Were I to choose a subject I've addressed on here & on my YT channel which affects me most, closest to my heart etc., I'd always say the malignment of the Germans, not the Irish, Jews or the Gypsies or the Arabs or anyone else. Why? Because it angers me the most for some reason, maybe because this is the one topic I'm not allowed to publish any vids or even comment upon now on Youtube, without having them removed &, probably more to the point, I don't recall having a proper debate on the subject with any of the legion of Bill Cooper disciples, which to me is a bit puzzling. If it were any other subject I'd be scratching my head trying to figure out what I was doing wrong but not with this, the whole subject stinks to high heaven from start to finish, this'll be the 6th blog I've done specifically on the German problem, however I don't hold out much hope of ever getting a meaningful dialogue going about it for some reason either.... Ah but in any event, we'll see if we can get a post going anyhow on the most maligned person in history.....Adolf Hitler. I first began watching youtube in 2006, by 2009 I'd bought all Alan Watt's (not Watts) books & was becoming more aware of the realities of the world I was part of. By 2010 I'd found Bill Cooper (through Alan) who gave me the courage to participate in YT's comments section, forums or what's known now as; 'Social Media', so after doing as much research as I could on the matter, I felt compelled to engage in the Holocaust/WWII debates that were raging back then. I became a regular amongst the professionals who'd seem to be making a living out of it & naturally I sided with the Holocaust Deniers, however, after a while it struck me that these people appeared to be two-ing & frow-ing according to the principles of the Dialectic which Bill was teaching me about & sure enough, a rabid anti-German YT user; 'Alley Cat', sounded me out with the old Fellow Traveller moniker during a heated exchange, whereas when I investigated the pro-Germans, they themselves (mainly Americans) were Socialists.... these guys were doing a brilliant job disproving the Holocaust of the Jews, the problem was they were building a case to actually have one, so I began working along the lines of what Bill taught; 'Read everything, listen to everyone, believe absolutely nothing unless it checks out in your own research.' My impression of the Exterminationists as I called them, was that they were either military or ex-miltary, my impression of the It's The Jews Brigade was usually the most vocal were New Agers as well as military, basically both were Freemasons as I saw it. Thus, there's a small illustration of one the many deceptions being foisted on us regarding WWII, one side demonising Germans (Christianity) & the other demonising Jews (they invented the Holocaust/own Hollywood/the world....), I never knew then though why Germany was taken out so catastrophically & lambasted so disproportionately ever since, but as I've said in other blogs, I'm now sure it's because it was for a 1000yrs previous to becoming Germany in 1871..... The Holy Roman Empire We are constantly bombarded with film, television, radio, internet documentaries about the 3rd Reich of Germany, it's taught as 'Lessons In Evil' in our history classes at schools across the UK & I'm sure it's much more thorough on the continent, despite it being almost a 100yrs ago before WWII started, actually, WWI never ended but that's another story.... Here's a short bio from Hitler's pre-3rd Reich days; 'The fourth of six children, Hitler was born to Alois Hitler and Klara Polzl [in 1889]. As a child, Hitler clashed frequently with his emotionally harsh father, who also didn't approve of his son's later interest in fine art as a career. Following the death of his younger brother, Edmund, in 1900, Hitler became detached and introverted. Hitler showed an early interest in German nationalism, rejecting the authority of Austria-Hungary. This nationalism would become the motivating force of Hitler's life. In 1903, Hitler’s father died suddenly. Two years later, Hitler's mother allowed her son to drop out of school. After her death in December 1907, Hitler moved to Vienna and worked as a casual laborer and watercolor painter. He applied to the Academy of Fine Arts twice and was rejected both times. Lacking money outside of an orphan's pension and funds from selling postcards, he stayed in homeless shelters. Hitler later pointed to these years as the time when he first cultivated his anti-Semitism, though there is some debate about this account. In 1913, Hitler relocated to Munich. At the outbreak of World War I, he applied to serve in the German army. He was accepted in August 1914, though he was still an Austrian citizen. Although Hitler spent much of his time away from the front lines (with some reports that his recollections of his time on the field were generally exaggerated), he was present at a number of significant battles and was wounded at the Battle of the Somme. He was decorated for bravery, receiving the Iron Cross First Class and the Black Wound Badge. Hitler became embittered over the collapse of the war effort. The experience reinforced his passionate German patriotism, and he was shocked by Germany's surrender in 1918. Like other German nationalists, he purportedly believed that the German army had been betrayed by civilian leaders and Marxists. He found the Treaty of Versailles degrading, particularly the demilitarization of the Rhineland and the stipulation that Germany accepts responsibility for starting the war.' - https://www.biography.com/dictator/adolf-hitler You've probably seen a David Icke or others video on youtube about some connection of Hitler's family being related to the Rothschild's or some other fabulous tale of Jewish origin etc etc... https://groups.google.com/g/francom.esoterisme/c/b-k_vYmFIWk?pli=1 Maybe he was, but I must advise caution anytime the journalist titles their work with a question, such as; 'Was Hitler A Rothschild?' As mentioned he could have been, nevertheless the seed has been sown in our subconscious & thus both the anti-Jewish & German (Nazi) bandwagon takes on another foul turn (banksters) & will receive a favourable runout in the child-like minds of the millions seeking a scapegoat for their own woah's, yet it all began with a simple, foundation-less.....question. One of the reasons for these psy-ops is confusion (cognitive dissonance), another is deflection, Hitler had more interesting family connections as far as we're concerned. Adolf's elder brother Alois Jr had moved to Ireland in 1909 where he met & married an Irishwoman Bridget, the couple eventually settled in Liverpool where they were eventually joined by young Adolf sometime between 1911-13, according to her book; The Memoirs Of Bridget Hitler, incidentally, the Catholic symbol for St Bridget is a Swastika. Naturally Bridget's account is dismissed by academia & media critics saying she wrote the book (pre-WWII) to earn a fast buck, yet the lady's character would suggest otherwise. Bridget & Alois had one son Patrick, Alois returned to Austria in 1914 & Bridget moved with her son to America in 1939. Here's my evolving hypotheses on Adolf Hitler. I just did a vid on mass-hypnosis, in it, (hypnotist) Manly Hall clearly states it's perfectly possible for an 'Operator' to remotely hypnotise an audience through the means of television, this was in the 1950's, Bill Cooper in the same vid provides the evidence where the U.S. was hypnotising 1000's of its own military personnel during the 1950's.....hypnosis has been around for millennia. Maybe that's why they called the latter Beatniks; 'Hyppies'? Hitler is said to have held his audience; 'Spellbound', or 'Entranced' & so on, however, Hitler himself was a subject of an hypnotist according to lots of people, just google it. (Note the first link is another question) My point is, if mind control was being employed on a mass scale a 100yrs ago, to what extent is it used today? My hypothesis is Hitler, along with several demagogues (listed below) were trained by Adepts of the Alchemical tradition to do the job they did, which among other things was to introduce variants of Socialism into the states of Europe which would then ignite the contrived tensions that led to WWII & thus, utter destruction which in turn paved the way for the New Atlantis of America to become the hegemony for at least the foreseeable future & lead the world into the new Golden Age. Let's not forget, the Swastika, being a Mandala, IS a hypnosis device. 'JAINA CROSS (Haken Kruis) Used by several Orders, & found in the abbeys of Great Britain..... This symbol is also known as the Fylfot or Swastica.' - Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry (1873). ALL of the above leaders including Hitler may be traced directly to the British Secret Services, Lenin & Trotsky were London residents, Trotsky says in his autobiography whilst there he began studying Freemasonry & was chaperoned by a member of the secret societies & Lenin, like London resident Karl Marx before him spent years studying in the British Library. Irishmen Eamonn De Valera & Michael Collins were both involved with the wholly British Secret Services/Societies inspired 'Bloody Sacrifice' of the; Easter Rising in 1916.....they then went to detention facilities in England, which as we know are ran by psychologists. Mussolini was MI5 https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/benito-mussolini-was-mi5s-agent-in-italy-403150 & Franco was placed in power by MI6 (See Capt Hugh Pollard). As for Hitler, we only have his sister-in-laws word for it he was with her family in England pre-WWI, but he was a renown Anglophile previous to WWII; '..."Hitler," Mr. Kilzer writes, "became the Continent's greatest Anglophile." He dreamed that "England would somehow become Germany's mighty friend." His regard for all things British became an "obsession . . .' - https://www.nytimes.com/1994/07/10/books/england-uber-alles.html There's been a curious factoid circulating round the internet for some years now concerning Hitler's neighbours when he returned to Vienna, Austria in 1913 (presuming he did go to England), as you can see from the picture, there was a few leaders gathered in the one spot if we add Yugoslavian communist dictator General Tito into the mix. What strikes me here is the name of the renown hypnotist & father of modern psychology Sigmund Freud, now I know this is speculation but did Stalin look all there to you? Not to me he didn't, there's a famous clip of Bill Clinton looking completely zonked before going on television, leading to speculation he was hypnotised because if he wasn't, there was something pretty sinister going down there. In any event, this furthers my claim that these Socialist (bar Collins) leaders who were soon to assume power after the Great War were programmed & obviously handled to do the jobs they did including Adolf Hitler. It's been noted here & on my YT channel that in 1911, British Intelligence Operative Aleister Crowley famously announced; 'The Great War....the Bloody Sacrifice has to be fought'. During the Great War Hitler was a runner & was present at the Battle Of Yrpes in 1914, this was when the Germans famously sent runners over to the opposing British trenches offering a cessation in hostiles & to their credit the British obliged. Hitler would have know at least a little English had he been in England or maybe he spoke it well being the Anglophile he was, in any event, he was hospitalised for months from the blast of a poison GAS shell & eventually awarded the Iron Cross for his bravery during the conflict, but no-one says for what? If the Germans made numerous peace offerings during the war, & they did, the first of such (& most fondly remembered), i.e. the idea & actual crossing of No Mans Land to halt the madness, could have been the brainchild of & carried out by Hitler ...just a thought. https://encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net/article/peace_initiatives If the above weren't enough to convince anyone as to the real reasons behind Adolf's manic behaviour, specifically when speech-making, then his associations with the Mystery Schools should tip the balance. Adolf Hitler was trained by the Secret Societies, of that there is no doubt. He dedicated Mein Kampf to Deitrich Eckart, one of the founders of the Thule Society & referred to him as his; 'teacher'; 'Dietrich Eckart, a central figure in the Thule Group, also played a prominent part in the committee of the German Workers' Party & became one of the 7 founders members of the Nazi Party. When he died in December 1923, he is reported to have said: "Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the 'Secret Doctrine,' - https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/thule-society Hypnosis was perpetuated from ancient times within the Mystery Schools, moreover; 'After the Golden Dawn was organized in 1887 on the racist doctrine espoused by Bulwer-Lytton, the order had established lodges by the turn of the century in several leading European cities including Berlin, which would soon boast a large ornate Golden Dawn temple. Before & during World War I, the Berlin Golden Dawn had spawned two other secret societies: in 1902 the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), which was later controlled by English Freemason Aleister Crowley; & in 1918 the Thule Society, which discovered & groomed Hitler. The Thule Society's doctrine was identical to that contained in Lytton's Vril: The Power of the Coming Race. Blavatsky's doctrines of Theosophy became the Satanic bible of the Thule.' - https://silo.tips/download/22-english-freemasonry-and-the-hitler-project# As we've discussed many times on here, Socialism is the political arm of the Secret Societies, & the party Hitler joined at the outset in 1919 was the National Socialist German Workers Party. Incidentally, Mussolini formed the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento in Italy in 1919, as was the Communist Party Of Germany, & the League Of Nations, forerunner of the United Nations, moreoever, 1919 also saw drawn up, the document that more than any other factor is said to have been the cause of WWII; the Treaty Of Versailles, amonst many other sigificant events. I'm guessing the numbers; 911, 11, 9 & 19, have tremendous significance within the Qabalistic systems of numerology, for example; 'All higher numbers can be reduced to one of the original ten numerals, & the 10 itself to 1. Therefore, all groups of numbers resulting from the translation of names of deities into their numerical equivalents have a basis in one of the first ten numbers. By this system, in which the digits are added together, 666 becomes 6+6+6 or 18, & this, in turn, becomes 1+8 or 9. According to Revelation, 144,000 are to be saved. This number becomes 1+4+4+0+0+0, which equals 9, thus proving that both the Beast of Babylon & the number of the saved refer to man himself, whose symbol is the number 9.' - https://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/sta16.htm#page_69 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Unforgettable_Year_1919 Other fanciful speculations relating to the story of Adolf Hitler include Nostradamus' quatrain supposedly predicting the appearance of the Führer at a later date in time. I doubt it however, seeing as Nostradamus was a Qabalist & thus would have been working under orders from whatever Mystery School he belonged to when he wrote his unfathomable predictions. It could & probably was the case that whatever secret society he belonged saw to it, that the famous events so obliquely alluded to in those quatrains could easily have brought those said events about (French Revolution etc...) in an effort to make it look as if Nostradamus was fortune telling, whilst what he was really doing was cryptically deleaniating a plan (of attack). Moreover, the lost power of psychism is a faculty the Hermetic Schools of Art wish to return to man who is said to have possessed this power in his primitive state. Be that as it may, great lengths have been made to connect the two individuals although when we understand the actual causal factors for WWII (& WWI), it'll be clear Hitler didn't live up to the legendary 16th Cen French seer's billing. When Hitler first became active as a political agitator, he was eventually arrested & imprisoned (see inset) in what can only be described as comfortable circumstances. Here, he & Rudolf Hess wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle) in which they laid out Hitler's plan for Germany, however, though from German & Swiss stock, Hess was actually Egyptian, growing up under British rule & he, like Hitler was an ardent Anglophile. 'Throughout the book, Jews are equated with "germs" & presented as the "international poisoners" of society. According to Hitler's ideology, the only solution was their extermination. While Hitler did not describe exactly how this was to be accomplished, his "inherent genocidal thrust is undeniable", according to Ian Kershaw' - Wikipedia. Well I disagree with Kershaw (seeing as surname is the game), neither Adolf Hitler nor any German writer of the 3rd Reich ever proposed the genocide of Jews, yes he uses foul & abusive language towards the Jew 'throughout the book' but never does it stretch to mass-extermination. In comparison British writers of the period spoke openly about the extermination of the non-compliant through ('Resistance is useless') Socialists George Bernard Shaw & Lord Bertrand Russell for example, & why not, the British had been wiping out entire populations for centuries including during WWII (India) so it wouldn't be anything new to anyone? Furthermore, many British writers of the period (1920/30's) were writing about the 'Jewish Menace', Winston Churchill for one, he who'd been busy gassing the Kurds & Iraqi's with chemical weapons, thus Hitler was merely reiterating what his friends in London had been preaching all the while, albeit in a far more humane manner - https://www.yadvashem.org/docs/extracts-from-mein-kampf.html The Jewish scapegoat issue & its connection to the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy I've addressed many times on previous blogs; - https://www.vinnysblogbookcom.com/vinnys-blogbook/the-jews Why do I say 'friends' in London'? Because it was from there & America, the 3rd Reich received the funds/expertise/support to build its realm or 'Reich'. I saw a question on Quora the other day asking if; 'Stalinism worked?' The scam comtinued by stating the Russians had built from scratch, the biggest & mightiest miltary machine the world had ever seen. Well they never, the money to build their regime came straight from America & indirectly from London, as legendary scholar Anthony C. Sutton proved in his classic; Wall Street & The Bolshevik Revolution (1974). He finished his great trilogy of Socialist regime-building projects with; Wall St & The Rise Of Hitler (1976). https://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/Sutton_Wall_Street_and_Hitler.pdf To recap, Socialism is the political arm of the Secret Societies/Mystery Schools, such as the ones who taught Trotsky & Hitler. Mussolini if we remember was MI5 & General Franco of Spain was placed into position by MI6 at the start of the Spanish Civil War. As for Marshal Tito, an article in The Independent (27-02-92) on him states; ''See how they never put the Communist star on his tomb?' asked a Serbian visitor. 'They say that's because he was a Freemason.' The statement is another blind if you didn't clock it, Communism is of Freemasonry. MI6 Operative Sgt Hugh Pollard famously planted General Francisco Franco into Spain to precipitate the coup there in 1936, & once again, much of the funding came from the U.S. https://archive.org/details/francoregime193600payn/page/n707/mode/2up Meanwhile the other traditionally Catholic countries of Germany & Italy had already received their Fascist-type regimes, thus it seems to me why WWI had to be fought;.....it was to prepare the groundwork for these systems to be introduced into the states traditionally hostile to the secret societies so that the final destruction part of the process could take place at a later date. At this point I usually introduce a 1949 statement from French philosopher Rene Guenon into proceedings, where he says in a letter written to Italian esotericist Julius Evola how MI5/6 Operative Aleister Crowley moved to Berlin in 1930 to become tutor to Hitler, instead, by way of a change I'd rather refer you to another quote from Guenon (see inset). When asked at Nuremberg by a British prosecutor whether he knew of Hitlers plans for the extermination of the Jews, Herman Goering replied; 'No, we had a policy of extradition, not extermination...' The point was a pertinent one, as it was with the British the Germans operated their policy of those Jews who wished to be removed from Germany to Palestine. When they were deported, the British held many 1000's of Jews in Concentration Camps (See; 'Atlit Detainee Camp'). Goering said he'd only heard of a few isolated cases of Jews being killed at his trial but no more. The Germans treated the Jews barbarically for sure, nowhere near as bad as the Russians did mind you, but admittedly much brutality was involved in their; 'Final Solution', which I believe was (as Goering said) the deportation of the Jews from their lands. It had happened countless times to these hapless people in Europe, especially after the Mystery Schools began to wrest power from the Vatican Nations during Medieval times. It is said Hitler used genocidal language in Mein Kampf but I'm yet to be convinced of it, & even if he did, people go round saying they're going to kill someone all the time but never do it. In any event, why is this issue consistently revisited on our media getting towards a 100yrs since it began? The answer is 'the destruction of religions, nation states & the enslavement of the mob' (Bill Cooper). The 3rd Reich's version of socialism was; 'National' Socialism (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei), which we have shortened to; 'Nazi', the Germans themselves never referred to themselves as such, nor did they think of themselves as Fascists (which I cover on another blog), national sovereignty is almost done away with, & is being replaced with Inter-national socialism, thus Nationalism will be no more, hence its (fabricated) association with discrimination/war & the like. The root of Nazi is in fact Judaic (See my; Nazi blog) & has meant Holy Man or Chief Rabbi for millennia. Yet, if these terms are used in an un-politically correct manner it'll most likely cost you your livelyhood & in many places warant a prison sentence, thus they're weaponised to be used as a social control mechanism. 'In the midst of the street of it, & on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, & yielded her fruit every month: & the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.' - Revelations 22:2 (KJV). About ten years ago I spent around two years investigating WWII & its build up. In every instance where there was supposed to have been the German aggression towards its neighbours that culminated in the decisive factors leading to the British & French declaration of war in 1939, I found the newly-created state of Poland to have been the real culprit. This does not preclude the probability of German belligerence, however the situation as I read it was one of Germans protecting other Germans from attacks by Czechs & Poles especially. Poland annexed vast areas of Germany during the inter-war period, itself an act of war, but by 1939 the Poles were slaughtering by the 1000 the indigenous Germans, & it was for that reason the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed by Germany & Russia. Remember, Britain cited as its reason for attacking Germany, the German invaion of Poland, yet it didn't declare war on the barbaric Russian hordes?? Writing in 1949, reputed historian Carroll Quigley wrote in his book; The Anglo American Establishment, that members of the secret society (Round Table Group) within the UK Cabinet had; '...by 1936, came to the fantastic idea of setting Germany & Russia against one another in the east.' These were the two states created by The Anglo American Establishment as documented by Anthony C. Sutton. To put this into context, consider the miraculous defence of their country by the Finns against the Soviet Union... ...Britain was on the side of the Russians. Very little has been published as to what Hitler's thoughts were once the war had begun, though I have heard a speech of his of him saying how Freemasons & Jews were preventing him from carrying out his great plans for Germany, & like most of the literature I was researching 10yrs ago, I can't find it anywhere. What is certain is Adolf Eichmann was charged with the task of investigating Freemasonry by his superiors, hence his name going down in the annals of history as one of eternal revulsion, again, not in keeping with the guys mild-mannered nature. Hitler may have been placed in postion of Fuhrer by the Mysteries but he was certainly double-crossed by them, as was Mussolini, & after Benito famously went after the Mafia, they were eventually reinstated to their former prominence by the Allies. Some points to bear in mind about WWII; - All German atrocities were said to have happened behind the Iron Curtain. - The Russians massacred millions of the populations of the countries it invaded during the war. - The Russians tried to frame the Germans during the war by saying they'd killed 1000's of Polish Officers at the Katyn Forest when in fact it was the Russians themselves who'd done it. - The Rusians presided over proceedings at the Kangaroo Courts held in the Russian sphere of control (Eastern Europe) already agreed upon at the Yalta Conference held in 1944. - The British tortured 1000's of German Officers into confessions of genocide. - The British murdered millions of Indians during WWII, as they had routinely done for 100's of years. These facts go on & on, unfortunately however, children are never made aware of them during their own brainwashing sojourn at school, & they're taught that anyone who dares to diminish the extent of German atrocities through valid historical research is a conspiracy theory nut job. You've heard of the infamous German; 'Blitz' of the UK during the war? Well less people died in those 6yrs than in a single 5-day British firebombing raid of Hamburg in 1943 in Operation Gommrah, it was an early version of Napalm. Once again the Germans sued for peace with the western nations, when in 1941, British Empire subject & 3rd Reich 2nd in command Rudolf Hess courageously flew to Britain in an effort to stop the war, instead he was imprisoned for the rest of his life, declared insane & eventually murdered by his British captures in 1987 according to his family & doctor. Professor Richard Spence in Secret Agent 666 (2008) devotes a whole section to Crowley's role in the Hess saga, implying it was his circle behind the plan to lure him over to capture him in what would have been seen as a coup for the beleaguered British public after seeing their whole army being allowed to crawl back to Blighty unmolested by the ultra-magnanimous Germans after a serious arse-kicking along with the French at Dunkirk. Incidentally, this was the exact point where the English attacked the Spanish Armada en route to the Netherlands in 1588. In any event, James Bond creator & Crowley MI6 comrade Ian Fleming's brother Peter wrote a novel in 1940 named; The Flying Visit, envisioning Hitler flying solo to Britain on a peace mission only to be captured & sent back to Germany to be tried by the victorious Allies.....i.e. the exact same circumstances Hess found himself in less than a year later. The reason Crowley is so important to the Hitler story is because apart from living in Berlin at the time of Hitler's rise to power & being acquainted with many of the 3rd Reich top brass (see Spence ibid) he worked as a propagandist for the Germans in America during WWI. Again, according to Prof Spence, Crowley was implicated in the sinking of the Lusitania (as was Winston Churchill), precipitating Americas entry into the conflict which Crowley said had been his (meaning MI6's) aim all along. Coincidentally it was a 'Surprise' attack that led to America's entry into WWII some 6 months after the Germans (through Hess) had tried to make peace, this time it was the Japanese, only it shouldn't have come as any surprise to the U.S. military who'd been actively attacking the Japanese for some time. Note some numerology here; The year WWI ended; 1+9+1+8 = 19 The day WWII began (1st September); 19 The year WWII ended; 1+9+4=5 = 19 The year WWIII began (According to Nostradamus); 1+9+9+0 =19 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour 07/12 (41) 7+12 = 19 19 is XIX, certainly proportionate enough for a sacred geometrician to work his stuff with by the looks of it, perhaps not too far off Crowley's Unicursal either if tilted 45degrees, 'As Above, So Below' as they say. The 19th card of the Tarot is The Sun, there's the Swastika/Corona obviously & we believe the deck of the Tarot cards are being played out on the objective world/level. Also the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah is Genesis 19, & that British raid on Hamburg in 1943 I mentioned where they used fire & brimstone was named; Operation Gomorrah...& if you think it too far fetched they'd even consider connecting it to Biblical events past a similar name think again, because the ground for the Battle of Megiddo (last battle of WWI) was specifically chosen by the British because of its Biblical significance....as Bill Cooper said; 'They're following the Book Of Revelation, just like a blueprint'. Revelation 19 is the defeat of the Beast & the marriage of the Lamb & the Lion (i.e. mercy & the law); '& I saw the beast, & the kings of the earth, & their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, & against his army. & the beast was taken, & with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, & them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.' - Rev 19:19/20 It will mean other things, usually astrological, perhaps the moons metetonic cycles? I don't know but it will mean something & I've heard legendary American philosopher Manly Hall say he personally KNEW Astrologers who tried to bring down the Fuhrer by those specific means, to you & me it means via Black Magic. The reason Germany declared war on America was because Hitler had signed a Treaty with Japan (along with Italy) who, like the Germans were desperately preparing themselves for certain war with Russia & the rest of the Allies. The U.S. had been attacking German U-boats in the Atlantic as it had been attacking Japanese in the Pacific; https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/germany-declares-war-on-the-united-states Moreover, the Germans had come into conflict with the Russians in Poland, as the British had planned for since 1936 (See Quigley ibid) & since they, as with the 3rd Reich had been rebuilt by Wall St & the fact that Britain & France had stabbed him in the back, Hitler had no option. Emperor Hirohito, like Hitler & Mussolini was showered with gifts from the British in the inter-war period, for example, apart from being a member of the Order Of The Garter & Royal Society, he was both a British Admiral & General in the military. I've been watching this for years & the only Honour he had revoked by the British was the Order Of The Garter in 1941, however it was restored in 1971. Let's not forget, Japans & Germany's symbols at the beginning of WWII at least, were sun symbols, as was the Russians, Americans, British... 'Whatever this symbol was called, Phallus, Priapus, Mutinus, Tudanus, Fascinum, Linga etc. & how different soever the worship of it among different nations, the reasons the reason for the worship always related to the fecundating action of the Sun of Spring, & of Light.' - Albert Pike The Book Of Words (1874). .....Surprise attack? Again I'm not ignoring German or Japanese belligerence here, I'm merely placing well known stories into its proper context by interpolating into them true historical facts as well as omitting the usual anti-German bias, propaganda & downright lies. Everyone has heard of the gassings & executions of the Jews in the Concentration Camps. However, almost half of the 6million supposed to have been murdered by the Germans (all east of the Elbe) were said to been have committed by the German Einsatzgruppen units in the Baltic States, Poland & Russia. These are the famous pictures of German soldiers executing people into pre-dug mass graves in bleak situations....or are they? The Russians tried to frame the Germans for the genocide of 22,000 Polish Officers at the Katyn Forest (Russia) Massacre in 1940, way before the Germans eventually attacked the Russians. To make it look good the Russian used German made weaponry etc. then tried to sell the lie internationally. The Russians emptied Poland, the Baltic States & anywhere else they cared to be of millions either by killing them or sending them via trains to Siberia to work in Gulags. Then the Germans beat them back to Moscow for a while, but by 1944 they were in retreat & so the proper onslaught began in earnest as the Germans became weaker & weaker from having to deal with the Russians in the east & the largest invasion force in history just landed in the west. Between 1941-44 the Einsatzgruppen squads were said to have murdered 2.2 million (Note the recurring 2:2) defenceless citizens, 'mainly Jews'. My problem was when I looked into it, the Field Reports 'found' after the war, all emanated from one source, a Zionist & former President of the Yad Vashem Centre in Jerusalem wanted for war crimes in his native Lithuania, war crimes against his own people that is whilst working for the Russians at a time when he's telling the world the Germans were doing all the slaughtering t here & elsewhere. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yitzhak_Arad https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raul_Hilberg These are not the only incriminating documents 'found' after the war. The minutes for the famous Wannsee Conerence held in 1942 where the 'Final Solution' of the Jews were drawn up were found by this man; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Kempner Kempner was thrown out of Germany by Hitler only to return as a judge at the Nuremberg Trials where he happened upon the infamous protocols, can you believe it? Incidentally, whilst living in New York he worked on the Manhattan Project though Wikipedia have now removed that information. The seriousness of the matter becomes evident when we learn 1000's of German P.O.W.s were tortured into confessions of war crimes by the British especially; 'Stephens’ court martial for ill-treatment of prisoners was heard behind closed doors. He did not deny any of the horrors. His defence was that he had no idea the prisoners for whom he was responsible were being beaten, whipped, frozen, deprived of sleep & starved to death. This was the very defence that had been offered — unsuccessfully — by Nazi concentration camp commandants at war-crimes trials. But he was acquitted. The suspicion remains that he got off because, if cruelties did occur at Bad Nenndorf, they had been authorised by government ministers.' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2223831/How-Britain-tortured-Nazi-PoWs-The-horrifying-interrogation-methods-belie-proud-boast-fought-clean-war.html Is it any wonder the Germans were never let off? Their prosecutors at Nuremberg included the British & Russians. The French also had a policy of torturing German prisoners; https://www.jstor.org/stable/26014041 & what had the Germans done to the Americans apart from accept their plans to rebuild their country? & what of the prevailing tide of accusations against the Catholic Church that they were Nazi sympathisers or even financiers? Well as I said, Germany was the Holy Roman Empire for a 1000yrs prior to being renamed Germany in 1871, besides, the Catholic Church itself was taken down from within in 1962 under the Vatican II project, hence the recent apology from the Church for its part in the ....Holocaust, which I deal with in another blog. Yet when Britain & America go after every Muslim in Asia & topple every regime in an Apocalyptic bloodbath no-one bats an eyelid.....sorry, what were we saying about hypnosis again? On the other hand, we have Polish accusations of the Germans being anti-Catholic, so another case of the double-mind breach I'm thinking. The Catholic Church are assumed to have helped in the transportation of many Germans to South America after the war, specifically Argentina including Josef Mengele & Adolf Eichmann. However, they needed the support of the International Red Cross in this venture & as we know, the Red Cross are an arm of the Rosicrucians, thus to have gotten through without their knowledge seems to me to be impossible. 1000's are reported by the mainstream press as having made the journey, as 1000's of scientists are known to have been drafted into North America under Operaton Paperclip, yet the fate of Hitler is still unknown to history, alls we have is the Russians, who butchered everything in their path & blamed it on the Germans....word for it he committed suicide in a bunker in Berlin & his body was cremated shortly thereafter. The story is a persistent one & appears to have an air of truth about it, but as I say, 1000's of top Germans were being drafted out by the western Allies & the Russians cannot be trusted with anything, nor can any of the others if the truth be told. All I can say with certainty is the Allies needed those wars against Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire & Italy, & as we've tried to show, some very powerful people including British Intelligence had control over the thoughts of Adolf Hilter at a very early date in his career. The plan all along was to bring Russia & Germany into conflict as Prof Carroll Quigley said, the two nations Prof Anthony C. Sutton proved were built by Wall St after WWI though their leaders were trained in England.
More on the $6 Million Question; (Here's the revised official line by the BBC as of Oct 2018; 'Six million Jews & millions of other people were murdered in the Holocaust, BEFORE & during World War Two.' - my emphasis. (Note it doesn't say who murdered these people) - There was the 1932 Hollywood film, 'Symphony Of The Six Million' depicting life in a New York Jewish ghetto. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony_of_Six_Million - 'The eerie tunnels -- a significant portion of which is open to the public as a museum -- took on other uses over the course of history. During World War II, for instance, some sections became hideouts for French Resistance fighters, while other areas were converted by German soldiers into bunkers. Today, Paris’s nearly 300km of catacombs lie 30m under the ground’s surface & still house the remains of around six million people.' (http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20121025-exploring-the-history-of-catacombs) - About the same time as the persecution of Decius, middle of the third century, is also when we begin to get the Roman catacombs developing. Now, according to tradition, you know, the catacombs are thought of as where all the martyrs are buried, but there's far too many catacomb burials for all of them to have been martyrs; there's over six & a half million burials.' (www.pbs.org) - 'Under the Emperor Claudius (+54), six million Jews lived in the Empire, with less than a third of these in Palestine.' (An Illustrated History of the Church' Guy Bedouelle) - 'The two tragedies resulted in millions of deaths. Some have tried to link the Holodomor with the Holocaust in what concerns the number of the victims & through this to prove that the Ukrainian Famine is also genocide. The estimations for the two mass killings do revolve around the same number, about 6 million victims' (https://www.ssoar.info/ssoar/bitstream/handle/document/44589/ssoar-studiapolitica-2011-1-ilie-Holodomor_the_Ukrainian_Holocaust.pdf?sequence=1) - 'From secret handshakes & rolled-up trouser legs to accusations of nepotism, bullying & the repression of reform, the Freemasons' reputation has not always been positive. But with six million members worldwide, including more than 200,000 in the UK, negative publicity has not dampened people's desire to join.' - BBC News (Feb 2018). - 'In a single night, sixty million people perished [in Atlantis] because they disobeyed the laws of heaven.' - Manly Hall. - 'He [Emmanuel Macron] said a minority of France's estimated six million Muslims were in danger of forming a "counter-society'. & of course there was the $6 Million Dollar Man television programme in the 1970's. Watch those numbers! Epiblog Most of the above is merely a rehash of what I've been saying in other blogs, maybe with a little more hindsight thrown in. Throughout it, I repeatedly looked around the internet for material I used to go to when I'd engage in debate on this issue before I had my website, only to find there's hardly anything left. My two favourite authors on the Holocaust, Robert Faurisson & Ernst Zundel have both died along with their journals they used to post online, as have their books from Amazon & Abe Books. These were not evil men, everything they said they'd back up with superb research, they were badly beaten & in Zundel's case imprisoned multiple times, for what, presenting their findings to the public & having the courage to stand by them? If they were wrong they wouldn't have lasted ten minutes in the public mind as they'd have been unearthed as frauds, but that did not occur.
It's important we say what we can whilst we have the chance as censorship is tightening by the hour, especially on this subject. This blog I admittedly entitled 'Hitler' for shock value, the intent is of course to grab the attention so I can reiterate the salient points I've been covering for years regarding WWII to as many people as possible. Some of what I've said may be incorrect although doubt it, to be honest I wish it all was because it's absolutely awful having to live in ever decreasing circles until one day we're silenced forever, however it is not that way & I have 'murder by the throat', as Lloyd George used to say of the I.R.A., C'est la vie as they say, I couldn't not keep my mouth shut in any event so to live in silence having learned the truth was never on the table any road. The numerous legends surrounding Hitler's beliefs; the 1000yr Reich, Atlantis, the Aryan Race & so forth I'd encourage everyone to look into for themselves, once you do you'll see all the nasty things he's gone down in history for are actual precepts of the Mystery Schools, 'I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits' he is reported to have said. I typed in 'Hitler Quotes' to google & below are the first off the list, now if he was as bad as they make out, there should be some rather damming remarks in there, judge for yourself; Everyday I look at the BBC News website there's something or other about the Nazi's, today it's this; https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-59566983 Always some Jewish people escaping or surviving the Nazi's, well there must have been a hell of a lot of survivors of their Holocaust.....& there was. By my estimation many more Jews were killed by the Allies in WWII especially by the Russians, who rampaged through the Baltic States, Poland & lastly Germany mercilessly slaying millions as the went, how many Jews were killed in the Apocalyptic fire-bombing raids conducted all over Europe by the Allies?? There were 1000's of Jews in Berlin in 1945. But this is my point, they LIVED, there was no absolute genocide of the Jews by the Germans, isn't that something to joyous about? It has to be the best news the worlds ever heard, those people didn't die after all, unless we killed them, which is probable, but if there is no record of a Jew living past 1945 it's immediately registered as 'Killed by the Nazi's. We are ruled by a death cult, there has to be much death, even when there isn't (much) they have to invent stories about it. In this particular instance it's the infamous Death March of the Auschwitz prisoners from Silesia in Poland (was German before they annexed it) back to Germany; 'As the allies drew near, the camp was evacuated & she was forced to walk for miles on a Nazi death march. "Then I escaped with a group of women," she said briefly.' Says the BBC article. Anyone with half a brain would realise the Germans were trying to save the inmates from the barbaric hordes of the Red Army who everyone admits were wiping populations clean off the face of the earth, now they were coming for the Germans, this is what they had in store for the women; On a positive note, we can be sure any future war with Russia or China will be a contrived conflict engineered by the Anglo American Establishment as Carroll Quigley called them, fought by people who haven't read this blog, so at least the News can't scare us anymore.
1/3/2022 12:42:20 pm
Before I read this fully, I thought it quite poignant to share with you the quotes from Dr Erwin Giesing who quotes Hitler on Biographers in the preface of the Hitler's War book by D. Irvin g...
10/10/2022 08:10:14 am
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