![]() 'It was July 3rd, scarcely a month since the Lusitania had been sunk off the coast of Ireland. The sun had barely risen when a small motorboat with ten passengers left the recreation pier near West 50th Street & drifted down the Hudson River. [Aleister] Crowley manned the prow, accompanied by Leila, editor J. Dorr, & political agitator Patrick Gilley. Their plan was simple: sail to the Statue Of Liberty & proclaim the Independence of the Irish Republic. Crowley determined the most auspicious time to be 4:32 a.m....... Then at the appointed time, Crowley began: I have not asked an audience to listen to these words: I had rather address them to the unconquerable dream that surrounds the world, & to free the four winds of heaven. Facing the sunrise, I lift up my hands & my soul herewith to this giant figure of liberty, the ethical counterpart of the Light, Life, & Love which are our spiritual heritage. In this symbolism & most awful act of religion I invoke the one true God of whom the Sun itself is but a shadow that he may strengthen me in heart & hand to uphold that freedom for the land of my sires, which I am come hither to proclaim. In this dark moment, before the father orb of our system kindles with his kiss of the sea, I swear the great oath of the Revolution. I tear with my hands this token of slavery, this safe conduct from the enslaver of my people, & I renounce all allegiance to every alien tyrant. I swear to fight till the last drop of my blood to liberate the men & women of Ireland, & I call upon the free people of this country, on whose hospitable shores I stand as exile, to give me countenance & assistance in my task of breaking those bonds which they broke themselves 138 years ago. Crowley lifted a roll & fabric & declared, "I unfurl the Irish flag. I proclaim the Irish Republic. Erin go Bragh. God save Ireland." As he tossed the shreds of his passport into the bay & read the Declaration of Independence of Ireland, a flag with a gold harp on a green field flapped in the wind of the prow mast. They concluded with Leila playing "The Wearing of the Green." In his diary, Crowley noted that he had first been inspired to do this demonstration on July 3, when he went to "work at 6 as inspired & vigorous as possible, & never stopped until 4:32 a.m. of the next day I had publicly proclaimed the Irish Republic. Never in history (I imagine) has a political movement of the first importance been conceived, prepared, & executed at such short space."....... The bait cast, Crowley tried to snare a job with The Open Coat, a monistic Chicago periodical.....Crowley's motives for these pro-German writings have long been contested. While critics suggest Crowley was an unprincipled opportunist who sold out his country for a pay check, his friends believed the explanation Crowley gave: he was working with the knowledge of the British Government to infiltrate Viereck's [editor of the 'Fatherland'') circle & publish propaganda so ridiculous as to destroy German credibility, & to help bring the United States into the war. This was done with the help of John O'Hara Cosgrave (1864 -1947), editor of the New York World's Sunday Magazine (which had recently published two articles about Crowley by Harry Kemp * Henry Hall). Cosgrave allegedly introduced Crowley to the U.S. Department of Justice. Indeed, when the United States terminated diplomatic ties with Germany just prior to entering the fray, Crowley noted in his diary for February 2, 1917, "My 21/4 years' work crowned with success; U.S.A. breaks off relations with Germany." This is significant as some have argued that Crowley invented his secret-agent story years later in order to return to England without being arrested. Indeed, this diary entry shows that counterespionage was his intent all along.' (Excerpt taken from pg's 284/291/2 in Richard Kaczynki's; 'Perdurabo The Life of Aleister Crowley') Eight months & twenty one days after MI5 & 6, British Intelligence Operative Aleister Crowley had already done so at the feet of the giant Statue Of Lucifer, Pádraig Pearse read the Proclamation of the Irish Republic from the steps of the General Post Office in Dublin, to begin the Easter Rising of 1916. What happened 138yrs previous to 1915 it doesn't say, the year 1777 however incorporates the magical formula 777 & it was the year after the Bavarian Illuminati & the US Republic came into being so I'm guessing it has something to do with Ireland breaking its ties with the Catholic Church. Numerology is everything to these people, so can it be coincidence that Ireland achieved it's independence in 1922?? 1 + 9 + 2 + 2 = 14 ....the old 7/7, the formula for the resurrection of Osiris/Lucifer. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Qabalistic-Writings-Aleister-Including-Sephiroth/dp/0877286701/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1515174473&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=777+and+the+cabalistic+writings+Aleister+crowley 'Secret Agent Aleister Crowley' Download File My contention here is that the Irish 'Revolution' between 1916 -1922 was organised by & firmly in the control of the secret societies, who, as we know were & are headquartered in London. The Irish Republican Brotherhood that brought this about were reformed in London at meetings presided over by none other than Karl Marx. The Mafia were formed at the exact same time (mid-1860's), in London at meetings presided over by......Karl Marx & this took place in a Masonic Lodge. The Fenians had joined the 'International', a Communist movement devoted to the overturning of all existing social structures including the state & religions. 'The Social Democratic Federation (SDF) was established as Britain's first organised socialist political party by H. M. Hyndman, & had its first meeting on 7 June 1881. Those joining the SDF included William Morris, George Lansbury, James Connolly & Eleanor Marx.' (Wikipedia). Eleanor Marx was Karl Marx' daughter, whilst another leader of Britains Marxist Movement was New Age protagonist & founder of the Eastern Star Annie Beasant. 'A NEW book to be published next month makes the shocking claim that Eamon de Valera, the founding father of the nation, was under the control of the British. The book, provocatively titled 'England's Greatest Spy: Eamon de Valera', suggests that Dev was terrified of being executed after the Rising & was "turned" in exchange for his life. For some years afterwards, the book claims, Dev was under British control.' - http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/de-valera-was-a-british-spy-26576425.html But it does not stop there, de Valera was in New York with Crowley, Trotsky, Manly Hall et al in 1919 before they all left to do their duty as it were. In early 1919, the newly formed Irish 'Dail' (Assembly) announced to the 'free nations of the world' a proclamation of independence; 'The programme declared that 'all right to private property must be subordinated to the public right & welfare' & that citizens were entitled to have 'an adequate share of the produce of the nations labour'. - Tim Pat Coogan. Relevant quotes; 'Later on he publicly declared in favour of the Irish Republican cause, & made a theatrical declaration of "war" on England . . . During his stay in America [Aleister] Crowley was associated with a body known as the"Secret Revolution Committee" which was working for the establishment of an Irish Republic. ' - Nesta Webster (1923) 'Then look at Easter. What means the term Easter itself? It is not a Christian name. It bears it's Chaldean origin on it's very forehead. Easter is nothing more than Astarte, one of the titles of Beltis, the queen of heaven, whose name as pronounced by the people of Nineveh, was evidently identical with that now in common use in this country. That name, as found by Layard on Assyrian monuments, is Ishtar. The worship of Bel & Astarte was very early introduced into Britain, along with the Druids, "the priests of the groves". - Reverend Alexander Hislop (1853) 'I invoke Thee, the Terrible & Invisible God: Who dwellest in the Void Place of the Spirit: - AR-O-GO-GO-RU-ABRAO "Thou spiritual Sun! Satan, Thou Eye, Thou Lust! Cry aloud! Cry aloud! Whirl the Wheel, O my Father, O Satan, O Sun!" - Aleister Crowley (Liber Samekh - 1929) 'Weishaupt's design of enlisting the clergy in the work of world-revolution has been carried out according to plan. Those Catholic priests in Ireland who inflamed popular passions acted as the tools of the international atheist conspiracy & found at last the movement turning against themselves. The Protestant clergymen who profess "Christian Socialism" are playing the same part.' - Nesta Webster (1923) 'Meanwhile, although at this point they only had the arm & torch, the statue was nominally but formally presented to the American ambassador on 4th July 1884, because the cornerstone of the pedestal was to be laid the following day. The presentation was made by Bro Ferdinand de Lesseps now head of the Union's committee who was famous for the building of the Suez [Zeus backwards] Canal some 20 years earlier. Next day, in pouring rain, the impressive ceremony went ahead with full Masonic rites. The massive pediment was built within the old walls of Fort Wood & is in the shape of an 11 pointed star. The foundation alone needed 24,000 tons of concrete, the largest single mass at that time ever poured' - Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire (The Statue of Liberty & Freemasonry) 'On 1 October, Bernstoff told Berlin about [Sir Roger] Casement's proposal. Unknown to the Ambassador, Admiral Hall's NID had intercepted the message. Four days later, Casement sent a manifesto (also intercepted by NID) to his followers in Ireland urging them to make common cause with Germany. In London, Hall & others considered how to nip the danger in the bud. Quinn was one British agent put on Casement's case, Crowley was another. This explains why Crowley arrived in New York as an Irishman, ready to swear his life to Irish freedom.' - Richard Spence 'Secret Agent 666' 'Indeed down to the present day Freemasonry & Orangeism (an offshoot of Masonry, & controlled by it…concerning the Fenian Brotherhood. The attitude of the Holy See has been that all such secret societies are, at least through their leaders or founders, offshoots of Freemasonry' Rev E Cahill 'Freemasonry & The Anti-Christian Movement' (1930). - https://archive.org/details/Docslide.usOcrRevECahillFreemasonryAndTheAntiChristianMovementpdf.pdf
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