'The policy of Grand Orient is avowedly International Socialism........The formula of the "United States Of Europe" & of the "Universal Republic" first proclaimed by the Illuminatus Anacharsis Clootz, has long been the slogan of the French lodges.' Wrote Nesta Webster in 1924. Whilst Webster was sympathetic towards English Freemasonry, she was scathing of French (Grand Orient), which she saw as THE subversive society behind all the havoc in Europe. She was also highly critical of the Jews, which was probably why Churchill was a big fan of hers, unlike the fork-tongued Churchill however, Webster stopped short of blaming them outright. "In 1869 new influences in America & Paris succeeded in reforming the I. R. B. Directorate in London, & the organization became not only a mainspring of revolutionary endeavour in Ireland, but a definite element in the complex machinery of world-revolution." In March 1865, the Fenians joined the amalgamation of subversive Secret Societies under Karl Marx, known as the International Association of Working Men, founded in London on September 28th. "It is, at all events, clear that Marx & the leaders of the I. R. B. were in close touch, & that Marx knew, even if the mass of Irish dupes did not, that the Irish revolutionary dream of the I. R. B. & Fenian leaders was no mere nationalist rebellion, but was to be a social revolution' Said Edith Miller (quoting Captain Hugh Pollard) in 1933. - https://archive.org/stream/secretsocietieso00poll/secretsocietieso00poll_djvu.txt The Irish Republican Brotherhood reformed in London England under Karl Marx?? '...on the 5th of August [1862], all the delegates met at a dinner given to them by their English colleagues at Freemasons Hall, where an address was read which formed, as it were, the foundation-stone of the International ....Mazzini & Marx were entrusted with the task of preparing the address & the constitution...A temple worthy of their cult was sought & found -- Temple Unique... was procured...the scheme of the association having been settled in London in 1864 - Edith Miller (ibid). Edith Miller & Captain Pollard used Charles Heckethorn's 'Secret Societies Of All Ages' (1897) as a reference, so there's every reason to believe that the group that came to be known as the IRA & the Mafia (Mazzini) were created in London during the American Civil War under the banner of International Communism. 'Other prominent members of the movement included the London based Fenian J.P. McDonnell, who had been sworn into the I.R.B. by O’Donovan Rossa himself & could claim Karl Marx among his friends...he [McDonnell] was also a member of the 1st International' - Fin Dwyer. (For more on Freemasonry & The 1st International see; http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/history/revolution/first_international.html) 'Origin & Etymology of brotherhood....... Middle English brotherhede, brotherhod, alteration of brotherrede, from Old English brōthorrǣden, from brōthor + rǣden condition — more at kindred First Known Use: 13th century - merriam-webster.com/dictionary How many other institutions used that moniker in the 13th Cen? 'Some folk tales from the period describe how there were “armed white knights” who came to help them in their battles. This may have been where the underground Templar “Brotherhood” ended up, in the Cantons (provinces) of Switzerland.' theknightstemplar.org 'In 1779, an application was made to the Mother Kilwinning Lodge of Scotland, by certain Brethren in Dublin, for a Charter empowering them to form a Lodge to be called the High Knights Templar, that they might confer the Templar Degree. The Kilwinning Lodge granted the petition for the three Craft Degrees only, but at a later period this Lodge became, says Findel, the source of the Grand Encampment of Ireland.' - Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry From it's beginnings in the mid 1800's, Irish republicanism appears to me at least to have been in the complete grip of the political wing of Freemasonry, Socialism. As noted in my Fabricated History Of The 3rd Reich post, British Intelligence were all over the 1916 Easter Rising & without doubt would have had a hand in it's organisation seeing as many of the leaders of the rebellion were active Socialists. As was the case with the Germans, Mussolini & many others, its difficult for me to believe however that most of these men were anything other than duped idealists, as Captain Pollard believed the founders of the Republican Movement to be, similar say to the Founding Fathers of the US, they were Freemasons but they had the best intentions for their future generations at heart, I believe most of the participants in these conflicts firmly believe they are doing the right thing for their people, it's just that some of the leadership will always be compromised by belonging to these secret societies, as can be proven time & again. & if one is looking for evidence for these claims, the Arabs of Palestine were hoodwinked into revolt by the British at the EXACT SAME TIME, whereupon they were ultimately backstabbed, rounded up……….& we all know the rest of the story. As a high ranking member of MI6 himself, the Captain Pollard here mentioned can be taken as an authority, as it was Pollard that ushered General Franco into position before the Spanish Civil War, whereupon he (Pollard) held an office in Madrid for the duration of the war …...they get around these Englishmen! As Socialists, many, if not all of the original Republican Movement would have been Freemasons also. The puzzling conduct of Ireland's most celebrated & maligned President Éamon de Valera (real name George de Valero) leads me to suspect he was anything but a dupe & a Freemason, he alone of the Irish leaders of the Easter Rising survived execution, he presided over the socialisation of Ireland, & was in New York along with Manly Hall & Leon Trotsky at that critical point in history when Aleister Crowley was there issuing orders to head Rosicrucians & conducting America's entry into WW1. Crowley (MI5/6), was heavily involved in the Irish Rebellion, documents still extant state Crowley's nationality during the course of his sojourn in America at that time ....as Irish. https://www.henrymakow.com/2014/09/Was-Irish-President-Really.html (Note: I generally regard Henry 'it's the Jews' Makow as dis-info & I don't agree with some of John Turi's claims about the Nazi's, that aside it's a fair article IMO) Further back in history, we find the same terms & intrigues springing up in the cause of Irish freedom; 'By this time, 1794, the victories of the Republican armies had rendered the French formidable allies, & before long, plans for the invasion of England began to be discussed by agents of the Illuminati. Then, as now, Ireland was considered the most vulnerable point of attack, & for three years an Irish Society had been at work in that counrty. This Assocaiation, first known as the 'Irish Brotherhood', then as the "United Irishmen" was organised in June 1791 on the lines of the Illuminati. "The proposals for it" writes Clifford, "are couched in the style & exact terms of the Hierophants of Illuminism." They recommend the formation of an association, or, as it was styled, "a beneficent conspiracy" to serve the people: assuming "the secret & somewhat of the ceremony attached to Freemasonry" - Nesta Webster Secret Societies & Subversive Movements (1924). (For an excellent expose on Socialism & Illuminism see Mrs Websters book; https://alor.org/Library/Webster_NH_World_Revolution.pdf Webster was a favourite Historian of Churchill's if that counts for much) 'Like the later US war in Vietnam, Spain gripped international attention, forced individuals to take sides & motivated activists whose influence was felt far beyond Spain. For some idealists it was the last great romantic cause. Left-wing organisations, notably the Communist Party, see the formation of the International Brigades—the 45,000-strong army of international volunteers which fought for the Spanish Republic —as one of the great events of working class struggle. Their sacrifice stands testament to the idealism, political commitment & belief in interventionism of that generation.' - historyireland.com Yes the Black & Tans practiced much barbarity, but how many innocent Spaniards were murdered in their own back yard by these Irish idealists? Or how many natives were slain by opportunistic Irishmen looking for booty & adventure in far off lands down the centuries under the banner of the King? 'The Order Of Illuminati' is a body within Crowley's O.T.O.; Crowley's title as head of this Freemasonic based Order was; 'Supreme & Holy King of Ireland, Iona & all the Britains''. The Ordo Templie Orientis' Manifesto was written by Crowley in 1912; http://www.sacred-texts.com/oto/lib52.htm Even the most staunch of Provo's has to admit there's been something else at work here, & that something else was/is the hidden hand of the secret societies. Some of this information is becoming common knowledge amongst the Irish, courtesy of the Irish branch of the Aleister Crowley Fanclub; http://www.michaeltsarion.com/occult-history-of-ireland.html They're so far ahead of us, it's untrue. 'Sooner or later we must limit the families of the unintelligent classes' .....Wrote Crowley's Golden Dawn comrade & supposed rival, Irishman W B Yeats. Golden Dawn members are asked to assume a magical name when they join, the openly Satanist Crowley's was, 'Perderabo', Yeats' was, 'Daemon est Deus inversus' or 'Devil is God inverted'..'If we desire a certain type of civilization, we must exterminate the sort of people who do not fit into it … Extermination must be put on a scientific basis if it is ever to be carried out humanely & apologetically as well as thoroughly....The extermination of what the exterminators call inferior races is as old as history.' ...Wrote Ireland's most prominent Socialist George Bernard Shaw in the year Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. 'My Introduction regards Waiting for Godot [by Samuel Beckett] as a Gnostic drama' (Harold Bloom)….. Oscar Wilde was a Freemason, as was Seamus Heaney & Jonathan Swift. Strong evidence points to an association between Crowley & James Joyce. Both lived in Paris for years at the same time during the 1920's & Crowley, curiously wrote a book entitled; 'The Genius of Mr. James Joyce' during his stay in Paris. Incidentally, the story of 'Ulysses' (Joyce' famous work) is in fact a dramatisation of trials & tribulations of the initiation process into the ancient Greek Mysteries, who's rites are still practiced today in the secret societies, hence it's popularity amongst literary writers & critics. Bram Stoker? Anton Lavey's 'Satanic Bible' says Dracula is one of the names of the infernal Demons of Hell - - - - - - - Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) Logo. Replete with Masonic & Communist glyph. What of the modern Republican Movement? Even more entrenched in Communism by the looks of things; http://www.irishleftreview.org/2009/08/31/lost-revolution-story-official-ira-workers-party-brian-hanley-scott-millar/ & what of modern England? 'Moreover, we know that the masonic movement in England was used by the Russian KGB to infiltrate, take over & finally head British Intelligence organisations - Anthony C Sutton Secret Cult Of The Order (1983). For as long as I can remember, whenever the IRA (Eye of Ra?) were depicted in celluloid, it was always of a sympathetic bent towards their Cause. I always wondered why my English friends (not all) were tolerant of the IRA's bombing campaign of their country, I've since come to learn that they are Socialists & most probably Freemasons, just like the IRA; https://irishelectionliterature.com/2010/04/30/out-of-the-ashes-arose-the-provisionals-republican-christmas-card/ 'Not that Mr Adams is as gentle as he looks. Educated at a Jesuit Christian Brothers school, in 1964, he was, at 16, already a supporter of radical nationalism.' - theguardian.com. The 'radical nationalism' said to have been espoused by Gerry Adams is just another one of those unfathomable, indefinable strands of ultra left wing-ness, the important point is he was trained by the Jesuits, who we know are just another branch of Mystery Babylon. 'The Jesuit treads down the shoe, as does the Freemason...' Etc - Charles Heckthorne 'The Secret Societies Of All Ages' (1897). As for Mr Adams' political party Sinn Fein, this is taken from it's official website; 'The party's vision foresees the unity of the people of this island. It is a vision for the redistribution of wealth......Sinn Féin is a 32-County party striving for an end to partition on the island of Ireland & the establishment of a democratic socialist republic'. (see the Engels quote above & my 'Democracy' blog') Redistribution of wealth? 'Marxist Economics – The Communist Utopia Worldwide communism will usher in a number of benefits. Marxists claim that communism provides more freedom than other economic systems. Humanity will have achieved perfection, making the law & government moot. The redistribution of wealth will solve many problems.' - allaboutworldview.org Referring to the structuring of the Irish educational system post 'Independence', Ireland's premier historian Tim Pat Coogan sayeth; 'The commissions report, drawn up by a Jesuit, Father E.J. Coyne, was published in August 1944. It envisaged a totally new form of Irish society, one in which interventionism on a grand scale would bring about massive changes in the social & economic spheres.' Education is compulsory in the Republic Of Ireland. 'Illuminati. The name assumed by the members of a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776. Weishaupt was born of Westphalian parents at Ingolstadt (Bavaria), on 6 February, 1748, & lost his father in 1753. Although educated at a Jesuit school....' - Catholic Enyclopaedia. 'Alumbrado, ( Spanish: “Enlightened”, ) Italian Illuminato, plural Illuminati....The Alumbrados came primarily from among the reformed Franciscans & the Jesuits, but their doctrines seem to have influenced all classes of people.' - britannica.com When I was growing up, I distinctly remember the News reporting that the IRA were frequently armed by the Arab state of Libya; 'Forty-five years ago Lieutenant Muammar Gaddafi was photographed walking down Piccadilly on his only visit to Britain. It was April 1966 & Gaddafi, then aged 23, had come over to be trained by the British Army. - standpointmag.co.uk/ In all of this the Republican Movement is opposed by The Orange Order; http://www.grandorangelodge.co.uk/ https://youtu.be/PmqY2y403No Look out for Prince Charles' dodgy handshake & notice it's called the 'Grand Lodge Of Ireland', not 'Northern Ireland' or 'Ulster'. The famous Battle of the Boyne, commemorated every year by the Orange Lodge/Order was fought between the forces of William of Orange (Netherlands) & James II of Britain on the Boyne River just outside Drogheda, now Rep of Ireland. Despite there being nearly 60,000 men in total on the battlefield, casualties barley exceeded 2,000, & most of them were stragglers from the JACOBITE army who were cut down after a mere exchange of cannon & musket-fire across the River Boyne proceeded by a skedaddle by King James & that death-toll figure (2,000) is the highest estimation there is as no one really knows how many were killed.......?? Some even suggest no battle took place at all, which is conceivable. '[Peter] Malcomson was concerned most about the rituals of the Royal Arch Purple, an elite branch of Orangeism of which he was once a member. He noticed a similarity between the rites of the Royal Arch Purple & Freemasonry, including several bizarre practices he later revealed in his book. These included: Blindfolding a new recruit & making him kneel on a mock coffin while vowing to destroy his own life if he divulges the teachings of the order; Tying a rope around the neck of the recruit, who, as in Freemasonry, has most of his clothes & one shoe [See above] taken from him & has a purple ribbon fastened to his shirt; Riding the goat - a ritual in which the blindfolded initiate is wrapped in a canvas sheet & then kicked & tossed about by the assembled members of the Order; Beating the candidate across the legs with brambles &, in some cases, holly to the accompaniment of laughter & even goat-like bleatings. Malcomson believes these rituals have their roots in witchcraft rather than Protestantism. 'The Orange Order says it is the defender of the Protestant faith but these secret oaths & strange rituals are more to do with paganism & are ultimately satanic.' - The Guardian Concerning the Orange Order, Irishman Reverend Edward Cahill says; 'Indeed down to the present day Freemasonry & Orangeism (an offshoot of Masonry, & controlled by it)….' (Freemasonry & The Anti-Christian Movement - 1930). Concerning the Irish Republican Brotherhood, under the sub-chapter of 'Freemasonry & Satanism' he writes; '…concerning the Fenian Brotherhood. The attitude of the Holy See has been that all such secret societies are, at least through their leaders or founders, offshoots of Freemasonry…' (ibid). - https://archive.org/details/Docslide.usOcrRevECahillFreemasonryAndTheAntiChristianMovementpdf.pdf Moreover; 'The Evil One is the satanic revolt against divine authority, revolt in which we see the fecund germ of all human emancipations, the revolution. Socialists recognise each other by the words 'In the name of the on in who the great wrong has been done. Satan [is] the eternal rebel, the first freethinker & the emancipator of worlds….' Mikhail Bakunin (friend & collaborator of Karl Marx). It takes a bit of digging but here's a link to the Peerages still extant in Ireland; http://www.cracroftspeerage.co.uk/online/content/Peerage%20of%20Ireland.htm?zoom_highlight=Ireland & from Wikipedia who quote the same source; 'The Peerage of Ireland consists of those titles of nobility created by the English monarchs in their capacity as Lord or King of Ireland, or later by monarchs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland. The creation of such titles came to an end in the 19th century. The ranks of the Irish peerage are Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount & Baron. As of 2016, there were 135 titles in the Peerage of Ireland extant: 2 dukedoms, ten marquessates, 43 earldoms, 28 viscountcies, & 52 baronies. The Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland continues to exercise jurisdiction over the Peerage of Ireland, including those peers whose titles derive from places located in what is now the Republic of Ireland.' THEY NEVER LEFT. It's difficult to find information on this subject online or if you wish to purchase a book on the subject (no doubt written by themselves), then prices are set at a standard, extortionate rate. The creation of a 'Northern Ireland' was to ensure conflict between Protestants & Catholics, just as the creation of the State Of Israel was designed to wreak religious havoc in that part of the world. Both sides were controlled at the top by the same Hierarchy, based in London. Both Northern Ireland & Palestine (annexed by Britain during WW1) have both served as the visible crucibles to show the world that religion creates sect-arianism & needs to be abolished. 'The Balfour Declaration’s purpose was to form a “little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism”, according to Ronald Storrs, “the first military governor of Palestine since Pontius Pilate” (his words).' - https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/winston-churchill-sent-the-black-and-tans-to-palestine-1.3089140 'In 1847 the London Communist League (Karl Marx & Frederick Engels) used Hegel's theory of the dialectic to back up their economic theory of communism. Now, in the 21st century, Hegelian-Marxist thinking affects our entire social & political structure. The Hegelian dialectic is the framework for guiding our thoughts & actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined solution' - Raapana & Friedrich (2005) "Dialectic ....the Hegelian process of change in which a concept or its realization passes over into & is preserved & fulfilled by its opposite... development through the stages of thesis, antithesis, & synthesis in accordance with the laws of dialectical materialism ....any systematic reasoning, exposition, or argument that juxtaposes opposed or contradictory ideas & usually seeks to resolve their conflict .......the dialectical tension or opposition between two interacting forces or elements." - Merriam-Webster http://web.archive.org/web/20080128195659/http:/www.calvertonschool.org/waldspurger/pages/hegelian_dialectic.htm Since the time of Thomas Malthus (late 18th Cen), both Ireland & India have suffered multiple, catastrophic, British government engineered systematic mass starvation programmes (see Madhursee Mukerjee), right up to WW2 in the case of India. Let's not forget either that the potato was introduced into Ireland by Rosicrucian Englishman, Sir Walter Raleigh, '1589 – Sir Walter Raleigh (1552-1618), British explorer & historian known for his expeditions to the Americas, first brought the potato to Ireland & planted them at his Irish estate at Myrtle Grove, Youghal, near Cork, Ireland. Legend has it that he made a gift of the potato plant to Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603).' https://whatscookingamerica.net Ireland has been ravaged for 800yrs by a Cabal based in London England, not by the English people although I'll say this, the English have probably had the same percentage of it's own population willing to do their masters in London's bidding as the Irish have down the centuries, the same goes for the Scottish & Welsh.....& the same percentage of good sorts. These people were never English, they view the whole earth as their province as evinced by their ceaseless train of seemingly pointless wars conducted like clockwork, anywhere & everywhere for well over 3000yrs & if the Irishman remembers aright, it was the same crew who invaded Ireland in the 12th Cen that had just invaded England & Palestine in the Crusades, & their native tongue was French. (see my Israel blog). http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1328270/A-Britain-STILL-belongs-aristocracy.html Is it any wonder then that our planets new hegemony....America now acts in the same way as all those other despotic regimes down the centuries & flattens entire populations who have no recourse to defense other than guerilla warfare? Which type of resistance btw America & Britain have now declared war upon, i.e. 'War On Terror'. They believe they are our betters & that we; 'have to be reduced to extremity before they can learn anything' said Manly Hall. These people are the members of the Universal Brotherhood, Socialist International, the Round Table Group, Freemasonry & so on. Freemasonry is massive in Ireland & always has been. The Irish people have been led to believe that Socialism is their ticket to freedom, & I dare say that even when confronted with the evidence they'd still believe Marx is their Messiah, simply because they refuse to know any better. They/we believe what we're told by these puppet masters, some of whom sit in our midst on a daily basis. Both my mother & father (r.i.p.) are from a place called County Tyrone in Northern Ireland. I've traced both families lineages & found they go back to Roman times with no Anglicisation whatsoever, in other words, my descendants lived in that part of Ireland for 1000's of years. My mother grew up on a 500 acre farm, with forest, 6 lakes so I'm told although much of it was bog (with peat) & fairly bleak. Unfortunately for us (depending on your point of view), her father was caught up in the 'Border War' of the 1950's & had to flee the farm for fear of arrest, consequently, the farm was sold (for pittance) & the family settled in poverty stricken slums of inner Manchester, England. “Whenever a district is distinguished for especial filth & especial ruinousness, the explorer may safely count upon meeting chiefly those Celtic faces which one recognises as different from the Saxon physiognomy.” Focusing on “filth * drunkenness” & a “lack of cleanliness… which is the Irishman’s second nature”, Engels moved into a more racialised key, perhaps revealing his own biases along the way. “The Irishman”, Engels wrote in the singular, “loves his pig as the Arab his horse, with the difference that he sells it when it is fat enough to kill.” Bearing in mind that “Arab” in the nineteenth century referred to Bedouins, rather than any Arabic-speaking person, it is clear where Engels was placing the Irish in a broader racial hierarchy. They were a people with “a southern facile character” & “For work which requires long training or regular, pertinacious application, the dissolute, unsteady, drunken Irishman is on too low a plane.” 'Frederick Engles, himself an industrialist in Manchester, in the 1840s wrote that the Irish immigrants were dirty & uncivilised.' - http://www.theirishstory.com/2015/08/03/frederick-engels-and-ireland/#.WdteDUyZO7Y Poor old us you say? When I 1st heard about the land, the forest & the lakes as an adult I was stunned, I was the pauper of my class in school & ridiculed mercilessly for it as my father had died very young (an incredibly gifted man, some of who's music I've put on my Advanced Mick YT channel). I do feel pretty aggrieved at times & probably rightly so, but when I look around the UK, Europe, America....the whole planet seems to be being uprooted & planted somewhere strange these days, just like Dorothy in the Wizard Of Oz. Is it all by design? Yes, the more aggrieved people (victims) brought under nation-states welfare system the further down world socialism street we become, so we must be pretty much at the crossroads by now, if we weren't there long ago that is. Everyone has an opinion on the way things should be run, I think we can all agree on that, where this started to become a problem however was when people began to build empires, so the dawn of history basically. As time goes by we've been increasingly herded into these soulless, mass engines of production.......cities, so exponentially, less & less people live on the land, which must have been our natural environment originally because there were no cities until the advent of mercantilism, & who is the patron saint of mercantilism? The god Merc-ury of course or Hermes in the Greek, identified as Satan by Madame Blavatsky. Moreover, the Bible says the 1st urbaniser so to speak was Nimrod, equated with Osiris by Rev Alexander Hislop. So just as in the Marxist theory of the elimination of the Middle Class & abolition of private property, these things are coming to pass.... it's us who are being farmed, cultivated now, & for specific purposes. Something that's always struck me as curious is the Irishmans work ethic. I have to say this because I believe it to be the truth, the Irishman makes for the archetypal slave-driver, generally speaking. There's something in his constitution that turns him into an animal when it comes to work, the English, Scottish or Welshman are not the same animal it must be said when it comes to a days labour. Unlike the Irishman however, the Englishman does make for the perfect overlord, you'd never guess this sound bloke you've met actually believes himself to be your master, generally speaking, the Irishmen/women I've met that fit into that category on the other hand usually blow it, by not being able to keep their mouth shut, a few can though. I have noticed comparisons with how the Irishman & the Portuguese Gangerman (genarally Maderian) operate over here on the island of Jersey, they also have a fearsome work-ethic, so I can only put it down to similar, harsh living conditions in their native lands, a characteristic you'd expect to find perhaps from a society that's been heavily socialised for a long, long time, by an Imperialist nation such as Britain or Portugal. Incidentally, it's common knowledge in Ireland that the Irishman does not labour so fearsomely when in Ireland, the postcard image of him is of 'himself' leaning on a shovel by the side of road....but I digress. Suffice to say that conditions in 18th & 19th Cen Britain, America & elsewhere were tailor-made for the Irishman's peculiar work ethic, & it's just one of those quirks of history I suppose that the great building projects of the Industrial Revolution happened to coincide with the 'Great' mass starvation programmes (plural) of Ireland; 'As a result of the [1840's] famine, many Irish families were forced to emigrate from their country. By 1854 between 1.5 & 2 million Irish left Ireland due to the harsh living conditions. In the United States, most Irish became city-dwellers. With little money, many had to settle in the cities that the ships they came on landed in. By 1850 the Irish made up a quarter of the population in Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, & Baltimore. In addition, Irish populations were prevalent among American mining communities. The 1851 census reported that about one-third of the inhabitants of Toronto were Irish. In the same year, about a quarter of Liverpool's population was Irish-born.' http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Irish_Potato_Famine_(1845–1849) http://www.scottishhistory.com/articles/highlands/clearances/clearance_page1.html Coincidentally, it was at this stage of the Industrial Revolution (mid 19th Cen) that millions of Chinese & many other displaced & uprooted nations emigrated to America; https://www.britannica.com/topic/Opium-Wars http://www.poeticwaves.net/the-beginnings-of-chinas-emigration-to-america/ 'The hellish vapours rise & fill the brain. Till I go mad & my heart is utterly changed. See this sword? The Prince of Darkness sold it to me. For me he beats the time & gives the signs. Ever more boldly I play the dance of death.' - Karl Marx 'There was an even darker spot in the life of Karl Marx, the great revolutionary. The German newspaper Reichsruf (January 9, 1960) published the fact that the Austrian Chancellor Raabe donated to Nikita Krushchev, then Director of Soviet Russia, an original letter of Karl Marx. Krushchev did not like it, because it was proof that Marx had been a paid informer of the Austrian Police, spying on revolutionaries. The letter had been found in a secret archive. It indicated that Marx, as an informer, reported on his comrades during his exile in London. He received $25 for each bit of information he turned up. His notes were about the revolutionary exiles in London, Paris, & Switzerland.' - Richard Wurmbrand (Marx & Satan). Don't get me wrong I've always loved the Italians, & the Welsh, Irish, Scots & especially the Burmese & English.
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