'They go not headlong into battle, but with care & foresight, peacefully, as true children of Israel.' - St Bernard of Clairvaux, speaking of the Knights Templar in 1127. How did it happen that this relatively tiny spot in the Middle East became the ostensible battleground both literally & spiritually of Western & Eastern religions for centuries on end without any hope of resolution in sight? I must confess I'm still puzzled by many aspects of Israel/Palestine's past so for my own benefit as much as for others, I'll try & etch down piecemeal as I go, what I believe needs to be brought to light about the place & speculate upon it's seemingly disproportionate significance & influence on world events. One thing we can be certain of however, is that contrary to popular conception, the Jews have had far less to do with the scheme of things than even they believe. They have/are being used & abused the same as the rest of us & I shall attempt to prove that point, in doing so, I'm unavoidably going address some topics covered by Bill Cooper in his Mystery Babylon series especially episodes 10-13 & his 'British Israelism' series in particular. However it's mostly my own research, so where pertinent I'll refer the reader to Bill's & others work where necessary. I'll start with this quote: 'The Ancient Initiates, dwelling as they did in lands whose blood was the water of the Nile or the Euphrates, connected the South with life-withering heat, & cursed that quarter where the solar darts were deadliest. Even in the legend of Hiram, it is at high noon that he is stricken down & slain [See Coopers exposé on the JFK assassination]. Capricornus is moreover the sign which the sun enters when he reaches his extreme Southern declination at the Winter Solstice, the season of the death of vegetation, for the folk of the Northern hemisphere. This gave them a second cause for cursing the south. A third; the tyranny of hot, dry, poisonous winds; the menace of deserts or oceans dreadful because mysterious & impassable; these also were connected in their minds with the South. But to us, aware of astronomical facts, this antagonism to the South is a silly superstition which the accidents of their local conditions suggested to our animistic ancestors. We see no enmity between Right & Left, Up & Down, & similar pairs of opposites. These antitheses are real only as a statement of relation; they are the conventions of an arbitrary device for representing our ideas in a pluralistic symbolism based on duality......We have therefore no scruple in restoring the "devil-worship" of such ideas as those which the laws of sound, & the phenomena of speech & hearing, compel us to connect with the group of "Gods" whose names are based upon Sht, or D, vocalized by the free breath A. For these Names imply the qualities of courage, frankness, energy, pride, power & triumph; they are the words which express the creative & paternal will. Thus "the Devil" is Capricornus, the Goat who leaps upon the loftiest mountains, the Godhead which, if it become manifest in man, makes him Aegipan, the All'. - Aleister Crowley (Magic In Theory & Practice - 1929) As I've emphasised in my Quotes section, the literal translation of Jerusalem does not mean 'abode of peace', as many would have us believe, in the Phoenician/Canaanite/Assyrian/Aramaic it's 'abode' or 'foundation' of the god 'Salem'...the evening star, (his supernal brother was the morning star 'Shahar'). Salem is identified with Baal, who is 'El' sometimes the son of El & both these deities are mentioned frequently in the Bible. Baal is sometimes depicted as holding a thunderbolt, as is the Greek Zeus, who is Baal again & the great Suez (zeuS) Canal was designed by French Freemason Ferdinand de Lesseps. Baal is also depicted as wearing a Phrygian or 'Liberty' cap, so often used in the French Revolution as is the Persian god 'Mithras'. In the Mysteries. Zeus is associated with the power of the mind, consciousness, he's known as the 'Demiurges' (semi-god), the creator of 'forms' etc in Gnosticism & other theological systems....'a heavenly being, subordinate to the Supreme Being, that is considered to be the controller of the material world & antagonistic to all that is purely spiritual' (Google Dictionary). Who was it that offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world if he would bow down before him again? Regarding the identity of the 'Morning Star'; 'Let it be known, that Venus is not the only morning star in our galaxy. Not many people are aware of the fact that the planet Jupiter (Latin: Iuppiter, Iūpiter) is also called the morning star, & it is this morning star that is spoken of in the bible. Hence, Venus is NOT the true morning star of mythology, & when the bible says that there fell a great star from heaven, they are simply referring to Jupiter.......It is called the son of the Sun' (http://gnosticwarrior.com/morning-star.html) Strategically of course, Israel/Palestine lies at the crossroads of 3 continents, Asia, Africa & Europe. It lies on the Eastern coast of the Mediterranean so ancient towns like Gaza would have been important ports on the ancient caravan/trade routes & would probably have been fairly renown even among the peoples of the Far East. In the pre-Christian era, the area of Palestine would have been part of the Egyptian Empire for 100's of years before circa 1000BC. The date 1300BC is given as the first time we hear the name 'Jerusalem' in the historical record from correspondences made to Pharaoh Akhenaton by his Governors of the province. At least this is what we're told by British Intelligence, as it was they who discovered this information under their occupation of Egypt in 1892 (See below). By circa 1000BC, Egypt's grip on it's Levantine provinces began to wane & the Assyrian, then Persian Empire's begin to encroach so Palestine eventually becomes the battleground/bufferzone between the mightiest Empire's the world had ever known. That's why I have difficulty believing the modern historical view (based on Biblical accounts) that an 'United Kingdom Of Israel' arose around the town of Jerusalem for over a 200yr period c 1000BC, i.e. right in the middle of the greatest social upheaval, power struggle history had yet known, it's also mentioned nowhere else apart from the Bible. The Bible does however, mention from time to time historical figures, so it cannot be dismissed altogether as being a spurious source, in fact it eerily traces the stages of early civilisation from Noah in modern-day Turkey, to Abraham in Iraq (Babylonia), to Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Palestine & it ends with Rome. Possibly even more worthy of consideration may be the fact that the Old Testament narrative parallels the descent of the Mystery Schools, if we leave out India. The decline of Egypt (depending on who you believe) may be traced back to the encroachment from the north of the Hyksos c 1600BC, they overran & briefly ruled Egypt until they were forced out via the Red Sea direction where we're told they were scattered. Their leaders were called the 'Shepherd Kings' & their chief god was Set (Typhon), also known as Baal or the sun. Modern historians would have us believe that a great civilisation arose in the land of Palestine from c 1300-700BC whose territories stretched from Gaza to Lebanon & beyond the Dead sea, whose mighty kings built great temples & held court for dignitaries from far off lands. Actually it did, they were called the 'Philistines' & they worshiped the same gods (Baal/El etc) as the Shepherd King Hyskos, whose expulsion from Egypt coincides with the beginnings of the rise of the Philistines. Not far up the coast in what is modern day Lebanon there arose (c 1500BC) another great ancient people, the Phoenicians, they were admired as a great sea-faring/trading culture, founding great cities all over the Mediterranean & one of it's chief cities was called Byblos, which is where we get our word Bible. This is taken from the britannica.com entry for Phoenicia; 'Phoenicia, ancient region corresponding to modern Lebanon, with adjoining parts of modern Syria & Israel. Its inhabitants, the Phoenicians, were notable merchants, traders, & colonizers of the Mediterranean in the 1st millennium bce. The chief cities of Phoenicia (excluding colonies) were Sidon, Tyre, & Berot (modern Beirut). It is not certain what the Phoenicians called themselves in their own language; it appears to have been Kenaʿani (Akkadian: Kinahna), “Canaanites.” & for Philistine; 'Philistine, one of a people of Aegean origin [presumably] who settled on the southern coast of Palestine in the 12th century bce, about the time of the arrival of the Israelites.' - Thus saith the Bible; 'So Joshua took this entire land: the hill country, all the Negev, the whole region of Goshen, the western foothills, the Arabah & the mountains of Israel with their foothills, from Mount Halak, which rises toward Seir, to Baal Gad in the Valley of Lebanon below Mount Hermon. He captured all their kings & put them to death. Joshua waged war against all these kings for a long time. Except for the Hivites living in Gibeon, not one city made a treaty of peace with the Israelites, who took them all in battle. For it was the Lord himself who hardened their hearts to wage war against Israel, so that he might destroy them totally, exterminating them without mercy, as the Lord had commanded Moses.' - & from greekmythology.com; 'A phoenix in Greek mythology was a bird that could live for a long time & could also be regenerated or reborn from the ashes of its predecessor. Some sources say that the phoenix simply died & decomposed before being reborn, but others claim that it would combust & die wrapped in flames. It was believed that it could live over 1400 years at a time. In ancient Greece, the phoenix was also linked to the civilization of Phoenicia, which has a similar sound to it. Phoenicia was famous for producing a purple dye from conch shells; this hue was also believed to be the colour of the bird's feathers.' If you remember, & for reasons no one has yet to properly explain, not long after it's creation, modern day Israel flattened Lebanon, the Phoenicians also worshiped Baal. - http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/ It was the Phoenicians who invented the money system we use today, not the Jews. In one form or another, Baal worship stretched from Persia to Ireland in the pre-Christian era, the only people who deviated from this slightly was the North Africans, especially Egypt who did worship Baal but not as a chief deity, at that time their great god was Osiris (although these deities & many others of antiquity often overlap), so it appears that the ancients traded in religion & ideas as well as in mercantile. Pharaoh Akhenaten (c 1350BC), broke with the pan/polytheistic patterns & is regarded by some as being the 1st monotheist in history. His reign left a stirring impact on the imagination of future generations, his wife was Queen Nefertiti & his son was the boy King Tutankhamen, constituting a trinity. 'That monotheism existed in Egypt before the days of Moses is, however, certain. Adolf Erman asserts that "even in early times the educated class " believed all the deities of the Egyptian religion to be identical & that "the priests did not shut their eyes to this doctrine, but strove to grasp the idea of the one God, di- vided into different persons by poesy & myth.... The priesthood, however, had not the courage to take the final step, to do away with those distinctions which they declared to be immaterial, & to adore the one God under the one name....It was left to Amenhotep IV, later known as Ikhnaton, to proclaim this doctrine openly to the people. ' - Nesta H. Webster ('Secret Societies & Subversive Movements' 1923) One Egyptian author, Osman Ahmed claims many aspects of the lives of Egyptian Pharaoh's & their priests are the basis for the stories of many of the Biblical Patriarchs, I've been to Egypt several times & can attest that he has a point, to a point. The lives of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses & even Jesus are inextricably linked with the land of Egypt & if one is given a guided tour of one of the great temples Luxor, you're guided through 3 stages of the edifice, the innermost or last part of the building is called the 'Holy Of Holies', just as in the Jewish temples, only these temples predate the time of the Biblical Solomon (according to Jewish tradition) by 100's of years & the 1st actual recorded existence of the Jews by over a 1000yrs. As I was walking up toward the vast temple of Karnak further up the Nile in Luxor at dusk on Christmas Eve, I saw the 3 Kings of Orions Belt floating between the 2 huge Pylons that stand at the gate of the complex, I turned to our taxi driver/guide & pointed & he just said, 'Yes, they were built that way'. We still think of pylons as transmitting magical energy today, only they look more like the obelisk of ancient Egypt as opposed to the gateway. My point is that there could NOT possibly have been an 'United Kingdom Of Israel' situated in the place where they said it was at the time they say it was. Not 1 of the great civilisations that WERE around at the time ever mentions it & that includes the 'Father of History' Herodotus who wrote c 450BC, he does however mention the Palestinians (Philistines) who were around & recognised as a people in his lifetime, Herodotus traveled the area extensively & he fails to mention the Jews either.....which is curious. I can find no mention of the 'Jews' in any historical document until the Old Testament was compiled in Greek in Alexandria c 3/2BC. 3/2BC Alexandria in Egypt was of course the time & place where the great body of Hermetic science first came into being.....which is curious. Aleister Crowley (British Intelligence) was said to have received by divine instruction The Book Of The Law in Cairo in 1904, as had Hermes & Moses in Egypt, 1000's of years before him. Bible scholars are adamant that the Stele of Merneptah (stone engraving) found by the British Intelligence Officer Flinders Petrie (see below) at Thebes (Luxor, Egypt) in 1896 contains the name 'Israel'. The passage in question refers to a military campaign in 'Canaan' & is supposed to read; 'The princes are prostrate, they say: let us be in peace! Nobody any more raises the head among the Nine Arcs. Tehenu is destroyed; Khati (Hittites) are in peace; Canaan is captive like its demons, Ashkelon is conquered; Gezer is captured; Yanoam became non-existent; Israel is devastated, it does not have more seed; Kharu became the widow of Egypt. All these countries are pacified. All those, which were in revolt were subdued by the king of Egypt of North & the South'. The term in question when translated into English reads 'iisii-r-iar', which to me sounds awfully close to 'Assyria', but who am I to judge? Another sceptic, Joseph Davidovits writes; 'The hieroglyphic reading of the word translated by Israel is “ iisii-r-iar ” &, in my book, I largely extended on its meaning. I have demonstrated that « iisii-r-iar » is in fact an egyptian sentence meaning: those exiled because of their sin. Pharaohs Ramsès II & Merneptah used this sentence when talking about the exiled Akhenaton’s followers, forced to quit Egypt. The name of this people iisii-r-iar changed into Israël, through the alteration of the letter r into l.' (https://www.davidovits.info/) For around 200yrs after the conquests of Alexander, the Levant was governed by his Greek General Seleucus' descendants in what is known as the Seleucid Empire & that dynasty eventually fell to the Romans c 100BC. Roman Palestine was multi-cultural, & Jerusalem would have been home to Romans, Greeks, Armenians, Persians, Medes, Libyans, Assyrians, Egyptians, Nubians, Jews & many, many more diverse nations, creeds, cults, sects etc.....not just Jews & the Bible itself illustrates this point on many occasions. My problem is I just cannot find any evidence for the existence of a Jewish people prior to the Roman occupation outside of Jewish sources. Traditionally, Judaism has relied on Josephus (late 1st Cen AD) for their pre-Roman historicity, yet Josephus is notoriously unreliable at best, which damages Jewish heritage claims all the more. I'm not saying there wasn't any heritage before that period, I'm just saying there's nothing verifiable in the history books to say there was. Nor am I suggesting the Jewish religion was formulated by Egyptian Priests in Alexandria at the same time they were developing the doctrines of Hermeticism, although it's always a possibility. Indeed, I would in fact argue against that possibility on the grounds of the amount of deception used by the Mystery Schools to destroy Judaism, furthermore, it would be inconceivable to suggest the Jews of Palestine circa 1st Cen AD simply appropriated their heritage within a matter of a 200yr period or so as it must have taken at least a 1000yrs to cultivate. That said, the lack of evidence concerning primary sources & amount of deception involved with this story suggests a....conspiracy, plus a great mystery. 'Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets & stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, & you were unwilling. Behold, your house is being left to you desolate!' - Jesus Christ (Matthew 23:37) The entry for Palestine in the online Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961) written by Englishman William Charles Brice begins; 'PALESTINE: Alternative titles: Eretz Yisraʾel; Philistia; Syria Palaestina Palestine, area of the eastern Mediterranean region, comprising parts of modern Israel & the Palestinian territories of the Gaza Strip (along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea) & the West Bank (the area west of the Jordan River). The term Palestine has been associated variously & sometimes controversially with this small region, which some have asserted also includes Jordan.' http://www.britannica.com/place/Palestine Brice proceeds to write into the Palestinian narrative a wholesome account of a Hebrew Dynasty, an Israelite Monarchy, a 12 Tribes of Israel etc etc, tales that have no existence in history outside of the Bible & certainly do not belong in a history of the Philistines, yet this gentleman depicts these stories as though they are Gospel. Why? William Charles Brice was not an historian, he was a British Intelligence Officer & an ethnographer by trade. Frankly, the Encyclopaedia Britannica is lying.... The historicity for that most sacred of Jewish epochs, the 'Babylonian Captivity', can be traced right to the gates of Her Majesty's Secret Services also; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylonian_Chronicles One could be forgiven for thinking British Intelligence were building a justification case for the creation of the State Of Israel here! Whatever the case, the Mystery Schools have laid claim to the Holy Land, so let's see if we can furnish some facts, context, connections etc with which to start the hunt for some answers to this puzzle. What happened in Palestine during & after the Christian era is sheathed in just as much mystery as the era I've just outlined. After the establishment of the Catholic Church, or revamped Roman Empire (see Mystery Babylon 7 & 34), the ancient worship of Baal in all it's manifestations were driven underground (scattered), always scheming to reclaim it's original hegemony. 'What might be called the spiritual psychology of the first few centuries of the Christian era went underground, & the compensating internalist movements still subsisting within the framework of Christianity were declared heretical. Thus came about a transmission of alternative reality that maintained it's psychological or internalist emphasis in opposition to the externalist mainstream....this opposition did not spring fully grown from the Hellenistic [Greek] milieu but had it's roots in a preexisting alternative in Judaism, the last surviving branch of which, just prior to the coming of Christianity, was the school of the Essenes. The Jewish Essene then gave way to the Christian Gnostic, whose spiritual progeny were the monastic Christian mystics within the church & the alchemists, ceremonial magicians, Cathars, Rosicrucians, Kabbalists, & in modern time Theosophists & related movements of alternative spirituality.' - Stephan A Hoeller. Manly Hall corroborates Hoeller in his assertion that the Qabalah derives from Gnosticism & that Gnosticism sprang from the Essenes, who says Hall, may have been founded by Pythagoras in the 6th Cen BC. We may also add to Hoeller's list of who's who within the pagan religion the Troubadours (who were actually priests of the Mystery Schools) & the Templars, who took their name from the temple supposedly built by King Solomon c 1000BC in Jerusalem, but to them, Solomon; SOL-OM-ON is actually the name of the sun in 3 different languages, Latin, Indian & Persian,.... remember the above Crowley reference to the sun? The Mystery Schools did survive however, but one thing we must also remember is that the the inhabitants of Palestine became Muslims circa 700AD . The Templars excavated the Holy Land & the traditional site of Solomon's Temple, from where they were headquartered throughout their usurpation of Palestine (i.e. directly beneath the Dome Of The Rock), all sacrilegiously done in the name of Jesus Christ. They became the most powerful institution in Christendom, they, not the Jews were the 1st international bankers & through their collusion with the mystical groups of the Levant (not the Muslims) who were the inheritors of the Gnostic, Hermetic & Neo-Platonist doctrines, the Templars brought back the arcane schools of magical practices such as the Qabbalah (which derives from Gnosticism & Zorastrianism primarily, not Judaism), & is taught today at the highest levels of Freemasonry, as it always has been. The Arthurian legends emanated from groups like the Troubadours, & are in fact just veiled Gnostic & Qabbalistic teachings. Not that these practices weren't already extant in Europe because they were, in the form of the Cathars, Albigenses & Bogomils. The annexation of the Holy Land by these schools however would, if nothing else have acted as a safe base from which to conduct their schemes, just far enough from the watchful eye of Rome. So for some reason c 1000AD the Mystery Schools of Europe decided the time was right to take Palestine from the Muslims. This undertaking, with the eventual compliance of the Catholic Church changed the world forever. Seeing as they like to do things by their astrological charts, maybe the time span separating the annexation of the Holy Land by the priests of Baal from the time of Jesus had something to do with this; 'Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit & a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil & Satan, & bound him for a thousand years; & he cast him into the bottomless pit, & shut him up, & set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while.' - St John (Revelation 20). The 2nd wave of the Crusades in the 20th Cen wasn't too far off a 1000yrs either, maybe they just had to get it done by the Millenium? The Catholic Church must take it's fair share of the blame for the ensuing carnage but the genesis of the 1st Crusade lies in the district of what is now north east France, as it's leader Godfrey De Bouillion, Pope Urban who called for it, Peter 'The Hermit' (Trump card of the Tarot) who rallied Europe & led an expeditionary force for it & the 1st (Frankish) King of Jerusalem (Baldwin), all of whom worked in unison to bring it about.......happened by chance to originate from there. It's now evidently clear that these men were opportunistic Pagans & could not have been Christians, enough has been written about the beliefs of the Knights Templar to verify that fact already, yet most still would not believe it. 'Peter The Hermit held no office, & what a work he wrought!' - Albert Pike. Can it be coincidence then that the 1st Crusade in 1099 coincided with the rise of the Assassins, whose organisation & precepts the Knights Templar are known to have adopted? I don't think so, for the Crusaders could not & would not have undertaken such a treacherous enterprise without assistance from the Arabs in some form. The Knights Hospitallers were already active in Palestine prior to the 1st Crusade & coincidentally the Assassins wore a white mantle with a red sash. Just as the British used archaeology as a cover to reconnaissance the area before they reconquered the Holy Land in 1917, the Mysteries used the ruse of hospitals & caring sick 'pilgrims' to scout out the land before the 1st Crusade. The Assassins were heretics according to Orthodox Muslims who practiced an early form of Communism (soldiers would refer to one another as 'Comrade' etc) & were bent on a step by step conquest of the world. The Assassins were an outgrowth of the Ismaili School of CAIRO, EGYPT. This is taken from Mystery Babylon 10; 'From the Ismailis the Crusaders borrowed the conception which led to the formation of all the secret societies, religious & secular, of Europe. The institutions of Templars & Hospitallers; the Society of Jesus, founded by Ignatius Loyola, composed by a body of men whose devotion to their cause can hardly be surpassed in our time; the ferocious Dominicans, the milder Franciscans may all be traced either to Cairo or to Alamut. The Knights Templar especially, with their system of grand masters, grand priors & religious devotees, & their degrees of initiation, bear the strongest analogy to the Eastern Ismailis.' - S. Ameer Ali One now famous excuse for the Crusades was given by the authors of The Holy Blood Holy Grail, in essence it was that Jesus never died on the cross, sired children with Mary Magdalene whose descendants became the Merovingian Dynasty & ultimately the House of Stuart, the 1st King Of Jerusalem placed on the throne by the Franks was descended from the Merovingian's, thus the Crusades were merely a reclamation of an ancient kingdom by a rightful heir, & the shadowy group who has protected the bloodline down the ages is called 'The Priori de Sion', so goes the story. This hypothetical subterfuge has gone viral through books & Hollywood productions like 'The Da Vinci Code' so now most adults in Europe & North America at least are familiar with its 'plot'. Sion is the Salem of Jerusalem which is Baal, & you can correct me if I'm wrong here but, if Sion is Salem & Salem is Baal, then Sion means 'Satan' in the Mysteries (see my quotes section); 'PENTAGRAM From the Greek words pente, meaning five, & gramma, a letter. In the science of magic the pentalpha is called the holy & mysterious pentagram. Eliphas Levi says (Dogma abut Ritual of High Magic ii, page 55) that the pentagram is the star of the Magians; it is the sign of the Word made flesh [i.e.]; & according to the direction of its rays, that is, as it points upward with one point or with two, it represents the good or the evil principle, order or disorder; the blessed lamb of Ormuzd & of Saint John, or the accursed god of Mendes; initiation or profanation; Lucifer or Vesper; the morning or the evening star' - Mackey's Encyclopaedia Of Freemasonry...... &; 'The pentagram is a five pointed star commonly associated with Wicca, Ritual magick, Satanism, & Masonry. The Pentagram has a long & complex history as a religious symbol. Found scrawled in caves of ancient Babylonia, the five pointed star was copied from the star shaped pattern formed by the travels of the planet Venus in the sky. The emblem remained popular through many cultures & time periods- it was called the pentalpha by the Greeks, who believed it had magical properties. For a time [300-150 BC] a pentagram was the official seal of the city of Jerusalem' - symboldictionary.net Two of the authors the Holy Blood Holy Grail, Baigent & Leigh were Officers of the Grand Lodge Of England, the most powerful Lodge in the world according to Bill Cooper so what they say, in effect, must be an official statement by Freemasonry, the equivalent of a old Papal Bull say. These two authors in another work of theirs, 'The Elixir & The Stone' trace the history of Hermeticism (of which magic or the occult art of manipulating nature is a branch) down the ages. They write this; 'Such was the tradition on which [Johanan] Alemanno [1435-1504] drew. He wrote that the ancient Israelite's 'were taught to believe in the possibility of causing spiritual forces & emanations to descend from above by means of preparations made by man for that purpose, such as talismans, garments & certain objects whose purpose is to cause the descent of spiritual power. Alemanno also maintained that the Temple of Jerusalem was, in effect, 'a gigantic talisman constructed in order to induce the presence of God to descend upon it'. & he argued too, that if Hermes Trismegistus could be equated with Enoch, both Moses & Solomon were Hermetic adepts & magicians.' ....So there we have it, not only do they (Freemasons) believe Temple Mount to be a powerful talisman, that when properly induced by the Adepts, acts as a conduit between man & god, but the Biblical Patriarchs were the original priests of this practice. The Temple of Solomon has several meanings in the Mystery Schools, one of which refers to the body of man himself, another, is the perfect human society & much of the symbology in Freemasonry referring to Solomon's Temple derives from the Talmud which, as I've stated elsewhere is in my book a Qabbalistic writing, because in every instance where I've traced one of it's authors, he's either been a Qabbalist or trained in Qabbalist School, as in the case of Judah the Prince (Prince is 'Nasi' in Hebrew), one of the principle authors of the Talmud. (Note: Nazi-Nasi_Sion-Zion). 'Rabbi Akiva lived in the first & second centuries CE; he was the most prominent sage of his time. He was a leading pedagogue, the foremost Kabbalist of his time, & participated in the writing of the essential spiritual texts of his time—the Mishnah [Talmud] & the Halacha' - Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute. Moreover, I find it interesting that at the exact same time in history the Mystery Schools moved in on Judaism, they moved in on Christianity & Buddhism (Mahayana) also. After the loss of Palestine to the Muslims in the 13th Cen, & as was the case on two previous occasions, the religion of the Knights Templar was again scattered, this time in 1307 by the French King & the Vatican, who had good reason to, as the Templars had sworn to topple both crowns & Papacy. This was why the Inquisition was created, because the Catholic Church had learned there was a treacherous heresy in their midst. The Crusades began in northern France & quite rightly ended there. Both church & state did go along with it but when it withdrew it's support, the chaos & blood-letting in the Levant, mercifully was living on borrowed time, the Mysteries however, for some reason needed to control Palestine, so they had to wait a while until a more favourable opportunity arose, & that wouldn't be for another six centuries. (For an expose on the Catholic Church see Mystery Babylon 7). 'The Resurrection' - Piero della Francesca (1460) Although still around in various guises (as ever), when the Brotherhood next raised it's head with purpose, it was in truly spectacular fashion, as it re-emerged in the form of The Renaissance (rebirth) in the late 15th Cen. Leonardo & Michaelangelo were initiates, in fact it's fairly common knowledge that Leonardo is named in the documents found by the French priest Bérenger Saunière in 1891 (see below) as Grand Master of the Priory De Sion. Next it was The Reformation (16th Cen) & as is the case in all formats of the Mysteries there was a 3rd degree of the re-birthing process called The Enlightenment. (18th Cen). In the writings of all of these movements there is ample evidence that the Mystery Schools never lost sight of the eventual re-conquest of the Holy Land, as in the writings of Mystery School member Christopher Columbus for example, 'Everybody knows that Columbus was trying to find gold, but they don’t know what the gold was for: to fund a crusade to take Jerusalem back from the Muslims before the end of the world' knightsofcolumbus.org. Indeed, the Knights Hospitaller carried on operations openly in the Mediterranean until the opening up of the Americas lessened their machinations against the Muslims somewhat, but they never ceased scheming. In the meantime they had a step by step conquest of the world to attend to. To re-institute the ancient mysteries, peoples minds must be altered & this began in earnest soon after the advent of the printing press in the late 15th cen.....coinciding miraculously with the birth of the Renaissance that is. The most significant step in this process was the publishing of the Bible into the native language of the major European powers of the day from Latin. In 1526, Englishman William Tyndale, aided by Martin Luther (whose signature was the rose & cross of the Rosicrucians) published the 1st New Testament in English. 85 yrs later in 1611, the Rosicrucians published the King James Bible. How much was altered from the original texts we'll never know but certainly a great deal is known to have been. Tyndale was eventually tried & executed for this but Luther, although persecuted by the Church, survived because of the protection he received from the Guilds; 'A resume of the teachings & protocols of the Rose Cross College during its session held in the month of October, 1916, on the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the founding of the Order. The Imperialistic Council & Venerable Order of the Magi, its instructions & the Official Degree "Priests of Melchizadek". The "Knights of Chivaalry & Order of the Holy Grail" - R Swinburne Clymer. 'On both doctrinal & practical grounds Luther felt impelled to attack the system in connection to the Indulgences of 1515-17, which was issued by Pope Leo X' - Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Rosicrucian Manifesto's of the early 17th Cen declared a 'general reformation of the world', the destruction of the Catholic Church & a universal re-institution of the pagan mysteries, which translated means, ALL other religions bar theirs are to be eliminated. How were they to accomplish this? They'd already began the colonisation of America, Africa (i.e. slave trade) & Asia by the dawn of the 16th Cen, that's when Englishmen for some reason began referring to themselves as the 'Lost Tribe Of Israel' & England as the 'New Jerusalem'. Sir Francis Bacon (said by Manly Hall to be head of the Rosicrucians & the probable founder of modern Freemasonry) in his 'New Atlantis' makes reference to a 'Bensalem', which is 'Son of' Salem in Hebrew, or perhaps 'son of the sun' in Gnostcism; "We of this island of Bensalem," (For so they call it in their language) "have this; that by means of our solitary situation; & of the laws of secrecy, which we have for our travellers, & our rare admission of strangers; we know well most part of the habitable world, & are ourselves unknown".....& I am rather induced to be of this opinion, for that I find in ancient records this Order or Society is sometimes called Salomon's House, & sometimes the College of the Six Days Work......The New Atlantis, which is America' (Sir Francis Bacon - The New Atlantis). Today, the title of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in America is 'The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-third degree of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America'. http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1997/eirv24n46-19971114/eirv24n46-19971114_036-british_israelites_and_empire.pdf THEY wrote the plays of Shakespeare, into which were woven the rites & symbols of the ancient mysteries. All this being part of he Great Work of Alchemy, the transmutation of base metals into gold or 'ignorance into wisdom' 'falsehoods into truths' as they put it, or as Bill called it, 'Mind Control'. One effect of all this mind control is confusion, people lose confidence in their ability to discern between true & false, thus strengthening the arm of the people disseminating the propaganda, so you can imagine how far down the line we are by now. The reason the Great White Brotherhood doesn't care too much when people see through the veil as it were & go large with it is because hardly anyone believes them anyway & even less will do anything about it should they understand. It's a sad fact but true & the reason we find ourselves in the predicament we're in. Btw Alchemy is also the overturning of all social structures & if it means flattening a country that's what will happen, 'We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things....The idea of God is the keystone of a perverted civilisation. It must be destroyed.' (Karl Marx). The encoding of numerical/word computations into literature is a precept of the Qabalah, Plato seems to have been an exponent of it, modern science, art, & music are all derived from Hermeticism according to modern exponents of these arts. Pythagoras learned his trade in Egypt (c 550BC) it must be remembered as did Plato. The ancient Greeks used this same method of mass indoctrination via the state sponsored plays of Sophocles, Euripides & Aeschylus; 'By order of Apollo, a General Reformation of the World is published by the 7 Wise Men of Greece & by the other Literati' opens the Rosicrucian Manifesto's in 1616. As noted, Aleister Crowley informs us that, 'Satan is Saturn', Saturn is depicted on the front cover of Bacon's New Atlantis. Crowley adds that the spoken 'WORD', when used according to formulae can have a magickal effect, 'We have therefore no scruple in restoring the "devil-worship" of such ideas as those which the laws of sound, & the phenomena of speech & hearing, compel us to connect with the group of "Gods" whose names are based upon Sht, or D, vocalized by the free breath A.' Listen carefully to the patterned speech of news-casters, public speakers. politicians etc. News can mean 'spell', as in 'Gospel' or 'Good News'; 'before 950; Middle English go(d)spell, Old English gōdspell (see good, spell) 2; translation of Greek euangélion good news;' (dictionary.com) It's possible is what I'm saying. In his expose on the Assassins, Bill describes the brainwashing process of initiates in the degrees of the Cairo sect the Ismaili's, the branch of the Mysteries that gave rise to the Assassins, wherin he laid great emphasis on how the vocalisation of certain words can have a magical effect & how a character in the called the 'Lord Of The Time' was presiding over the process, Jonathan Black in his 'Sacred History' elaborates on this theme; '....in The Celestial Hierarchies, Dionysius expands on [St] Paul's comments, giving a systematic account of the nine orders of angels. The lowest is the Angels & above them are the Archangels, including Michael, Gabriel & Raphael. The third order in the heirarchy is called the Principalities by Paul. These have a care for nations. The next order is called the Powers. These are the angels of the planets, who have a special role in the shaping of biological forms & also human consciousness. They are the spiritual beings referred to in Genesis as the Elohim. The angels above the Powers are the Virtues, the Denominations, the Thrones - the 'Timelords' - & the Cherubim, the twelve angels of the constellations.' Well the only Timelord of the Mysteries I'm aware of is Saturn, who is Satan according to Crowley, perhaps he has a brother? In any case see Bills final show on the Mysteries; 'The Alchemical Meme' for further study. 'in ancient records this Order or Society is sometimes called Salomon's House' (Francis Bacon). 'From the Hebrew name שְׁלֹמֹה (Shelomoh) which was derived from Hebrew שָׁלוֹם (shalom) "peace". As told in the Old Testament, Solomon was a king of Israel, the son of David & Bathsheba. He was renowned for his wisdom & wealth. Towards the end of his reign he angered God by turning to idolatry' (behindthename.com) The word 'Solomon', as it's been used down the ages by the Mystery Schools is beginning to sound to me like a veiled term for Satan, as stated, it certainly refers to the sun in 3 seperate ancient languages; http://www.esotericarchives.com/solomon/ksol.htm There are others however; 'Of the varieties of this sacred name [Jehovah] used among the different nations of the earth, three particularly merit the attention of Royal Arch Masons; 1. Jah...... 2. Bel or Baal.... It has been supposed that the first Baal was the Chaldean Nimrod..... 3. On.... I have made these remarks on the three different names of God in Syriac, Chaldaic & Egyptian, Jah, Bel & On, in the expectation that my Royal Arch companions will readily recognise them in a corrupted form, & thus be able to understand a mystery which, I confess, was to me, at first unintelligible..... JABULUM A corrupted word used in two of the degrees of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, the Thirteenth & Seventeenth. The word & it's meaning, however, are disclosed to the initiate' - Albert G Mackey 'I am the rose of Sharon, & the lily of the valleys.' - Song of Solomon (King James Version) According to the founder of a German branch of Rosicrucianism called 'The Illuminati', all spheres of authority were to be infiltrated & usurped by means of a pyramidal cell structure, whereby members would gain influence & help fellow 'travellers' (as Bacon put it) up the ladder until the entire edifice is overran, be it in media, education, politics or the like, & according to Broadway producer/writer, Myron Fagan, the whole operation was financed by the Rothschild's of Germany. This has now come to pass through the cell structures of Freemasonry & Communism which are both modern scions of the Templars. The Catholic Church railed against Freemasonry during the 17th, 18th & 19th Cens, accusing it of being behind practically all of the subversive movements of Europe, which they probably were, seeing as we now live in a MASONIC WORLD. Moreover, by the late 19th Cen, the French & British secret societies had merged to found new 'Magickal' organisations such as the 'Order Of The Golden Dawn'. This organisation was the genesis of MI5/6, although the Secret Services of Britain have existed under various names for centuries, contemporaries of Francis Bacon, John Dee (whose signature was 007) & Sir Francis Walsingham for example were early exponents of the title 'Postmaster General' or Spymaster....the days of chivalry had long gone by then, if they ever existed that is. Around the beginning of the 19th Cen, articles began appearing in the French & British media proposing the idea of populating Palestine with colonies of Jews. These articles derived not from-Jewish sources, but from people like Napoleon, who was said to be a proponent, perhaps the thought came to him in a moment of megalomania whilst on a butchering spree in the area? Either that or he was merely playing the game, because as the British did a 100yrs or so later, Napoleon had annexed Egypt before launching his bloodletting on Palestine in 1798. Significantly, the French brought with them to Egypt 100's of archaeologists, scientists etc marking the beginnings of what we now know as 'Egyptology', all this occurring just after the 'Egyptian Rite' had been introduced into Freemasonry by Cagliostro of the Illuminati. In any case, owing to the real power (Sion according to Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln) behind Oliver Cromwell's decision to allow the Jews back to England in the mid-17th Cen (Edward I had expelled them in 1290), London, England was now home to many successful Caucasian, European businessmen who just happened to belong to the religion of Judaism. These practitioners of ancient customs were now being touted with the notion of yet another Exodus, which thrilled them no end I'm sure. A key mover in this scheme was Lord Shaftesbury who wrote an article in the 'Colonial Times' in 1841 entitled; 'Memorandum to Protestant Monarchs of Europe for the restoration of the Jews to Palestine'. Earlier, in 1804, '....the Palestine Association was formed in London for the purpose of procuring & publishing information regarding the geography, the people, the climate, & the history of the Holy Land.' (Albert Hyamson) At the exact same time as the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion were said to have been written (i.e. 1864) & Marx's 1st 'International' convened in London, a British survey team called the 'Palestine Excavation Fund' appeared in Jerusalem; 'Founded in 1865, The Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF) was for the first 20 years of it's existence both the principle exploration society in the Holy Land & a surveying organisation which was heavily dependent on the work & the support of the Royal Engineers. From 1865 to 1886 the PEF functioned as independent organisation dependent for it's work & existence upon the Intelligence Department of the War Office. Employing Royal Engineers, men & officers, the Fund Surveyed Western & Eastern Palestine, Sinai, & completed a geographical survey around the Dead Sea. It's surveyors included Charles Wilson (later Sir Charles Wilson), Charles Warren (later Sir Charles Warren), Claude Condor & H. H. Kitchener (later Lord Kitchener), & it's supporters & organisers included many notable men of the day. The survey operation linked closely with the need for a full map of the Holy Land area in order to protect & police the eastern hinterland to the Suez Canal. After 1890 the PEF became an archaeological organisation employing William Flinders Petrie (1891), Frederick Jones Bliss (1891-1900), R,A. Macallister (1900-1909) & lastly Duncan Mackenzie (1910-1912). From 1913 to 1914 the PEF reverted to it's former role of intelligence gathering for the War Office & employed Leonard Wooley & T E Lawrence [of Arabia] as archaeologists & as a cover for Royal Engineers under Captain Newcombe who surveyed the wilderness of Zin area. After 1918 the British Mandate in Palestine rendered such uses of the PEF obsolete.' - John James Moscrop. Coincidentally, Sir William Flinders Petrie mentioned here & above went on to 'find' the Merneptah Stele in Egypt a year later. Also; 'on the 5th of August [1862], all the delegates met at a dinner given to them by their English colleagues at Freemasons Hall, where an address was read which formed, as it were, the foundation-stone of the International ....Mazzini & Marx were entrusted with the task of preparing the address & the constitution...A temple worthy of their cult was sought & found -- Temple Unique... was procured...the scheme of the association having been settled in London in 1864' (Edith Miller). President Lincoln was shot by agents of the British Government the following year. (See Bill's 'ADL' series) Apart from overseeing the Freemasonry-linked Jack The Ripper murders in London (See my Yorkshire Tea....blog), the above Sir Charles Warren (Freemason) went on to write about his archaeological exploits in the Holy Land in a book called 'The Recovery Of Jerusalem', within the preface of which is written this by the Editor, 'It is hoped, therefore, that the adoption for it's title of the old Crusading watchword, the "Recovery Of Jerusalem," will be thought germane to the general object of the Society under whose auspices it was put forth. That old cry pointed to the land as well as to the City, & may fairly be used for the purpose of the new Crusade.' During the Ripper case, writing said to be left by 'Jack' was left on a wall, it read; 'The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing.' Sir Charles immediately removed the evidence, then proceeded to highly publicise his actions, claiming the immediate removal of the evidence was to lessen the already fraught 'anti-semitic' tensions in the area. https://youtu.be/8os0wzzIgo0 The same year the Ripper murders took place, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was founded in London, & it may be noted also that the terms 'Illuminism', 'Communism' & 'Zionism' are attributed to 3 Jewish-born GERMAN writers, Adam Weishaupt, Karl Marx & Moses Hess, yet these ideologies as we've seen pre-date their ostensible progenitors by 100's of years & do NOT originate in Germany. The Allumbrados (Illuminati) of Spain pe-dated Weishaupt's Order by 100's of years, there was the Illuminati of France way before the German branch but the Jew-born Weishaupt seems to have taken all the flack or credit, depending on your point of view. Other Judeo-German born notaries fitting this criteria include Qabbalists Siegmund Freud & Albert Einstein. 'One of the most persuasive testimonials we found to the existence & activities of the Prieure de Sion dated from the late nineteenth century. The testimonial in question is well enough known - but it is not recognised as a testimonial. On the contrary it has always been associated with more sinister things...a copy of the Protocols [of Zion] is known to have been in circulation as early as 1884 ..There was an original text on which the published version the Protocols was based. This original text was not a forgery. On the contrary it was authentic. But it had nothing whatever to do with Judaism or an 'international Jewish conspiracy'. It was issued rather from some Masonic organisation or Masonically oriented secret society which incorporated the word 'Sion'... & while such vestiges might have been irrelevant to Judaism, they might have been extremely relevant to a secret society. As we learned subsequently, they were - & still are - of paramount importance to the Prieure de Sion.' Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln (See Holy Blood Holy Grail) Tied in to this admission is another revelation by Masonic historian Albert Mackey concerning the symbolism of the Holy Grail within the Craft, he says 'The Quest of the San Graal very forcibly reminds us of the Search for the Lost Word. Thc symbolism is precisely the same—the loss & the recovery being but the lesson of death & eternal life—so that the San Graal in the Arthurian Myth, & the Lost Word in the Masonic Legend, seem to be identical in object & design. Hence it is not surprising that a French writer, De Caumont, should have said that "the poets of the twelfth & fourteenth centuries, who composed the romances of the Round Table made Joseph of Arimathea the chief of a military & religious Freemasonry....But as the very philosophy of Freemasonry teaches us that there can be no death without a resurrection—no decay without a subsequent restoration—on the same principle it follows that the loss of the Word must suppose its eventual recovery.' One of the strands of the infamous Protocols reads 'IT IS INDISPENSABLE FOR US TO UNDERMINE ALL FAITH, TO TEAR OUT OF THE MIND OF THE "GOYIM" THE VERY PRINCIPLE OF GOD-HEAD & THE SPIRIT' (See; https://youtu.be/8QU0Dsps4Hs?list=PL0bQMf3_6fQigYCozcIvzLR7DxTL72cjg) 'Hagia Maria Sion Abbey...Abbey of the Dormition is an abbey & the name of a Benedictine community in Jerusalem on Mt. Zion just outside the walls of the Old City near the Zion Gate. Between 1998 & 2006 the community was known as the Abbey of Hagia Maria Sion, in reference to the Basilica of Hagia Sion that stood on this spot during the Byzantine period, but it resumed the original name during the 2006 celebrations of the monastery's centenary. Hagia Maria Sion is now the name of the foundation supporting the abbey's buildings, community & academic work. History of the site The Byzantine basilica Hagia Sion was built under John II, Bishop of Jerusalem in the early 5th century. Relics attributed to Saint Stephen were transferred to the church on 26 December 415. The church is shown in the 6th-century Madaba Map. It was destroyed in the 614 siege of Jerusalem by Sasanian king Khosrau II. Its foundations were recovered in 1899 when architect & buildings manager of the Diocese of Cologne, Heinrich Renard (1868–1928), investigated the site. Connected with this is the thesis of Bargil Pixner of a pre-Crusader Church of Zion. A monastic order known as the Abbey of Our Lady of Mount Zion was established at the site in the 12th century, with a church built on the ruins of the earlier Byzantine church. The 12th-century church was again destroyed in the 13th century, & the monks moved to Sicily. The order was eventually absorbed into the Jesuits in 1617, the Congregation of Notre-Dame de Sion is an unrelated monastic order founded in 1843' - revolvy.com 'Currently, the Dormition buildings, community & academic works is currently supported by a foundation called Hagia Maria Sion. When Kaiser Wilhelm II visited Jerusalem for the dedication of the Protestant Church of the Redeemer, he bought the land on Zion from Sultan Abdul Hamid II for 120,000 German Gold mark & presented it to the Deutscher Verein vom Heiligen Lande or German Union of the Holy Land.' http://jerusalem.com/photos/gallery/dormition_abbey_jerusalem_aka_hagia_maria_sion_abbey-p47 Dormition Abbey is traditionally the site of the Last Supper, the Tomb Of King David & the place where the Virgin Mary died. At least now we have evidence of an Order of Sion, not only active on Mount Zion & even predating the Crusades, but involving the burial sites of King David (i.e. bloodline of), Mary the mother of Jesus (Notre Dame) & the Mystery Schools (The Jesuits). 'In London; 'William Hechler formed a committee of Christian Zionists to help move Russian Jewish refugees to Palestine after a series of pogroms. In 1884, Hechler wrote a pamphlet called “The Restoration of Jews to Palestine According to the Prophets.” A few years later, he befriended Theodor Herzl after reading Herzl’s book The Jewish State, & joined Herzl to drum up support for Zionism. Hechler even arranged a meeting between Herzl & Kaiser Wilhelm II to discuss Herzl’s proposal to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. The two men remained close friends up until Herzl’s death in 1904' - Jewish Virtual Library. We've already identified 2 European organisations that were heavily active in Palestine at the end of the 19th Cen, 1 British, the other German, 1 a front for British Intelligence & the other dedicated to 'The German Union Of The Holy Land'. If we next consider the fact that the Balfour Declaration was announced the day Britain invaded Palestine (1917) & that the Balfour Declaration was actually penned by the 'Round Table Group' (the Arthurian legends came from the Troubadours & Templars remember), we then couple that with the rise of 'Zionism' itself, bearing in mind that Freemasonry declared the Protocols of Zion to be a Masonic document & of course the emergence of the Priori de Sion documents in France (1890's) then we have ample evidence of a plan by Freemasonry (the modern-day Knights Templar) to re-annex Palestine & that it put it into effect; 'On December 11, 1917, a mere two days after the above letter [Balfour] was written, British General Edmund Allenby entered Jerusalem triumphantly through the Jaffa gate, & the city became an occupied territory. On this historic occasion, Allenby reportedly declared that "the wars of the crusades are now complete". Allenby's statement is a powerful reminder that the British entry into Jerusalem was a continuation of & a "successful" conclusion to the Crusades. Certainly, Allenby's statement introduces a critical epistemic connection between the modern British colonial project in Palestine & the Crusades of the 11-14th century. The then Prime Minister David Lloyd George described the capture of Jerusalem as "a Christmas present for the British people"; he had advised Allenby to take the city before the Holidays. Ending the Crusades [-] Allenby's statement on the Crusades was not an isolated one, as illustrated by a number of British press & book publications from the period. For example, Punch ran a headline on December 19, 1917 declaring "the Last Crusade" with an illustration of "Richard Coeur de Lion looking down towards Jerusalem & nodding contentedly, 'My dream comes true!" - Hatem Bazian 'HAAVARA, a company for the transfer of Jewish property from Nazi Germany to Palestine. The Trust & Transfer Office Haavara Ltd., was established in Tel Aviv, following an agreement with the German government in August 1933, to facilitate the emigration of Jews to Palestine by allowing the transfer of their capital in the form of German export goods....The Haavara transfer was a major factor in making possible the immigration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in the years 1933–1939, & together with the money invested by the immigrants themselves, in providing an incentive for the expansion of agricultural settlement and for general economic development.' http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0008_0_08075.html Hitler (trained by MI5/6 Operative Aleister Crowley according to French philosopher Rene Gunon) cited the Protocols Of Zion as evidence of a Jewish plot to take over the world in Mein Kampf. Hitler said he based the organisation of the SS on that of Freemasonry & that he learned copiously from the Jesuits (as did Lenin). The Jesuits were formed out of the Spanish 'Alumˈbɾaðos' which is 'Illuminati' in Latin, again a term for the upper echelons of Freemasonry & according to Charles Heckethorn in his influential 'Secret Socities Of All Ages' (1897) many Freemasonic & Jesuit rites are exactly the same. Winston Churchill, another Freemason published a series of articles warning of a Jewish world domination conspiracy at the same time as Hitler, as did many more & Anthony C Sutton outlined in 'Wall St & The Bolshevik Revolution' a 'Conspiracy' to implicate the Jews post WW1 in a world domination er.... plot with people like Churchill (i.e. British Intelligence) at the center of it. Propaganda regarding the Jews became rife post WW1 culminating in stories such as, 'Judaism declares war on Germany' in 1933 & the Hollywood film, 'The Symphony Of The 6 Million' in 1932, all of it propaganda. Before & during WW2, many 100's of 1000's of Jews (not Zionists) suffered & died in British & German concentration camps, 100's of 1000's of Jews were forced to emigrate to Palestine & many were convinced into going. World Zionism DEMANDED a homeland for the Jews in (the now British held) Palestine in 1942! (see Encyclopaedia Britannica 1961) If any other political movement made similar claims (i.e. an organisation demanding someone elses country) then it would have been ridiculed & probably branded insane, but this is what happened & most today it seems, thanks to suitable Alchemist & Qabalist techniques of mind control, consider it natural for the Zionists to make such a claim, not only that, to think otherwise has become some form of racism or sectarianism & will lead to a jail term in many European countries if questioned. 'unless bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe, & the whole world, as it is organized & worked by Jews, who have no nationality, & whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.' - British Government White Paper (1919) 'There is now definite evidence that Bolshevism is an international movement controlled by Jews; communications are passing between the leaders in America, France, Russia & England, with a view toward concerted action.' - Scotland Yard (1919) 'This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, & down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), & Emma Goldman (United States)... this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation & for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, & impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; & now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe & America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads & have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.' - Winstion Churchill (1920) 'SECRET. -- To the representatives of all the branches of the Israelite International League. Sons of Israel! The hour of our ultimate victory is near' - A PROTOCOL OF 1919 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Protocol_of_1919 British Israelism is a British arm of Zionism, Christian Identity an American, the Germans would have their Zionist movement(s), the French theirs & so on (See Bill's superb expose's on the subject, I believe he did three or four). Aleister Crowley's Rosicrucian associate R Swynburne Clymer in his 'Origin Of Symbolism' (1916) charted an ancient plan written out in the Zodiac (12 Tribes) to restore the ancient church 'Israel' to her rightful throne on Earth. This Divine Maid, also known as Isis has been saved by the Knights of the Holy Grail (a Freemasonic metaphor for the process of illumination) & her restoration will usher in a new Aquarian 'Golden Age'. The month of completion is August, or the constellation Leo (Lion Of Judah) in the Zodiac, Britain's Coat of Arms depicts a Lion & Unicorn which traditionally (exoterically) represent England & Scotland, Freemasonry's 2 official world bodies are the English & the Scottish; http://www.richmondscots.org/ssrUnicorn.php?ssrMenu=1 'The sun is often symbolized with its rays in the form of a shaggy mane. Concerning the Masonic significance of Leo, Robert Hewitt Brown, 32°, has written: "On the 21st of June, when the sun arrives at the summer solstice, the constellation Leo--being but 30° in advance of the sun--appears to be leading the way, & to aid by his powerful paw in lifting the sun up to the summit of the zodiacal arch. This visible connection between the constellation Leo & the return of the sun to his place of power & glory, at the summit of the Royal Arch of heaven, was the principal reason why that constellation was held in such high esteem & reverence by the ancients. The astrologers distinguished Leo as the 'sole house of the sun,' & taught that the world was created when the sun was in that sign. 'The lion was adored in the East & the West by the Egyptians & the Mexicans. The chief Druid of Britain was styled a lion.'" (Stellar Theology & Masonic Astronomy.) When the Aquarian Age is thoroughly established, the sun will be in Leo, as will be noted from the explanation previously given in this chapter regarding the distinction between geocentric & heliocentric astrology. Then, indeed, will the secret religions of the world include once more the raising to initiation by the Grip of the Lion's Paw. (Lazarus will come forth.)' - Manly Hall. Moreover; 'Though written accounts of Unicorns date only from only two-&-a-half millennia ago, depictions of the one-horned animal can be found as far back as the dawn of humankind's history. This lovely & elegant creature was known & worshipped by the ancient Babylonians in 3,500 B.C., when Babylon was the cradle of civilization. Two of the guiding powers in such times were the Sun & the Moon, represented by the Lion & the Unicorn respectively. The golden-yellow Lion ruled through strength & total domination, constantly chasing the silver-white Unicorn, who ruled through harmony of cooperation. Seldom did the Lion ever catch his prey yet, when he did, it was the Sun & not the Moon which became obscured' - novareinna.com The Lion was also the symbol of ancient Babylon. British Royal Historian Laurence Gardner writes; 'Scotlands Royal House Of Stewart arose from a marital union of the hereditary lines of Jesus & his brother James - springing from the Merovingians' own source on the one hand, & the Celtic Kingdoms of Britain on the other. The Stewarts emerged, therefore as a truly unique Grail Dynasty & have long been known as the House Of Unicorns. We have already seen that the horn of the Unicorn was symbolically equivalent to the Blade in Grail lore, & both were equally representative of the 'male', as against the 'female' chalice.' Esoterically this all has something to do with the Hermetic Marriage, or the marriage of the sun & the moon (see Bills 'Hermetic Marriage' broadcast 453). Aleister Crowley's symbol the 'Unicursal', devised for his Order of Thelema (Greek for WILL, as in will power), is a Hexagram, the symbol on the flag of Israel (the Church in the Mysteries); 'The symbol was devised by the Golden Dawn, & later adapted by Aleister Crowley as a device of personal significance. It is often worn by Thelemites as a sign of religious identification & recognition. The unicursal hexagram was created for the purpose of drawing the figure in one continuous movement, as the other magical polygons are created- the pentagram is one example. This is significant in ritual magick when invoking & banishing hexagrams must be made. Crowley’s adaptation of the unicursal hexagram placed a five petaled rose, symbolizing a pentacle (& the divine feminine), in the center; the symbol as a whole making eleven (five petals of the rose plus six points of the hexagram), the number of divine union' - http://symboldictionary.net British Royal Coat Of Arms By the end of the 19th Cen, the British & French had consolidated their powers & were to enshrine their communion with a treaty, 'The Entente Cordial' of 1904, the same year Crowley wrote & published the 'Book Of The Law' in Egypt. 'Entente Cordiale, (April 8, 1904), Anglo-French agreement that, by settling a number of controversial matters, ended antagonisms between Great Britain & France & paved the way for their diplomatic cooperation against German pressures in the decade preceding World War I (1914–18). & they certainly did turn their attention to Germany. http://hermetic.com/jones/on-the-formulae-of-the-unicursal-hexagram.html So here we have two opposing forces being merged; Zionism (British Israelism) & The Priori De Sion The Lion Of Judah & The Unicorn English & French (Scottish) Freemasonry The Hexagram & The Pentagram Osiris & Isis One (English) charged with the destruction of Judaism, the other French, charged with the downfall of Christianity. The very two powers that wrought such devastation in the Holy Land during the Crusades & both have been working in unison to destroy the other religions of the earth If further proof were needed to show who's really behind Z/Sionism, then try this; 'Ragon mentions a Kadosh which is said to have been established at Jerusalem in 1118; but here he undoubtedly refers to the Order of Knights Templar. He gives also in his Tuil-eur Géneral the nomenclature of no less than fourteen Kadosh Degrees. The doctrine of the Kadosh system is that the persecutions of the Knights Templar by Philip the Fair of France, & Pope Clement V, however cruel & sanguinary in its results, did not extinguish the Order, but it continued to exist under the forms of Freemasonry.' - Mackey's Enclopaedia Of Freemasonry Remember William Blake's poem 'Jerusalem'? This poem is now used as the English national anthem in many of the countries high profile public events including the annual Labour Party (our version of the Democrats in the US) conference. What on Earth are we doing singing reverently about a place, our presence in down the years has brought about only destruction if not an out & out Apocalypse for those who live there? It's the English equivalent of the US Congress beginning it's daily business with a tuneful rendering about Hiroshima. Manly Hall states elsewhere (post 1948) that 'Israel' was an ancient term for the world & the things in it & (pre 1948), that Mt Zion described in Revelation is a veiled allusion to the Invisible Government of the earth. In his 'A New Jerusalem', eminent Illuminatus Emmanual Swedenborg (1758) wrote this; “Jerusalem” means the church itself as to doctrine, because there in the land of Canaan, & in no other place, were the temple, the altar, the sacrifices, & thus Divine worship itself.....By “the new earth” is meant the new church on the earth; for when a former church ceases to exist, then a new one is established by the Lord'. Crowley called Zion, 'the City Of Pyramids'. In other words, these names are all allegories within the Mystery Schools for the worldwide re-institution of the ancient Mysteries & it's associate political programme....Socialism. They have nothing to do with Jews or Christians......except for the fact that it spells their elimination. TIME-LINE; c 1650BC - The Hyksos 'Shepard Kings', 'the Asiatics' (Manetho c 3BC) & 'Children of Israel' (Josephus c 1AD) invade Egypt from the North c 1550BC - Hyskos (Children of Israel) ousted as Egyptian rulers & depart via Red Sea direction.....Philistine & Phoenicia founded on Levant coast c 1330BC - 1st mention of Jerusalem (Uru-Salim) as part of Egyptian Empire according to British Intelligence tradition c 1000BC - Jewish tradition states David & Solomon reign in Jerusalem c 980BC - Pharaoh Siamun depicted on Egyptian stele's as defeating Philistine's in battle c 9th Cen BC - Egyptians now in conflict with Assyria for hegemony of the Levant c 9th Cen BC - Assyrians overrun Levant, territory stretches from Egypt to Persia by c 700BC c 550-330BC - Persian Empire, territory stretches from Greece to India c 330-100BC - Macedonian Empire & Greek culture takes over Persian c 3rd/2nd CenBC - Old Testament written in Greek in newly founded Alexandria c 100BC-600AD - Roman Empire c 30AD - Christian tradition states Jesus murdered, resurrected & ascended to Heaven in Jerusalem c 1st Cen AD - New Testament 191AD - Date given by Manly P Hall for the compilation of the Qabalah (Gnosticism) c 600AD - Muslim tradition states Muhammed ascended to heaven in Jerusalem 'In 631 Omar ousted the Romans but was careful not to harm the city. He built a wooden Mosque which the Caliph Abdul Malik rebuilt in 688; this mosque is el Aska. Abdul Malik also constructed the Dome On The Rock (Lubbet es Sahra, or mosque of Omar). In 1099 the Crusaders, under Godfrey of Boullion, entered Jerusalem & a terrible carnage ensued.' - Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961) 911AD - Creation of the Duchy Of Normandy (France), giving rise to the present Monarchy of Britain, who claim descent from the Biblical King David 1099AD - 1st Crusade, Franks annex Palestine 1119AD - A date now being suggested by some as the true date for the creation of the Templars 1305AD - Qabalah published in Europe by Rabbi Moses de Leon 1312AD - Knights Templar disbanded 1611AD - King James Bible published. Rosicrucian & Freemasonic founder Sir Francis Bacon said to be the editor 1656AD - Re-admission of Jews to England under the Cromwellian Protectorate 1798AD - French led by Freemason Napoleon annex Egypt 1799AD - French invade Palestine, once again terrible slaughter ensues 1806AD - Napoleon emancipates the Jews of France 1859-69AD - Freemason Ferdinand de Lesseps uses Egyptian slaves to construct the Suez (Zeus) Canal 1862AD - Progenitor of Zionism & tutor of Karl Marx, Moses Hess publishes 'Rome & Jerusalem' 1864AD - 1st Communist 'International' in London, Protocols Of Zion disseminated via Maurice Joly's 'Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli & Montesquieu' 1865AD - Palestine Exploration Fund founded in London, B'nai B'rith implicated in Abraham Lincoln's murder & cause of the American Civil War 1868AD - Jewish born Benjamin Disraeli becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain 1879AD - Charles Taze Russell publishes 'Zion's Watch Tower & Herald of Christ's Presence' c 1880AD - 'British Israelism' movement founded, which states that the Britons are the direct lineal descendants of the 'Ten Lost Tribes of Israel', the British Royal family are the descendants of the biblical 'House Of David' etc etc 1882AD - Britain annexes Egypt. 'You have fought the battle of all Christendom & history will acknowledge it.' Wrote the British consul general in Egypt at the time, to the British Government 1884AD - 1st recognised Zionist conference held in the then German town (now Polish) of Katowice (15m north of Auschwitz) 1888AD - The Golden Dawn founded in London 1891AD - Priori de Sion documents 'found' in France 1896AD - 1st of the modern Olympics held in Athens, return of the old gods 1897AD - 1st Zionist International in Basel Switzerland 1904AD - Aleister Crowley 'receives' the 'Book Of The Law' in British occupied Egypt. 'Entente Cordiale' between Britain & France 1917AD - Balfour Declaration, Britain annexes Palestine 1919AD - The 'British-Israel-World Federation' founded in London 1942AD - World Zionism demands a permanent homeland in Palestine for Jews 1948AD - State Of Israel declared Apart from the appearance of Egypt at nearly all momentous occasions in Palestine's history; The Hyskos, Akhenaten's letters, Pharaoh Siamun, the Cairo School, i.e. Assassins, Templars, Hospitallers, Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans, Napoleon, Crowley etc, the only other obvious feature of this list is the lack of control Judaism has exercised over it's own affairs down the years, assuming it's not them behind the scenes pulling the strings that is, & it's not. 'The Egyptian hieroglyphs used the two letters, KhR, for Kheru (Horus), which translated into the Greek Chi Rho (ChR), signifying Christos. - Francis Bacon R.T.' (gnosticteachings.com) ........C.A.I.R.O....... True adherents of Judaism, Christianity & Islam have always treated each other with reverence on the whole. Sionism/Paganism/Ancient Freemasonry however, learned that in order to regain it's previous hegemony it would have to become syncretic & usurp from within, this it did at various stages to such an effect that there's hardly anything left of these old religions standing in the world today, Qabalah & Gnosticism being examples of how it's done. R Swynburne Clymer stated in 'Origins Of Symbolism' (1916) that great suffering portends for those who would oppose the re-institution of the Church Israel, fire will rain over the heads of many unfortunate enough to be born when the Lion Of Judah regains his throne & once again reigns supreme over the Earth in a benevolent despotism; 'After his initiations were over, he was hailed as one who had risen from the dead, was instructed in the secret teachings of the Persian mystics, & became a full-fledged member of the order. Candidates who successfully passed the Mithraic initiations were called Lions & were marked upon their foreheads with the Egyptian cross. Mithras himself is often pictured with the head of a lion & two pairs of wings. Throughout the entire ritual were repeated references to the birth of Mithras as the Sun God, his sacrifice for man, his death that men might have eternal life, & lastly, his resurrection & the saving of all humanity by his intercession before the throne of Ormuzd. (See Heckethorn.)' - Writes Manly Hall. 'Dear Lord Rothschild, I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, & approved by, the Cabinet. "His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, & will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil & religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights & political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation. Yours sincerely, Arthur James Balfour' 'The origins & the supervision power of the mandates system were thus largely a result of the activities of the Milner Group. This applied to Palestine as well as the other mandates. Palestine, however, had a peculiar position among mandates because of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which states that Britain would regard with favor the establishment of a national home for the Jews in Palestine. This declaration, which is always known as the Balfour Declaration, should rather be called "the Milner Declaration," since Milner was the actual draftsman & was, apparently, its chief supporter in the War Cabinet' - Carroll Quigley The 'Milner' Group mentioned here as the authors of the Balfour Declaration were also known as the 'Round Table' Group' (See 'The Anglo American Establishment'). This organisation is still active today, one arm heavily active under the umbrella of Michail Gorbachev's globalisation incentives. I mentioned in my Irish blog that I believed prominent leaders of the Irish Rebellion were MI5/6 trained, I think this was also the case with Mr Ghandi in India, Chairman Mao, Trotsky & with many others. In the case of Israel, the pre 1948 Zionist uprisings & guerrilla warfare campaign against the British & Palestinians most definitely has the aroma of 'perfidious England' (as Napoleon would say) around it. When the Russians invaded the newly created Poland in 1939 they depopulated the place (as was their practice) to the gulags of Siberia & elsewhere in Russia. There, many 1000's of Poles were trained by the Soviets into a Polish Division which would march to Iran (Persia) in 1942 which had just been invaded by the Russians & British. From there, the British took control of 'Anders Army' as it was now called & marched through Iraq (Babylon), which the British had also just conquered in 1941 & then on into the British held Palestine. Amid this 80'000 strong Polish Force were some 4,000 battle hardened Zionists masquerading as Jews (among them future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin). The Polish Army proceeded from Palestine to the British Protectorate of Egypt, although the Zionists decided to stay, where they immediately joined the already established Zionist terrorist goup 'Irgun'; 'The policy of the new organization was based squarely on Jabotinsky's teachings: every Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only active retaliation would deter the Arabs; only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state' (Howard Sachar). This is from Ze'ev Jabotinsky' Wikipedia entry; 'During World War I, he had the idea of establishing a Jewish Legion to fight alongside the British against the Ottomans who then controlled Palestine. In 1915, together with Joseph Trumpeldor, a one-armed veteran of the Russo-Japanese War, he created the Zion Mule Corps, which consisted of several hundred Jewish men, mainly Russians who had been exiled from Palestine by the Ottoman Empire & had settled in Egypt. The unit served with distinction in the Battle of Gallipoli. When the Zion Mule Corps was disbanded, Jabotinsky traveled to London, where he continued his efforts to establish Jewish units to fight in Palestine as part of the British Army. Although Jabotinsky did not serve with the Zion Mule Corps, Trumpeldor, Jabotinsky & 120 Zion Mule Corps members did serve in Platoon 16 of the 20th Battalion of the London Regiment. In 1917, the government agreed to establish three Jewish battalions, initiating the Jewish Legion. As an honorary lieutenant in the 38th Royal Fusiliers, Jabotinsky saw action in Palestine in 1918. His battalion was one of the first to enter Transjordan. He was demobilised in September 1919, soon after he complained to Field Marshal Allenby about the British Army's attitude towards Zionism & the Jewish Legion. His appeals to the British government failed to reverse the decision, but in December 1919 he was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) for his service.' The State Of Israel was created in 1948......1 + 9 + 4 + 8 = 22.......or 11 + 11 (See Rik Clay) Manly Hall said that the early 20th century saw a resurgence in the study of Qabalah, primarily in Germany & Palestine. Bill Cooper said he believed the Mystery Schools were actively playing out the story of The Book Of Revelation. Aleister Crowley referred to himself as 'The Beast 666' & saw himself as the John the Baptist for the New Aeon Of Horus. I think Israel was set up as the appropriate place to bring havoc to the region & the world because Jerusalem was the ancient seat of Baal, & after all, the Mystery religion was there long before the Judeo-Christian. Bill went to great lengths to PROVE that one of the patron saints of Freemasonry is Satan, Madame Blavatsky, Albert Pike et al's writings all vindicate Cooper but as noted, Satan can be many things in the Mystery Schools, from a psychological pressure of the brain to the sun. How they can deconstruct the God of the Bible when most of their sacred allegories are literally based on His works is beyond me & I believe this flawed reasoning will ultimately be self-defeating. The turmoil they're creating is designed to bring down the other 3 religions that have traditionally valued the Holy land as a spiritual home, however it has to be said that Paganism can rightly trace it's existence in that vicinity to be ante-Judeo/Christian....& the Bible says the same thing. The founding fathers of Israel were Socialists. The term they used for themselves, coined by Moses Hess was 'Labour Zionism', or 'National Socialism' to us. Proof of this is not difficult find, however I'd like to present a portion of a paper by Ayşe Ömür ATMACA entitled 'Roots of Labor Zionism: Israel as the New Land of Socialist Ideas?'(July 2012) to illustrate this point; 'Abstract Labor Zionism, which dominated the politics & organizational struc- ture of the Jewish community in Palestine during the pre-state period, became the main component of the founding ideology of the State of Israel. Most members of the Second & the Third Aliyahs were affect- ed by socialism in the sense that they believed the realization of a just society could only be achieved through the idea of equality. The idea of the emancipation of Jews with the help of the Jewish socialist state ZDV RQH RI WKH PRVW VLJQLÀFDQW PRWLYDWLRQV IRU WKH LQGHSHQGHQFH ,Q this period, the pioneers of Labor Zionism, who were also the founding fathers of the State of Israel, separated Jewish from Arab economy, DQG HVWDEOLVKHG LQVWLWXWLRQV DQG SROLWLFDO SDUWLHV WKDW DUH VWLOO LQÁXHQWLDO today. This article aimed to investigate the socialist roots of Zionism, especially before the independence of the State of Israel in 1948.' Communism/Socialism was forced upon lands of the Buddhist & the Hindu, who've now had to live for generations under the yoke of those God-forsaken political systems. Israel was also founded upon Socialist principles. The symbol on the flag of Israel; a Hexagram, is a demon-invoking sigil used in Freemasonry, it also represents the union of the micro & macrocosm, man & the universe, as above so below, union of the male & female etc & it's especially prevalent in the school of the Rose (pentagram) Cross College, many of the early manuscripts of the 17th Cen are replete with this symbol but it is probably mostly recognisable to most people (albeit thinly veiled) as the SQUARE..&..COMPASS..OF..FREEMASONRY...... 'The Magen David (shield of David, or as it is more commonly known, the Star of David) is the symbol most commonly associated with Judaism today, but it is actually a relatively new Jewish symbol. It is supposed to represent the shape of King David's shield (or perhaps the emblem on it), but there is really no support for that claim in any early rabbinic literature. In fact, the symbol is so rare in early Jewish literature and artwork that art dealers suspect forgery if they find the symbol in early works...The Magen David gained popularity as a symbol of Judaism when it was adopted as the emblem of the Zionist movement in 1897' - Jewish Virtual Library. The Palestinians I believe are to be kept in that lab rat like condition so as to bring opprobrium upon Judaism, why else would it be? Can anyone answer? Note in Balfour's (Round Table actually) Declaration that he says 'Jewish Zionist' not 'Zionist Jewish'! 'As countless activists & organisers, their parties, association & campaigns, have attested throughout the last century, our struggle was never, & will never be, with Jews or Judaism, no matter how much Zionism insists that our enemies are the Jews. Rather, our struggle is with Zionism, a modern settler colonial movement, similar to many other movements in other parts of the world that aim to displace indigenous people & build new European societies on their lands' - Ali Abunimah (Palestinian activist). 'Judaism means subservience to the Almighty & acceptance of the Torah. Zionism means Nationalism & is totally contradictory to the tenets of Judaism. Furthermore, Judaism teaches that we are in exile by Divine decree & are forbidden to create our own sovereignty. We must act humbly toward all nations. We must not make any attempt to leave exile, until the day when the Almighty alone will redeem us, without any human intervention, as he has promised. & the Torah forbids us to kill, steal or harm others in this manner, therefore, on all accounts, Zionism is contrary to Judaism. Authentic Jewish leaders have always opposed the existence of the State of Israel. As Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinky, Chief Rabbi of Palestine states, in a declaration to the United Nations in 1947: "We furthermore wish to express our definite opposition to a Jewish state in any part of Palestine" - The Rabbinical Council of Neturei Karta The Israeli's could have ran right over the Palestinian territories decades ago & it would have been nothing more than a sad footnote in history for most, but no, these poor people are tortured daily in their open concentration camps & it's there for all the world to see, dissenting Jewish voices are silenced, stigmatised & ridiculed, 'self-hating Jews' & so on. I think the Gaza tunnels into Egypt are just people trying to escape. There's irony for you, people from the Land of Milk & Honey trying to escape to Egypt but being prevented from doing so by the rulers of Promised Land. Mind you it would be ironic if those doing the preventing were Jews, but they are not. The Jews that do partake in acts of violence against Palestinians & neighboring countries may be acting the same way we would if we were indoctrinated from birth into believing these people were our enemies, a paranoid siege mentality in other words. This does not excuse acts of war, but it is putting it into perspective. How the Jews happened upon their religion I know not. Do I believe the Biblical Patriarchs existed? Yes, Jesus & the Prophet Muhammed believed they did, however I think the further we go back in time the less authenticity can be afforded to the Biblical narrative in a literal sense. For example, many of the books of the Old Testament speak of their Prophets in correspondence with known figures from history, as in the case of Isaiah & Daniel whose books can actually be said to predict future events, but the stories of David & Solomon however may be just the stories of Egyptian Governors as Osman Ahmed believes, i.e. their characters are based upon actual people/events but the names, places etc may have been changed. I'm also of the opinion that the story of the Jews is much deeper related to the Philistines & the Phoenicians than is suggested in the Bible, as their origins match those of the 'exodus' of the Hyksos or 'Shepard Kings' from Egypt. In defense of Freemasonry, seeing as the Old Testament was codified in Alexandria under what must have been strict Greek tutelage, it's incredible to think that whoever compiled it could have done so without interference or prejudice of some description, but it's the morals of the stories that have longevity & the priests of the Mystery Schools have cleverly absorbed & cherry picked almost all of these ancient teachings into their Orders. The Qabala mocks the God of Abraham whilst basing some of it's most celebrated precepts on the life of Solomon. Syncretism was a precept of the Gnostics so it's hardly surprising to find that Freemasonry claims most if not all of the leading figures of the Abrahamic religions to have been Initiates of THEIR Orders. Arrogance? Perhaps, but over the course of Millennia, there would have been many aggrieved, out of work priests as a result of these social upheavals (scatterings), so if a certain sect here or there may have for convenience sake used anothers title to furnish a story for posterity in the interests & preservation of their people, & that sect became powerful as a result of these teachings, then it's understandable why the aggreived sect might regroup underground & conspire to return the favour as it were only this time taking precautions so a loss of 'sovereignty' can't happen again in the future. The 2 systems, Paganism & the Judaeo/Christian overlap so often that it's hard to believe they aren't 2 different interpretations of the same source, this I believe to be the case & Jerusalem was opportunistically chosen in the Dark Ages by Sion to be the crucible to play it all out on the world stage as it conveniently housed the history of the 4 religions, as well as being strategically/logistically viable to the Europeans & it was the gateway to 3 continents. Sionism was ejected wholesale from the Holy Land by the Muslims & driven underground by Christendom shortly thereafter in Europe........so now it's back with a vengeance. & it could also have been chosen by God for the same purpose. Paganism (Mystery Babylon) is headquartered today in London & most probably Washington DC but it's origin is in the east, perhaps this would explain the Apocalyptic ruthlessness of the British Empire, which began at the Magical Court of Elizabeth I & ostensibly ended at the Court of Elizabeth II; 'In England during the second half of the 16th century, a mystical cult grew up around the Court of Elizabeth I. The Virgin Queen was identified with Astraea, or the 'Just Virgin' of one of Virgil's Eclogues, whose return from the heavens to the earth brings again the Golden Age. It has even, indeed, been suggested that the imagery associated with Elizabeth was deliberately intended to install her, in England as a surrogate for the Virgin Mary' (Baigent & Leigh).
The main thrust of this essay is to PROVE that the creation of the State Of Israel was an undertaking carried out by the Mystery Schools of this earth & NOT by the Jews. It seems to be a crucible of massive upheaval every millennia, although this could just be coincidence, however, given the significance afforded by the Mysteries to the bloody 'Millennium', it could just as well be all part of the Great Work, or the 'perfection of mankind'. The way I see it, if certain men & women are that insecure that they can't stand being unable to boss the rest of us around then there's probably little we can do to change that, at least for the moment. There must be something psychopathic to varying degrees within our constitutions that renders us so destructive towards one another & our environment, moreover, it appears to me that it must be what's meant to be, be it from a naturalist perspective or from a theological standpoint, as neither nature nor God makes mistakes. This is not fatalism as I see it, but a simple test of spirit, what effect can our puny at each-others-throat existence here on this tiny spec, circling one of billions of stars, have on the great scheme of things anyway? It's laughable to think we take ourselves so seriously & I wish we could stop this madness yet a peaceful solution to our present strifes seems as far away now as it possibly could be. Manly Hall & Aleister Crowley spoke of a Great Brotherhood who guided the world, Rik Clay believed these people had hijacked human consciousness, & Bill proved by referencing their own writings that the act of joining the Craft is literally selling ones soul to the Devil. The problems & solutions of mankind are spiritual in origin according all these men of opposing lines of thought, although they may all have differing interpretations of the word, all agree that it's being fought on a 'spiritual' plain. It makes sense then if this benevolent Great White Brotherhood as the Mysteries call it, centered it's attention on the spiritual home of the Judaic/Christian religions, for it's from here, where the only real opposition to their idea of spirituality emanated. 'Here [Palestine] it is that the poison is incubated. Here it is that the extremist is able to confuse in the mind of a frighteningly large number of people the case for a Palestinian state & the destruction of Israel, & to translate this moreover into a battle between East & West, Muslim, Jew & Christian. May this never compromise the security of the state of Israel. The state of Israel should be recognized by the entire Arab world, & the vile propaganda used to indoctrinate children, not just against Israel but against Jews, must cease. You cannot teach people hate & then ask them to practice peace....The threat of this radical Islam is not abating. It is growing. It is spreading across the world. It is destabilising communities & even nations. It is undermining the possibility of peaceful co-existence in an era of globalisation.' - Tony Blair US Congress speech in 2003 Shalom!