crowley The Book Of The Law (1904). Could it be the curse of Adam & Eve still lives with us? Rhetorical question I know, yet the words of the Bible still have a tremendous effect on the world. The Bible, like all other religious texts are lessons in morals & ethics, in this instance, follow thou the law & all will be well with thee, break it & be damned! This much most would agree on, yet wars have often broken out over the interpretation of it's contents, the Branch Davidians of Waco for example were castigated in the media for their interpretation of the Book Of Revelations, however there are many schools of thought on this complex book but only the Davidians have been singled out for attention, thus far. Why? If a 1000 people read the same book we'll nearly always have a 1000 different interpretations no? Yes, however because of it & the problems it has led to, only certain qualified people will be allowed to interpret Scripture soon & they will come from the already mentioned schools of philosophy & psychology, any literal interpretation of Holy Writ will be outlawed. Pagans like Crowley & Albert Pike make copious use of the teachings of the ancients Jews, to such an extent where it's not difficult for them to pass off all the destruction they themselves create & make it seem as if it's all the fault of the Rabbis. How? ALCHEMY. (briefly) Al-Khem originally, the prefix Al denotes the divinity (see above) & Khem was the ancient name for Egypt, but as the mystical philosophy's of the pagan priesthood developed, the term Khem became a metaphor for the subconscious, as it meant black, as in the black land of Egypt, because of the tremendous silt deposits left by the Nile & Khem is the origin of our term Chemistry. In any event alchemy is primarily involved with the transformation of the chemicals in the brain, or consciousness to be precise, here's an example; 'Combat Hate & Protect Communities We provide law enforcement & communities with the information they need to stay safe from extremist threats of every kind. Community Security Cyberhate Extremism, Terrorism & Bigotry Hate Crimes...' - https://www.adl.org Alchemy is the transformation of man & society. I myself appear to have a victim of 'Cyberhate' on several occasions, I once posted a video on youtube about the effects of the Allied fire/carpet-bombing of Germany & Japan & added a shpeel from the ADL's nemesis Neturei Karta (Orthodox Jewish Rabbi's) of how Zionism wasn't Judaism, 'Not in our name' etc & youtube removed the video. The video presented 1000's of dead Germans & Japanese, usually women & children strewn across the streets, their bodies hideously gassed & burned, thus I called the vid 'The Holocaust', because it was. Alchemy works on the INTIMIDATION of the victim in many instances, note the word Holocaust is absolutely loaded with varying emotions; 'from Greek holokauston, from holos ‘whole’ + kaustos ‘burnt’ (from kaiein ‘burn’) - googledictionary Yet to use it in any other context other than those sanctioned by the state incurs a prison sentence in many countries in Europe & censorship in others as was the case with me. If we bear in mind Manly Hall's above quote on the Qabbalah; 'We have therefore no scruple in restoring the "devil-worship" of such ideas as those which the laws of sound, & the phenomena of speech & hearing, compel us to connect with the group of "Gods" whose names are based upon Sht, or D, vocalized by the free breath A. For these Names imply the qualities of courage, frankness, energy, pride, power & triumph; they are the words which express the creative & paternal will. Thus "the Devil" is Capricornus, the Goat who leaps upon the loftiest mountains....' - Aleister Crowley (Magic In Theory & Practice - 1929) The; 'Gods' Crowley refers to are powers, principles & potencies in man, nature & the cosmos according to Hall, Crowley goes on; 'Thus "the Devil" is Capricornus, the Goat who leaps upon the loftiest mountains, the Godhead which, if it become manifest in man, makes him Aegipan, the All'. Any idea? Me neither really, except the power of the Spoken Word cannot be overestimated, they are the Magi, a word incorporated in i-magi-nation, they weild Magick; 'Thelemites make use of Gematria to link words & concepts & to validate revelations given to them in magical operations.' - http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/Kabbalah#Gematria.2C_Notarikon.2C_and_Temura To put it into a familiar context, the media & especially politicians use a device called rhetoric; 'language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, but which is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content' - googledictionary Not to be outdone by the sports psychologist or the business guru, politics has recently seen the introduction of the Spin Doctor, again from googledictionary; 'a spokesperson employed to give a favourable interpretation of events to the media, especially on behalf of a political party'.....& we wonder why nothing ever goes our way! This is all magic is, the art of illusion or delusion, take your pick or take both, it doesn't really matter. Yes there's more to it than persuasive speech but in the art of conning a populace into believing they have an actual say in how the country is ran, magic is almost always the most appropriate term for the job.
Although infinitely more elaborate, the same abstraction could just as easily be applied to philosophy. Philosophy (love of wisdom in Greek), may appear to most as a pile of unfathomable lunacy, indeed, the philosopher skates almost as close to the lunatic as does the psychologist & at many points the two spheres of inquiry overlap, but whereas the ideas of the psychologist are usually discussed within the clinic, the thoughts of the philosopher can sometimes erupt into world wars, especially if they're German, Marxism for example.....how can this be? Again the answer lies in the structure of the wording. Marxism is riddled with soundbites, triangulated formulas & the like, in fact, the Ancient Greek language, from whence we derive philosophy, psychology, rhetoric etc was triangulated in basis, as was Greek Mythology, hence certain peoples proclivity for triangles. 'Triangle of Manifestation DEFINITION: A phrase indicating the principle behind magickal manifestation. This basic principle is rooted in the number three. According to metaphysics, in order to manifest something, three components must come together. These components are time, space, & energy. Accordingly, if one selects a space, & a time, & then directs energy there, a manifestation occurs. In ritual & spellcasting this principle can be symbolized through a hand gesture. By holding the hands in front of you with the palms out & bringing the tips of both index fingers together, while at the same time touching the tips of each thumb together, a triangle appears in the opening between the hands. This symbolic hand gesture can be used in ritual while chanting, charging objects, or speaking blessings. Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft, by Raven Grimassi' & for those thinking I'm spinning fairy stories, research the ancient concept of the Dialectic, principally its use before Marx & Engels began writing about it. Believe it or not, we've entered the realm of physics, metaphysics, & it's my belief nearly all western languages have developed along the lines I've outlined above, i.e., mystically, & I believe it because certain people 100's of years ago said that's what would happen (See; Rosicrucian Manifesto's - early 17th Cen) & I can't for the life of me see any evidence to the contrary from where I'm sat, although there are still vestiges of the old world still alive I'm happy to report, not much to be fair but there are, just. - - - - - - - Epiblog Case study - Political Correctness Meets The Gypsy King ...& Gets Battered
'Gypsies were originally thought to have come from Egypt & some of the earliest references to them in English, dating back to the 16th century, call them "Egyptians". Early European references describe wandering, nomadic communities who were known for their music & skill with horses. They arrived in Spain in the 15th century or earlier – with records of groups of up to a hundred Gypsies travelling together, often led by someone who termed himself a "count" or "duke" – & held on despite attempts to expel them or imprison those who refused to give up their language & culture. They were accompanied by a legend that they had been expelled from Egypt for trying to hide Jesus.' - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/dec/07/gypsies-arrived-europe-1500-genetic They are also said to possess the power of prophecy & be psychic, similar say to the E-gyptian Hermetists. The much maligned gypsy has had his fair share of knocks down down the years, but there have been a few notable triumphs it must be said, take for e.g. the French guitarist Django Reinhardt (1910-53), viewed by many as the greatest exponent of the instrument ever, a more extraordinary achievement seeing as he could only use the first two digits on his left hand (used on the frets) as the other two were badly burned in a fire. Through their art forms especially, the irrepressible Romany have left a rich culture still flourishing .....till this day. & among those who've capitalised somewhat on his descendants heritage is the English boxer Tyson Fury. Of Irish lineage on both sides, Fury shoots from the heart at every given opportunity & has left a stream of quaking opponents in his wake, usually, if not always long before a bell's been rang, such is his conviction to his word & forcefulness of character. Despite a history of alcohol, drug use, weight issues etc, Tyson overcame & beat fearsome Ukrenian warrior Wladimir Klitscho (2015) in his own adoptive backyard of Germany. Big deal? I wasn't nor am I now into boxing but took enormous interest in this because he's from my town (Manchester) & because of his character. In fairness, Fury has said some disparaging & unsavoury remarks about others both before & after the Klitscho fight, er.... like everyone else does, however, after following the build up, the fight itself & the proper gypsy-like celebrations, I received something akin to an emotional thunderbolt when this man grabbed the microphone & announced to the (mostly German) crowd & to the world; 'In the mighty name of Jesus, I offer this victory to my Lord & saviour Jesus Christ.' Or words to that effect. The BBC weren't bothered about any throwaway mysogynist remarks about women, goodness knows the BBC was built upon smutty comedians saying far worse than Fury ever did, besides, much of what Fury says is tongue in cheek, nor does the BBCcare for a cheap shot at their own specialities, homosexuality & paedophilia (another term originating in Greece). Nope, Fury's sin was being an unabashed..... Christian, & that will not have gone down well in some powerful quarters, plus the fact he made monkeys out of the BBC only increased the hostility towards him. For the next two years, Tyson (named after the legendary US boxer Mike) had an epic battle with the drink, drugs & in his own words; 'Demons'. To everyone's amazement however, he has since fought his way back to the top, outclassing anyone & everyone in style, but Fury (a word of Greek origin), after his recent demolition of American Deontay Wilder, alluded once more to his ongoing war against what he considers the 'Dark Forces' (albeit holding no animosity towards anyone), conspiring against him & his family, as they had done before him. - Fury-camp-claim-dark-forces-work-Parker-fight.html Now it's not my aim to glorify the sport of boxing, I'm merely highlighting the treatment Fury received from the Establishment for expressing his traditional beliefs & having the indomitable courage to defend them. Fury has to be careful however, these events are carefully scripted by publishers & Tyson is a salesman's dream. He's changed the shape of how a modern boxing fight is promoted, the boxer has found a new voice after the coldly atmosphere of the post-Ali years, & now everyone wants to speak, which in fairness, doesn't sound too promising for the sport having listened to some of them trash-talk one another. Unfortunately I do believe Tyson is being used as a vehicle for the odd agenda or two, maybe willingly for some reason, who knows? But I will say this, it's glaringly obvious the man is an inspiration for people suffering from mental health issues, he even dedicated his recent successes to those suffering psychologically & there's not a chance in hell did he not mean it.... & of course he's a shining endorsement for Christianity if ever there was one in my blogbook. It must be noted however that Fury's last fight against Deontay Wilder was full of incident unusual for a sporting event. As we know, these men are becoming more like the gladiator of Roman times, & are now expected somewhat to ham it up as the Wrestlers do in their theatrics. Strangely though, Wilder (a black man), or his team used the occasion to very definitely turn it into a black v white issue, he came in sporting a cray-looking black costume (resembling a demon), crowned & masked with a singer rapping on black issues, supposedly because it was 'Black History Month'.....Imagine if Fury came in to a White History Month themed entrance? It would be inconceivable, in any event, when asked pre-fight to comment on this issue Fury would have none of it ('This is a boxing match between two athletes at the top of their game') & I've seen many comments by people from an African heritage criticising Wilder for it. Conversely, I have seen white people on youtube pushing the same agenda......'RACE WAR' & like Tommy Robinson over here in the UK I know these to be fraudsters so once again I hope they've missed the mark with that one.....but who is they? The same people I quoted earlier, this mob; '.....Extremism, Terrorism & Bigotry Hate Crimes...' - https://www.adl.org I see it this way, to create Race legislation is itself being discriminatory, what exactly are these races, in order? There is no such thing. They always create the conflict & control both sides to be sure of the solution or synthesis. (See; Hegelian Dialectic) I spoke earlier of numerology & it's prevalence in society, the fight took place on the 22 - 02 - 20. If you've visited my quotes page you may have seen a section on numerology, specifically relating to the work the late Rik Clay did on what he called the; 11 - 11. There was something very different about the build up to what was billed as the biggest fight for decades, for a start numerology was all over it, which I see as a way of addicting people into these type of sporting events, i.e. somehow mathematically drawing energy towards itself, so here again we're looking at the work of the Qabbalist. Anyway 'The Furies (or Erinyes, sing. Erinys) were creatures from Greek mythology who exacted divine retribution from those guilty of wrong-doing. Crimes which were especially likely to incur their wrath were those involving one’s family & anything related to oaths....In Homer's Iliad the Furies can prevent an individual from using their reason & so lead them to unusual & stupid acts.' - https://www.ancient.eu/Furies/ The Iliad was the first book to depict the famous Trojan War between Greece & Troy, a war started by the Greek .....Paris. More examples of the takedown of Tyson; https://youtu.be/2r9ROfo6xkw
View 6 replies from New Media Today USA Boxing and others Advanced Mick1 second ago Do you think we don't know what you're up you wretched Bastard? Under the Rose oh ignorant one. Ha Ha.....Boxing is as bent as Deontay Wilders lips & you appear to be in thick of it my boy. Tyson is a man of GOD, of his word & he'll take Joshua for a dance when they eventually meet. They are trying to get Fury to crack up through inactivity, alas it won't go your way you loudmouth.....big-headed, Yank Nonce. What next, the Nigerian Racist card, or have you already played it? Peace from Mancunia.' Show less REPLY
3/5/2020 09:33:37 am
"Women talking like cats" very funny comment to that
I'd never heard of Vocal Fry, but that's what it is. There's certainly something going on with the media/vocalisation/subliminal audio etc,
Clinton David Holey
3/6/2020 03:43:08 pm
Vinny, you surely have an exceptional website loaded with videos, books, and informative blogs. You're correct to surmise the codified use of language as a style of warfare. One of the more insidious examples of word warfare is when they changed, The War Department to The Department of Defense in America. Since you are from England, maybe you could explain to me, why the author Douglas Lancelot Reed is not mentioned and his books are forgotten? My guess is, once an initiate climbs up to a certain rung, they're overwhelmed with disgust and the structure that CAN make fame CAN make lame.
Hi Clinton, thanks for your kind words! I have to confess I only read a couple of bio's on Douglas Reed this morning so don't know anything other than that about him, but he seems to have called it early on & possibly shines a light on the true nature of George Orwell, albeit Orwell may have rescinded his views post-war, as I say I don't know. I did order his 'Controversy Of Zion' though, & that fits in with what I'm saying here. I try to reiterate it as much as possible, that 'Zion' is the 'Salem' of Jerusalem, the Arabs used to call Jerusalem 'Sihun' up until the Middle Ages for example. Salem was to the indigenous peoples of the Levant the 'Evening Star', & his supernal brother was the 'Morning Star', & as we know, Lucifer is the Morning Star to the Mysteries, but in Eliphas Levi's 'History Of Magic' & Albert Pike's 'Morals & Dogma', he has a brother the Evening Star who they clearly define as Satan, as does Albert Mackey & others. Thus the Priory of Sion is really the Church of Satan, founded in San Francisco in 1966, this is also when Henry Lincoln first began his quest for the Holy Grail; https://www.amazon.co.uk/Key-Sacred-Pattern-Rennes-Chateau/dp/1900624087/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Henry+Lincoln+key+to+the+sacred+pattern&qid=1583570087&s=books&sr=1-1
Glen Walker
3/12/2020 10:24:36 pm
enjoyable and informative Vinny.... especially the etymology of fury.... we really don't just deal in the physical..... and just when you thought all was going wrong.... Tyson Fury pops up and preaches Yeshua to the biggest audience of the year....
Cheers Glen. Yep, that's pretty much how it goes. There was another thing about Wilders's ring walk I hadn't noticed, a few of his entourage were giving it the communist (Black Power) salute. Over here in the UK, a teenage couple recently took a picture of themselves & baby with a swastika & posted it on facebook, they were both jailed for years, ostensibly because he'd also joined a 'Far Right' group, yet Far Left groups have always openly sworn to destroy all existing nations & religions??
4/13/2020 01:15:04 pm
Replying to your YouTube comment. Send any info to my e-mail thanks. I never got notification from YouTube when you replied.
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