I recently gave away my Dave McGowan book; 'Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon', tracing the story of the connection between the Military & the Hippy Movement of 1960's America & beyond, so can't rightly remember the exact details after having read it some 2yrs ago, neither can I find his excellent blogs on the internet anymore, thus any contradiction or regurgitation of Dave's work here will be down to inadvertence because many of its themes are the basis of the following. I would highly recommend McGowans book(s) to anyone with an interest in the music scene, especially of the Rock & Pop genre, as it's a fresh but fascinating insight into easily the most romantic period of recent times. I did a Rock 'N' Roll blog a few years back, alluding to the Voodoo/Witchcraft & Magical (Hermetic) aspects of the music & how it seemed to me to be connected with the mortality rates of those glamorous stars who charmed the pants off so many of us & who still are a generation or two down the line. This time I'd like to explore the area a little further & see if I can sketch a hypothesis as to why modern music, initially known as rock 'n' roll took the curious course it did. As is the case with most generations of modern living, a new scene in music or fashion will seem repulsive to the elders whilst appearing fascinating to the young & sometimes if not usually, be the crux of the rebellious streak we're so prone to now during those formative years. Music especially played this role in the 20th Cen when rock music began in the early 1940's America, & whilst new genres in drama or fashion were at worst tolerated by parents, it's no exaggeration to say, rock music was abhorred & labelled the; 'Devils Music' etc. by many. Why? The genre of rock evolved from the many traditional styles of Americas black musicians, especially Rhythm & Blues. Interestingly, & despite its perceived origins in the pits of hell, the first ever rock n roll record, according to a fair few leading bods in the industry is actually a Christian song sang by a woman, this was; 'Strange Things Happening Every Day' ironically enough by Sister Rosetta Tharpe recorded in 1944..... & yes that's her extraordinary guitar playing (& voice). Not until a full 10yrs later did Bill Haley record Rock Around The Clock, & launch rock n roll as the tour de force it would become, but not without lots of less-than-spontaneous additional backing, or perhaps planning would be a better term......
If the Hippy Movement of the 1960's had its origins in Communism, then surely rock itself had to have come from there. It emerged at the height of McCarthyism, when socialist scriptwriters in Hollywood began writing communist themes into their scripts (alienation, deconstruction of the male, social integration etc.). One such instance was the; 'Blackboard Jungle' of 1955, the feature song of which was 'Rock Around The Clock' by Bill Haley. The record labels most associated, & sometimes given credit for starting the rock industry; Atlantic, Chess & Sun were formed in 1947, 1950 & 1952 respectively, & despite black artists having developed the style long since, rock is foremost associated with white artists, including the Sun Records cadre of Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison & Elvis Presley. However, whilst not of the same stable the others, Rock Around The Clock (Decca Records) was recorded at this venue; 'The Pythian Temple is a historic Knights of Pythias building at 135 West 70th Street between Columbus Avenue & Broadway in the Lincoln Square neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City, in the U.S. state of New York. It was built in 1927 to serve as a meeting place for the 120 Pythian lodges of New York City.' - Wikipedia. We've made various videos & blogs regarding the contrived 'Racial Strife Plot', beginning in earnest in America post WWII & now spreading to the whole globe (Taking The Knee crap etc.), yet the Civil Rights Movement could not have taken off the way it did were it not for another repulsive contrivance.... the Television. The same for rock n roll, the reason they took off as they did was because of the magical images now being broadcast through the box of tubes sat in the corner of the living room. As was the case in motion pictures, actors were typecast according to their looks, certain features would suit certain themes, for example, apart from actually being hilarious, Laurel & Hardy looked the part & of course they played up to it. The earliest white exponents of rock n roll (Haley, Carl Perkins) fused Rythm & Blues of the black music with Country music to form Rockabilly, the fashion or style of which became the iconic quiffed hair, Teddy Boy look of the 50's & 60's. This in itself would seem harmless enough, were it not for the sexual exaggerations of its exponents wrything in performance & the risque nature of the lyrics. 'In his book Discourses on Livy, Machiavelli noted that those who have held power over a population have long realized that a population united is always stronger than those who rule over it, & thus stretching back into ancient times rulers have sought to “divide the many, & weaken the force which was strong while it was united” (Machiavelli) through the use of “those methods which promote division” (Machiavelli) By dividing a population along lines such as race, class, religion, gender, or political preference, or in other words into groups naturally prone to clash, the effects of group psychology render rational discourse & debate between individuals in these separate groups extremely unlikely. “Each group…considers its own standards ultimate & indisputable, & tends to dismiss all contrary or different standards as indefensible.” (Crystallizing Public Opinion, Edward Bernays)' - https://academyofideas.com/2017/07/edward-bernays-group-psychology-manipulating-the-masses/ As Confucious once said; 'As goes the family, so goes the nation'. Enter the hype of Communist Marlon Brando, James Dean et al, & you have a ready recipe for an all-out assault on the nations consciousness. If this weren't enough, the US Intelligence Services had begun an all-out war on the nations populace to boot, officially beginning post WWII by some strange coincidence. There were others before it (& after), but the most motorious of the C.I.A.'s Mind Control programmes was MK ULTRA. We've always traced the source of the avengers of Hiram Abiff to London, England & yet again the Brits were in the thick of it. One of the most henious practioners of mind control in America was Scot; Ewan Cameron, he'd conducted barbaric experiments on German P.O.W.'s during & post WWII, in accordance with the Allies policy towards them, although the Germans have been slanderously given the epithet of being the instigators of this barbaric practice....but it is simply not true, the British, French were doing it for centuries & the Russians were carrying out unspeakable practices on millions of their own Comrades way before 1939, the Germans were merely to be the scapegoat, as they were for nearly everything about WWII & I. As we all know by now, the substance most associated with MK UlTRA (begun 1953) was LSD, the excuse for the experiments on everyone with the drug was that the Communists were using it on their people so it made sense to do the same so as not to be left behind as it were. Post WWII was also when the Mafia moved into drugs on a huge scale as fate would have it, though Hollywood did its utmost to hide this fact until after the MK Ultra Hearings of 1975 probably made it impossible to do so anymore. In any event, all the aforementioned events converged to create the Western Man we see before us. Generally speaking of course, people born after 1950, have began to suffer from a relatively unheard of neurosis called; 'Narcissism', from the 1960's on, cases of egotism began to soar, leading to what sociologists eventually termed; 'The Selfish Gene', after having spent some time creating, er sorry, studying it I'd imagine. In eager anticipation, I recently watched a video of James Brown, Michael Jackson & Prince on the same stage, the thing was a horror show of egomania, none of them sang with another & one is actually left feeling sorry for Prince, after initially struggling with a faulty guitar, being abandoned to his fate by Jackson & Brown & obviously distressed, he at least tried to continue some sort of a (freak) show culminating in an exasperated exit seeing him fall offstage. I don't think such a performance was possible pre-Chubby Checker, or even Mick Jagger.
It seems increasingly likely, most if not all of the most successful rock-acts have been & are under the aegis of occult forces, occult meaning the 'Secret' (Occultic) Societies. Dave McGowan traced the early lives of the movers & shakers of the Hippy Movement for the most part to the military. Bill Haley & Elvis certainly can be placed right at the front door of the Lodge, whether they entered the Adytum I cannot say, we only know Elvis wore an Ankh (Rose) Cross & was a devout follower of Manly Hall, Haley we know about, Johnny Cash was a Shriner, Orbison looked the part as did Jerry Lee however.....what's the point? Induction/initiation into these ancient schools is a brainwashing/mind control process, involving the loss of the original personality, the military is ran along the same lines & that includes the police force. Elvis' gyrations must have both shocked & bewildered conservative America, as it did Elvis' schoolmates, as you can tell from the above interview with them. The same story is told of guitarist Robert Johnson, legendary blues player who, although a fair to medium player before leaving town, returned a few months later a world-beater on the instrument, Bob Dylan & many others have the same tale to tell incidentally. However, if by; 'Sold their souls to the Devil', they mean they joined the Masonic Lodge, then it would certainly make more sense, as everyone knows, if you do, & you keep up your end of the bargain, then life (in a material sense) will improve ten-fold, furthermore, being the force behind witchcraft, Satanism etc. & depending on how high one climbs up the ladder of initiation, your occult powers will increase immensely. Another facet of the Communists plot to take down the west is of course the destruction of religion. Despite Elvis & Little Richard preaching their devotion to Jesus, I doubt there's many who'd take them seriously on the matter. Their early day antics did as much to turn away millions of teens from Christianity & Judaism than anything else I can think of, Western Europeans began emulating these Americans in their droves & there's many an Irish/English/Scotsman that still sports an Elvis hairdo, not so much the Jumpsuit though. Weirdly, the Pompadour hairdo was always a womens fashion item prior to Elvis.....whatever next, men wearing long hair? In the event, yes; 'The Beatles display a few mannerisms which almost seem a shade on the feminine side, such as the tossing of their long manes of hair...' - https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1986-12-14-8604030230-story.html Suddenly the Androgene was in, thanks to Elvis & The Beatles, who, like Elvis spent 2yrs or so in what was recently the British quarter of occupied Germany. There were still military bases everywhere after we'd declared the Cold War on the Communists, who we also created incidentally. Meanwhile the Civil Rights Movement in America had found a new voice in the unlikely figure of Bob Dylan, 'The times, they are a-changing' writer Dylan incidentally was trained by Communists; http://socialismtoday.org/archive/144/dylan.html His songs inspired black musicians to sing about their plight, including Sam Cooke, one of the few male black artists of the period NOT to sport the unisex Pompadour, unlike Chuck Berry, Jackie Wilson, Nat King Cole, Little Richard etc. But as they are now, the black people were unwittingly being sleepwalked into grasp of Communism; https://www.socialist.net/malcolm-x-you-show-me-a-capitalist-i-ll-show-you-a-bloodsucker.htm I saw Joan Baez (pictured) in Spain last year, she's still papping on about social justice & the working classes. Incidentally, Dylan got the idea of painting his face from a story set on Rue Du (Knights) Temple in Paris; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_of_Paradise Then JFK (63), Sam Cooke (64) & Malcolm X (65) were murdered, possibly the only three men in a position to actually help the black population in a constructive manner. Mysteriously, three trailblazers of the music industry had recently been killed in transportation accidents, Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valence & Eddie Cochrane, actually many more legends had died this way including the Big Bopper, Jim Reeves & Patsy Cline. People die I know, but the record (no pun intended) of rock stars prematurely expiring from 1959-85 is seriously out of sync with any other profession, take the obviously dangerous sport of boxing for example from the same period, there's only one or two I can think of who's a household name, whereas it's a multitude with rock. In any event, this period saw the transition from Bubblegum to a more serious/politically orientated music, unsurprisingly perhaps. I've heard Alan Watt & John Coleman say The Beatles were trained by the Tavistock Institute in England, maybe they were...what they don't do is give us any documentation as evidence or at least I've never seen any as yet. What we do know is they spent their soujurn as a recording outfit (1962-70) at the British Governments propaganda arm, the BBC. What we also know is teenage girls would go berserk at their concerts, unlike anything ever seen, whether this had something to do with new methods of broadcasting I can't say, what is certain is teenagers had found a medium through which they coud express their inner emotions, be it through (what would appear to their elders as) animalistic dancing or listening, playing along perhaps forming groups themselves. In America, blacks found a new voice in Soul Music, Sam Cooke helped create what would become an industry still extant today, although I'm not certain he'd appreciate too much the direction it took. Be that as it may, it was black music to be proud of & it lasted the test of time becoming Disco in the 70's. However, if our hypothesis is correct, & these things are contrived & micro-managed, it would go somewhere towrds explaining the direction music in general took. Dave McGowan shows how the Hippy Bands stemmed essentially from miltary sources. Despite creating beautiful music admittedly, they are almost as much remembered for their Protest Songs & political agitation, primarily against the Vietnam War or in the case of the black artists, the Civil Rights Movement. Both were inextricably tied to Communism, the war in Vietnam was portrayed as Capitalism v Communism (many were recruited this way) & the blacks were being shown by its leaders that Communism was the answer, if somewhat subliminally, however that was the intention, & music was a major vehicle in conveying the message. The huge festivals, pronouncing 'Free Love', 'Peace' sprang up everywhere & youngsters flocked to San Francisco on the western seaboard of America to resettle into Hippy 'Communes', as the New Agers & socialists had been preaching people should do for decades. Then another spate of mysterious deaths occurred, The Beatles manager Brian Epstein & the Rolling Stones founder Brian Jones never made it out of the 60's, worse still, the American rock scene lost its three leading lights, black musical pioneer Jimi Hendrix, white Soul-Lady Janis Joplin & notorious intellectual rebel Jim Morrison were all found dead between Sept 1970 - July 1971, all were 27. Whatever hope the Swinging 60's gave was well & truly dead. It must have become fashionable for rock stars to die young because so many did, as the joy of the 50's & 60's gave way to a gloomy pessimism, if the thoughts of Socialist John Lennon is anything to go by, & one has to feel for those who witnessed the optimism of those years only to see it go up in smoke. Nevertheless, it seems as if it was supposed to go out in this way, in order for the next stage to develop, as is the pattern in the Magnum Opus. We've noted the personality disorders of many of these stars before, & the fashions in the music scene that proceeded the 60's were showy at the very least, Qabbalists like David Bowie & Marc Bolan were glamourising ostentation & of course the young followed the pied pipers, the Disco of the blacks were no different, they courted ostentation for all it was worth only for Punk to come along & sink the lot. What followed was what I would call the end of the line for the glory years of rock with the deaths of Lennon & Bob Marley in 1980/81. No one can honestly say they'd expect another outburst of creativity from the young as we saw then to happen anytime soon, if ever, so hats off to those who entertained us so well, you did a grand job. What followed music-wise doesn't equate to much if the truth be told, yes there were some good acts as there are now, but the few & far between reflected the negative Reagan/Thatcher/Gorbachev era of uncertainty & degeneration. Millions were on the dole in the UK & this was expressed in song through great bands like The Smiths & the Style Council, then around the mid-1980's, a trio of Brits, Stock Aitken & Waterman unleashed a spate of horse-piss......somehow, previously respectable artists such as Phil Collins as well as a troupe of unheard of's were singing their instantly recognisable rot, prompting legendary US comedian Bill Hicks to quote, 'Anyone know what's happened to music?' Yes Bill, someone had released a virus on the world of pop/rock. {A word about the 1985 & 2008 charity concerts Live Aid/8. Organised by Bob Geldof & Midge Ure (of Ultravox). The passionate rants of Geldof helped raise 100's of millions for charities in Africa. According to Bill Cooper, 'We've never helped anyone in Africa because they're black'. Geldof's persistent badgering to his genocidal butcher friend Tony Blair resulted in; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commission_for_Africa & Geldof recieved a Knighthood.
However, Geldofs band (The Boomtown Rats) were championed by fellow Irishman Phil Lynott at the beginning of their career, as was Midge Ure who would sometimes play with Lynotts band Thin Lizzy, yet, despite the bandless, though still active Lynotts more than charitable patronage to his friends, he was omitted from the famously sucessful 1985 concert. Many say the project could have saved his life (ironically) as he was to die months later, Lynott was half caste. Michael Hutchence had Aboriginal blood remember. The other two pioneers of Irish rock, Van Morrison & Rory Gallagher never played at Live Aid either, perhaps for fear of having to sing; 'Do They Know It's Christmas'?} Phil Collins is a Freemason, I'd venture also Rick Gastley & Debbie Gibson will be connected to the Lodge but don't quote me on it. So in response (we're led to believe) came the nauseous Britpop of the 90's, featuring angst-ridden Mancunians Oasis, heralded as the saviours of rock. I knew some of their family from growing up in Manchester, & I overheard their Dad calling me a shit fiddle player one night (he was the DJ where we played), so I swear this ain't sour grapes or anything, I probably was at the time but, it's patently obvious to me that the songs of Oasis were mere reconfigurations of T Rex, Beatles, Slade & others classic songs, stuffed with braindead lyrics.
My favourite band of the era, performing above at Glastonbury in 2004 were Supergrass, they were asked by Steven Spielberg if they'd come to Hollywood & be part of a Monkee-esque TV show featuring the group.....they turned him down. Needless to say, airplay of Supergrass still remains sparse to this day compared to the deluge of Phil Collins & Oasis one's subjected to even now. However I must say, it says something for Mr Spielberg's taste in music. Why is all this happening though? In Communism, all social institutions are to be destroyed, that includes culture. In Alchemy, everything has to be; 'Reduced to its essence', so that the inner spirit may be united with the other 6 Arts & Sciences & be LIBERATED. http://www.themasonictrowel.com/Articles/degrees/degree_2nd_files/the_seven_liberal_arts_and_sciences_gl_tx.htm The 7 ancient 'Liberal' Arts & Sciences are; GRAMMAR, LOGIC, RHETORIC, GEOMETRY, ARITHMETIC, MUSIC, ASTRONOMY. Music is a 'Soul' art form, perhaps the most potent of all. The 7 Liberal Arts & Sciences also correspond to the 7 Seals of Revelation, thus they are to be 'Reduced to putrefaction' (Manly Hall) before they are opened & their spirits released. When I did my first Blog on music, I couldn't answer Bill Hicks question in full, however, after studying Alchemy for a few years I'm now in a position to. Why did Classical musicians stop producing masterpieces post WWII? The Punk scene was contrived (in London) mid-70's again, supposedly a spontaneous retaliation (as was rock music initially) by the young to the perceived crap of Disco & Glam Rock, most of which incidentally I thought was brilliant at the time & still do a bit. As a child, I also listened on a regular basis to the burgeoning Heavy Metal scene (the 7 Arts/Sciences are known as the 'Metals'), courtesy of my eldest brother Jimmy; 'The religious impulse in early Heavy Metal music is fundamentally Gnostic. An ancient religious tradition emphasising the rule of evil & the remoteness of salvation, Gnosticism was integrated into hard rock music in the late 1960s. Early Heavy Metal musicians encountered Gnosticism as it had been absorbed into popular fiction & film, including especially the works of Dennis Wheatley & J.R.R. Tolkien. Prominent in giving Gnosticism musical form was the band Black Sabbath, whose first three albums in 1970 & 1971 pioneered the patterns of musical practice that would become the conventions of the genre.' - https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14755610.2016.1216457?journalCode=rcar20 So as you can see, I'm not imagining some of it at least. Dennis Wheatley was an associate of Aleister Crowley, & we all know about the Master Therion's (Crowley) continuing status among rock stars. Anything creative the black (& white) people did musically was taken from them & transposed, especially in London, take Reggae for example, though not the most offensive of offshoots by any means, the English Two Tone genre was I believe where the later drug saturated dance scene signatures of Bass, Dub etc. were refined, a million miles from Bob Marley & his acoustic. Yet it was so, the Dance scene coincided exactly with Stock Aitken & Waterman's assault on the collective psyche, in fact, it seems likely they were, if not wholly behind it, they were in amongst it from the offing; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stock_Aitken_Waterman Now where are we? What's coming out of the younger generation? We were labelled Generation X, whilst they've been tagged with; 'The Coronavirus Generation'; https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-generation-why-young-peoples-lives-may-never-be-the-same-12004172 Their mouths have been gagged, even The Specials couldn't have seen this coming, Mozart preempted it though. In his 'Masonic' opera the Magic Flute, there's a character called Papageno, who's uselessness & constant boasting prompts his betters to place a padlock over his mouth for his & everyone elses own good, Manly Hall equates Papageno with the general public. I placed an image at the start of this blog of a film concerning the CIA's 'War On Activists & Musicians', I liked the image so it's left there but I don't agree with the writers on their hypothesis. I think the CIA or in Britain MI5/6 created most of the successful musicians & activists & the bulk of the drugs to boot, they have a history of it at any rate; https://store.larouchepub.com/product-p/eirbk-2010-1-0-0-std.htm As I keep reiterating, Dave McGowan traced most of the famous names of the Hippy Generation to the military, presumably where they underwent some form of training or conditioning, like say Charles Manson is supposed to have done; https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/jul/07/chaos-charles-manson-cia-secret-history-sixties-tom-oneill-dan-piepenbring-review However, I've been reproached by some of the legion of Alan Watts fanbase for suggesting Watts was a member of the secret services (British Intelligence), inasmuch as Timothy Leary was CIA. Both Watts & Leary were involved in MK-ULTRA's LSD experiments at an early stage, both were at the inauguration of the Summer Of Love at the polofield in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco in Jan 1967. https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP88-01350R000200160001-6.pdf Is it any wonder the Church Of Satan was created (by the military) only a mile away some eight months before? I don't think so, a few days before that auspicious event John Lennon said; 'Christianity will go,“It will vanish & shrink. I needn’t argue about that; I know I’m right & I will be proved right.' The Beatles released Sgt Pepper in May 1967, among the people cited as heroes of the band on the front cover of the album listed; George Bernard Shaw, Carl Jung, Karl Marx & Aleister Crowley. Later that year (the Summer Of Love) the Rolling Stones released; Their Satanic Majesties Request. Lennon was affiliated to the Church of Satan by his friendship with High Priestess of the cult Jane Mansfield; http://inmywrite.blogspot.com/2013/04/jayne-mansfield-with-beatles.html Elvis was into the Occult; https://www.altpress.com/features/musicians-who-practice-witchcraft/ & I reckon we can add Lennon to the list seeing as he was married to one; As ever, it's not our intention to slander anyones religious practices, it's just a case of having to list these things to present a picture of what was & is behind the music industry of the last 70-odd yrs, & that is the force behind Communism, the Pagan Mystery Schools, & the goal of these schools is the creation of the philosophers stone; '...for in Freemasonry the rough ashlar, or unhewn stone, is the symbol of man's evil & corrupt condition; while the perfect ashlar, or the hewn stone, is the symbol of his improved & perfected nature.' - Mackey's Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry (1873) Or in this case, ROCK. Many of the doctrines of Freemasonry are based on Hinduism, 'Circumambulation' for example, the ritual Alan Watts performed at the beginning of the Summer Of Love in 1967. If the CIA were developing drugs & conducting experiments on the population ostensibly to protect its own people from an attack by the Communists, then of course the CIA were Capitalists, in the eyes of the world, as were British Intelligence, Capitalism killed all those great socialist musicians & activists. Author Alex Constantine released a book in 2000 along the same lines as the above film by John Potash; 'The Covert War Against Rock', basically citing the US & UK secret services in the role of criminal/murderer. He's right of course, Constantine's Blog however, states; “The Constantine Report,” is a compendium of articles on the history of fascism with more than 7.400 entries. Fascism, he writes, is “unbridled corporatism” – & “intrinsically conspiratorial” – so his website is a detailed secret history of corporate influence on world politics since the rise of Mussolini & Hitler.' Revealing himself to be a Communist. Songs are what's called in psychology Archetypal, meaning from the original source as it were, music can strike a chord in ourselves that takes us to other worlds, usually to the blissful land of childhood. The aim of Alchemy is to reduce everything to Archetype, to it's original source, which they believe was a Golden Age before man's Fall & ejection from the Garden, all allegorical but they do believe we've lost (Word) what it was we originally had because of calamities such as the despotism of the Catholic Church, industrialisation (e.g. science) etc.. etc.. That's what those great outdoor festivals were & are still (up until 2019) about, getting; 'back to the garden', only instead of being mesmerised by a jam from Jimi Hendrix' new band, youngsters are now programmed somehow to enjoy an evening of Flatboy Simcard & The Apocalyptics; How could it have come to this? - - - - - - - - - Epiblog There was something groovy about the late 60's it must be said, I still love the music from that period in time, thinking about it now makes it seem even more romantic than it did before Corona (I was born in 1970). As I noted in my other rock blog, it seems to me many of the legends of the era had second thoughts over their previously wild antics & tried to convey their concerns to the rest of us, especially after the Manson murders (left; said to be Manson Family member Susan Atkins in coffin at the Church Of Satan). No doubt their testimonies later in life are always honest reflections of their pasts, nonetheless, I'm certain they weren't aware of the potencies they were involved in until it was too late. I certainly wasn't, & I know during my soujourn in a Celtic Rock band (from the age of 18-26), we were encouraged by our peers to behave somewhat degenerately, excessively, irresponsibly etc... I was a lightweight though, I drank the most in the band but didn't even like drink come to think of it, I still don't but still drink?? (every now & then) Because of my early excursions INXS I ended up on an island off France pesumably for the rest of my days. I look back & feel furious at my elders for not teaching me the pitfalls involved with such excursions, but like everyone else, they hadn't a clue of the powers surrounding them & still don't. Why is Crowley so revered by musicians? He dealt with MAGICK, as do they. Music removes the drudgery of the day, it sooths, it transports us to other realms ....of fantasy of course, or Illusion, as the Mysteries put it, & that has to go in the New World ORDER. 'Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, & charm & gaiety to life & to everything' - Plato It used to anyway.
11/19/2020 02:40:45 am
Did you hear about the owl at the Rockerfeller centre?
Just read it, it's symbolic of something if it's contrived obviously. Alls I know is the owl is Isis (in the Crata Rapoa) & the Christmas tree is an Obelisk, what connotations can be made of that I'm not sure other than the Obelisk stood for the phallus of Osiris, Isis also hovered over the corpse of Osiris as a bird to be inpregnated with Horus (by magic/miracle) & so on......then again it might be a story of a bird found in a tree?
Steve steve
11/24/2020 08:56:10 am
I just thought it would give you a wry smile.
6/12/2021 07:05:34 pm
Van Morrison and Eric Clapton. Not sure if Eric had the jab before or after their song... but I smell at least one rat, probably two
9/10/2023 08:14:15 pm
Here's a link to Daves blog. His daughter keeps it up and running still. Dave was a genuine researcher.
12/16/2023 11:07:25 am
Hello Vinny,
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