'Semite [sem-ahyt or, esp. British, see-mahyt] noun 1. a member of any of various ancient & modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, & Arabs. 2. a Jew. 3. a member of any of the peoples descended from Shem, the eldest son of Noah. Origin of Semite 1870–75;' - www.dictionary.com From the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961) who places the origin of the word further back in time we read; 'SEMITIC LANGUAGES. The "Semitic" languages, so named in 1781 by A. L. Schlözer because most of the people who spoke them were descended from Shem or Sem (Gen. x-xi), were spoken in Arabia, Mesopotamia, Syria & Palestine, from which they spread, beginning with the 1st millennium B.C., into Ethiopia & later into Egypt & Northern Africa.' …….As with the dictionary.com entry, a tad cavalier in their historical speculations but never mind for now. I had to use the above entry 'Semitic Languages' because the EB -1961 doesn't have an entry for Semite. There is a small reference to it in The New Jewish Encyclopaedia (1962) however; 'SEMITES A term derived from Shem, the son of Noah. Since the middle of the 18th century this term has been used as a designation for those people who speak the "Semitic languages." Scientifically the word Semite is strictly a technical term for the Semitic family of languages & has no racial implication. The term "Anti-Semitism" implies opposition to all Semitic races, but in it's popular usage it signifies only hatred of the Jewish people, & was created in the 19th century as a term for this phenomenon….' The above A. L. Schlözern who kindly slapped the term; Semite, upon the Arabs was a university professor & son of a CLERGYMAN from what is now Southern GERMANY during the time of the Enlightenment/French Revolution & Bavarian Illuminati, he was a disciple of the English 'Liberal' John Locke, himself a member of the Royal Society & presumed Freemason; - http://www.sirbacon.org/Mather_Walker/mwLeland.html. The following article written by a professor at Hampshire College, England reflects the consensus that most Jews are in fact Caucasians from the region of Eastern Europe; https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/leaked-report-israel-acknowledges-jews-in-fact-khazars-secret-plan-for-reverse-migration-to-ukraine/ Whilst reading such articles however, one must remember that most if not all media outlets originating from Israel are organs aimed at the destruction of the Jewish Faith. That said, for most Jews, ethnicity or demographics isn't a major issue in any event. Typical of the rhetoric we find today regarding the term anti-semitism is this found in the Middle East Quarterly (Volume 5 MARCH 01, 1998) entitled; 'Muslim Anti-Semitism'; 'European anti-Semitism, in both its theological & racist versions, was essentially alien to Islamic traditions, culture, & modes of thought. But to an astonishing degree, the ideas, the literature, even the crudest inventions of the Nazis & their predecessors have been internalized & Islamized. The major themes—poisoning the wells, the invented Talmud quotations, ritual murder, the hatred of mankind, the Masonic & other conspiracy theories, taking over the world—remain; but with an Islamic, even a Qur'anic twist.' (Bernard Lewis) To summarise the above then; 1. The phrase 'anti-semitism' was coined by a German steeped in the traditions of the Knights Templar at a time when the Bavarian Illuminati were just about to launch the French Revolution & had already massively affected the American, when Zionism was rearing it's head in Europe etc etc.. 2. The Semitic family covers an area of Arab ethnicities from Persia to Morocco. 3. Semite 'is strictly a technical term for the Semitic family of languages & has no racial implication' according to the Jews who wrote the New Jewish Encyclopaedia in 1962. 4. It's supposed only to refer to Jews nowadays & by extension the State of Israel & to be anti-semitic is now regarded as a form of racism. 5. Todays Jews are mainly 8th/9th Cen converts originating from Eastern Europe & have been known since the Middle Ages as 'Ashke-nazi's', believe it or not. 6. To be anti-semitic is a criminal offence in many countries including Israel; 'JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Mahmoud Abbas of anti-Semitism & Holocaust denial on Wednesday after the Palestinian leader suggested in a speech that historic persecution of European Jews had been caused by their conduct. “I call upon the international community to condemn the grave anti-Semitism of Abu Mazen (Abbas), which should have long since passed from this world.”…..In Jerusalem, U.N. Middle East envoy Nickolay Mladenov called Abbas’ comments “deeply disturbing”. “Leaders have an obligation to confront anti-Semitism everywhere & always, not perpetuate the conspiracy theories that fuel it,” he said.' (See; https://www.timesofisrael.com/britain-to-adopt-expanded-definition-of-anti-semitism-to-fight-hate-crime/) Left; Arabs demanding the UK government do something about their plight, presumably. Ive stated on numerous other blogs that anti-semitism is now prosecutable under the broad heading of 'Hate Crime', & that 'Nazi' is an ancient Jewish word denoting, 'Prince', 'Chief Rabbi' & is a derivation of 'Nazir', 'Nazirite', 'Nasi' etc. Imagine the ludicrous scenario's occurring within court rooms around the globe over this thing, there could & most likely is cases happening where (using their own definitions) a Semite is being prosecuted for anti-Semitism, for the crime of calling a Caucasian Nazi a Nazi, supposedly because the word 'Nazi' brings distress on a Jew if it's used derogatively, due to the fact that the Jews were persecuted terribly by the Germans (who came up with the word Semitism) nearly a century ago, who by the way would have had no idea what anyone was talking about because 'Nazi' was a term slapped on members of the 3rd Reich AFTER WW2 by the Allies, members of The National Socialist German Workers Party,never referred to themselves as Nazi's, never. Other Germans have done however; 'Henry Jones & William Renau submitted a draft constitution & ritual for initiation on 21 October 1843. The original name was Independent Order of B'nai B'rith. The president was called the Grand Nasi Abh…. There were twelve founders all in their twenties or early thirties. All had been born in Germany, & had come to New York in the late 1820's or 1830's. All lived on the lower East Side, where most of them, at the time, were petty shopkeepers. The majority had not known one another in Germany, & only a few were acquainted before 1843. "Those few included Henry Jones, Isaac Rosenbourg, William Renau, & Reuben Rodacher. They met, apparently, because they were members of the Free Masons or Odd Fellows, as well as several secret benevolent societies." - http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/texts/bnaibrith.html Apart from turning the world into a police-state, the idea is of course to bring heaps of blame down on the Jews, but it's also designed to confuse the meaning of words for the purposes of inducing cognitive dissonance; 'Cognitive Dissonance: psychological conflict resulting from incongruous [incompatible] beliefs & attitudes held simultaneously' - merriam-webster.com - - - - - - - - Incidentally; 'SHEMITIC One of the three historical divisions of religion—the other two being the Turanian & the Aryan—& embraces Mosaism, Christianity, the Eddaic Code, & Moslemism…The 0ld Charges (Masonic MS, Old Constitutions, etc., they also were called) which served as a charter for the first permanent Lodges of the Freemasons were held in great reverence; in them was this story of Noah & the pillars, & it is from this source, it is reasonable to believe, that pillar & column symbolism came to be used in Speculative Masonry; & since the use of the Arts & Sciences traced directly back to Noah's sons who recovered their use after the Deluge, practitioners of them were sometimes called "Sons of Noah". - Mackey's Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry (1873). The 21st (7 7 7) Degree of the Ancient & Accepted Rite of Scottish Freemasonry is the (you guessed it); …...'SONS OF NOAH'. 'This special mystical knowledge allows us to discover an esoteric divine nature within each of us that is obscured by ignorance & false teaching about God & Jesus. Furthermore, the Gnostics believe this knowledge is not in the possession of the masses, but only to the Gnostics (the Knowers) who truly understand its benefits & how to attain it.' - https://www.searchingthescriptures.net/main_pages/articles/gnosticism_jesus.htm Noah/Knower....it's the same word pronounced but spelt differently. Moreover; 'A further distinction accorded to Shem was the mention of his name in connection with God's in the blessing of Noah. "Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem," he said, though as a rule the name of God is not joined to the name of a living person, only to the name of one who has departed this life. The relation of Shem to Japheth was expressed in the blessing their father pronounced upon them: God will grant a land of beauty to Japheth, & his sons will be proselytes dwelling in the academies of Shem. At the same time Noah conveyed by his words that the Shekinah would dwell only in the first Temple, erected by Solomon, a son of Shem' - 'The Legends of the Jews' By Louis Ginzberg (1909). Would you credit it? & for good measure; 'We could find little verifiable information about the true origins of the Merovingians. They themselves claimed descent from Noah, whom they regarded, even more than Moses, as the source of all Biblical wisdom - an interesting position, which surfaced again a thousand years later in European Freemasonry.' - Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln 'Holy Blood Holy Grail' The Merovingians were the ones who placed themselves on the Throne of Jerusalem during the Crusades, & through his mother Diana, Prince William is descended from the Merovingians via Diana's House of Stuart lineage …..or so we're told. See also; http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/rebuild_temple03.html http://www.larouchepub.com/pr/2001/mideast_sr_pr_010111.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36163003/why-people-are-talking-about-anti-semitism-and-anti-zionism-and-what-they-mean
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