'One last word on this subject. There is a Magical operation of maximum importance: the Initiation of a New Aeon. When it becomes necessary to utter a Word, the whole Planet must be bathed in blood. Before man is ready to accept the Law of Thelema, the Great War must be fought. This Bloody Sacrifice is the critical point of the World-Ceremony of the Proclamation of Horus, the Crowned & conquering Child, as Lord of the Aeon. Note: This paragraph was written in the summer of 1911 e.v., just three years before its fulfilment.' The above paragraph & note may be found at; http://www.sacred-texts.com/oto/aba/chap12.htm & is taken from CHAPTER XII OF THE BLOODY SACRIFICE: & MATTERS COGNATE. of an Aleister Crowley book written in 1911 entitled; 'Magick In Theory & Practice'. Aleister Crowley worked for British Intelligence all his adult life. He spent the whole of WW1 in the US; 'Norwood was secretary of the Louisville-based International Magian Society, who described themselves as "freemasons concerned with combating pro-German, Bolshevist & radical propaganda." Norwood was a self-proclaimed expert on Masonic symbolism & a student of Oriental occultism. According to Norwood, Crowley had recently contacted his organisation offering confidential information & other services. The Beast billed himself as "a member of the British mission to the United States" & confessed that in the employ of His Majesties Secret Service "my main job [was] to bring America into the war." - Richard Spence 'Secret Agent 666'. Information on Crowley's secret service missions is not hard to find as it's been in the public domain for many years, & Crowley himself was just one of 1000's of British agents at the time doing the very same thing, infiltrating groups, spreading propaganda, starting rebellions here there & everywhere, Ireland, Russia & Palestine for example, Ireland in 1916 & both Russia & Palestine in 1917. In league with the British in all this subterfuge were of course the Americans & French. Typical of whats being taught to our children in schools today regarding the Great War is the following; 'The alliance formed between Germany & Austria-Hungary had strong ethnic ties. Germany & Austria-Hungary shared borders & (in many regions) the German language, as well as a desire to add to their territories. Austria-Hungary specifically wanted the Balkans. The German Empire had only been officially created out of smaller German-speaking nations about twenty years before the Alliance was formed, & had quickly gained great influence over the older, fading Austro-Hungarian Empire. By co-operating rather than competing, land could be taken over by either empire without conflict of interest. Italy wanted more territory in parts of Greece, Turkey & the Balkans.' - bbc.co.uk/schools/worldwarone/hq/causes1_01.shtml How on earth can the British blame anyone for wanting to 'add to their territories' when they'd just annexed (genocidally) almost a third of the worlds land-mass? This is what we're brought up to believe, that; …...'The Germans started it all'. Well they did not, that is patriotic or real Germans didn't at least, they did try to stop it though & on more than one occasion, regardless of what nonsense we're led to believe. 'Staff sergeant Clement Barker sent the letter home four days after Christmas 1914 when the British & German troops emerged from their trenches in peace. He described how the truce began after a German messenger walked across No Man's Land on Christmas Eve to broker the temporary cease-fire agreement.' https://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/9763539/Britons-started-WW1-Christmas-football-match-with-ball-kicked-from-trench.html The world-famous event happened at Ypres in northern France, such a German messenger was Adolf Hitler, WHO WAS THERE, & later universally lauded by the Germans for his bravery. 'Hitler traveled to France in October 1914. He saw heavy action during the First Battle of Ypres, earning the Iron Cross that December for dragging a wounded comrade to safety.' - history.com Hitler would have known at least a little English after staying with family in Liverpool pre-war according to his own Irish sister-in-law Bridget…. https://www.irishpost.com/news/bridget-hitler-fascinating-true-story-adolf-hitlers-irish-sister-law-155025 Certain Germans had been contriving for a long time to bring the world to ruin however in unison with their fellow 5th-columnists in Britain & France. This website is dedicated to that historical fact so I'l not go into that matter too much here except for drawing on one or two of it's more pertinent aspects. Only prior to the Crowley labelled 'Great' War, the 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' were published & circulated, from it we read; 'Remember the French Revolution to which it was we who gave the name of 'Great.' The secrets of its preparation are well known to us for it was wholly the work of our hands.' A brilliant author writing at the time was Englishwoman Nesta Webster, in her 1921 classic; 'World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilisation', she compares extracts of the writings of three historically revolutionary organisations/movements, the previously quoted Zionist 'Protocols', the Russian Bolsheviks, & the 18th Century Bavarian Illuminati, citing the almost identical nature of the content, suggesting naturally that the three were practically the same organisation. The German based branch of the Rose Cross (Rosicrucians) known as the Illuminati WERE behind the French Revolution & contrary to what we're told were still around during WW1, with Aleister Crowley at it's head; 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The O.T.O. is a body of initiates in whose hands are concentrated the wisdom & the knowledge of the following bodies: The Gnostic Catholic Church. The Order of the Knights of the Holy Ghost. The Order of the Illuminati. The Order of the Temple (Knights Templar). The Order of the Knights of St. John. The Order of the Knights of Malta. The Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre. The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal. The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. The Holy Order of Rose Croix of Heredom. The Order of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch. The Antient & Primitive Rite of Masonry (33 degrees). The Rite of Memphis (97 degrees). The Rite of Mizraim (90 degrees). The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Masonry (33 degrees). The Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry. The Order of the Martinists.' http://www.sacred-texts.com/oto/lib52.htm Corroborating evidence for Mrs Websters thesis can be found in Anthony C Sutton's 'Wall St & The Bolshevik Revolution' (1974). - https://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/Sutton_Wall_Street_and_the_bolshevik_revolution-5.pdf The title of the book should be self explanatory enough however, Sutton documents the proof that the Bolsheviks were in fact funded by many wealthy German immigrants then living & working in New York alongside Aleister Crowley & Leon Trotsky. Hence the pitiful situation for the ordinary German of Europe in 1917 was, whilst their own countrymen were treasonously funding both sides of the campaign & the war-weary Russians were departing the theatre of war stage left, the might of America was entering stage right. Just imagine having to march from the Eastern Front to the Western to face the as yet untried, most powerful military force the world had ever known, & what an incredible stroke of luck it was for the British & French that the Germans sank the Lusitania? Sutton's follow-up work documented the evidence that Wall St was behind Hitlers 3rd Reich however, in his last book , 'Secret Cult of the Order' (1983), Professor Sutton began to look into the infamously sordid Yale University based (see above image) 'Skull & Bones' secret society, to which many of the leading US politicians & financiers belong, & that it shared many similarities with the equally notorious Bavarian Illuminati. 'History of the Holy Roman Empire - Imperium Romanum Sacrum - Heiliges Romisches Reich - Sacro Romano Impero The Holy Roman Empire (HRE; German: Heiliges Römisches Reich (HRR), Latin: Imperium Romanum Sacrum (IRS), Italian: Sacro Romano Impero (SRI)) was a German empire that existed from 962 to 1806 in Central Europe. It was ruled by the Holy Roman Emperor. Its character changed during the Middle Ages & the Early Modern period, when the power of the emperor gradually weakened in favour of the princes. In its last centuries, its character became quite close to a union of territories. The empire's territory was centered on the Kingdom of Germany, & included neighboring territories, which at its peak included the Kingdom of Italy & the Kingdom of Burgundy.' - http://www.holyromanempireassociation.com/history-of-the-holy-roman-empire.html As we've documented elsewhere on this website (see 'Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis' by R Swinburne Clymer), the Bavarian Illuminati were & are merely a branch of the Rosicrucians, who were the first to deliver a portentous 'Manifesto' to the world in the early 17th Cen. Like the Protocols of Zion, it's authors remained anonymous, although in recent years the consensus has been to credit the German theologian Johannes Valentinus Andreae. A century before Andreae was supposed to have written the Manifesto's, another German theologian Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the cathedral at Wurms beginning whats referred to as the 'Reformation', the Rosicrucian Manifesto's opens with the line, 'By order of Apollo, a general Reformation of the world…'. Martin Luther's seal was a rose cross on a white field, just like Yale's & R Swinburne Clymer (head of the Rose Cross College in America) dates the beginnings of the Order to 1516, a year before Luther made his move & a century & a half after another German theologian Adam Weishaupt formed the Bavarian Illuminati. If we add to this the perhaps most famous Manifesto of them all, the anti-religionist, revolutionary 'Communist Manifesto', written in 1848 by Germans Marx & Engels, we surely see a pattern emerging……yet none of these men were the true founders of the movements they are said to have began. British Intelligence Officer Aleister Crowley was head of the Rosicruciana in Anglia, he was also a Freemason, as was Karl Marx according to Leon de Poncins ('The Secret Powers Behind Revolution' 1929). Marx & Lenin lived in London for years, Anglophile Manly Hall said the head of the Rosicrucians at the time of the Manifesto was Englishman Sir Francis Bacon who he also implies was it's author. Lesser known than the other German revolutionaries is Marx & Engels tutor & fellow German Moses Hess, whose 1862 work 'Rome & Jerusalem', advocated a return to Palestine of the Jews; 'His [Hess'] ideas had great influence on Theodor Hertzel, founder of political Zionism.' - New Jewish Encyclopaedia (1962). But this isn't true either, political Zionism began in England; https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1997/eirv24n46-19971114/eirv24n46-19971114_036-british_israelites_and_empire.pdf Apollogies for this rather long-winded approach but it's somewhat necessary to make our point, which is that Germany, courtesy of her legion of traitors within the Mystery Schools has taken the blame for provoking many disasters down the centuries it was NOT responsible for, including the two World Wars, ultimately manifesting in a subsequent defamation campaign against the Kaiser & the 3rd Reich, unprecedented in history. The blame lies fairly & squarely at the feet of the Mysteries Schools, not the English or French people but the INTERNATIONALIST movements of these Schools based primarily in London & Paris & latterly in America. Nearly every war since the time of Martin Luther can be traced to one of the Orders of the secret societies, & in the case of WW1, the Serbian group said to have began proceedings, 'The Black Hand' were a brach of the Italian 'Carbonari'; 'The Carbonari had existed internationally, it is said, under different names since the days of Francis I, King of France, but not till the year 1815 did we begin to hear of its individual historical achievements. The following is a translation of one of the secret official documents published in Italy by the highest authority of the order, for the guidance of the active head-centres of Masonry in 1818, under the title of :Permanent Instructions, or Practical Code of Rules; 1 Guide for the Heads of the Highest Grades of Masonry. The original Italian document was given to Nubio, one of the Supreme Vendita (Alta Vendita) in 1824, when he was sent to Rome to carry it into effect, & it was to this instruction that he referred when he wrote from Forli to Signor Volpi : "As I have written to you before, I am appointed to demoralise the education of the youth of the Church". When these documents were lost, the Freemasons offered fabulous sums for their recovery. These secret Instructions, intended only for a chosen few Masons of heavy calibre, were written three years after what was called the "Restoration" of 1815, which was brought about by a number of veteran Freemasons, all born in the past century, who had preceded, made, planned, & passed through the French Revolution of 1789.' - Edith Miller 'Occult Theocracy' (1933). Note the anti-Christian language from the above quote, then compare it to this from the Rosicrucian Manifesto's (1615), '& thenceforth our trumpet shall publiquely sound with a loud sound, & great noise, when namely the same (which at this present is shewed by few, & is secretly, declared in Figure & Pictures) shall be free, & publiquely proclaimed, & the whole world shall be filed withall. Even as such manner as heretofore, many godly people have secretly & altogether pusht at the Popes Tyranny, which afterwards, with great earnest, & especial zeal in Germany, was thrown from his seat, & trodden under-foot, whose final fall is delayed, & kept for our times, when he also shall be scratched in pieces with nails, & an end be made to his Asses cry, by a new voyce. The which we know is already reasonably manifest & known to many learned men in Germany, as their Writings & secret Congratulations do sufficiently witness the same.' Here again we find Germany being overtly implicated…... From Manly Hall's 'Secret Teachings Of All Ages' (1928) we learn; The three major objects of the Fraternity are: 1. The abolition of all monarchical forms of government & the substitution therefor of the rulership of the philosophic elect. The present democracies are the direct outgrowth of Rosicrucian efforts to liberate the maws from the domination of despotism. In the early part of the eighteenth century the Rosicrucians turned their attention to the new American Colonies, then forming the nucleus of a great nation in the New World. The American War of Independence represents their first great political experiment & resulted in the establishment of a national government founded upon the fundamental principles of divine & natural law. As an imperishable reminder of their sub rosa activities, the Rosicrucians left the Great Seal of the United States. The Rosicrucians were also the instigators of the French Revolution, but in this instance were not wholly successful, owing to the fact that the fanaticism of the revolutionists could not be controlled & the Reign of Terror ensued. 2. The reformation of science, philosophy, & ethics. The Rosicrucians declared that the material arts & sciences were but shadows of the divine wisdom, & that only by penetrating the innermost recesses of Nature could man attain to reality & understanding. Though calling themselves Christians, the Rosicrucians were evidently Platonists & also profoundly versed in the deepest mysteries of early Hebrew & Hindu theology. There is undeniable evidence that the Rosicrucians desired to reestablish the institutions of the ancient Mysteries as the foremost method of instructing humanity in the secret & eternal doctrine.' 'These secret Instructions, intended only for a chosen few Masons of heavy calibre, were written three years after what was called the "Restoration" - Edith Miller (ibid). The objectives of the Illuminati were the SAME. They wished to 'Restore' the Ancient Mysteries '...as the foremost method of instructing humanity' as he put it & they overtly wished to destroy nation-states & religions in the so-doing (see; 'Proofs of a Conspiracy: Against all the Religions & Governments' by John Robison in 1798) just as Karl Marx did. Now bear in mind Freemason Crowley's above 'Proclamation' in 1911; 'Before man is ready to accept the Law of Thelema [Greek for 'Will'], the Great War must be fought. This Bloody Sacrifice is the critical point of the World-Ceremony of the Proclamation of Horus, the Crowned & conquering Child, as Lord of the Aeon.' ………..'In the year 1770, there was published at Berlin a work entitled Crata Repoa; oder Einweihungen der Egyptischen Priester; meaning in English, Crata Repoa, or Initiations of the Egyptian Priests. This book was subsequently republished in 1778, & translated into French under the revision of Ragon, & published at Paris in 1821, by Bailleul. It professed to give the whole formula of the initiation into the Mysteries practiced by the ancient Egyptian Priests.' - Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry (1873). (Above; Ritual cross of the Serbian Black Hand with Skull & Bones) 'SKULL & CROSS-BONES They are a symbol of mortality & death, & are so used by heralds in funeral achievements. As the means of inciting the mind to the contemplation of the most solemn subjects, the skull & cross-bones are used in the Chamber of Reflection in the French & Scottish Rites' - 'Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry' (1873). The Black Hand were accused throughout their 'Conspiracy' trial of being FREEMASONS, however, transcripts of the trial have now mysteriously disappeared from the internet but here's a taste of the propaganda the now prevalent consensus presents the picture; 'History has not been kind to the teenager who triggered the First World War by assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand on a sunny Sunday morning in Sarajevo. So colossal was the impact of his actions & so modest his backwoodsman background that the story of Gavrilo Princip has often been overlooked, misrepresented & misunderstood. Muddled theories, often as batty as they are unverifiable, have circulated ever since Princip fired his Browning 9mm pistol on June 28, 1914: he was working for the Freemasons, an agent of the Russian secret service, a diehard Serbian nationalist, an unwitting puppet of German warmongers.' - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/world-war-one/inside-first-world-war/part-one/10273752/gavrilo-princip.html 'At one point in the trial, Princip & Cabrinovic led the judge & the attorney's that the Freemasons were involved, but later in the trial, when the judge referred to them as Masons, they laughed at the idea.' - Stephen-Paul Martin. Were the prosecution at Princip's trial 'batty', or the Judge? I doubt it. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was a member of the pro-Catholic Austro-Hungarian Habsburg Dynasty, who many members of, not all were traditionally fierce opponents of the Illuminati, Freemasonry & the secret societies. Both Austria & Germany fought the Illuminists & drove even more underground, which no doubt intensified an even more psychotic hatred for the Germanic peoples & Christendom amongst the Mystery Schools. Austrian Freemason & presumed Illuminatus Mozart's Opera, 'The Magic Flute' in part dramatises the conflict between the Germanic peoples & Masonry. If Germany was the stronghold of the Holy Roman Empire for almost a 1000yrs, then this is the reason for the 'Entente Cordial' & the seemingly needless 2 World Wars that followed, according to my research. (See my Catholic Church blog). - - - - - The Magic Flute (1791) reveals in detail the ritual of Isis & Osiris & he is said by some to have been murdered shortly thereafter for this revelation, although the Brotherhood blame the cruel workload the Hapsburgs heaped upon the the musical prodigy for his early death. In any event, the Crata Repoa was the signal for the French & British to head straight for Egypt & the Holy Land to begin decimating it. (See; 'Napoleonic Wars', 'Egyptology' etc). Dragutin Dimitrijević, byname Apis (“Holy Bull”), (born August 17, 1876, Belgrade, Serbia—died June 27, 1917, Thessaloníki, Greece), Serbian army officer & conspirator, leader of the Serbian secret society Crna Ruka (“Black Hand”).' - Encyclopaedia Britannica. 'It was probably in Memphis [Egypt] that the worship of Serapis (after the Greek form Osorapis, a combination of Osiris & Apis in the image of an eastern Greek god) arose under Ptolemy I Soter (305–282 BCE).' - Encyclopaedia Britannica. 'British imperialism in the Middle East during the First World War was — to use a British understatement — intricate. In 1915 Britain promised Hussein, the Sharif of Mecca, that it would support an independent Arab kingdom under his rule in return for his mounting an Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire, Germany’s ally in the war. The promise was contained in a letter dated 24 October 1915 from Sir Henry McMahon, the British High Commissioner in Egypt, to the Sharif of Mecca in what later became known as the McMahon–Hussein correspondence. The Sharif of Mecca assumed that the promise included Palestine. In 1916 Britain reached a secret agreement with France to divide the Middle East into spheres of influence in the event of an Allied victory. Under the terms of the Sykes–Picot agreement, Palestine was to be placed under international control. In 1917 Britain issued the Balfour Declaration, promising to support the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. Thus, by a stroke of the imperial pen, the Promised Land became twice-promised. Even by the standards of Perfidious Albion, this was an extraordinary tale of double-dealing & betrayal'. - Avi Shlaim https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/3464-the-balfour-declaration-and-its-consequences There exists today a debate between anti-masons & Masons as to whether Albert Pike did indeed write a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini (Carbonari/Mafia) prophesising 3 World Wars. The following is a portion of that purported letter; 'The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia & of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British & Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built & used in order to destroy the other governments & in order to weaken the religions…...' ?????? I haven't the goods on this one as yet but I'll find them. How could it be that the only (then) world wars we've ever had, occurring only 21 (7-7-7) years apart, drew up almost the exact same protagonists & scenario? Both were the German-speaking peoples with the Italians & an eastern nation, the Ottomans in the 1st & Japan in the 2nd against primarily the British/French Empires, the Russians & the Americans. On both occasions the Italians changed sides & the Americans only entered the fray belatedly because of two allegedly surprise attacks. The US was NOT surprised at Pearl Harbour because they'd been brutally attacking the Japanese for years & concerning the sneak-torpedoing of the Lusitania, history professor Richard Spence summarises the situation thus; 'If there was a British master in this affair, it was not Churchill (who may still have played an accessory role) but Admiral Hall, who "was prepared to use any methods (or persons) which seemed likely to achieve it's objectives." Hall's man in New York was Guy Gaunt, who oversaw [Aleister] Crowley. A[n] instance of Gaunt & Crowley working hand-in-glove involves the warning that appeared in New York papers on May 1st, right next to announcements of the Lusitania's imminent depature. The notice cautioned that British vessels entering Germany's maritime"war zone"were subject to attack, so that Americans traveled on them at their own risk. The author of this notice was none other than the Beasts [Crowley] employer, Georg Sylvester Viereck. Crowley probably encouraged him to write it or was looking over his shoulder when he did so.' - 'Secret Agent 666' (2008). Viereck was a German editor of the New York newspaper 'The Fatherland' & Crowley (posing as an Irishman), a columnist. & by the way, Crowley sailed over on the Lusitania in 1914 as did his mistress, before it was sunk on it's return voyage in 1915. What were the causes of WW1? If these wars are engineered as we believe, then one useful trick to determine a cause is to look at the significant outcomes (effects), obviously one was the creation of the Soviet Union & the other which we've alluded to briefly was the annexation of Palestine by the British in 1918, an act that was done in union with Zionism & Zionist policy, wherein the Battle at Megiddo was actually the final act of the drama, er sorry, war. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Megiddo_(1918) We've stated repeatedly that the annexation of Palestine & the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 was NOT the work of Jews but of the Mystery Schools using Jewry as a subterfuge. The group of people who invaded Palestine in 1917 are the SAME ones who annexed it in the 11th Cen, surreptitiously under the banner of the Christianity in the Middle Ages, of that there is no doubt. 'ONE WINTRY AFTERNOON in February 1891, three men were engaged in earnest conversation in London. From that conversation were to flow consequences of the greatest importance to the British Empire & to the world as a whole. For these men were organizing a secret society that was, for more than fifty years, to be one of the most important forces in the formulation & execution of British imperial & foreign policy….. From 1891 to 1902, it was known to only a score of persons. During this period, Rhodes was leader, & Stead was the most influential member. From 1902 to 1925, [Lord Alfred] Milner was leader…. During the first decade or so it was called "the secret society of Cecil Rhodes" or "the dream of Cecil Rhodes." In the second & third decades of its existence it was known as "Milner's Kindergarten" (1901-1910) & as "the Round Table Group" - Professor Carroll Quigley, from the Introduction of; 'The Anglo American Establishment' (1956). http://www.carrollquigley.net/pdf/the_anglo-american_establishment.pdf From pg 169 of Quigley's book we read; ' 'The origins & the supervision power of the mandates system were thus largely a result of the activities of the Milner Group. This applied to Palestine as well as the other mandates. Palestine, however, had a peculiar position among mandates because of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which states that Britain would regard with favor the establishment of a national home for the Jews in Palestine. This declaration, which is always known as the Balfour Declaration, should rather be called "the Milner Declaration," since Milner was the actual draftsman & was, apparently, its chief supporter in the War Cabinet.' So according to Quigley, a secret society also known as the 'Round Table' were really behind the infamous 'Balfour Declaration'. Where have we heard the term before? It's often used in Freemasonic circles for one; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUkl9eiDLPtd6SWom413mQ & we're told it was the 'Round Table' talks that ostensibly brought down the Berlin Wall & ended the 'Cold War'; http://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/113144 Once again from Quigley (ibid); 'The secret society, after so much preliminary talk, took form in 1891, the same year in which Rhodes drew up his fourth will & made Stead as well as Lord Rothschild the trustee of his fortune. It is per- fectly clear from the evidence that he expected Rothschild to handle the financial investments associated with the trust'. This admission from Quigley is the link between the annexation of Palestine (& thus the creation of the State of Israel) & the Bolshevik Revolution, both occurring concurrently during WW1; 'THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (RIIA) is nothing but the Milner Group "writ large." It was founded by the Group, has been consistently controlled by the Group, & to this day is the Milner Group in its widest aspect. It is the legitimate child of the Round Table organization ….Jerome Greene was an international banker close to the Milner Group...Mr. Greene was a trustee & secretary of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1913-1917, & was a trustee of the Rockefeller Institute & of the Rockefeller General Education Board in 1912-1939…..The study groups of the RIIA are direct descendants of the round- table meetings of the Round Table Group. The list of officers & board of directors are printed in every issue of Foreign Affairs & have always been loaded with partners, associates, & employees of J. P. Morgan & Company. According to Stephen King-Hall, the RIIA agreed to regard the Council on Foreign Relations as its American branch.' (Quigley, ibid, pg's 183 &9). Back to Professor Sutton; 'We suggest that the Morgan firm infiltrated not only the domestic left, as noted by [Carroll] Quigley, but also the foreign left — that is, the Bolshevik movement & the Third International. Even further, through friends in the U.S. State Department, Morgan & allied financial interests, particularly the Rockefeller family, have exerted a powerful influence on U.S.-Russian relations from World War I to the present.' (ibid) Elizabeth Claire Prophet; 'Since you've already proven that Wall St is behind the Bolsheviks & the rise of Hitler, now you're saying that the Order is behind Wall St?' A. C. Sutton; 'Exactly'. By 'Order' Professor Sutton means the Yale outfit 'Skull & Bones' (left); The last action of the Great War was the Battle of Megiddo in Palestine fought in September 1918, the site was strategically chosen by General Allenby because of it's Biblical significance (see; 'Victory 1918' by Alan Warwick Palmer -1998). On 31 October (Halloween) 1917, the Bolsheviks gained control of Moscow. On the same day, the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) fought the Battle of Beersheba in Palestine, signalling the beginning of the Southern Palestine Offensive. The Balfour Declaration followed two days later on Nov 2nd. This 'Declaration' (another one) was a ruse, Jew bait if you like, it was used to set in motion the 'It's the Jews' roadshow, the British Empire had been in existence for over 200yrs before the Rothschild's emerged from their backstreet in Frankfurt, GERMANY……at the exact time in history as the Bavarian Illuminati came into existence it may noted, coincidence???? The Illuminati existed in Germany in the late 19th Cen, ultimately coming under the auspices of German Intelligence Officer Theodore Reuss'; 'Ordo Templi Orietnis'; 'Although officially founded at the beginning of the 20th century e.v., O.T.O. represents a surfacing & confluence of the divergent streams of esoteric wisdom & knowledge which were originally divided & driven underground by political & religious intolerance during the dark ages. It draws from the traditions of the Freemasonic, Rosicrucian & Illuminist movements of the 18th & 19th centuries, the crusading Knights Templars of the middle ages & early Christian Gnosticism & the Pagan Mystery Schools. Its symbolism contains a reunification of the hidden traditions of the East & the West, & its resolution of these traditions has enabled it to recognize the true value of Aleister Crowley’s revelation of The Book of the Law.' - https://oto-usa.org/oto/history/ Moreover; 'The Order of Illuminati was founded in America, without any connection with the German Order, toward the end of the last century.' - R Swinburne Clymer 'Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis' (1929). ……..Yep. They are the Knights Templar. Crowley's 'Book Of The Law' was 'received' in Egypt on the same day the 'Entente Cordial' was signed; 'Entente Cordiale, (April 8, 1904), Anglo-French agreement that, by settling a number of controversial matters, ended antagonisms between Great Britain & France & paved the way for their diplomatic cooperation against German pressures in the decade preceding World War I (1914–18).' - https://www.britannica.com/event/Entente-Cordiale Situated in Wall St & operating on the side of the Allies in both world wars, it was primarily the German banking families of the Warburgs, Kuen-Loeb, the Schiff's etc that financed the rise of the 3rd Reich & equally it's demise, in other words they were just as operative in the creation of WAR as the Rockefeller's, Morgans's etc, who are not Jewish. The 1st World War, the Bolshevik Revolution & the creation of the State of Israel were all engineered by what revered historian Carroll Quigley calls a 'Secret Society' & the equally highly-regarded Anthony Sutton refers to them as the 'Order', & implies they emanated from the German Illuminati. Professor Sutton eloquently illustrates the prevalence of the 'It's the Jew's' movement post WW1 with Freemason & British Intelligence Officer Winston Churchill at the centre of it in Appendix II; 'The Jewish Conspiracy Theory of the Bolshevik Revolution' in his 1974 book; 'Wall St & the Bolshevik Revolution'; - https://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/Sutton_Wall_Street_and_the_bolshevik_revolution-5.pdf\ 'Now over in Switzerland you get Lenin who's in exile, he went through Germany in the famous sealed train, by permission, by encouragement of the German General Staff, & yet Germany & Britain were supposed to be fighting each other, & you get them both moving these key revolutionaries into place inside Russia.' - Anthony Sutton https://youtu.be/7GhPsJCXPqY Writing in 1921, Nesta Webster (who identified the writings of the Illuminati, Protocols of Zion & the Bolsheviks as being penned by the same hand), speaking of the Malthusian de-population policy of the French Revolutionaries (Illuminists) quotes a contemporary Englishmans account of this subject; 'I asked him whether it was true that a project had been in contemplation to reduce the population of France to one-third of it's present number. He answered that it had been seriously discussed & that Dubois Crancé was the author.' The men & women belonging to these secret societies have no nationality or patriotism as evinced by their creation of Marxist states everywhere, with the possible exception of France, there were NONE before the Soviet Union, now there's 100's, & every time I trace the beginnings of any of the leaders of these Banana Republics, the trail always ends up in London, New York or Paris, sometimes Washington (see my 'Dictators' blog).
We've touched on a few of the causes of WW1, none of which you'll find in any school history book. However when one learns where to look, the evidence is everywhere, & that 'where' is the 'Order' as Professor Sutton puts it. How the Mystery Schools deflect people from the truth is exemplified in the above quote from the Daily Telegraph (UK), they constantly associate an enquiry into Freemasonry with a meme, such as 'conspiracy theory', 'right wing', but always with any connotation of the the word….DELUDED, sometimes meek, sometimes strong, but it's always there. Be that as it may, there are many 'Orders' within the Mysteries, perhaps Professor Sutton was a bit goofy & really meant this one; 'THE ROUND TABLE IS THE RATIONALE OR APOTHEOSIS OF THE MOST NOBLE THE ORDER OF THE GARTER HONI-SOIT QUI MAL-Y-PENSE THE Round Table of King Arthur is a Grand Mythological Synthesis. It is a whole Mythology in itself. It is perennial. It is Christian. By tradition, the Round Table of King Arthur devolves from the very earliest period. The illustration opposite a previous page was copied from the original with great care & attention. King Arthur, in the principal seat, is idealized in the person of King Henry the Eighth, in whose time the Round Table is supposed to have been repaired & refaced. In the Revolution, Cromwell's soldiery, after the capture of Winchester, & in the fury at the imputed idea of idolatry (the Round Table is the English 'Palladium'), made a target of it. The marks of many balls are still conspicuous. The five-leaved Roses (Red & White Roses; Rhodion, Rhodes--Knights of Rhodes or of Malta, the successors of the Templars)'. - 'The RosicruciansTheir Rites & Mysteries' by Hargrave Jennings [4th ed., 1907] [first published 1870] 'Round Table “The 1917 Russian Revolution for Our Country & the World: 100 Years’ Retrospect” On 27 October 2017, as part of the Gorbachev Readings project, the Gorbachev Foundation hosted a round table presenting a report themed “The 1917 Russian Revolution for Our Country & the World: 100 Years’ Retrospect”. The report was written by a team of independent experts invited by the International Foundation for Socio-Economic & Political Studies (the Gorbachev Foundation)' - http://www.gorby.ru/en/activity/conference/show_1438/ Saxe-Coburg family-members of Britains Medieval; 'Order of the Garter' From the Wikipedia entry for Franz Joseph I of Austria; 'Following the assassination of Franz Ferdinand & Sophie in 1914, Franz Joseph's daughter, Marie Valerie, noted that her father expressed his greater confidence in the new heir presumptive: his grandnephew Archduke Charles. The emperor admitted to his daughter, regarding the assassination: "For me, it is a relief from a great worry"….. …..Foreign Honours….Knight of the Order of the Garter'. On the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month of each year, Queen Elizabeth lays a wreath at the foot of a cenotaph ('empty-tomb'), this year 2018 being the 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War. 'My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us.' - Aleister Crowley. 'In the Mysteries of the Ancients, the poppy was the symbol of regeneration. The somniferous qualities of the plant expressed the idea of quiescence; but the seeds of a new existence which it contained were thought to show that nature, though her powers were suspended, yet possessed the capability of being called into a renewed existence. Thus the poppy planted near a grave symbolized the idea of a resurrection. Hence, it conveyed the same symbolism as the evergreen or sprig of acacia does in the Masonic mysteries.' - 'Mackey's Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry' Why so many references to the French Revolution? Because amongst other things, it was an experiment in population control. It coincided with the beginning of the 'Great' famines in Ireland, India & elsewhere. The 'Enlightenment' era was when the great migrations to North America began & of the Scottish 'Highland Clearances', it was when the Slave Trade of Africa was at it's height. 'Malthus argued that infinite human hopes for social happiness must be vain, for population will always tend to outrun the growth of production. The increase of population will take place, if unchecked, in a geometric progression, while the means of subsistence will increase in only an arithmetic progression. Population will always expand to the limit of subsistence & will be held there by famine, war, & ill health. “Vice” (which included, for Malthus, contraception), “misery,” & “self-restraint” alone could check this excessive growth. Malthus’s thought reflects a reaction, amiably conducted, to his father’s views & to the doctrines of the French Revolution & its supporters'. - https://www.britannica.com/biography/Thomas-Malthus WW1 is remembered primarily for the seemingly needless slaughter of wave after wave of millions of men marching out into 'No Mans Land' to be instantly mown down, whilst the Generals, upon who's orders they were obedient, sat in peace & comfort miles from any potential harm. 'The forces which are working out the great scheme of perfect happiness, taking no account of incidental suffering, exterminate such sections of mankind as stand in their way, with the same sternness that they exterminate beasts of prey & herds of useless ruminants.' - Herbert Spencer (English Philosopher). The French Revolution constituted the revenge of the Knights Templar because of the eventual Europe-wide suppression of the 'Order' in 1307 by the French King, the Catholic Church & the general populace, known to the Mysteries as; 'The Mob', 'The Profane', 'The Masses', 'The Rabble' etc, who went along with it. The revenge element is clearly spelled out in the 'Knight Kadosh' Degree of Freemasonry; 'Cagliostro [Illuminati]was the Agent of the Templars, & therefore wrote to the Free-Masons of London that the time had come to begin the work of re-building the Temple of the Eternal. He had introduced into Masonry a new Rite called the Egyptian, & endeavored to resuscitate the mysterious worship of Isis. The three letters L∴ P∴ D∴ on his seal, were the initials of the words "Lilia pedibus destrue;" tread under foot the Lilies [of France], & a Masonic medal of the sixteenth or seventeenth century has upon it a sword cutting off the stalk of a lily, & the words "talem dabit ultio messem," such harvest revenge will give. A Lodge inaugurated under the auspices of Rousseau, the fanatic of Geneva, became the centre of the revolutionary movement in France, & a Prince of the blood-royal went thither to swear the destruction of the successors of Philippe le Bel on the tomb of Jacques de Molai. The registers of the Order of Templars attest that the Regent, the Duc d’Orleans, was Grand Master of that formidable Secret Society, & that his successors were the Duc de Maine, the Prince of Bourbon-Condé, & the Duc de Cossé-Brissac. The Templars compromitted the King; they saved him from the rage of the People, to exasperate that rage & bring on the catastrophe prepared for centuries; it was a scaffold that the vengeance of the Templars demanded. The secret movers of the French Revolution had sworn to overturn the Throne & the Altar upon the Tomb of Jacques de Molai. When Louis XVI. was executed, half the work was done; & thenceforward the Army of the Temple was to direct all its efforts against the Pope.' - Albert Pike 'Morals & Dogma' (1872). Unlike their hoodwinked ancestors, the Arabs of today are well aware who those marauders who came to their shores during WW1 were & why they were there, as are the real Jews, but apparently hardly anyone else is, even though it's no secret the Freemasonic 'Temple' Pike refers to is the legendary Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, from whence the Knights Templar acquired their title. For anyone who does not know, the Round Table, King Arthur, Holy Grail legends were all Medieval versions of the Classical Greek & Roman Myths, The Golden Fleece, Ulysses, Perseus etc who in turn were merely variations of the Babylon, Persian religions & the Egyptian tales of Isis, Osiris, Horus & so on; 'This Bloody Sacrifice is the critical point of the World-Ceremony of the Proclamation of Horus, the Crowned & conquering Child, as Lord of the Aeon.' The Medieval priests of this same religion were called the 'Troubadours'. These men & women refer collectively to their Orders as 'Israel'. They believe themselves to be the descendants of the Israelites of the Bible, even though there's no historical record of such a people ever existing outside whats written in the Bible, there was an ancient Palestine however, noted & documented by the Greeks & Romans (see; Herodotus), but I've noticed the word 'Palestine' is now being replaced by 'Syria', or 'Judea' or even 'Syria-Judea', watch out for that. There has been a massive propaganda campaign conducted over the last 100yrs or so to make the people of the world believe that the Illuminati do not exist & that Freemasonry is a non-political, non-religious charity organisation; 'The tendency of all true Freemasonry is toward religion. If it make any progress, its progress is to that holy end. Look at its ancient landmarks, its sublime ceremonies, its profound symbols & allegories—all inculcating religious doctrine, commanding religious observance, & teaching religious truth, & who can deny that it is eminently a religious Institution?………..ILLUMINATI This is a Latin word, signifying the enlightened, & hence often applied in Latin Diplomas as an epithet of Freemasons.' - http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/mackeys_encyclopedia/i.htm So in conclusion then, Freemasonry's war against 'thrones & altars' as Albert Pike put it has been with us for 2000yrs. It began in the Levant at the dawn of Christianity with the Gnostics, Neo-Platonist's & Hermetists intrigues to usurp Christianity & Judaism, which it did to some degree. When Christianity became institutionalised in the 4th Cen AD it prohibited the Pagan Gnostics et al who then went underground. In the 11th Cen they mobilised to invade the Holy Land, calling their enterprise, 'The Crusades' but were eventually ousted by Islam (with the aid of many Jews I might add) in the 13th Cen & when the crusading Noblemen returned to Europe, both the Kings of Europe & the Monarchies outlawed the warrior monk class of the Crusaders, the 'Knights Templar' for treason & executed many of their leaders, driving the Mystery Schools underground once more……but they resurfaced almost immediately under many guises causing a ceaseless train of wars to be fought to the point where today, they are now firmly in charge. They swore many times along the way to retake Jerusalem & to destroy the societies that arose under the thrones & altars. This they've done by infiltration & usurpation of both religions & states & proof that top Germans & British were working TOGETHER during WW1 can be found in the Order of the Ordo Templis Orientis. It wasn't just O.T.O. heads Crowley & Theodore Reuss (both Intelligence Officers), the Order comprised of Rosicrucians, Freemasons, the Knights Templar (it's in the name), the Knights of Malta, Knights of St John, the Martinists (who featured prominently in the French Revolution) & the Illuminati, ALL conjoining to bring about what Crowley called, 'The World Ceremony', The Bloody Sacrifice', 'The Great War'; 'I have observed these doctrines gradually diffusing & mixing with all the different systems of Free Masonry; till, at last, AN ASSOCIATION HAS BEEN FORMED for the express purpose of ROOTING OUT ALL THE RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS, & OVERTURNING ALL THE EXISTING GOVERNMENTS OF EUROPE.......The Association of which I have been speaking, is the Order of ILLUMINATI, founded in 1775, by Dr. Adam Weishaupt' - John Robison 'Proofs of a Conspiracy' (1798). I shall pass you on to a quote from the Foreword of the above referenced Mrs Nesta Webster & her book, 'World Revolution - The Plot Against Civilisation' (1921) & leave it up to the reader to make up their own mind as to what they believe was the cause of….. THE GREAT WAR 'The present writer believes that hitherto no book has been written on precisely these lines; many valuable works have been devoted to secret societies, others to the surface history of world revolution, but none so far has traced the connection between the two in the form of a continuous narrative. The object of this book therefore is to describe not only the evolution of Socialist & Anarchist ideas & their effects in succeeding revolutionary outbreaks, but at the same time to follow the workings of that occult force, terrible, unchanging, relentless & wholly destructive, that constitutes the greatest menace that has ever confronted the human race.' - https://alor.org/Library/Webster_NH_World_Revolution.pdf Contemporary US propaganda (H. R. Hopps 1917) Other usages of the term 'Great' in history; Magna Grecia - Greater Greece Alexander The Great Cyrus the Great (Persia) Great Britain Catherine The Great - Russia Frederick II The Great - Prussia Genghis Khan 'Great Khan' - Mongolia Ramesses II 'The Great' - Egypt The 'Great' Pretender - The Platters Czar 'Peter The Great' - Russia Charlemagne 'Charles The Great' - France The Great Depression - US (1929-) — — — — — —
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