After Britain & France had forged their empires, they joined hands & openly declared that Germany, who'd been Britain's sister in Europe for 100's of years, was now to be the foe. So headlong into two seemingly inexplicable wars with the Germans we went, inexplicable because the Germans did NOT want these wars with us or the French & sued for peace several times during both. On both occasions America entered the fray under treacherous circumstances, in WW1 it was just after the Russians had made peace with the Germans & in WW2 it was just after the Germans & Russians went to war. Consequently the populations, infrastructures etc of Europe were decimated whilst naturally mainland America was untouched & because the US financed both sides during both conflicts, it profited handsomely as a result & was allowed to become the world hegemony it did or rather......was supposed to, according to Manly Hall; - I especially regard the work done on this subject by Prof Anthony C Sutton & Dr Stan Monteith apart from the fact that both men believed the Germans committed an apocalyptical genocide of the Jews during WW2 (see my Fabricated History Of The 3rd Reich), that aside it's all good. If they were created intentionally, then what was the purpose of these catastrophic wars? Apart from the creations of the UN & the State Of Israel, another outcome was a series of international private financial institutions were set up whereby the money/credit systems of states affected by the war became tied into & subject to the dictates of these institutions, the IMF for one. Western Europe's exchange rates were tied to the US $, which as we know is just a unit of measurement & not money at all, as is the British £. So if a nation states means of exchange is governed by the whims of private individuals, then this adds up to a loss of sovereignty to my ears. Now then, we all know that post 1945 Eastern Europe became heavily socialised, however so did Western Europe, tax in France went sky high as it did everywhere else apart from Britain, who herself is only now catching up with the rest of the continent on the tax front, in all other spheres of activity however, Britain was just as heavily socialised post WW2. When the Berlin Wall fell it didn't allow for freedom to spread across Eastern Europe & beyond, it let swarms of communists pile into Western European lands so that we may be tutored openly on the evils of private property, nationalism & religion. Gorbachev's 'Perestroika' was a vision to merge the democracy of the west with the communism of the east & so again we sit at the receiving end of another one of those damned…...dialectics. One is reminded of the 'Middle Way' doctrine taught by Buddha himself; 'Monks, these two extremes ought not to be practiced by one who has gone forth from the household life. (What are the two?) There is addiction to indulgence of sense-pleasures, which is low, coarse, the way of ordinary people, unworthy, & unprofitable; & there is addiction to self-mortification, which is painful, unworthy, & unprofitable. Avoiding both these extremes, the Tathagata (the Perfect One) has realized the Middle Path; it gives vision, gives knowledge, & leads to calm, to insight, to enlightenment & to Nibbana. & what is that Middle Path realized by the Tathagata...? It is the Noble Eightfold path, & nothing else, namely: right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness & right concentration'. ( See also; 'Education, education, education' was how Tony Blair set out his priorities for office - as Labour campaigned to put classrooms at the top of the political agenda.' Said the BBC of the openly Socialist British political party New Labour on it's acquisition of power in 1997. The new doctrine espoused by Blair's regime was a fairly modern (in political terms) ideology called, 'The Third Way', it's author was British intellectual & now, Baron/Lord Anthony Giddens. On the back of Giddens book is stated, 'The idea of finding a "third way" in politics has been widely discussed - not only in the UK, but in the US, Continental Europe & Latin America. But what is the third way? Supporters of the notion haven't been able to agree, & critics deny the possibility altogether. Anthony Giddens shows that developing a third way is not only a possibility but a necessity in modern politics. The third way represents the renewal of social democracy in a world where the views of the old left have become obsolete, while those of the new right are inadequate & contradictory. A new social democratic agenda is emerging that is integrated, robust & wide-ranging. It is an agenda that can rekindle political idealism.' 'It would be fair to say Theresa May & Frida Kahlo occupy opposing ideological positions. While Theresa May is the leader of the Conservative Party, Kahlo was a fervent communist. But this stark political dissonance did not stop the British Prime Minister from choosing to wear a gigantic Frida Kahlo bracelet to her crucial Conservative Party conference speech on Wednesday. Nevertheless, viewers were quick to point out the irony in Ms May endorsing the radical Mexican painter who had an affair with Soviet politician & Marxist revolutionary Leon Trotsky.....Kahlo, who is the most popular & recognisable Mexican artist in the world, joined the Mexican Communist Party in 1927. There she met her husband & celebrated muralist Diego Rivera & was thrust headfirst into a tight-knit circle of activists & artists. Kahlo, who is famed for her self-portraits, was known for decorating her corsets with hammer & sickles. She was even laid to rest under a Communist flag when she died.' - What we now have in essence (as the Catholic Church so rightly predicted we'd have), is a select few private organisations presiding over a socialistic political system which can be seen as medium between the extremes of socialism…..communism & democracy. Recently the UK P.M. added, 'Last week Mrs May accused Russian President Vladimir Putin's government of trying to "undermine free societies" & "sow discord in the West". - BBC (24th Nov 2017). She forgot the north, south & east. In 1932 Benito Mussolini wrote; 'Fascism is a religious conception in which man is seen in his immanent relationship with a superior law & with an objective Will that transcends the particular individual & raises him to conscious membership in a spiritual society......Fascism is a historical conception, in which man is what he is only in so far as he works with the spiritual process in which he finds himself, in the family or social group, in the nation & in the history in which all nations collaborate..... Outside history man is nothing. Consequently Fascism is opposed to all the individualistic abstractions of a materialistic nature like those of the eighteenth century; & it is opposed to all Jacobin [Illuminati] utopias & innovations. It does not consider that "happiness" is possible upon earth, as it appeared to be in the desire of the economic literature of the eighteenth century, & hence it rejects all theological theories. . . . Against individualism, the Fascist conception is for the State' - Notice Mussilini capitalises the 'W' of will. Mussolini was MI5, as was Aleister Crowley, the man who trained Adolf Hitler according to French philosopher Rene Gunon. Will in Greek is 'Thelema', as was the name of Aleister Crowley's Abbey in Sicily from which he operated between 1920-23, Mussolini assumed the role of Prime Minister in 1922. Colin Wilson, a renown British author on the occult wrote in his biography of Crowley (1987); 'When Frank Harris wrote to ask for a return on his five hundred francs, Crowley wrote him a long letter [in 1923] explaining why repayment was impossible, & then put before him, [with] 'the deepest conviction of his soul', that rotten as he as was in a thousand ways, he had nevertheless been chosen by the gods to inaugurate the new post-Christian era on earth. Capitalism, he said, was doomed, but Bolshevism was no real alternative either.' The Fasces were a bundle of rods (signifying strength in numbers) presented at formal occasions in Ancient Rome, they were an implement of Law signifying jurisdiction etc but the practice was eventually abolished soon after the inception of the Catholic Church circa 5th Cen AD. 'Hoare-Laval Pact, (1935) secret plan to offer Benito Mussolini most of Ethiopia (then called Abyssinia) in return for a truce in the Italo-Ethiopian War. It was put together by British foreign secretary Sir Samuel Hoare & French premier Pierre Laval', - 'Bizarre as it seems, many federal buildings in Washington were designed prominently with fasces, the emblem of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini’s twentieth-century regime. Even more surprisingly, these structures were erected in the 1920s & 1930s—just as Mussolini was ornamenting Italy’s government buildings with the same symbol. Sixty-nine years after Il Duce’s death, Washington’s public buildings remain bedecked with these symbols.'’t-fascist-13651.html Socialism does not believe in nation states as evinced by the writings of Weishaupt & Marx, National Socialism is a ruse, do we see any flag waving of the swastika after hostilities began in 1939 by the Germans? 'In the eighteenth century, freemasonry became expressive of a militant form of enlightenment, as in the case of the Illuminati [Germany], who were the forerunners of revolution; on it's left, it culminated in the Carbonari [Italy].' - Leon Trotsky. Mussolin's mothers name was Rosa or 'Rose' in English, as was the first Scarlet Woman & mother of Aleister Crowley's first child. We're living through a script.........'All the world's a stage, & all the men & women merely players.' - Sir Francis Bacon (allegedly)
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