'Though it's often regarded as macrocosmic, closer inspection reveals that the [Crowley's Unicursal] hexagram is the union of elemental glyphs for Fire & Water &, as such, is also a symbol of the Great Work - the union of opposites. The symbol can be further analyzed to reveal the glyphs of Earth & Air as well, indicating that it's not simply macrocosmic, but includes the microcosm as well. From this it can be seen that the Hexagram is similar to the Rosy Cross'. - http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/Hexagram 'The word, ‘Rose’ is a simple anagram, for from the rearrangement of its letters is derived the word ‘Eros’ — the name of the Greek god of love.' - Many Hall The Rose is a primarily mystical symbol. That is, it's a motif applied to several 'mystical' disciplines; meditation, yoga (to unite) etc & is used as a sign, expression or allegory for certain internal qualities of man, most commonly representing 'the individual's unfolding consciousness' (rosicrucian.org). The rose is the symbol of the Socialist International & was a sign of secrecy to the Medieval German Alchemists. From Baigent & Leigh (1997) we read, 'The 'Great Work' of the alchemist meant for the Sufi's what it meant for Zosimus, the spiritual transmutation of man; & the elixir, or the Philosopher's Stone, became a symbol of this inner integration & completion.' 'Just as it is said that the Neophite in the Rosicrucian Mysteries must bring into manifestation the rose within himself, which rose has it's roots in his material being, just as has the lily it's roots in the filth & the slime of the pond.' - R Swinburne Clymer (1929) To Albert Pike; 'The Rose was for the Initiates the living & blooming symbol of the revelation of the harmonies of being. It was the emblem of beauty, life, love, & pleasure. Flamel, or the Book of the Jew Abraham, made it the hieroglyphical sign of the accomplishment of the great Work. The rose in the Mysteries is the symbol of the perfection of man & a symbol of the philosopher's stone. Perhaps now you can appreciate what the goal of philosophy was all along? The same year Baigent & Leigh's book appeared on the bookshelves, the Labour Party of Great Britain under Tony Blair assumed power in the UK, & a terrible carnage ensued around the world. At home, 'Englands Rose', Princess Diana was supposedly killed in a car accident in Paris, just 121 days after socialist Blair took office. (Logo for the UK Labour Party since 1987) The usage of the rose as a metaphor for inner completion etc evidently goes back to the days of Pythagoras who garnered most of his knowledge (as did many Greeks including Plato) from the priests of Egypt, of whom very little is known. It certainly came from the east as it's mentioned in several Middle & Far Eastern religions including Buddhism, Hinduism & is mentioned in the Bible in the 'Song of Solomon' as; 'I am the rose of Sharon, & the lily of the valley's.' Evidently this has deep mystical meaning to the initiates, because 'Sol-Om-On' in the Mysteries represents an invocation/formula for the sun in three languages, in fact the entire poem has great significance to the Brotherhood. The rose was sacred to Bacchus/Dionysius in Greek mythology; 'Bacchus endowed Midas with the power of transmuting everything into gold; so here we have a direct connection between the Rose & Alchemy.' - Arthur Edward Waite. We find it featured in the (transcendental) poems of the Classical Roman period, including Apuleius' 'Metamorphis', in which the protagonist, Lucius is initiated into the cult of Isis, whose ancient symbol was the rose (See John Yarker, 'The Arcane Schools). The Gnostics went so far as to equate Jesus with the rose as did the far eastern Mystery Schools with the Buddha (Rose-Buddha??). Naturally literature on the rose evaporated when the Mystery Schools were driven underground by the Catholic Church circa 5th Cen AD however, just as the Christians did when they were persecuted by the Roman Empire, the Mysteries adopted symbols to use as signs of recognition & the rose became one of their......favourites. Thus the symbol of the rose held deep meaning to the Classical Mystery Schools. 'It was the poetess Sappho who first named the rose ‘Queen of Flowers’ in her poem “Ode to the Rose.” It became the flower of the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, & in Rome the rose was dedicated to the Goddess Venus. When the worship of Isis spread into Greece & Rome, the rose was considered the most sacred of floral offerings to Her.' - https://mirrorofisis.freeyellow.com/id125.html 'The Mysteries of Egypt & Persia that found haven in the Arabian desert reached Europe by way of the Knights Templar & the Rosicrucians. The Temple of the Rose Cross at Damascus had preserved the sacred philosophy of the Rose of Sharon.' - Manly Hall Flag & emblem of England According to A E Waite in 'The Real History Of The Rosicrucians', the first mention of the rose in book form post 'Dark Ages' was the highly allegorical French work entitled, 'The Romance Of The Rose', written between 1260 & 1316. Dante's 'Divine Commedia' (1320) develops an imagery of the rose in several mysterious passages, containing as it does, 'a series of Kabbalistic circles divided by a Cross, like Ezekiel's pentacle; a Rose blossoms in the centre of the Cross, & it is for the first time that we find the symbol of the Rosicrucians publicly & almost categorically revealed.' - Eliphas Levi. 'In 1649, when 'Rosicrucian' interest in Europe was at it's zenith, a man named Robert Denyau, curé of Gisors [France], composed an exhaustive history of Gisors & the Gisors family. In this manuscript, Gisors states explicitly that the Rose Croix was founded by Jean de Gisors in 1188.' - Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln (Holy Blood Holy Grail) Mackey's Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry states of Edward I of England ('Longshanks', 1239-1307) tutor, Raymond Lully; 'He is known as an eminent Rosicrucian, & many fables as to his longevity are related.' If we remember, the Crusades officially ended for the Knights Templar in 1291 AD, in 1307 they were driven semi-underground in Europe by the Church & the King of France, & it's primarily from the Knights Templar that we received the mystical songs of the Troubadours & the allegorical/Qabbalistic legends of King Arthur, all loosely based on Sufi & Arabian Nights stories, with whom, the perfidious Knights Templars were in league when laying waste to the Levant. 'A. E. Waite holds with Godfrey Higgins that the process of forming the Philosopher's Stone with the aid of dew is the secret concealed within the name Rosicrucian. It is possible that the dew referred to is a mysterious substance within the human brain, closely resembling the description given by alchemists of the dew which, falling from heaven, redeemed the earth. The cross is symbolic of the human body, & the two symbols together--the rose on the cross--signify that the soul of man is crucified upon the body, where it is held by three nails. It is probable that Rosicrucian symbolism is a perpetuation of the secret tenets of the Egyptian Hermes, & that the Society of Unknown Philosophers is the true link connecting modern Masonry, with its mass of symbols, to ancient Egyptian Hermeticism, the source of that symbolism.' - Manly Hall 'Masonry is identical with the Ancient Mysteries' - Albert Pike What's being cryptically depicted in this contemporary illustration (left) is an attempt by the Knights Templar to regain the throne of England in the 'Peasants Revolt' of 1381. Being brazenly displayed on the banners are the Rose Red Cross of the Templars, the Lily of France & three lions, translated as; 'Sun-Sun-Sun' or Sol-Om-On, all conjoining to resemble the above mentioned Song of Solomon. The unwarlike King Richard II suppressed this uprising but was eventually dethroned in 1399. History has been unkind to Richard II, in no small measure due to the Shakespeare play based on him in which he's blamed for the subsequent.......'Wars of the Roses' (1455-85), suffice to say there's scant mention of the Knights Templar in the plethora of academic books covering the subject although certain notaries have alluded to their involvement including Winston Churchill. The 'Wars of the Roses' ended in 1485 when the equally Shakespearian keelhauled Richard III was defeated by Order of the Golden Fleece novitiate, Henry (Tudor) VII. http://www.themasonictrowel.com/new_files_to_file/the_order_of_the_golden_fleece.htm 'The mystical meanings of the Rose as a Symbol are to be looked for in the Kabalistic Commentaries on the Canticles. The Rose was for the Initiates the living & blooming symbol of the revelation of the harmonies of being. It was the emblem of beauty, life, love, & pleasure. Flamel, or the Book of the Jew Abraham, made it the hieroglyphical sign of the accomplishment of the Great Work. Such is the key of the Roman de la Rose. The Conquest of the Rose was the problem propounded to Science by Initiation, while Religion was laboring to prepare & establish the universal triumph, exclusive & definitive, of the Cross. To unite the Rose to the Cross, was the problem proposed by the High Initiation; and in fact the Occult philosophy being the Universal Synthesis, ought to explain all the phenomena of Being. Religion, considered solely as a physiological fact, is the revelation & satisfaction of a necessity of souls.' - phoenixmasonry.org Dates are important with the descent of the rose. The (allegorical) founder of the Rosicrucians, Christian 'Rosenkruez' (Rose & Cross in German) is said to have been born in 1376 & died in 1484. Evidently Richard II & III were none-Rosicrucians. Under the House of Tudor 'Rose', as the reigns of it's kings & queens were called, we witness the break by England from the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant 'Reformation' & the beginnings of the British Empire, possibly the most barbaric & inhumane venture ever to take place on this planet. Furthermore, Manly Hall in his 'Secret Destiny Of America' (1951) reveals that the western hemisphere had been colonised by Europeans & people from the Middle East centuries before Columbus 'discovered' America in 1492 & that it was a project of the Mystery Schools known as the......'Enterprise'. Columbus was a member, Columbus in Latin means, 'dove', which is a 'soul' symbol in the Mysteries & of course translates into 'Isis'. His name was surely a pseudonym, who he really was is still a mystery however, Hall directs us towards another Venetian explorer, John Cabot; 'When Columbus, in the interim between voyages disappears from public view, John Cabot appears & permanently disappears when Columbus reappears." It is easy to forget that John Cabot was really Giovanni Caboto, born in Genoa & a naturalized citizen of Venice. It was especially mentioned that in one of his journeys Cabot visited Mecca, &, like Columbus, was acquainted with the wise men of the Near East. It has even been suggested that he had contacted the religious & political convictions of the secret Christian sect of the Johannites, which played so large a part in the esoteric doctrines of the Templars. Cabot conveniently found the ear of the English king [Henry VII], & was immediately entrusted with a delicate diplomatic mission to Denmark to arbitrate disputes over the fisheries of Iceland. Grace Fendler also notes that the records of the English Privy Purse shows a pension paid to one Antonio Cabot for several years after John Cabot was historically dead. The pension passed through the hands of an English merchant named Rici D'Americke. The voyages of Cabot [to North America] were important inasmuch as they resulted in a division which gave most of North America to the English group which was free from the theological & mercenary pressures of the Spanish program.' (See Bill Coopers Mystery Babylon 26) It was Henry's son & namesake Henry VIII who broke from the Catholic Catholic Church; 'Henry VIII (1491–1547), king of England & Ireland, whose inventory includes ‘a Coller of golde of thordre of the golden flees with one flees hanging thereunto with twoo other lesse fleeces all in case of blacke lether’, & ‘a golden Flese of golde ' https://www.britnumsoc.org/publications/Digital%20BNJ/pdfs/2009_BNJ_79_8.pdf 'Sir Francis Bacon was a man of many aims & purposes. He was a Rosicrucian, some have intimated the Rosicrucian......those enthusiasts who for years have struggled to identify Sir Francis Bacon as the true "Bard of Avon" might long since have won their case had they emphasized its most important angle, namely, that Sir Francis Bacon, the Rosicrucian initiate, wrote into the Shakespearian plays the secret teachings of the Fraternity of R.C. & the true rituals of the Freemasonic Order, of which order it may yet be discovered that he was the actual founder.......It was in recognition of Bacon's intellectual accomplishments that King James turned over to him the translators' manuscripts of what is now known as the King James Bible for the presumable purpose of checking, editing, & revising them' - Manly Hall (1928) https://youtu.be/JqZVjxwiQaU King James IV was of the Scottish House of Stuart. 'Christian Rosenkruez asked: "Under what conditions?" If mind could move matter, then how & in what circumstances. It was the beginning of what we call a science of the spirit. Christian Rosenkruetz developed a form of meditation that visualised a wreath of 7 roses resting on the cross. In the course of meditation these white roses turned red as a sign that the spirit of Christ was transmuting not only the spirit, but also the soul & the body. Mind was moving matter by enlivening & activating the 7 chakras.' - Jonathan Black. (Here Manly Hall & Rik Clay identify the 7 chakra's with the 7 seals of Revelation;) https://youtu.be/26YXWdOUYbw R Swynbyrne Clymer in his book (1929) on the subject says that the Illuminati of Bavaria, founded by Adama Weishaupt in 1776 were not Rosicrucians, but others say they were?? What's not in question is that they were Freemasons. Theodore Reuss founded an Order of Illuminati in Germany in the late 19th Cen, Aleister Crowley formed an Order of Illuminati in Great Britain early 20th Cen, whilst in America; 'The Order Of Illuminati was established in America without any connection to the German Order, toward the end of the last century. Hubert A Knight was a prime mover of the movement & with the help of a Hindoo, Guru Gangulee, & the present writer & several other sincere students, started the movement in New York City.' - R Swynbyrne Clymer 'Fraternatis Rosea Crucis' (1929). The heads of these two organisations, The Rose Cross & Freemasonry today & in the past are one & the same. Godfrey Higgins in his 'Anacalypsis' writes; 'modern Templars, the Rosicrucians, & the Freemasons are little more than different dodges of one Order'. Below are the various bodies/degrees etc listed in Mackey's Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry said to be connected with Freemasonry;
According to the teachings of Aleister Crowley, the rose is the symbol of Nut, the mother of Osiris & Isis. Concerning the 18th (666) degree in Freemasonry, Albert Pike writes, 'The Degree of Rose Cross teaches three things;—the unity, immutability & goodness of God; the immortality of the Soul; & the ultimate defeat & extinction of evil & wrong & sorrow, by a Redeemer or Messiah, yet to come, if he has not already appeared.' There has been numerous books, films etc released in recent times depicting an imagined bloodline of Jesus through a union with Mary Magdalane. The most influential of these was the 1982 classic by Freemasons & Knights Templar, Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, the; 'Holy Blood Holy Grail'. This book hypothesises a Jesus lineage through Mary Magdalane, the French Houses of Merovingian, Lorraine & Scottish the House of Stuart, of which, the late Lady Diana Spencer was a member, thus inferring that Prince William, born on the summer solstice in 1982 (the year the book came out), is a descendant of Jesus Christ. Great Diana, the moon goddess was the Roman version of Isis. Manly Hall (1928) writes; 'Isis, represented in the Song of Solomon by the dark maid of Jerusalem'. The Royal Coat of Arms (left) is said by Hall to be a Qabbalistic device, the lion representing 'Wisdom', the unicorn representing 'Will', & the crown or 'kether' at the apex being 'Supreme Power & Rulership'. Philosophy means; 'Love of wisdom' in Greek. - https://youtu.be/phmDFjYbSNw 'Eros' - 'Rose'; 'Love is the Law, Love under Will' - Aleister Crowley 'The Book Of The Law (1904). Love in this instance means 'Union' (see above Pike quote), the union of god & man, the apotheosis of man or in Biblical terms, the promise of the serpent to Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden that if they would eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good evil, they would become 'as gods', it's also known as the Luciferian Philosophy. 'The Rose-Cross is a Lamen or badge synthesizing a vast concourse of ideas, representing in a single emblem the Great Work itself—the harmonious reconciliation in one symbol of diverse & apparently contradictory concepts, the reconciliation of divinity & manhood.' - Israel Regardie. The 5 petalled rose is the 5 pointed pentagram; 'The rose of five petals is actually a wild flower because wild roses has five petals. Furthermore, all roses have their petals grouped in multiples of five. Thus the geometrical pattern for the rose, because of the number 5, is the Pentagram or Pentangle.' http://www.golden-dawn.org/fivepetaledrose.html 'THE SATANIC RITUAL C. DEVICES USED IN A SATANIC RITUAL CLOTHING ........ Amulets bearing the sigil of Baphomet or the traditional pentagram of Satan are worn by all participants.' - Anton Levy 'The Satanic Bible' (1966) 'THE PENTAGRAM. The pentagram is the figure of the microcosm--the magical formula of man. It is the one rising out of the four--the human soul rising from the bondage of the animal nature. It is the true light--the "Star of the morning".......The pentagram is used extensively in black magic, but when so used its form always differs in one of three ways: The star may be broken at one point by not permitting the converging lines to touch; it may be inverted by having one point down & two up; or it may be distorted by having the points of varying lengths. When used in black magic, the pentagram is called the "sign of the cloven hoof," or the footprint of the Devil. The star with two points upward is also called the "Goat of Mendes," because the inverted star is the same shape as a goat's head. When the upright star turns & the upper point falls to the bottom, it signifies the fall of the Morning Star.' - Manly Hall 'The ROSE, was anciently sacred to Aurora & the Sun. It is a symbol of Dawn, of the resurrection of Light & the renewal of life....You see, just as Lucifer is known as the morning star, Jesus also calls himself 'the bright morning star' & as I stated above, Manly P. Hall had said, "Lucifer, in the form of Venus, is the morning star spoken of in Revelation, which is to be given to those who overcome the world." Hence, rest assured that Jesus & Lucifer are one & the same which will become clearly evident to those with an eye to see the true light amongst the darkness in which we live.' - gnosticwarrior.com But don't believe a word of it, we're told by Manly Hall himself that the Book of Revelations was written by a member of the Mystery Schools, specifically the Gnostic Cerinthus (born 100 AD). Jesus preached in the open & denied no person access to his teachings in total contradistinction to the Mystery Schools who's doors are closed to non-members who they disparagingly label.....'Profane'. Moreover, French Magus Eliphas Levi in 'Transcendental Magic' (pg75) equates Lucifer with the serpent of the Garden of Eden.......who was certainly not the Jesus Christ of the New Testament, so all this 'Bloodline of Jesus' is just a crap-trap, to lure the gullible multitude who find research difficult. As the above statement from the Gnostics attests, the rose today represents the resurrection of the mystical Christ WITHIN, not the Jesus Christ of the Gospels, however, it's fair to say that most of us will not make the Alchemical transmutation from base metal to gold, from ignorance to wisdom or the apotheosis from man to god, nor do many of us want to, & I also think it's fair to ask, who in their right mind would? Much has been made of the Pagan aspects of the the Pont de l'Alma, the site of Princess Diana's car crash (she died in hospital we're told although no image has been released of her after she died), suffice to say that the whole event was replete with occult symbolism (there's a huge 'Flame of Liberty' upheld by a pentagonal stand at the entrance of the tunnel). In my estimation, & based on events of recent years, I see the death of Diana & her Egyptian lover Dodi as another one of the (originally Egyptian) Tarot 'Trump' cards being played out, specifically the 7th card of the deck; 'The Lovers'. I do not read cards, however, according to Aleister Crowley's card (left), much of the above symbolism as well as aspects of Diana's life are represented in this card, the Holy Grail, Adam & Eve, Cain & Abel (2 sons), the Apocalypse, Eros; 'From this, it may appear that he [Eros] represents the intelligent (&, at the same time, unconscious) will of the soul to unite itself with all & sundry........The Royal persons concerned are the Black or Moorish King with a golden crown, & the White Queen with a silver crown. He is accompanied by the Red Lion, & she by the White Eagle. These are symbols of the male & female principles in Nature; they are therefore equally, in various stages of manifestation, Sun & Moon...' (A Crowley, 'Book Of Thoth' 1944), the rose is in there too. Crowleys card does not depict the Tree of Knowledge as other decks do although it is intimated, what it does show is, the male & female protagonists situated beneath an arch/tunnel of swords mirroring the Hermetic Marriage of the 3rd book of the Rosicrucian Manifesto's. In any event, all versions of this card depict a sacrifice; 'The shedding of blood is necessary, for God did not hear the children of Eve until blood was shed.' (ibid). The power structure that controls the destiny of mankind communicate through symbols & have done since the days of the Egyptian Pharaoh's, for example; 'Masonry came to Northern Africa & Asia Minor from the lost continent of Atlantis, not under its present name but rather under the general designation Sun & Fire Worship. The ancient Mysteries did not cease to exist when Christianity became the world's most powerful religion. Great Pan did not die! Freemasonry is the proof of his survival. The pre-Christian Mysteries simply assumed the symbolism of the new faith, perpetuating through its emblems & allegories the same truths which had been the property of the wise since the beginning of the world. There is no true explanation, therefore, for Christian symbols save that which is concealed within pagan philosophy. Without the mysterious keys carried by the hierophants of the Egyptian, Brahmin, & Persian cults the gates of Wisdom cannot be opened. Consider with reverent spirit, therefore, the sublime allegory of the Temple & its Builders, realizing that beneath its literal interpretation lies hidden a Royal Secret.' - Manly Hall. To understand whats really happening in the world today & through history we must garner a knowledge of the symbolism the Mysteries use, the Rose being one of the most deep, significant & mysterious. The symbolism is adroit & my interpretation is crude I know, but to me the signature is unmistakable, it's my belief that every card in the allegorical, 22-cards of the Tarot 'Trump' deck is being played out on the world stage & it appears they all involve 'The shedding of blood' as Crowley calls it. Crowley is said to have written the definitive book on the Qabbalah of the modern era (777 & Other Qabalistic Writings), however he himself said his most important work was the Tarot based; Book Of Thoth, after all, it is concerned with predicting future events, & he was an officer of British Intelligence till the day he died, a Freemason, Rosicrucian........ The 'Pont de l'Alma' is just a mile & a half downriver from where the heads of the Knights Templar were executed in 1314. http://www.thule-italia.net/esoterismo/Aleister%20Crowley/Aleister%20Crowley%20-%20The%20book%20of%20Thoth.pdf
Seshat Aubi
11/15/2019 07:33:26 am
Outstanding piece of research!
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